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LC Zurich Informant Nr. 29 13.01.13

LC Zurich Informant AIESEC in Zurich Newsletter

Content News of

the week A letter from our LCP

Updates - Comm


- TM

- F

- ER

Upcoming Events

See below

A letter from our LCP Dear Lions,

More than half a year ago I officially started my term as President of our

unique Local Committee. It was a very challenging time, but also filled with

loads of amazing moments making me proud to lead this organization. What

impresses me the most is to observe how some members take giant leaps in

their personal and professional development by challenging themselves try

do new things.

During this period we helped 19 swiss students to live a unique experience

abroad and we also gave 6 students from abroad the chance to do an intern-

ship here in Zurich. This means that during this short amount of time we

changed the life of 25 people. None of this could have happened without

your work and commitment for AIESEC. You have all reason to be proud of

your work.

I want to leave you with wishing you all the best for the new year and en-

couraging you to keep the one mindset, which can help you to personally

benefit most from your work in AIESEC: Just do it!

Good luck to all those, who still have exams and I hope to see everyone of

you at our first LCM in the next semester.



LCP of AIESEC in Zurich

AIESEC Christmas Dinner & In-terns Party

IBM Training Career Days


When: 25.01. – 27.01

Where: Bern

What: During LEAD we will discuss the MC elec-

tions for the term 2013/14. There will be review

boards, speeches, Q&A's and also the election of

the next LCP! Don't miss it if you want to in-

fluence AiS's future.

Registration (CLICK)


When: 15.03. – 20.03.

Where: Netherlands

What: Subscriptions are open NOW! You can

find any further informations on the Facebook-

page. There will be a swiss delegation going so

feel free to approach them as well.

Facebook page (CLICK)

Facebook event (CLICK)

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LC Zurich Informant

Dinner, Global Village, meetings – After working on the Christmas

Dinner and the Christmas Card (there will be an exemplary in the office so that you can

check it out) most of the COMM team members have been busy studying for the exams.

There will be a COMM meeting during semester break where the upcoming term will be

discussed focusing on the Global Village project.


Recruitment – TM is preparing for the next big thing: Recruitment for spring 2013! And

they're eager to make it a successful one!


Bookkeeping – The finance team is finalizing the bookkeeping for the audit of the

2nd Quarter. They restructured the Banana Accounting Software to fit our budget better.

Meanwhile the members are also preparing an ominous Finance-Quiz. Be curious! As for

the positive aspects, the VP claims that they have a very nice team spirit and workflow.

Also the housing revenue is far better than last year. On the other side we don't have

enough TN and EP income. Unfortunately also the Career Days income will be lower than



Internships & more – ER-Member Alina took the chance and went abroad on

an Internship. She's working in an hotel in Egypt and will be back in February. Also

Hatun didn't need to be told twice: She packed her suitcase and went on an GCDP in

Mauritius where IM-Member Nico was already awaiting her. Be curious about all the

stories and experiences they'll have to share with you in the february edition.

Gwen, long-time Key Account manager of Kraft Foods, is in Hong Kong after stepping

down from this position. The rest of the team is sitting at home preparing for the finals.

Julian, VP ER, has outlined a plan on how to get the numbers of TNs up and communica-

ted the importance of this to his team. They have a large list of companies to contact

and they'll be working at a higher, more efficient frequency.


OGX recruitment – AIESEC was represented at the 'Absolventenkongress' that

took place in Zurich in December 2012. Miguel from the MC was able to recruit some new

people to send abroad so there will have another XPS for them.

Unfortunately the OGX recruitment wasn't very successful this semester due to the fact

that the VP was behind schedule with a lot of things. This is the main point to improve for

the next semester. Therefor the OGX-Team will have a re-planning session with the entire

team before the university starts in February.


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LC Zurich Informant

About us


Rämistrasse 66 8001 Zurich, Switzerland Office: +41 44 252 36 82 Fax: +41 44 262 55 40

E-mail: [email protected]

We’re on the Web:

Or visit us on Facebook

Editors: Domagoj Belancic, Margaux Aeschimann

Send an email to the Comm Team

([email protected])

Christmas Dinner and Interns Party

Christmas Dinner This year the annual AIESEC Zurich

Christmas Dinner took place in the Fra-

scati Restaurant next to Bellevue.

We had the pleasure to have some of

the interns, alumni and other LC's with

us. Even some people from the MC

showed up, including the MCP.

With a festive atmosphere we enjoyed a

cosy gathering while eating a delicious

3-course menu. The ones who didn't

have too much stress due to university

took the chance and went out enjoying

Zurich's nightlife!

Check out some pictures from the din-

ner on the right.

Interns Party in Leimbach What better way to celebrate Pre-

Christams, after a super stressful time

of exam-preparations, than surrounded

by lovely AIESEC people. That's what

the IM-Events-Team must have thought

and therefor they organized a Pre-

Christams-Party open to all AIESEC

members and interns. Within a chill and

cosy atmosphere, with some mull wine

and folklore dances, all the guests spent

an unforgettable evening