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Precambrian Research 220– 221 (2012) 65– 79

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ate-Neoarchean magmatism and metamorphism at the southeastern margin ofhe North China Craton and their tectonic implications

n-Dong Wanga,∗, Yi-Can Liua,∗, Xiao-Feng Gua, Zhen-Hui Houa, Biao Songb

CAS Key Laboratory of Crust-Mantle Materials and Environments, School of Earth and Space Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, ChinaBeijing SHRIMP Center, Institute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing 100037, China

r t i c l e i n f o

rticle history:eceived 21 May 2012eceived in revised form 28 July 2012ccepted 30 July 2012vailable online 10 August 2012

eywords:ircon U–Pb datingf isotopeate-Neoarchean magmatism and

a b s t r a c t

In the present study, two gneiss xenoliths from the Mesozoic Jiagou intrusion at the southeastern marginof the North China Craton (NCC) are examined for in situ zircon SHRIMP U–Pb dating in combination withzircon trace element and Hf isotope analyses. Cathodoluminescence (CL) images and trace element datareveal that most zircons from the dated samples display distinct core–rim structures, i.e., magmatic coresand metamorphic rims. The cores show typical igneous characteristics with oscillatory growth zoning andhigh rare earth element (REE) contents, whereas the metamorphic rims are characterized by spherical tooval shape, and high and homogeneous luminescent intensity. Zircon SHRIMP U–Pb dating results suggestthat the xenoliths formed at 2.55–2.64 Ga and experienced high-grade metamorphism at 2.48–2.49 Ga.The lower HREE contents, negative Eu anomalies, high Th/U ratios (generally >0.5) and high Ti-in-zircon

etamorphismrustal growthorth China Craton

temperatures (>800 C) of metamorphic zircon rims suggest that the 2.48–2.49 Ga event represents anepisode of granulite facies metamorphism. These results demonstrate that the lower-crustal rocks in thestudied area experienced late-Neoarchean magmatism and subsequent metamorphism. Positive εHf(t)values of +2 to +5, with model ages younger than 3.0 Ga and formation ages of 2.55–2.64 Ga for igneouszircons from the xenoliths indicate that they were derived from juvenile crustal sources and stronglysuggest the existence of significant late-Neoarchean crustal growth in the region.

. Introduction

Episodic growth of juvenile continental crust has been recog-ized by a number of authors (e.g., McCulloch and Bennett, 1994;ondie, 1998), and early Precambrian is regarded to be a crucialtage for continental crust formation, occurring during several peakeriods such as 3.6 Ga, 2.7 Ga and 1.8 Ga (McCulloch and Bennett,994; Condie, 1998; Condie et al., 2011). However, in some Pre-ambrian cratons such as the North China Craton (NCC) and Indianhield, the major tectonothermal events occurred extensively in.5–2.6 Ga (Clark et al., 2009; Wang and Liu, 2012 and referencesherein) and the Neoarchean history of these cratons are markedlyifferent from that of most other cratons.

In the past two decades, great achievements have been maden understanding the formation and evolution of the NCC. How-ver, the history of cratonization of the NCC and the nature of

ectonothermal events are highly controversial (e.g., Zhai et al.,000; Wilde et al., 2002; Kusky and Li, 2003; Polat et al., 2005;hao et al., 2005, 2011; Geng et al., 2011; Nutman et al., 2011;

∗ Corresponding authors. Tel.: +86 551 3600367; fax: +86 551 3600367.E-mail addresses: [email protected] (A.-D. Wang), [email protected]

Y.-C. Liu).

301-9268/$ – see front matter © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.ttp://

© 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Ying et al., 2011; Zhai and Santosh, 2011; Santosh et al., 2012a,b).An important approach to solve this debate is to obtain moregeochronological and geochemical data related to the Precam-brian magmatism and metamorphism over the craton. With theaim to avoid the influence of late geological processes and thedisequilibrium of Sr–Nd isotopes between minerals, zircon canbe regarded as an ideal mineral for dating multistage magma-tism and metamorphism of rocks involved in complex processes(e.g., Y.C. Liu et al., 2011a). As a consequence, due to its highstability and closure temperature (Lee et al., 1997; Cherniak andWatson, 2000; Gardés and Montel, 2009) and the rapid develop-ment of in situ micro-analytical techniques such as SHRIMP andLA-ICP-MS methods, zircon has been widely used to date variousextreme geologic processes such as ultrahigh-temperature (UHT)and ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphism (e.g., Katayama et al.,2001; Ayers et al., 2002; Santosh et al., 2009; Y.C. Liu et al., 2011a),and to trace the formation and evolution of early Precambriancontinent (Liu et al., 1992; Trail et al., 2007; Geng et al., 2011;Wang and Liu, 2012). However, it is well known that zircon cangrow in a relatively wide range of P–T conditions and at differ-

ent metamorphic stages (Katayama et al., 2001; Rubatto, 2002;Liu et al., 2007; Y.C. Liu et al., 2011a). Therefore, how to linkthe obtained ages of different zircon grains or different zircondomains (core, mantle, rim and inherited zircon domains) within a
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Fig. 1. Geologic sketch map of the southeastern margin of the NCC (modified fromXu et al., 2006). The inset shows the major tectonic division of China and the locationof the studied area. YZ and SC denote the Yangtze craton and South China Orogen,

6 A.-D. Wang et al. / Precambrian

ingle zircon grain with a given metamorphic stage is a difficultask. In the past decade, various methods have been developedo discern zircon genesis: external shape and internal structureCorfu et al., 2003; Grant et al., 2009), mineral inclusions (Ye et al.,000), trace element ratios and contents (Hoskin and Schaltegger,003), chondrite-normalized REE distribution patterns and tracelement partitioning between zircon and other coexisting min-rals such as garnet (Rubatto, 2002; Herman and Rubatto, 2003;ingen et al., 2004; Rubatto and Hermann, 2007), and Hf–O isotopesHawkesworth and Kemp, 2006; Zheng et al., 2006). Furthermore,n situ zircon Hf isotope analyses have been proven to provide moreetailed and reliable information on precursor nature and genesisf rocks (e.g., Griffin et al., 2000; Andersen et al., 2002; Iizuka et al.,005; Hawkesworth and Kemp, 2006; Wu et al., 2006; Zheng et al.,006; Zeh et al., 2009). In addition, the Ti-in-zircon thermome-er has also been rapidly developed in recent years (Watson andarrison, 2005; Watson et al., 2006).

The NCC is referred to the Chinese part of the Sino-Korean Cra-on, which is one of the oldest cratons in the world and preservesncient crustal remnants as old as 3.8 Ga (Liu et al., 1992; Zhengt al., 2004a; F.Y. Wu et al., 2005; Zhai and Santosh, 2011). Therecambrian tectonic framework of the NCC has been addressed inarious investigations based on a large number of structural, litho-ogical, geochronological and geochemical data (Jahn and Zhang,984; Zhao et al., 1998, 1999, 2000a,b, 2001, 2002, 2005, 2007,008, 2011; Kusky and Li, 2003; Polat et al., 2005; Kusky et al.,007; Jahn et al., 2008; Zhao, 2009; Huang et al., 2010; Li et al.,010, 2011; Peng et al., 2010, 2011; Santosh, 2010; Geng et al.,011; Kusky, 2011; Trap et al., 2011; Wan et al., 2011; Zhai andantosh, 2011; Santosh et al., 2012a,b; Wang and Liu, 2012). TheCC comprises a collage of Precambrian nuclei which were incorpo-

ated into four major crustal blocks: the Yinshan, Ordos, LonggangYanliao) and Nangrim Blocks, of which the Ordos and Yinshanlocks amalgamated along the Khondalite Belt to form the Westernlock at about 1.95 Ga, and the Longgang and Nangrim Blocks were

used along the Jiao-Liao-Ji Belt to form the Eastern Block at about.90 Ga. Finally, the Eastern and Western Blocks collided along theans-North China Orogen to form the coherent NCC basement atbout 1.85 Ga, coinciding with the final assembly of the Columbiaupercontinent (Wilde et al., 2002; Zhao et al., 2005, 2011; Santosh,010; Santosh et al., 2012a,b). Numerous investigations have beenarried out on the various rocks from the metamorphic basementf the Eastern and Western Blocks, the Trans-North China Orogennd Khondalite Belt. A large data repository related to the struc-ural, petrological, geochemical and geochronological evolution ofhe NCC has been collected, and various tectonic models involv-ng different collisional ages/stages and subduction polarities haveeen put forward in the past few years (Guo et al., 2002, 2005;ilde et al., 2002, 2005; Li et al., 2004, 2005, 2006, 2010, 2011;

röner et al., 2005, 2006; F. Wu et al., 2005; Wan et al., 2006a,b,009; Zhang et al., 2006, 2007, 2009; Li and Zhao, 2007; Zhou et al.,008, 2010; Yin et al., 2009, 2011; Lu et al., 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008;uo et al., 2004, 2006, 2008; Santosh et al., 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009,012a,b; Diwu et al., 2008, 2010, 2011; J. Wang et al., 2010; Z.H.ang et al., 2010; Zhao et al., 2007, 2008, 2010a,b; Liu et al., 2002,

004, 2005, 2006; F. Liu et al., 2009; D.Y. Liu et al., 2009; S.W. Liut al., 2011a,b; Huang et al., 2010; Jiang et al., 2010; Geng et al.,011; Tam et al., 2011, 2012; Wang and Liu, 2012). However, mostf these studies are restricted to the Trans-North China Orogen,hondalite Belt and Jiao-Liao-Ji Belt in the central, western andastern parts of the NCC, respectively, but only few studies haveeen carried out on the southeastern margin of the NCC.

In the present study, two representative gneiss xenoliths fromhe Mesozoic Jiagou intrusion in northern Anhui Province at theoutheastern margin of the NCC were collected, and SHRIMP zircon–Pb geochronological analyses in combination with zircon trace

respectively. Also shown are the tectonic subdivisions of the NCC (Zhao et al., 2005),where EB, WB and TNCO represent the Eastern and Western Blocks, and Trans-NorthChina Orogen, respectively.

element and Lu–Hf isotope determinations were performed. Thesenew results provide important insights into understanding the lateNeoarchean evolution and crustal growth of the region.

2. Geological setting and samples

The NCC is one of the three main cratons in China and cov-ers an area of more than 1,500,000 km2. Geographically, the NCCis bounded to the north and to the west by the Late PaleozoicTianshan-Xing’an-Mongolian and Early Paleozoic Qilianshan Oro-gens, and to the south it is separated from the Yangtze Craton (YZ)by the Qinling-Dabie-Sulu UHP metamorphic belt (Fig. 1).

The area studied in this contribution (Xuzhou–Suzhou) islocated in the Eastern Block along the southeastern margin of theNCC, bounded by the Tan-Lu Fault zone to the east and by the DabieOrogen and Hefei Basin to the south (Fig. 1). The deformed Neo-proterozoic to late Paleozoic cover was intruded by several smallMesozoic intrusions (e.g. Liguo, Jiagou and Bangjing intrusions)(Fig. 1), with compositions varying from dioritic to monzodioriticporphyry (Xu et al., 2002, 2006). The Precambrian metamorphicbasement at the southeastern margin of the NCC is dominantlyexposed in the Bengbu area (Wuhe Group/Complex) close to theXuzhou–Suzhou area (Wang et al., 2012), whereas there is no meta-morphic basement occurring in the Xuzhou–Suzhou area, whereabundant deep-seated xenoliths occur in the Mesozoic intrusions.This study focuses on the Jiagou intrusion, which is located innorthern Anhui Province (Fig. 1). Various types of deep-seatedxenoliths such as spinel-bearing garnet clinopyroxenite, garnetgranulite, garnet amphibolite and garnet-bearing mafic and felsicgneiss occur in the Mesozoic Jiagou dioritic porphyry (Xu et al.,2002, 2004, 2006, 2009; Guo and Li, 2009; Y.C. Liu et al., 2009;Liu et al., 2012). Previous investigations suggested that the xeno-liths have different protoliths with different formation ages andtectonic settings, and experienced multi-stage metamorphism and

metasomatism (Liu et al., 2012). However, the studied xenolithsin the present contribution yield additional features such as alate Neoarchean magmatic and metamorphic event, and positiveεHf(t) values, further documenting the complex compositions and
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Fig. 2. Photomicrographs of deep-seated xenoliths at the sout

volutional processes of the deep crust in the southeastern marginf the NCC.

Samples 08JG18 and 08JG34 were collected from a Meso-oic intrusion at Jiagou. Sample 08JG18 is a garnet-bearingasic gneiss and is mainly composed of plagioclase, quartz,ornblende, garnet, clinopyroxene with minor rutile and otherccessory minerals (Fig. 2a). Sample 08JG34 is a granitic gneissnd comprises quartz, plagioclase, hornblende, ilmenite andew secondary minerals (Fig. 2b). The mineral assemblage ofarnet + plagioclase ± clinopyroxene ± rutile ± quartz suggests thathe samples experienced high-grade metamorphism up to gran-lite facies conditions (Yardley, 1989; O’Brien and Rötzler, 2003;.C. Liu et al., 2009) (see below).

. Analytical methods

Whole-rock major element analysis was carried out by wethemical methods at the Langfang Laboratory, Hebei Bureau of Geo-ogical and Mineral Resources. Analytical uncertainties have a rangerom ±1 to ±5% for major elements. Trace elements were measuredy Elan DRCII ICP-MS at the CAS Key Laboratory of Crust-Mantleaterials and Environments, University of Science and Technology

f China in Hefei. Detailed analytical procedures and instrumentarameters for trace element analyses are documented in Hou andang (2007). Analytical uncertainties range from ±5% to ±10% for

race elements. The major and trace element results are listed inable 1.

Zircon grains were extracted from whole-rocks through stan-ard procedures by crushing and sieving, followed by magneticnd heavy liquid separation and then hand-picking under binoc-lar microscope. The zircon grains of samples 08JG18 and 08JG34ere mounted in an epoxy disc with a zircon U–Pb standard TEM

417 Ma) (Black et al., 2003). Then the mount was cleaned, gold-oated and polished until all zircon grains were approximatelyut in half. After that, all zircon grains were disposed by trans-itted and reflected light micrographs and CL imaging with the

urpose of selecting potential target locations for mass spectrom-try analyses. Both CL imaging and mass spectrometry analysesere undertaken at Beijing SHRIMP Center, Chinese Academy of

eological Sciences (CAGS). The standard analytical proceduresere described by Nelson (1997) and Williams (1998). Common

b corrections were made using measured 204Pb, and the raw dataere reduced following Compston et al. (1992) with the ISOPLOT

rn margin of the NCC. (a) Sample 08JG18, (b) sample 08JG34.

program of Ludwig (2001). Individual analyses in the data tablesand concordia diagrams are presented with 1� error, while themean and intercepted ages are given with 2� error (95% confi-dence level). The zircon age data of these two samples are listed inTables 2 and 3.

Zircon trace element analyses for samples 08JG08 and 08JG34were undertaken by the laser ablation ICP-MS at the CAS Key Lab-oratory of Crust-Mantle Materials and Environments, University ofScience and Technology of China in Hefei. The detailed parametersof the instrument can be found in Y.C. Liu et al. (2011a), and theanalytical procedure was previously reported by Yuan et al. (2004).Element contents of zircons were calculated by using Pepita soft-ware with the zircon SiO2 as internal standard and the NIST610 asexternal standard. The simultaneous analysis results of the stan-dard suggest that the accuracy and precision of trace elements arebetter than 10%. The detection limit for the different REE variesfrom 0.02 to 0.09 ppm. The analytical data are shown in Table 4.

Mineral inclusions in zircon were identified by using Ramanspectroscopy at the Continental Dynamics Laboratory, ChineseAcademy of Geological Sciences (CAGS), and/or substantiated usingthe electron microprobe analyzer (EMPA) at the Institute of Min-eral Resources, CAGS in Beijing. The analytical conditions on theRaman and EMPA were described by Xu et al. (2005) and Y.C. Liuet al. (2009).

The laser ablation multi-collector inductively coupled plasmamass spectrometry (LA-MC-ICP-MS) Hf isotope analysis was con-ducted at the Institute of Geology and Geophysics, the ChineseAcademy of Sciences (CAS) in Beijing. Instrumental parametersand data acquisition followed that described by Wu et al. (2006).Detailed processes are shown in Liu et al. (2012). During analyticalprocesses, the 176Hf/177Hf ratios of two standard zircons Mud Tankand GJ-1 were 0.282502 ± 5 and 0.282008 ± 7, respectively, whichare in good agreement with the referenced 176Hf/177Hf ratios of0.282507 ± 6 and 0.281999 ± 8 measured by the solution method(Woodhead and Hergt, 2005; Wu et al., 2006). The main parame-ters used in the εHf(t) (t = crystallization time of zircon) and modelage calculations are listed as follows: (176Lu/177Hf)CHUR = 0.0332and (176Hf/177Hf)CHUR,0 = 0.282772 for chondritic uniform reservoir(Blichert-Toft and Albarede, 1997) (176Lu/177Hf)DM = 0.0384 and

(176Hf/177Hf)DM = 0.28325 for depleted mantle reservoir (Griffinet al., 2000). 176Lu decay constant � = 1.865 × 10−5 m.y. was usedfor calculations (Soderlund et al., 2004).The analytical results arelisted in Table 5.
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Table 1Whole-rock major and trace element compositions for xenoliths from the southeastern margin of the North China Craton. The major elements are in wt.% and the traceelements are in ppm.

Sample SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 TiO2 FeO CaO MgO K2O Na2O P2O5 H2O+ LOI Total

08JG18 52.74 16.16 4.17 0.75 7.47 3.93 4.57 2.70 4.10 0.19 1.79 2.64 99.5408JG34 70.85 14.22 1.65 0.29 1.48 2.90 1.24 1.26 4.50 0.09 0.87 1.14 99.66

Sample Sc V Cr Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Cs Rb Ba Sr Th

08JG18 13.7 145 128 26.3 68 55.9 142 23.3 5.32 65.6 1505 752 2.3208JG34 4.47 27.5 7.02 7.16 9.7 3.91 33.8 17.4 2.05 32.1 478 316 0.35

Sample U Pb Nb Ta La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy

08JG18 1.39 28.9 7.23 0.18 33.7 62.4 6.82 24.5 3.86 1.48 2.76 0.33 1.6008JG34 0.4 17.9 4.61 0.17 22.8 38.9 3.87 12.7 2.04 0.64 1.78 0.24 1.24

Sample Ho Er Tm Yb Lu Zr Hf Y∑

REE (La/Yb)cn

08JG18 0.29 0.83 0.12 0.80 0.12 250 6.24 7.72 139.6 30.208JG34 0.24 0.67 0.09 0.62 0.10 137 3.51 6.57 85.93 26.4

F normo





ig. 3. Chondrite-normalized rare earth element diagram (a) and primitive-mantle-f chondrite and primitive-mantle are from Sun and McDonough (1989).

. Results

.1. Elemental geochemistry

The major and trace element compositions of the samples areisted in Table 1 and shown in Fig. 3. The SiO2 and MgO con-ents for samples 08JG18 and 08JG34 are 52.74 wt.% and 4.57 wt.%,0.85 wt.% and 1.24 wt.%, respectively, indicative of basaltic andranitic protoliths.

They have relatively higher total REE contents with values beingf 139 and 86 ppm. In the chondrite-normalized diagrams (Fig. 3a),hey display relatively larger LREE/HREE ratios with (La/Yb)cn val-es of 30.2 and 26.4. In the primitive-mantle normalized spideriagrams (Fig. 3b), they exhibit consistent Nb, Ta, P and Ti negativenomalies, suggesting a magmatic arc origin (e.g., Li et al., 2001;ang et al., 2011). Additionally, the basic gneiss sample 08JG18

as La content of 33.7 ppm and La/Nb ratio of 4.7, which is locatedn the island arc basalt (IAB) field in the La vs. La/Nb diagram (nothown) (Li et al., 2001; Wang et al., 2011). The granitic gneissample 08JG34 displays high Sr (316 ppm) and low Y (6.6 ppm)ontents with high Sr/Y ratio (48) locating in adakite field in the

vs. Sr/Y diagram (Defant and Drummond, 1990), and it is alsolotted in the field of volcanic arc granite (VAG) in the Y + Nbs. Rb diagram (Y + Nb = 11.2 ppm, Rb = 32.1 ppm) (Pearce et al.,984).

alized spider diagram (b) for samples 08JG18 and 08JG34. The normalization values

4.2. Zircon SHRIMP U–Pb dating

4.2.1. CL imaging, trace element, mineral inclusion andTi-in-zircon thermometry for zircons

The samples 08JG18 and 08JG34 contain abundant zircon grains.In color, the zircon grains are light orange to gray, and in shapethey are mostly spherical and oval to irregular. The lengths of mostzircon grains from sample 08JG18 have a range between 100 and300 �m with length and width ratios varying from 1 to 2, whilethe lengths of zircon grains from sample 08JG34 range from 100 to200 �m with aspect ratios varying from 1 to 3. In terms of zirconinternal structures revealed by CL imaging, the zircons from thesamples can be roughly categorized into three types: (1) irregularsingle zircon grains with low to variable luminescent and blurryoscillatory zoning, indicating that they are magmatic or inheritedzircon grains but influenced by later metamorphism or recrystal-lization in some degree (type 1) (Fig. 4c and e) (Hoskin and Black,2000); (2) spherical to oval single zircon grains with highly homo-geneous luminescent and no growth zoning (type 2) (Fig. 4b); (3)double-layer (core–rim structure) zircon grains with dark coressurrounded by light rims (type 3) (Fig. 4a and f), the core domains

showing weak or no growth zoning with low to variable lumines-cence, whereas the rim domains exhibiting high and homogeneousluminescence. Generally, zircons of the type 2 are predominantwhile the magmatic or inherited zircons are few. The CL images
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r samp



Fig. 4. Representative zircon CL images fo

uggest that type 1 zircon grains and core domains of type 3 zirconrains are magmatic or inherited zircons, although only few wereffected by recrystallization, and that type 2 zircon grains and rimomains of type 3 zircon grains are metamorphic zircons in ori-in (Corfu et al., 2003; Hoskin and Schaltegger, 2003; Möller et al.,003; Grant et al., 2009). These observations are further consoli-ated by the zircon mineral inclusions (not shown). The mineral

nclusions in type 1 zircon grains and core domains of type 3 zir-on grains are abundant and contain plagioclase, quartz and apatite,onsistent with their magmatic origin; type 2 zircon grains and rimomains of type 3 zircon grains contain few mineral inclusions withnly sparse plagioclase and quartz, no other metamorphic mineralseing identified (Fig. 4d). Eventually, two kinds of zircons, i.e., mag-atic and metamorphic zircons are identified in the two samples

n terms of their structure and mineral inclusion features.In terms of trace element composition, the magmatic and

etamorphic zircons also exhibit notable differences. No markedositive or negative correlations have been observed in the totalEE (TREE) vs. Th and P diagrams for all the analytical spots (nothown), suggesting that the analyzed spots are not influenced bypatite and monazite inclusions. For sample 08JG18, eleven spots

ave been carried out for trace element analyses (Table 4). Of them,

and 5 spots belong to magmatic and metamorphic zircons, respec-ively, and the other 2 spots (spots 7.1 and 17.1) belong to thenherited zircons. For sample 08JG34, 14 spots have been analyzed,

le 08JG18 (a–d) and sample 08JG34 (e–f).

including 3 magmatic, 10 metamorphic and 1 recrystallized (spot10.1) zircons. As a whole, the magmatic zircons from these twosamples exhibit higher TREE contents, higher HREE contents rep-resented by higher LuN ratios, relatively smaller Eu negativeanomalies (Eu* = 0.20–0.30 and 0.25–0.40 for samples 08JG18 and08JG34, respectively) and marked Ce positive anomalies, high REEcontents in the chondrite-normalized REE patterns, in good agree-ment with the features of magmatic zircons (Fig. 5a–c) (Rubatto,2002). In contrast, the metamorphic zircons are dominantly char-acterized by low TREE contents, lower Nb, Ta and Hf contents,relatively flat HREE distribution patterns, and marked Eu negativeanomalies (Eu = 0.16–0.26 and 0.00–0.25 for samples 08JG18 and08JG34) (Table 4; Fig. 5), implying that they co-existed with garnetand plagioclase, i.e., in the granulite facies metamorphism (Rubatto,2002; Z.H. Wang et al., 2010). It is also noted here that there aresome differences in Th and U contents of zircons from these twosamples. For sample 08JG18, there is no marked difference in Th andU contents between magmatic and metamorphic zircons, whereasfor sample 08JG34 the Th and U contents in magmatic zircons arehigher than those in metamorphic zircons, further suggesting thatthere are some differences in whole-rock compositions between

samples 08JG18 and 08JG34.

There are also some differences in Ti-in-zircon temperaturesbetween samples 08JG18 and 08JG34 based on the Ti-in-zirconthermometer (Table 4) (Watson and Harrison, 2005). For sample

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F hondrR s from





ig. 5. (a) Chondrite-normalized REE diagram for zircons from sample 08JG18; (b) cEE diagram (TREE) for samples 08JG18 and 08JG34; (d) total REE vs. Eu* for zircon

8JG18, the magmatic zircons have Ti contents ranging from 16.9 to8.0 ppm with temperature range of 789–840 ◦C and a mean valuef 811 ◦C. The metamorphic zircons give Ti contents from 14.9 to8.9 ppm, defining a temperature range of 777–844 ◦C with a meanalue of 815 ◦C. As for sample 08JG34, three magmatic zircons havei contents of 2.0, 10.4 and 15.2 ppm and yield temperatures of 615,45 and 779 ◦C, respectively, whereas the ten metamorphic zirconsive a relatively wider range of Ti contents from 4.1 to 45.4 ppm andield Ti-in-zircon temperatures from 669 to 894 ◦C.

Another important aspect is that the trace element composi-ions in magmatic zircons can be used to trace their precursors.ccording to the classification and regression trees (CART) modelf Belousova et al. (2002), the trace element compositions of mag-atic zircons from samples 08JG18 and 08JG34 show their source

ocks belong to syenite (low Lu contents) and granite (high Hf con-ents), roughly consistent with their basic and acid compositions,espectively. In short, the zircon internal structures, mineral inclu-ions, trace elements and Ti-in-zircon temperatures indicate thathere are two kinds of zircons, i.e., magmatic and metamorphic inrigin for the studied samples, implying that they recorded at leastwo episodes of magmatism and metamorphism.

.2.2. Zircon U–Pb ageTwenty-two analyses were conducted on zircon grains from

ample 08JG18 (Table 2; Fig. 6). Ten spots were located on type zircon grains and core domains of type 3 zircon grains; twopots (8.1 and 6.2) were not considered for the age calculationecause they were located on micro-cracks; the remaining 8 spots

ite-normalized REE diagram for zircons from sample 08JG34; (c) LuN ratios vs. total sample 08JG34.

yielded a weighted mean age of 2552 ± 13 Ma (MSWD = 1.5), repre-senting its formation age. Twelve analytical spots were conductedon type 2 zircon grains and rim domains of type 3 zircon grains.Spots 13.1 and 15.1 (both are rim domains of type 3 zircongrains) were not considered for the age calculation because ofpossible mixed ages without geological significance. At the sametime, analytical spots 3.2 and 4.1 were also excluded from theage calculation as they have some micro-cracks. Except for these4 data-points, the remaining 8 spots defined a weighted mean207Pb/206Pb age of 2473 ± 15 Ma (MSWD = 1.4), which is interpretedto be the metamorphic age at the Neoarchean–Paleoproterozoicboundary. In addition, spots 7.1 and 17.1 give relatively older agesof 2635 ± 51 Ma and 2660 ± 25 Ma, respectively, which can be con-sidered to represent inherited zircon ages.

Fourteen U–Pb spot analyses were undertaken on zircons fromsample 08JG34 (Table 3; Fig. 6). Five spots were located on type1 zircon grains, 5 and 4 spots were located on the rim domainsof type 3 zircon grains and type 2 zircon grains; no analyses weremade on the core domains of type 3 zircon grains due to their rel-atively small sizes and the likely occurrence of mixed core andrim domains. On the concordia diagrams, the analytical spots ofmagmatic zircons have relatively large discordance but show a linearray, suggesting that they were influenced by later tectonic ther-mal events or experienced some Pb loss (Fig. 6). The 5 spots define a

disconcordia line with an upper intercept age of 2665 ± 23 Ma anda lower intercept age of 570 ± 38 Ma (MSWD = 0.79) (Fig. 6), thegeological significance of the lower intercept age being unclear. Inaddition, the analytical spot 8.1 display a small discordance (3%), its
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Table 2SHRIMP U–Pb zircon data for sample 08JG18 from the southeastern margin of the NCC.

Spot Domain 206Pbc (%) U (ppm) Th (ppm) Th/U 206Pb* (ppm) 207Pb*/206Pb* ±% 207Pb*/235U ±% 206Pb*/238U ±% % disc 207Pb/206Pb age

08JG18 1.1 me,s 0.44 33 88 2.67 13.7 .166 1.7 10.75 2.8 .4821 1.9 −2 2474 ± 35 Ma08JG18 2.1 ma,i 0.22 28 69 2.51 11.4 .172 2.9 11.28 3.8 .4809 2.2 1 2559 ± 52 Ma08JG18 3.1 d-c 0.42 218 82 0.38 86.9 .173 0.7 10.78 1.1 4612 0.7 4 2553 ± 15 Ma08JG18 4.1 me,s 0.18 21 44 2.09 8.3 .167 2.2 10.54 3.4 .4609 2.4 3 2516 ± 40 Ma08JG18 3.2 d-r 0.77 44 60 1.37 14.6 .158 1.8 8.08 3.1 .3877 1.7 12 2359 ± 45 Ma08JG18 5.1 ma,i 0.00 27 75 2.83 10.4 .174 2.2 10.89 3.2 .4554 2.4 7 2592 ± 37 Ma08JG18 6.1 d-r 0.79 27 48 1.76 10.6 .164 2.3 9.65 3.6 .4447 2.3 2 2428 ± 48 Ma08JG18 7.1 ma,i 1.25 19 41 2.15 8.1 .189 2.6 11.97 4.2 .4876 2.8 3 2635 ± 51 Ma08JG18 8.1 d-c 0.04 306 160 0.52 121.5 .163 0.6 10.36 0.9 .4621 0.6 1 2483 ± 10 Ma08JG18 9.1 me,s 0.98 24 54 2.25 10.1 .170 1.9 10.70 3.2 .4812 2.0 −2 2470 ± 41 Ma08JG18 10.1 ma,i 0.15 54 81 1.49 23.7 .174 1.2 12.06 1.8 .5063 1.3 −2 2584 ± 21 Ma08JG18 11.1 d-r 0.54 26 62 2.41 10.1 .164 1.9 9.90 2.9 .4521 2.0 2 2443 ± 36 Ma08JG18 12.1 me,s 1.49 20 48 2.37 8.2 .166 2.1 9.63 5.2 .4583 2.3 −2 2373 ± 79 Ma08JG18 13.1 d-r 0.08 116 60 0.52 51.4 .171 0.8 12.05 1.6 .5138 1.4 −4 2559 ± 14 Ma08JG18 14.1 ma,i 0.00 25 58 2.32 9.5 .171 1.9 10.36 3.0 .4401 2.3 9 2565 ± 32 Ma08JG18 15.1 d-r 0.37 50 39 0.78 15.9 .169 1.5 8.44 2.3 .3705 1.4 24 2510 ± 31 Ma08JG18 16.1 me,s 0.21 27 73 2.70 11.4 .164 1.6 10.94 2.5 .4897 1.7 −4 2477 ± 31 Ma08JG18 6.2 d-c 0.31 57 186 3.27 22.0 .158 1.2 9.61 1.9 .4499 1.2 0 2400 ± 25 Ma08JG18 17.1 ma,c 0.04 28 69 2.48 12.0 .181 1.5 12.56 2.3 .5040 1.7 1 2660 ± 25 Ma08JG18 18.1 me,s 0.29 21 48 2.30 8.6 .165 3.1 10.60 3.7 .4722 1.9 0 2485 ± 54 Ma08JG18 19.1 me,s 0.54 22 52 2.37 8.3 .163 2.1 8.54 3.2 .4373 1.9 4 2436 ± 43 Ma08JG18 13.2 d-c 0.04 188 70 0.37 78.6 .168 0.6 11.23 1.3 .4863 1.1 −1 2533 ± 10 Ma

Note: me,s—metamorphic zircon grains with spherical shape; ma,i—magmatic zircon grains with irregular shape; d-c—the core domain of the double-layered zircon grains; d-r—the rim domain of the double-layered zircon grains.

Table 3SHRIMP U–Pb zircon data for sample 08JG34 from the southeastern margin of the NCC.

Spot Domain 206Pbc (%) U (ppm) Th (ppm) Th/U 206Pb* (ppm) 207Pb*/206Pb* ±% 207Pb*/235U ±% 206Pb*/238U ±% % disc 207Pb/206Pb age

08JG34 1.1 d-r 0.16 88 72 0.81 38.0 .1648 0.8 11.37 1.2 .5005 0.9 −4 2505 ± 13 Ma08JG34 2.1 s 0.10 195 115 0.59 78.3 .1628 0.8 10.48 1.1 .4670 0.7 1 2485 ± 13 Ma08JG34 3.1 d-r 0.05 373 150 0.40 144.9 .1633 0.5 10.16 0.7 .4514 0.5 4 2490 ± 9 Ma08JG34 4.1 ma,l 0.08 594 189 0.32 194.5 .1728 0.5 9.06 0.6 .3805 0.4 24 2585 ± 8 Ma08JG34 5.1 d-r 0.19 109 63 0.57 44.2 .1623 1.1 10.53 1.5 .4707 1.0 0 2480 ± 18 Ma08JG34 6.1 s 0.06 327 172 0.53 132.0 .1626 0.6 10.52 0.8 .4693 0.6 0 2483 ± 9 Ma08JG34 7.1 s 0.07 362 172 0.47 145.8 .1637 0.6 10.58 0.8 .4686 0.5 1 2494 ± 9 Ma08JG34 8.1 ma,l 0.03 378 165 0.44 159.0 .1787 0.5 12.07 0.9 .4898 0.8 3 2641 ± 8 Ma08JG34 9.1 d-r 0.13 153 85 0.55 60.1 .1626 0.8 10.21 1.2 .4555 0.8 3 2483 ± 14 Ma08JG34 10.1 RE 0.05 1287 1142 0.89 317.6 .1602 0.4 6.34 0.5 .2871 0.3 51 2458 ± 6 Ma08JG34 11.1 s 0.08 244 86 0.35 95.3 .1601 0.7 10.03 1.0 .4547 0.8 2 2456 ± 12 Ma08JG34 12.1 ma,l 0.12 396 81 0.20 107.1 .1631 0.6 7.08 0.8 .3148 0.5 41 2488 ± 10 Ma08JG34 13.1 d-r 0.03 190 111 0.59 77.6 .1645 0.7 10.79 1.0 .4755 0.7 0 2503 ± 12 Ma08JG34 14.1 ma,l 0.07 244 88 0.36 115.6 .1839 0.6 13.95 1.4 .5500 1.2 −5 2689 ± 10 Ma

Note: d-r—rim domain of the double-layered zircon grains; s—single zircon grains with spherical shape; ma,l—magmatic zircon grains with long prismatic shape; RE—recrystallization zircon.

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Fig. 6. Zircon U–Pb concordia diagrams for samples 08JG18 and 08JG34.

ge 2641 ± 8 Ma being consistent with the upper intercept age inrror margin, which can be regarded as to be the Neoarchean mag-atic crystallization age. This age is also in good agreement with

he inherited zircon ages within sample 08JG18. The 9 spots on type zircon grains and rim domains of type 3 zircon grains yield a dis-oncordia line with upper and lower intercept age of 2491 ± 10 Mand 618 ± 500 Ma (MSWD = 1.11), respectively (Fig. 6). The lowerntercept age has a large error, most probably of no geological sig-ificance. With the exception of one spot with relatively largerrror, the remaining 8 spots show small discordance (−5% to 4%),heir weighted mean age being 2486 ± 8 Ma (MSWD = 1.4), consis-ent with the upper intercept age in error margin, representing a

etamorphic age at the late-Neoarchean–Paleoproterozoic bound-ry.

In summary, zircons from the dated samples 08JG18 and 08JG34how that the xenoliths formed at 2.55–2.64 Ga and underwentetamorphism at 2.48–2.49 Ga.

.3. Zircon Hf isotope

The dating spots on zircons from the xenoliths have also beenarried out for in situ Hf-isotope analyses with the aim to traceheir petrogenesis. Generally, most of the analytical spots are

Fig. 7. Cumulative plots of εHf(t) values for zircon from samples 08JG18 and 08JG34.Dark and gray symbols represent magmatic and metamorphic zircons, respectively.

characterized by positive εHf(t) values and consistent Hf modelages (Table 5; Figs. 7 and 8). For sample 08JG18, except forspot 9.1 (metamorphic zircons) with negative εHf(t) value (−0.3)and TDM2 age of 2941 Ma, the remaining analytical spots showpositive εHf(t) values with a range from +0.6 to +6.7 andTDM2 ages of 2798–2895 Ma. The magmatic zircons yield rel-atively higher 176Lu/177Hf ratios of 0.000123–0.000346 withmost spots being larger than 0.000170, and show 176Hf/177Hfratios of 0.281230–0.281280. The magmatic zircons also exhibitεHf(t) values of +2.3 to +3.9 and Hf TDM2 model ages of2798–2895 Ma. However, the metamorphic zircons display rela-tively lower 176Lu/177Hf ratios of 0.000083–0.000245 with mostspots being smaller than 0.000140, and show 176Hf/177Hf ratios of0.281229–0.281283. With the exception of spot 9.1, the other meta-morphic zircon spots show εHf(t) values of +0.6 to +2.3 and Hf TDM2model ages of 2804–2890 Ma (Table 5). In addition, the magmaticand metamorphic zircons are arranged in the same evolution line(Fig. 8), indicating that the metamorphic zircons were crystallizedor grown in a closed system (Wu et al., 2008).

For sample 08JG34, with the exception of two analytical spots(spots 1.1 and 12.1 show negative εHf(t) values of −0.2 and −1.6)(Table 5, Fig. 7), the remaining spots exhibit positive εHf(t) val-

ues with a range of +0.6 to +4.2 (Table 5). All the analytical spotshave consistent TDM2 ages of 2720–2923 Ma (the spot 12.1 yieldsan older model age of 2989 Ma) (Table 5). Two magmatic zirconspots (spots 8.1 and 14.1) have high 176Lu/177Hf ratios of 0.000821
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Table 4LA-ICP-MS trace element analysis for zircon in samples 08JG18 and 08JG34 from the southeastern margin of the North China Craton (ppm).

Spot Nb Ta La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu Hf P Ti T (◦C)a

08JG181.1Me 1.23 0.14 0.00 9.46 0.09 1.62 2.37 0.36 7.91 1.93 17.1 5.05 17.6 3.47 29.5 5.33 9248 143.3 22.3 8175.1Ma 1.36 0.08 0.03 10.2 0.14 2.03 2.96 0.44 12.7 3.14 29.2 9.30 34.1 6.70 56.7 10.3 9415 192.9 22.7 8406.1Me 1.44 0.00 bdb 7.54 0.03 0.58 2.43 0.29 7.11 1.50 14.5 5.20 20.3 3.29 24.6 6.15 8333 291.3 14.9 7777.1IN 1.50 0.19 0.03 8.12 0.06 1.25 1.80 0.22 5.74 1.47 14.7 4.30 16.3 3.49 28.1 5.47 9277 118.0 28.0 81110.1Ma 1.61 0.71 0.01 7.70 0.04 0.83 1.68 0.23 8.25 2.62 30.0 10.7 48.4 10.6 99.3 19.2 10229 139.3 16.9 78912.1Me 0.97 0.03 bd 8.83 0.14 1.23 2.22 0.29 8.20 2.24 19.4 6.04 24.8 4.56 41.2 7.80 8949 87.6 19.8 80513.1Ma 1.23 0.45 bd 7.59 0.01 0.75 1.41 0.20 6.45 2.50 27.7 9.68 41.1 8.92 87.1 17.8 9348 52.0 21.3 81214.1Ma 1.83 0.39 0.10 8.10 0.12 0.98 1.64 0.33 7.52 2.32 25.2 8.89 36.5 8.18 76.8 15.4 10227 118.0 28.0 84016.1Me 1.34 0.15 0.01 9.48 0.09 1.44 2.22 0.30 7.59 1.99 18.6 5.61 22.6 4.53 38.9 7.32 9007 190.9 28.9 84417.1IN 2.90 0.19 0.05 9.03 0.09 2.12 2.52 0.41 8.83 2.16 21.0 6.59 26.4 4.91 43.2 8.28 9403 133.1 21.0 81018.1Me 1.39 0.15 0.01 9.15 0.11 1.72 2.44 0.29 9.16 2.17 20.1 5.90 22.8 4.66 38.1 6.99 9461 140.0 21.1 811

08JG341.1Me 3.14 1.36 0.16 11.8 0.19 1.29 0.99 0.17 8.76 3.42 41.6 16.4 76.8 16.7 170 33.9 10434 208.4 21.8 8145.1Me 2.35 0.72 0.00 13.6 0.01 0.59 1.38 0.10 9.57 3.60 44.8 16.7 75.6 15.5 147 28.7 11453 174.0 9.48 736A1.1Ma 3.18 1.91 1.34 22.3 1.42 8.91 5.00 1.08 22.8 7.54 101 40.6 196 41.7 434 85.2 10807 190.3 15.2 7796.1Me 2.83 0.96 0.00 17.2 0.03 0.34 2.31 0.00 13.4 5.29 60.0 23.7 104 21.5 205 41.1 11450 264.3 4.58 677A2.1Me 2.88 1.35 0.03 14.3 0.05 0.67 1.53 0.07 10.3 3.76 49.2 18.7 83.9 17.9 169 33.5 11498 176.8 45.4 8947.1Me 3.63 2.48 0.02 17.1 0.07 0.64 1.89 0.06 11.1 4.21 51.0 19.4 93.2 19.0 182 36.1 12159 198.6 14.2 7738.1Ma 2.83 0.60 0.03 9.08 bd 1.09 2.03 0.71 14.4 5.13 73.8 29.2 137 31.5 305 65.0 7723 136.1 10.4 745A3.1Me 4.17 2.20 0.03 13.2 0.03 0.53 2.00 0.13 8.78 3.14 45.4 16.0 75.7 18.1 168 31.5 11174 197 4.13 6899.1Me 2.33 0.71 bd 12.7 0.01 0.15 0.99 0.06 8.72 3.15 43.0 16.2 71.9 15.1 142 26.8 10220 260.4 4.84 68110.1RE 6.99 2.04 0.44 36.3 0.30 4.26 7.60 2.64 54.4 18.3 224 88.4 397 86.7 793 150 8026 502 39.9 879A4.1Me 3.44 1.32 bd 11.8 0.00 0.01 1.57 0.01 8.91 3.59 41.9 18.3 82.5 15.9 155 29.7 10245 159.4 15.0 77811.1Me 3.97 1.88 0.01 14.7 0.02 0.62 1.46 0.07 9.54 3.82 47.0 18.9 83.1 17.0 162 31.6 12020 235.0 6.90 70913.1Me 2.43 1.04 bd 10.9 bd 0.14 0.55 0.06 8.96 3.23 40.8 14.0 69.7 15.5 145 33.0 9475 160.5 6.31 70214.1Ma 1.46 0.89 0.16 13.6 0.17 2.45 3.93 0.71 16.2 5.79 61.9 23.4 104 22.2 203 42.9 7807 163.1 1.95 615

Note: Me—metamorphic zircon; Ma—magmatic zircon; IN—inherited zircon; RE—recrystallization zircons; A—analytical spot without SHRIMP age determinations.a T was calculated by using Ti-in-zircon thermometer of Watson and Harrison (2005), Watson et al. (2006).b bd—below detection.

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Table 5Hf isotopic compositions of zircons within samples 08JG18 and 08JG34 from the southeastern margin of the North China Craton.

No. 176Yb/177Hf 176Lu/177Hf 176Hf/177Hf ±(2�) Age (Ma) εHf(t) ±(2�) TDM1 (Ma) ±(2�) fLu/Hf TDM2 (Ma) ±(2�)

Sample 08JG18 (t = 2470/2550 Ma)12.1 0.007291 0.000274 0.281266 0.000020 2373 1.7 0.4 2720 27 −0.99 2825 4313.2 0.008894 0.000346 0.281280 0.000018 2533 3.8 0.3 2707 24 −0.99 2804 3811.1 0.006428 0.000245 0.281283 0.000018 2443 2.3 0.3 2695 24 −0.99 2786 3814.1 0.003838 0.000140 0.281172 0.000020 2565 3.9 0.4 2702 27 −1.00 2798 4410.1 0.010070 0.000366 0.281256 0.000017 2584 3.0 0.3 2740 23 −0.99 2857 3713.1 0.004975 0.000183 0.281230 0.000019 2559 2.3 0.4 2762 25 −0.99 2895 4019.1 0.003045 0.000109 0.281229 0.000019 2436 0.6 0.4 2759 25 −1.00 2890 4117.1 0.003393 0.000123 0.281277 0.000018 2660 6.7 0.3 2695 23 −1.00 2717 3818.1 0.002824 0.000103 0.281260 0.000018 2485 1.7 0.3 2717 24 −1.00 2821 3915.1 0.005804 0.000219 0.281262 0.000020 2510 1.7 0.4 2718 26 −0.99 2822 439.1 0.002463 0.000087 0.281204 0.000019 2470 −0.3 0.4 2790 25 −1.00 2941 418.1 0.005738 0.000221 0.281262 0.000014 2483 1.6 0.3 2722 22 −0.99 2829 367.1 0.003169 0.000113 0.281236 0.000017 2635 4.7 0.3 2748 23 −1.00 2819 385.1 0.004611 0.000172 0.281233 0.000018 2592 2.5 0.4 2757 25 −0.99 2887 404.1 0.003887 0.000139 0.281256 0.000018 2516 1.5 0.3 2724 24 −1.00 2833 3916.1 0.003870 0.000138 0.281249 0.000018 2477 1.3 0.4 2733 25 −1.00 2848 401.1 0.002316 0.000083 0.281274 0.000020 2474 2.2 0.4 2696 26 −1.00 2788 422.1 0.003473 0.000123 0.281244 0.000018 2559 3.0 0.4 2739 24 −1.00 2857 406.2 0.003445 0.000121 0.281244 0.000019 2400 1.1 0.4 2739 25 −1.00 2858 41

Sample 08JG34 (t = 2480/2640 Ma)1.1 0.021688 0.000850 0.281235 0.000023 2502 −0.2 0.4 2802 32 −0.97 2899 502.1 0.011505 0.000426 0.281237 0.000020 2485 0.6 0.4 2770 26 −0.99 2850 434.1 0.023444 0.000935 0.281234 0.000020 2585 3.2 0.4 2810 28 −0.97 2912 445.1 0.009688 0.000369 0.281224 0.000019 2480 0.2 0.4 2782 25 −0.99 2871 413.1 0.024594 0.000968 0.281264 0.000019 2490 0.6 0.4 2772 26 −0.97 2851 426.1 0.025075 0.000975 0.281299 0.000019 2483 1.9 0.4 2724 25 −0.97 2774 408.1 0.019879 0.000821 0.281257 0.000022 2641 4.2 0.4 2771 30 −0.98 2849 489.1 0.011787 0.000449 0.281298 0.000022 2483 2.7 0.4 2690 29 −0.99 2720 4710.1 0.025502 0.001012 0.281301 0.000021 2458 1.9 0.4 2725 29 −0.97 2775 4711.1 0.015150 0.000601 0.281246 0.000017 2456 0.6 0.3 2769 23 −0.98 2848 3712.1 0.034714 0.001377 0.281221 0.000020 2488 −1.6 0.4 2861 28 −0.96 2989 44



14.1 0.027829 0.001087 0.281236 0.000019 2689

nd 0.001087, 176Hf/177Hf ratios of 0.281257 and 0.281236, εHf(t)alues of +4.2 and +3.0, and Hf TDM2 ages of 2849 and 2923 Ma. Theetamorphic zircons give 176Lu/177Hf ratios of 0.000601–0.001012ith most values being less than 0.000900, 176Hf/177Hf ratios of

.281221–0.281301, εHf(t) values of +0.6 to +2.7 and Hf TDM2 agesf 2720–2871 Ma (Table 5). As a whole, all the metamorphic andagmatic zircons are arranged in the same evolution line in the

ig. 8. Zircon Hf-isotope evolution diagram for samples 08JG18 and 08JG34. Sym-ols are the same as in Fig. 5. The dotted line represents initial zircon Hf isotopicomposition range of Archean metamorphic basement rocks of the Eastern BlockGeng et al., 2011).

3.0 0.4 2818 26 −0.97 2923 42

age–εHf(t) diagram (Fig. 8), suggesting that the metamorphic zir-cons formed in a closed system.

5. Discussion

5.1. Interpretation of zircon U–Pb ages

Numerous ages obtained from the Precambrian metamor-phic basement rocks and lower-crust xenoliths of the NCC, withspecial regards to the in situ zircon SHRIMP ages, supply a pre-cious opportunity to investigate the formation and evolution of theNCC. A salient feature is the near contemporaneity of the 2.6–2.5 Gamagma emplacement and the subsequent metamorphism, whichwas widely reported in the northern segment of the Eastern Blockof the NCC. For example, Jahn and Zhang (1984) firstly recognizedthat the emplacement of felsic granulites in the Eastern Hebei Com-plex was shortly followed by a granulite facies metamorphism at∼2.5 Ga, the time interval is less than 100 Ma, which is consis-tent with the zircon U–Pb data of Pidgeon (1980). Similarly, Yanget al. (2008) also identified 2526–2515 Ma magma emplacementage and 2500–2490 Ma metamorphic age in Eastern Hebei. In theJianping Complex of Liaoning Province, Kröner et al. (1998) docu-mented widespread intrusion of granitoid rocks at 2522–2500 Maand granulite facies metamorphism at 2490–2485 Ma by usingPb–Pb evaporation and SHRIMP in situ micro-analysis methods,the time span being less than 50 Ma. These results are further con-firmed by the recent study of S.W. Liu et al. (2011b), whereasthe authors gave more ancient emplacement age up to 2615 Ma.

Later, Zheng et al. (2004b) obtained U–Pb ages of 2528 ± 18 Ma and2573 ± 18 Ma from the metamorphic rim and magmatic core in asingle zircon grain collected from a mafic granulite xenolith in akimberlite from Fuxian, Liaoning Province. Recently, Grant et al.
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2009) also obtained 2559–2553 Ma magmatic emplacement agend 2517–2490 Ma granulite facies metamorphic age from Southilin Complex in the northern extremity of the NCC. More recently,hang et al. (2012) obtained igneous zircon ages of 2.54–2.55 Gand metamorphic zircon ages of ∼2.51 Ga from amphibolite andneiss hosting banded iron deposit (BIF) in Shirengou in easternebei Province. The Neoarchean magmatism and subsequent meta-orphism has also been confirmed by a very recent study of Sun

t al. (2012) from the detrital zircons from the Proterozoic Jing’eryuormation. However, most of these data are collected from theorthern part of the Eastern Block and from the metamorphic base-ent rocks with the exception of Zheng et al. (2004b). As for the

outheastern margin of the NCC, no Neoarchean–Paleoproterozoicoundary metamorphic ages have been reported so far.

In the present study, two episodes of discrete magmatic andetamorphic events were recognized in the xenoliths from the

outheastern margin of the NCC. The first event is representedy ∼2.55 Ga and ∼2.64 Ga magmatic zircon ages, and the sec-nd one is represented by 2.48–2.49 Ga metamorphic zircon ages.he differences between these two age groups are supportedy the zircon internal structures as revealed by their CL imag-

ng, mineral inclusions, and trace element compositions. Theagmatic zircons are characterized by oscillatory zoning, irreg-

lar or long prismatic shape, low to variable luminescence andomparatively higher Th/U ratios, abundant mineral inclusionsnd high TREE contents. However, the metamorphic zircons areharacterized by spherical to oval shape, highly homogeneousuminescence, no or weakly sector to planar zoning and lowh/U ratios with some exceptions for the granulite facies meta-orphic zircon. The 2.48–2.49 Ga metamorphic zircon ages can

e considered as to be the granulite facies metamorphic timingn the basis of the following lines of evidence: (1) the mineralssemblage garnet + plagioclase ± clinopyroxene ± rutile of thesewo samples could suggest that they experienced granulite facies

etamorphism, the sparsity of clinopyroxene being possiblyscribed to the replacement/breakdown of clinopyroxene by horn-lende + plagioclase; (2) the metamorphic zircons exhibit high andomogeneous luminescence, and spherical to oval shape in accordith the features of granulite facies metamorphic zircons (Corfu

t al., 2003); (3) although the mineral inclusions in metamorphicircons are very rare, yet sparse plagioclase which is the commonineral in the granulite facies metamorphism is identified in theetamorphic zircons (Fig. 4d); (4) the relatively flat HREE dis-

ribution patterns and notable Eu negative anomalies also implyhe co-occurrence of garnet and plagioclase, i.e. compatible withranulite facies metamorphic conditions; (5) another line of evi-ence in support of the granulite facies metamorphic origin is highi-in-zircon temperatures (>800 ◦C) for metamorphic zircons. Gen-rally, the highest Ti-in-zircon temperature represents the peaketamorphic temperature (e.g., Liu et al., 2010; Y.C. Liu et al.,

011b). Notably, the high metamorphic temperatures of 844 ◦Cor sample 08JG18 and 894 ◦C for sample 08JG34 are consistentith granulite facies metamorphic conditions (e.g., O’Brien andötzler, 2003; Y.C. Liu et al., 2009); (6) additional evidence sug-estive of the granulite facies metamorphism is high Th/U ratiosf metamorphic zircon. Both magmatic and metamorphic zirconsithin samples 08JG18 and 08JG34 exhibit high Th/U ratios and

how no marked differences. The zircons in sample 08JG18 dis-lay Th/U ratios ranging from 0.37 to 3.23, while those in sample8JG34 show Th/U ratios with a range of 0.20–0.89. There is aroad consensus that the magmatic and metamorphic zircons gen-rally show substantially high and low Th/U ratios, respectively.

owever, high Th/U ratios are also broadly documented for gran-lite facies metamorphic zircons (Vavra et al., 1999; Hoskin andchaltegger, 2003; Liu et al., 2007; Grant et al., 2009). In this regard,he high Th/U ratios of metamorphic zircons from the studied

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samples imply that they probably experienced granulite faciesmetamorphism.

It is emphasized here that the Nd–Pb isotope data of the stud-ied xenoliths show clear NCC affinity (Wang et al., submitted forpublication), suggesting that they represent the unexposed deepcrust compositions of the NCC. In summary, the southeasternmargin of the NCC experienced late-Neoarchean–Paleoproterozoicgranulite facies metamorphism, similarly to the northern segmentof the NCC. This study for the first time provides direct evidence onthe late-Neoarchean magmatism and subsequent granulite faciesmetamorphism in the southeastern margin of the NCC.

5.2. Tectonic significance

The ∼2.5 Ga magmatism marks one of the major tectono-thermal events in the NCC (Zhai and Santosh, 2011; Wang and Liu,2012; Liu et al., 2012). However, whether this event reflects mag-mas underplated from a mantle plume or represents arc-relatedmagmatism that culminated in collisional orogeny or both remainsdebated (Zhai et al., 2000; Kusky and Li, 2003; Polat et al., 2005,2006; Zhao, 2009; Grant et al., 2009; Geng et al., 2011; Zhai andSantosh, 2011; Wang and Liu, 2012). Although the mantle plumemodel is advocated by many researches in terms of structural,petrologic, geochemical and geochronological data (Zhao et al.,2005; Yang et al., 2008; Grant et al., 2009; Zhao, 2009), yet the mag-matic arc model is also proposed to explain the unique petrologicaland geochemical features of some rocks especially at the marginsof the craton (Xu et al., 2009; Zhou et al., 2011; Diwu et al., 2011;Wang et al., 2011; Liu et al., 2012).

As described above, the study area is located at the southeasternmargin of the NCC, and on the basis of other published data fromthe xenoliths (Xu et al., 2009; Liu et al., 2012) and the metamorphicbasement rocks (Wang et al., 2012), it is inferred that the magmaticarc model is more suitable for the explanation of precursor originof the studied xenoliths from the southeastern margin of the NCC.This hypothesis is also supported by the zircon Hf isotope com-positions. The positive εHf(t) values for the igneous zircons (+2.0to +5.0) (Fig. 7) are clearly a signature for the growth of juvenilecrust during the Neoarchean and probably imply that the rocksformed in a subduction-related arc setting as suggested by Zehet al. (2009) and Yu et al. (2011). Similar conclusions have also beenobtained from the east Shandong Province by Wang et al. (2009).Additional evidence in support of a magmatic arc origin of the stud-ied samples is their low radiogenic Pb-isotope compositions (Wanget al., submitted for publication), in contrast to the plume-derivedmelts which are generally characterized by high radiogenic Pb iso-tope compositions (Bolhar et al., 2007). In addition, the whole-rockelemental geochemistry data show that the xenoliths have neg-ative Nb, Ta, Ti and P anomalies in the PM-normalized diagram(Fig. 3), and their precursors are of IAB and VAG affinities (Pearceet al., 1984; Li et al., 2001; Wang et al., 2011), further suggestingthat they formed in a magmatic arc setting. However, it cannotbe ruled out another possibility that some of lower crustal xeno-liths and metamorphic basement rocks in the region formed in amantle plume setting or had significant mantle contributions inorigin at the Neoarchean as proposed by Zhao et al. (2001, 2005),Yang et al. (2008) and Liu et al. (2012). Some inherited zircons fromsample 08JG18 imply that it was contaminated by ancient crustalmaterials. The detailed petrogenesis of the samples is beyond theaim of the present study. Therefore, the southeastern margin ofthe NCC experienced late-Neoarchean–Paleoproterozoic granulitefacies metamorphism and Neoarchean represents consequently an

important timing of crustal growth.

As mentioned above, the studied xenoliths formed at2.55–2.64 Ga and underwent 2.48–2.49 Ga peak metamorphismwithout record of post-peak metamorphic overprint at ∼2.1 Ga

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r ∼1.85 Ga. However, previous investigations suggest that otherower crustal xenoliths from the same locality (Jiagou) mainlyormed at ca. 2.5 Ga and 2.1 Ga and suffered variable degrees of

etamorphic overprint at ∼2.1 Ga or ∼1.85 Ga (Liu et al., 2012).ost probably, some xenoliths formed simultaneously but proba-

ly located at different crustal levels and escaped from subsequentetamorphic overprinting, strongly depending on their forma-

ion depths. Recently, Pb-isotopic compositions reported from theegion (Wang et al., submitted for publication) also documentedhat the rocks or xenoliths from the lowermost part of lower crustear the subduction zone might be strongly metasomatised byarine sediments and homogenized during the ∼2.1 Ga oceanic

ubduction, resulting in high radiogenic Pb-isotopic compositions.n contrast, those xenoliths with low radiogenic Pb-isotopic com-ositions and devoid of ∼2.1 and ∼1.85 Ga metamorphosed recordsormed in the uppermost level of the lower crust and escaped addi-ional metamorphic overprinting or modification and Pb-isotopeomogenization. In this regard, the present study further confirmshat the deep-seated xenoliths formed at different ages and orig-nated at different levels of the deep crust in the southeastern

argin of the NCC, as suggested by Liu et al. (2012).

. Conclusions

1) In CL images, zircon from the studied xenoliths in the south-eastern margin of the NCC generally preserves typical core–rimmicrostructures, i.e., magmatic core and metamorphic rim.

2) Zircon SHRIMP U–Pb ages suggest that the xenoliths formed at2.55 and 2.64 Ga and experienced 2.48–2.49 Ga metamorphism.Relatively lower HREE contents and negative Eu anomalies,high Th/U ratios (generally >0.5) and high Ti-in-zircon temper-atures (>800 ◦C) for metamorphosed zircons from the xenolithssuggest their peak metamorphism occurred at granulite faciesconditions.

3) Positive εHf(t) values of +2 to +5, with model ages youngerthan 3.0 Ga and formation ages of 2.55–2.64 Ga for igneous zir-cons from the xenoliths indicate that they were derived fromjuvenile crustal sources and strongly suggest the existence ofsignificant late-Neoarchean crustal growth in the southeasternmargin of the North China Craton.


This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foun-ation of China (90814008, 40634023 and 40973043) and theational Basic Research Program of China (2009CB825002). We

hank D.-Y. Liu for their help in SHRIMP U–Pb dating, J.-H. Yangnd Y.-H. Yang for Hf-isotope analysis on zircon, L. Yan for Ramannalysis and Z.-Y. Chen for electron microprobe analysis. Many sug-estions and constructive comments by Prof. Guochun Zhao andwo anonymous reviewers have greatly improved the paper. Wepecially thank Dr. F. Rolfo for polishing English.


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