Page 1: Law. Mans Frimd wl^M& · OQ . Sept. 19 at St. Patrick's re creation hall, Qwego, William 'Milter was in charge of refreshments


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•Qtfaet^dieeyg lusUlled• were4r '"•'"'"^ Alfred Hodel, deputy grand M a s s 6 s

- taigJbtt; Edward Haggerty, ehan-ceUor; Frank: Button*, "warden;

• William. MlBer, lecturer j Harry Schresck, financial secretary; John Murphy, recording seere-tary? Reginald Fragneto, treas-veer; Joseph Daley, inside guard; Gerald Koons, duteide guard. Installing officers were Edward

CISWJSS, of Elrtiira, district deputy and *I*h.omas Cogglns, warden of Elraira council, . ~~"

<Vbm Rev. G. Stuart Began, pas-tor o f St. James Church js conn*

••(ill cbtsaplaln. /||- ." ' * ml

District Oeputy/Clauss talked von s ta te council Jifianees and thp state council's future. %

on Sunday, the film "These Men Called" Knights" was-shown. The film was also shown OQ . Sept. 19 at St. Patrick's re­creation hall, Qwego,

William 'Milter was in charge of refreshments a t " Tuesday night's meeting.

* * * •

^ KPWAED J, d f U I f t S Waverly A High Mass of

Requiem was celebr<1ff4f Thurs­day of last week by ft/fley. G, Stuart Hogan, pastor f of St. James for Edward J. Gulllns-who died Sept 8, 1938 at his home, 455 Park Ave. following a long illness,, •• >

H e was born in Athens, Pa, and was a member of £t. James Church Holy Name Society,

. . Surviving: are' his- wife, Ellen; two sons, Edward of Baltimore 'and Robert aX home; a (laughter,

WBetot #* ftgj and l|l m f f S ^ 1 S i t & ^ mA


F i r s t and second degrees will be corsferred by Waverly Coancll Sunday, Oct 19 in Waverk- Jjur? Ing tfcse business ttmlngTit was

' voted"" TFdonate §9 op'* Kund.

to tbi Bish-

erry,. of

ASTHMANEFRIN For Quick, 5af»'

ASTHMA/REjLIEf IWhinivar^ek

poctfwr m HIEljILI^JQt .

GEROU Pr*f«!lMi«{ Pharmacy ft T* ft M. -and WM, K, SW60


DIM, 6M6

Father-Hogaa led in recitation 5 of the Rosary a t Luckner Fun-' eral Homer"" j •

Bearers were! John dxdnnm, Eleetus Stafford, Thonfas Jen-kins, Daniel Haas,, Robert Cove-no,? and Franeis/ Ctmlon.

/ f Burial was inSt/Jiunes Ceme­

tery with thA^Bev*. -Charles Mc Carthy, Jtsslstant pastor offering. the prayer, ' / / ' . prayer.

Red Mass Sermon »#.* "€&•

Law. Mans Frimd wl^M&gerMextjm-


Very Eev, Charles. J . Lavery, C,S.B„ president of St. John Fisher College, told lawyers, attending1 the annual Red Mass said by Bishop Kearney last Friday a t St Joseph's Clwre-h, Franklin St;; Rochester,, "law is the friend of, man," !

* Addressing the lawyers at the

• Mass celebrated by Bishop Kear-| ney, Father Lavery' set as a stage for his theme, the trials of the Greek philosopher Socra­tes, the trial of .Christ, the trial of St. Thomas More and the, trial besetting nnan today—where every man is asked to choose— "to balance his liabilities, to rec-

I. ogriize that there never can be order, nor peaee, nor toeppnwiss

i 3tt'.man, between man, between 4,natiDns, unless every many rec­

ognizes God as suprefae, and law as an Instament of peace Inti­mately related to God. the souyce and guaraptor oi all laws,"

RATHER IAXEM told the lawyers that Socrates was on trial because. he taught truth and virtue and he chose death rather than forsake his ennsrf-

! enee; the trial of Christ is *irni-' hauMed••fcur spiritual capital 4 ( t t r . "He!rameit^//give testimony we havs /Ween living on traditions

ib the Truth./Pilate asked that and need ing : our. capital, We 1 tkmous o.uestio*»./*w*hat is tralli|'Thold tHese truths to he self-evi-.rhrist died for St" , den^yswe say i t ; and we meaft It.

ill*-- /L/ , . . : But, |hey are not self-evident to // «ThomasyXfore could have e v e r | «ne. Many deny/ttem.

; avoided detfi quite eastty," Fa.; ^rtherehy deny God/7 ) ther X^vew/sald, "He e^uld-Ttave | rf j . * * 7 /

signed s. //tocitrment -*. nothing! 'The ^secularist, nmtertallstic/ j would ha%vhafojx/ned to him. But' atheistl^ ideas ^jgfepi/d noillions,' - ' "yf • -' - t ru ta -he" \y£ ^ u d l y faty^Qfett we are a

obHgaflSft<5.' lit^N^ffhat lives under law and , , . , , . • - * , . , ,.- v r . , - - - ---,/ --- « , . .«^^^v,. . » ^ thus didtfas under led. The task o£ today

Jprefecttf/e m e f t a ^ d / b y - i ^ B a Ja± a, total of 21,«§0.\Of/ he s a i d p l $ 4 t i n g that he wits is to "make That secure. / h e i n e j r e a s g ^ f H hapM|fts numbered 4,1,13. JJ/ the King's very go

fraternities will merge early next year^ i t ua.s announced here. . ^ ,

Representatives of Phi Kappa an;d Theta Kappa Pfti met here, in separate meetings to ap-, -^—•-r-^-.--- ---——r-, -—r ->_

, .... • - - • - •

prove the consolidation. wlii«li is (rora more than SO Catholic and j.expected to take about MA nr.r;t\ithoiic colleges and uni^er-

montlis. (six ies.

DETAILS of r"ttoancial and . Dahlia Show group obligations for the two T h p m h 'mna^i r j a h i i a S h o v v

I nonprofit eorporatinn«. are h*-ing will 1>e iwld on the^iirst floor worked, ou^ by the hater rules' attorneys, Charles H Meyers, senior vicepi-esid'ent of Plii Kap­pa, said.

of the Rochester ^Museum of Alts and Silences on Sunday, Sept; 21. The show will he open to the public from 2:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.

The combined fraternity. t«> be' SOUTHERN TIER EDITION known as Phi Kappa T>u„ will (X^ITUER-JOURNAL have mme than IvS.aio'mcmtaers Friday, September 19,. 195S 13

Wymmi mmmnary/m w e lH)iitf/miMy the uig, fcipMsea < ItHNRe i iooidWt foSai^ hte o yea' Catholics m the J to a ttW^k^e'ilH

library Hottrs The Rochester Public Library,'

main libraty and »ll branches, will resume their Fall schedule this 'week arid be open on Satur­day, Sept 20. Mala library hour* ate 0 a.m, to 8 p.m, Monday through Friday and 3 a.m,.to 5 p,m, on Saturday, Branch libra-rie» »re open 2 to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday and 9 a,m .to 5 p,mu on Saturday,

laNsneyet fepoffs

Knights Install New Officers

good friend, but j God's Ifirst,"

"FOJC **r too miuiy people lodaKT GrOiUs non-existent. He hiia b ^ ^ o r e o t l e h , people do not reeognfr* AajL^lor the sil#h,t*8t law tobegoo t f^o lie right—It must accord with the law of God,

'To me, this Is the challenge of the hour and the day for you men. It is a tremendous respon­sibility.


Sincere Congratulations



GOLDEN JUBILEE t * 0 I < 1 9 5 3

Gfeenma ~ Officers of Geneva Council No. 272, Knights of Co* Iwrnbus, v w e irtslallrd at the

j council home, Sept. CHh« district ^THIIy^rc^acT"lM:cDon.aF3rdf5-"' trlet warden Thomas daltagher and their ctatf, inducted the new officers,

Installed as oflii-prs were grand knigrftt Michael SSimwinej deputy grand kftishf, Qporge Boisvert; chancellor, Charles Haubner; re* corner, William* Leonard; war­den, William Bauer; treasurer, GlIHert^'-haefferj inside guard, Eugene Hk-keyj outride- guard, Thomas O'Brien; trustee for thrcNp years, Anthony Cocetv, and tru??teo for one year, Barry Mor* an Sf,

Grand knight Simeone appoint-ed Bev. Daniel Tormey of S t Fraancis Church to be council chaplain, Otlter appointments by Simeone were financial scire-

Maurice Chaeehia, and lecturer, Frank Verstreate. All officers will serve for one year.

uFFICtALS of Newark and Canandaigiia Councils were pres­ent for the ceremonies as were

"past district deputies Matthew Kellphrr and J»hn Mahoney, Many past grand knights of Gen­eva Council attended.* '

: After the Installation, 3.IcDon» aid addressed the new officers and members present. He urged all members to support their new •officers"ah* all'council aetivlties.

, He emphnslied that all Knights should eonduet themselves in ac-

: eordanoe with principles of the ! order: charity, unily, fraternity and patrioltera. "". # ' j

i Slmeane announced tlie first,, social e\*ertt of • the1 Fall will be;

; a -.dihnex to honor past grand knight Anthony" Ceeere: John

"AS jnt'MSES, you'must decide »laws, yau must give answers—to '(set thirrps- in motion to neoord "%vlih wJbualJs-rfjLht—what is ab-1 solute and «nehangeabfi«-»CiQd,

"Could we not characterize the i" attitude of most young people I As lawyer* who will argue today toward law as something! and defend before the taw of to be evaded a t all costs. Bow Iwtice, you have a solemn obit many would regard the law as a £#»<» to uphold the law, to. re-norm of right conduct, as--ar^jnfc-t St, to help it regain its

_m>ide^aJEr4find^as Uia-£Hamitee .P*T",n-»J -PKB'»|te.. regarded as an enemy of self,, „. , , _ ., „ of freedom? In fact, the law Is , M a f w p ^s^' pray that each a shackle to be broken. i « ' w s i n Q l f o v v n , wa-v b-v P f ^

, by example will appmvh the WHY JK) PJ50PI(K aet today study, of and prattlfe of law as

In this \<ayr I think it ran be! friends of the nation, of its rul-safely • said that we have ex-1 ers^ but God*s~firsL"

I ' ' . . . i i m m mi m ilm .N it • ' « | ] i • I_ I_ l _

Sisters Attend Teaching Clinic



t a r » - C h d s -DeWallj advocate, i Murray Is general chairman,

Annual Workshop Tfie annual Sodality workshop: site. Ferrers, Marleng Tomaslno,

for both adult and teenage So"-J'Dorothy Crombaeh, Catherine dalitles wEl be held from '3:15, to ' Moynihan,-Edward Aman, Patfl-•6 p.m. on Sunday, eta Ppble and Teresa Finks,. Fa-Sacred Heart Cathedral hail,:-ac"- {&»« J,ar»es. J Marvin., assistant carding to the Rev. E d w ^ ' E ; : pastor. b*f the' Cathedral' parish; Stehaklrchner, diocesan,•^j^clor will give- the welcoming address. of parish. Sodalities. ..%'j,.."":^"//---!-- , '",-•-, v ••'* .

.*..;/< A soetat-hour, to follow the FMher Stelnkirchner said that [ workshop, will . be held, The

there will be special sessions for • Sacred Heart Caihedral" Sodality directors, for officers and unit will be the hosts.

Nearly 200 Sisters attended a workshop on the teaching of Re­ligion on Sept. 11-12-13 a t Holy Family School. Presiding at-the opening session Rt. Rev. Msgr.

Hon of Sister Frandne arid Sis­ter Jullta

Present at the .workshop were Sisters .of Mer<ey» Sisters of St. Josepn.'-.'FrancKeans and School

Charles-V Boyle, superintendent ) S i s t m o f m t n m r m k m

of schools, Mary^Jtlona,

Introduced Sister „.0,Fi „.p.rp?{triRnf...of

j.Jjmdje*§ at teenage gro.up3-.vttdV - »'t.. j=rr* o—

Edgewood College, Madi«o», Wis.

Sister Mary jNona dkenssed the philosophy of curriculum articulated in the three volume work, Guiding Growth In Chris­tian Social Living," of which Sis­ter Nona is co-author with Sister Mary Joan O.P, Sister explained that the curriculum Is tne ful­fillment of the roaster plan eon* ceived by the late Doctor- Shields and developed by Msgr. George Johnson. Sister showed the im-"plementation of this curriculum in the courses of study prepared. by the New York State Catholic curriculum committee.


Rochester and Buffalo,-

The -workshop closed on Salur-, day "with Benediction of the , Blessed Sacramient given b y Rev, George Sehmitt, pastor of Holy Family assisted by Rev, Elmer Schmidt,

• — o — - » ,

.Xor'-officers. and meinbei^*S-tite^*«|l?|i^ : .^_ • - "* v-» ^ 'a'd-ttl€ Sodalities. / • H|i'.*i^ l ,S I | l©! | i aRSC0p6 -\Ji

PURPOSE' OF THE pOTitiam Is" t o help -solve the practical problems involved in sunning a Sodality, $loth Priests and,. Social­ists •will be conducttog the ses­sions* he added, ' -c" •.


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Quietly elegant on — Skagmoor's own fcather-soft . wool, cut w perfect'fkting

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Hyle $139 with Naturd Grey Persian $I19.9S ' Aho fl6S with ftamd Sheared Beam

(fttr preducu IsMd'h *km county */ ertgh4-

PERSONIUS & MALONE - MARKE- r s-rs.. E: MIR A . v. v.

6pan Mondety A Frktoy Nifiw Till 9 tk.

Vatican' City — i><C) — Spy-ros Skouras, president of 20th Ccjilury. Fo.\, and' Mrs. Skour-as Dave offered Pope Pius Xff complete "cinemascope." equip-

They are, In addition |ft^rther_,-.-iSferit Mot 'the movie auditorium SteinM'chner, B^^^^ata^'iRich*! of Ihe Pontifical .fJommisslon ard-A., Bart,_ J :gl^h P. Beatihf for Movies,. Radio and"*elevi. •and. UlMraer - B ^ ^ ^ i v i d ' Mur*" slon. " .'" phy, ' James mmi^^_ Joyce' Contestable,^Jerry—CaifrT^^^^t • ,» + Schnaeky, Kathleen Bond.AGra^p^- resWen: t Corcoran, JohaiKuebel, AnMh-


ing lo t .of SligiSome's eku-wh here was pacEeftsWith cars le-oent'ry—but theJarTfeij? and pas-FCtagers went to the neighboring Tcmpic Miznafr; for teligfous. ser\ices, - ---. - -

The parking provfclon foP'fFe-Jewr<lr-vvors'hlpers~was—gr antefT by MSJ»T. Eucfcne, Muleahey, pas-tor of St, Jerome's,

Pontiff Instructed the of the eonuiaissioh),

S l^^^ ta r t in J, O'Connor, rector =of 'liS^tirft^iSjmerlcftft

•-."..':"iheiPfloS'ie studio Is the only one In" "vati^h City- and. JWMM Set. up In 1952:1 &££«!• tlie enini mission AVUS established. The auditorium enables c h u r c h authorities to study the reh-j?ioiis and moral asjiects ot

' i«Meaasfilms. 3In ^feiojtsiaiia/tsoinpanled—by-

Tu*i wlfe^Jils^taJttgM|j#ffi»dxAer_

the Pope Mioii. —

Together". A graphic demonstra tion of the Mass with tape re« cording followed Sister's lecture I t was givln b y Rev. Elmer Schmidt, assistant pastor at Holy Family.

Friday's workshop spened with a Dialogue Mass celebrated by Rev, Joseph Relnhart, adminis­trator of St, Gabriel's Church, Hammondsport, The all day'ses-flons on Friday and Saturday iSvefe devoted'to lesson planning and demonstration of techniques,

The work was under the di-. _ . . . . . _ . rectioix of Sister Mary Francine

College JaRome^ to iHSc^lie~tfes^,S.r£S>^ supervisor of schools In ^e^Arjcjhdiocese of. Mihyaukee, and S ^ ^ ^ i a r y • Jullta, --demon-

^ S J ^ ^ £ S X S S S £ : - ^ H d u r g ^ O h . sacred « « « * .

stra-aon" " t^^^^feehdiocese of Milwairkee^^^^^teiam Boehe, a s s o c i a . t e • supelBpiiitM. of sdiooH±teSpehester, ^vmi the mornlftg Tession- on F |

More telephones For Vatican

- Vatican City — '(NO —V»» fienn City has a new andl en­larged felephone exchange*,

The number of subseribci's has Increaserl from 400 io 3,000 with lines provided for the- new

jtralions located opposite St. Peter's Square*

The enlarged exchange- Is housed In the remodeled Padiice. of the Belvedere Lodge, which' forms part of ' t he extensive Vatican Palace.

- — • • • •' o - — — — —

CYO Name Stag h Bty&m M^flBg

Bryden — 'Thte- Dryderi Catlio-lie Youth rganlzafipn rnei' a t the, Patte residence,-'Sept. %•.

• Bill Seavey was elected, presi­dent ..Other 'oflacMavfej?e Bov. Patte, vice' president; Marlon Schickel, secretary; Linda Gay, treasurer.

ON SATORDAY4 sectioj meetings provided grade 'tea^r^rs the^j^BrJiuu^J |p»J)9ste^eto4^

jgBTRolter Skatfeg Party will be ' ' i 20- a t Jlde's* Brxinrer.f

=-IJay is fak ing reserva-

in specific _ste^s_iit_lesson plan.4— JSeifeB^^By- will be held husband; ""are^eij^c^d i o ^ i ^ ^ ^ o r r j h e various levels,' a n d ^ ^ g ^ ^ i h e n l i o m e of, Mary Lou


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