  • earthaeo

    . k,' afcaua«telteB_OfC%«at A. w.«a» ME.i « nnd-roi.t" .VS. Who CBIIy/ â 1,'e w. rk ? Whet, ,fid evtrt',, to «nd in t. |fK< ,lwit:iU,.t .,

    children of enioiion, withthe spirt of Chrit» il as, nWn, tec, nitty a'and. alterthe conilii't, w'nre lbs u-lwes o! victory are rollingfrom atar to »'sr. tbaahbig God that the bafl«* badbean iheaht, that the ki:,i;douiaol tight and of dark¬ness bad met and the »an over. Mr. B»referred to hi» v,sit to Blent, where 9od had lefthi« footstep» in the soli«! ivuks. Some one hidclimb «i t«i the top, rind pinato» the Cross. Caltarj»urinouiitin« Sinai.Live o'ertoppin/ the Law-He th'iuttnt it a Bt'tobol of what WO had to do.notto luppl.tit the Stall of «r'naci.'iice, but to plai.tupon it the t'.oa* of love und o'" le'leoip'ior. Hedoeed by arm e »VMOUbg action in the came.The c(iti.*r*frnt'ori then inner n «Inxi'lur". and, af

    ter benodictiou l«y H .-¦v. Dr. Tayi ok, the audienceleparated.

    The lu»! »lantstcr.We hivo been fwnLtted with the Hit-raring ml

    ditkmal »tateuient in relation tg)uig in the water.It n aid got hav,* mm atoro than twiiity five Bain»otea from the time tfo vcsscli ttruck until theCumnit re OOpnineni, whi. Ii ahn did aa aoon ai fulluf water. There Were M hoa-d f the Cominero*at the t^iiit en- hnndr« ,i sod fifty of Her Majcst«,'.23d Hciçiment, on their \\*y to London, C. W..There w«:re were Imn nii«*in : n!t.*r nil hn«! Iie,-r,landed, 3^ persons, » iz i'ho 8e0Oed I0n«ineer,Dr. Graniham, 14 aonMiera, 7 women, 1 cl,ildreii,8ii«la toning Lient from Montrent].pnsneager. Th-'aten m tr Dispatch was also much injured ind »ii.iw t'o.ii'; throiii.'h h course of repiiir« nt Bidwellft Hantn'i Railway. [liuf. Com A* «M KlilKK raramaaKtr»-Prcorriünt.

    ÜsmsaSLmMrWmJ. ?l*K -S,w YotK- »tprtlW.'A'K**1'-* tli.-iiand of Fourni per eesl upont. Ï? ('»("'*«J Stork ofilus Bark WtU r.e ptld to i'e«ockbolda*« on and «fttr tb» IVIi if»*, of .Ifty enrjtn'r___aT_tn.far-bo.-ik wi.l It- el MM f«.¦ - d.v o." Maimúj\.to^ayotparTntal By t.rdrr of i.'ta Ruard.J I. FVKKiTT.Ca.Nar.( I , Hl¿h* *. nttLJÎBt. «»«oar in Jannin(¡.'. na»V-faani Prrmiui.11 Salaly Ot. Lampa Aína«,».gjT" »*** '[ to«, Chanda. ar,,«c of inaiSH.»t.pprovad pttterr.»Mjaal. sani Oi«M Were Colter, .«, tf^ Or«i.rnwi.0, OBnaajaaaa» pplrtl (,,,. rito««-ap« Usa, Uli, Wieka¿¿***2 ** «J Ore«*n*ict.-»i. btlwaan Wunen and Ch»i..î~i"J*:_my in Im*1_»£ »>l KE TO V A 1.1» AT » IHtlH.MT. f.«*V_*t» b««i CiBrv, Muet.rd, nnit a n.anoar of »race«»'.aataianc«ouot1. WiTHIMiTON «V U ILDK

    , Kaniemt*r.7«_»r»XH*, go'.Di lo CtUlfortl. v» ii. Bnd il I ,r lhair lineri-st.2_____ my 10 31«FjMt a«VI.«TI.U'.aa-CLd haj«. .tins rowar flats,.Jponlordar, » ».Jir_^ n. un«- «i co .s «ri m a ««ii() tK I >| ,o tier« No. 1 ; »W d i N 2 ft* .»!«. SIl^Jnantannnrara r-tt«*, t»vmfr *i»r*iT » m¦*R-l«V-.en*,v, 'A JaVawt'»»«*Hj_**î», Ko H bra, a» Wm B faj lor, Bsa,

    Chas. I» c» i,..., M.l». ¿«.ha»«, Esq.J... B Kissam, M.L» Tho» M«-KI«, Esq.Bdw. V-riilorp ..I, M.D Charle» LrOWtbO» Ben)S T Willie, ML). R rlrtdk-wi« k, K.«q.A N. Oj:h., M L). David Ataifia, E»a.A « Bill, .-" Kldasr, Esq.O M. Spl-r. E«q Wilir.ot WUl 00 «, EiqP. A Hart'« u«. Esq. S:il«« l'urtl». Esq1,'ijiK H«ni'.ui, Es,. J«a. Ruhlnsca. UsoWin B ark, Esq. Starks W i>v»>». log,Fr-i-f!« f i-*«.'.-, Eiq Eheneater Monr««*. Esq.J !'l..-:pi. Ksq. Alex. M. L Sr.iti, ttSi.i U Pan -p», K.»q Hatlhtas Cl«r«, E«

    loottMitoPris^ei-ii,»«.» mav In* «ji'latti'd »t Clark, Aunini k Co'1

    tiool.,t'iri- ¦»-' -> BntsMWtr; Eajraor'» hook»io.e,7»j Bowerjand »tievrr»! of die principa II .irll. n.\ J 2«rThSTu"JMllill.ANDT l.NfsTITLTK-A S.«.«-! Boara.n,V^ «!,-n ml for Berro, m P«-«k«k:!¡, N. Y.This ..»tituiioLi»'.t'iaii'd «o the en»; bank of the Hudson, forty-rivr.,.from Now-Tork.oodIteeeetiaOilo«ttan* boon «wtaoniirar* or boat«. The loration I« pi»-M««nl aid BBBMÉff. and it».crnt-ry is oot «urpn»»

    l,».:,.r^, lili» Br».»i!«*»» ; S. Ravoor1», 7ii Bowery; or Ur,S. p. Whiuker's, Í « r>»l Sev^i Venih 11.

    Rev. OK.ORUE P1I1PPEN, I Principal« «ndA R PHIPPEN, 1 Proprietor«

    C .rilar dt Initltut«. Per-kiktii. April, I860. sl9 ,,u*

    XlEt'HAMCS' HOCIETY r»t'lIUOI..-The . i-1»! i-nal examu-atid'i ».f tie .».ove loMIIOlloa ba«iiv| I«imnated, One School will reopen on Wodneida«. next, :.'.eI tl day of May, at ATI Broadway and H Crin'iv-HApplications for nwimisslon may he mii/l« to tbe prliic.lf» 1

    Ol eiifn r «,ep»ir' erii, or to Ifi«» 1111 i'-nigned uiembrr» of thebr.hool Coinini'ire

    Linu» W Stevrn», Stephen Cutter,Tho». O Chardsv« yae, CJ«*«jriie W. ParnhamJutin P. M ¦. ... I >iK.r.i . II. Redman,Jame« Morns, Samuel Joyce,JhnJ B. Maxwell. Oe«.ri/eJ Sclimel.-LArison B»k«-r, 8. «.Ward.Il.nlel Ciit-'-r. a?7 Sw

    BOASDING SCHOOL KIR YOl'NU LADIESol Dan'iury, Connecticut .Parents and «/usroian« »-«.irous of placing m-ir dau.hter« at 0 sctiool where i'cri'iu'oris of a im ne may be res lzed, and do pain« i;>»r«v10 advanci''heir mural »ud improvemeot, ni«ydoaoon mod» rite terms Particular attention it paid lutheir physic»| cu::ureThe acroiapiishmenls taupht by ifie aioit competen!

    teacher».Circular» rao l>o ohtalnad at l*lrth k Pond'» rmnlr »tro«,

    1 Franklin squar«\ Peliireuu A Perkins, 1 >Vail.»i. and MWILCOX'8 (J. 8. Schoot Agency, ils» Broadway, room No.

    11 _aJOlm*\\'ANTEO.A «ituatlon as eovercess byslsdy who» v has had »evera. jear» experience Id that capacity and

    b««eo educated at ot-e'of the first schon,» In England. Hero.eil.od of'.eachlni; is quick, easy snd agreeable K.fei... -.-,frtvOB Msy i.ebeard of «t the same itmea respoclsble per¬son who Is a quick »ewer »n« would be willin»» 10 en¬tire by the v»e«rk. Addre»» Julia,'* Dey-«t. or M Kuli.l.BrookJiyD_tuy7 |w\]KS. t MAULEN HKUUVVICK of Lenox, Ma».i'S lacbus» us, beiii(| ui abie to r«r«eive 1010 her fatally a,;who »pplv for «droi»«lori lnlo her »chixil. lia« enif»tr»-d »friend m birrmh hoard and )«>d|{to|r. for a few your«; ladle«who will ihn» have an excellent boute ai the Mme Uniel«*s» they will be under Mr». »Sed'.vvic»'» contiaat supervlnon arid control »nd who»e c.l»:m to v»canrle» oeenrnu»'ff om I'me to lime, In her family, will lupercede oil !,»>,¦._Apnl3U. I*.;*. «a«r| fmT» TKACHKKH.-Waoied lmuiediaiely, » younrS or »intrle t-.rt eman. to »ci »s an »asUiant toacher In anE«i|.uh and C..».icai ts-houl In the r uno v. He mint I*»

    isnt of ibe Pne_il_arv, w.-»tbuiiQiO|', ChelseoKjmu»«, cor. Twen»lii-iu «1 «1. 1 Nlalt.-»v. lieiween loe hour« of. and ¿ P M

    u¡)í! ?w*i 'Ullll PlA>ll»Tal »re Hi (¡real demon«*. Hot» tin-1« ponan', '.', iru.1 t««»cher«, and all lover» off, km.m i»:r «>i,i....1 in m-d'ulel, »cqure itie art of p-rfornnl»,.»kilfiiiiy and le«c»iina- correenv. The best pr«fe»» ofboth sexes, ma} .h, nMiietaonJ by oppiMn« to thoL' s. Scbo_iA.-enry, .if) Brosd way, whtre u.e educaimiial orders of«*».«, l-'cher». fun ne» »nd govern-,.-*, »r-, sue« »ss-hiliy Demounted »cbo».| rl/ and eircu ars ol irwAfe-cy.irra'.is. E || W ILCüX Proprietor,.

    **" '" «' _A«{«nt for U S L in Insurance Co.'rt-AUIItK WANTEln-To purrhos« a beautiful,r ,'"""','" "" l,r;"r'»i «hou^sch... i'Hiute, and oi,e ocrein pt rt .»der »l. h»n.t.o,iie:y fiitod up for a frei cl.ssh-isrdi n..-ho,|. Ado,,-.. BinLialinç.us-l,,,! Tribuot!. Df

    *?!*,_mvl» 3t«A !l._iÄ-L_i._iy--L*~A »enneman, teacher of muilc,.f*t-»S. hue ,..:..,,iciav».^^^ ,.(.,:.f riH ., ;-, ga.»;,», ... Irsjslbe i...u.u»l pn. e ,.r LlsS rn.l «II] i,.,,,.»lo two or -r.-e . bo »Ul breemos bis ( u^'» TalOofSeeanor P.ymooi h oftfcai r.« qu,,t..r|V,. Hiy^r*._lleterence ,-xrn»a,-ed Addre». T tt. T»ll.-oe Urüce W

    TKR.c....»:.-,c»,rr,-«» L-, ox-.'»:-': N V . .AlMoirtr-.t«n, ajaos .ess«. « i. la-ir*. »i íbeír r.-»uenct>s,l»i Ihel i«ts»lcs,MalteinotiCS,Ca«,n,i»uy oad 1 li'«* «* ni

    Í.>*«llW'rMÍÍ»rFbH Yol.Mi I.AOI«_s»._j»iAD.1 AME lOLlA.N r-are-ciful.y In'omis Hie psreou ofher pupil« Iho« on «he l»l of Mav next »h« s»vi rern.»»e herIxttimiiion 10 le6 Br»»»iiway «»««ar Uaiou-«quare. Titéela»»,e» will r«c"u>en 00 Mav * Oiv. Igs«

    1~'ílK THlKTV-nlXlli .»B'sstlO.'sl UP THÉKKiK'Kl.YS (¡RAsi-iA» sCHutJL will coromrirr«Mt\ 7 ¦«.«.««' B i. k-vu Hi gioros »: ,..i^ldenre >«f irie Pnocr»»!, IB A'iannr »t mvl llM*

    \i OY'** -rtlOlM., tl East ISixiretiiO-sL0-4 loi* Re» J H TIN«!.

    SCHOOLS.coivnvir.RCiAi» and classical school.«.» - II* MtY-ST S'KWVliKK SUItUMOH JENNik./ ,) I'ltlS'l ll'Al. T'» P

    » .«

    i.i ular at..

    ¦;; «rra'u1«-«! «inatrurttad. TI atrtiin.» Aiir.n,«»-»l.«.«-, l'h«-e-i latí t, Oral «.

    .-«'. U|-on Uie BUMNnp-|-r«iv«- th*partía» i .-, atraaaga umii %iiu«-d.

    Baabtnetwaan«neag«nl Ci -, h . .-r«-*»K H WlltCOX Proarlstor

    m\n Air«nt i,,» ,'... |t s Ulla II aima r

    11 I - «~ tlOOrk'« fat'H»OL"TÍÍit voT-Hl'I.Ml-»*»E**.ft» r»v» Tit. »t »-w.«n »,fl, i - tmea,- - i -r* M ->. 1 i'^. i"

    PATF-NT-OFFICE REPORTFl'S r PUBLISH BO,.»» Mil . uf lue K -port of th»«-, ..|,t,-r"t l*-i.-.-«... « «¦" -,'ied withMerliatrci sn lnv»r:';,,-,t f,,r .« par 185«, with afl intr«,-dar-.,, t,v II rtrnll -«...»> l'r tl ad .Miniad »ith lira-proof, . i.pslonaand olliar ;,«jiil. mv4 Im"

    1--0 OH'NKIt.i UF HTEA.1I AND HAUKKT«SHUt».Ti-.,-.!,a «d»»T» i, lutorm ilia asnraaranCtbasaS «Bd P«rk»t-«hi », ihal tliey at« ¦aktaaf ,1 a«.itl pail ef 'liair tni.ttt-r» to ...| pi» aii articiai req_i»,i f ;'urnUh-nr thn»e va»»,-|» Tn»> have p.ait«îd ona of ift*r«.»¦.' «III H ir,,, ». »»-..»» Iiuslni*». li

    to ift»« hi» ntira aiianti'in te ih . »-,ac::,i,i and »blpri-m erirnod« t" n-m, »urh sa Prtccti Chin» *a'e, l'i»»i«-o »a»t»,and ethar f *ra*krn »¦''"li; «ti f "i i-o'iti-cim ».t!i f,.n« dncorat'oT,» m Naw Yuis. can (urt,i»h i .:» «ribnatii».. C'-»«-«,-,r da»-tras f aiiy sind, or 1*. pn'n Wt.ilaCliiDt, t'.-ut t» chatp ts ilia common En, Eartlwtre. Tlav slsofurntth fr'«m lhair o»m work», t'lit-Gl»«»wtre, of.verj- »t le and pallam, and all th ba»t pattarn»¦i l'r»«»« 1 Oia»». AImi, evrry SasaWiMtea of Lamp« of lb». it n '.«.; .r» In At i»nc«s t ú «uiu»d lo t.l r.«.»»-» ofvaital».Tha »ulavcrltiari »ra parmltlad lo afer to onr moat nn'.-

    ri r.l »l»»inf.>at pr, pn»ior«, »nx Capí C V « .d-rnilt ar.dCtpt. Stetia. »boaa t »»man ihay btva «uppiad for MSBye.r». and tra nowfun.iaritn«' Mr E K Colliu.'illn«ol«ii»»tract stanmaliip.. and ih»v do ati'iri» Ihosa. tnt-t»»'-: .«Ki«n va»..»i», Ihtl in«-lr arran»» ii«-:> »r- so cninplata a. toacabl« lb«* .'!,. BOlMa ansBasraa with »ati.facl.on ta pro-prlaaora »; crenUi m si.slTnaWOP.AM I lUl'OHWUUT,

    »Î7 irw Vil and V>3 BrotadwayfrO OtVNEK*. OK REAL ESTATE ASO OTHERS1 WHOM IT MAY CON» ERY-The una«-r»i,t:..v,m«ml»»r» of tha Naw.Yor* Op»r»tlv» Macona. «»periluiij call tha tuaniion of be tliova i.ainad IB t «rr«w-i-'iaf WH, ihal pren.l»»« lu BO ctrrlad lo t irroat «xlantl In thearrction al butMi» ¿a it. tli . city, viz. it.a »yil,*.n of $y>-«¦ontractioi of Ollar» aid Ba»»in»r.a. w»urh 1r. ,.-ate '¦. lonf skh «. aad wtnab »r» Kirrn aaa ui mam knownlo Ilia trad« a: id oloa-a a. Seal,»; n cla». of individua .who luv» never «rrv.»d fi apprnnnsttcnsal Is BVs i> .»it,«*»»».nuid ceiinvqnantly weold col ,a au*pioy«»d j «uiy builder ofa.ii.l«ii»had rapulallon.T, 1» »»»u-i.i i» i>»c«»i..iD^ «»prévalent In it.» eity, a. lo

    .:»ni»i,il the univrr««, «Ji» .¡«pt,'lat.o i ,,f .n« ctnii,unity,and sorna BSStM BBaWjd l»a laken to arre.1 in further pro-trr«»M; for while it sal only rol«, the mechtntc of hi.ri_ht», .nd tend, to d«priv» im of a rti-.i » of nipport forbis family, Il also entaú« |ir»»tar »t t.j up >u proja-rl o»viera. I «it*is»a tnn l«xp»y»r« t;a»>»»r«.:y »tilth cannot fallhe f.-lt by ihern a| on,* ,»ri»s >r tt.oiiiitr.Tl . lew vnen c««ritr«u"ad for «rtl! r-«,t .¡'ow of th¦¦ itn».

    1er ma lai« r, »ara tha Su t.-Contractor, even capable ofperf.i-nitn. It, titrlna; iir»,t, 1 t, i',e puiv cou.lrucüon oíMUktgaNumerous tnsisnres can ha r«u«d, of ptMasrrisns' «rttriar«u «r tit»,ui»«.'. ort.».. .»», *i> builiiln,»» fan-

    tn«*, from n««t '»»iin: pe.p'rlv r,«n»'n.ct»-J, whtch may I,»tllrlliutad to iha Inruparitj ol Itak CiiWieBBaaa Each oayBrtafS «ui n slancr .* i'h It of U.i» kind Add lo » blrh. tnatamviii: Ina ¡nanv Iiui'dings »ii ch a*a and ai«-ht yi- .'. nn' : i a*r»*!«r Mrttoaof ii,.*m '' -ciiiia loially d«».r»innr way, who-, »n« wnn'i-ii- Hantai Bn their «n .r':n. nl mi

    ohade», a:,dr_»lert\¡»í..r m«_lnr «r-J BaBO*t«tg Sl,.-ie, .They in-*- t k« >>-». «i i- U oí y, »i- i «- ! at prteoi ftaj Mtorea« Mat ihs.. . .... .' All»sTari-l Ml I "I |0 »:. k.:.mj7 -j-i-

    WINDOW SHADE.}* tr*TIIil LATEST STYLES, a.-.d at the mSatOtt i-ri.-e««. W»I i.-'.lt-ilAVS o »vii. Kt h wry. I,.:tee*aaoaefiron»are---aaM elsea» here Also 1rs t. ,url»oi

    .".l.lfll r'r.'iicli «...-.Tn». !.::-J« to o« i'-r, of »ay>'/ or ij. «:.,, tl two ho.irs rio'ice. »»6 II'A

    liNOiTtV -ill «.O It«» MjTl-T CORNlnEííl DKA-PEKY MUMLINS, he.goojlllee obout «tin

    their wi.n'osrs wl:h ..»..» irriv« »riele«, »fill ti^d ! J CrV(X)Dfft)«*_D g .

    ¦ad muslin curl.-»;-», iraçery.....m »s, t" ril.-e«, i.c Km,, .1"« (H>r

    . 'in ; a rirot r»tet»i gi In», «i |l Is yinonolliÉM to Import or mivn l'.i-¦.!'-ri-'i«r.lshu- in, »i wool«Male wtllflod ltd«

    rO*ad*^k_ia«geiwe-.l sofort parehs«lay «sisomh«a»16 If J C. .V.iODKORl). ¡SS Kr"«dwiy


    rI HE »I'B.SCitliU'.RS ht"-r-m»vedfrijml»eirI Ms to«0 Broadway,tt whteh | »ce they

    nit fir «sie « lofgo tot we;¡ »->.rt -ii laeortJrBOBI "f Boüi«ai S., »es. bol of the'.r owl' ind oiher m»-.uf«.:'i:res

    T e irry "i tr.eír fi »,a »-».r;'i^ hermit" 'iiily eit«b-.-.-. ei.i.-aror t. .iluiiii ií:-:.r le.

    .01-00 ai . !ovito ii .. »ne».'- i.i of .i--'r.- suts lo their «lock ofPRiMt. OOOPS.

    lo «ddilior, to their usual »tuck, the* will he «applied withi-«.- varlette« .'it ot« i.ise.iiftti-'ur«»d ivihelrhou«ro»t Hoc;-

    i ; »l.d 0'»". h»»l lif ill« exe jstvr mtttey of theA«h » -id T«ir erv, offer fur Ml« supeiur Sol.) LenUjer, p'*-cul-ariy adaotod la cmt-.m » .r»

    BCRT, BROTHERS COinvl Ir* Vi Sroadsvav.

    "cLocsts: clocks: clocks:R"\ ED T«) Ike «srir« lies» .lore rjnn n«; tiirr>u.ho m \e«ev I» B.fti» »t». r.ext door '. » the A»to,Hin«, »In "Hit befuui.d tli* v vest »lock »ii-«rrea'ett¦-.- of poitsi .. ind it ehoepor rate« h»'i a.iv r.ia.V

    -iv. IV.M. ». JOHNSON. 6 Vese'¦ayllw' lite of Cortan lit.

    I>K.I|niVAI..-M»d»...eM|X hs« removel her Fr-nrl,IVami E" ..;> h|.,_ r.-.i Dov Scho,: from 4 Cwroll'lilts. Ms «. e - r K.r.i »v. Th«' new loca

    ti-in t« -, « .-»I'l'-n. a d Iho BOUSO,« ilaeMS -ce every m »1».-, WOVIMIs-SICe »

    .« Bartai Jt uh:-is for wb>ra they d»*«ire « th >r-isoftj -\nd Iron r_*si .?. to call anl"¦«»'iiiiie ber «ooOna .niais. Ike ha» ha!'nlltnd 10 her

    tu .I. ori of many of the leading itui.lies ..{ ihi»n \ «'.) et.,, rrfer 11 .. mv* lw

    UI..>Il»VAI..~t)r LUT* «j.-eo,, Atll-M, hat nofrom 35 I. _». Hr -dway to &i Broad-»«v. Hours of atteodacr.« for mo fiture' -vltl h« from 8

    al.v, b',n.l».>s excep '. u omrWO llr Lille«.ei«Ear li.lam.oxy, «40 BronJ-...' n.vtr Nil lo'l Sliu-eet. yaisri¦t , n-c-ss'u'' i»r»cnre . .. lT«M*-ñn»MII '¦! 'di--fHMO O d d1»e «rs «if ihe ï «r. eut e. him l'< cure all «»»1 rabie

    .I'»» ise» of i».l» nr portant ofn, mv'lSi*

    RÍ1 HOTAJsa-MORITZ ERTHEILER, TaätaBM andTrnnxttor otf the Oermnii lnr_Ud^e, hni rem'i-ed lu41 Llsffoesrd in. aean Bitsadsvaf aerllkn*

    fc.UOV.lla.-BALD^IN. UIBOLEK «V IVUKrTemoved trott ¿'» '.Vi.liaiu »t. lo 113 Brodway,

    'ne' of Thame» «L injR tw*"TTtlllVAI..- HEWITT, LEk.8 A CO. bave removed

    io J Broadway. mv- 2w


    ÍXTBLIC NOTICF. -"fl'll»«»: COIIIT lail i>l t'.» Mavor. Alderman sad ..r'h»rj Matas) to ssM M H. «t IXII.trwî. tu 11 r m...i|,»i y iiue nr a.J» ni »-«Ma -*i»»' «Ot Vnl.i ' «».ri., | .r» '.y f i.r Ma}'ir, tlttotOSO »Lii Comri.intlty iil'th« City f

    «.»». Vor». ;: r- ist lu »-.»» ï.irk.onSii-.u««a»)-,Ui«;.'.tii ilay ..I M.j, I-..Í,.t tlir «.prn.n_ ol «h» Court .:»y. ur ....»m-i¦ »' «an ia-'.»m«, Htr» sf K.r.ia-r»od A»««**m.iit m th. Abo»« »ot.tie.1 matter that th. »»T*ire anj si

    -I w» RtW an) ni tl » « IVaSl >r» tnrt.thrW tli. Ta-tii.r> »a.iin'«r;. uf

    «.Ira»i.t) bj t liarles H Ha'i. al l.»l»i »-.rrei. 10»r» ,a- ur . I» f Vil II .... map i:T

    fats ni Ihr asa. City, L» «.rtu. ... an Act rut.t'e.1'- A» Ai t relsk»« U>

    r. ¦: -treeta »n.l rstsaS m th«Vr. 1 ^rl. »ltd r ¦' r, --- .-

    ii.i-l N-w larl,*it». .-..,. HüSuT«. UalVIBS,M. i«aVOOM r.tiulL


    'l'HIS LINE li etut.iinhrd f.riue rapid tra.iiporlttion1 ot f.rl.if.t ..t!v on »teaniSosI» »ml r»'.r,.»,,» (,.n- New.Yor». .1» Aibanv. T-ov. B'iffnlo and Deiro'L, lo Chirofoaid rit Louis , also, vis. Búlalo, lo CUiciacali an : Louis-ville.

    tJP" So .If.n.-y P.i.inçei rrceimed ' JaAThu C inpany hsv ^ onnsdo i« hrran»;euieii'i wi'h lie

    »«~er»l ,«|.lr.«id «nd »teamb ai BBSS »»n tfes proposa roule,is tu» les-tj lo recel»» ard of D: r- i. ,..' Cavti«« an] SuiwuthannaRailroad Com par y, iba K.n«. c*'Cm e.i'ea , »,, : H.«. r** laibot i»d io ».Il all ma hone, of the Company at

    -.icilon on Tlll'RSDAY. M.e. II] ,o wbt«it.avwifi ho offered for «'a hv WM H. FRANKS(IN, at 12 o'clock, ai lha Merchants' KxebtngeThis «toad wa» fi'tnerly know-¡a» in* lita-atan i l),i

    lautroad, tad orlgtoally «*t*at «asía than t»7iio,i«oo. ,\ ,of tea fnn Is »e»e borrowed from ih-eSlt.e, «td on ,1»fat-It in pi} man», lha morli/aae wa. f,,roclo»rf«d »R. ad »».a iioUatut fa by t Law Coin.aav. tnd Kltímngedbj L»_-.»'ailve caaciutvcl Tho Now Chave a»lab:iahad ihe tamo itUane as t*le Eric- rmv »ibo rmir« Una wllb t lieavy T mil, and have prov, .-ioc «motive»,

    DANIELS MILLER S NewY'orkJOHN J PliELP*. )E. K (¡RIKKK.,-1, ) _,,__,____inyDiia_H HUTCHKI.S8, ) .>'w-iltvea.

    FUK HALK AT AU« TiUN -The Tioron'iZMill, with «be nnralar power, land nnddwellln* h«iu»a»and oth-r untb iiMtnus, »ItittlaJ tl the mouth of lie

    Mst'.»tv»»n Cie»k, oa Iba Hud»,n River Rtl!ro«d,r.r.U wfnwal«»r c.iniiiun'cai: 'ii for ve.»«!» direc:!)-to the m.iL Thafactory i. t new three-iforf tod attic brick bo'ldtnir, with »geei »»»tar ul «*a, a«;J tub.tsnita! main treerlni, well rti',-nlHt» iIan a |. its, ae'uredT* . 'tactor*/ 1« two »tori«» a-.d aitlc, «\-ith hsnvtn

    ated In a pleasant village ,,n a c-ver fa iuij» airen n fwate-, witti »tons dun, new water-wbeel, an«! main r ..¦i-faf». A t,'oi/d location for a (.rain or flour mill, or fie If iriurinir p'lrpoaa«, It I avlnr bean rec» »Üy iiiaed a. a CnMtoaf.rtory Ftr pnrtirii'.nra. Immire of

    W B LEONARD, ud Bf«.verut N Y. cr I ja2ii3w« R E » ANK K.LD, New-Mill'ord, Conn.

    i'O THK ROBLRTS», 3731 Broadwtv, ha.Just opened a luareaMortmeni of Th-Lv'.Cspe.,, Scan's, Co. -», 81« lot. «i.c tich.M .

    », ClkbttSM He», C«'il%r», Cull'«, «rmbi ot,ien*dother »lyla» of Cambric Handkerchief«, blnck Flour:-.-Lact», (all width»,) real Valencia Lacra, from laupwti '.Vfechlln, Enthalt and lu.ituton Laces in giea: var>Lc'eand Muslm CurlHin«, Draf-iy Mi ¿la, ffirurod Sw.iip|.«nl, «i.ipti and p.Hin Mu.litis, Hosiery an«tOTo»'es.

    »*.S Tno ato'k ba. baeo boiiRbt under toe reifu'.ar prie» iand wl he »old tit.mall advance on the cost. a& ¿wi 'ilr-AI' THIU.HIMi »TORK.-E HEYN\J tra-iiupor ÍT7 Inch Sblrtini:». for »sin bamytf_NESM1TH J« CO bO sod 52 Plne-sL^.TAKK .IIIlaLM DItlliM.MCM.-.'iOn rscksi;.«' brown, liiaechal, alalo and lime, exln »tout, and uo-qiiv«»-! In perfection of iii«jiufa.*luro. Eor »t««j bv

    -ti-. ti NESMlTHfcCO 60 and M Plne-st

    INK LNBI.KAtHEU l'OTTONM.-«500 bale»Rhode Island Pa.o Al'o. Rocint-luiu, Hoolsell, M«

    vrav, Ilote, Wtllh»m ard olltar «f, !a», for «a e yNEsMITH J» CO 60 and *>; Ptne »t

    BLLAt'HEU HIIIRTI.NnyM.-lMcntie.low-priced Sl'.irtint-s, comprisicat a vatiely of sivles, lor

    by Imv6) NESMITH V CO. »njaaj « Pine-«!.






    THE Oria;ln»l «tnd only Oeculje in a now envelope nu.jmuch l»r|»*r box».Ka.iai).Counterfeits of Dsi»i.r.r's Extractor, in tboo'l

    »r.p'jer, (Il»th, 1»»«.a.-tn»i.l HÍHRT t. DAVl£a,C«aitwl««l_l«.']>orBaoF.


    'I'll.. IIHsUsBlfll .-»A'.AliVK roWKRH of D,* d. P. TOWNoEMi'dM-lR.» VARILLA, hove'tidnr^numerous, o. »n | .. 10 «« r'» n< t

    11 T BUBS'! riffff fT »r»ih«i»-ln of irvoiort»«-. rici.ts.

    . Bo-ane soff 1 anmro ant vatvesinenMoXj sod ae «.«sn.iscsr:.' .S P To* leño'» l\Air«iiül S»r»»por,. » ih»o

    nil»'. :l-»i » »¦ , «rTHIS« Uli »T A» Ml 1BO |.l»iiot»|-»T STTIM.ri than bsvoOOS irsde »'» to use Dr T< »'.tends «sMK nu to tv»«ato

    c rrind In refe 1».»»ticl*. w« ? « aII I..* hol «SALS DSi.fca.lsT» ID New-York.

    rJ -.I \\ .ei«'« llmfffii't, la tbe«*t*7 of', . 0 i' T a«.»Mi,Kirucri»r

    UsasarsaiLLS tor several «ear», and r » aider 11 ihr ORIt*.NAL »!.! "i.M'i.vK Dr Towns« u .i*j>n-«HHAVILAND, KEE*»EACO r rfiilialaneRUdUTON, CLARK h it) in» »roadway, ,l«rAs.o»li'oii»«-, S'il #71 R- a ,«¦»,-, cor l'üai. bers-sl.PHILIP BCHIEPP..I ¡V 4. < «» ISTWotwM-jPOI ti.l'AHMA »iJühiMt

    RtVllOO I COPPIt*. 01 Pe«rl-sr.Rl *T v HOOQHTOI«. J .I MINOR i» CO -'M K. .INOEaVdOLL V KltuntKR. .">«» P-ori-«.'JOSEPH Y TR IP PE, i.N Moi-rn-'one.HAVDOCK. CORLUCdkCLAT, DI Pear!-«-,ORKEN LEAr A MNSi.K.V. IS C - -taodl-ltKINO k VAN IHT.I cb-et.HA.-iKrXL- MKRRICK.B A PAHNE8TOI K }» t

    Proprietor» 11 , «.. «TO TH-TrUHLlC.

    IM hereby toi _rd BMM i'ie preparad.«--..teitve'v known a» DR. 8 V. TOWX«! Nl>8 CO«..POUMP EXTRACT OP SARSAPARtI.I,A,l.oown,«no-juder my direction »nd «.:ier»:«.,r, trot» tl.« or*.».

    na! r eiijei li««.i.«-»ir»te 1 ItroUfl it. v.oi.d-rf-1cures of Con»! opiicH.. Ath-sa lii-ili-ie, B,'iulr(( of H M,TTI Uroailnay. aod9 0 H.ilsoi-st aii ItuTuTnAS-ÜKKAT «JoL'ulii'ÏKÏaieiri*.

    AYER'S "iCHEBBiMPECTORAJL."Pit the cure of

    COLOHS, C'ttLUá. I'OAitSENFUS,üin.'N'tHiriíi, wijoufiM/ cotron. croit,

    ASTUolA. siu t'ONdl MPT/ON,'J-.'IK rsiKORM BUCCEdl «»hirh has ailended ih«J uso on mi« preparation, us (»J is.ry ert'ecl, Iw power loreleve sod cure afledioua of the I loja. i.av« «rained for U» .-»lebitly «qu«tfd by no other iiii-licio» WeotTerlt hiwill entire couhii.- ire to it» vlrttie», »cd the

    iibat II will ._!> lue « rimo»« the »evereti »1»a of dhnoass up m ib. «.».« »1« «-"»-1,'ris bvc/nrul*», trCrr./o. SStliiruL

    »od »itooMctlnni of nbo '»t. The ne_l«i_oIInft-ieric». * or: irsr» ol th« lo-Poaitr.slOi-y ocuon csua, . . u ..*. i.:n«r the or-ytr.t of th" -...Ir.-, '.tie so:»;.. . Isflu -n .¦. pssseT sloni; tho

    id« oí um wieUP'p«« isla» its» ttrixbc-«,*.!. av.dsiloy-« »o, gtvioff eos* ord comfort to tho

    «-a-»», 1«. UsoocaottMBad ««ara«-»andp-iwer«, *i,d. «cd ob-

    I «ro (¡ and »a.'e,v «ntchar.od by» '¦ 1. «i. urs.ind w Sintis fur udvouera,L- dasijw of «fonM-loiploi, . e,i'l,»ly r-rievet,»«»«.

    its, Or* coyi«*Tic-urj1 « «we«»,

