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IB/EP Workshop

Teacher Workbook

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IB /EP Workshop

IB Mission Statement

IB Learner Profile


Breaking the Ice Activities

1. A short introduction to the Language and Literature course

The various exam components How to begin to prepare your students (general) Teaching considerations Resources Synergy with the National Dutch curriculum and marks The literature components and outlining assessment The language components and outlining assessment Sharing ideas and materials, Q & A

Important Documents

Language and Literature Guide

Language and Literature Subject Outline

Handbook of Procedures

Sample PTA’s


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The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and

caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world

through intercultural understanding and respect.

To this end the organization works with schools, governments and international

organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and

rigorous assessment.

These programmes encourage students

across the world to become active,

compassionate and lifelong learners who

understand that other people, with their

differences, can also be right.

IB Mission Statement

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The aim of all IB programmes is to develop internationally minded people who, recognizing their common humanity

and shared guardianship of the planet, help to create a better and more peaceful world.IB learners strive to be:

Inquirers They develop their natural curiosity. They acquire the skills necessary to conduct inquiry and research and

show independence in learning. They actively enjoy learning and this love of learning will be sustained throughout

their lives.

Knowledgeable They explore concepts, ideas and issues that have local and global significance.In so doing, they

acquire in-depth knowledge and develop understanding across a broad and balanced range of disciplines.

Thinkers They exercise initiative in applying thinking skills critically and creatively to recognize and approach com-

plex problems, and make reasoned, ethical


Communicators They understand and express ideas and information confidently and creatively in more than one

language and in a variety of modes of communication. They work effectively and willingly in collaboration with others.

Principled They act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness, justice and respect for the dignity of

the individual, groups and communities. They take responsibility for their own actions and the consequences that ac-

company them.

Open-minded They understand and appreciate their own cultures and personal histories, and are open to the per-

spectives, values and traditions of other individuals and communities. They are accustomed to seeking and evalua-

ting a range of points of view, and are willing to grow from the experience.

Caring They show empathy, compassion and respect towards the needs and feelings of others. They have a perso-

nal commitment to service, and act to make a positive difference to the lives of others and to the environment.

and strategies. They are brave and articulate in defending their beliefs.


How many classes would you have in the new course?

How many lessons do you now have to teach English in the 5th and 6th years?

What would be your greatest challenge in reaching the suggested requirements?

What would you need to teach the course?

How many more hours would you need to fulfill the suggested requirements?

How would you break the hours down?

Would you be teaching on your own or in cooperation with a partner/team?

What curriculum, materials or resources could you continue to use in the new course?

What curriculum, materials, resources would you need to acquire?

How many classes would you have in the new program?

Would you teach HL/SL ?

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How can you and your school support the IB Mission

Statement and Learner Profile?

What challenges do you face?

What d you consider the IB Learner and Teacher Profile to be?

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Were do I begin?


Use the yellow post it note on your table to

write down any burning questions you

would like to have answered by the end of

today? post it no

Course Diagram

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The Course

Pagina 7

Language in Cultural Context

Literature Texts and Contets

Language and Mass Communication

Literature Critical Study

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Syllabus component

Part 1: Language in cultural context

Texts are chosen from a variety of sources,

genres and media.

Part 3: Literature—texts and contexts

SL: Two texts, one of which is a text in translation from the

prescribed literature

in translation (PLT) list and one, written in the language A

studied, from the

prescribed list of authors (PLA) for the language A studied, or

chosen freely.

HL: Three texts, one of which is a text in translation chosen

from the prescribed

literature in translation (PLT) list and one from the prescri-

bed list of authors

(PLA) for the language A studied. The other may be chosen


Part 4: Literature—critical study

SL: Two texts, both of which are chosen from the pre-

scribed list of authors (PLA)

for the language A studied.

HL: Three texts, all of which are chosen from the pre-

scribed list of authors (PLA)

for the language A studied.

Total teaching hours





40 70

150 240


Part 2: Language and mass communication

Texts are chosen from a variety of sources, gen-

res and media.

30 50

Teaching Hours

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Take a few minutes to reflect on how your English courses are now structured in

the upper levels.

What changes would you need to make?

What could remain the same?

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IB A Language and Literature Handling the Exam

Introduction This section of the book will deal with each of the exam components. It will address good practice as well as assessment. -----------à

Individual oral commentary

Weighting: 15% of the overall exam grade

Introduction You are expected to engage in a critical examination of a particular extract that has been studied in Part 4 of the Language A Language and Literature course. The individual oral commentary allows you to analyse the relationship between form, language and meaning in a particular text.

The nature and emphasis of the commentary depends to a great extent on the extract chosen; however, in all cases, you should aim to explore significant aspects of the text, namely, its literary features. In this exploration you would be asked to not only identify the-se features but to explain their use and effect on the readers interpretation of the text. It is an individual commentary and as addressed the chapter for the Literature Critical Study you should also be able to place the extract in contexts including social, cultural and his-torical as well as in the complete text itself.

The commentary is your opportunity to demonstrate you ability to use a level of language use appropriate to the task. To reach your highest level of vocabulary, literary terminology and rhetoric…

Choice of text Your teacher is entirely responsible for the choice of extract. For SL students texts must be taken from both works studied in Part 4. Students should not know in advance on which text they will be asked to comment on. The text for commentary should not exceed 40 lines. It is probable that if you receive a poem it will be a single complete poem or a substantial extract from a long poem.

Requirements The individual oral commentary should last 15 minutes.

The preparation time is a maximum of 20 minutes.

The Discussion Approximately seven minutes should normally be allocated for your discussion.

When you student have completed the commentary, your teacher will engage you in a discus-sion. This discussion will give you the opportunity to expand on particular statements made during the commentary. You may find the opportunity to add to information or to go into more detail about elements of the text. Yu can further demonstrate that you have understood specif-ic details as well as appreciated their importance within the extract.

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Handeling the Exams

Your teacher will make recordings of the individual oral commentary as it is required for the purposes of external moderation (outside marking).

Preparation time You should be given a copy of the extract without any annotations or notes. The purpose of the preparation time is to enable you to consider all aspects of the text and to organize your com-mentary. You should try to make brief notes for reference, but do not read them as a prepared speech. During the preparation time, you should have with you only the text, the guiding ques-tions and writing materials. Your notes and/or outline may be brought into the oral.

Guiding questions In addition to the text for commentary, you should be given two or three guiding questions at the beginning of the preparation time. These questions should not be numbered and are to be used to assist you in organizing your commentary. It is not the purpose to answer the questions indi-vidually but to incorporate the information into your commentary.

Guiding questions should refer to the various elements of the extract such as what is happening or being discussed in the text and the language used or how the speaker makes you aware of his attitude to the subject of the extract.

These questions should :

offer a possible starting point for the commentary

relate to one of the most significant aspects of the text

refer to general details only, not to specific details in a particular line

allow the student to explore independently all significant issues dealt with in the text

encourage the student to focus on interpretation of the text.

Activity –Try to create 3 guiding questions using the information above.

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Handeling the Exams

Here are some possible examples of guiding questions

How does the structure of the extract correspond to the overall meaning of the text?

What elements of style are used in the extract to convey ideas, attitudes and feel-ings?

How does the narrator’s point of view influence the reader’s understanding of the text?

What type of audience is this text aimed at?

What does this text tell us about the relationship between X and Y?

What is the main theme or idea in this text and how has it been developed?

What atmosphere is the writer trying to create in the text?

The Commentary Do not forget you are expected to demonstrate your ability to communicate in a sustained and organized manner. Your commentary should not be a series of unconnected points about the text. Here your notes or an outline can assist you in organisation.

You are expected to use a register appropriate to the commentary appropriate pauses and stops as well as a clear and fluent flow of information.

During the commentary it is your task to stay focused only on the text. If the text is an extract from a novel, for example, the relationship to the whole text or other works by the writer should be made only when relevant as in supporting information within the extract or during discussion when you may be asked to place the text in other contexts.

You should not use this activity as an opportunity to discuss everything they know about the larger text for instance how much you enjoyed or did not enjoy reading the novel. You are en-couraged to integrate responses to the guiding questions into the commentary as these will help you to form a more complete response. Try to continue your commentary without inter-ruption.

The commentary should last for approximately half the time allotted or approximately

8 minutes.


Using the outline provided on the next page prepare the extract for an oral.

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Directions To complete your study of The Road you will prepare a response that expresses your aca-demic, personal, and philosophical perceptions of the novel. Your response will explore this extract in four ways; thus, it will consist of an introduction, two development sections, and a conclusion, as follows: In the introductory section, reproduce (quote) the passage and place it in the context of the play. Cite the aprt of the book, chapter if possible. Identify the speaker and explain the situation that prompts these lines. Discuss what this follows and what it precedes. In the first development section, discuss the meaning and significance of the extract. It might represent a turning point in one of the important conflicts, or it might embody one of the play’s themes. Consider what changes in the book as a result of this extract. The extract might reveal something important about a character that has a bearing on the outcome of the book. Perhaps the extract is a microcosm of what the story is all about. In the second development section, explain why the selection is important to you. Do you relate to the speaker of this selection? If so, explain ideas from this selection that you share with the character. If not, explain what drew you to this selection. What personal expe-riences can you connect with the ideas expressed in the selection? How do you relate to the situation revealed in the selection? In the conclusion section, suggest why this piece of the bookis important to today’s world. What is the philosophical perspective of this piece of the book? How do(es) the idea(s) in this piece of the story relate to a current social issue or event? What universal truth does this piece of the story contain, and why is this important?

The Super Six Audience Purpose

Atmosphere (tone and mood) Theme and Content

Imagery Structure


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Handeling the Exams


When he woke in the woods in the dark and the cold of the night he'd reach out to touch the child sleep-

ing beside him. Nights dark beyond darkness and the days more gray each one than what had gone be-

fore. Like the onset of some cold glaucoma dimming away the world. His hand rose and fell softly with

each precious breath. He pushed away the plastic tarpaulin and raised himself in the stinking robes and

blankets and looked toward the east for any light but there was none. In the dream from which he'd

wakened he had wandered in a cave where the child led him by the hand. Their light playing over the

wet flowstone walls. Like pilgrims in a fable swallowed up and lost among the inward parts of some

granitic beast. Deep stone flues where the water dripped and sang. Tolling in the silence the minutes of

the earth and the hours and the days of it and the years without cease. Until they stood in a great stone

room where lay a black and ancient lake. And on the far shore a creature that raised its dripping mouth

from the rimstone pool and stared into the light with eyes dead white and sightless as the eggs of spi-

ders. It swung its head low over the water as if to take the scent of what it could not see. Crouching

there pale and naked and translucent, its alabaster bones cast up in shadow on the rocks behind it. Its

bowels, its beating heart. The brain that pulsed in a dull glass bell. It swung its head from side to side

and then gave out a low moan and turned and lurched away and loped soundlessly into the dark.

With the first gray light he rose and left the boy sleeping and walked out to the road and squatted and

studied the country to the south. Barren, silent, godless. He thought the month was October but he

wasnt sure. He hadn't kept a calendar for years. They were moving south. There'd be no surviving an-

other winter here.

When it was light enough to use the binoculars he glassed the valley below. Everything paling away

into the murk. The soft ash blowing in loose swirls over the blacktop. He studied what he could see.

The segments of road down there among the dead trees. Looking for anything of color. Any movement.

Any trace of standing smoke. He lowered the glasses and pulled down the cotton mask from his face

and wiped his nose on the back of his wrist and then glassed the country again. Then he just sat there

holding the binoculars and watching the ashen daylight congeal over the land. He knew only that the

child was his warrant. He said: If he is not the word of God God never spoke.

When he got back the boy was still asleep. He pulled the blue plastic tarp off of him and folded it and

carried it out to the grocery cart and packed it and came back with their plates and some cornmeal cakes

in a plastic bag and a plastic bottle of syrup. He spread the small tarp they used for a table on the ground

and laid everything out and he took the pistol from his belt and laid it on the cloth and then he just sat

watching the boy sleep. He'd pulled away his mask in the night and it was buried somewhere in the

blankets. He watched the boy and he looked out through the trees toward the road. This was not a safe

place. They could be seen from the road now it was day. The boy turned in the blankets. Then he

opened his eyes. Hi, Papa, he said.

I'm right here.

I know.

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Handeling the Exams

Activity: Criterion Grid : In your groups create a table/grid that contains

your own criterion for a successful oral.

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Further oral activity

Weighting: 15% of your total grade

The further oral activities are intended to address the relationship between language, mean-ing and context.

In this part of the exam you are required to engage in at least two oral activities, one based on Part 1 and one on Part 2. The mark of one of the activities is chosen by your teacher for final assessment, the marks of the other activities need to be recorded and kept by your school.

These activities are an opportunity to explore some of the central concerns focused on in Parts 1 Language and Cultural Context and Part 2 Literature texts in contexts. An important one of these is the issue of intercultural understanding. Through the examination of the ways in which the cultural context of a text, including the way and the medium through which it is communicated you have been able to explore some of the intercultural aspects of the course, reflecting on your own cultural heritage and practices. You are able to choose from a wide variety of activities and these may interactive in nature, they should integrate both listening and speaking skills, and may include individual presentations. You will choose your activity in consultation with the teacher.

There must be a clear link between the activity and the texts that have been studied in one of the particular parts of the course. This oral activity unlike the individual commentary is not recorded or sent for external moderation.


With your group identify and outline at least three potential further oral ac-


Explain their structure, roles of the participants, expected outcomes and

links to the course.




Handling Exams

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Handeling the Exams

Examples of further oral activities

The following is a list of possible activities. This These are suggested and there are many more possibilities your teacher will help you to decide on your choice.

A Structured group discussion:

Discussion arising from materials prepared by a small group of students, for ex-

ample identifying the social, cultural and economic position taken by a particu-

lar text type from part 1 or 2.

Class discussion where two or three students have been given special respon-

sibilities (advance preparation, particular topics, a short report, a provocative

position). The whole class may participate, but only those two or three students

should be assessed independently

The presentation of material lending itself to discussion within the class, such

as the offering of two opposing readings of a text or two stances within a text.

Formal debate

Organized and following the structure and rules of a formal debate Various top-

ics could be utilized.

Role play

A dialogue between two public figures with a follow up discussion highlight-

ing the way meaning is constructed and manufactured by the speakers.

A public figure interviewed by the student, as him/herself or in another role

(for example, a fellow politician) containing elements of spontaneity

Advertising or public relations figures using language to shape the view of

a product, brand or public figure (an advertising presentation for a product

using the class or a group as the board of directors for the product.

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Dramatic presentation

Writing and performing a scene concerning an issue encountered in the study

of Part 1 or Part 4

Re-enacting a particular cultural or historical moment with a different focus or

interpretation in mind

Writing and performing a parody of either of the above.

Oral presentation

A formal speech based on an aspect studied in Part 1 or Part 2

A report related to an aspect of Part 1 or Part 2, for example comparing two

newspaper articles on the same topic and identifying the “stance” taken

by the newspapers

An introduction to a particular topic, for instance the social and cultural con-

texts of a text

The examination of a particular interpretation of a text or event either your

own or someone else’s

The setting of a particular writer’s text against another body of material such

as details on social background or political views

A commentary on the use of a particular image, idea or symbol in a text or

texts studied

A comparison of two texts in Part 1 or Part 2

An account of a student’s developing response to a text

A presentation on image as text

A presentation highlighting the codes used in a particular visual text

Handeling the Exams

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Handeling the Exams

Written Task

Weighting: 20% of your overall grade

Preparing for written tasks

In this portion of the course assessment, the focus is on student productions. It is an opportunity for students to demonstrate how fully they understand the manner in which meaning is constructed by language. This is the one area where the skills learned in all parts of the course may be indirectly assessed. Here students will be expected to define their own audience and the purpose for which their work is intended. Whether they have chosen an addition to an existing work of lit-erature, a parody, or an advertising campaign, they will be expected to explain their language choices in the context of their work such as assuming the correct register and vocabulary.

The process by which this occurs will be determined by the types of texts the stu-dents are exposed to during the course and their ability to understand terms such as:

The Super Six Audience Purpose

Atmosphere (tone and mood) Theme and Content

Imagery Structure

Students will be marked on the appropriateness of their language in relation to the task. A rationale must accompany the work and will be included in the word count. This rationale demonstrates to the examiner the depth of the student’s un-derstanding by placing the work in context.

Written tasks are designed to demonstrate students’ ability to produce or critically reproduce types of work studied in the course. Students are expected to be able to state the audience for their work and the purpose for which it was produced and, in doing this, they then must use the language appropriate to the task. This could take the form of mimicking the style of a writer from one of from one of the works studied,

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or producing a piece of work for an intended purpose such as a letter of appeal. Students must be aware of the contexts in which the work was produced, both historical and cultural.

The learning outcomes addressed in this part of assessment challenge students to:

consider the changing historical, cultural and social contexts in which par-ticular texts are written and received

demonstrate how the formal elements of the text, genre and structure can not only be seen to influence meaning but can also be influenced by con-text

understand the attitudes and values expressed by literary texts and their impact on readers.

Students should be directed to produce many different types of work throughout the course in order to receive feedback. In this way they can de-velop their writing, and polish and refine their writing styles.

Written assignments for development should include a variety of tasks over the two years of the course, giving students the opportunity to rewrite and refine their work. This work will form the basis for their written tasks. *From the IB OCC site

Written Task Students complete at least four written tasks (one during each part of the course), two of which are submitted for external assessment; one of the tasks submitted must be a Written Task 2 (analytic response to a prescribed question). In addition, one of the tasks submitted must be from part 1 or 2 (junior year), and the other from part 3 or 4 (senior year). As part of the learning process, teachers can give advice to students on a first draft of the task. This advice should be in terms of the way in which the work could be improved, but this first draft must not be annotated or edited by the teacher (or anyone else). After making general comments on the first draft, teachers should not provide any further assistance.

Handeling the Exams

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Handeling the Exams

Written Task 1 (Focus for Year 1)

Written Task 1 demonstrates the student’s ability to choose an imaginative way of exploring an aspect of the materials studied in the course. It must show a critical engagement with an aspect of a text or a topic. The content of the task must re-late to one of the four parts of the course. Students are free to choose the text type that is appropriate for the content of the task; however, a formal essay is not an acceptable text type for task 1. The task must be between 800-1000 words, and be preceded by a 200-300 word rationale. In the rationale, students must ex-plain: how the content of the task is linked to a particular part of the course

how the task is intended to explore particular aspects of the course

the nature of the task chosen (the text type)

information about audience, purpose, and the social, cultural or historical context in which the task is set

The rationale should not only include knowledge about the text or topic studied, but also about the formal conventions of the text type produced and how they re-late to the aims of the task. On the coversheet that precedes the task, students must include: student details

examination session details

the course summary (including details of each of the four parts studied)

the total number of words for the task Students must acknowledge all sources used in a bibliography. Practical Requirements: 800-1000 words An outline (completed in class) which includes: 1. the prescribed question that has been chosen 2. the title of the text(s) for analysis 3. the part of the course to which the task refers (example- Part 2: Language and Mass Communication) 4. three or four key points that explain the particular focus of the task. Bibliography of texts, including the main text and any supporting texts Formal essay, clearly structured with an introduction, clearly developed ideas

or arguments and a conclusion

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Activity: With your group outline 3 ideas for written task one.

Explain your choices including links to course.




Handeling the Exams

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Examples of task 1 1. A short story exploring a minor character’s view of the main action

of a literary text 2. A public information document explaining the effects of new legisla-

tion on a community 3. A diary entry in which a character from a work of fiction reveals his

true feelings about another character or the action of a literary text 4. An episode from a literary text rewritten to place the action in anoth-

er time or place

5. An opinion column that emphasizes the pervasiveness of female stereotyping in advertising and how these stereotypes are promoted for the purpose of raising company profits

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Handeling the Exams

Written Task 2

WT2 is a critical response which aims to: consider in greater detail the material studied in class that reflect and question in greater depth the values, beliefs and attitudes that are implied in the texts studied encourage students to view texts in a number of ways

enable students to give an individual response to the way in which texts can

be understood in light of ONE of the prescribed questions (see below)

Reader, culture and text:

Students are encouraged to consider that a

text’s meaning is determined by the reader

and by the cultural context. The interpretation

of a text is dependent on various factors, in-

cluding the readers and producer’s cultural

identities; age; gender; social status; the his-

torical and cultural setting of the text and its

production; aspects of language and transla-


How does the text conform to, or deviate

from, the conventions of a particular genre,

and for what purposes?

How has the text borrowed from other texts,

and with what effects?

Power and privilege:

Students are encouraged to consider how

and why social groups are represented in

texts in particular ways. In addition, consid-

eration may be given to who is excluded

from or marginalized in a text, or whose

views are silenced. Social groups include

women, adolescents, senior citizens, chil-

dren, immigrants, ethnic minorities, profes-


Text and genre:

Students are encouraged to consider the genre in

which a text is placed. Certain textual features

belong to a particular genre and can be identified

by a particular reader or audience. Writers make

use of, or deviate from, particular conventions of

genre in order to achieve particular effects. Stu-

dents may also explore how texts borrow from

other texts, and how texts can be re-imagined or

reconstructed. Examples of the conventions of

genre include structure, storyline, characterization,

stylistic devices, tone, mood, atmosphere, register,

visual images and layout.

How could the text be read and interpreted

differently by two different readers?

If the text had been written in a different time

or place or language or for a different audi-

ence, how and why might it differ?

How and why is a social group represented in

a particular way?

Which social groups are marginalized, exclud-

ed or silenced within the text? For what

purposes and with what effects?

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Practical Requirements:

800-1000 words

An outline (completed in class) which includes:

1. the prescribed question that has been chosen

2. the title of the text(s) for analysis

3. the part of the course to which the task refers (example- Part 4: Language

Critical Study)

4. three or four key points that explain the particular focus of the task.

Bibliography of texts, including the main text and any supporting texts

Formal essay, clearly structured with an introduction, clearly developed

ideas or arguments and a conclusion

Handeling the Exams

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Handeling the Exams

Your Novels for Part 4 of the course

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Your Novels for Part 4 of the course

Handeling the Exams

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