
PowerPoint Presentation

Learning About the Visitors to Your Site

When visitors land onto your website are they excited to be there or are they already looking to press the back button? The landing page or the front page of a website says a lot about a website and the services and products that are offered. If your audience is not enticed to remain by the landing page, then you are losing potential revenue that you may or may not be able to recover.

So how can you tell if the landing or main page of your website is attractive to visitors? You can take educated guesses but that is a lot of hit or misses.And needless to say, that is a foolhardy approach to your business. It would be best that you hire an online marketing research firm that actually specializes in mock site testing or better known as A/B testing.

With A/B testing, the marketing firm would worktogether with your marketing and technical support departments in setting up and implementing a fully functional identical test site on top of the main site. So while testing is ongoing, visitors can still come to your site online and interact as they normally would. The only differences being that the testing site would be recording what is done.

This will enable you to see in black and white data, which areas of your site are favorable and which are not, which services and products attract the most traffic and which do not. Now you can decide, based upon the actual opinion of your not only your clients but potential clients as well, as to what upgrades or down grades are needed to help make not only your site but your business as well to perform better, more efficiently and profitably.

However, this will not happen if your audience is not even attracted to your site on their first visit at your splash or landing page. So what is needed is to have the marketing firm sit down with you and your marketing firm and come up with a plan of action similar to:

How should the landing page look

Should it be cluttered or a fresh look

Which products should be on the landing page

Which products should be removed

Which services should be out front

Which links should be on the landing page

Shouldthe checkout be on the top or towards the bottom of the landing page

These and similar questions need to be asked and then placed within the A/B test to determine the reactions of the public. Once the data has been compiled from the testing, then the client and the marketing firm needs to sit down together and determine the best course of action needed to enable the landing page to be a more attractive part of the website.This would include not only what to add but maybe just as importantly what not to add to the landing page.

And with a more attractive landing page, the chances increase that the visitors to your site will not only visit but they will actually remain and become loyal faithful customers. But in order for that to happen they have to not want to click the back buttonwhen they arrive on your site.

A/B testingis an invaluable tool in helping you to determine what is and what is not working either with your website, products or services that you provide. By having the customer driven data laid out before you, you will be able to make and educated decision that will enable not only your site but your business as well to succeed.

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