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Omega Studio By:

Luis LafontaineLisa Lee

Raleigh Love

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Building a game company requires many steps. You need to set up goals to know where you stand, what your company is going to value, and where you want it to go in the future. You have to know what your departments are going to be and how many positions you need for each department. Lastly, you need to keep track of any issues you may have had with your teams to be better prepared further down the road.


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Our combined goals for Omega Studio are to remain flexible enough to help the company expand in new and unique ways. We want to always listen to the customer so that we can create new games and mechanics that will open up new possibilities for our future.

Professional Goal

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● Our mission is to become a company that is known for leading our team to believe in quality over quantity in producing solid products for the gaming community.

● As a company we value teamwork and communication. We pull people together who wish to work together to produce new and interesting ideas as a team.

Our Missions and Values

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● We envision this small company as remaining a small company. We want to keep making our own games without the pressure of being a large company.

● We are here to guide our teams and create an environment where success is possible through teamwork and communication.

Our Purpose and Vision

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What challenges did we face this week?

1. This week, not everyone got in contact on time. Communication was an issue. 2. One teammate never made contact with the rest of us.

How did we resolve them?

3. The two initial teammates, Lisa Lee and Luis Lafontaine, organized a meeting and started to work on the team project. Eventually, another teammate got in contact and we adjusted our schedules and work distribution.

4. When the other teammate never responded we just proceeded with who we had. We made up for the rotating leaders by having one of us agree to being the leader twice; once on the first week and again on the last week.

Challenges Faced on Week 1

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What leadership types and traits have you seen exhibited by each team member since you started working as a team?Lisa: Luis has shown great leadership and has succeeded with completing all of his tasks. He helps his team come up with great ideas.Even though Raleigh hasn't led the team yet, I think that Raleigh shows great commitment to the team and helps develop great ideas.

Raleigh: Luis I think you've shown a lot of the coaching style in that I feel like I could come to you next week for help working with goggle docs.Lisa I think you're a good leader that does a very good job keeping us on task.

Luis: i think Raleigh has shown sense of humor cuz he's making jokes or trying to lighten the mood.i think lisa has shown to be persistent and outgoing because she was actually the first one to contact another teammate, me. after that is when i sent emails to everyone. so yeah, she's the one who got this started

What ethical behavior have you seen displayed by your teammates?Every team member needs to refer to each team member.

Raleigh and Lisa have been honest and trustworthy up to this point. Raleigh and Lisa are easy to get a hold of, responsible, honest, nice, and funny.

I do feel like when it comes to school and/or project stuff I can trust Luis and Lisa to listen and give me advice.

I feel like I can trust Luis and Raleigh when it comes to team work and completing projects.I feel like I can get in touch with them easily when it comes to tasks involving the team.

Challenges Faced on Week 2

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1. Are all team members fulfilling their delegated and/or agreed upon responsibilities?

Every team member has fulfilled all their duties on time and responsibly up to this point.

2. What Specific responsibilities were complete?

Specific Tasks that have been completed include; contacting and collecting team information, updating all Google.Docs documents, setting times for meetings, and gathering answers from other team members.

3. In light of your Team Leadership Agreement and combined Professional Statements, was/is there an alignment between what your teams members said they believed; what they said they would do; and what they actually did? Elaborate.

There exists an alignment between what was said and what was done. Every team member believed in responsibility and completing tasks on time. So far, everyone has fulfilled that belief. All tasks were delegated responsibly and carried out the same way. Every leader has performed their tasks to the letter and has made sure that the rest of the team did their jobs. When we all agreed who would be leader for each week, we all said we would be responsible with our leadership. So far, the leaders have been responsible and submitted everything on time.

Challenges Faced on Week 3

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1. What changes occurred from your original Team Leadership Project plan? (e.g. a change in the original ideas and direction of your organizational charts)

Our original plan consisted of only Luis and Lisa. Since they were the only two people available, their original Team Leadership plan was made with just two people in mind. Later, Raleigh was introduced into the team and we made changes to the original plan. Raleigh would be week 3 leader while Lisa would no longer be week 4 leader. Instead, we decided that everyone will share role as leader on the fourth week.

a. Were any of Kotter’s steps used or could have been used to lead that change?

1. Form a Powerful Guiding Coalition2. Consolidate Improvements and Sustain the Momentum of Change3. Plan for and Create Short-term Wins

a. How was the change led?We implemented this change by creating a guiding coalition. When Raleigh joined the team, Luis and

Lisa both brought him up to speed on what had been going on. We made sure he understood what needed to be done, and then changed our plans to include him.

Challenges Faced on Week 3 (continued)

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1. What positive and negative effects did leadership have on your team?

Our leadership did not seem to have any negative effects because each leader was effective. They made sure that each group member attended the meetings and and carried out their tasks responsibly.

2. How can communication be improved?

Most of our communication involved E-mail and Skype. We mostly used Skype text chat to carry out our meetings. If we were to improve communication, we could use video chat in Skype. It would be more personal that way and make it more like as if we were all working together.

3. Were teammates accountable to each other, especially to the rotating leader?

All teammates were responsible. If one was going to miss a meeting or be late to it, there was always a notification to the other teammates. We all decided to do all the work together so the final project would be something we all agreed on.

Challenges Faced on Week 4

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Lisa- When I started this class, I already considered myself a leader. I was a leader

that wanted to lead my team to being successful in completing the task that needed to be done. I have seen a positive change in my leadership skills over this class. I think I’ve improved on how I can deal with changes that can occur on your team. When this class started out, I was nervous when only one team member responded and it was just the two of us and I seen all the tasks that needed to be completed. I learned that collaboration and communication is the key to success for the team. We communicated and put our ideas together to get our tasks done on time. Later, when another team member came into the team, I was able to use my skills of adjusting to the change and still able to work together as a team. I wanted to come into this team with confidence in my team members and myself, so that’s what I did. I do think I’ve improved as a leader by adjusting to change and motivating everyone. I think I was a part of a great team and I used what I’ve learned in the book and discussions to improve my leadership skills.

Based on your personal Leadership Development Goals from Assignment 1 and the Team Leadership Evaluation form, has there been any growth or positive changes between the leader that you were before to the leader that you are now? Elaborate.

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Raleigh- When it comes to leadership I feel that a little bit has changed but, that change has had a great effect upon me. When this class started I was very worried about opening myself up to others within the class and I was worried about taking on the responsibilities that come with taking on a leadership role when other people’s grades would be at stake. One of my primary goals was to become more confident in my skills and personality as a leader. I definitely feel as though that goal has been met thanks to the work my team has done with me. My team was small compared to what it was supposed to be and I think that created a strong bond as a group. The three of us connected very quickly and, dare I say, had fun just talking and getting to know each other. This group has allowed me to feel as though I can be open with others and create lines of trust. That trust helped me to do my best as a leader and not feel uncomfortable asking the people on my team for help if I don’t understand something or feel somewhat lost. All in all I feel there has been growth and positive changes both in who I am as a person and as a leader.

Based on your personal Leadership Development Goals from Assignment 1 and the Team Leadership Evaluation form, has there been any growth or positive changes between the leader that you were before to the leader that you are now? Elaborate.

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Luis-I’d say that yes, there has been some growth between the beginning of this month and now. One of my goals was to improve my qualities. I am usually very quiet and reserved but I realized that that would not help my team. So I wanted to improve myself by being more outgoing and be willing to take command. I found myself organizing the first week and being able to work with my teammates effectively. I also realized that it doesn’t all have to be about work all the time. I actually found ourselves joking around and making each other laugh. I think that it helped us to be more enthusiastic and cooperative towards the project and each other. I used to prefer to work alone, and sometimes even resent working in groups, but now I see that it’s not that bad. Working in groups can be a lot of fun, and not just work.

Based on your personal Leadership Development Goals from Assignment 1 and the Team Leadership Evaluation form, has there been any growth or positive changes between the leader that you were before to the leader that you are now? Elaborate.

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Production Department

Lead Producer(Luis Lafontaine)

Assistant Producer

Associate Producer

The assistant producer oversees the designers and programmers

The associate producer oversees the marketing department and the artists

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Design Department Lead Designer (Raleigh Love)

Content Designer(creates all the textual content)

Level Designer (creates all levels and features)

Sound Designer(creates the sound effects)

Musical composer (creates the musical scores)

Architectural Designer (create the framework of the buildings)

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Programming Department

Lead Programmer(Raleigh Love)

Game Engine


Sound Programmer

Artificial Intelligence Programmer

Gameplay Programmer

Programs NPC movement, attacking, and response to the player’s actions

Programs the general graphics and physics of the game.

Focuses on strategy, implementation of the game’s mechanics and logic, and how the game feels.

Programs ingame sound activations and triggers

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Art Department

Lead Artist(Lisa Lee)

Layout Artist(Works with designer to shape levels)

Level Artist(Makes entire levels)

Character Artist(Models and textures the characters)

Animator(Animates the character models)

Rigger(Makes the

character skeletons)

Polish/Terrain Artist(Makes sure all the art looks how it should)

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Lead Producer(Luis Lafontaine)

Assistant Producer

Associate Producer

The assistant producer oversees the designers and programmers

The associate producer oversees the marketing department and the artists

Lead Designer(Raleigh Love)

Content Designer

Level Designer

Creates all textual content

creates all levels and features

Lead Programmer(Raleigh Love)

Game Engine Programmer

Gameplay Programmer

A.I. Programmer

Sound Programmer

Sound Designer

Musical Composer

Architectural Designer

Programs the general graphics and physics of the game.

Programs NPC movement, attacking, and response to the player’s actions

Focuses on strategy, implementation of the game’s mechanics and logic, and how the game feels.

Programs ingame sound activations and triggers

creates the framework of the buildings

creates the musical scores

creates the sound effects

Lead Artist (Lisa Lee)

Character Artist

Layout Artist

Programs ingame sound activations and triggers

Programs ingame sound activations and triggers



Level Artist

Polish/Terrain Artist

Makes sure all the art looks how it should

Animates the character models

Makes entire levels

Makes the character skeletons

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Spaulding, S. (2009). The Project Team Leader: Roles and Responsibilities. In Team Leadership in the Game Industry.

Blitz Games Studios (Blitz Games Studios News)

