Page 1: learning to use different word endings such as ‘ ed’ and

Sparks class take part in daily Read, Write, Inc phonics sessions where they learn to

recognise sounds and blend them together when reading and writing. We are working on

our sentence structure and learning to use capital letters and full stops. Year One will

be learning to use question marks and exclamation marks in their writing. We will be

looking at non-fiction texts relating to our topic on minibeasts. Year One will be

learning to use different word endings such as ‘-ed’ and ‘ing’. The children are

encouraged and given the opportunity to develop their language and communication

skills in all areas. We will be learning a variety of minibeast songs and learning to ask

who, what, where and when questions?

In Numeracy the Reception children will be learning how to represent numbers to 20.

They will order numbers to 20, count forwards and back to and from 20 and find one

more and one less. We will also be learning to measure the length of minibeasts. Our

Year One children will be learning their numbers to 100 and will learn how to add,

takeaway, multiply and divide.

Our big question this term is ‘Are all minibeasts scary?’ We will be learning how and why

spiders spin a web, where butterflies come from and why a snail carries his house on his

back? The children will build their own minibeast homes, create a giant spider web,

make their own minibeast headband and create their own minibeast dances and music.

Page 2: learning to use different word endings such as ‘ ed’ and

In Sparks we will be learning how to keep safe when using devices and the internet. We

will also be using ‘Purple Mash’ to develop our coding skills.

The children will take part in weekly PE sessions by ‘Achieve for All’ which will focus on

a variety of different skills, such as ball skills, working as a team and using our bodies

in different way. In class, we will be moving like a minibeast over an obstacle course,

developing our fine motor skills by ‘rescuing flies from the web’ using tweezers and

creating their own dances in response to ‘the flight of the bumble bee’. We will also be

learning about healthy food by discussing whether or not the Very Hungry Caterpillar

had a healthy diet.

In RE we will be learning to tell stories from the bible. We will recognise that

Jesus gave people advice on how to live their lives. We will think about and ask

whether Jesus’ ‘good news’ is good news for everyone or just Christians?

In Sparks class we believe that the children’s personal, social and emotional

development is vitally important, and we embed it in all that we do. We will be

talking about our feelings and learning to share and overcome differences

through play. We will be finding out about special people in our lives, thinking

about people who help us and looking at different types of families.
