
LEADERSHIP MGMT 371 CHAPTER 12 LEADERSHIP DefineDefine Trait and Behavioral TheoriesTrait and Behavioral Theories Situational TheoriesSituational Theories Transactional vs. TransformationalTransactional vs. Transformational Contemporary modelsContemporary models Leaders on leadershipLeaders on leadership Discussion questionsDiscussion questions Definitions Getting people to follow and voluntarily do what you want them to do. Formal leadership the officially sanctioned leadership based on the authority of a formal position Informal leadership the unofficial leadership accorded to a person by other members of the organization Followership the process of being guided and directed by a leader in the work environment Manager vs. Leader Management Planning and budgeting Organizing and staffing Controlling and problem solving Leadership Setting a direction for the organization Aligning people with that direction Motivating people Manager vs. Leader Trait and Behavioral Perspectives Early Trait TheoryEarly Trait Theory Distinguished leaders by Physical attributesPhysical attributes Personality characteristicsPersonality characteristics Abilities (speech fluency, social skills, insight)Abilities (speech fluency, social skills, insight) Trait Theory Research Support for leadership being trait-drivenSupport for leadership being trait-driven Extraversion, conscientiousness and opennessExtraversion, conscientiousness and openness Personality or intelligence? Emotional IntelligenceEmotional Intelligence Political Intelligence Gender differencesGender differences Men are more autocratic, task-oriented Women are more democratic, participative, and social Lewin on Leadership Autocratic Style the leader uses strong, directive, controlling actions to enforce the rules, regulations, activities, and relationships; followers have little discretionary influenceAutocratic Style the leader uses strong, directive, controlling actions to enforce the rules, regulations, activities, and relationships; followers have little discretionary influence Democratic Style the leader takes collaborative, reciprocal, interactive actions with followers; followers have high degree of discretionary influenceDemocratic Style the leader takes collaborative, reciprocal, interactive actions with followers; followers have high degree of discretionary influence Laissez-Faire Style the leader fails to accept the responsibilities of the position; creates chaos in the work environmentLaissez-Faire Style the leader fails to accept the responsibilities of the position; creates chaos in the work environment The Ohio State Studies: identified two critical dimensions of leader behavior.The Ohio State Studies: identified two critical dimensions of leader behavior. Consideration: creating mutual respect and trust with followers. Initiating structure: organizing and defining what group members should be doing. McGraw-Hill 2005 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Behavioral Styles Theory McGraw-Hill/Irwin University of Michigan StudiesUniversity of Michigan Studies Production-Oriented Leader Focus getting things doneFocus getting things done Uses direct, close supervisionUses direct, close supervision Many written or unwritten rulesMany written or unwritten rules Employee-Oriented Leader Focus relationshipsFocus relationships Less direct, close supervisionLess direct, close supervision Fewer written or unwritten rulesFewer written or unwritten rules Displays concern for people and their needsDisplays concern for people and their needs McGraw-Hill 2005 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Behavioral Styles Theory (Cont.) McGraw-Hill/Irwin The Leadership Grid Five leadership styles combinations of concern for production and concern for people Impoverished managementImpoverished management Country club managementCountry club management Authority-complianceAuthority-compliance Middle-of-the-road managementMiddle-of-the-road management Team managementTeam management McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Fiedlers Contingency Model McGraw-Hill Situational Control High Control Situations Moderate Control Situations Low Control Situations Leader-member relations Task Structure Position Power Good Good Good High High Low Strong Weak Strong Good Poor Poor Low High High Weak Strong Weak Poor Low Strong Weak SituationI II IIIIV V VIVII VIII Optimal Leadership Style Task Motivated Leadership Relationship Motivated Leadership Task Motivated Leadership Fiedlers Contingency Model Fit between leaders need structure and favorableness of leaders situation determine the teams effectiveness. Least Preferred Coworker (LPC) the person a leader has least prefers to work with High LPC leaders who describe LPC in positive terms Low LPC leaders who describe LPC in negative terms Path-Goal Theory Leader behavior styles: Directive Directive Supportive Supportive Participative Participative Achievement oriented Achievement oriented Factors: Follower path perceptions Follower goals Follower characteristics Workplace characteristics Vroom-Yetton-Jago Normative Decision Model: 1.Decide 2.Consult Individually 3.Consult group 4.Facilitate 5.Delegate Time Driven Model Hersey-Blanchard Situational Model Leader-Member Exchange Model In-groups Members similar to leaderMembers similar to leader Given greater responsibilities, rewards, attentionGiven greater responsibilities, rewards, attention Within leaders inner circle of communicationWithin leaders inner circle of communication High job satisfaction and organizational commitment, low turnoverHigh job satisfaction and organizational commitment, low turnover Stress from added responsibilitiesStress from added responsibilities Out-Groups Managed by formal rules and policies Given less attention; fewer rewards Outside the leaders communication circle More likely to retaliate against the organization Stress from being left out of communication network Transactional vs. Transformational Leadership Transactional leadershipTransactional leadership Focus on clarifying employees roles and providing rewards contingent on performance. Transformational leadershipTransformational leadership Transforms employees to pursue organizational goals over self-interests. What does it mean?What does it mean? Transactional Leadership Encompasses fundamental managerial activitiesEncompasses fundamental managerial activities Setting goals Monitoring progress toward goal achievement Rewarding and punishing people for level of goal accomplishment An essential prerequisite to effective leadershipAn essential prerequisite to effective leadership Transformational Leadership Seek to develop leadership in othersSeek to develop leadership in others Exhibit self-sacrificeExhibit self-sacrifice Serve as moral agentsServe as moral agents Produce significant organizational changeProduce significant organizational change Leadership fosters higher levels... Intrinsic motivationIntrinsic motivation TrustTrust CommitmentCommitment LoyaltyLoyalty Transformational Leadership Transform followers by creating changes in persons...Transform followers by creating changes in persons... Goals Values Needs Beliefs Aspirations Appeal to followers self-conceptsAppeal to followers self-concepts Values Personal identity Transformational Model One of the most widely researched in the past decadeOne of the most widely researched in the past decade OutcomesOutcomes Leaders are both transformational and transactional and transactional Affect not only individuals but group outcomes Employees can be trained to be both transformational and transactional Leaders can be either ethical or unethical Shared Leadership o Simultaneous, ongoing, mutual influence process in which people share responsibility for leading o Needed when people: work in teams, are involved in complex problems, and are doing knowledge work o Research is just being started in this field, but so far it looks promising. shared leadership... is less like a an orchestra, where the conductor is always in charge, and more like a jazz band, where leadership is passed around... depending on what the music demands at the moment and who feels most moved by the spirit to express the music. Schlechy 2001 Servant Leadership Rely more on persuasion than positional authority when trying to influence others Persuasion Characteristics AwarenessSelf-aware of strengths and challenges HealingMake others whole in the face of failures and suffering EmpathyEmpathize with others needs and feelings ListeningListening to identify and clarify needs and desires of a groupDescription McGraw-Hill 2005 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. McGraw-Hill/Irwin Leaders put the needs of employees, customers, and community above their own, which focuses on customer service. Servant Leadership (Cont.) Strive to develop a we cultureBuilding community Characteristics Commitment to followers growth Committed to followers future StewardshipStewards of their followers VisionForesee future outcomes related to decisions, actions ConceptualizationServant leaders take the time and effort to develop broader based conceptual thinking Description McGraw-Hill 2005 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. McGraw-Hill/Irwin The Level 5 Hierarchy McGraw-Hill 2005 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Level 4: Effective Leader Level 3: Competent Manager Level 2: Contributing Team Member Level 5: Executive Level 1: Highly Capable Individual McGraw-Hill/Irwin Types of Followers Some Important Questions. Are leaders born or made?Are leaders born or made? Can we teach leadership?Can we teach leadership? Can traits be enhanced?Can traits be enhanced? Which theory is the best?Which theory is the best? When is leadership not needed?When is leadership not needed?
