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Culture : something that has become a habit that is hard or cannot to be change

All of the custom of public decline to next generation

Scientist : someone who do research Cardiovascular : that interferes with the vascular system

Desease caused by the constriction of vascular in the heart system

Circulatory system which comprises the heart and blood vessel

Traditional meal pattern: Like vegetarian food because its can find in the area no pestiside, home made

Cancer : a class of desease the caracterised by uncontrol cell division and the ability of the cell to attack other biology tissues

Disease caused by the growth of tissues cell are not normal

Cafein : subtance consist in the cofee and tea and it can caused decrease of sleepy

Mental disorder : psicological pattern, potentially reflected in behavior Cardiovascular disease : condition that effect the heart and blood vessel and

include arteriosklerosis, coroner arteri disease and etc. Green tea : kind of tea that contained antioxidant Healthy : in a good condition of person such as not sick Health : condition of people and it can be good or can be not good Animal source of food : is the source of food from animal origin such as beef,

chicken, meat, chicken egg, milk,

1. What are aspects of culture ?2. What are criteria for a good lifestyle ?3. What are the factor that affect the level of health ?4. How can the culture of meal pattern affected the longer of human’s life ?5. What are the benefits of good lifestyle ?6. What are relations between meal pattern with age ?7. What are relation meal pattern with disease ?8. What are relation culture with traditional meal patten ?9. What are relations between cardiovascular disease with lifesyle ?10. Why the age people in okinawa lower risk of getting cardiovascular, cancer and mental

disorder compare with american people ?

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11. Why a consumed seafood and green tea can rising a benefit ?12. How to reduce the risk of any disease ?13. How can young people able to maintenance a culture of healthy ?14. How can culture influence on health ?15. What are the diferent lifesyle in the village and in the city ?16. Mention any factor that caused disease !


1. What are aspects of culture ?- System religion- System and organization of resident- Tecnology - Location - Lifestyle - Education

2. What are criteria for a good lifestyle ?- The people do diet - No smoking - Vegetarian - Phcycal excercise- Healty food- Sleep enough- Healthy food pattern- Keep contact with God

3. How can the culture of meal pattern affected the longer of human’s life ?-

4. What are the benefits of good lifestyle ?- Long life- Healthy- productive

5. What are relations between meal pattern with age ?- Because natural food not contains pesticide and another chemical organic

6. What are relations meal pattern with disease ?- Healthy food can reduce the risk of disease- Improving

7. What are relations culture with traditional meal patten ?- Usually every culture have traditional meal pattern

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- Usually every area have traditional meal pettern increasing or decreasing health conditions

8. What are relations between cardiovascular disease with lifesyle ?- Bad lifestyle can affacted cardiovasular disease such as smoking, stress, rarely do sport

9. Why the age people in okinawa lower risk of getting cardiovascular, cancer and mental disorder compare with american people ?- Because the people in okinawa island consumed green tea and seafood (natural food)- Culture religion

10. Why a consumed seafood and green tea can rising a benefit ?-

11. How to reduce the risk of any disease ?- Often do sport - No smoking- Custome- Good lifesyle

12. How can young people able to maintenance a culture of healthy ?- Grow their convidence- Give the sense that confidence to build their life

13. How can culture influence on health ?- Because of culyre influence on the behavior and influence on health behavior

14. What are the diferent lifesyle in the village and in the city ?15. Mention any factor that caused disease !

- Age- Air polution- Sex - Obesity- Radiation- Infection - Heredity- Hormone- Physical agent

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Religion Culture Tradition



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1. What are aspects of culture ?- System religion- System and organization of resident- Tecnology - Location - Lifestyle - Education

1. Food 2. Clothing

3. Recreation

4. Government

5. Education

6. Language

7. Religion

8. Transportation 

9. Economy 



12. Arts

Sumber :

2. What are criteria for a good lifestyle ?- The people do diet - No smoking - Vegetarian - Phcycal excercise- Healty food- Sleep enough- Healthy food pattern- Keep contact with God

3. How can the culture of meal pattern affected the longer of human’s life ?In each culture there are both acceptable and unacceptable foods, though this is not determined by whether or not something is edible. A cultural group provides guidelines regarding acceptable foods, food combinations, eating patterns, and eating behaviors.

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Compliance with these guidelines creates a sense of identity and belonging for the individual. Within large cultural groups, subgroups exist that may practice variations of the group's eating behaviors, though they are still considered part of the larger group. For example, a hamburger, French fries, and a soda are considered a typical American meal. Vegetarians in the United  Someone who is repeatedly exposed to certain foods is less hesitant to eat them. For example, lobster traditionally was only available on the coasts, and is much more likely to be accepted as food by coastal dwellers.  States, however, eat "veggie-burgers" made from mashed beans, pureed vegetables, or soy, and people on diets may eat a burger made from lean turkey. In the United States these are appropriate cultural substitutions, but a burger made from horsemeat would be unacceptable.

Sumber :

4. What are the benefits of good lifestyle ?- Long life- Healthy- productive

1. Your Health:

Good Health is not something that you buy from a drug store or a department store, but can be achieved by

practicing collective patterns of health-related behavior, based on choices made from available options. Following

this logic, if you wish to realize the benefits of a healthy lifestyle, you have to repeat some healthy pattern as a

part of your daily or weekly activities, some patterns like eating right and exercising. Other benefits includes:

Reduced health care costs, reduced illness and injuries, reduced doctors visit, Keeps you employed and

improved employee/employer relations.

2. Weight:

Managing your weight is the key to attaining all of the health benefits of a Healthy Lifestyle. A weight reduction of

just 10 percent will significantly reduce risk of heart disease and other obesity-related illnesses.

Obesity/overweight is the second leading contributing factor to many childhood diseases such as orthopedic

disorders, sleep apnea, type II diabetes mellitus, asthma, high blood pressure and cholesterol, skin disorders,

emotional and psychosocial problems (Spigel, 2002), and many more. Weight-bearing exercise such as walking

and strength training helps slow the onset of and/or prevent osteoporosis and some research shows that

participating in such activities can actually build bone density and begin to reverse the disease. Other benefits

are: Weight reduction, reduced tension and stress, improved well-being, Enhanced self-image and self-esteem

and improved physical function.

3. Exercise:

Although drugs alone can often bring cholesterol down to normal levels, diet and exercise provide benefits that

drugs don't. They'll lower blood pressure, reduce weight, and lower the risk of developing diabetes. A sedentary

lifestyle is a dangerous risk factor for disease. Exercise and a healthy diet helps the body use insulin more

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efficiently and can help control, alleviate and prevent many diseases. Exercise, cessation of tobacco

consumption, eating a high-fiber, low-fat diet, controlling body weight, and learning to cope with stress, reduce

the risk of heart disease.

4. Medical:

We all want a trim and have healthy body for a variety of aesthetic, social and medical reasons. Healthy living is

truly the best medicine. In a study conducted by Tufts University at the New England Medical Center, among

patients with cardiovascular disease, an exercise program was shown to significantly reduce LDL cholesterol and

other risk factors beyond what's provided by drug therapy. Even modest weight loss can help reduce medical and

pharmacy costs, help avoid bariatric surgery, and co-morbidities such as asthma, hypertension, and diabetes.

5. Wellness:

Wellness is about being comfortable in your space: your body, your attitude, and your environment. A healthy

lifestyle can greatly increase a person's longevity. And even though catching something contagious like a cold or

flu is sometimes unavoidable, having the wisdom that feeling healthy is a better way to live should have you

asking yourself why you are not taking action to live each day as beneficially as possible. The issue with a lot of

people nowadays is that they are so busy working and/or taking care of everyone around them, that they neglect

their own health and wellness. Make sure your heart is healthy and your bones are strong and Keep it that way to

see the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.

6. Care:

The best way to ensure good health is by taking care of yourself. The Care stakes are high but the potential

rewards are great-preventing premature death, unnecessary illness, and disability, controlling health care cost,

and maintaining a high quality of life into old age. With a healthy lifestyle, you are who you are and you don't

have to be self-conscious about those things that you otherwise would be if you didn't care about your lifestyle

7. Control:

With a healthy lifestyle, you have more control of your life as you work with your body against those aspects of

living which may work to hold you back if you would let them. With a healthy lifestyle, you have control over your

sleep patterns so that you feel generally well rested throughout the day. With a healthy lifestyle, everything works

together to help other aspects of your lifestyle make sense and benefit you. Science has proven that healthy

weight loss, healthy eating and fitness routines make dramatic improvements in health, and help control common

chronic illnesses like high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, stress, and general lack of stamina.

8. Strength:

Another benefit of a healthy lifestyle is a steady flow of stamina and strength; you can perform activities and

exercises that will enhance your flexibility. With a healthy lifestyle, you have a balanced and varied diet that

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provides your body its needed nutrients and energy as well. You have strength to train to help build the muscle

that supports the bones and joints; therefore decreasing the risk of falls and fractures. Cardiovascular exercise,

also known as aerobic exercise, strengthens the heart muscle, therefore increases the heart's efficiency. As we

age, our bones biologically begin to lose mass and strength. Weight-bearing exercise such as walking and

strength training helps slow the onset of and/or prevent osteoporosis and some research shows that participating

in such activities can actually build bone density and begin to reverse the disease.

Article Source:

5. What are relations between meal pattern with age ?- Because natural food not contains pesticide and another chemical organic

6. What are relations meal pattern with disease ?- Healthy food can reduce the risk of disease- Improving

7. What are relations culture with traditional meal patten ?- Usually every culture have traditional meal pattern- Usually every area have traditional meal pettern increasing or decreasing health


8. What are relations between cardiovascular disease with lifesyle ?- Bad lifestyle can affacted cardiovasular disease such as smoking, stress, rarely do sport

9. Why the age people in okinawa lower risk of getting cardiovascular, cancer and mental disorder compare with american people ?- Because the people in okinawa island consumed green tea and seafood (natural food)- Culture religion

10. Why a consumed seafood and green tea can rising a benefit ?-

11. How to reduce the risk of any disease ?- Often do sport - No smoking- Custome- Good lifesyle


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1. Avoid herbicides and pesticides. With plenty of natural ways to get rid

of unwanted insects and solutions to eliminate weeds, you can easily avoid using these


2. Keep plastics out of foods. Don’t microwave plastic or put hot foods in plastic.

Also, avoid using canned foods with white linings inside–these contain bisphenol-A.


11. Eat a balanced diet. Make sure your diet includes a variety of foods that include

grains, fruits, vegetables, and lean meats.

12. Get plenty of antioxidants. Foods that are high in antioxidants are an excellent

choice for preventing health risks. Antioxidants work to counteract free radicals, which

damage cell structure.

13. Eat hormone-free meat. The best meat you can eat to reduce your risk of

diseases such as cancer is organic meat that has not been given hormones.

14. Avoid fish with high mercury content. Fish is an excellent choice for brain

health, but only if you aren’t putting tons of mercury into your body at the same time.

Find out which types of fish have the least amount of mercury and stick with those.

ExerciseDo something every day. Whether you take a walk, go to the gym, or head to the courts for a little one-on-one, do something physically active every day.


31. Stop smoking. Not only is smoking a cancer risk, it also causes lung disease,

heart attack, stroke, and a whole host of other health problems. Get help to stop


32. Sleep well. Getting enough sleep each night will not only help reduce stress, but

studies show it may also reduce the risk of cancer in women who are also exercising.

33. Think positively. Not only will you will feel empowered to make positive, healthy

changes in your life, but many people credit positive thinking with helping them

overcome serious illness.

Specific FoodsGreen tea. Full of antioxidants and free of sugar, green tea is a healthy drink that is thought to help prevent cancer, lower cholesterol, boost immunity, and more.Salmon. This super food is high in omega-3 EFAs and protein, low in cholesterol and contains B vitamins, calcium, zinc, iron and magnesium.

Preventing Cancer

51. No tobacco. Whether you smoke, dip, or chew, stop using tobacco to help reduce

the risk of lung, mouth, throat, and other cancers.

52. Sun protection. Don’t forget to protect your skin from the sun every time you

are outside. Use sun block with an SPF factor of at least 15, even in the winter, and get in

the habit of wearing a hat. Also, avoid being outside at peak sun times.

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Preventing Heart Disease and Stroke

61. Control blood pressure. High blood pressure is the biggest risk factor for

stroke. Controlling blood pressure greatly reduces your risk for both heart disease and


62. Reduce stress. Stress is a major contributor to heart disease. Reducing your

stress levels will reduce your risk.

Sumber :

12. How can young people able to maintenance a culture of healthy ?- Grow their convidence- Give the sense that confidence to build their life

13. How can culture influence on health ?- Because of culyre influence on the behavior and influence on health behavior

14. What are the diferent lifesyle in the village and in the city ?15. Mention any factor that caused disease !

- Age- Air polution- Sex - Obesity- Radiation- Infection - Heredity- Hormone- Physical agent