  1. 1. Theme verse: Colossians 1:9b-11 NLT We ask God to give you complete knowledge of his will and to give you spiritual wisdom and understanding.
  2. 2. Then the way you live will always honor and please the Lord, and your lives will produce every kind of good fruit. All the while, you will grow as you learn to know God better and better.
  3. 3. We also pray that you will be strengthened with all his glorious power so you will have all the endurance and patience you need. May you be filled with joy,
  4. 4. Complete knowledge Spiritual wisdom and understanding Always honor and please God Produce every kind of good fruit Grow as you learn WHAT DREAMS DO FOR YOU
  5. 5. Know God better and better Strengthened with all his glorious power Have all endurance and patience FILLED WITH JOY
  6. 6. Definition of Terms D.V.R.s- Dreams, Visions, Revelations Usually brought on by a boring American History teacher Most often experienced during a monotonous sermon by your pastor
  7. 7. Prayer Visions- Being quiet in prayer and listening to the flow of your mind and heart. Also called Listening Prayer
  8. 8. What people think about dreams: The result of eating too much spicey food Result of illicit drugs Hallucinations Results of too much booze- bed spinning after being drunk What people think about dreams: From eating spicy food From taking illicit drugs Psychiatric hallucinations Drinking too much booze- bed spinning after being drunk (ask me how I know)
  9. 9. Wrong attitudes about dreams: WIN LOTTERY CRAZY PEOPLE WASTE OF TIME
  10. 10. Wrong things people say about dreams: Forget about your dream and just go back to sleep They are of the devil Only prophets get dreams
  11. 11. Dreams must be good because people always put the word dream before something they really like. Dream Car
  12. 12. Dream Girl/Guy
  13. 13. Dream Vacation
  14. 14. DREAM GREAT STATEMENTS 1. The purpose of all dreams is to teach you how to love God and man.
  15. 15. Dreams teach: How to abide in Christ How to be taught by the Holy Spirit The first and great commandment- Love God, second Commandment- love your neighbor.
  16. 16. Teaches believers how to stay in fellowship with God Brings conviction to the unbelievers conscience
  17. 17. DREAM GREAT STATEMENTS 2. Every dream will be self- promoting, because Gods primary purpose is loving union with mankind. God continually advertises this method to achieve it.
  18. 18. DREAM GREAT STATEMENTS 3. Every dream is centered around the redemptive work of Jesus Christ. Revelation 19:10 b NLT For the essence of prophecy is to give a clear witness for Jesus."
  19. 19. DREAM GREAT STATEMENTS 4. Every dream is future tense and will be confirmed
  20. 20. DREAM GREAT STATEMENTS 5. The majority of dreams deal with spiritual warfare
  21. 21. DREAM GREAT STATEMENTS 6. Dreams are designed to make you spiritually rich through spiritual enlightenment.
  22. 22. DREAM GREAT STATEMENTS 7. Dreams use your personal revelatory language and also a common language of mankind according to your culture.
  23. 23. DREAM GREAT STATEMENTS 8. Angels are involved in delivering dreams.
  24. 24. DREAM GREAT STATEMENTS 9. There is a comedy/joy element in dreams.
  25. 25. DREAM GREAT STATEMENTS 10. Dreams give you comfort and encourage you to carry on despite lifes struggles.
  26. 26. DREAM GREAT STATEMENTS 11. Dreams repair the brokenness in your life.
  27. 27. DREAM GREAT STATEMENTS 12. Dreams are Gods inner witness to all mankind of the redemption in Jesus Christ. 2 Peter 3:9b NLT He does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants everyone to repent.
  28. 28. 1. Gods creation Three ways God reaches out to mankind
  29. 29. 2. Gods Word revealed to prophets and written down in the scriptures. Three ways God reaches out to mankind
  30. 30. 1. The inner witness given to all mankind Romans 2:14,15 Three ways God reaches out to mankind
  31. 31. THE END