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37 Offices in 18 Countries

Legal Update:Discrimination,Harassment &Retaliation Law

Jeff [email protected]

Tara [email protected]

Traci [email protected]

November 7, 2012

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Supreme Court

• Hosanna-Tabor Evangelical Lutheran Church & Sch. v. EEOC,132 S.Ct. 694 (2012)

Plaintiff was an elementary school teacher who taught both secular

and non-secular classes

After plaintiff’s medical leave and the school’s refusal to return her to

the classroom, plaintiff was terminated.

Employer asserted affirmative defense of ministerial exception

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Supreme Court Docket

• Vance v. Ball State Univ., 646 F.3d 461 (7th Cir. 2011)

Seventh Circuit held that supervisory liability for harassment did not

extend to lower level supervisors

• Fisher v. Univ. of Texas at Austin, 631 F.3d 213 (5th Cir. 2011)

Whether the Court’s decisions interpreting the Equal Protection

Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment permit the University of Texas

at Austin’s use of race in undergraduate admissions decisions

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Class Actions

• Puffer v. Allstate Ins. Co., 675 F.3d 709 (7th Cir. 2012)

Plaintiffs claimed salary administration system had disparate impact

on female employees

Class certification properly denied

• McReynolds v. Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith, Inc., 672F.3d 482 (7th Cir. 2012)

Reversed denial of certification of class of 700 African-American

financial advisors based on disparate impact

Case was certified for the purpose of deciding whether the

defendant’s challenged policies created a disparate impact to

members of a protected class and for the purpose of ruling on

plaintiffs’ request to enjoin such practices.

Any claims for monetary damages would then have to be brought as

separate proceedings

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• Richter v. Advance Auto Parts, 686 F.3d 847 (8th Cir. 2012)

Filed charge with EEOC checking box for race and sex

Administrative charge was dismissed

Plaintiff filed lawsuit claiming retaliation.

The court held that a complainant must file a charge with respect toeach alleged unlawful employment practice

Exhaustion of Administrative Remedies

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Pregnancy Discrimination

• Arizanovska v. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., 682 F.3d 698 (7th Cir. June12, 2012)

Plaintiff failed to identify a member outside of her protected class

(non-pregnant employee) that was treated differently.

• Chapter 7 Trustee v. Gate Gourmet, Inc., 683 F.3d. 1249 (11th

Cir. June 11, 2012)

Denial of light-duty position can be materially adverse action

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Pregnancy Discrimination

• Hamilton v. Southland Christian Sch., 680 F.3d 1316 (11th Cir.2012)

Plaintiff became pregnant with her fiancé's child.

Upon informing her employer of such, she was fired and told that she

had sinned by engaging in premarital sex and “there are

consequences for disobeying the word of God.”

Title VII does not protect right to engage in premarital sex.

Title VII protects the right to become pregnant.

Issues regarding whether sinful conduct was the reason for the

termination remained for jury to determine.

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Age Discrimination

• EEOC Final Rule

Reasonable factors other than age

• Schechner v. KPIX-TV, 686 F.3d 1018 (9th Cir. 2012)

Plaintiffs submitted expert analysis that argued, “Those individuals laid

off, as a group, are older than the group of those not laid off, and the

disparity between the two groups is statistically significant.”

Ninth Circuit found plaintiff can make out a prima facie case of

disparate-treatment age discrimination using statistical evidence if the

evidence shows a stark impact on the protected class.

• Lefevers v. GAF Fiberglass Corp., 667 F.3d 721 (6th Cir. 2012)

General statements about age and impending retirement were

immaterial where performance reviews provided a legitimate business

reason for termination.

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Religious Discrimination

• Sanchez-Rodriguez v. AT&T Mobility Puerto Rico, Inc., 673 F.3d1 (1st Cir. 2012)

Plaintiff converted to Seventh Day Adventist which required him to

attend religious services and abstain from work on Saturdays.

Employer’s biggest sales days were Saturdays, and all sales

employees were required to work rotating Saturdays. Plaintiff refused

to do so.

Employer offered the following accommodations:

– two alternative positions;

– allowed him to voluntarily swap shifts with co-workers

– And refrained from disciplining him for months for his repeatedabsences on Saturdays

Court found the combination of accommodations to be reasonable

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National Origin

• Cortezano v. Salin Bank & Trust Co., 680 F.3d 936 (7th Cir.2012)

Plaintiff’s husband was a citizen of Mexico who had entered the US

without a valid visa. Employer conducted an investigation based on

the husband’s illegal immigration status

“National origin” has nothing to do with legal or illegal status

Guimaraes v. SuperValu, Inc., 674 F.3d 962 (8th Cir. 2012)

Plaintiff failed to show that she was targeted because of her national

origin and, in fact, she could have been targeted for any of a number

of reasons.

Business judgment rule

– Courts generally do not disturb business judgment of employer unlessthose judgments involve intentional discrimination

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Consideration of Arrest & ConvictionRecords

• EEOC Enforcement Guidance

EEOC’s effort to eliminate unlawful discrimination in employment

screening, for hiring or retention

Arrest & incarceration rates are particularly high for African American

and Hispanic men

– African Americans and Hispanics are arrested at a rate of 2 to 3 times theirproportion of the general population

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• Hernandez v. Valley View Hospital, 684 F.3d 950 (10th Cir. June26, 2012)

Plaintiff complained of alleged, racially offensive and derogatorycomments from her supervisors

Plaintiff was terminated after she stopped reporting to work

Jury could reasonably find that the elements of a hostile workenvironment and constructive discharge claims

– Plaintiff’s supervisors had repeatedly subjected her to racially insensitiveand offensive comments and jokes; and

– Plaintiff repeatedly complained.

Racial Harassment

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Same-Sex Harassment

• EEOC v. Boh Brothers Construction Co., LLC, 689 F.3d 458 (5th

Cir. 2012)

Plaintiff’s superintendent referred to him as "faggot" and “princess,"

approached him from behind with lewd actions simulating sexual

conduct, and allegedly exposed himself to plaintiff on a number of


Plaintiff was transferred (per his request) and later laid off

Plaintiff sued alleging sexual harassment and retaliation

Jury verdict for plaintiff on harassment

Reversed by Fifth Circuit

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Gender Specific Comments

• Passananti v. Cook County, 689 F.3d 655 (7th Cir. July 20, 2012)

Plaintiff alleged that during her employment, her supervisor repeatedly

called her “bitch,” yelled at her, and belittled her

Trial court dismissed plaintiff’s sexual harassment claim

– although the statements were “vulgar, rude, and ungentlemanly,” there wasno evidence that they were based on sex.

Seventh Circuit reversed

– a reasonable jury could find harassment

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Friction in the Workplace

• Jajeh v. County of Cook, 678 F.3d. 560 (7th Cir. May 2, 2012)

Plaintiff, a Syrian born Muslim physician, repeated complained about a

physician coworker’s treatment.

As part of downsizing, Plaintiff was laid off

Plaintiff alleged hostile work environment based on his religion and

national origin

Court found that none of the plaintiff’s complaints over the years

mentioned his religion or national origin as the basis for the alleged


Title VII does not prohibit any and all verbal or physical harassment in

the work place, it only prohibits that which has a discriminatory


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Employer’s Response

• Crawford v. BNSF Ry. Co., 665 F.3d 978 (8th Cir. 2012)

Five plaintiffs alleged sexual and racial harassment by their supervisor

Employer acted reasonably to prevent and correct any sexually

harassing behavior

The employees failed to take advantage of the preventive and

corrective opportunities provided by the employer.

Court found for the employer based on the Ellerth-Faragher defense

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• Townsend v. Benjamin Enterprises, Inc., 679 F.3d 41 (2nd Cir.2012)

No protected activity for HR director who was investigating allegationsof sexual harassment

Although Title VII makes it illegal for an employer to retaliate againstan employee because the employee participated in an investigation,the Title VII clause only encompasses investigations that are inconjunction with or occur after filing a formal charge with the EEOC

Protected Activity

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Voluntary Demotion

• Hicks v. Forest Preserve Dist. Of Cook County, 677 F.3d 781 (7th

Cir. Apr. 18, 2012)

Plaintiff, an African-American, worked as a mechanic for employer

He filed a discrimination complaint against his supervisor in 2006; over

the next 2 years, he received 28 disciplinary action forms from this


Plaintiff was then given the choice of taking a demotion or potentially

facing further disciplinary action up to and including termination

Plaintiff accepted the demotion, but brought suit against the employer

claiming retaliation

Plaintiff was awarded $30,000 at a jury trial, and the employer was

ordered to return him to his previous position.

The Seventh Circuit affirmed

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Legitimate Business Purpose

• Gibson v. Am. Greetings Corp., 670 F.3d 844 (8th Cir. 2012)

Timing itself was not sufficient to avoid summary judgment

• Harper v. C.R. England Incorporated, Inc., 687 F.3d 297 (7th Cir.June 8, 2012)

Plaintiff, an African American, was called a racial name by a co-


Plaintiff’s employment was terminated for attendance reasons.

Plaintiff failed to show that he was meeting the legitimate expectations

of the employer at the time of his termination, and that similarly

situated employees who did not engage in the statutorily protected

activity were treated more favorably

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Association Retaliation

• Thompson v. North American Stainless, 131 S.Ct. 863 (2011)

it is an unlawful employment practice to fire or otherwise retaliate

against an employee’s “close family member” who has filed claim of

discrimination; “zone of interest”

• Rodriguez-Monguio v. Ohio State University, 2012 U.S. App.LEXIS 18895 (6th Cir. Sept 7, 2012)

Citing Thompson, recognized cause of action for associational

retaliation in a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship

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Credit Information

• For those you who require CLE, HRCI or CPD please note thefollowing states have been approved, California and Ohio; aswell as Arizona, New York, and New Jersey through statereciprocity rules. If you require credit in a jurisdiction not pre-approved we can still apply to get you credit.

• Tomorrow you will receive an email with a link to an onlineaffidavit. Open this link and complete the form. Don’t forget toinclude the affirmation code on the form. Once completed, PDFa copy of the signed form to Robin Hallagan [email protected]

• Remember to complete the webinar survey immediatelyfollowing the end of this presentation. You are required tocomplete this evaluation before receiving a certificate ofattendance.

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37 Offices in 18 Countries

Legal Update:Discrimination,Harassment &Retaliation Law

Jeff [email protected]

Tara [email protected]

Traci [email protected]

November 7, 2012
