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Language of Light

Single, Dual and TriTones in coloured glyph and printed

text.  The Language of Light is vibration, shape and colour also

Consciousness and Being.

Consciousness creates the Being. A retrieval of lost consciousness, which

is the Language of Light, will bring forth humans Ascension.

With every karma caused, a tone from the language of light was corrupted or

lost completely hence the human became le ss, because of the loss.

With every karma cleared, a tone will be reinstated, either part of, or the

entire tone. This is through a swapping out of dark/disresoant energy

(karma) by the Elementals. Returning that which belongs to another, and re -

instating a pure Language of Light tone.

As the initiate does this Language of Light inquiry with each karma

cleared, a deeper understanding happens, on the intrinsic nature of

consciousness. W hat is consciousness, and how one loses consciousness and

then Being.

When a tone is retrieved in full (it may take a few karmas), then the

individual has embodied this tone . It is the embodiment of a tone, that

the individual then starts to live it, Be it, because the vibration is now

complete. It is also through the embodiment of tones , that one becomes

Enlightened, and then starts the Ascension process which transforms the

biology to the crystalline which will facillate the form to make the

dimensional shift.

The Language of Light is intrinsically linked to the Ascension Initiations

and Ordinations. The retrieval of multi -dimensional consciousness,

changing the DNA, through clearing karma

The shift to the 5th

dimension, is in this form, in this incarnation.

Those who can take direction from the Elemental and Guardian Realms (using

the correct Communing method) will propel each initiate through all karmas,

initiations and ordinations.

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Nature: Active

Forgiveness is the basis of all unity in that all is allowed; yet all is healed. In using the vibration of forgiveness,

nothing sticks, and therefore all karma is released. As forgiveness is made a part of the aura, all interactions

 become a blessing. Forgiveness made manifest is the thousand-petal lotus in the heart of the Bodhisattva that

 projects joy and compassion upon all.

#2 - STRUCTURE Lavender

Nature: Passive

Structure is the formation vibration which when applied holds the space for layering other vibrations together 

for the completion or creation of a thought regardless of the creational level. Much as a cup contains or holds the

space for a potential mixing or blending in third dimension, structure provides a similar function in the energeticrealms. Another way of perceiving structure is as a template or gridwork through which other vibrations may be

woven. Yet another function of structure is to provide a pathway for creation, development or communication. 

#3 - POWER  


Nature: Integrative

Power is the vibration that motivates, challenges, embodies and carries to fruition the vibrations that blend with

it. By itself, power provides a basis for action, including the drive for expansion and completion through the

fundamental integrative nature. As power moves in any direction or all directions simultaneously, that which

aligns with power moves with it in radiant wave after radiant wave. Unity -based power is whole unto itself,

flowing in nature, always seeking to expand through collaboration, yet totally content to be complete in and of 




Nature: Active

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Silver/White/Pink Nature: Integrative

Unity Consciousness brings together into wholeness all aspects of awareness within so tha t each consciousness

is known to be an aspect of the whole. Then no separation exists between any consciousness, and communion

 between all consciousness becomes possible. Unity consciousness does not recognize a boundary as a barrier.

Rather, the boundary is a point of differentiation of purpose and is worthy of honor and respect. In this way,

unity consciousness blends every aspect of the whole in respect, as all contribute to the completion of the vision.


Nature: Completion

 Non-Conditional Governance provides the closure or completion of the first nine tones of creation. This

completion is the result of combining all the aspects contained in the first nine tones in the creation of the tenth

tone. Through the modulation of its capability, non-conditional governance can blend with and provide direction

or purpose for any combination of the first nine tones. Like holding the boundaries for a kaleidoscope, which in

rotation is constantly changing while maintaining focus and direction, non-conditional governance allows for 

unlimited expression within the boundaries of the tone.


Pink - Lavender

Nature: Active

Jurisdiction is like a boundary in that within jurisdiction describes where an influence may be applied and

therefore implies where it may not. Jurisdiction is somewhat like structure in that it allows a layering of 

alignment in a specific area. Jurisdiction in a sense could be seen as the purpose implicit in every consciousness.

To the extent that purposes align, then a structure may be created which has a natural boundary of influence

related to aligned purpose.

#12 - HOPE 

Peach - Gold

Nature: Passive

Hope requires a basis in compassion, as hope is a vision beyond what is and is fueled by compassion. Hope is

visionary in nature, yet the invocation of hope also implies a forwarding of the vision to the creational aspect.

As hope is held, energy is moved in relation to hope and is guided to realign circumstance. Note that hope i s

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 passive in nature, providing a possibility of change through vision and being without moving into the space of 


#13 - PEACE 

Turquoise - Silver

Nature: Integrative

Peace is a centering tone that allows all to exist and move without the need to change anything. As peace is

embodied, all change large or small is viewed with equanimity as an opportunity to express in yet another way.

Invoking peace in any situation provides the opportunity to view the circumstance from a unity perspective.


Pale Gold - Lavender

Nature: Active

The Abundance tone or vibration calls forth in any moment what is required for the unity expression of the

moment to be fulfilled. Abundance is filling and embracing with flowing movement at its center. Abu ndance

creates so that no lack is experienced for lack is incomplete, and in lack fulfillment cannot be experienced.

Creative abundance is whole and allows each experience to be complete and fulfilling . 


Pale Pink - Golden White

Nature: Passive

Prosperity is visionary in nature. Prosperity is a state of being where one holds the vision of soul for the

expression of life as the expression of life. As one moves closer to the body and soul fusing, the time difference

 between holding the vision of soul for life expression and the physical expression of the vision gets smaller.

Invoking the prosperity tone and blending it with the vision of soul brings forth the creational response. 


Lavender - Silver

Nature: Integrative

Magnitude is integrative in nature, weaving energy into a tapestry of wholeness or completion. Magnitude breathes fullness into a creation, allowing expansion and therefore evolution as the unity expression of the

creational act. Invoking magnitude into any creational act invites the creational aspect to add its signature and

thereby bring forth a perhaps unseen creational fullness.

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Peach - Turquoise

Nature: Active

Intuition is the creational channel or tone, which may be thought of as communication from creator to creator of the vision that is to be expressed in the moment. Intuition may be thought of as localizing the creational vision

within the appropriate creational influence. Being guided moment by moment in the expression of creation

allows all creation to expand and flow and evolve. This also allows each creator to expand and flow and evolve. 

#18 - FUNCTION Pale Lavender - Pale Pink 

Nature: Passive

Function is the tone that is visionary in nature and contains a larger picture definition so a creator mayunderstand how each creation contains and works with each other. Function allows for and contains meaning in

vision so that unity in creation is maintained through unity of vision.


Pale Gold - Golden White

Nature: Integrative

In the unity language of light, perseverance is similar to fueling a vision with energy over time until the

manifestation of the vision occurs. Perseverance also implies alignment with the result, as unity allows for allcreations to be in alignment, and perseverance creates this form of wholeness.

#20 - STEALTH 

Turquoise - Golden White

Nature: Completion

Stealth is completion in nature and therefore contains all the vibrations from glyphs 11 -19 to create the stealth

tone or vibration. Stealth implies a quiet, imperceptible fluidity in modulating other vibrations in the creational

act. Stealth moves in between and through all levels of creational desire and vision in the act of consolidatingcreation in wholeness and consistency.

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Pink - Peach

Nature: Active

Consciousness is the vibration of awareness and applied knowledge and is therefore action oriented.Consciousness is expansive movement, always seeking evolution through interaction, pushing toward the

unknown. Consciousness also implies purpose and seeks to align with other consciousness of like purpose.

Consciousness is event driven and remains aligned until the commonness of purpose is completed.

#22 - INTERNAL Pale Lavender - Peach

Nature: Passive

Internal is the tone of presence, the knowledge of self at the center of one's beingness. Internal also implies therelationship between soul and form, not in an active sense but rather in the cooperation or blending between the

two in providing the evolutionary experience. Internal is observance in the stillness. 


Pink - Pale Pink 

Nature: Integrative

External is integrative in nature and seeks to keep experience in balance. External blends the desire to interact

and align with internal correction and observance. In integrating the expansiveness of consciousness and thesolitude of presence, external provides wholeness during the journey, which is expressed as balance.

#24 - ONENESS 

Turquoise - Pale Pink 

Nature: Active

Oneness reaches upward and inward to connect with greater aspects of self. Always reaching, oneness seeks

connection to source and the corresponding inclusion in the potential of the void. In the linking upward and

inward of one source to the next comes the clear knowing that the enfoldment of All That Is is a process. One'sability to express in the process becomes a function of acceptance of oneself in the oneness.

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#25 - TRUTH 

Peach - Silver

Nature: Passive

Truth is the tone or vibration of oneself as it emanates from source. As an aspect of source, the expression of truth is the expression of source. As one surrenders more and more to source, the expression of oneself becomes

a clearer, more complete expression of source and source and source as far as one can reach.

#26 - ACTION 

Gold - Golden White

Nature: Integrative

The tone action integrates reaching for and expressing of truth into a way of being that is unique for each aspect

expressing in any plane of reality. Beingness is the act of surrender into that which one is and simply expressing.Action is iterative in that the more one integrates reaching, expressing and surrendering, the more one is able to

represent and be source.


Turquoise, Pink - Golden White

Nature: Active

The tone fluidity allows one flow, progression and the ability to change and maneuver as one¶s truth requires.

Fluidity implies movement regardless of circumstance as well as a desire to remain fluid or in movement which pushes toward evolution. Fluidity wraps around truth to provide momentum and clarity as truths build and

cooperate in the evolution of a creation.

#28 - PURPOSE 

Lavender, Turquoise - Pink 

Nature: Passive

Purpose is the vibration that provides alignment for truth in all manifestation. Purpose also implies direction,

and although passive in nature, purpose is the allowing factor in any collaborative construction, regardless of themagnitude or dimension.

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Peach, Turquoise - Pink 

Nature: Integrative

Integrity is the tone that integrates or weaves together flow, alignment and direction so that each contributes tothe overall living of the life in balance. Integrity follows the searching thought in pulling together what has been

discovered into the whole being. In the flow of integrity, one stays in the flow of source.


Gold, Pale Lavender - Lavender

Nature: Completion

Balance as completion combines vibrations 21-29 into yet another tone capable of interacting with each and all

of the combining tones. In the modulation, balance brings forth in the moment the exact layering of tone toexpress source most completely, most fully. As each weaves a reality, the expression of source must balance

with all other expressions, none more important, all in unity.

#31 - HONOR  

Pink, Turquoise - Golden White

Nature: Active

Honor is the basis of relationship, of interaction, of communion. Honor allows each truth in equality as modes of 

expression. Honor promotes interaction, which expands evolution, widening the path to greater interaction.Honor seeks communion as the fulfillment of expression. As honor broadens, the connection to source broadens,

 promoting broader relationship and fuller expression.

#32 - DREAM 

Peach, Silver - Golden White

Nature: Passive

Dream is possibility where large futures flow. Dream is passive in nature, its use in observation as inquiry or 

exploration outside of the creation desire yet contributing to it. Dream allows wave upon wave of possibility toflow by with no particular need to interact or touch. 

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Silver, Lavender - Pale Pink 

Nature: Integrative

Illusion is the integrative vibration of creative desire as it relates to group creation. Illusion weaves vision as possibility and the creative the path of interaction together to create a consensus reality. The tone of illusion is

the dominant tone or basis for a creation constructed in unity as illusion seeks to expand, remaining in

movement, allowing for all expressions of source.

#34 - PASSION Pink, Lavender - Pale Pink 

Nature: Active

Passion is the vibration of creative movement. Passion seeks to interact with other aligned passions, creating aflow in a direction, hence a movement. Passion propels forward in creative fervor fro m source desire to evolve

in constantly new modes of endeavor. Each moment of being, complete and ecstatic, with no thought other than

the creative dance is the essence of passion.


Silver, Lavender - Golden White

Nature: Passive

Creativity, passive in nature, provides the path for the flow of creative movement. The tone of creativityemanates from source in the vibration necessary to forward the vision of source. Each aspect of source radiates a

unique tone of creativity that when fully expressed allows evolution to be experienced by all.


Pink, Lavender - Peach

Nature: Integrative

Sexuality is an integrative tone that blends passion and creativity, using itself wherever and however necessary

to fuel and promote the creative vision of source. The application of unity sexuality always promotes growth,expansion and movement in expression as the vibration of sexuality underlies and influences through its nature

all evolutionary expression.

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Peach, Gold - Golden White

Nature: Active

The friendship tone joins together two or more aspects of conscious awareness. Friendship is alignment andcommon purpose. Aspects join in friendship as the tones are in harmony. Friendship is active, implies

movement and growth, and seeks continually to join source and consciousness.


Turquoise, Pale Lavender - Golden White

Nature: Passive

Communion is the vibration that blends awareness having already demonstrated friendship. Communion is like

a path that when followed allows awareness to be in the presence of another aspect of itself. Communion is animmersion into the depth and breadth of another creational experience.


Lavender, Peach - Golden White

Nature: Integrative

Dance of Life integrates friendship and communion, expanding a creational experience, which delights in

expressing itself as an aspect of source, into a moment-by-moment orgasm, releasing light and joy while

 promoting expansion.

#40 - COMMUNITY Gold, Silver - Pink 

Nature: Completion

Community is a completion tone, which combines tones 31-39 into a new tone having the ability to orchestrate

the tones 31-39. Community calls forth the full expression of each of the combining tones and can inspire and

direct large creative undertakings. Community moves evolution forward through enabling creative acts among

multiple awareness.

#41 - HONESTY 

Peach, Pale Lavender - Pink 

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Turquoise, Light Gold - Pale Pink 

Nature: Integrative

Worlds Upon the Land seeks to unite multiple truths in a creation allowing each separate truth to expand andevolve as it will. Worlds Upon the Land integrates unspoken worlds and underwater worlds for truth to further 

realize the opportunity in surrender.


Peach, Pale Pink - Golden White

Nature: Active

Human Species is the tone that allows truth to align with truth in the eternal surrender, seeking always to

 become a fuller, more complete tone while expanding the awareness of creation.


Silver, Lavender, Pink - Golden White

Nature: Passive

God/Goddess is the tone of the path, the vision, and the embrace; the magnitude of which in surrender expands

so that truth can only become the beacon of All That Is and realize itself as an aspect of the beacon.

Dual Tones:





All That Is 


Nature: Integrative

Glyphs #1 Forgiveness and #48 God/Goddess/All That Is unite to


Unconditional Forgiveness brings forth the essence of God/Goddess/All

That Is in relation to being in a state of allowance. This creation vibration

is the ability to embrace all as one expanding into itself. As this vibration

 becomes inherent in the energy pattern, all passes through without theneed to cling or blend or manipulate; simply allowed in its existence

seeking to expand.

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Compassion #48


All That Is 


Nature: Completion

Glyphs #4 Compassion and #48 God/Goddess/All That Is unite to


Unconditional Compassion is a completion tone that unifies tones 40±49

into a singular vibration of unconditional compassion. Unconditional

Compassion is the aspect of God/Goddess/All That Is that provides a

clearing or opening for creation as the needs of all are sensed and can be provided for through the application of this vibration. This vibration is

wholeness in the ability to touch or work with the creation vibrations in

expansion and completion stemming from the unending desire to create, to

expand, to evolve.





God/Goddess/All That Is 


Nature: Active

Glyphs #6 Non-Conditional Love and #48 God/Goddess/All That Is

unite to become #51 OMNIPRESENT LOVE

Omnipresent Love seeks to open expansion in new and different

directions, combining itself with other creation tones, pushing outward

 beyond the known. This tone expands the magnitude of other tones so thatthey become as fire within their expression: clearing, purifying,

transitioning and transmuting. Any expression combined with

Omnipresent Love has no stopping point of measure, only direction






All That Is 


Nature: Passive

Glyphs #11 Jurisdiction and #48 God/Goddess/All That Is unite to


Omnipresent Jurisdiction is the tone of creation guidance that forms and

contains an expression of its magnificence in the blending of itself with

other creation tones. Direction, agenda and dispensation for theimplementation of the divine plan are aspects of Omnipresent Jurisdiction.This tone orchestrates evolution by dispensing (as needed) the molding or 

modulating vibrations that allow creation an ordered expansion.




God/Goddess/All That Is 


Nature: Integrative

Glyphs #20 Stealth and #48 God/Goddess/All That Is unite to become


Unconditional Stealth is the strength and stamina behind any creation that

allows for unity of purpose and direction in all areas of union between

creators. The tone is integrative, uniting all who choose to dance together 

in common purpose in the act of creation. The act of creation is notdetermined by the size but by its magnitude of purpose. Magnitude of 

 purpose in unity consciousness is determined by the vibration of honor.

Honor underlies stealth in relation to all aspects of the act of creation.

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Integrity #48


All That Is 


Nature: Active

Glyphs #29 Integrity and #48 God/Goddess/All That Is unite to


Unconditional Integrity is the vibration and tone that actively causes the

vibration of integrity to be integrated into all acts of creation. In integrity,

honor is reflected in all relations within a given creation. Therefore,

integrity is a necessary ingredient to sustain honor in any act of creation.Integrity brings forth honest communication in all interactions. Honesty is

necessary for a creation to sustain honor, for honesty allows all aspects of 

expression to be seen with nothing veiled or hidden. As all aspects of a

creation are seen, then all aspects can effortlessly be brought into

alignment for the purpose of evolution.

#3Power  #48God/Goddess/

All That Is 


Nature: Passive

Glyphs #3 Power and #48 God/Goddess/All That Is unite to become


Unconditional Life Force is the vibration or tone that fuels all aspects of 

creation which are viewed as equal and therefore worthy of as muchcreative force necessary to sustain and allow for the evolution and

continued expansion or ascension of all life forms. The tone of 

Unconditional Life Force will draw the necessary chi into one¶s creation

to sustain it, the additional chi necessary to evolve it, or supply the

necessary fuel to bring a new creation into manifestation. 





All That Is 


Nature: Integrative

Glyphs #16 Magnitude and #48 God/Goddess/All That Is unite to


Unconditional Magnitude is the tone that allows for stealth, integrity and

life force to be united to bring forth t he magnitude of a creation.Magnitude is synonymous with the word magnificence. Magnificence isexperienced as all aspects of any creation are brought into absolute

alignment with the divine plan of All That Is and the evolutionary

 pathway of ascension. Magnitude unites all aspects of any creation with

the common purpose of evolution.






#57 ² BOUNTY 

Nature: Active

Glyphs #8 Divine Union and #15 Prosperity unite to become #57


Bounty is the abundance that occurs as unconditional magnitude is present

within any creation. Bounty comes from all aspects of a creation receivingadequate care, nurturing, attention, love and chi. As all aspects of a creation

receive adequate care, all aspects can evolve and ultimately ascend. Bounty

ensures that all necessary nutrients are available for the evolution of the

segments of a creation, thus also ensuring the overall evolution of the

creation at large.

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Honor #42


#58 ² SERVICE 

Nature: Passive

Glyphs #31 Honor and #42 Communication unite to become #58


Service is the understanding that all aspects of a creation are in service

to the overall purpose of a creation. Each part contributes its gifts and

talents to the greater good of the whole. Each cont ribution is unique and

fulfills a particular aspect of creation. Service implies that each aspectgives fully of itself for the greater benefit of the whole, without

limitation and without measure. As each segment contributes in an

unlimited manner, the maintenance and evolution of the whole of any

creation is assured.






Nature: Integrative

Glyphs #4 Compassion and #38 Communion unite to become #59


Unconditional Union is the tone that sustains union between the creator and

the creation in a constant dance and exchange of energy. As the creator 

dances with the creation, unconditional union amplifies the chi, thussustaining the creation and fueling it for further evolution and ascension.

Unconditional Union allows for constant communication between the

creator and creation, thus allowing for the experience of the creator 

directing the creation through each step of evolution. 







Nature: Completion

Glyphs #9 Unity Consciousness and #40 Community unite to become


Unconditional Community is a completion tone which allows tones 50±59

to become unified into the single tone of Unconditional Community.

Unconditional Community allows for multiple creations to stand side byside in a state of unconditional union together. Unconditional Communityallows for multiple creators and creations to dance under the umbrella of a

common purpose in order to evolve or ascend together.


Breath of Life 




Nature: Active

Glyphs #5 Breath of Life and #34 Passion unite to become #61


Fortitude is the tone that amplifies truth, unity and perseverance in a

manner so that the chi behind one¶s manifestation or creation is enhanced.

Creation requires energy to sustain it and a boost of chi or energy to create

the momentum necessary to evolve and ascend. It is through the tone of Fortitude that the momentum for evolution and ascension is sustained both

within the individual and the group by continually amplifying the energy

 behind the creation.

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Compassion #25



Nature: Passive

Glyphs #4 Compassion and #25 Truth unite to become #62 UNITY-


Unity-Based Truth defines and sets boundaries on the truth in any given

creation. Truth can be likened to a segment of vibrations that brings forth a

 particular experience in a creation. In Unity-Based Truth, only those

vibrations of truth that are inherently resonant with one another areallowed. Unity is the result of resonance, common purpose and design. The

Unity-Based Truth tone brings forth resonance, common purpose and

design within any creation.


Breath of 





Nature: Integrative

Glyphs #5 Breath of Life and #25 Truth unite to become #63


Evolution is the tone that pushes the individual or group forward on the

 path and journey towards ascension. The tone of Evolution will cause

outworn ways of being to be cast off, allowing for the next segment of 

information in the process of ascension to be brought forth. Within thegroup, the tone of Evolution will sometimes cause those who are holding

 back the next phase of ascension to be cast off, t hus allowing the group to

rise again in vibration as a whole.






Nature: Active

Glyphs #32 Dream and #3 Power unite to become #64 REGION OF


Domain or Region of Dominion is the tone that contains a creation based

on the principles of fortitude, unity-based truth and evolution. In the

 process of evolution, creations are continually molded to bring forth the

next upward leap in vibration. This molding brings forth each changing phase of energetic dynamics in both the individual and in a group. Theseenergetic changes create a domain in which each member of the group or 

soul in an embodiment is contained.






Nature: Passive

Glyphs #22 Internal and #7 Freedom unite to become #65


I Am That I Am is the tone that allows each part of a given creation along

with the creation at large to be as it is in the moment. It is through the

 process of allowance that surrender is accomplished. Surrender is the act of 

relinquishing one¶s ego-based desires unto the greater purpose of soul.Deeper and deeper states of surrender occur a little at a time in the

evolutionary process of either an individual or a group. The deeper the

commitment and surrender to soul, the deeper one moves into a state of 

total allowance or acceptance of All That Is.

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External #2



Nature: Integrative

Glyphs #23 External and #2 Structure unite to become #66 UNITY-


Unity-Based Relations is the tone that brings forth allowance between

individuals or between groups. As each individual or group allows all other 

individuals or groups their particular dance, expression and experience,

unity is sustained within the relations therein. Unity within a group requireseach member to embody the tone I Am That I Am so that total acceptance

of one another is sustained. It is only in total acceptance and allowance of 

all experiences of another that unity relations within a group are mastered.





#67 ² JOURNEY 

Nature: Active

Glyphs #18 Function and #17 Intuition unite to become #67 JOURNEY

Journey is the particular truth that any individual or group has chosen to

explore in the experience of evolution. Much like spokes on the wheel,

each truth can be likened to an individual spoke. It requires all spokes to

make up the entire wheel, and each unique expression of truth is necessary

to sustain the whole of any creation. Each truth creates a unique experiencein the process of evolution or ascension that contributes to the overall

 journey of the group. Each group creates a unique experience in the process

of evolution or ascension that contributes to the overall journey of all







Nature: Passive

Glyphs #2 Structure and #25 Truth unite to become #68 MAP or


Map or Pathway For Evolution is the tone that continuously aligns one¶s

 journey to one¶s particular truth. There are many potential paths one can

take upon any given day. Not all paths are in alignment with one¶s truth.Invoking the tone of Map will align each step of one¶s journey to the particular truth they are on Earth to experience. Invoking the Map tone

within a group aligns the entire group to the unique set of Truths the group

has chosen to experience.




Nature: Integrative

Glyphs #35 Creativity and #19 Perseverance unite to become #69


Enlightenment is the tone that brings forth a continuous ³lightening up´ or 

rise upward in vibration either in the individual or within a group.

Enlightenment invokes a releasing of any and all vibrations that are themost dense within the truth the individual or group embodies. This release

can be likened to shedding a winter coat as the warmer weather of spring

approaches. As each segment of the most dense vibrations are released, the

natural outcome is a rise in vibration or ascension. 

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Oneness #25



Nature: Completion

Glyphs #24 Oneness and #25 Truth unite to become #70 ASCENSION

Ascension is the completion tone that combines tones 61±70 into the single

tone known as Ascension. The tone of Ascension stabilizes either the

individual or group into the domain of the next higher vibration

accomplished. It is in the moment of completion of each segment of 

initiations, whether they be of the individual or the group, that one is in - between the in-breath and out-breath of any creation. It is in this moment

when one stabilizes before moving forth into the next steps in one¶s






Goddess AllThat Is 


Nature: Active

Glyphs #28 Purpose and #48 God Goddess All That Is unite to become #71


Unconditional Purpose is the alignment of one's personal purpose with the

greater good of the whole and the divine plan of All That Is. Alignment narrows

the possibilities for ones life experience to ensure that one's soul purpose is

fulfilled upon, and one's path of ascension is also fulfilled upon.


Truth #48


Goddess All

That Is 


Nature: Passive

Glyphs #25 Truth and #48 God Goddess All That Is unite to become #72


Unconditional Truth is the alignment of one's truth with the greater truth of All

That Is. In such a state of alignment, one's truth resonates with all other truth

within the divine dance of creation. Unconditional truth also allows all other 

expressions of truth within the divine dance in the greater understanding that all

expressions are necessary to the whole of creation. 





Goddess All

That Is 


Nature: Active

Glyphs #12 Hope and #48 God Goddess All That Is unite to become #74


Unconditional Hope is the vibration that ensures an ongoing expansion or 

ascension of ones field. The vibration of unconditional hope pushes outward into

new areas of creation previously unexplored. Unconditional Hope has onecontinually move forth within one's evolutionary process, continually expanding

into new horizons previously unknown.


Breath of Life 


GodGoddess All

That Is 


Glyphs #5 Breath of Life and #48 God Goddess All That Is unite to become


Unconditional Dance of Life is the vibration that creates an exchange of energies

 between parties within any given creation. Such an exchange of energies result in

an ongoing giving and receiving that enhances the energies available to all. The

Dance of Life amplifies chi within the act of giving and receiving . 

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Creativity #16



Nature: Integrative

Glyphs #35 Creativity and #16 Magnitude unite to become #76


Unlimited Self Expression is the vibration that allows for truth to be expressed

within the dance of life. Each truth is unique, and has a unique expression a s

manifested within a creation. Each expression is allowed in full in the greater 

understanding that it serves the greater good of the whole. Each expressionsustains a particularly area of service work necessary to the smooth running of 

the creation.







Nature: Active

Glyphs #8 Divine Union and #38 Communion unite to become #77


Unlimited Joy is the tone that underlies the dance of life and unlimited self -

expression. As the dance of giving and receiving is acted out of joy, the fields of 

all concerned expand in the exchange. As all self-expression within the dance of 

life is sustained in joy, harmony, unity and oneness within the creation become



Power #16



Nature: Passive

Glyphs #3 Power and #16 Magnitude unite to become #78 UNLIMITED


Unlimited Expansion is the tone that follows the experience of unlimited joy. As

all exchanges within the dance of life are based upon joy, Unlimited Expansion

or ascension occurs. Expansion and ascension are related, but not the same.

Expansion brings forth the steps that lead to ascension. Expansion causes one to

 push their field into areas that one's field had previously not extended into,

triggering the necessary lessons that result in ascension.





Land Based



Nature: Integrative

Glyphs #45 Underwater Worlds and #46 Unity of All Species unite to


Unity of All Species occurs as all species embody unlimited expansion,

unlimited joy, and unlimited self-expression within the dance of life. As thisoccurs, all species are allowed their unique truth and dance upon all planes of 

reality within a creation. As al l species are allowed their truth, all species are also

accepted and honored for their unique gift or contribution in service to the whole.








Nature: Completion

Glyphs #9 Unity Consciousness and #10 Non-conditional Governance unite


Communion of All Species is a completion tone and therefore holds a

combination of all tones 71 through 80 within it. Communion of All Species is

the tone that allows all species to live in an ongoing state of communion with one

another. When all exist in joy and expansion, communion follows. Communion

is a state in which each species is united with the other in an ongoing dance of 

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giving and receiving of energies. The ongoing dance creates the experience of 

unity, oneness, and belonging within each component of the whole.



81. Fruition - Nature: Active

The Symbols 'Purpose' and 'Fluidity' unite to become

'Fruition'Fruition is the tone that accelerates manifestation as it

interrelates and combines with the totality of the description

sent to the sun and returns as the creational hologram. Each

modulation of fruition contains differing components or 

shimmers to combine with different aspects of a description. In

embodying all fruition modulations, a more complete

definition can be sent to the sun, resulting in a manifestation

more in alignment with one's thought.


#10 Non-conditional


82. Boundaries - Nature: PassiveThe Symbols 'Forgiveness' and 'Non-conditional

Governance' unite to become 'Boundaries'

Boundaries is a synthesis which allows the encompassing of a

space without defining the space, thereby remaining fluid as

well as contained. Boundaries, like any passive tone, provide

the backdrop or underlying space holding that allows

manifestation or creation to occur in a localized way.

Boundaries allow the presence of connected thought without

shunning other thought. Boundaries simply does not hold the

space for non-connected thought.





83. Alignment - Nature: Integrative

The Symbols 'Dream' and 'Community' unite to become


Alignment allows direction and purpose a presence in anycreation. Therefore guidance for any manifestation infused

with alignment becomes animate and creative, allowing for 

expansion, change, and evolution. Any creation without

movement is dying. Any creation without purpose is without

consciousness and functions solely in self-interest in a

mechanical way.



84. Direct - Nature: Active

The Symbols 'Action' and 'Communication' unite to

become 'Direct'

Direct is purposeful as vision made manifest through action in

a direction. Direct provides motion and power to empower a

creational act into manifestation and sustain the manifestation

in a state of evolution. Any creation requires a constant

infusion of Direct to maintain action or motion in a direction

and in alignment with a vision or thought. As each modulation

of Direct is embodied, the ability to more finely tune a creation

into alignment with the creational thought becomes possible. 

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Unseen Worlds 


Unspoken Worlds 

85. Creation - Nature: Passive

The Symbols 'Unseen Worlds' and 'Unspoken Worlds'

unite to become 'Creation'

Creation provides the milieu for the projection of thought to

manifest as a distinct form, formation, or formulation in

relation to all other possible thoughts. Creation contains the

 possibility for expression of all possible thought even in

relation to each thought. Creation connects thought whose purpose or consciousness requires the inter-connection for the

evolution of all thought and in the connection creates that

which may have never before existed.


Unspoken Worlds 


God Goddess All

That Is 

86. Universe - Nature: Integrative

The Symbols 'Unspoken Worlds' and 'God Goddess All

That Is' unite to become 'Universe'

Universe blends the possible combinations into singular 

wholes of the possible combinations into singular wholes of 

the possible combinations into singular whole. Universe

integrates thought into broader levels of creation utilizing the

consciousness of thought and the desire to evolve to create a

conscious desire whose fulfillment exists in consciously

expanding into the greater wholeness of self.

#39Dance of Life 

#43Unseen Worlds 

87. Production - Nature: ActiveThe Symbols 'Dance of Life' and 'Unseen Worlds' unite to

become 'Production'

Production animates and individualizes possibility through

flow or movement in a direction as the stream brings life and

definition to that which it touches. The invoking or applying of 

Production in the creative act provides for a more complex

creation whose existence allows for the existence of other 

creations. The inter-relation allows for one creation to be at

least partially defined in relation to another creation. Theaccumulated inter-related group then takes on an existence and

evolution all of its own.




Human Species 

88. Cast of Characters - Nature: Passive

The Symbols 'Community' and 'Human Species' unite to

become 'Cast of Characters'

Cast of Characters allows for the blending of individualized

 possibility; underlying, anchoring, and providing for the

creational learning experience possibilities. Cast of Characters

 provides the inter-connection whereby large creational

 possibilities can be rooted or characterized by small inter-

relations of which the whole is much greater than the

summation of the individualized pieces and parts. Cast of 

Characters allows for expanded possibility. The actual

expansion is a function of the conscious desire of components

to evolve. 

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God Goddess 

93. Other Universes - Nature: Integrative

The Symbols 'External' and 'God Goddess' unite to

become 'Other Universes'

Other Universes creates an expanding wholeness for the

continued movement of expression much as a moving, faceted,

mirrored ball allows the display of many angles of reflected

light. Other Universes creates expansion viewing itself from

the inside and acknowledges growth and evolution viewingitself from the outside. As the expansion moves towards

completion, the facets loose their definition back into the





God Goddess 

94. All That Is - Nature: Active

The Symbols 'Oneness' and 'God Goddess' unite to become

'All That Is'

All That Is expands in all directions in all possible ways within

the possibility of the original thought creation. The integration

of this tone provides the push towards completion for any

thought. The push for completion may well create a

multiplicity of creations each exploring multiple combinations

of possibility for the originating thought form.


God Goddess 


God Goddess 

95. Infinite - Nature: Passive

The Symbols 'God Goddess' and 'God Goddess' unite to

become 'Infinite'

Infinite allows the combination of possibility to create that

which would not otherwise be. This form of linking brings

forth the unknown. This expression of God Goddess uses the

fullness of the thought of God Goddess to create the internal

combinations that are only possible after the other possibilities

have come to completion and yet a lack of wholeness is

experienced. The links to bring forth the unknown require

 balance. Anything less will cause a spin into distortion . 


God Goddess 




God Goddess 

96. Infinite Magnitude - Nature: Major Completion

The Symbols 'God Goddess', 'God Goddess' and

'Magnitude' unite to become 'Infinite Magnitude'

Infinite Magnitude, as a major completion tone,

combines that which came before to orchestratecreation as an ongoing expansive endeavor of 

creational possibility made manifest. This level of 

creation brings forth ongoing evolution even while

uncovering the unknown as balance within the

expansion has been learned and is maintained in

each forward moving combination of thought, in

each combination into the unknown.


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97. Infinite Oneness 

 Nature: Active 

97. Infinite Oneness 

Twice God/Goddess and Oneness

Infinite Oneness allows forever or expansiveness to

experience the moment. The application of infinite

oneness expanses the moment into the opportunity of 

all possible expressions. Only in the leaning one way or 

another is the expression of the moment cast until the

next moment's leaning. The movement from all possibility to a moment expression is action directed

from a point of balance.

98. Symbolic  Nature: Passive 

98. Symbolic 

Balance, Dream and Communication

Symbolic allows for moment to moment coherence.

The translation of any possibility requires the

interweaving of all the possible moments perhaps

viewed as links or chains of experience, each moment

leading to many possible moments. Each possible

experience contains within itself all the expressions

that are woven so as to maintain balance in creation.Symbolic in the passive weaving is the predisposition

for completion.

99. Inspiration 

 Nature: Integrative 

99. Inspiration 

Passion, Creativity and Purpose

Inspiration combines a moment movement within a

structure to allow fulfillment of the moment. Eachcreational moment emboldens the next moment to a

more expansive mode of expression. Forever can be

seen as momentary brilliance expanding into itself, full

and complete, leaving open to the next moment the

 possibility for brilliance and completion, directed and

molded through inspiration.

100. Creative Self Expression 

 Nature: Active 

100. Creative Self-Expression 

External, Breath of Life and Passion

Creative Self-Expression is that which supports

structurally and with vision the directed movement of 

actualized expression. The lean of the moment

translated into all the necessary movement and pushed

forward through creative self-expression into each

moment's moment, expanding and elaborating the

unknown from potential into actual experience. The

 pathway from the possible to the complete is directed

through creative self-expression.

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101. Collaborative Dream 

 Nature: Passive 

101. Collaborative Dream 

Dream, Community and Function

Collaborative Dream allows for structure within which

creative self-expression can actualize. Each potential

moment of self-expression longs for a context of 

fulfillment, each moment being defined by the context.

Each moment's brilliance is derived from the canvas,

the backdrop, the reason for being, the mechanism for actualization of potential requires the pull and the

attraction to come forth into experience.

102. Collaborative Structure  Nature: Integrative 

102. Collaborative Structure 

Community, Structure and Human Species

Collaborative Structure integrates movement and the

attraction to come forth into the experience of the

moment. Each moment contains the individualized

creative self-expression and the collaborative dream

such that each contributes the moment into the moment

to create the ever-expanding experience. Each

expansion of the moment widens the known, theactualized, and thereby widens the potential, the


103. Collaborative Creations 

 Nature: Active 

103. Collaborative Creations 

Dance of Life, Fluidity and Divine Union

Collaborative Creations allows the push toward the

greater moment. Each successive action increment provides a more complete, stronger push across the

moment to fuel the expansion into brilliance required

 by the moment. Flow is, action is. All desires to

express through movement beyond the present, forever 

in the moment, expansion in the now.

104. Collaborative Unity 

 Nature: Passive 

104. Collaborative Unity 

Honor, Unity and Integrity

Collaborative Unity allows the flow of creation through

action to have the parameters of expression.

Collaborative Unity exerts a boundary or limit such

that creative action moves in alignment with the

greatest good. The combination of overlays for each

moment creates the magnitude of expression as well as

influencing the possible direction. This allows the

moments to align with intent such that all moments

contribute in harmony.

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105. Collaborative Governance 

 Nature: Integrative 

105. Collaborative Governance 

Un-Conditional Governance, Stealth and


Collaborative Governance integrates momentum and

design from the moment into the moment. All

 possibilities are accounted for and provided the

opportunity to express through the moment. Fullness

and completeness are implicit for all expression isequally important. The opportunity to express is

 provided equally, fully and completely until

completion is expressed and the moment is complete.

Each completed moment gives up its essence into the

greater moment driving toward greater completion. 

106. Consensus Reality 

 Nature: Completion 

106. Consensus Reality 

Communion, Jurisdiction and Power

Consensus Reality is a completion tone that combines

the capabilities of all previous nine tones. This tone

allows the segmenting and combination of moments so

larger explorations can be expressed. Great thought issimplicity in grandeur, fulfilled upon in the smallest of 

tasks, completion in the moment. The greater good of 

the whole driving each moment into a brilliance

achieved only as the small and the large emulated unto

one other, each seeking fulfillment and completion

through unity of expression.

107. Human Kingdoms 

 Nature: Active 

107. The Human Kingdom 

Land-Based Worlds, Human Species and Non-

Conditional Love

The Human Kingdom holds the non-conditional love

tone for the consensus reality known as Earth. An

action tone drives the movement of the consensus

towards completion both in the moment, but in the

larger moment's) as well. Human stewardship is

inherent in the action and drive toward completion and

each aspect of the non-conditional love tone caresses

those around it in the dance outward beckoning eachinto becoming more than expected causing each

moment to expand in fullness.

108. The Plant Kingdom 

 Nature: Passive 

108. The Plant Kingdom 

Land-Based Worlds, Unspoken Worlds and


The Plant Kingdoms holds the compassion tone for theconsensus reality known as Earth. This tone forms the

fabric of expression and provides the possibilities for 

human kingdom to express through. By holding the

structure for expression, the plant kingdoms allows for 

the greatest good through molding the action of human

kingdom into a movement of unity and harmony

tempered with compassion. Compassion filters action

into grace, wholeness and completeness in the moment. 

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109. The Mineral Kingdoms 

 Nature: Integrative 

109. The Mineral Kingdoms 

Land-Based Worlds, Unspoken Worlds and


The Mineral Kingdoms holds the forgiveness tone for 

the consensus reality known as Earth. This tone folds

the movement and structure of human and plant

kingdoms into the multifaceted expressions of grandeur 

in the moment, holding all the possibility and directing

flow into the greatest good. Forgiveness applied allows

what might have been into what could be, bringing

forth the brilliance of any moment in the clearing of 

evolution or ascension.

110. Animal Kingdoms 

 Nature: Active 

110. The Animal Kingdoms 

Land-Based Worlds, Unspoken Worlds and Divine


The Animal Kingdoms holds divine union tone for the

consensus reality known as Earth. Moving from a basis

of balanced male-female, animal kingdom seeks to

create a consensus in agreement with itself as theinherent push to evolve creates all possible paths

including movement from balance, which includes

movement into balance. All paths or moments of 

creation move within the harmony of the divine union, painting the strokes, pushing toward completion. 

111. Underwater Kingdoms 

 Nature: Passive 

111. The Under Water Kingdoms 

Water-Based Worlds, Unspoken Worlds and


Freedom to create and freedom to be expresses

through open-ended possibility of the moment

 broadening or narrowing the strokes of animal

kingdoms and human kingdoms into the harmonic

openings allowed by the greatest good. This allows for 

the fulfillment upon the union of vision that opened the

dance of the consensus and expanding beyond what has

 been into what is unseen and unknown.

112. The Surface Water Kingdoms 

Water-Based Worlds, Unspoken Worlds and Breath

of Life

This tone allows for the expansion and contraction or 

movement in the moment of the expressions of Animal

kingdoms, Dolphin kingdoms and Human kingdoms,

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112. Surface Water Kingdoms 

 Nature: Integrative 

each of which contribute to directed expansion. The

 breath modulates the tempo of evolution and holds the

 possibility for the different expressions, modes, and

colorations, all the while striving towards completion

in each moment and each moment's moment.

113. Unity of All Species 

 Nature: Active  

113. Unity of All Species 

Underwater Worlds, Unity and Land-based Worlds

Unity of All Species gives shape to the relationship of all

through unity as the centeredness allows each to

 participate in the fullness of self in relation to the greatest

good of the whole. The energy focuses upon equality

relative to giving and therefore receiving. Each embodying

this tone moves toward right relationship with all others

within the consensus. All in unity implies a forthrightness

in communication so each may hear that which is not

known allowing accuracy of inter-action.

114. Truth of All Species 

 Nature: Passive 

114. Truth of All Species Underwater Worlds, Truth and Land-based Worlds

Truth of All Species allows the possibility for all resonant

truths in a consensus to form into a larger expression of 

self with each truth expanding the possibility of expression

for the whole and for itself as the recognition of each truth

within itself pushing each to expand and therefore expand

yet again in the inherent recognition of self in truth. Truthexpands in awareness of truth and therefore all species

expand through the awareness of each other.

115. Honor of All Species 

 Nature: Integrative 

115. Honor of All Species 

Underwater Worlds, Honor and Land-based WorldsHonor of All Species allows all that embody the tone tostand as an equal with all others in that honor of all

expresses unity and truth with no other agenda, bringing

forth an integration of self in alignment with the purpose

of all in the consensus. Honor is movement within the

structure provided by unity and truth creating the basis

expansion and fulfillment while allowing the widening of 

structure through interaction of the whole.

116. Divine Union of All Species 

 Nature: Completion  

116. Divine Union of All Species 

Divine Union, God/Goddess All That Is and Fluidity

Divine Union of All Species is a completion tonecombining the previous nine tones into the fulfillment of 

the dance in the consensus. Inherent in this tone is the

ability to move with fluidity in the projection of self 

within the greater good of the whole. The possibility of 

self-expression in any mode of choice opens as all species

are cooperating with equal fullness to bring forth the

dream into the expression in physicality.

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117. Evolutionary Plan of All Species 

 Nature: Active  

117. Evolutionary Plan of All Species 

Dream, Purpose and Communication

Evolutionary Plan of All Species allows movement

forward through multiple planes of access in the unfolding

expression of self becoming. Each possibility extends

itself seeking other extensions of self becoming to

cooperate and interact with. Each movement forward by

various expressions of self causes other expressions tomove forward as well, each drawing the other to bring out

that which has remained unexpressed.

118. Divine Timing of All Species  Nature: Passive 

118. Divine Timing of All Species 

Breath of Life, Function and Balance

Divine Timing of All Species defines the space of 

expression within which the extensions of self becoming

may unfold. Creation requires a space of cocooning and

nestling lest outward movement cause separation and

singularity. Divine Timing in the synchronization of 

expression sets the stage for consensus level cooperation

 by aligning motion into common grouping for common purpose whereby all participating gain through the self-

expression of the whole.

119. Divine Dance of All Species 

 Nature: Integrative 

119. Divine Dance of All Species 

Stealth, Structure and Dance of Life

Divine Dance of All Species integrates the movement of 

Evolutionary Plan within the possibility of Divine Timingto allow the weaving of the design to unfold into the larger 

design available within the consensus. Each extension

toward completion within the Divine Dance provides the

opening for larger weaving and greater completion and is

this not the potential in evolution that each moment

defines itself and opens into the next moment. 

120. Multidimensional Awareness 

 Nature: Active  

120. Multidimensional Awareness 

Intuition, Consciousness and External

Multi-Dimensional Awareness allows movement beyond

self and consensus to forge cooperative universal activity

taking the greater good of all into a wider arena of 

expression. Each movement of multi-dimensional

awareness pushes the consensus into another expression of 

greater good where each expression must complement and

support each other expression. In so doing a wider 

understanding for all awareness becomes possible as each

 provides an entry for the other . 

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121. Multi-Creational Awareness 

 Nature: Passive 

121. Multi-Creational Awareness 

Consciousness, Inner and External

Multi-Creational Awareness defines the space of 

expression for multi-dimensional awareness to expand

within, each possibility leading to another in the unfolding

awareness of the vastness of what can be. All combines

into the greater being for each expressing and then

allowing each to combine again while retaining theawareness of self within the relationships to the whole. As

each can see the expansion of self within the expansion of 

the whole as orchestrated on ever increasing planes. 

122. Multi-Creational Divine Timing  

 Nature: Integrative 

122. Multi-Creational Divine Timing 

Breath of Life, Inner and External

Multi-Creational Divine Timing integrates the dimensional

and creational awareness into the fullness of each

expression, each sensibility, one after another, laying the

 path for yet the next creation. All participating

consciousness extend each through the other in the

widening of the creational entendre, unfolding as ready for each to experience the greater ness of self that may not be

imagined from within that which is known.

123. Multi-Creational Divine Dance  Nature: Active  

123. Multi-Creational Divine Dance 

Dance of Life, Inner and External

Multi-Creational Divine Dance movement into awareness

of motion whereby all is orchestrated for the purpose of the greater good at the creational level. Each movement is

in syncopation with those others creating in the same

space and moment. For each push forward thee is a

corresponding return of knowledge assessment bringing

all into the greater awareness generated in the forward

movement thereby allowing movement forward again for 

each in their own level of knowledge.

124. Multi-Creational Orchestration  Nature: Passive 

124. Multi-Creational Orchestration 

Jurisdiction, Consciousness and Function

Multi-Creational Orchestration allows each layer of 

 possibility to caress the motion of the divine dance

coaxing the fulfillment of the thrust forward from the

limitless unknown into the completeness of the layers of 

knowledge wrapping inherent the orchestration. All

fulfillment is in the forthrightness of orchestration

weaving the patterns of divine dance movement through

the layers of creational possibility culminating in theflowering of knowledge heretofore unknown. 

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125. Multi-Creational Unity 

 Nature: Integrative 

125. Multi-Creational Unity 

Unity, Inner and External

Multi-Creational Unity combines divine dance and

orchestration within the construct of multi-creation

 producing textures of unity having openings for interaction

with like textures thereby producing wider creations where

such expression would be otherwise unknown. How open

is the combination to expand beyond itself is the only limiton the vastness of unity. Each opening for construction

 past oneself is the possibility linking all structures into one

larger and more expressive than the last.

126. Awareness of All That Is  

 Nature: Completion  

126. Awareness of All That Is 

Consciousness, God/Goddess All That Is and Oneness

Awareness of All that Is integrates the previous three

groups of three energies into a single sphere of rotating

energies expressing as a whole with ten times

exponentially greater possibility of expression than any

single energy by itself. Through this mode of expression

one brings All That Is into a creation to be aware of itself expressing through the desire of another aspect of self,

leading to a joining of creative awareness and possibility. 

127. Stewardship 

 Nature: Active  

127. Stewardship 

Magnitude, Truth and Dream

Stewardship pushes outward riding the current of 

expansion relative to one's truth as expressed through thedream within the consensus, within the consensus, within

the consensus, within the consensus. Each act in direction

sets forward the pulse of a larger self, a larger picture, a

larger intent wherein each self agrees in the expansion and

in so doing opens the pathway to others wishing toward a

similar way of being.

128. Co-Creation 

 Nature: Passive 

128. Co-Creation 

Communion, Creativity and God/Goddess All That Is

Co-Creation connects stewardship with all the various

 possibilities of expression and guides motion through

creative intent to fulfill upon the desire of the creator 

within the desires of all creators in the same creative

space. All of motion moves through unique patters to

fulfill upon intent within the framework of the greatest

good of all enabling each level of expression to contribute

to each other level regardless of magnitude. 

129. Multidimensional Multi-Species

129. Multidimensional Multi-Species Honor 

Dance of Life, Underwater Worlds and Land-based


Multi-Dimensional Multi-Species Honor integrates

stewardship and co-creation in the larger context of 

consensus within consensus within consensus, within

consensus with each participant creating in the fullness of  

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 Nature: Integrative 

expression an open-hearted opening for each to expand

 beyond the vision of self into the self made possible

through the honor of each within the creation, within the

creation, within the creation, within the creation. 

130. Multidimensional Multi-Species Unity  Nature: Active  

130. Multidimensional Multi-Species Unity Underwater Worlds, Community and Land-based


Multi-Dimensional Multi-Species Unity moves betweenthe creators accumulating the resonant thoughts to be

 promoted forward into the creational consensus aligned

with the vision of the consensual proponent, therefore

allowing each movement in fulfillment of some aspect of 

agreement of all contributing consciousness. As all

movement is in unity, each movement represents balance

in flow and therefore aligns each movement with all


131. Multidimensional Stewardship 

 Nature: Passive 

131. Multidimensional Stewardship 

Oneness, Community and External

Multi-Dimensional Stewardship creates the backdrop upon

which unity proposes itself and through the interaction

guides unity motion in the patterns of stewardship leading

to the creation of levels of cooperation in the evolution of 

the unity creators. All guidance intends the unique input

for growth within each creational endeavours such that all

 paths are experienced and have expressed each nuance for 

the creational benefit.

132. Multi-Creational Stewardship 

 Nature: Integrative 

132. Multi-Creational Stewardship 

Oneness, God/Goddess All That Is and Community

Multi-Creational Stewardship offers unity and stewardship

the opportunity to express across multiple creationsthrough the interaction with the desire of other creators.

Each stands in their own space and flows with another and

another in the inward and outward dance, each step

leading to another, weaving a more intricate design in the

fabric of creation in the desire to hold larger evolutionary

space through the interactive play.

133. Unity of All That Is 

 Nature: Active  

133. Unity of All That Is

God/Goddess, Unity and God/Goddess

Unity of All That Is directs an outward and inwardmovement designed to have the inner and outer reflect

each growth and expansion through the recognition of 

motion choreographed expressly to represent multiple

simultaneous reality that is of course one reality in nature

and source expressing multiple possibility for the benefit

of each associated in the creation of the evolutionary


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134. Honor of All That Is 

 Nature: Passive 

134. Honor of All That Is 

God/Goddess, Honor and God/Goddess

Honor of All That Is molds the experience of unity

through the expression of honor thereby allowing those

creations that support the greatest good of the whole to

manifest and expand through the continual application of 

unity movement through the creative expression of honor.

Through the omnipresence of God/Goddess expression all possibility of honor flows forth to direct each movement in

the flow of greater magnificence.

135. Truth of All That Is  Nature: Integrative 

135. Truth of All That Is 

God/Goddess, Truth and God/Goddess

Truth of All That Is combines unity and honor to allow

each the fullness of action and interaction such that all has

the capability to know itself and the awareness to be with

all others in the greater understanding that the greater good

enhances all into supporting each other so as to expand the

truth of self. Truth expressed through God/Goddess

continues to enhance each truth in the creation of new andexpanding truth.

136. Stewardship of All That Is  Nature: Major Completion 

136. Stewardship of All That Is 

God/Goddess, Dream, Community and God/Goddess

Stewardship of All That Is completes the tri-tones by

stepping the quanta into the possibility of the quad-tones.

As each expression of stewardship at any level of creation pushes the evolution through the care of all that makes up

the creational environment, all receive the benefit through

the ever changing milieu derived from the expanding

awareness of each cooperating consciousness moving to

completion through expressing the expanding dream of All

That Is.

2010 ± Ascension has become compromised. #136 Stewardship of All That Is, is now QuadTone 1, and has

has been re-written to reveal and reflect this compromise, and the path to resolve the compromise.

The Language of Light Quadtones, are coming forth through ascending initiates involvement in Heart of the

EarthMother forum site. 

This forum site is also where you can read the Quadtones brought forth thus far.

The single, dual and tri-tones were brought forth by Spiritual School of Ascension in 2001. The quadtones 1-

40, by associates of Heart of the EarthMother, starting in 2009.
