Page 1: Learning Differences does not mean that you cannot learn; it simply means that you learn differently. Albert Einstein- Mild Dyslexia, Asperser’s Thomas

Best Practice


The Winston School

Page 2: Learning Differences does not mean that you cannot learn; it simply means that you learn differently. Albert Einstein- Mild Dyslexia, Asperser’s Thomas

Learning Differences does not mean that you cannot learn; it simply means that you learn differently.

Albert Einstein-Mild Dyslexia, Asperser’s

Thomas Edison-Hearing Loss, Dyslexia, ADHD

F. Scott Fitzgerald-ADHD

John F. Kennedy-Form of Dyslexia

Bill Gates-Autism

Steve McQueen-Language based learning Disorder

Nelson Rockefeller- Severe Dyslexia

Agatha Christie- Dysgraphia

Page 3: Learning Differences does not mean that you cannot learn; it simply means that you learn differently. Albert Einstein- Mild Dyslexia, Asperser’s Thomas

Best Practice Strategies?

Instructional methods that are proven to be effective

Different strategies to meet various learning styles and needs.

Approaches, used to strengthen weaknesses and capitalize on strengths.

Personalized, tailored instruction

Set at individualized pace

Empowers learning


Page 4: Learning Differences does not mean that you cannot learn; it simply means that you learn differently. Albert Einstein- Mild Dyslexia, Asperser’s Thomas

Multiple Intelligences

Create a procedure that teaches students about World War II, using all 8 Multiple


How does this relate to what the speaker, John Hart, was saying on Tuesday?

Page 5: Learning Differences does not mean that you cannot learn; it simply means that you learn differently. Albert Einstein- Mild Dyslexia, Asperser’s Thomas
Page 6: Learning Differences does not mean that you cannot learn; it simply means that you learn differently. Albert Einstein- Mild Dyslexia, Asperser’s Thomas

Inquiry Based Learning

Key Elements:

1. Teachers ask questions and facilitate the direction of student learning.

2. Students are accountable for their own learning while they experiment, investigate independently or in groups.

3. Authentic learning experience occurs while they develop their own ideas, interpretations of collected data.

4. Student directed discussion and sharing of ideas and data.

5. Reflection about potential solutions and possible alternatives.

New questions emerge and the process starts again on a new inquiry.





Page 7: Learning Differences does not mean that you cannot learn; it simply means that you learn differently. Albert Einstein- Mild Dyslexia, Asperser’s Thomas

Problem Based Learning

Page 8: Learning Differences does not mean that you cannot learn; it simply means that you learn differently. Albert Einstein- Mild Dyslexia, Asperser’s Thomas


Instruction and Practice

• Systematic, Step-by- step instruction

• Structured, scaffolded, achievable steps

• Used for groups or one- on-one

Page 9: Learning Differences does not mean that you cannot learn; it simply means that you learn differently. Albert Einstein- Mild Dyslexia, Asperser’s Thomas

Cognitive Learning Strategies

Idea of becoming a “strategic learner”

Tools that we can use to aid in the learning process

A series of procedures to simplify or break down elements of a task.

Development of learning habits

What Cognitive learning strategies might you employed for reading?

Page 10: Learning Differences does not mean that you cannot learn; it simply means that you learn differently. Albert Einstein- Mild Dyslexia, Asperser’s Thomas

Total Physical Response Method

Page 11: Learning Differences does not mean that you cannot learn; it simply means that you learn differently. Albert Einstein- Mild Dyslexia, Asperser’s Thomas

TribesWe use Tribes to promote (BLANK)

Page 12: Learning Differences does not mean that you cannot learn; it simply means that you learn differently. Albert Einstein- Mild Dyslexia, Asperser’s Thomas

Preparation and positive climate

Safe, unintimidating atmosphere

Arrange seating

Respecting individuality

Establish Expectations

Be available

Build a confidence-building relasionship with students

Page 13: Learning Differences does not mean that you cannot learn; it simply means that you learn differently. Albert Einstein- Mild Dyslexia, Asperser’s Thomas

Cooperative Learning Structures

Work together to achieve a collective goal

(building leadership, trust, conflict-management)

Student engagement

Removes the opportunity to be a passive learner.

Page 14: Learning Differences does not mean that you cannot learn; it simply means that you learn differently. Albert Einstein- Mild Dyslexia, Asperser’s Thomas

Higher Order Thinking

Page 15: Learning Differences does not mean that you cannot learn; it simply means that you learn differently. Albert Einstein- Mild Dyslexia, Asperser’s Thomas

Learning Stations/Centers

Page 16: Learning Differences does not mean that you cannot learn; it simply means that you learn differently. Albert Einstein- Mild Dyslexia, Asperser’s Thomas





Page 17: Learning Differences does not mean that you cannot learn; it simply means that you learn differently. Albert Einstein- Mild Dyslexia, Asperser’s Thomas

Multi-Sensory Techniques




Page 18: Learning Differences does not mean that you cannot learn; it simply means that you learn differently. Albert Einstein- Mild Dyslexia, Asperser’s Thomas

Service Learning Building of self esteem through

positive contributions

Authentic learning

Community mindedness

Civic responsibility

“Through service-learning, young people—from kindergarteners to college students—use what they learn in the classroom to

solve real-life problems. They not only learn the practical applications of their

studies, they become actively contributing citizens and community members through

the service they perform.”

Page 19: Learning Differences does not mean that you cannot learn; it simply means that you learn differently. Albert Einstein- Mild Dyslexia, Asperser’s Thomas

Grouping Strategies

Potential reasons for considering your grouping strategy:

Increased interaction

Control pace

Mix ability and productivity levels


Here is one example:

Page 20: Learning Differences does not mean that you cannot learn; it simply means that you learn differently. Albert Einstein- Mild Dyslexia, Asperser’s Thomas

Performance-Based Activities

Products that demonstrate the students’ learned knowledge and skills

Activities applied to real-world situations and practical applications

Active, authentic and meaningful learning

Promotes social interaction and collaboration

Attention to the process

Can you think of any examples?

Page 21: Learning Differences does not mean that you cannot learn; it simply means that you learn differently. Albert Einstein- Mild Dyslexia, Asperser’s Thomas
