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This paper is a description of where I see myself in five years. It gives key factors of

what will aid me in finishing my goals and to get where I want and need to be so I am successful

in life. Although this is a guideline and can change a little I am aiming to follow the goals in

order and on time so I can get to my five year plan with success and look back of how far I have

come. I hope to see myself where this paper describes me to be at in five years and to make my

children proud and someone to look up to when they feel they can’t reach a goal or want to give

up on something they want to achieve.

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In five years I hope to have my Bachelors degree in Health Care Science and step up

from a medical lab technician to a medical technician in the hospital laboratory setting. About 6

months after I obtain my degree I plan to apply to sit for my ASCP certification again this time

taking the MT certification test. Currently I hold my ASCP certification as an MLT. At this

point in my career I hope to be very comfortable and do well in my job. I plan on moving

around this point in my life down to North Carolina where I always wanted to move and for my

career I would be getting more pay. I will have 6 years MLT/MT experience at this point and 8

years overall experience in the lab five years from today. I plan to be involved with my

children’s school and any activities they partake in because at this point they will be ten and

seven which is scary to think of them that grown up already. Five years from now I will be thirty

years old and hoping at this point to be looking into buying our first house and starting the next

chapter in my life. Five years from now I hope to not only be very successful in my career path,

but have most of my debt paid off and start fresh. I have overcome a lot of obstacles and proved

myself in my degree as a medical lab technician even when people doubted the credibility of the

school I was attending and I was able to sit for an exam that is very prestigious to have in the lab

setting and passed it with success. I feel that also set the stage for my determination in my new

endeavor obtaining my Bachelors Degree to become a step up as a Medical Technologist.

The key factors to get me to where I want to be is finishing my bachelors degree

successfully at Alvernia then keep pursing my job to the best of my ability with success. My

family presently helps me with my children so I can go to class and it makes me feel good how

much they support my decision in furthering my degree. In the past their support and

encouragement has given me what I needed to successfully further my education. I need to keep

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the motivation and determination I have now to be able to keep pushing through even on days

that I don’t want to so I can successfully finish to make the goals I am setting for myself.

Three measurable goals from now to five years from now are simple. I am hoping to

finish my Bachelors degree in about eleven months. Upon completing that goal I plan to apply

for my ASCP certification again to be certified as a medical technologist like I am certified as a

medical lab technician with my associate degree. I plan on taking that test about six months after

graduation to give myself time to prepare and I have to wait until I am eligible. I hope when

taking my exam I pass it the first time successfully as I did as a medical lab technician so it

doesn’t hold me back from hitting each goal I have set in a timely fashion. Finally a third goal is

after five years experience I gain I would like to look into obtaining the knowledge and

credentials to become a manager of a lab or even a specific department in the laboratory. That

goal I will pursue probably about seven years from this point in my career. Now all this is

dependent on how fast I am able to take my classes and what Alvernia offers each semester so I

can successfully finish.

The action steps I need to do to make this goal happen is quite simple. In order to

achieve my first goal I need to take the maximum classes I am able to take and handle with

success to get done as quickly as possible. Next in order to apply and sit for my ASCP

certification I need to have two years clinical lab experience along with my Bachelors degree.

At the time of graduation I will have about a year and a half as a medical lab technician so that

will leave me with about six months to go to be eligible to sit. It will also give me enough time

to study and prepare so I pass the test with success. To attain my last goal I will need to pursue

another degree in management and gain the experience I need to be able to run the lab. I will

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also have to sit for another certification test to have the credentials need to be able to be hired as

a laboratory manager. This is a rough estimate of a table of my main goals for the next 5 years.

April 2014 March 2015 September









going to school

Graduate from

Alvernia with

my Bachelors

Degree in

Health Care


Take my ASCP

certification as

a Medical


Look at houses

and jobs in

North Carolina

Plan to take the

steps in

achieving my

credentials in

becoming a


Be settled into

my new career

and successful

in what I do

In conclusion, I hope to be very successful and established in my career and life in five

years. I will be done school and have almost ten years experience in a lab which is crazy to think

how time fast is going that in five years I will be that far already. I can’t guarantee that all my

plans will go exactly as I want them or how I map them out, but I am going to try to the best of

my ability to take each one at a time and accomplish them within reasonable time frame of what

I have mapped out. The table shows me going a little past the five years, but I plan even if it

takes me a year or so longer to be well settled into what I do in the lab and just settled into my

life and really enjoy the next chapter in my life.

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