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Chapter 01

Jakob Cassios lay upon the soft green grass of the western

hills of Albion. With arms folded behind his head, the young

mans eyes were drifting closed in the warm spring sun. The

gentle breeze rolled up from the sea giving the youth a

relaxed calm. From the distance could be heard the plaintive

cry of seagulls.

Jakob often found himself far from the daily chores his

parents had assigned him. More often than not, he would be

found far from the fields of the small farm his parents worked.He would look out towards the sea and long for something he

could not quite reach with his eyes. The longing pulled at him,

always something reaching out to him, beckoning him closer.

Yet, he could never quite make himself go down to the port.

Today was no different. As he watched the clouds waltz

through the sky, the young mans mind turned to wild

adventures on the high seas. Wielding blades with strength

and prowess, a valiant warrior in his own imaginings, Jakob

would defend his ship and crew from the pirates of the icy

wastelands far to the south. Whirling like a storm of blades,

Jakobs dream-self was a master of combat, every encounter

ended with his victory over the hordes of monstrous


A smirk formed over Jakobs lips as a shadow crossed over

him. Such interruptions were rare so far from the Albion port

and the fields. Go away, he groaned, refusing to open his


Is that any way to greet your best friend? The voice

came from another young man.

Opening his eyes, Jakob saw a darkened shape looming

over him. An arm came up to shield his eyes so he could

better see the source of ruination of his rich fantasy. The

form looming above Jakob was young like Jakob, barely into

adolescence. Recognizing the figure of Gerah Elered, Jakob

groaned aloud and shook his head.

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The youth above Jakob grinned. His willowy face was

framed by golden hair curled loosely about his face.

Handsome, strong, toned, Gerahs features were easy on the

eye. Dressed impeccably in a loose tunic and soft suede vest

and breeches, Gerah easily turned the heads of many of the

women of the village.

With an easy smile, Gerah held a hand out for Jakob. You

going to lie there all day? We have a field to work. Or do you

 just want to slag off and leave me here?

Slag off? Jakob took the others hand and pulled himself up. Jakob was several inches shorter than Gerah and was not

blessed with the clear complexion of the taller blond youth.

Gerah, youll never leave. You wouldnt give up on the horde

you have here.

Well, a horde is nice and big. Always on the move, never

the same twice. Catch what Im saying?

Sure, smirked Jakob as he ran his hand through his short

hair. You just want any girl that comes along so long as she

moves along.

Gerah slapped Jakob on his back then draped his arm over

the other boys shoulders while guiding the more thoughtful

youth back to the fields. Thats right. Youll understand

someday when you finally get chest hair. I cant be tied down

to just one. He was laughing now.

And how many have you actually had come along?

Jakobs disbelief was apparent

Gerah looked at Jakob and glared. The blond shook his

head and rolled his eyes. Its not a gentlemanly thing to do

to kiss and tell. The youth nodded. That sounded sagely, he

thought to himself.

Ah, so as many as me. Thats good. I thought for a

moment you might actually be an ass. Jakobs shoulders

shrugged. Oh, wait. Laughing and pushing Gerah, You


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The two continued their jibes as they approached the

farms. The rolling hills gave way to a shallow valley. A dozen

houses surrounded a large field in which several boys and

men could be seen working. Light grey smoke billowed from

the chimney of a few of the homes. Surrounding the

makeshift village was a crescent of trees which bordered a

nearby stream.

Walking up the hill towards the two teenage boys was a

redheaded young woman named Iliyana Poruth. The boys

smiled, each had grown up alongside her. Each had witnessedher move from infancy with them into childhood and

adolescence. Now that they were on the cusp of adulthood

themselves, they took a more active interest in her.

Gerah nudged Jakob and chuckled with a smile and a

pointed finger towards the girl. Watch this. Ive been

working on Iliyana for two months now. I think shes ready to

say yes. Especially after I helped her with her chores for the

past week.

Oh? So shes coming all this way because she cant stand

being away from you? After shes already turned you down

for three dances over the past year? Id like to see how you

manage this.

You know it. Shes been looking for something greater

than milking cows. She knows Im on my way to the courts of 

Avalon. Gerah threw his arms out as though to wrap the

approaching Iliyana.

Iliyana hitched up her skirt to more easily walk up the hill.

When she saw Gerah approach, her eyes rolled while lips

curled in a wry smile. She did hold out a hand to have him

help her up which Gerah did happily.

Your mothers been looking for you, Gerah. She said

something about you having to wash your own sheets?

Jakob snorted at Iliyanas jibe. He was dumbfounded

though when she approached him and kissed his cheek.

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But your mother said you would help me go to market?

That is if you want to.

Jakob blushed and suddenly found his feet very interesting

as he glanced down at them. To further tease the young man

and drive the point home for Gerahs benefit, Iliyana rested

her chin upon Jakobs shoulder.

Gerah growled to himself. He was taller, stronger, older

and better looking. He could not understand why Iliyana

would spurn him for the shorter and less desirable Jakob

Cassios. Fuming, he shook his head and waved his hands todismiss the couple. He muttered something the other two

could not quite make out.

Watching Gerah leave, Jakob and Iliyana gave polite

waves. Jakob leaned into Iliyana whispering, What was that

all about?

Leaning in to whisper her response, I dont like it when

someone wants me because they cant have me. Im not a


Fair enough, replied Jakob. Turning his head, he looked

at her face and noticed the way cheeks filled when she smiled.

He could feel his own warming with a blush. Um, you said

something about the market?

Right, she exclaimed. The market. She too blushed.

Walking back towards Albion, Jakob chuckled at how much

he was walking today and still was not really getting anything

done. However, he had managed to get the lovely Iliyana to

spend time with him. A long walk into town with the lovely

young redhead was the dream of most boys in the village as

well as some of the older men.

Walking in an uneasy silence, Iliyana continued her

infectious smile. Her eyes alight with the simple pleasure of 

walking with a boy who was patient and uninterested in

conquest. When the port city came into view, she inhaled

deeply. Jakob noticed the rise and fall of her young bosom

which caused his breath to get caught in his throat.

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So, why did you ask my mother for me to come with you?

I mean, you could have had anybody come with you. What

makes me so special, asked Jakob, his voice breaking with

adolescent nervousness.

Iliyana stopped and looked at him. Her rich green eyes

were sparkling with carefree joy. She did not say anything for

a long, long moment. Sucking on her lower lip, she reached

up to cup Jakobs cheek in her hand. Thats why, she

answered. Is any other reason needed?

Jakob gazed into her eyes. He was lost inside them.Reflections of himself, he often wondered just what people

saw when they looked at him. Iliyanas eyes were different,

however. He not only wondered what she saw, he wondered

if it mattered to her what she saw.

The girls touch warmed his cheeks, his throat, his chest

and parts lower. It was far from manly, but the young man

whimpered and the world went dark as his eyes closed. All

that existed was the touch of her hand upon his cheek. He

could barely sense anything else. The rest of the world ceased

as there was only that burning touch.

Reaching up, he cupped his hand to hers, fingers curling to

hold it. The young mans heart raced. There was something

closer to him. Her body pressed against his. Jakob felt his

throat tighten as he pulled her hand from his cheek. A voice

that sounded like his said one word. He could not believe the

voice speaking was his. However, it was clear that his lips

uttered one syllable.


Iliyana straightened as she leaned back from him. She

blinked. What Jakob had said was true; she had her choice of 

suitors in the village. Her choice was Jakob, but he had just

rejected her. The brown haired boy who was shorter than any

other his age in the village, the boy who was not nearly as

strong, nor was he as handsome, had refused her advances.

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Pushing him away, Iliyana was filled with disgust. Fine.

Its not like you were such a good catch. Mother always said

you were broken. Said I should take Gerah as my husband.

Jakob could not comprehend what had just happened.

She had been so friendly, so pleasant to be with. Now she

was a shrew, a harpy bent on unleashing misery upon him.

The boy wanted to flee. His mind roiling with confusion as to

what had possessed her and how to put things back how they

had just been.

Ily? Im sorry? I mean, I dunno. I just liked us beingfriends. It was nice. I like you, stammered Jakob.

But not in that way? I know. I say that, too. I know what

it means. You dont want me. Im ugly. Right? Im only good

enough for jerks who cant get a girl? Folding her arms over

her bosom, she turned from him. I can go to the market on

my own, Jakob Cassios. I dont need an escort. Not that you

would care anyway.

Jakob had no real response to that. He did not have the

experience to handle a scorned woman. He still saw her as an

annoying girl who now made his body dance in ways that

were unfamiliar to him. She was being completely

unreasonable and it was beginning to make him angry that

she was acting so strange.

Artiszial bless me, muttered confused boy. Iliyana,

what is wrong? I thought we were friends. I want to continue

to be friends.

I dont care. Go back to whatever it is you do. Oh, wait,

you dont do anything. At least Gerahs going to Avalon. Hes

been accepted into the Royal Navy. Spinning to glare at him,

she raised a finger as if to accentuate her point. You have no

idea how important that is. Youre just a boy and Gerah is a


Jakob felt his rage boiling. A sickly bile rose in his throat.

Fists clenched hard forcing his fingernails into his palms. The

warm stickiness of his blood began to coat his fingertips.

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Ily, began the young man, but he was interrupted by the

fiery redheads admonishment.

Go! Iliyana stomped her foot to the ground and pointed

back towards the village.

Though Jakob felt his fury growing, he knew he was better

than it. He refused to lash out. He could feel the need to

make her listen and hear reason, but he could not allow

himself to fall to the depravity of such an act. He would show

his superiority by walking away. He would show her that a

real man did not need to conquer; he could simply be betterand be satisfied with that knowledge. So he turned from her.

Stiffly he walked from the girl, the corner of his lip twitching

with his rage.

Iliyana watched the enraged boy walk off. Once he was a

respectable distance from her, she made her way to Albion. It

was not too far now, another mile or so to the market where

she could get the fish and salt for her mother.

Boys. Stupid boys. Why cant they just grow up? Hes

such a child. I cant believe I liked him.

Fuming himself, Jakob stopped and began to pace. His

mother had told her he would go with her. If he returned

without her, he would have made his mother a liar. Yet he

could not go back to Iliyana. He was raised to respect the

wishes of a woman and to not see them come to harm. So

now he was troubled by his desire to respect Iliyanas wish to

travel alone, but also the dual desires to honor his mother and

keep Iliyana safe.

Jakob looked up towards the hill over which Albion laid.

Bouncing slightly on the balls of his feet, he continued to wage

a war between the forces of his conscience. Finally, he

screamed in frustration and ran up the hill.

Iliyana was running down the hill towards Albion. A pack

of wild dogs bounded towards her snarling and barking after

her. With her skirt raised to her knees, she ran a desperate

race. The dogs were large, their bodies rippling with feral

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power. Their forms were low to the ground, positioned to

optimize their speed for the chase.

Jakobs eyes beheld this sight and his fury grew. They

were trying to take what was his. The dogs, mere beasts,

animals without any redeeming qualities, thought to feed

upon that which belonged to him. This was unconscionable.

With a howl of his own, he dashed towards the pack of dogs.

The pack ignored Jakobs cry. Their interests lay in the

fleeing girl. Moving ever closer, they began to snap at her

heels. Looking over her shoulder, she screamed at how closethey were. Of course, with her attention diverted, she didnt

see the dip of the ground.

A loud pop heralded the spraining of her ankle as she went

down and rolled several yards. Screaming in fright and pain,

she covered her face from the dogs assault.

Claws and teeth grasped at her, tugging on her and

shredding her clothing. Trying to keep her face covered, she

wailed and kicked at her bestial assailants. However, the dogs

soon had her arms and one leg and began to tug and jerk at


Still screaming, her eyes closed, Iliyana was unaware of 

the approaching Jakob until one of the dogs let go with a thud

and a yelp and the others released her to attack her defender.

Opening her eyes, she saw Jakob standing over her, a foot on

either side, swinging his arms and the leaping dogs.

Fists and feet met fur again and again. The dogs circled

and then leaped to try and take down Jakob. Though he was

caught unawares a few times, he was just as savage in his

defense of Iliyana. He would bite, claw, punch and tear at the


When the alpha of the pack attacked and was suddenly

grasped by the throat, the other dogs stopped and waited.

Jakob brought the alpha down upon its back and snarled. The

other two dogs circled the boy and the alpha, recognizing a

distinct challenge.

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Fuelled by his rage, Jakob then lifted the dog by its throat

and crushed his fingers together. A whined yelp and a snap

ended the alphas life. In disgust, Jakob hurled the dog away

and turned with a scream at the other two which scampered

away whining.

Iliyana scurried back from him. She had never seen him so

angry. Jakob had always been calm, controlled. No matter

how much she had teased him in the past, Jakob was reliably

passive. A dreamer, her mother had called him. Now she saw

him in a new light. It both frightened and excited her.Once she was a few feet from him, she stopped and just

stared in awe at him. Her eyes wide with the wonder of this

side of the boy she thought she knew.

With the danger passed, Jakob fell to his knees. He looked

drained, weary. His body swayed and then slumped over.

It was several moments before Iliyana crawled over to him

and lifted his head to her lap. She was shuddering with the

fear of her attack and the terror that the boy she had trusted

so much would unleash that fury upon her when he awoke.

For now, she petted his hair and caressed his cheek, hoping

she was somehow soothing the savage beast which had just

saved her life.

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Chapter 02

Nearly a half hour had passed before Jakob awoke. The

pain in his head ached and throbbed without a discernible

rhythm. His eyes were slow to focus, each pulse of pain

sending his vision out of focus. Slowly, he became aware that

he was seeing the world from someones lap and that

someone was petting him. It was not unpleasant, so he just

let the world come into focus before he said anything.Mom, he asked quietly.

No, Iliyana whispered with a trembling voice.


Jakob continued to rest his head upon her lap. They had

been arguing, she told him to go, and now he was in her lap.

He had no idea what had happened between them. Slowly,

feeling dizzy as he moved, he sat himself up to look at her.

The tears in her dress, the spatters of blood staining the

fabric, he looked upon her in horror.

What? What happened, Jakob asked. He was already

checking her and beginning to worry that she was more hurt

than he was.

Iliyana looked down at her lap, fingers twisting into each

other. Biting on her lower lip, she could not bring herself to

look at him. Her body trembled with confusion. She was not

sure how to tell him, if she should tell him. Questions rose in

her mind as to whether or not reminding him would bring

back his anger.

When his hands took hers, she froze. She stared at his

fingers, her fear welling up in her chest. More questions rose

in her mind.

Ily, he said softly. Please?

She looked up into his eyes. Those eyes that she felt reach

into her soul each time she saw them had her falling into him.

His arms went around her and she began to cry.

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Jakob let it go for now. She was in his arms and everything

seemed like it would be fine as soon as she felt safe. So

instead of prying, he just petted her, stroking her back and

letting her find comfort in his arms.

Finally, he pushed her from him, Are you able to walk?

Iliyana nodded, wiping the tears from her eyes.

Together, the two stood. Jakob could feel the pain in his

legs now and when he looked he was shocked to see that his

clothes were in the same state as Iliyanas. Relying on her to

tell him when she was ready, Jakob led her towards theirdestination. They would find help there and could possibly

have someone sent to their village to inform their families.

Limping towards town, the two teens used each other for

support. It was just over an hour before they reached Albion.

The sun had already set and the market had closed.

With nowhere else to go, the duo headed towards the

local temple. They were shown to separate rooms where

attending acolytes tended to their wounds. Little was said

about the attack save that they were fortunate the dogs were

not rabid. Little more than the cleaning the wounds could be


Iliyana was quite verbal about the attack. She relayed in

detail the events. Beginning with the argument between

herself and Jakob, she explained how she told Jakob to go

home. She began to fidget when she told about the dogs

attacking the two teens.

When Iliyana began to explain about Jakobs return and

how angry he was, the priests glanced over to Jakob. Jakob

listened to her tell the priests what had happened. He stared

plaintively at his feet as they swayed above the floor.

She relayed the events over and over to the acolytes who

were tending to her. She often found herself repeating

certain events due to her stammering over the fear of Jakobs

anger. Finally, a higher ranking priest arrived.

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Clad in the soft baby blue of the priesthood, Hierophant

Branwyn listened to Iliyanas claims. The dour old mans

entire body was bent and contorted by arthritis. Paper thin

skin was stretched over misshapen bones. When he had sat

to listen to the girl tell her tale, his bones creaked with age.

It would seem, began the hierophant in a scratchy voice,

that you are a gifted young warrior, Jakob. Congratulations.

Are you currently apprenticed?

Jakob looked up with a bashful smirk. Iliyana on the other

hand had no qualms telling everyone in the room aboutJakobs lack of direction.