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Whatever is at the center of our life will be the source of our security,

guidance, wisdom, and power. Stephen R Covey

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Please tell us why you are here…what do you expect to gain from this learning experience.

At your table – please list 2 personal learning and process expectations for this module and share in your group.

As a group please draft 2-3 process needs and learning expectations.


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The questions we are grappling with in this module

What would our lives look like if the organisation where we spent our working our days – were naturally places of resonance, with leaders who inspired us?

What role does leadership and management play in organisational and employee performance?

What inspires a leader to inspire others and unleash their potential?

What is the personal and organisational cost of failing to fully engage the passion, talent and intelligence of the workforce?

What makes a manager a manager of choice by her reports, peers, and boss?

How do I first become a great manager that defines reality, lastly say thank you and in between be a servant leader?

( paraphrasing - Max de Pree – in Leadership is an Art)

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WEDNESDAY 5th MAY 2010TIME SESSION08.30am Welcome & Introductions

09.00amSession 1 : Context setting, expectations , reconnecting to previous study schools & overview of the 2 days

10.15am BREAK

10.30am Session 2: Management & leadership / Manager vs. leader, what is leadership?

11.30am Session 3: Managing one-self: contribution, habit 2, Johari-window & wheel of life

12.30pm LUNCH

13.15pm Session 4: Class presentations on pre-work / leadership articles prep for day 2

14.30pm BREAK

14.45pmSession 5: Trust the best way to manage, homework and checking of pulse

Module roadmap

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Getting the most of this module

Be frank about your ways of be ing and acting.

Be open to having mindset regarding what a leader is and the practices of leadership, examined and questioned.

Be open to having your frame of reference – ideas, beliefs and taken-for granted assumptions – of who you are for yourself examined and questioned.

Be open to having your model of reality examined and questioned, and be open to transforming your worldview.

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Chairman and CEO of The Gallup Organisation, Jim Clifton

‘‘in the new world of extreme competition, we are all going down the wrong path unless we

discover a new way to manage’’

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1. How many of you would agree th at the vast majority of companies and teams are over-managed and under-led?

2. What would be the impact on yo ur personal and work life if you were a highly effective manager?

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A leader’s prayerDear Lord, help me to become the kind of leader my management

would like to have me be. Give me the mysterious something which

will enable me at all times satisfactorily to explain policies, rules,

regulations and procedures to my co-workers when they have never

been explained to me.

Help me to teach and to train the uninterested and dim-witted without

ever losing my patience or temper.

Give me that love for my fellow men which passeth all understanding

so that I may lead the recalcitrant, obstinate, no-good worker into the

paths of righteousness by my own example, and by soft persuading

remonstrance, instead of busting him on the nose.

Source: Charles Handy - Understanding organisations. 1999. Penguin Book

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Instill into my inner-being tranquility and peace of mind that no longer will I

wake from my restless sleep in the middle of the night crying out

What has the boss got that I haven’t got and how did he get it?

Teach me to smile if it kills me.

Make me a better leader of men by helping develop larger

and greater qualities of understanding, tolerance,

sympathy, wisdom, perspective, equanimity, mind-reading

and second sight.

A leader’s prayer

Source: Charles Handy - Understanding organisations. 1999. Penguin Book

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And when, Dear Lord, Thou has helped me to achieve the

high pinnacle my management has prescribed for me and

when I shall have become the paragon of all supervisory

virtues in this earthly world, Dear Lord, move over.

--AmenSource: Charles Handy - Understanding organisations. 1999. Penguin Book

A leader’s prayer

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Mission Statement

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Great organisations

A great organisation is one that makes a distinctive impact and delivers superior performance over a long period of time.

For a business, performance means financial results, specifically return on invested capital.

The key is to recognize that the good-to-great principles are not a definition of greatness, rather represent a series of principles for how to achieve greatness; they are input variables, not output variables.

Jim Collins: Good to Great – discussion guide and diagnostic tool -

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Level 5 Leadership

First Who, Then What


Confront the Brutal Facts

The Hedgehog Concept


Culture of Discipline

The Flywheel


Clock Building, not Time Telling

Preserve the Core / Stimulate Progress

Good to great framework


• Delivers superior performance

relative to its mission

• Makes a distinctive impact

on the communities it touches

• Achieves lasting endurance

beyond any leader, idea or setback

Jim Collins: Good to Great – discussion guide and diagnostic tool -

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How does TC define results?

From your pre -work…….

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Pre-NMDP sc hool questions

What do managers do? What is my bosses boss’ top 3 priorities? What is my

boss’s top 3 priorities? What contribution will I make in my current role? What specifically are the two or three most important

c hallenges facing my team/organisation right now?

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Table activity

Management is……Leadership is…….

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The hunger for the manager lea der

1. Within every person a hunger for sense of personal agency: to have an effect, to contribute, to make a difference, to influence, to build and help.

2. A hunger for authority that will provide orientation and reassurance –especially in times of stress and fear.

3. Hunger for leadership that can deal with the intensification of systematic complexity.

4. To respond adaptively to the depth, scope, and pace of change combined with complexity creates unprecedented conditions.

5. This landscape creates a new moral moment in history – of critical choice –thus a leadership that can exercise a moral imagination and moral courage.

Source: Leadership can be taught. Parks, S.D. 2005 .HBS

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Differentiating – leadership and management

Leadership is explicitly about those words and actions that create meaning for employees.

Management refers to executive attributes , acts, and behaviours that impact on performance without creating meaning.

Managers are leaders of a certain sort. Not all leaders are managers.

Source: How Leadership Matters Charles A. O’Reilly, David F. Caldwell & Jennifer A. Chatman , 2005

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What is leadership?

Leadershipis NOT a Position...

…is affirming the wor th and potential of others so clearly

that they come to see it in themselves. It is both “doing”

and “being”

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Copyright 2010– Graeme de Bruyn




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Management & Leadership

Management Managers look inward

Planning and budgeting

Setting targets and goals

Establishing steps for reaching goals

Controlling and problem-solving

Monitoring results vs. plan

Allocating resources

Managers seek to maintain the environment

Leadership Leaders look outward

“Initiate and perpetuate change”

Leaders will ask: What and Why?

Leaders inspires trust

Coping with change

Leaders are highly focused on the people behind the processes and system

Attuning and aligning people

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Effective leadership is not mere knowledge about what leaders do, or to emulate styles of noteworthy leaders, or trying to remember and follow the steps, tips or techniques from books on leadership, and not from merely being in a Leadership position. If you are not being a leader, and

you try to act like a leader, you are likely to fail .Pretending to be a leader is deadly in any attempt to exercise leadership.

Source: Erhard, Jensen, Zaffron & Granger, 2009

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The Leader Manager path

What do you want to do with your life?

Why do you go to work?

When the doors open are you ready to walk through them?

How do we encounter people or ideas?

What are you committed to?

What is important to you?

Would you want to be managed or led by YOU?

Who are you accountable to? What are you accountable for? Do you take time to listen to

others? Are you open to listening to, and being influenced by, others (vulnerable)?

Are you able to listen to the emotions of others?

What is your area of influence? How do you think you can extend that area of influence?

Being Practice

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Leadership & organisational greatness

Drotter (2003) suggests that f ully 75% of the reason work isn’t done can be attributed to the leader/boss: The job and the goals aren’t c learly defined. The boss is inaccessible because he/she’s too busy, often do ing work

that the subordinate could do. The boss hired the wrong person. (This is not the person’s fault.) A true leader takes accountability for the success of other people,

not just himself.

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Tom Peters on LEADERSHIP

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Video debrief

What have been the aha’s from video clip.

Why do you think Tom Peters sa ys he is a c harlatan?

What is TPs definition of leadership or what he calls the leadership thing?

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Only when you operate from a combination of your strengths and self-knowledge can

you achieve true and lasting greatness.

Success in the knowledge economy comes to those-who know themselves-their strengths, their values, and how

they best perform.

Peter Drucker.

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Managing one-self

What are my values?

What can I contribute?

Where do I belong?

What are my strengths?

How do I work?

(HBR, Drucker, 1999).

Being (character) Practice (skills/do)

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Towards mastery of self

There is truly no substitute for self control and discipline.

Many managers work on how they are perceived or their daily behaviours (do).

Instead of foregoing suc h foolishness and focus on being congruent to self and with others.

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Outcomes of self-management

When you have learned to manage yourself:

Then and only then - you have earned the right to lead and mentor others

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You can buy a man’s time; you can buy his physical presence at a given p lace; you can even buy a measured number of his skilled muscular motions per hour. But you cannot buy loyalty… you cannot buy the de votion of hearts, minds, or souls. You must earn these.

- Clarence Francis

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Knowing yourself






Source: On becoming a leader: Warren Bennis. 1989

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Four lessons of self-knowledge

True understanding comes from reflecting on your experience

Accept responsibility -blame no one

You can learn anything you want to learn

You are your own best teachers

Being Practice

Source: On becoming a leader. Warren Bennis. 1989

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How do we create balancing/balance?

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Finding BalanceWork Personal

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First lead yourself, then othe rs!

Leading yourself well means that you hold yourself to a higher standard of accountability than others do. (John Maxwell).

History's great achievers - always managed themselves.

They are exceptions, un-usual both in their talents and their accomplishments outside of the ordinary.

Most of us, even those of us with modest endowments, will have to learn to manage ourselves.

We will have to learn to develop ourselves.

We will have to place our-selves where we can make the greatest contribution.

And we will have to engaged - knowing how and when to change the work we do. (Peter Drucker)

People leave managers not companies (Buckingham & Coffman)

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The trust factor in leadership

How does a trust-oriented leader impact teams? Which is more important, our actions or our words? What is the role of competence for a leader? What is the role of open communication for a


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Copyright 2010– Graeme de Bruyn

A leader’s personal power come s from. . .

Stimulus ResponseCHOICE

Whole-personWorkers vs. Associates

Influence vs. Power



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TRUST the best way to manage

No manager can influence or lead people if she does not have trust.

Vulnerability starts trust. Only those who trust themselves can trust others. The only way to encounter trustworthy people is to trust them. I am prepared to relinquish control of another person because

I expect them to be competent, and to act with integrity and goodwill.

Source: Trust the best way to manage: Reinhard K. Sprenger

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Copyright 2010– Graeme de Bruyn

By enlisting any of the behaviours and cores of trust…

Self Relationship

• List three behaviours to increase your self-trust and what you will do to act on it.

• Identify 1-2 relationships that could benefit from renewed trust.• Use any number of the behaviours to increase relationship trust.

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Four ingredients that generate and sustain trust

Constancy. Whatever surprises leaders themselves may face, they don’t create any for the group. Leaders stay the course.

Congruity. Leaders walk their talk. There is no gap between the principles they share and teach and their life practices.

Reliability. They can be counted on and support their co-workers when it matters.

Integrity. Leaders honor their commitments and promises.

Source: Warren Bennis. On becoming a leader. 1989.

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Group assignment

Leadership theory / organisational / team theory Framework to do leadership – best practice for

your team Applicable learnings for leader and team Any useful – practical insights that can help us as

individual and team/company Summarise what these guys are saying 5-6 slides – use diagrams, notes, are there any

stories of hope / inspiration

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Copyright 2010– Graeme de Bruyn


Recognise &


Bed/Interpret/Understand/ enterprise strategy

Define Individual Goals & Behaviours

Stakeholder Expectations

Realign& TP

Process &


Team execution

Contributive purpose

Frontline behaviours

Divisional / unit goals

Business objectives

Manager enabling behaviours

Performance scoreboards

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What do managers do?

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“People don’t change that much –don’t waste time trying to put in what was left out. Try to draw out what was left in. That is hard enough” Buckingham,


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Management practices

Strategy-devise and maintain a clearly defined focused strategy.

Execution-develop and maintain flawless operation execution.

Culture-develop and maintain a performance-oriented culture.

Structure-build and maintain a fast, flexible, flat team.

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Copyright 2010– Graeme de Bruyn

The four keys: catalyst roles

People don’t change that much.

Don’t waste time putting in what was left out. Try to draw out what

was left in.





Source: First break all the rules. Buckingham, M. & Coffman, C. 2005.

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Copyright 2010– Graeme de Bruyn

Knowledge (see)



Baby stepsTeam try-out

Specific team practices







Build foundation: character - inside-out - principles

Systems /Processes

Enlist your team

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Copyright 2010– Graeme de Bruyn

3 days - 3 weeks - 3 months from today…I will focus on the following items:

Personal Team

List 3-5 clear, specific, vivid behaviours/mindsets/goals/ways of being

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This is the beginning…

“We are in a constant state of


What matters most … ‘a saga of becoming’

[email protected] 823 7436