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Creating A Sustainable

Purdue University

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Executive Summary ccording to new research done by the American College and University President’s Climate Commitment group, colleges are saving green by going green. Higher educational institutions are saving money, greenhouse gases, as well as the

environment. With the implementation of more green initiatives, research shows that “universities could save 16 percent of their energy costs - or $352,000 – if they took full advantage of all available energy-saving opportunities” (Bradley, 2009). Because of the new going green campaign, the push for more environmental friendly ways is taking the nation by storm. Even President Obama and his administration are showing their support for this green campaign by pledging to spend $150 billion over the next five years for green technology (Bradley, 2009). Many universities are jumping on board for the go green campaign by using more environmental friendly resources for academic work, establishing green student organizations, and using alternative green energy sources. Some universities are even taking the next step by becoming LEED certified in their existing buildings. Even Purdue University is joining this green campaign. According to Purdue Provost Timothy Sands, “Going green is not a fashion statement - it is becoming an imperative.”

This White Paper will look at the various ways of going green and how they are actively benefiting the environment, as well as demonstrating how different universities are utilizing these green initiatives. We are also going to look at the ways Purdue University is going green and how they can take the next step by becoming LEED certified. Through our paper we hope to inspire all that read it to help their universities to become more environmental friendly and take the next step of action by retrofitting their existing buildings to become LEED certified.



“Going green is not a fashion statement - it is becoming an imperative.”

-Provost Sands, Purdue University


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Introduction any scientists consider the climate change as the one of the most severe threats to sustainability. In recent history, the environmental issues that face our country have been on all of the scientist’s minds. As the Union of Concerned Scientists emphasizes,

few issues pose more threat than rapidly accumulating carbon emissions and its effects. According to Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), “there is a greater than 90 percent chance that most of the warming we have experienced since 1950s is due to the increase in greenhouse gas emissions from human activities”(IPCC, 2007). The climate change will not only influence air, land and oceans, but all the human beings on Earth. That is why there is an increase in desire among university officials and students to create a campus that is environmental friendly.

Universities are bringing about the leaders of today and the officials that can help solve these environmental problems. Since sustainability is a growing concern on college campuses around the globe, many universities have implemented many different and effective green initiatives. Many campuses around the United State have developed sustainability strategic programs in order to take action for the improvement of the environment in the short run and set goals for the future. Most of the green initiatives might not have any noticeable effect now; instead they are set for sustainability of the future generations.

Green building is one of the major ways campuses can add to different green initiatives for better sustainability. This includes changing how campuses are built and operated. In recent past, green college buildings have been built around the U.S. For the purpose of compliance to standards, many college campuses are using USGBCs’ LEED standards for constructing new buildings and retrofitting old buildings. Following LEED’s guideline colleges can not only improve their water and energy efficiency and indoor air quality, but they can also raise awareness and bring knowledge to others. According to USGBC, colleges and universities have the highest percentage of LEED-certified green space than any other sector. LEED certified schools save an average of 30 percent of energy and water usage by implementing these LEED standards. (USGBC). With more universities and colleges achieving LEED certification, they are not only bettering the environment, but they are saving themselves energy and money by implementing these standards.  





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History of Green Building in America

reen building has been around in the U.S. since the American Institute of Architects (AIA) formed the Committee on the Environment in 1989. Three years later the Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy founded the

ENERGY STAR program. The roots for green building in America had been planted and were poised to grow in the years to come.

The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) was founded in 1993 as a non-profit community of leaders with a focus on raising awareness and availability of green buildings within one generation. The USGBC’s mission is “to transform the way buildings and communities are designed, built, and operated, enabling an environmentally and socially responsible, healthy, and prosperous environment that improves the quality of life”. LEED is the by-product of the USGBC and is the standardized system used to score a green building.

Purdue University currently has one LEED certified building, the Roger B. Gatewood Wing of Mechanical Engineering. The Roger B. Gatewood Wing earned LEED Gold certification. Rick Federizzi, USGBC president and CEO, stated, “LEED certification identifies the Roger B. Gatewood Wing of Mechanical Engineering as a pioneering example of sustainable design and demonstrates Purdue's leadership in transforming the building industry” (Austin). Purdue wants to be a leader in green building and sustainability. In 2007, four professionals in Physical Facilities at Purdue attained accreditation in new construction and major renovation for LEED (4 Complete). The training of faculty and the Roger B. Gatewood Wing show Purdue University’s commitment to being a leader for universities across the country in green building and sustainability in the future.





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Water Sustainability

n important green issue that universities should focus on is water efficiency and sustainability.

Water is not only one of the world’s most precious resources, but also one that is rapidly and wastefully being used. In fact, over 5 billion gallons of potable water, which is water that is safe for human drinking, is flushed away as toilet water every day (Ried, 2008, p. 4). Why is this important? Potable water, which is not only needed for human consumption, but also for sanitation and industrial purposes, only accounts for 2.5% of the world’s total water supply with only one third of that amount being accessible to humans through various bodies of water, such as lakes, rivers, and streams (Starr &Nicolow, 2007, p. 1).

Because water is such a valuable resource to all living things, it may come as no surprise then that the demand of potable water is predicted to double over the coming 30 years, leaving many water resources exhausted and potentially depleted (Starr &Nicolow, 2007, p.1). This brings us to the role of universities, whose platforms are far-reaching and impactful. Not only is water-efficiency a way for universities to become eco-friendly, but it is also a way for the school to be recognized for higher environmental values, to educate its students on the importance of keeping the planet healthy, and to save expenditures in the long run.

Many universities might wonder how exactly “going green” from a water-efficiency standpoint can be done, especially if campus buildings were established many years ago. The answer is actually quite simple and many suggestions are relatively cost-friendly.

One way that many universities are becoming more water-efficient is by replacing or retrofitting bathrooms in campus buildings and residence halls. Likely the most important and water-wasting fixture in a bathroom is the toilet and various options can be considered to “go green” in this area:

• Toilets that are installed in older buildings on campus generally use about 3.5 gallons per flush (Alliance for Water Efficiency, 2010). To contrast, by updating these toilets to newer models, only 1.28-1.6 gallons of water will be used per flush, which ultimately saves a great deal of water over time (Alliance for Water Efficiency, 2010).

• Statistics show that conventional toilets waste more water than urinals and by having predominantly urinals in male bathrooms, water can be saved by more than two times (Alliance for Water Efficiency, 2010).


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• Ultra-low-flush toilets and urinals are also options for redesigned bathrooms. Due to the reduced time of flushing, the consumption of water is also reduced (McCowan& Rogers, 2012, p. 53).

Saving water with dual-flush toilets.

Source: Harvard Law School. Retrieved March 5, 2012.

• Another toilet model option is to install dual flushers that indicate different methods and water use for solid waste and liquid waste. Using this model for a solid waste flush would only use 1.6 gallons of water and a liquid waste flush would require an even smaller amount of water at around 1 gallon (Alliance for Water Efficiency, 2010).

• Waterless urinals are also important to consider, for virtually no water is required for these fixtures (McCowan & Rogers, 2012, p. 53).

• Some universities believe that having sensor flushers is a water-saving strategy, however these sensors tend to set off the flusher more often than needed, thus this strategy may be a detriment to water-efficiency (Alliance for Water Efficiency, 2010).

Another way that many universities have been going green in terms of water waste is by taking a closer look at shower and faucet water pressure levels. According to the Energy Policy Act of 1995, the flow rate of a showerhead is not to exceed 2.5 gallons per minute, however due to personal preference and the impossibility of completely enforcing this regulation, many showers do not meet this standard (Alliance for Water Efficiency, 2010). Many showers in campus residence halls still use showerheads that allow nearly 5 gallons of water to be used per minute, and if the average shower is 10 minutes long, that totals up to 50 gallons of water used on one shower for one person (Alliance for Water Efficiency, 2010). To cut down on the water usage, options are available for different preferences:

• Showerheads should be replaced in every residence hall to lower the water pressure levels. There are showerheads that can be purchased in bulk for as little as $5 that still deliver an enjoyable showering experience without wasting water (Alliance for Water Efficiency, 2010).

• Installing group showers in the residence halls are statistically

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shown to have people shower for less time than individual shower stalls, thus decreasing water usage (Alliance for Water Efficiency, 2010).

• No matter which style of design is used, every showerhead should be cleaned thoroughly, so as no blockages can be present, thus unnecessarily increasing the water supply (McCowan& Rogers, 2012, p. 54).

Faucets can also be addressed in a similar fashion, whereas the average use of a faucet is between 5 and 30 seconds. To easily ensure better water efficiency:

• All older faucets should be retrofitted to have conserving aerators that limit the water flow (Alliance for Water Efficiency, 2010). The cost of conserving aerators typical runs less than $1 per faucet, but can reduce gallons of water used to only 1 gallon per minute.

Being water efficient indoors has a direct correlation with being water efficient outside, for lower water consumption in inside spaces naturally reduces the amount of water pumped through outdoor spaces (McCowan & Rogers, 2012, p. 53). Landscaping projects and redesigns can be an overlooked part of an eco-friendly campus campaign, yet the changes can cut water usage and increase conservation. To utilize outdoor water in an effective way:

• Reclaimed rain water and use it for landscape irrigation or toilet water

(Alliance for Water Efficiency, 2010). For landscape irrigation, it would be smart to collect rainwater solely for irrigation purposes, especially since much of irrigation water in college communities can be considered potable, which is a necessity to retain (McCowan & Rogers, 2012, p. 52).

Consider this. If irrigation water would not come from potable water, it would come next from water supplies like nearby lakes and rivers, yet these sources can be easily drained, therefore rainwater is a fantastic supplement (McCowan & Rogers, 2012, p. 52). Consider planting foliage on campus grounds that is generally self-sustaining and that does not require extreme amounts of water.

Aerators, such as this one,

incorporate air into the water

flow, which reduces water

usage up to 75%.

Source: Blair Chancy. Retrieved

March 5, 2012. http://www2.-


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Universities Around the Nation

Many of these examples have actually been put to use, like at Brown University, where university officials have installed water-efficient programs such as dual-flushing toilets and vegetated roofs for managing excess storm water (Sustainable Endowments Institute, 2011). In the Midwest, University of Wisconsin-Madison was given a grade “A” by the College Sustainability Report Card because of applying these practices as well. Their water sustainability programs include weather-based irrigation systems and laundry services that are high efficient in terms of water consumption (Sustainable Endowments Institute, 2011). In fact, since 2005 these campus structural changes have decreased water usage per capita by 29%.


Purdue University’s Solution to Water Sustainability

As for Purdue University, many of the water-saving strategies described previously are being implemented. To date, Purdue University has a very driven student-run group known as the Boiler Green Initiative who has implemented many water efficient strategies on campus. Boiler Green Initiative has:

• Pushed to have all dining courts operate without the use of trays, which would eliminate extra water use for washing (Sustainable Endowments Institute, 2011).

• Created a rain garden behind the Hillel House on campus, which serves to decrease pollution in local bodies of water and increase absorption of excess runoff water (Sustainable Endowments Institute, 2011).

Campus buildings and residence halls are all equipped with individual meters and low-flow showers and faucets, yet no formal green policy has been set up by university officials (Sustainable Endowments Institute, 2011). To account for any access rainwater and reduce runoff, Purdue also has installed (Sustainable Endowments Institute, 2011):

• Living roofs • Retention ponds • Porous pavement

All of aspects of Purdue University’s attempts at going green are great strides in

Tray -less dining, as seen here at the University of Michigan, will be coming to Purdue to

eliminate water waste.

Source: University of Michigan. (2011). Coming Soon: Trayless dining in University of Michigan dorm cafeterias.

Retrieved March 7, 2012 from


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an eco-friendly direction, however more should be done.

The Cycle and Purpose of a Rain Garden. Source: Boiler Green Initiative. Retrieved March 5, 2012.

Taking the Next Step

As a leading university in engineering and technology, Purdue University should set higher standards for green efforts and strive for LEED certification. While the university scored a B- on their last report from the Sustainable Endowments Institute, it is clear that more action must be taken to prove Purdue’s environmental integrity and leadership. From the LEED rating system, five points can be achieved through water sustainability (Starr &Nicolow, 2007, p.1).

The first two of these five points can be granted through creating a landscape that is more suitable for water-efficiency. This can be done by minimizing campus grassy areas that require extreme watering and choosing plants that are more climate-appropriate for Purdue’s weather (Starr &Nicolow, 2007, p.1). Irrigation sources are also important to consider for LEED certification, and collecting rainwater through onsite cisterns or retention ponds can also help make landscaping issues more water-friendly (Starr &Nicolow, 2007, p.1).

• 1 point will be granted for reducing potable water by 50%

• 2 points will be granted for eliminating potable water by 100% (Starr &Nicolow, 2007, p.1).

The second category of water-related LEED certification involves innovative wastewater

technologies (Starr &Nicolow, 2007, p.1). Purdue University can achieve this level by reducing wastewater and potable water on campus. To break it down, there is no possible way to reduce the demand that causes wastewater, for all members of the Purdue community have a physical need to use restroom facilities, thus ways to reduce  

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wastewater at the LEED level include using ultrahigh efficiency toilets, composting toilets, waterless urinals, or even using rainwater in toilets (Starr &Nicolow, 2007, p.1).

• Accomplishing this portion can grant 1 point

The final category of LEED required water-efficiency is reducing wastewater, which relates to the earlier goal of implementing effective wastewater technologies. Simply put, Purdue University could achieve this by replacing all campus toilets with dual flush systems and ensuring that every sink and shower has a low-flow system in place (Starr &Nicolow, 2007, p.1).

• By following these measures, the LEED certification system would grant 2 points (Starr &Nicolow, 2007, p.1).

While Purdue University is certainly on the road to leading the way in LEED

certification through its current green initiatives, it’s important to garner support from important Purdue officials. On behalf of the U.S. Green Building Council, Robin Ried gives the following suggestions:

• Have campus leaders commit to LEED certification at the highest most decision-making roles (Ried, 2008, p.11).

• Incorporate water-efficient strategies into a campus’s long-term strategic planning so that there is always a focus on LEED certification and the university can ultimately save on water resources and long-term expenditures (Ried, 2008, p.11).

Going green in terms of water sustainability in LEED certification is a goal that Purdue University should strive for, for the level of sophistication and dignity that this higher-education institute holds can encourage a higher standard of water efficiency that forever changes the future.

Case Study: Water Efficiency at the University of California Davis

The University of California Davis campus recently built a Brewery, Wine, and Food building that achieved LEED Platinum, the highest-ranking possible. One of the reasons this building achieved the Platinum ranking is due to its water efficiency. Low-flow toilets and a landscaping irrigation system that achieved net-zero water usage as well as a rainwater harvesting system earned the team 5 out of 5 points in the water efficiency section of LEED. These design strategies help save money and stop the waste of water in a region of the country that does not have enough to go around (UC Davis).

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Energy and Atmospheremong other issues of sustainability on university campuses, consumption and production of

energy and its effect on the atmosphere is one of the most serious issues. According to the EPA, buildings in the U.S are responsible for 39% of total energy consumption and 68% of total electricity consumption and result in 38% of carbon emissions. Most of the energy that is produced today is from non-renewable sources. According to Energy Information Administration (EIA) in 2010, 45 percent of electricity produced in the United States was from burning of coal. When coal is burned, carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases are emitted and collected in our atmosphere, which many scientists believe is the reason behind climate change. The climate change is expected to have many adverse effects such as increased frequency of extreme weather events, water shortages, sea level rises, and even rise of diseases. The greenhouse gases are also responsible for pollutants that contribute to acid rain and smog around the globe, which further harms our health and atmosphere. The atmospheric problem of producing energy requires immediate attention and action from all organizations around the globe in order to sustain our future.

At university campuses, energy consumption has a large impact on environment as well as financial interests. According to the EPA, institutions of higher education collectively spend over $14

billion annually on energy. Since universities use such a large amount of energy, it consequently makes them responsible for a decent amount of greenhouse gas emissions, steps to reduce energy consumption and using cleaner energy sources are some of the top priorities of many universities sustainability plans. With increasing awareness and improving technology, this issue can be tackled by taking many different initiatives. It has been brought to many people’s attention that green schools use an average of 30% less energy than conventional universities and are in turn saving hundreds of thousands of dollars (DOE, 2010). Many universities have already taken various steps and are serving as a model.

Different environmental organizations such as the EPA and the USGBC are encouraging different institutions to implement steps that would reduce the carbon footprint in the atmosphere and also help them save money and


This figure shows energy end-uses in Campus Buildings

Source: Galayda, J. (2010, April). Green Building Trends in Higher Education.

Yudelson Associated. Retrieved March 6, 2012, from

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various resources. USGBC’s LEED certification offers various methods with which university’s environmental performances are evaluated and provide a defined standard for what constitutes a green building in design, construction and operation (LEED for schools, 2009).

The main steps with which USGBC evaluates and encourages the energy and atmosphere of a university building include:

• Commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

• Optimizing energy consumption on campus buildings

• Using renewable energy sources, especially on-site renewable energy sources

• Commissioning of building energy systems

• Measuring and verifying energy usage

• Raising awareness among administrators and students

Universities around the Nation

Many universities around the nation are trying to implement new ways that would help with the rising problem related to energy and atmosphere. This include following different standards encouraged by EPA’s Energy STAR program, EIA, USGBC’s LEED and other energy organizations.

Commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is one way that universities around the nation are helping to conserve energy and improve the atmosphere.

Universities are showing their commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by:

• Universities around the United States have designated a certain office for sustainability, which focuses on different issues including energy and its beneficial and harmful effects. These universities have a sustainability plan within their sustainability reports, which not only focuses on the current conditions, but also focuses on future goals.

• Two-thirds of the schools around the US have made a carbon reduction commitment (Green Report Card, 2011)

Optimizing energy consumption on campus buildings is yet another technique that universities and colleges can minimize the amount of energy they are using and the amount of pollutants arising from the energy use. This can be done in several ways:

• Space and water heating are the dominant energy sources in most campus buildings. On average they use almost 32% and 24% of the energy produced, respectively. Some universities are conserving energy by using their heating and power systems efficiently. They are using a system called Combined Heat and Power (CHP). This system uses the same source to produce both energy and heat that is supplied to the buildings through steam. This method utilizes the steam that builds up in the process of producing

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electricity and uses it as source of heat.

• Lighting uses almost 22% of the energy produced around campuses. Universities are using more efficient light sources including fluorescent lights and high efficiency LED lights. Motion and natural light sensors are also being used throughout the university campuses.

• Many universities are using more efficient products such as energy STAR computers, which will go to sleep when they are not being used. Using timers to regulate temperatures based on occupancy hours.

Using renewable energy sources throughout campus universities, especially on-site renewable energy sources will help improve energy use and the atmosphere. This has been done in the following ways:

• Many universities around the nation are using renewable energy sources to reduce harmful emissions. In 2011, thirty-eight percent of the schools purchased renewable energy and even more impressive is the fact that fifty-two percent of the schools produce renewable energy on campus. This includes using solar, wind, geothermal and bioenergy sources, which are known to produce the minimum amount of greenhouse gases and also save the institutions money.

• Universities around the Midwest are using wind turbines to produce energy.

• Solar panels provide power to more than 100 college campuses (AASHE, 2010). Solar panels are being used on the roofs of buildings and other facilities especially in the states where there is plenty of sunshine, like Florida and California.

• Since biomass is considered carbon neutral, many universities are converting fossil-fuel power plants to run via biomass. Many universities that had used fossil fuels now run on things such as woodchips and oat hulls.

• For many universities, purchasing renewable energy is a better alternative than producing their own renewable energy. Students around the United States have encouraged their universities to increase the fees in order to meet these demands.

• State governments are also doing their part by introducing laws that would encourage campuses to use renewable energy sources. In Indiana for example, new construction projects over $10 million are expected to pursue at least LEED silver certification (Green Report Card, 2011)

Measuring, verifying and commissioning energy usage is a way to ensure proper energy consumption and also a way to ensure the atmosphere is not being polluted too much. This practice can be seen at many universities:

• Having a detailed knowledge of current energy usage helps take better decisions about improving

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energy systems. Universities are using a method called ‘Sub-metering’ which measures the amount of every type of energy, not just electricity, used in different parts of a building hence providing a better way to analyze energy usage.

• Universities have developed plans and have used engineered energy simulation to measure energy system performance. Tracking the performance by comparing it to predicted performance and then evaluating it has helped universities for their future plans.

• Commissioning is required around many university buildings in order to ensure that buildings are being operated as designed.

Raising awareness among administrators and students is a critical part of ensuring that energy is being used correctly and that the amount of pollutants going into the atmosphere isn’t above the level. Universities have been doing this in many ways:

• To actually achieve sustainability, personal values and behaviors must be influenced. Universities have understood this perspective and different programs on campuses have been initiated. Universities want to produce students that are more environmentally aware and are sensible of their actions and its impacts.

• Universities are using different campaigns and are hosting annual get-togethers to promote energy

conservation and efficiency. Some are having different type of friendly competitions, which would encourage the staff and students to be more responsible about their atmosphere.

Purdue University’s Solution to Energy and Atmosphere Problems Like many other universities, Purdue University has also implemented some of the above stated solutions to improve energy efficiency. Purdue is seeking formal recognition for its efforts through LEED certification. The Roger B. Gatewood wing of the mechanical engineering building is the first LEED certified (Silver) building on campus. Currently there are two other buildings, Marriot Hall and Recreational Sports Center’s addition and renovation, are

This image shows an example of a green building that utilizes natural light through day lighting, which required less artificial lighting.

Source: Parkins, Jane. (February 27, 2012). Healthcare Sector Continues to LEED. Retrieved March 6, 2012 from:

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under construction which are registered to be LEED certified. Two other buildings are also planned to be LEED certified when the renovation work begins (Purdue Sustainability Report, 2010). Staff also found that many of the buildings on Purdue campus already use many of the green standards under LEED certification.

Purdue’s initiatives to become more energy efficient and to use cleaner energy sources in order to reduce the atmosphere impact include:

• Purdue has an office of sustainability solely responsible for its related issues. They developed a

sustainability plan, which lets them evaluate their current state and also set goals for the future.

• Using Combined Heat and Power (CHP) or cogeneration method to produce electricity and heat on campus buildings by Wade Utility Plant, which is owned by Purdue. It uses coal and natural gas to power the plant to produce steam. Cogeneration helps Purdue to produce electricity at 60 % efficiency (Purdue Sustainability Report, 2010). Although this method is very efficient and significantly reduces carbon footprint, a huge amount of coal is burned in the process. Students at Purdue have rallied in support of alternative energy sources.

• All new buildings are required to meet energy efficiency standards of American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE).

• Energy efficient lightings, economizers and temperature setbacks are used around the campus buildings to reduce energy use.

• Commissioning is a requirement of all newly developed buildings.

• Sub-metering is available in every building around campus, which will provide real time energy consumption data.

• A huge variety of awareness programs have taken place around campus. Student organizations are also doing their part by hosting programs and encouraging the

This figure shows how Purdue University produces energy and heat

and how they drive chillers. Source: Plant Operations. (n.d.). Energy,

Engineering, Sustainability. Retrieved March 6, 2012, from

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university administrators and students to take further green initiatives. Boiler Green Initiative monitored energy usage in two campus buildings that helped them study energy consumption amongst Purdue students. Purdue has also held a friendly dorm competition among four halls that tracked energy and water consumption of these halls and encourage new students to be more environmentally aware.

Purdue Short and Long Term Goals include:

• Following campus wide LEED certification for new and old buildings.

• Pursue formulation and promotion of campus wide Energy Policy.

• Develop on campus wind capacity and use it produce energy

• Partner with local utility suppliers to develop and fund renewable energy installations on campus

• Install solar thermal installation for alternative energy

• Quantify greenhouse gas emissions • Develop a financial incentive

program • Challenge other universities to

residence hall energy competitions

We can see from what Purdue is doing now and what their goals are that they have a positive approach towards sustainability and are being responsible. But still it seems that Purdue is not yet at par with other universities in the energy and atmosphere sector. The college sustainability report card graded Purdue ‘C’ in the climate change and energy section. The sooner the goals mentioned above are pursued the better it will be for Purdue in becoming a sustainable campus.

Case Study: Energy Efficiency at the University of Michigan

In 2004 the EPA named the University of Michigan as an ENERGY STAR Partner of the year for its reduction of greenhouse gases by installing more energy-efficient light bulbs, installing higher-efficiency motors, tuning up the mechanical systems, direct digital control points for automated systems, and variable air volume boxes in all of the campuses 123 buildings. By installing new equipment and tuning up old hardware the University of Michigan will save $9.7 million annually (Brown).

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Materials and Resourcesniversities also need to understand and manage the use of materials and resources that go into both the

construction and daily operation of buildings and facilities on their campuses. Buildings and daily operation of universities generates usage of large quantities of materials and resources. Green buildings have 50-90% lower waste production, which greatly reduces the impact on the environment (Keazer, 2009). Universities need to be cautious of the materials and resources they choose to consume and should strive to use sustainably grown, produced, and transported materials as well as strive to reuse, recycle and reduce waste production.

Purdue University’s Solution to Maintaining Materials and


The Buildings and Grounds Department at Purdue University has an operation called Refuse & Recycling that is responsible for many green initiatives. The refuse side of the operation takes care of the municipal

trash collection on campus. Each building has a dumpster that is serviced by a

compactor truck that then transports the trash to the local transfer station to be transported to a landfill (Building &

Grounds, 2010). The university also has a recycling facility on campus where a variety of vehicles haul materials that are processed

for reuse. Purdue is committed to a long-term goal of generating zero solid waste that

has to be taken to a landfill.

The university currently supports the recycling of “glass, plastics, metals, batteries, office paper, confidential materials, cardboard, pallets, organics, and other materials (Building & Grounds, 2010).” Dual Stream recycling was launched on Purdue’s campus a few years ago to help the university meet the long term goal of maximizing the recycling rate by the most cost effective and efficient means available. The benefit of having a dual-stream recycling program is that office paper can be resold at a substantial premium and the revenue from this help offset some of the operating costs of the recycling program (Building & Grounds, 2010). The program works by collecting office paper separately from other mixed recyclables. The mixed recyclables can then be disposed of together in a container and then sorted and processed by the vendor. The university is hoping that this program will work better than previous  efforts to recycle for a couple of reasons. More conveniently placed recycling bins help to increase the likelihood that staff and students will participate in the program.


Office  Paper  

Mixed  Recyclables   Trash  

Unbound  Non-­‐Glossy  Neutral  Color    Paper  clips  and  staples  are  OK.    

Newspapers/  Ads/  Inserts  Magazines  Books/  Notebooks  Glossy/  Bright  Colored  Paper  Cans    Plastics  

Food  Waste  Snack  Wrappers  Liquids  Facial  Tissues  Restroom  Paper  

Source:  Dual  Stream  Recycling,  Retrieved  March  3,  2012.    

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Purdue University has also taken steps to maintain and protect the campus’s physical facilities which are an important step in creating a more sustainable environment that help manage and reduce the use of materials and resources. The following are initiatives the Building and Grounds department has started to help with these initiatives taken from their Sustainability page:

• Retro commissioning of academic buildings for energy efficiency (e.g. fine tuning the mechanical systems to reflect changes in building use).

• The "Black & Gold & Green" environmentally safe cleaning program, which is based on bio-renewable chemistry instead of petrochemicals. Our pilot program is expanding beyond Discovery Park.

• Partnering with Intercollegiate Athletics and the student organization Boiler Green Initiative to remove recyclables from Ross-Ade Stadium during football season.

• Replacement of older T-12 fluorescent lights with more energy efficient T-8 lighting.

• Carbon dioxide sensors that tell systems when lecture halls are empty, and occupancy sensors that signal when restrooms are not being used, lessening the need for air

treatment in those areas. • Use of soy-based hydraulic oil in

elevators. • Partnering with the Horticulture &

Landscape Architecture academic department to establish a campus-wide arboretum.

• Composting operations for animal waste, leaves and brush that also support the cities of Lafayette and West Lafayette recycling

• Recycling programs that capture and divert paper, cardboard, metal, plastic, glass, wood, e-waste, batteries, and construction debris. There are more than 200 Recycling Centers strategically placed in buildings across campus, along with recycling containers that collect office paper in another 1500 work areas.

• Use of environmentally preferred products like low VOC-emitting paints, carpeting and resilient flooring made from "green" resources, new technology emergency lighting, can liners, hand towels and mop heads made from recycled materials.

• Partnering with the student organization Boiler Green Initiative to plant and maintain a green roof on Schleman Hall of Student Services.

Schleman Hall Green Roof

Source: Purdue University News. Retrieved March 7, 2012.


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Taking the Next Step

Through these initiatives Purdue is taking the steps to be a model for other universities and reducing the impact that buildings and grounds has on the environment. While taking efforts to become LEED certified there are number of ways the university can earn point from the materials and resources credit. This category focuses on “the environmental impact of materials brought into the facility and the minimization of landfill and incinerator disposal for materials taken out of the facility (Humblet, 2010).” The university should focus on creating a campus wide sustainable purchasing policy that covers topics such as: ongoing consumables, durable goods, and facility alterations and additions. University facilities can also receive credit for having storage and collection of recyclables and building reuse (maintain existing walls and floors).

Points can also be awarded when a construction waste management plan is used. Implementing a construction waste management plan to recycle and/or salvage construction and demolition waste will

divert waste from landfills by “finding multiple alternatives for end uses of the waste, reuse on site, donation for reuse, or resale (LEED for School, n.d.). While constructing new building or retrofitting existing buildings on campuses, Purdue should focus on generating as little waste as possible because the less waste generated, the less waste there is that needs recycling or reuse to earn the credit. Another way for the university to earn credit is by using regional materials. To earn these credits the “10%-20% material by cost must be extracted, harvested, and manufacture within 500 miles (LEED for School, n.d.)” of the project site. Purdue University has taken many of these steps when renovating buildings on campus and should continue to strive to meet these LEED guidelines when constructing new buildings on campus.

Case Study: Material and Resources at Kalamazoo College

In 2009 the Hicks Student Center at Kalamazoo College in Southwest Michigan was awarded LEED Silver. One of the reasons the project received the rating it did is due to the materials and resources used on the project. On this project 90% of construction waste was diverted from landfills, 89% of the existing building structure was preserved, 41% of the buildings materials were from within 500 miles of the site, and 36% of the building materials used were made of recycled material or rapidly-renewable products (Betts).

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Indoor Environmental Air Quality  

ndoor Environmental Air Quality is one of the main major environmental problems that face our country today.

Because people spend almost 90 percent of their time indoors, improving the indoor air quality should be a major concern. As a matter of fact, indoor air is 2-5 times more polluted than outdoor air (Black, 2012). According to the Environmental Protection Agency, “Twenty percent of the U.S. populations, nearly 55 million people, spend their days in our educational systems.” The EPA suggests to improving indoor air quality three things should be done:

• Source control • Improved ventilation • Purifying the Air

 Universities Around the Nation  Many universities around the nation are implementing new green ways to help improve the rising problem of indoor air quality. Higher academic institutions have implemented EPA’s suggestions, source control, improved ventilation, and purifying the air, for improving indoor air quality. Source Control can be seen as a very effective way of improving indoor air quality. It involves eliminating the sources or reducing the amount of pollutants from those sources (EPA, 2012). Source control methods involve:

• Restricting smoking to areas that are at least 30 feet from buildings

• Having their indoor air tested for radon

• Sealing off sources that contain asbestos, such as electrical insulation

• Using “safe” sealants and adhesives throughout buildings

Improving Ventilation is also very effective, but it can be costly. Improving the ventilation systems increases the amount of outdoor air coming into the building. Improving ventilation involves:

• Installation of energy-efficient heat recovery ventilation

• Strategically placing air vents so that it maximizes the amount of outdoor air coming in

• Use of solar chimneys • Installation of a blower system that

removes heat, steam, and odors


This is an example of a solar chimney to improve ventilation.

Source: Solar Chimney (2012) Solar Innovations. Retrieved March 7, 2012 from

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Purifying the air is another effective way to remove indoor pollutants. Purifying the air involves air cleaners that remove the pollutant particles in the air. Purifying the air can be done using various instruments:

• Use of large scale air purifiers • Use of radon fans • Use of heat recovery ventilators • Use of energy recovery ventilators

All of these methods used to improve the indoor air quality can be seen in many universities around the nation. These universities are taking the green initiative by storm and are taking the necessary “green” steps to improve their indoor air quality.  Purdue University’s Solution to

Indoor Air Quality  As a university, Purdue is taking many steps to help improve the growing problem of indoor air quality. They have not only taken the necessary actions to mend this problem, but they are focusing their movements on benefiting the environment. Purdue’s actions reflect the EPA’s recommendations for improving air quality.

Purdue uses the recommendation of source control in many ways, which include:

• Restriction of smoking in areas that are at least 30 feet away from other buildings

This is done to prevent Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) from entering the buildings. ETS is a mixture of the smoke released from a cigarette and it contains at least 40 known carcinogens. ETS has been linked to diseases such as, lung cancer, ear infections and pneumonia in children, and can cause an increase in asthma attacks (EPA, 2012).

• In biological and chemical labs, Purdue is enforcing the use of fume hoods.

The use of fume hoods rids toxic and hazardous gases. Without these hoods many hazardous gases would pollute the indoor air causing many unwanted side effects (Purdue University, 2011). Purdue University also purifies the air to help increase the quality of indoor air. This is seen in the development of:

• Dual-airflow window This allows the flow of outdoor air into the buildings. It works as a heat exchanger, which removes the heat and moisture from the indoor air and exchanges it with fresh outdoor air (Wei, Zhao, and Chen, 2010).  

This is an example of a radon fan that can be placed outside a building to help purify the indoor air. Source: Vitro America. (2009). Indoor Environmental Quality. Retrieved from  

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Taking the Next Step  Even though Purdue University is taking many “green” actions to improve indoor air quality, they could take it one step further and become LEED certified. If Purdue became LEED certified then they would be drastically decreasing the amount of pollutants and toxins in the indoor air. With doing this, they would be creating a healthier learning environment for students and faculty. For Purdue to achieve this status, they would need to gain points from various LEED standards. A few are listed below. One way to gain points is for Purdue to ensure that all adhesives and sealants used on the interior of the building comply with the LEED criteria (Vitro America, 2009). According to the U.S. Green Building Council, LEED criteria for sealants and adhesives include:

• Drywall and Panel Adhesives with a Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) limit of 50 g/L

• PVC Welding Adhesives with a VOC limit of 510 g/L

• Architectural Sealant with a VOC limit of 250 g/L

Also, they would need to provide building occupants with a connection between indoor and outdoor environments through the use of daylight and the view of highly occupied areas. The LEED certification criteria, according to the U.S. Green Building Council, is comprised of:

• Having a minimum glazing factor of 2% in a minimum of 75% of all regulatory occupied areas

• The ceiling must not obstruct a line in section that joins the window

• Achieve direct line of sight to the outdoor environment via vision

glazing between 2’6” and 7’^’ above floor for building occupant in 90% of all regularly occupied areas

This is a diagram explaining the way the ceiling should be constructed to prevent it from obstructing a line to the window.

Source: Vitro America. (2009). Indoor Environmental Quality. Retrieved from


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Another way Purdue could earn points toward certification would be to have Outdoor Air Delivery Monitoring. This involves having a monitoring system that would ensure occupants comfort and health. This system would also make sure the ventilation system maintains the minimum ventilation standards. This monitoring system would monitor carbon dioxide concentrations in two main areas:

• Within all densely occupied spaces, the monitoring system would need to

be between three and six feet above the floor

• Monitor carbon dioxide concentrations within naturally ventilated spaces using a sensor

With the compliance of these LEED standards and many others, Purdue can become LEED certified, making a cleaner, healthier, greener campus for all.

Case Study: Indoor Environment at the University of Iowa

The College of Public Health Academic Building at the University of Iowa is anticipating receiving LEED Gold upon completion in 2012. Indoor environment was a focus of the building since the students and faculty use it every day. In order to improve the indoor environment for the buildings occupants, low-emitting sealants, paints, carpet, and other materials were used. They also used as much natural light as possible to light the building and provide heat. The extra windows used to increase the natural light also helps with indoor environmental quality by providing views of outside (Sustainable).

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Taking the Next Step  

mplementing new buildings and retrofitting buildings to become LEED certified can be difficult and costly.

There are many phases to completing LEED certification throughout new and existing buildings. These include:

• Proposing • Funding • Implementing and Achieving

For universities administrators to propose LEED certification projects they would first need to meet with contractors to have a cost and time assessment done. This needs to be completed first to ensure the proper funds and time is available. After assessments are done, the school will host many meetings with the Board of Trustees and the public to discuss the proposal. The Board of Trustees will then decide to continue the project or not. Often there are formal announcements of the proposal.

After the proposal has been approved, funding becomes the next big obstacle. Fortunately, there are some funding sources available to universities. The EPA, states that there are numerous funding sources, such as grants, tax-credits, or loans on the state and federal level. As of now, only two states have state grants available for LEED certification. These two states are Illinois and Pennsylvania (Federal LEED Grants). Even though these are the only two states

that provide this funding, the U.S. Green Building Council believes that more states will implement these grants as funding becomes available. Also, studies have shown that LEED certification of building accounts for only 2% of the total cost (BLOOM). Along with trying to accommodate funds for the projects, other problems can arise, such as ensuring health care and energy. Provost Sands says, “At a practical level, when we make long-range fiscal plans for the University, the two elements that create the greatest anxiety are health care and energy. Both increase much faster than the consumer price index. By designing current and future buildings to meet LEED standards, we are helping to ensure that energy costs will be manageable.”

Even though campus-building projects at universities’ are receiving less funding, there are still ways to achieve LEED certification with a lower budget and less funding. These include:

• Deciding which level of LEED certification is desired

• Making a checklist of the LEED points that are realistic

• Keeping to the budget • Engineering for Life Cycle Value


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Deciding which level of LEED certification is desired is a major way to achieve certification with lower funding. Achieving silver certification rather than gold certification can save universities money. Even though universities would rather achieve gold certification, on a limited budget it may not be feasible. Achieving silver certification still sends a message to the public and other universities that the university is taking the steps to become a greener university.

Composing a checklist of the LEED points that the university would be able to achieve is a way to save time and money. Some universities have made the mistake of creating a plan that has unrealistic goals. In doing this, it causes a delay in the completion of the project, leading to an increase in costs. Also, when assembling this checklist, the university will need to make sure they are meeting the state and local regulations for buildings.

Another way to still achieve LEED certification on low funding is to stick to the budget. The National Resource Defense Council says to ensure that the entire team keeps their focus on the budget. Ensuring that the project cost doesn’t exceed the budget is key to not only completing the project on time, but keeping funds for future projects as well.

An additional approach to complete certification is to look at the green additions to the building and see how they will affect the costs in the future. If an addition will end up costing the university more, then it is probably not beneficial to keep it in the plan. The National Resource Defense Council suggests picking green additions that will help you achieve certification and benefit the university financially in the future. Many energy-saving additions will allow the university to downsize or replace other equipment.

Implementing LEED standards and achieving certification is a timely process. There are many steps that need to be taken to achieve certification. Once the proposal and funding has been accounted for, construction can start. Once construction begins, the construction company will need to be in compliance with the LEED standards in order to accomplish certification. There are many construction firms that pride themselves in being LEED certified companies. With hiring a LEED construction company, the university will ensure that they achieve the highest level of LEED certification feasible to them.

This graph shows the estimated additional costs for achieving LEED certification.

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Analysisniversities across the nation can benefit from approaching green building construction, not only from a single building perspective, but also at the campus-scale level. Purdue, along with other campuses across the nation have a responsibility to establish a high

green standard in regard to campus sustainability and need to set an example for the rest of the country to follow. Students, faculty, and administrators have a responsibility to improve energy efficiency, conserve resources, and enhance environmental quality creating healthy living and learning environments across the nation.

As discussed above, there are many opportunities and areas that universities can focus on to improve the sustainability efforts on campuses including water efficiency, energy and atmosphere, materials and resources, and indoor environmental quality. Building green reduces resource consumption and creates less waste on campuses. Green buildings also help decrease cost when it comes to energy, water usage, and waste disposal. By building green, the university will receive direct economic and environmental payback for the efforts it puts forward. While striving for LEED certification, universities need to implement campus-wide policies and procedures to help achieve the certification and help overall with the greening effort. Purdue has already taken a step in the right direction with the addition of the Roger Gatewood Mechanical Engineering Addition, which earned a Gold LEED certification. This achievement is a symbol of the universities commitment to a greener, more sustainable future.



Gatewood Wing at Purdue University

Source: Austin, Judith. “Gatewood Wing Earns LEED Gold Certification” 23 September, 2011. Retrieved from

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ecoming environmentally aware and taking active green leadership roles goals that all universities should strive to achieve. This report illustrates the need for higher-education institutions to take initiative and set higher standards for their campuses, faculty, and

students alike. Whether the focus is on water efficiency, energy and atmosphere usage, materials and resource allocation, or indoor environmental quality, all universities need to delve deeper into green issues and make every effort to foster a healthier future for all.

Although many universities have set the standard for green campus life, Purdue University in particular can have a pivotal role in becoming a green leader. As a top university in the fields of engineering and technology, Purdue University should raise its standards to exceed the expectation of simply “going green” and become fully LEED certified. Although some may argue that the costs of renovation and retrofitting may seem like a financial setback, becoming LEED certified would set an educational example for students, sustain valuable university resources, and even cut back on future expenses.

Purdue University’s Roger B. Gatewood Wing of the Mechanical Engineering Building is a prime, leading example of green accomplishment. By being the first Purdue building constructed to achieve LEED certification, the university has already raised its environmental standards and the quality of green campus living. Provost Sands says, “ The Gatewood Wing of Mechanical Engineering is our first LEED building. There will be many more.” Purdue University should thus continue on this path of green success and consider the importance of retrofitting old structures and implementing new systems to accommodate a completely LEED certified campus. Ultimately, instilling green values in academia and implementing environmentally-friendly practices on college campuses will be highly important to the success of a university and globally essential to the fate of our future.




“The Gatewood Wing of Mechanical Engineering is our first LEED

building. There will be many more.”

– Provost Sands, Purdue University

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