  • Slide 1

Leading global excellence in procurement and supply CIPS President Mission 2013 CIPS Branch Meeting Southampton 14 th March 2013 Slide 2 Leading global excellence in procurement and supply 1980s Getting Qualified Physics Degree ICI Chartered Engineer Open Windows in Engineering Young Engineer for Britain Met Steve at Manchester University 82 - married 87 1990s Getting Going ICI / Zeneca Production Manager BPR Leader Supply Chain Manager Fellow RSA Starbucks Cool Coaching Project Leader Chair PTA / Chair School Governors Natalie 90, Naomi 94 2000s Keeping Going AstraZeneca Director Outsourcing Head UK Purchasing Global Procurement Transformation Programme Leader Head R&D Procurement CIPS Member / Fellow Natalie to University 09 2010s What next? Novartis Head Development Strategic Sourcing Chair / President CIPS CIPS Modernisation Project Sponsor Numi to University 12 Who is Paula Gildert? Slide 3 Leading global excellence in procurement and supply Raise Awareness & Profile of Procurement & Supply Chain as a Profession Build responsibility for Leadership & Legacy in our Community of Practice What do I want to achieve as President? Slide 4 Leading global excellence in procurement and supply Promote & Develop our Value proposition a new winning strategy that goes beyond savings What do I want to achieve as President? Slide 5 Leading global excellence in procurement and supply An Example 7% 10% 9% Target 9% Slide 6 Leading global excellence in procurement and supply Continuous Improvement Cost Innovation & Insight Quality & Service Assurance of supply & risk mitigation Corporate responsibility What does Value Beyond Savings look like? Slide 7 DSS 2012 Executive Summary Dashboard Productivity eROI MeasureYTD / Target / LOStatus Cost savings Other Development Cost savings Other Novartis Div Cost Avoidance TPC reduction MeasureYTDTargetStatus Savings Spend* Savings %* LO 2012 7 | Development Strategic Sourcing| Pharma Dev| Dec 2012 | Sourcing Productivity | Business Use Only 2012 Sourcing Productivity Savings Development GenMed Dec 2012 YTD: USD 120m *based on succeed actuals Ahead of run rate/target 70-90% of run rate/target