Page 1: Learning tough English words for GRE & CAT: 10 Revolutionary Ways for full proof learning By S. Joshi Jan 2011

Learning tough English words for GRE & CAT: 10 Revolutionary Ways for full proof learning

ByS. Joshi

[email protected] 2011

Page 2: Learning tough English words for GRE & CAT: 10 Revolutionary Ways for full proof learning By S. Joshi Jan 2011

Contents of Plan

• Existing Problems • Scientific base and backing of the concept• Introduction to the 10 pointer for learning

words• Applicability for various individuals• Application with examples• Conclusion• Future scopes and developments

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Introduction to the Problem

• Human minds inherent capability to memorize is limited due to many factors

• Mind tends to forget things when stress• Multiple revision of the words is needed• Words accurate meaning tough to learn, only

a shade is remembered• Limitation of human mind as it creates

negative emotions hindering development

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• Depends on individual• Some news freak will learn words applicable in

news well• Some other would prefer using• Some prefer using them in facebook tag lines• Documentaries “The Brain Our Universe Within

Episode”• Barrons 4000 words, Nova 4000 words, Arun

Sharma CAT 4000 words, GMAT 1500 words

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Science of Memorization

• Brain uses threads to capture information• The more threat we give the brain the higher

chances it that the information is retained• Revision makes the ties stronger• Therefore it is advisable to give brain many

threads to retain the word

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10 Pointer technique

1. Thesaurus / category using Encarta dictionary (install)2. Roots, which are mostly from roman, Greek, Latin, italic etc3. Mnemonics mnemonicdictionary.com4. Image for reach word Recent news of each word to increase your general knowledge

as well, using news Hindi word for the same / Hebrew word using shabdkosh.com7. XXX linkages8. Linking of word to your friend or known person9. Tag line of the word which you can use to your face book, twitter or orkut10. and more interesting ways

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Thesaurus / category using Encarta dictionary

• Grouping words in vast category• Examples of big category • Ranking of categorize• Various ways to categorize like music, kitchen, party,

subjects etc

covert = secret, clandestine, underground, concealed, hidden, furtive, undercover, surreptitious, veiled, hush-hush (informal)

vindictive= spiteful, malicious, mean, cruel, hurtful, nasty, unkind, malevolent Unforgiving: unforgiving, revengeful, rancorous, vengeful, implacable (formal), resentful, ruthless, merciless, pitiless, bitter

rapture: ecstasy, euphoria, bliss, delight, joy, heaven, elation

Purge: elimination, removal, eradication, expulsion

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Roots, which are mostly from Roman, Greek, Latin, italic etc

• Most of words are derived from Greek and Roman mythologies which lays the foundation of modern world

• Example of Prefix: be = over, thoroughly bedaub = smear, befuddle is to confuse somebody; olig = few oligarchy = government by few

• Idyll= experience of serene happiness [Late 16th century. Via Latin idyllium "pastoral poem" < Greek eidullion "small picture" < eidos "form"]

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Where did these roots come from

• All these roots comes from Europe• Greek is a over two thousand• Romans are around 500 years old• Greek Gods• Milton's text like Paradise lost• Trojan War

vigilant = [15th century. < Latin vigilant-, present participle of vigilare "keep awake" < vigil "awake, alert"]

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• This works sometimes1. Example: Panegyric = (Tag: ) pane(pain) + gyric (lyrics) = If

someone takes pain and writes lyrics then he will get PRAISED!!!2. (Tag: ) palpable..divide it like..PALP(SOUNDS LIKE PULP)

+ABLE.....after touching the PULP of fruit ITS OBVIOUS THAT every one would be ABLE TO PERCEIVE whether THE FRUIT is fresh or not.

3. Disquisition= its like dis +quisition(means question)......when someone questions u.......u need to give explanations...EX:-enquiry...

4. Hireling = (Tag: hire - ing) When you hire a person, he works only for money.

5. Imbecile = (Tag: ) sounds like IMBALANCE....a person having imbalance in his mind is a stupid person....

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Image for reach word


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Image for reach word



splice dove (symbol of peace)

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Recent news using news

• Recent news of each word to increase your general knowledge as well, using news

• This will increase your knowledge about economics and other areas

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Hindi word for the same / Hebrew word using

• Panegyric = v गु�णगु�था�, गु�णगु�न (m)• Throttle= टेंटें�आ दबा�न�, गुला� घों�टेंन�• Tonsure = मु�ण्डन, मु��डिडत भा�गु• Ordain = डि�धि��त� पा�दरी� बान�न�• Ordnance= त�पाखा�न� (m)• Motif = नमु न� (m)

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• Not recommended

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Facebook or Orkut or Twitter

• Tag line of the word which you can use to your face book

• Use facebook notes to add the tag lines for future revision

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Linking of word to your friend or known person

• Link to someone whom you know

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Examples of Otiose

• Otiose: Latin otiosus "at leisure, idle"• Category: futile, ineffectual, useless,

impractical, ineffective, hopelessNews item:Duffy, as it may be otiose to relate, is a singer from Wales. Her first album sold a considerable number of copies. Her second finds her in tandem with ...

Mnemonics for otiose(Tag: ) O T use...of trivial use i.e useless....

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• Category: crowd, throng, mass, gang, group, pack (dogs), flock, multitude, host

• Mid-16th century. Directly or via French and German < Polish horda < Turkish ordu "camp, army“]

(Tag: ) well it sounds like herd......which we know is a term used for a group , so for a crowd of people , its horde

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• 1. islands: a group or chain of islands (often used in place names)

• 2. sea with islands: an area of sea with many islands

• द्वी"पा-समु ह (Hindi)

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• instruction, guidance, teaching, coaching, expert hand, wing

• [Early 17th century. < Latin tutela "guardianship" < tut-, past participle of tueri "watch over"]

• स�रीक्षण (m) स�रीक्षत�

(Mnemonics ) TUTELAGE, concentrate on the first part of the word TUTE meaning a kind of TUTOR, who KEEPS A WATCH ON YOU, a GUARDIAN.

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• Parable vs Fable vs Allegory • Shades of difference

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601 words you needs to know

• About the book• Categories using genre• Same language words• Like all words on Greek Gods• All words from war based people• Style of learning

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Use Wiki

• Example of wiki•

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The song with most GRE Word


• James Blunt: Out of my Mind

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• 600 words you need to know• GRE Barron’s & Nova (roots & prefix)• Arun Sharma CAT verbal (different language)

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• Methodologies to learn words has been explored in much details

• Example and application are shown• Books in this regard are covered