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Page 1: Lecture 1,2

Sucheta TripathyGenomics

Page 2: Lecture 1,2

• Introduction.• History of Genome Sequencing.• How genomes are sequenced.

• Packaging• Transfection• Recovery of clones• Strategies of genome sequencing

• Application of genome sequencing.

Topics to be covered

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Period of time between first man-powered flight and landing on the moon (1902-1969):67 years

Period of time between discovery of structure of DNA and determination of the sequence of the entire human genome (1953-2010?)

57 years (?)

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• Gene + Chromosome -> Genome

What is a Genome?



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• Determining the order of billions of chemical units that builds the genetic material.– Secrets of life is locked up in the order

of the 4 letters!!!!

Why determine the order of nucleotides?

5-100 million living species???

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Genome Sequencing HistoryOrganism Year Institute Genome Size

Bacteriophage MS2

1976 Walter Fiers at the University of Ghent

3569 bp

Phage Φ-X174 1977 Fred Sanger Cambridge

5386 bp

Haemophilus influenzae

1995 TIGR 1,830,138 bp

Saccharomyces cerevisiae

1996 European Effort

12,495,682(16 chromosomes)

Human Genome Project

2000 Multiple Organizations

3.3 x 109

(3 billion letters)

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Genomic Libraries


DNA Extraction and Purification

Restriction Digestion

Size Selection

3 KB

End sealingBlunt End

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Types of LibrariesGenomic Libraries

Plasmids (2-10 KB)Bacteriophage (9-23 kb)

Cosmid libraries (30 – 40 kb)BAC libraries (125 – 200 kb)YAC libraries

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Restriction Enzymes4 cutters6 cutters8 cutters

¼ * ¼ * ¼ * ¼ = 1/256; 1/4096; 1/65536

Small Problem: Human genome size: 3 billion base pairsHow many fragments can be generated using a 4 cutter, 6 cutter and 8 cutter?

16 million for 4 cutters1*10^6 = 1 million for 6 cutters1/16 million for 8 cutters

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Genomic LibrariesB-Glucuronidase



Antibiotics Resistant Genes

DNA to be cloned

One in thousand plasmid will get foreign DNA



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The exact probability of having any given DNA sequence in the library can be calculated from the equation

N = ln(1 -P)/ln(1 - f)

P is the desired probabilityf is the fractional proportion of the genome in a single recombinant[Ex. For 4 cutter for human genome would be 256 * 3 X 10^9]N is the necessary number of recombinants

For example, how large a library (i.e. how many clones) would you need in order to have a 99% probability of finding a desired sequence represented in a library created by digestion with a 6-cutter?

N = ln(1 - 0.99)/ln(1 - (4096/3x109))N = 3.37 x 106 clones

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Bacteriophage librariesInsert size is larger -> Number of clones needed is

smallerLytic and LysogenicHead, tailRecombinant DNAAssembly ProteinCos site (200 bp long, nicked 12 bp overhang :

terminase)Organism Genome size is 50 KBCritical KB is required for PackagingVectors are of size 25KBUpto 25 KB external DNA can be added

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Infect Bacteria with Mutant phage•Lacking critical size•Lacking Assembly protein

Large Number of Empty heads and tails

Step - 1

Extract Empty Head and Tails

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Step - 2

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Step -3

Mix Empty heads + tails + Recombinant DNA

Add Packaging enzyme Packaged viral


Made to Infect Bacterial cells


Grow infected and non-infected cells

Transparent plaques:Each one contains a fragment multiplied

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Cosmid LibrariesTakes larger insert sizesCan grow in bacteria or any other hostNeeds an origin of replication

SV40 ori can grow in mammalsColE1 in E.coli

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BAC LibrariesCan take even larger insert sizesHas origin of replicationMust have less copy numbers per cell.

• Partially digest chromosome• Fraction select• Clone it to a specialized plasmid

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Various uses of BAC librariesPhysical mapping of genesCloning of valuable genesChromosome walkingBAC end sequencing

For gap filling in genome sequencing projects.Powerful tools when used with genome

sequencing data.

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BAC End Sequencing

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• Sanger Dideoxy Sequencing methods(1977)• Maxam Gilberts Chemical degradation methods(1977)• Two Labs that owned automated sequencers:

1. Leroy Hood at Caltech, 1986(commercialized by AB)2. Wilhelm Ansorge at EMBL, 1986(commercialized by Pharmacia-Amersham and GE healthcare)3.Hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (HGPRT)Alu sequences4. Hitachi Laboratory developed High throughput capillary array sequencer, 1996.1991, A patent filed by EMBL on media less, solid support based sequencing.

How Genomes are sequenced?

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• Sanger Dideoxy Sequencing methods(1977)• Maxam Gilberts Chemical degradation methods(1977)• Two Labs that owned automated sequencers:

1. Leroy Hood at Caltech, 1986(commercialized by AB)2. Wilhelm Ansorge at EMBL, 1986(commercialized by Pharmacia-Amersham and GE healthcare)3.Hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (HGPRT)Alu sequences4. Hitachi Laboratory developed High throughput capillary array sequencer, 1996.1991, A patent filed by EMBL on media less, solid support based sequencing.

How Genomes are sequenced?

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Sanger Di-deoxy method

Figures taken from

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Maxam-Gilbert’s chemical cleavage method

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Application of Genome SequencingPrediction of novel genes/transcriptsStudy of genome organizationStudy of genome evolutionRelationship between organismsGenetic basis of complex diseaseLinkage analysisEvolution of genes
