Page 1: LEGAL NOTICES. REED HOUSE, - NYS Historic frnr.'i am •MM Committees on Premiums. RT.VLIONS.—Truman Todd,


frnr.'i am • M M

Committees on Premiums. RT.VLIONS.—Truman Todd, Stockton;

tlenry Baker, Jamestown; Orrin McClure, Fredonia.

MARES A S D COLTS, AND COLTS.—T. Prendergast, Westfield; Jonas Underwood, Mayvillo; J. B. Slocum, Kiautone.

MATCHED AND SINGLE HOUSES.—Sidney E. Palmer, Gerry; Isaac Forbes, James­town ; John Eason, Westfield.

TKOTTINO HORSES.—George Farnsworth, Westfield; Richard F. Fenton, Jamestown; Walter Stevens, Fredonia.

JACKS AND MULES.—Hiram Tiffany, Westfield; George White, Fredonia; Dan­iel Williams, Harmony.

CATTLE. CLASS 1 .—SHORT H O R N S . — John E. Griswold, Sheriden Center; R. E. Young1 Busti; T. Parker, She rman.

CLASS 2 . — D E V O N S . — H . A. Prendergast, Westfield; Amos R. Warren, Stockton; Otis Skinner, Sherman.

CLASS 3 . — H E R E F O R D S . — C B. Brock-way, Ripley; Alex. T Prendergast, Kian-tone*; J. Orton, Fredonia.

CLASS 4 . — N A T I V E AND MLXED.—Chan-cey Wa)ren,Stockton; Abijah Clark,EUory; Simeon Collins, Ripley.

O X E N AND STEERS.—Nehemiah Morrick, Sherman; W m . Moore, Laona; John M. Edson, Gerry.

COARSE W O O L S H E E P . — H e n r y Sheldon; Eliaha Norton, Fredonia; David DoCloe, Mina.

FINK W O O L SHEEP.—Nelson Gorham, Laona; John Campbell, Busti; Stephen Prendergast Ripley.

S W I N E . — D . Azrtro Nichols, Westfield; Warren Couch and John S. Coon,Portland.

BUTTER AND CHEESE.—Abram Frank, Busti; B. W. Grant, Stockton; T. Oovenov, Ripley.

FRUIT.-Georgo G. Parker Westfield; J&s. D. Dunlap, Erie; George Barker, Fredonia; Hanson A , Risley, Mayvillo; Chancey Burcb, Jamestown.

FLOVVBRS.—-Mrs. James McClurg, Miss Sarah Kibb.e, Miss Mary M. Smith, West-field ; Theodore Brown, Jamestown.

ROOTS AND VEGETABLES.—J. Harris, Westfield; J. Raadi>h>li, Panama; George Goff, Dunkirk.

MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT.—Geo. Hall; L. Bliss, Westfield; John Sinallwood, Rip­ley.

CLASS 2—MECHANICAL.—Frank Waters, Westfield; Wm. H. Tew, Jamestown; L. Kelson Van Jsoss, Chaut.

CLASS 3 . — M E C H A N I C A L . — E . S. Bargen S .V. R. Wells, Westfield; Esli Bartholo-mew, Portland.

UNENUMERATED ARTICLES.—A. F. Allen Jamestown; Milton Smith, Mavvillo; T h e ron S. Bly, Harmony; Solden M. Ely, Ripley, W m . Risley Fredonia.

DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES.—A. Lewis & Lady, Prnama; H. J. Cowden and Lady, Ripley; S. S. Whallon and Lady, MrtyviHe.

N E E D L E W O R K . — T . D. Strong and La­dy, G. G. Parker and Lady, Westfield; T. S. Ways and Lady, Ripley; Miss Hannah Patterson, Miss Martha Sherman, C. 1) Sacket, Westfield.

PAINTINGS, DRAWINGS, <fcc.—Abel Patch-en and Lady, Miss Mary E . Plumb, Miss Eveline Barrett, Charles Chadwick.

PLOWING M A T C H . — D r . W m . Prender­

gast, Chautawjue; Martin Boyd, Busti; Le­vi Risley, Fredonia; J. Smallwood. Rl^'.cy1

Karvey Baker, Westfield; John Farman, •Elington.

L A U V E o n i t s T n u N S H I R . — A . F . I l a w l o y , Jamestown; Charles Chadwick, Westfield; Leverctt Morrison, Forestville; David Forbs, Fredonia; M. P . ^cmus, Mayville.

F I E L D C R C P S . — John D. Patterson, Westfield; Nicholas Kessler, Westfield Dr. Collins, Ripley,

AT SURROGATE'S COURT—held a t Sin clearville in and for t h e County of Chautau­que on the 30th day of May, 1850, before Alber t Richmond, Surrogate of said County, the matter of t h e appl icat ion of Hugh J o h n ­ston adminis t ra tor of J a m e s Bassett deceased, tor authori ty to mor tgage , lease or sell the real estate of the said deceased for the payment of his debts. On read ing and filing the applicat ion of H u g h

Johns ton adminis t ra tor of the estate of J ames Bassett, late of Westtield in the County of Chau­tauque, deceased, for author i ty to mortgage, lease or sell t he real estate of the said deceased for the payment of his debts. I t is ordered tha t all per­sons interes ted in the estate of the said J ames Bassett deceased, appear before the Surrogate of the County of Chautauque a t h is office in Sia-clcarville on the 21st day of Ju ly next at twelve o'clock, ii., of t ha t day, then and there to show cause why author i ty should not be given to the adminis t ra tor to Mortgage, lease or sell so much of the real es tate of t h e said J a m e s Bassett de­ceased as shall be necessary to pay his debts. In witness whereof T have he reun to set my hand

ami seal of office the day and year first above wri t ten.

A. RICHMOND, Surrogate . [L. S.] 7-7w.


T O I N V a L I D S Labor ing nnder Affections of the Throa t or Lungs

Doct. Calvin M. Fitch, FORMERLY OF 714 BROADWAY, N.Y

Author of the Inval id 's Guide, and Consump­tive's Manual. , v c . having recently returned from Europe ' would inform his Pat ients at llie Wes t, and."! ' interested in the announcement , tha t he will open on the FIRST OF J U X E a pe rmanen t office

At No. 459 Main St., Buffalo, K. Y. Where he may be consulted Daily (Sabbath ex­cepted) from nine to five, for

^Throat and Pulmonary Diseases,

More Part icular ly

Consumption, Asthma, and Chronic


In the t rea tment of which a judic ious combina­tion of Remedial measures, the employment of Mechanical and Consti tut ional Remedies, and of Medicinal and Sthenot rophic Inhalations, give him a degree of success which can never a t tend a merely partial t rea tment of these Affections.— Dr. FITCH may also be consulted for all derange­ments of the system preceding, or giving rise to Pulmonary Disease, part icularly

Catarrh, Dyspepsia, Costivcncss, and female Complaints.

Per sons 'w i sh ing to consult, bu t nnable to visit Dr. F i lch , can do so by .sending him a wri t ten s ta tement of their ca*c—ami Foreigner* unac­quainted with English may address him either in French or German. A personal e.<a»t:i/aiit>/i is however preferable, as important symptoms are sometimes overlooked by the pa t ien t ; and also as constant pract ice in consultat ion enable Dr. F. to determine the condit ion of the Langs with great accuracy : thus of course enabling him more successfully to modify and adapt t rea tment to D i v i d u a l eases.

F R O M S. M. P E T T E N G I L L & COS N e w s p a p e r A d v e r t i s i n g A g e n c y ,

1 1 0 Nana* Street, N". Y.

A f Q R T G A E SALE.—By virtue of a Mortgage 1YJL bear ing date September 27, A. D. 1862. Sal­mon C. Riley, of Portland, Chautauque County, N. Y. conveyed to Phi l ip Mericle of the same place, cer ta in premises desor ibedin said mortgage follows:

All t h a t piece or parcel or land si tuate lying and being iu the town county and State aforesaid, and being par t of lot number 25, fifth town­ship, and th i r teen th range of the Hol land Land Company's survey: and also dist inguished on a map or survey of par t of said lot made by Timo­thy Judson for Aimer B. Beebe aud others as lot number th i r ty ; and Bounded Nor th by the origi­nal line of said lot number twenty five, three chains. Eas t by lots number twenty-seven and twenty-nine of the said last ment ioned surveys, th i r teen chains, 25 l inks ; South by the cen­ter of the north Er ie Road, four chains and nine­ty-six l inks ; and west by lo t number thir ty-one of the Holland Company's surveys, fifteen chains, forty-six l inks ; Containing five and forty lran-dreths, acres, be the same more or less. And also all tha t certain other piece or parcel of land si tuate lying and being in the said town of Port­land and bounded as follows to wit : Beginning in the center of the nor th Erie Road onthe west line of a certain lo t of land conveyed by James Dunn to Simeon Whiteonih, and runn ing north on said Whi tcomb's line, twenty-six chains, twenty-seven l inks; thence west on the south lineof lot number thirty-two, three chains, sixty-five l inks : thence south, twenty-eight chains, fifty-six links, thence nor th fifty-three degrees east, four chains thirty-one liks to t h e p lace of beginning: contain­ing ten acres ot land, with the except ion of one acre lying in the South cast corner of the above described land.

Said mortgage with the power of sale there in contained was recorded iu the Clerk's office of the Countv of Chautauque, the 11th day of Octo­ber A. D. 1852 at 11 o'clock A. M. in Lilier 32 of mor tgages a t page 375. The amount due on said mortgage at the t ime of the first publication of this notice is $1343,23, and there will remain un­paid, and to become due upon said mortgage, live years from the date thereof, the further sum of$700,00. Default having been made in the payment of the amount due and secured by said mortgage, and no suit having been instituted at law to recover the same, or any pa i t thereof.— y!o\\; therefore by virtue of the power of Kile con­tained in said mor tgage , notice is hereby given that the above described premises will be sold at public aucticn to the highest bidder on Saturday the 14th day of J u n e A. D. In36, at one o'cloeli I*. M.^at the Westfield House, in Westtield village. Chautauque Conntv, X. Y. Dated March, 17, ls.ii',. P H I L I P MERICLE, Mortgagee.

SMITH A Cll ADW1CK. Ally's. l:lw-l«. The above sale is postponed till RatnrJny the

13thday of September next , at the same placi and time of da v. Dated. June !>th, lsOfi.




The public a rc respectfully informed tha t th i s well known and commodious public house, has been Refitted and ar ranged, by the present pro-, prietor , for the accommodat ion of guests , on the most invit ing s c a l e ! The rooms are all large and well vent i la ted, and visitors are supplied with every comfort t hough t to render the i r stay pleasant. No expense will be spared to please, and the propr ie tor would reapeclfully ask a share of puublic patronage. Charges moderate .

t J E X E K A I . S T A G E O F F I C E ! i2gj- Carriages always in readiness to convey

passengers and baggage to and from the cars. JST Extensive s t tb l ing at tached.

Er ie , i'a, Ju ly TO, 18.50. 13-3m.

W. R. Morse & Co, Wi thout making much noise abont it, would

call at tent ion to their stock which is now complete with everything usually kept by them in the line of Dry Goods, Groceries , Shoes, Car­pets and oil cloths, summer hats, umbrellas ftc.

We will not try to tell all tha t may be found.but will say that those lawn's from Is to 2s per yard are as good as can tie found iu town for the price and barege de laines,ehallis, ginghams, Ac .p r in t s too. CalTand see them. Bonnets aud Kibbons with all k inds of Miiliuery, goods.

S t a p l e G o o d s a t R e d u c e d P r i c e s Stripes, t icks, denims, and goods for Summer wear—all for sale for cash or exchange, for all kinds of Produce.

CASH AS USUAL FOR BUTTER. 'tf. J u n e 2d, 1856.

Good Books Delight, Instruct, Refin^

H o w and Where to Procure them.


I l l u s t r a t e d Cata logue ! of 150 different works, suitable for Family and Fireside Reading, and embracing.

Poptdtir American Biographies, Kara lives and Travels, Agriculture, Temper anc#f Lttw, and School books for the Young, beautifully Printed and Illustra­ted Family Bibles, Religious Books, Stand­ard and Select poetry, and a choice vari­ety of Miscellaneous Books,

We will Send Without Charge. I t contains afnll descript ion of the best stand­

ard works on the above impor tant subjec ts with their prices, and iu form convenient for reference and preservat ion. Every reader and book buyer should have it. /E9*We will send any of our books. Postage prepaid, on receipt of the adver­tised pr ice ,which may be sent to us by mail.

O u r s a r e t h e B e s t B o o k s for A g e n t s , because they are adapted to the wants o| the peo­ple. Full par t iculars and pract ical Instruct ions to Agents sent gratis, OB applications to

MILLER, ORTON k MULIGAN, Publisher-;, 25 Pa rk Row, New York, or 107 Geneaee-st.

Auburn. ' 4-om.

MORTGAGE SALEL-mailc in the payment

R U F U S S T O R Y ,

"Wholesale Grocer , A N D I l E A I . K l i I N

TEAS, COFFEE, GI.\GER, PEPPER, And all k inds of Spices, NOS. 7 A 9 Fron t St., New York.

P O R T A B L E G A S W O l t K S . \ V F " 1 ' : desire to call nub' ; . ' at tenton, to onr new

V v iy invented Gas Apparatus, designed Cor igh t ing country/ lesidcncea, factories, hotels, A c These works are efficint and simple in their construction, and warrantee1 to give ent i re salis-fai Lion. Applv to s. CGATES A co., at Archer WARREN & c o.'s, 376, Droa.lwav, New Y o r k

17<NCAUSTICT1LES, 1/He.irths P i n i n g Ro

Garnkirk P lumbers

for Vestibules Halls, cms. Conservatories, Ac.—

Chimney, tops. Drain pipes. Also Material-" and Fixtures , , for sale hv

MILLEI1 A- COATS. 279 Pear l a t , New York,

• " P I I K . JL ' Fro

chase r s -

Manufac ture of S tee l b y Electric i ty-

The London Mining Journal contains an

account of some ex]>eriiiK>nts, by which, in

contradistinction to the ordinary method of

manufacturing steel, it is proved that a pro­

cess has been discovered of converting iron

into stoel by a current o f electricity, passed

through the iron when placed in a furnace

and embeded in charcoal, whereby an im-

monc<8 saving oi labor, lime nnd fuel, is the

moro immediate result.

The operation of «the conversion of iron

into steel in this manner gives a greater

power of governance to the operators, inas­

much as the aplieation of tho latter for

a certain amount of carbon l><?iug taken ab­

sorbed or consecrated, and amalgamated

with the iron, and thereby increasing or

diminishing the netion of the battery:

different quantities of steel will bo produced

with a certainty, regularity, and efficiency,

whathitherto, under the ordinary process of

manufacture, has been the object wanting.

The Intunlor.


FORD Aug. 21—The "Charter Oak,, fell

this morning, with a tremendous crash, and

but six foet of tho stump now remains.

This famous treo was far past its prime

when the charter was concealed in it, on

t h o a t t d a y uf M a y , I O O O , a u d w a s j>roli-

•bly an old tree when Columbus discove red

the new world. It stood upon the old

Willis estate, now owned by Hon. J. \V.

Steward. Crowds of citizens are now

visiting the ruins, and each one be ars away

a portion ot that venerable treo. * > — I . _


British Royal Geographical Society has

presented gold medals to four American

travellers within a few years. Tho first

was presented to Rev. Dr. Robinson, for his

researches in Palestine; the second to Col.

Fremont, for his Western explorations; the

third to E . G. Squior, Esq., for his waearches

in Central America; and tho fourth recenlly

to Dr. Kane, for his Arctic discoveries,

Judil Linseed and Sperm Oil co. No. 139 ront street, offer for sale in lots t o s u i t p n r -

Linseed Oil, English and American,— English in bond. Sperm, Whale and Elephant Oil in bhda.. t i e r c e * * bid*. Whale Oil, Foot ' s and Oil Soap. Linseed cake and meal. Rape Seed Oil. Olive Oil in casks .».«•[U.V, - r e i i ^ _ Juuu ' s Pa tent candles ; .Indd's Sperm randies , packed at the old stand of Samuel J u d d & J o h n Bridge, l.ii), Front street, New York.

C^t AS and Water J " h u Jn1, : ;s0n and ISrothert X ' . a s ana -•, MI„ flitters, Plumbers. A c , Erccs

(.lis and W.,:e, Works fur Cities. Towns VHsge residences, also furnished and kept for sa'e Fit. lings, F ix tures , Fountains. .lets, A c . and all arti­cles required for the above branches at their manufactory. No. I l l EAST I8TH ST., New York

Default having been f money due Upon I

mortgage executed 1 y Thadi »•• F. P a i t o a U. Thomas Hunter, bearing date lt>» twelfth day on November. tvn»* ,-.6nsand,eight hundred Bfty-thrre and recorded in the Clerk's office of Chantanque Comity, on the ISth day of January , 1854, in lilier 3C of mortgages, at page Z67, which said mortgage was given to secure the payment of the SUM of nine hundred dollars and interest ftom the lirst day of January , l s j I. and has been propel !y a~ signed by the said Hunter to Russell Simdeiiin. which asKigmnc't <.v»> recorded in the Clerk's office on the 12th day ot January ls.U,in liber 33 Of Mort­gages, pago *>7t.

Amount claimed to bo unpaid on said mortgage, on the day of the first publication of th i s notice, is ten bundled and fifty-six dollars and tortv-tive cents. The amount claimed to be actually due and unpaid is three hundred * th i r t j two dollars 4 77c. Mortgaged premises p^rt lot a umber tW( n-t y t w o , in tiie first townshid arht tiftccnih range of the Holland l-aud Company's snrvey.snd bound-ded north by lot number twi nty-three, fifteen chains and one l ink: cast by a line paralli 1 to the east bonudu <•! said lot number t« <-:.:;, ;»<•. ,r. the distance of twenty-Are chahss s i x ' li:iks west therefrom.) fifty-nine chains ninety-six l inks: south by lot number twenty-one, fifteen chains om link, and west by a line parra ' .hl to -the e:;<t bounds of the land hereby conveyed, sixty chains twenty-one l inks—containing ninety ,icn s of land more or lc^s—excepting twent} a< .'. s o ! land now occupied by 1'hilo 8, Hawley. Notice is hereby given, that the above described mortgaged prem­ises will be sold at public auction, at the W t M field House, in the village of Westfield, now k c r t by Asa Farnswor th , en the 29 day of Sept. ls.v.. at noon, upon the powers contained in said mort­gage, and of the statute in such eas t made and provided. Dated J n n e 25th 1856. G-13w KC8SELL SKNBE2L1N, Assignee.


against > Foreclosure. I ) * T S V JACKSON )

In pursuance o fa judgmen t and decree ot sale made iu the above entitled cause by the said court on the twenty-third day of July, lsoti.— I, the sob- referee, appointed by the said court, will sell RtjmUir aa r t ion , a t the bonsc of K. W. Buswcll iji the town of Ripley, in said county on the tii'.i einh day of September next at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, the following describ­ed premises, to « i t : all that certain piece or par­cel of land ed. lying and being in the town of Itipley afo esaid, boing t h e third township *. fifteenthrasgc of the Holland l.anO Company' Survey, nnd bounded as follows. La •.,; ; : cotameiic ing on the south bouuds of the Bu.Tilo ;>i:d '-';,,,,• Lto"RaHroai at Ihe." • . . ,„ ?1X r,„-.s' froH1 huid- on- • '. •„, ,.. c. T> b, , -• thence rannin-: cast on the son ".. ' n Is if -,!,.• M i , | Un'.f '. - ami State l.lne f t ' ihor ' l , iV; teen rod* ttfl! *'iT' e finks: thenc< sou lieriy ai l ight ••••'•' . e-.d parallel t., s.ii'. Ii ' . lfi ' , . ' . i'lic. -,\, • t •;. • >;•, in ' . - and eleven feet; I h v u c c w s t e r d i y at -i'.lit n g l e s . thirteen rods aad three link*, to land derded by the partj ol the :i -t part In M nv A. [.ee: Thence not t i e r -Ij *t rig'i*. angles a n l i>u the line o f said M.:-ry a Lee'.- b-nd. ;\u i r y - s ' \ to,1.- and eleven fee'. t o t h e i i o r t h bouniTs'of said cud S».7tc Line II lit.oad to the place o, beginning; contain­ing two and one-ronrth acres of bind be the same more or less. CEOitCE W. I'ALMEK. Referee.

T. >. W A Y S , IMainliU's Alton . l i-«w. Dated Jiilv 25th, l-^i' ,


MA.NW \ I : K \ < fcFKAMCfS,

GLEII MILL, W1LSTF1ELO. f i t A C T A i ' n l ' I ; CO. N.

r p H E ahuvc parties ha \_ nership as M i


\ / i i ' « Boild Oil 76 Cents a Gallon. Building

•r«oi' ami and Fence Oil 50 cents a gallon.— Bleached boiled Oil for purely white, s i per gal­lon. Oil varnish, for Chin:! ?loss, Si 25pe r gal­lon Paints for buildings, fences, roots. A c l j per poundby . J . HENERV SMITH.

No. 113JI.UDEN LAXE. New York

Beauty! FJeganre.' Erouomy!

Engl ish velvet Carpets It!, 13 and 14 shil l ings per yard. Engl ish Brussels, 7s (Id. s s and Us. Floor Oil Cloths, 'js (id, t s . and os, Sptended in­grain Carpets.:ls Cd 4s. nnd ">s. Cold Window Shades $2 to $3, at the larges t Carpe t establish­ment in the United States. IIIUA11 ANOKUSON, No, 90 Bbwery, New York.

•?•?- The Croat Carpet Establ ishment of Hi BAX AITDKBSON, No. 99, Bowerv, New York. Housekeepers and Merchants visi t ing the "Grea t Metropolis ," are nar t i enhuly invited to visit and examine the extensive assor tment of English, Royal, Velvet. Tap . - t ry , Brussels, Three plv and Ingra in Carpets. O i l c l o t h s A c , offered at treinen-

rifice. They are displayed in ten spa­cious sales rooms, t h e celebrated, largest, and cheapest carpet establishment in Unit, .i States. IlniAU A N D E B S O X . N o . 99, Bowery. See adver­t isement iu another column.


Br . C. M. FITCH has associated w ; ; h himselft in pract ice Dr. J . W. SYKd>:s, for a long Brae his assistant; a gentleman in whose professional abil­ity he h a s the highest confidence; and he further ityshes i t Oisihscay underwood tha t lie has uo winger any proAewdcual connect ion witn Br. S. S oiicli. out ihat coiiiinti-iicaiious will hereafter addressed .o CALV1X 11. PITCH. II. D

459 M.n'n street . Buffalo N.Y. . 5-tf.

. To ascertain the length of tho day and

night, any time of tho year, double the eon

rising, which gives tho length of t in night;

and of its sotting, which gives tho length

of the day. This is a method of which

but few of our readers, probably,

boon aware of.— The Inventor. have

A friend, who stopped a few hours in

Trenton yesterday, brings tho choerino- m-

taHipmoe that the new Republican piper

which w « established to fill tho place of

ibd Trraton Gazette bought out by tho Fiil-

more party, has already a larger circulation

* h « t in old one ever had, although it has

been launched only a week.—N. Y. Post.

T O m r i O J S W O N T T X 3 0 ! They never did do more than give

temporary relief and they never will. I t is be­cause tney don't touch the CAUSE of the dis-ease. I h e CAUSE of ail ague and billions dis­eases is the atmospheric poison called Miasma or Malaria. Neutral is th is poison by its Natural Antidote, and all diseases caused by it, disap­pears at once. Rhodes ' Fever and Ague Cure is this Antidote to Malaria, and Moreover it is a liernrcery narnmess medicine, m e certificate of the-celebrated chemist . J . p_ Chilton, of New Turk to this effect, is at tached to every bottle-tfH-refore if it does no good it can do no harm

This is more than can be said of Quinine \r-scnic, or any other tonic in existence, as the i r •j»e l a r a t a o n a t o t h e const i tu t ion and brings on Dumb Ague, which never allows a person to feel perfectly well for a single moment . In illustra­t ion of these t ru ths I annex some ext rac ts from an ex t rac t jus t received from a Phys ic ian :

Georgetown, Ohio, March 17,185G. J a s A. Rhodes, Esip—Bear S i r : Yours of 2d

inst is at hand. The Cure arr ived late last year and the difficulty in get t ing any one to t ry it was greatly increased from the fact tha t a reme­dy had been in t roduced which was growing in iivorwith the public, as being better than using

Quinine—not knowing I presume that the reme­dy that they used to escape tak ing Qui-n ine , (on ta ined the Drug itself.

' this remedy (known as '-Smith's Tonic") would irvariably break an ague, but it did not Cure i as it would often re turn wi.h renewed vigour , . 'his onec i rcumstance I deemed in your favor, •f I could institute a test comparison between it and your cure. The following is the resul t : J h r e e persons took your -Cure , " all of which

» « . casus , , , . y i , m i ( I i a n in te rmi t ten t r - v e ? " of

^dUerV Tfn"~ The>' h;"' tric" QKtai! I iI „ ! r r , u ' 1 l t " . occasionally missing a chil " ' t i t was s o w l y wearing them out, and a r i n i be foundation o fo .hcr and severer maladies I

did succeed ,n e f ce t i a* a radical cure of al three no ' , e ^ ' i l , 0 S . , W T . t ' ' ' yon r remedy, and they have not bad a chill smce, In all three of these cases Lie •c-mithsTonic- ' had been used, and

as before slated, break the chill, but aft. n o d or two haeelapsed i t would return

1 think t ' lerewil l be no difficulty now in g iv ing to your cure the vantage proond of anv other remedy now in use here. W. BDCKNEK, M. B

K h o d e s f e v c r and Ague Cure or Ant idote to Miaaria. the only harmless remedy in existence is equally certain as a prevontavive as a Cure take it when you feel the chil ls coming on and you never will have a s ingle one

JAMF.S A. RHODES. Proprie tor , Prov B. For sale by Druggists general ly.

M A N N ' S B I G F I D D L E A G A I N .

E M. M \ y \ wotuild call at tent ion to his fa-• cilitics for furnishing

PIANO F0BTES * MELODEONS. Having Just completed HOC mraugtmtmU -.villi

the hest Manufacturers in the United States.— Among whom are

BOABDM AN, (,l(iV A CO. A. U. CAI .E A CO. N E W YoitK H A X T F A C T T B I K CO. l.innT, N E W T O N ,v l in.u i;; I:Y. F I K T I I . BoNn * Co. MAINS HUOTHEKS.

Which will enable me to furnish instruments at less price even, than can be purchased at their Warerooms.

Inducements never before offered, nor found elsewhere will be made, and every instrument warranted to suit, and delivered free of charge.

£3* -V large assortment wii be o|ienedd at Fre­donia in connect ion with my Warerooms at Er i e ; and as 1 shall treat* tmi entire lime and attention to tlif Pimm trade, feel confident I can make it an object for any one to t ry me. E. M. MANN,

Erie, Pa. 45-tf


General Dealer IL DRUO^ & MEDIC]NI-TS,"!)YE-STPPFS. P A I N T S

Oils, Varnishes, Perfumery. Chemicals, F I N E FANCY AKTICI .ES,Surg ica l

lnstrunK-uts, A c , Ac. — A L S O —

H o o k s a n d S t a t i o u e r y .

3>X E " W 1 3 O O l a c <S» .

BAYARD T A Y l . l ) l " s T B A V B I A Scenes in the Pract ice of a New Pork Surgeon. Wid­

ow Bedott Papers . Wolf-i t 's Roost. Sunshine on Daily Paths. " D i c k e n s ' " Foot Prints of the Creator. The Newcoines. Sunny Memories of Foreign Lands. American Statesman, Ac.

\ ing entered into a pal ;i as ' • .ii.. inform !

the iiibal itants ol VVi stl • :•'• and its \ ; iiiity : they are prciisred to atteii I to their wauts in tin

ig line They will pay cash for Wheat— n Sh in — i>. iang( I utu for Win ,.j ..ii.:

Meal [or I 'e.i; . ami ,;ie actcnuiui 1th give sat­isfaction. . The Uusi ics« ill l e conducted W Mr. John whose long and hnecessinl i enables hi .u to guarantee the best possible ftour from tiieV heat .» ah ..'.;'. b he may lie f.ivoie.l; and

! it may lie . Ided that the Glen'MiM, da sho i : time it has run, has i sUblished for i ta It an enviable repula. ioi .

The auders i^ae ! would i .ill es | eciai attention to Uc exchange of gi ists for Con . A c a- I .;.._• more convi iteut t o l i e miller, who then is nut subjei t to I iv delays aad trouble of stoppages at every g. ist. and much more ecouomii ..;. f . cos

I tomcrs who have . . valm of their gi ist whethei ; large or small light along, without the loxs of limt •

| otherwttS anavoidable, either in wailing while : the work is don* Oi iB two journies t " the Mill.

N H.—Fleer aad Ileal In baga of one qu . aud one half barre l each.

MANWAEING A FRANCIS . Wcst.lcbl, March 2<i, l s j t i . t9-tf

A 1SKAI t i i - c i ^ COMPLEXION "» J"AY be i c e j i i r c d b v us ing the " B a l m ofThou-i r X a»ad Flowers,*' J t eredlcatea all i:m. pim­ple* and rreckiea, A- a dentifrice, It purl net the breath, making the teeth white as alabaster.

For sale by all respectable draggigis 13iv-3i


P r o f . ( H A S . D e G R A T I I ' S

" E X J E C T R I C O I L . "

"MIIS Oil is the only stne mnet/i/ in the world for the cure of Rheumatism, 1'ont, I 'ains in

the Back, Breast or side, Palpi ta t ion of the Heart, Paralytic Stroke, Toothache, Headache, Cramps in the Stomach,Scrofula, Frosted hands or Keet Sore Eyes, Files, Sprains or bruises. Sores or burns, StiOhese in the Joints, . Tetter, or Suit Rheninc, Neuralgia. Sore Breast, or any Diseaai s tliat are >'nre or Pain/id, is the omhf nrtnlt e w r brought before the public that will do its work perfectly in from three to twenty minutes, bus been used by thousands and pronounced to be the best remedy ever discovered.

Thi- Oil acts on the system with i l cc t i icily, is of pure vegetable prepara t ion, not the tligiitrst liangtr of applying it outwardly or hiiranlly. it at once . . - ,i permanent care , in uiu.-t cases in ten '.-i t r e a t y a i inuu •.

Tl:e beat «-••• ' ' ^'.mof Europe have d i scover - ' . t '-i ' . sit Organic 1 >. rangi incut in the Animal .-ysf. :., is the effect id an (destruction of the l'liy--i.-o-Eici-tru Fluid in the organ diseased—i -kill 'ill aplieation of this Oil po ' s into immediate mo­tion the nerve iluid. and the cure is at once ac­complished. No Weeding, no vomiting, pi or I listering, is r< suite I

iVvM< genuine vct\honi the v nature of Lab. ! - signed iu ' A. E. S M T H . demist.

writing. \ F c CIIATH A Co. F i i n - i p i l Depot, No. :;o South Eight St . . three

j door- below Cht-siiut Phihoia. Coantry Dealers | and Drnggists can be supplied, Wholesale and lic-

t.iil. Price -•"> cents, "»o if-., anil s i per Bottle. Try everything else, then give this one simple

trial. "^j— f i t j-ittiifnc " E L E C T B I C O I L " sold by ]KM1-

tels in the Unite.I States. ££r*The Bottles will have on onr own s-amp._.>:

Entered according to Act of Cent re* , in the year Is.",:,, bv Professor Cnaai.ES D K G K A T I I . in the Clerk's <lffice of the District Cour t of the Eastern District uf Pennsylvania.

fo r bv U Parsons, No. 17. Main Street Westfield, N. V. 47-tf.


CABINET WARE ROOMS, At THOMAS SHAW'S, on Xor t i -Por tage-a t , op­

posite the Westtield House Block, where may be found all kinds of Cabinet Ware, of the choi­cest k ind ; embrac ing Chairs, Sofas, Sofa Bed­steads, Mahogany and Black Walnut Bureaus, Centre Tallies, Splendid Rosewood and Mahog­any Book Cases, Card Tables, Enclosed Wasb-Stands, and a variety of o ther articles, too nu­merous to mention. Also, Coffins constantly on hand. Please call and look for yourselves. 42


DR KNAI 'P , Occulist and Aurist, Operator on the Eye and Ear, at, 140 Main-st., Buffalo,

N". Y., exclusively t rea ts Deafness aud all Diseas­es of the Eye and Ear.

Eight years exper iance and undivided atten­t ion to these two branches , enables Dr. K. to meet with successes saldom attained.

By the usa of Chemical Vapors and other new remedies, a number of Diseases of the Eye and Ear are removed without pain.

Operations pel formed fur Catarac t and Strabis­mus or Squint ing.

Artificial Eyas inserted. They move and re­semble the natural Ejre exactly, in color and tx-pressicn, and are worn and inserted with perfect ease. 1 have jus t received a quant i ty of these gems of art from Paris .

Dr. Knapp has opened an office in Dunkirk, opposite the Post mfFrr mW nri r fftr ff war which he will visit each Thursday morning, from 9A. M. to IP . M-, and as soon as necessary, twice a week. Severe cases should apply promptly at'.) o'clock, so as to afford sufficient t ime.

Dr. K. invites attention to bis testimonials, which embraces the first citizens of Buffalo, as well as persons from different parts of the United Stutes, restored to Bight and hearing.

Dunkirk Sept. 11.1853. 1y-2!)

- ! • — B - J - I B ' s i i i b — n


F o r t h e R a p i d c u r e of C o u g h s , C o l d » H o a r s e n e s s , B r o n c h i t i s , W h o o p ­

i n g C o u g h , C r o u p , A s t h m a , a n d C o n s u m p t i o n .

" M'isdtmi shall bate dntm to it, and the great m„i of the earth shall kneel before it."

Never could this be said with more t ru th thun it nos- applies to this remedy for affections of the Throat and Lungs, The exalted in learning and power, acknowledge its supremacy, while both the little and the grea t can feal its be"neflta. T h o l i b -eral-minded among those skilled to cure are free to own its mastery over disU-mpers which have baffled the i r ar t . Those of exalted s ta t ions are not ashamed to testify to its virtues, but deem it a duty and a pleasure to thus hold out the l amp of the i r ex]ierience to their suffering fellow m t n .

\ \ itness the follow ing : [Translation.[

A. > T, y e r m i l l i " » v n i c . La., April 1853. Mens, lo B r J . C. A y * * : - ] have of late m a d .

•nt use of your Cherry Pectoral in mv pri.c-ii.I am happy to inform you that iu no ct *e

t tailed me. I have made some



UNTIL further notice, Trains will leave the Dunkirk and Westtield Station as follows:

frequent u tice. an vet ha:

G O I N G E A S T . D I N K I K K Night Express, 3 no t. M. \\ av Express, - - - -H 4 0 A . M . Express Mail. - - - • 2 'Ji p. j . Lightning Express, - - 8 2 o r . v . Freight, 12 1(1 r. M.

G O I N G W E S T . Express Mail. - - - - R 44] \. M. Lightning Express, - - ]'.' 20, JI. War Express , - - - .'. .in r . * . N'iu-ht Express. - - - ] 1 4."i r. >i. f re ight , 11 :io \. «.

C. C. DEXX Dunkirk. May 7. 1H.V..

W F S I K I K L H . ;

2 Id A. M. 7 lis A. x . ' 1 3S r . x. '• 7 4S v. M. !

10 SO i\ M. ;

| fl I s A. M. ,

12 43 y.. t T! 1-. Si. 12 -:r, A. M. ' 12 43 A .M. i

S, Supt.

1 C a r r i a g e a n d W a g o n

cures of I.aryniritis and Bronchitis with it,"and have completely cured one ease of Asthma whf-h withstood every other medicine I could ciiipln -

Accept, Sir, the assurances of my distiugtiisl ed considerat ioo.

JULES CLAUD GOUfirBT, M D Late Surgeon of the Hoyal Marine. Francfi

Ext rac t from a letter of our Minister at »h-> Court of the Sublime Parte .

Legation of the U. S. A., Constantinople, Ta r -

Dr. .7. C. Aver. Dear Sir:—The Cherry Pec ' tend received from you for the Sultan, has tx-cn-delivered t o his private Secretary at the palace and you will doubtless hear from it in due season. • That yon were so kind us to send me, has been-given to friends, who have in many cases -found it exceedingly nscfiil.

Y e n s , respectfully, CEO. P. MARSH*. Minister Plenipotentiary ot the U. S. A. to T u r ­

key. „ , Cniacoa, March 5,18.W, 11 r. .1. ( . Aver:—I use your Cherry Pectoral-

daily in my pract ice, and am satisfied i t is a r e m ­edy whk-h must meet in every est approbat ion.

C. W. .I.\f KIIEEII. M. D. . , Rfsid.-nt Cour t Physiciam, Among the eminent Editors who testify to thei r

personal ex|. . IH-.KC and knowledge of the « o n eh i In! r i i resaud use usefulness of the Ch( r r y

i I 'cetoiai in their s. etions, we may mention lioiichtoi. A Co., < i the Federal Union, Mil le jgc-

vi'.le, l.'a. L. I'atton, Christian Advocate, Knoxville, Tennv J . P. Di.l son, American I ' n s l v t c i i a n , tiieeav

vine, 'i i an. .1. I ' ..- imson, I>, mocrat, Mi Conm-lk4>arc, Pa. .'. Russ,.!r., Slull.yvilh- N t w s , T t n n . ' Harvi y, McKi i m n K ' n , s ta te t,'az( ite Ruil ing-

i ton. Iowa. 1. Knabb A (•„., Jonrnal , Reading, P». Itaynioml, Haiper A Co.. Mrw-York T i m - " . s . Cobb. Christian Frii man. Iloslon. « ai. T. Jaeo! , . Christian Chronicle,

. phia-l!on. J . Wcntu-orth, M. C

III. Rev. E. C Reese, Mctlm

country the h i g h -

MANUFACTORY. Main Street, nppvtutrtk* Ags/ertltaral Wor/ta T l l . l . lAM ( I tANDALL has U-en for seven


y e a i s e a g a g c d in carrying on the i usinesa, and ki tj s cva<aui Iy on ban.I. an mauafs r tu re t o order, r l l kinds of woik in'-- /--•"**" Heparin? done on short notice. We H I ( T. April 25, I.-.'..'-.

aliove .1 wil in h i - i


M U S I C . Mr. IOHN n . PIXLEY. Vocal Mnsir Teacher,

and former Music Director of " t h e Amphions," having i i •im-'iii- for one year as Tear It­er and Director of the Presbyterian Church in Wcsttiel I, V. V.. \w!l hold himselt in readiness to give private instruct ion npon the vidce: Souj Singing. <;]< e Clas: -. and singini: cb --• - for -a

1 i'i. ti'i Forti -aud Meluticom • notice, an.I • ••< -»! ;-- ••-

. I ' d c r * l : i ; ' \

• ...-. No. 21«. .. ng s;o: • ol J. ' a '-•.- t Co. 1 am also :>•_. :.t or the sale o : Mess . Don euian .'. II ay's splcn-'.•! •• Dolce Co'ii.... la ' a.i i>:i in n s. i .. • und ing boa. ;i Piano fo • - -. Uu-h 1 will supply n short notice to c.i- . . 'nets . We: t i c id , ! i , J - " . .


I TV, s-—N'. i ir , - is herol»v '-;i>'ii that a I Court of Oyer and Tonninor nnd (icnrral Jail Delivery will be ln-M a; the Court House JB the u l f e r of Mavtille, in said county, on the 3(1 Monday, ( - ! - t day) of

| July, 1S50, at 10 o'clock in ili<- fWnoori

FAMILY Toilet and Shaving sous ' Drug Store.

ioapa at L. Par-

HANDKERCHIEF and P la ror ing Extracts.— a line assortment, at L. Parsons' , No. 17,

Main Street.

PROF. Dc(,'rath's Electric Oil—the beat article in the world for Rheumatism, Sprains. Brui­

ses, A c , at L Parsons ' No. 17, Main-st. 1 3 0 C K E T Medicine Cases, Reticules, Drafting

Instruments, cheap, at L. Parsons ' , No. 17, Main-st.

GOLD PENS, Card Cases, and Portmonnaies , a t No. IT.

MASURG A PALMER'S Sarsaparflla—the best article in Market, at a reduced price, and all

the popular Patent Medicines for sale at L. Par­sons ' Drug and Rook Store, No. 17. 40

Westtield, January 2:id, ISoG.

C H U R C H S L I P .

WE are wishing to sell Slip No. .1, in the Bap­tist Church in this village. To be sold low.

March U 1855. BABUOCK. & KXlCif l t .


would, after a per-


SUPREME COURT, CMAI-TAI-QI-E O O C X T V . -John Eason Plaintiff, against Frank S Bte

vens Defendant. To Defendea t S u : You are hereby Summoned to answer the complaint in this cause which was filed in the Clerk's office of Cbautauoue county on the 12th day of Au-u'-t instant and serve a copy of your answer on me a t Westfield N. A . wi th in U e u t v days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such ser­v ice ; and if yon fail to answer the 'compla in t as aforesaid, the P L A I N T I F F will take Judgement against you for two thousand, live hundred dol­lars,, aad in teres t , rom the first dav of March one thousand e ight hundred and fifty three ami 'cos t of this action. w . s'. HINCKLEY

l'laff's. Attv Dated Westlicbl N. Y.. Aug. 11,1866. ] &w

Public ir. gi IK i al n particttl<:r. The ! informing them rri:ti:tn f»

K c k x t i c P l i y ^ i c i u n Ai S u r g e o n .

XTtTM. BOORN, formerly of Richmond, N. 11.. j VV has permanl ly located in this place, and

Bnppli d himself « iih new Insti uments, and pure Medicines. He is prepared to attend to all busi- i ness ;.• • ri. ii |- profession. He will be at hisofiii e from > till 10 A. M. each day.

N. 1!. special at tention paid t-i Chronic Disci -es, such as Scrofula, Cancer-, Diseases of the Eye and Skin, also a good supply "i E.-lei tic prepara­tions of Medicines on hand, Cough Drops, Lini­ments, Moth, r 's relief. Pills, Plasters*Ac.

He lias also a good Bathing House connected with his office, which will be kept in readiness lor the accommodation of those who wish to ose ii.i

Dr. Boom having treated successfully for a number of years, diseases of the skin in every form, would rcspoctfirlty call the attention of the public j , , h i - Collyiinra for the rcmora l ofTa- is Snjburn , Freckles Liver Spots, Chaps rong'..uess ofthi - k r i . Ac. It is also a very cooling wash for ehUdri n, and can be used at all t imesis ith safety

NOTICE, For the inform

and the Millers oj i, • • / , - i. Mil scriber t a l e s tliis method that Walker's Mills m i m :-..•• have been since ihe 10th ol Sent^ not ha\ ing bei n sti.ii , il more '.hat; cut ••ny in the time.

A:.-", t ha t the Slllh. caa <5o, ami are d o i n j .••• m u c h g n n a i n ? , ami as well as a»y n /•.•-,.., .-;.••. /nil-,,, F»r far ther information, call an J ; .• < •• you: s- 'h'IT.

F l o u r , M e a l , F r e s h G r o u n d P l a s t e r , and an extra artii k i I •-; co for for sale bv

•'. R. WALKER.

P. s. I have also a separal r procured on pur­pose to cha i i wheat perfectly clean (which 1 be­lieve no other IU'IIS In ie have.)

Those wishii ig Jonc will do wel! to ta l l before making contracts elsewhere.

tlttf. J . R. W.

nf thai (Jay, aud all jiersons who would •i-us-pctttc ;.ri\ |; ,T-.. .I . r .-•• • ntis hr- then thc-ri lo prosecute as shall Lo just, and nil i>, r S..IIS I mind liy rvcognizancc; and all Jusli ccs of the Peace, Coroners, and offi cots who have taken any ri e igtiianiti - foi the apjieanin -e of any ]«-r-i n at SIK-II cottrl ii-"li ' have t.-ikv ti any inquisition orex.-nn

inatioti of any person or witness, return ssn-h recogtiizances, inquisitions and cxatuinatioiis

orjerand . ;.i ihe saiticourt at t i e opening thereof on tho first day nt'iis sittin«j. Given under my hand at my office in Mayville, i!us luili • lav o f J u n e , I S M : .

MILTON SMITH. ?hr:aF 8w-8


Pcmocra t , Chicago",

'list Piotistant, rfaltt-

W. M. Wightnian . Christian Advocate S J. M. I 'oi .mil . Daily Xtws, Savannah, (la. <le... D. Prentiss, I onisvi l l r . lonmal Kv Hoi,. S c h u y k r Colfax, M. C.

l-o r Indiaaa. A. d imming* , Christian Mirror Pi M. II. Hartictt A Co., R t iwldka

('onn. ChadJi i k ,v lb rrv, Banner

Teun. Tl in; son .',- (-,,., I 'nited

Toronto, V. \\. C h a l k s Cook, Democrat. Danville, Pa

Hannnm, Dcmoriat , Ail. Mown l'a' i i rmanA Harnu i .S ta te t f a t e t t r , T u n t o n "

In A Havtn, Prairie Farmer, e b b agifi n •gi ntlemen have not only certified t o f f e e

in thir i papers to the publ ic 'bu t h ive pr r seaa l Wtters, to the effecttfiaP

they have found my preaerat ion en urtud* t\. great ] ubln- utility.

" ce «il l not admit full bstinionisifs here fciit -• u'.s i i Ion m m,, ; wi i l rnmished mv Auier-

• -ii Almanac, gratis, t u all who ask fm it", « h ( , , -in are in'l |,;, :i, ulais and

M. Shi Wrif Th i s

s ta tements seat me thei r


South Uead ilrg-

.itland, K f . can, l i a i i t o t d .

Peace, l.el.a IOD^.

and I'.,t >»«,



'•• t in

s t a t i (in nt indispntal 1< prool up


\ \

W A N T E D ! e want MO F i r k i n s o f g I yellov lut tci delivered by the 20:h of Ji.n« for whit h cash

i be paid, 7-::.v \V. R. MORSE A CO.



/ : : A I N S T R E E T , M F F A I . C N . I ,

J M )


T R e a l E s t a t e F o r S a l e .

Subscrilier o.Ters for pile on reasonable to suit p a . , hasevs, •. i and Lots, eligibly sit

["•He t e rms , and on ti'iie

Two New Dweiliu r H<^

W o c d Land. 1' are wis ling Lo > -I! two hnnd 'ed • n - - f wwxl f*nd. lying a little east of ihe May-

lit 1'iaak f.'^a-i aad about live mile.- from this llagc, l-: . . . Babcock A K a t h t March 27,


Hon. A. II. T u n y , Hon. E. c . Spaulding, Hon. C. W. Clinton.' Hon. I. A. V, iplanck, Hon. Tlios. \ l . Ko«.,t, Hon. Eli Cook. Hon. \ ictor M. Ilice, Win. A. Ibid. I-:-.,.. Jolin 1!. Lee, Esq.,

Hon. X. K. Hon. Wm.

Han, \ . Moseb v.

Hon. Hon. S. c . Havens, <>. C. Steele, Esq.. John L. Kiii i lcitv C. M. Reed, I—,..' I 'eter A. Porti r, ii li. I!. Spencer,

Washington fjunt


Office \ u . Chaut. Co.

I'J, South Portage s t ree t , WestHe'td 1-tf.

"WANTED, TOME«tS at J. P. WAI .KI ' i rS

I which is now in runn ing order flouring done, will do well to cal

1 ,000 £T» Th "se n'anting I soon.

w.s t t ie ld , September is ; .

F o r S a l e o r t o R e n t .

SlipN'o. 'JI (b . ing iu a very desirable locaiton ~_ in the Dapiist Church in t ins village.

April , 17, 1850 BABCOCK A KX1IT.


With the Piles, Inwardly or Outwardly? IF SO, USE

DR. DUPRIES ' CELEBRATED REMEDY. Warranted to Cure in all Cases.

The above is the only remedy tha t has ever cured effectually. City references aud testimon­ials g iven .

If von have the Piles inwardly, ask for a llox of Dr. D.'s Pills—only .".(> cents."

It you have the Pries owtwardhy, ask for a Boa oi Dr. D.'s Ointment—only 50 cents. 6-3ai

F a r m for S a l e ! Q I T I W T E D , lying and being in the town of k jE io ley , containing ion acres, about (o implor ­ed, with a good house and barn thereon. A lib­eral credi t given lor a part of the purchase mon­ey IT desired- li A ill. OCK * K'N HJHT

Westfield, June 2. 1856, 7-"tf

nated. in the villi ••• ..' w e SeW. Those designing t e pvrchase «il l do well u

call soon. A I M IX SMITH. Westtield Aprii'.'O Is.:"..

I I . . ' i l ' K i a ' I I! i l i . ( Ol S T Y £

M m AI. i s s . Co.. Fredonia. JB>IV 11. !-"•'. s" In pursuance i ; sesolii ' ioa o€ the Board ol

Directors of th i s t 'omjiaoy, Notice Is IVereby givt en ;!i it an assessiucut has ;..-. n made of two i" r-cent on all Prcm'Hiu Notes in force o n t h e lv'.l; day oj Jaunary, ls.*a», and three ; cr cent. i:i addi­

tion on ail Premium Ncsuts- m force on the 30th day of April. Is:,.;. Members oi' the Company-are requested to pay the assessments to s . Hart rreasurer, or to the several agents of t'>e Com-panv, who will be authorized to receive the same,

°-:>w S. HART, Secretary.

GROCERY* ^l l is d a y O p e n e d

Iy l . roceries. ( ing one door

Maii-.-st.. at the sig Company.

T il e n t u e ..eir Star ill i.«.d m e ii-. at v o l ol Han ingto

i i *•• America

Ci . a. Teas aad Black I bui ld ius Main street.

A - ( lie: Westli

of Fsmi he SiOllc

A SonV E.\pres>

II. !'.. Bryant, II. U. Stiattmi, Jeo . if. Penn,

.las. tv . Lnsk, W. P. Spencer,


•j» Professors of t i e »c ienc» «ft\c-> counts, and Lectin era on lia>i-) ness customs.

) Ins t rnctois in llnsiai s sand Or­namented Penmanship , „ n d Lcc tu re i s in Mrrrunrj te Cor-

,t the

u. at tl Id X. V. o and .lava, and stone: building.

AY For Sale.

are wishing to sell a good House and lot iih convenient barn aud o. | ,buih: : ,•_.-. —

P leasac th situated near the ficsl co.m rs mi the w e s t s i d c o f t h e creek. T u b e sold low—or we would exchange the same for weste.-n lands.

BABCOCK.A KN1CHT. WeslReld Julv 7th, 1S.W. ]->-tf

For Sale very desirable house and lot, pleastuitlv sit-

Bated on Main Street—a little west of the ri'lge, Or we will exchange tho same for west-

BABCOCK A KNIGHT. Aug. 12, .',0.


Dollar Weekly Philadelphia Times. This elegant Family Weekly, issued from the

office of the Philadelphia Daily Times, contains in addit ion to the choicest Editorials, C o n capon dent News. A c , from tl»e Emily, a large amoaa of Original Li terary Matter, p rocured at. area eYpens»,7rom some of the most minent writer in the counii-y. i l will be t h e e otns aim ofs the publ ishers lo make the Dor. LjTlXKSa wor­thy coiupi iilor for the pat rouage of tiie public, with the very best weekly newspapers in the Un­ion, and a very decided improvement upon any journal of a similar character ever established in Philadelphia ,

The Philadelphia Daily Tims, a large and well pr inted morning paper, complete in all i u de­partments, and especially full in its Commercial and Slarrne Intel l igence, is pablisbed andfurnish-ed to mail subscribers a t $0,00 per annumn in ad vance.

TERMS OF THE DOLLAR TIME& One Subscriber, one yea r Ten Twenty Forty

" (to OJ:C address)

A ddress,

•MM b.oo

15,00 20,00

WILLIAM MOriC \ y "TIMES," Philadelphia.

c m land, w cattle]

Wheat "Wanted-Apply to John Francis, or at the Olen Mi Hi

W.i t l i r ld . July U, Is.",., ] , ; , /

A D M I N I S T R A T O R ' S S A L E . lit the matter of the A<!ministratnrs sale of the

Real Estate <;/' James Bassett if if mtn ' Pursuant to an order of A. Richmond Surro­

gate of the county of chantanque, dated Jn lv 21,, made for the Sale of the Real Estate o'f .lames Bassett deceased, for the payment of his debts, the Subscriber, Adminis t ra tor of the Estate of said Jamea Bassett deceased, will sen at pub­lic auction to the highest bidder at the Westlicbl House in Westlicbl Village, X'. Y. on the 35th day of September next, at 10 o'clock A. M. of that day, tiie following described land aud prem­ises Of the said J . Bassett, deceased.

" All t ha t t rac t or parcel of land Situate in the town of Westfield being part of Lot No. 18,Town-ship t , Range 14, Boomled as- follows: B e g i u v n g at a post in the north bounds of Said lot l H a t t h e distance of three chains, ninety one links east from the nor th west corner of said lot and cor­ner of land formerly owned bv S. E. Robinson, thence easterly along the nor th bounds of said lot and bounding on lot 17, three chains and sixty seven links, thence southerly parallel to the west bounds of said lot IS, seven chains and twenty four links to the center or the Buffalo and Erie Hold, and bounding on lands formerly owned by one Durand, thence south westerly a long the center of said road, two chains and twenty l inks , ihenec nor th 424 degrees west on the line'ol' sai.i i tobiuson's land one chain and eighteen links, thence northwesterly on said Rabinson's line sev­en chains ninety six links to the place of begin-i n g c o n U i i n i n g t w o a c r e s a n d a half of land be the same more or less, lieing the land and premises deeded by El i Goodrich and wife to Henry Clow, April 12, 18-10, reference being thereto had, and the plan laid down in the marg in of the deed from said Goodrich to said Clow. There is a house and barn and orchard on the premises.

7<rrm* of Payment—half the purchase money a t date of purchase—the ballauce in one year and ictereut. HUGH JOHNSTON,

Adminis t ra tor Ac. Dated Westtield Aug. |,2, lrtio. 17-7w.


FARM FOR SALE. C onsist ing t i ' loo acres — gitoete, lying

aud being in the town of Kip'ey—about 40 acres of which a ,e improved. A bouse and barn thereon—also a young orchard. To be sold low, and a lioe •::!' credit giveB for a pa r t of tiie purchase money if derired.

EADCOCKA KNIGHT. June 7, Is.',:'. -..jr.

F O R B A L E O K T o B E N T . HE Subscriber has four Dwellings and Lots. Pleasantly Located in this Village for sale.

at low rates for prompt pa;/. D not sold they will be rented from the 1st of April next.

A. L W I L L S Westfield, March S lS.lfi.

Wood Milk! E are manufactur ing is of the most approved paterns—w i. ii our approw 1

Saw guide attached—at the shop formerly oec .pi­ed by Tli..iim-".Iiiihl, as a bedstead factory, one mileno: t h of Centerville, in ihe town of '.'uii. land, C h a c a u ' i u e Co.; and woo'd say to those iu want of ,iic article that we shall no: be out,lone. ei ther in wo .knans l i i p or prices. We likewise furnish Thresh ing machines and Peed Cutters that may be p< o:»-l'ed by the power; we on plows, cultivators. The best Cornstalk Cn t t e r ever invented, (one tha t will cut hoop-pol-s when co as; dks are scarce.l together with a gene ra ' a s so r t jaent of iraplemen - C-vl

THOMAS J l ' D D A Co. Por t land , May 27, I8S6.

First-rate article of i good (.round Coffee,

i Main street. | O u g a r s , an excelcnt assortment of all kinds and

O rradc at the stone Imildi I : . .Main street West-1 Held.

and Syrt ipsofthe sweetest l i nd , had at the old stone I uilding, M ii

(1 Bui ning Fluid. Can Tallow, by tl •• I ox oi

onn I. Camphene, Fluid and W'icking.a the stone bailding, Main st.

1 Fish, White H s g and Mackei il, a good ar h- can be found at the stone building

Main street.

Yeast.—BaSalo Yeast cake of th - best oiiali-tv, s t stone building. MIIMI . ! , • • - . Westiii-M

W a s h Tubs, pails and Baskets, Canara and He

s t r e e t

1)a i r ins , Citron--. Nutmegs, Cloves, and \\ua n ill find at the

t n e t .

C> arden Seeds.—Rochester Garden Seeds b\ J the lb or paper, at the stone bnilding Mail

f e e t WfstKeld. Uf ]. . DEWEY

II Spe, I-ill;

J Mann.

•pom i .ml lb

A c Gi O. W. Clinton, m. lb

ial I.e.: llrel s. nee, A c . Ai .

Ilev. .1. Hyatt Smith, and Mr. s on Political Economy. 1!. \ s . M. L.H. p. Thompson, f!. W. HoWni i

W. Hcaeoek, Lecturers on Mercanti le

B. A;kini>, I.cctnr-

and (I Etliics

M : I igh t—Camphene

j . l i e s , Stearinc and O H " I .

the sto p o d V_'tiel

Oliver A rt-y. Lei-tun is on (

eed at the building, Main

aiic building. S! l . i .

la in

$tn no i j en

5 no


FOR SALE. t bout 00 acres wood land, siiuaied near the

f \ Westti Id and Chantanque Plank road, aboti mi l t s from the village ol Weslii, Id.

i CK A NIC III t i.gc (.1



Srlf-Sraliag Frnit and Irgelable Cur experience duri.ig'.he past

fan. r, in 'ma

factoring SEI.F-SEALINt; FBI ,T ( AXS,

and the universal satisfaction and ccrt i l ieatcs parties who have purchased and tested those


CEXTCB EI.OtK. and Plicate Libraries.

in. Or-

W e s t e r n L a n d . Lands ( l imated in (lie Stoles i f j

,an a i d Iowa) .or sa 'e by P.abcockA March ~l, lH.JC.

E«UK-Bi.\Di>G I I BinJivzr fur Public

M F/SIC, Magazines. Ac., bound in PI namentai and Antiques,.vie and Edge Gild

ing. 1'ariicular auen t iou paid to Bl ink Hooks tanks. Merchants. Insurance Companies, A c ,

and Papers. :sc, Ac .

W . M A 8 8 I ] N B E E O , Having estabiished a Book Bindery iu Center Block, over Boswortii rs Jewelry Store, would as­sure tiie public o f h i s e n l i . e oompetetwv in ear. ly ing ou that business, aud would respectfully

vai ioos makers have given oars the decided pref­erence over all others.

The subscribers offer to ' the public, the BERT SKLF-SKALINC CAN.

ever inaented, to presvero Frui ts , Vegetables, Ac.

T I I E S E A L I N G I S A L W A Y S T H J I 1 T . II o thers require solder or cement.

A The opening has been enlarged t FULL SIZED PEACH.

Every can is tested before it leaves factory, and stamped with our name.

T A Y L O R A: I I O D G E T T S Manufacturers of Planished Tin A Japanned ware

No. co Beekman St., xew York, lo-rtui.

AND Bl 'CHANAN. Pr ince 's Protean Pen ," A recently been added to.

a i i i u i t a

our maim-

TT'BEMONT. F1LLMOBE. V All iu the liel.1 for new improvement has

M. .1. Qotinan and K. C. Pomeioy, ummercial Compulat ions.

TERMS: For full coins,-—time unlimited—includ­

ing all depar tments of Book-Kei) ing, l a . t ines and Practical Pciiinanshi|,

For same conrsi in l -n i i t s 'depar tmi ut. Persons taking Penmanship alone n ill rc-

'•i ii i" twenty lessons for Foi various s fyhs of Ornamental Penman-] . ; ,

as may 1 e agi'.-id u | on. * For instruction in busintas Ar i thuu t i only as

per agieeini :it. Th- design of the Insti tution is to : ftbrd >e,ft r t

lai I ities lor acqui i ing in an expeiliii. n smakhc r thorough knowledge of Ci.mmi rr ial s . i, ,,, r „,.,i Art, as practically employed in tl„. ( o u i i i n c Loom and business pursuits, gi ncrallv.

The Book Keeping Depar tment is nnder t h e personal Buperintemttnce of the most a r c a n e •dished Accountants and Teachers, i,,,,i it j + v * n e e d that no Mercantile College i a . « , vn i t , *

Mates possesses superior advantages for bnoar t -ing a thorough and piac t ica l kno«lci!g« of I . m-mercial s . u-bce.

The Collegiate Course will e m i r a t e the a x - t I'pproved and pract ical forms for kec , ing L :„„ls by Double Entry m tiie var ious dcpannVeirts ,t i rade and f o m m e n e, inc luding Geni ial W „ U -sale and Retail, Mtrcant i le Kxchanc , , C.n ,„oV sion. Mamifar tni inr , Railroad. BanVinc. Pi in fog; .Mining, Snipping, Stcamboathig, Ind iv idua l wva-neislup. and Compound Company Bu-im ss. T All manuscr ipts from which the Student copi i , ••« •rrttU-n in a bold rapid business ham}, win. b n iill serve as a great auxil iary ha secur ing to 1,1: am excellent style of writ ing,

llaily Lectures will be delivered upon th* su«-ence of accounts, Commercial Law. Pol i t ical Economy, Commercial Calculations, Pnrfjlnji, Mercantile Chstoms, Commercial Ethirft Mail.-roading, Business Correspondence, Mining, Com-. meree, Commercial Geography, e t c

Penmanship, practical aad oniamcnta!, .»ilMie-l au t t i t in the most etleiitiial niaiiner by Lii-l-. S|)enccr and Cooper, g j j t len icn of the hi accomplisbments, as systaniatic and rapid ( | . n e s s jcnincn—the former of whom j n News.. and the latter both in Ohio and Michigan, tirst premiums ou business and ornamental mansliip the present year. We guarantee t' part t » our imtrons to a more general ex ten t is done at any similar inst i tut ion, a hand wr

ry respect adapted to business phrsui wish ing to qualify <r

- s .

in ev Gentleman and Indie selves for teaching penmanship , will find uu facilities at this College.

The Suite of Rooms occupied by the Cii»-..v .. x u p i o i t i i i t m n , i > i t:i.i*iJLi> I I U C I I MIHII - . I I I U . a r - j Q . , . . •» _i . , V • l 1 " " ' "J m"v * " "

this invention, which makes the Pen peirect and r„ltl'.'ill" ' ? S 3 ? * 2 f u l n l 8 l ' < ' ' l . •"•nd conv by which to graduate the flow of ink. Every wii- ^"r ' ,?i ^ S . r l , , , r e u ! n g every dcpartmcnl ter should have this Pen. The material is incor . lMe'"«-'antile Educat ion.

and Pul ing of all kinds of Blanks Scrap Books, CIoJi and Leather (

solici t

PRACTICAL ENCOURAGEMENT. In the form of increasing p a t r o n a g e .

Fredonia. J u n e 11, 18'iC. g_tf.

rodihie—made under i.'oodvear's patent—tilled \\i ihea>e. writes from 4 to III hours, constant use —saving half the time, Inducements to local a-gents and trade. Single pens seu« by mail, on receipt of St,CO or S">,00. The gold pen warrant­ed oue year with fair usage. T. G. STKARXS,

G e n i Agent, 200 Broadway, cor lt«aile-stv New-York.


T o S e l l o r R o n t . A Shoe Shop on North Portage Street by

ENQUIRE of wesfield, Aug

Wood fir Sal . BABCOCK A KNIGHT.

12. v,.;

Westtield, Apri l ICth \K,6. M. C. Rice.

F A R M F O R S A L E . E are wishing to s e l l a desirable Fa rm o 130 acres—100 of which arc improved —

Mtuated in the towa of Clyuier—near the Plank Road. Price and terms ol sale made earn.

BABCOCK A KM1GHT. March 12th. 1*5?. 47 *f


FOR SALE. A small farm of U acres of laud, well watered

house and barn, good orchard, all t h i n g about the place convenient. Situated about one mile ami a half west ol tne village of Westtield

JAM S CROSSGBOVE.' June 2 18.">u. 10-3w. *

D I S S O L U T I O N .

NOTICe is hereby given that the co-partnership hi ther to exis t ing between the unders igned

is this day dissolved by mutua l consen t The Company Books will he loft a t the store o

Wm. Ogle. Iinmcdient se t t lement i s desired. 5J-m« WILLIAM OGLE, Westfield, Apt il Ilth'dC. THOMAS BOOTH

The Ladies ' depar tment is entirely sepaw from the gentlemen's , and is fitted up in a n{ ami convenient manner .

Through the extensive business acqnaintaii • of the principals, many of the students on grad . at ing lire placed in lucrative situations.

For further information, send by mail, for e « ogne and circular recently issued' w h i c ^ wlH h promptly forwarded free of charge. l y - J l

. ^ , — .1 i . , » .

H o m o A g a i n !

HAVING returned from the western w o i l * older if not wiser, we>" take thi* m e t h o d t<

inform our old customers, and t h e public gen»> ally, that we may he found a t onr old s tand e .» stantly on hand ready to wait ujion all who n favor us with a call, BABCOCK A KNIGHT' '

Westfield, May 28. 1856, " , , ' • ' ' — s . — — I _

Wagon for Sain.

One new double seated Baggy- with i n n s u trees—suited to one horse or two. ~

Also one single seated Buggy Wagon. A / no erackcy waggon April IS, lSeti.

Enquire of BABCOCK iiKNICIlT
