Page 1: Le Veyron Cafe Menu New - Gevora Veyron Cafe Sandwiches Grilled Chicken and Cheddar Panini 32.00 Romaine lettuce, grill
Page 2: Le Veyron Cafe Menu New - Gevora Veyron Cafe Sandwiches Grilled Chicken and Cheddar Panini 32.00 Romaine lettuce, grill

Le VeyronCafe

From our BriCk Oven 20.00

But ter Cro issant

Zaatar Cro issant

Chocolate Cro issant

Cheese Cro issant

A lmond Cro issant

Fresh Fru i t Danish

Blueberr y Muf f in

Chocolate Chips Muf f in

Donut (Nute l la , dark chocolate or whi te chocolate)

40.00Bakers BasketYour choice of one cro issant dan ish, muf f in , donut and whi te/brown s l ice bread, served wi th but ter, orange marmalade, jam and honey

95.00Le Veyron Specia l ty Cake Tray

Al l our s ignature cakes served on one t ray!

All the prices are in UAE Dirhams and inclusive of 7% municipality fees, 10% service charge and 5% VAT.

N : Contains Nuts V : Vegetarian CS : Chef Special S : Spicy

Page 3: Le Veyron Cafe Menu New - Gevora Veyron Cafe Sandwiches Grilled Chicken and Cheddar Panini 32.00 Romaine lettuce, grill

Le VeyronCafe

28.00Our Cake Factory

Strawberry Cheesecake

Cherry Chocolate Brownie

Mi ld Honey Cake

Class ic Ti ramisu

Pave Chocolat

B lack Forest

Whi te Forest

Red Velvet

Saf f ron Ve lvet

Apple P ie

Cherr y P ie

Opera Cake

Matcha Mi lk Cake

Pistach io & Walnut Mousse Cake (N)

Fresh Fru i t Cake

Oreo Cheesecake

Nougat ine Cake

Almond Pra l ine Cake (N)

35.00Heal thy Snack

Seasonal f ru i t p la t ter

All the prices are in UAE Dirhams and inclusive of 7% municipality fees, 10% service charge and 5% VAT.

N : Contains Nuts V : Vegetarian CS : Chef Special S : Spicy

Page 4: Le Veyron Cafe Menu New - Gevora Veyron Cafe Sandwiches Grilled Chicken and Cheddar Panini 32.00 Romaine lettuce, grill

Le VeyronCafe

SOUP32.00Soup of the day

Ask for our da i ly recommendat ion


SaladClass ic Caesar sa ladCr isp romaine le t tuce, cr ispy bacon, croutons and shaved parmesan cheese

Your choice of :P la in ChickenPrawns

AED 35AED 45AED 55

Organic Ka le and Black Berr y Sa lad (V)Served wi th raspberr y v ina igret te and cheese bread

51.00Quinoa & Cumin Crusted Tuna Lo in Sa ladCit rus dress ing, rocket leaves, cucumber and three sprouts

45.00Feta Cheese Salad (V) Apple c ider dress ing and herb lavash

45.00Gevora Specia l Roya l Or ienta l MezzeA se lect ion of k ibbeh, fa tayer, Arab ic p ick le, s tu f fed v ine leaves, hummus, moutable and tabbouleh, served wi th Arab ic bread

All the prices are in UAE Dirhams and inclusive of 7% municipality fees, 10% service charge and 5% VAT.

N : Contains Nuts V : Vegetarian CS : Chef Special S : Spicy

Page 5: Le Veyron Cafe Menu New - Gevora Veyron Cafe Sandwiches Grilled Chicken and Cheddar Panini 32.00 Romaine lettuce, grill

Le VeyronCafe


32.00Gr i l led Chicken and Cheddar Panin iRomaine le t tuce, gr i l l tomato, mustard mayonnaise, turkey bacon, French f r ies and ch i l i papaya a io l i

48.00Gevora Club SandwichBeef bacon, cheddar cheese, egg, ch icken, tomato and le t tuce,served wi th cabbage, ch i l i papaya a io l i and French f r ies

58.00Steak and Onion SandwichGri l led beef tender lo in served in c iabat ta bread, le t tuce, tomato, f r ied on ion and bbq sauce. Served wi th cabbage mango re l ish and French f r ies

55.00Gevora Cer t i f ied 1983 Wagyu Beef BurgerBeef burger wi th caramel ized on ions, turkey bacon, cheddar cheese and tomatoes, served wi th cabbage mango re l ish and French f r ies

48.00Cr ispy Chicken BurgerCr ispy f r ied ch icken, le t tuce, tomato, cabbage mango re l ish, French f r ies and lemon hol landaise

38.00Veggie Burger (V )A hea l thy vegetable pat ty served on a c lass ic burger bun, mint cream and topped wi th ja lapenos, cheddar cheese, le t tuce, French f r ies, tomato and cheese

32.00Asado Cajun Chicken Wrap (S)Cajun ch icken st r ips, Spinach tor t i l la bread, wi th le t tuce & cucumber, served wi th f resh greens, French f r ies and Mexican d ip

48.00Tuna Nico ise WrapTuna f lakes, romaine le t tuce, green beans, o l ives, potato, sp icy mayonnaise and French f r ies

All the prices are in UAE Dirhams and inclusive of 7% municipality fees, 10% service charge and 5% VAT.

N : Contains Nuts V : Vegetarian CS : Chef Special S : Spicy

Page 6: Le Veyron Cafe Menu New - Gevora Veyron Cafe Sandwiches Grilled Chicken and Cheddar Panini 32.00 Romaine lettuce, grill

Le VeyronCafe

Signature Coffees

35.00Rose Lat teOur s ignature la t te in fused wi th rose f lavour and topped wi th ed ib le f lowers

Chunks of dark chocolate mel ted in warm mi lk and topped wi th whipped cream

35.00Coconut Lat teSing le shot of espresso wi th authent ic coconut f lavour

28.00Nute l la Lat teOur s ignature la t te mixed wi th scoops of Nute l la

26.00Turk ish CappuccinoFreshly brewed Turk ish cof fee topped wi th f rothed mi lk

25.00Gourmet Hot Chocolate

32.00Spanish Lat teA double shot espresso combined wi th sweet condensed mi lk and foamed mi lk .

32.00Iced Spanish Lat teAn ice-cold vers ion of our s ignature Spanish la t te

All the prices are in UAE Dirhams and inclusive of 7% municipality fees, 10% service charge and 5% VAT.

N : Contains Nuts V : Vegetarian CS : Chef Special S : Spicy

Page 7: Le Veyron Cafe Menu New - Gevora Veyron Cafe Sandwiches Grilled Chicken and Cheddar Panini 32.00 Romaine lettuce, grill

Le VeyronCafe

Hot Artisan Coffee

30.00/20.00Espresso Double/Sing le

24.00Café Lat te

30.00Café Mocha



24.00Lat te Macchiato


20.00Amer icano

20.00Turk ish Cof fee

30.00Arabic Cof fee

20.00Decaf fe inated Cof fee

All the prices are in UAE Dirhams and inclusive of 7% municipality fees, 10% service charge and 5% VAT.

N : Contains Nuts V : Vegetarian CS : Chef Special S : Spicy

Page 8: Le Veyron Cafe Menu New - Gevora Veyron Cafe Sandwiches Grilled Chicken and Cheddar Panini 32.00 Romaine lettuce, grill

Le VeyronCafe

Tea Boutique 35.00

Assam Di r ia l (B lack Tea)A typ ica l second f lush Assam wi th a smooth, mal ty aroma and an in tens ive, exc lus ive in fus ion. Th is se lect ion can eas i ly accommodate mi lk , i f des i red.

F lavoured b lend of green tea and f ru i ts . The sweetness of summer sun-r ipened f lavoured b lend of green p ineapple completed wi th the exot ic taste of pass ion f ru i t and mango.

Ear l Grey Specia l (B lack Tea) F lavoured b lack tea. Fu l l -bodied b lack tea b lend wi th f resh bergamot character is t ics wi th a h int o f c i t rus aroma

Or ienta l Eve (B lack Tea)I t is a un ique b lend of b lack and green tea combined wi th natura l s t rawberr y and lemon f lavour. Added to the r ichness of th is tea is the co lour fu l f lower peta l that enhances the va lue of th is tea. Th is b lend is idea l to be consumed throughout the day.

China Chun Mee (Green TeaGreen tea ro l led in to pe l le ts. L ight cup wi th a p leasant tar t f lavour.

South Sea Pear l (Green Tea)

Le Touareg (Green Tea)Green tea gunpowder wi th nana-mint

All the prices are in UAE Dirhams and inclusive of 7% municipality fees, 10% service charge and 5% VAT.

N : Contains Nuts V : Vegetarian CS : Chef Special S : Spicy

Page 9: Le Veyron Cafe Menu New - Gevora Veyron Cafe Sandwiches Grilled Chicken and Cheddar Panini 32.00 Romaine lettuce, grill

Le VeyronCafe

Osmanthus L i lyArrangement of superb whi te tea tea and stunn ing f lowers. When steeped, spr ink les of osmanthus peta ls sur face wi th orange l i l y b lossoms, mesmer iz ing d isp lay. Th is t rans lucent l iquor impar ts a ve lvety sweet apr icot f lavour.

Jade BambooThis premium green tea unfo lds in to an ar ray of wi ld peta ls. The sway ing leaves impar t a subt le ear thy f lavour. p leas ing ly savoury in taste. i t is very natura l dr ink wi th no ar t i f ic ia l f lavour ing.

Jasmine L i lyTender handpicked whi te tea is crowned by de l icate and br ight p ink amaranth f lower. The dancing peta ls open as sweet jasmine scents th is capt ivat ing e l ix i r.

Mar igo ld Garden This is a hand p icked whi te tea crowned by a de l icate and br ight ye l low mar igo ld f lower. in hot water mar igo ld garden turns in to a g lobe shape wi th mel low and nut ty f lavour and h ints of f lo ra l sweetness.

Red Carnat ionDel icate s i lver needle whi te tea leaves are hand sewn around a br ight red f lower bud. The spr ing buds, in fused in water, expand in to a round b lossoms. The spr ing buds, in fused in fused in water, expand in to a round b lossoms. The sof t l iquor and smooth aroma br ings up the ca lming.

All the prices are in UAE Dirhams and inclusive of 7% municipality fees, 10% service charge and 5% VAT.

N : Contains Nuts V : Vegetarian CS : Chef Special S : Spicy

Page 10: Le Veyron Cafe Menu New - Gevora Veyron Cafe Sandwiches Grilled Chicken and Cheddar Panini 32.00 Romaine lettuce, grill

Iced and Cold Drinks 25.00

Le Veyron Iced Lat te

Chocolate on Ice

Matcha Ice Tea

Iced Chai Lat te

Le VeyronCafe

Fresh Juice Bar







Grapef ru i t

Lemon and Mint

All the prices are in UAE Dirhams and inclusive of 7% municipality fees, 10% service charge and 5% VAT.

N : Contains Nuts V : Vegetarian CS : Chef Special S : Spicy

Page 11: Le Veyron Cafe Menu New - Gevora Veyron Cafe Sandwiches Grilled Chicken and Cheddar Panini 32.00 Romaine lettuce, grill

Vi rg in Moj i toA c lass ic re f resh ing b lend of mint , c i t rus and sugar wi th a dash of soda.

P ink CoolerA zesty co lour fu l concoct ion of b lended oranges and l ime topped wi th grenadine syrup

Tropica l PunchA t rop ica l and f ru i ty combinat ion of exot ic pass ion f ru i t , ju icy mango and tar t b lack cur rant wi th a dash of lemon.

Marg ie ’s MimosaA del ight fu l and ref resh ing mix of whi te grape and f resh orange ju ice.

Melon MedleyA del ic ious s lushy dr ink b lending f resh canta loupe wi th a k ick of orange and lemon ju ice.

Endless SummerDel ight fu l ly indu lgent mockta i l combin ing f resh lychee, pass ion f ru i t and p ineapple b lended wi th ice.

Applet in iA sweet and sour b lend of f resh apple puree and lemon ju ice.

Exot ic Fus ionA delectab le fus ion of f resh orange and p ineapple ju ice topped wi th st rawberry and k iwi puree

A l l the Berr iesTar t b lackberr y, sweet st rawberry and ju icy raspberr y come together in to one co lour fu l and fun dr ink served over ice.

Peach Daiqu i r iSweet and f ru i ty mix of raspberr y and peach b lended wi th ice and served in i ts s ignature sugar r immed g lass

Le VeyronCafe

Mocktails 35.00

All the prices are in UAE Dirhams and inclusive of 7% municipality fees, 10% service charge and 5% VAT.

N : Contains Nuts V : Vegetarian CS : Chef Special S : Spicy

Page 12: Le Veyron Cafe Menu New - Gevora Veyron Cafe Sandwiches Grilled Chicken and Cheddar Panini 32.00 Romaine lettuce, grill

Le VeyronCafe

Soft Beverage18.00


Sof t dr inks - 7up, Pepsi , Mi randa (Regular & Sugar f ree)

Red bu l l (Regular or Sugar Free)


St i l l water (smal l ) 10.00




St i l l water ( la rge)

Spark l ing water (smal l )

Spark l ing water ( la rge)

All the prices are in UAE Dirhams and inclusive of 7% municipality fees, 10% service charge and 5% VAT.

N : Contains Nuts V : Vegetarian CS : Chef Special S : Spicy
