Page 1: Langley Advance August 10 2010

Bill Holliday and a well-traveledCanadian flag led a parade from the oldLangley Legion location to the new oneSunday Troy [email protected]

Bill Holliday proudly carried a Canadianflag rich with history during Sunday’sunveiling of the new Langley Legion loca-tion.

The Second World War veteran wasamong those who held the flag inEurope in 1995 for the 50th anniversarycelebrations marking the end of theSecond World War.

Mists of rain fell on Holliday andparade participants as they marchedwest along 56th Avenue, fromthe Legion’s former location onEastleigh Crescent. The parade wasfollowed by speeches, a ribbon cut-ting involving the Legion’s oldestmembers Alex Myscouth and MaryBruhaug, and refreshments insidethe Legion’s new building.

The local Legion has now movedto 20570 56th Ave., two blocks westof the site it had called home sinceground broke in 1947.

The flag was front and centre dur-ing the weekend ceremony, as itwas from April 26 to May 10, 1995,when it was taken on a tour retracingthe liberation route of the CanadianForces in Northwest Europe during theSecond World War. It is now in a dis-play cabinet at the Langley Legion.

Holliday has a long history with thelocal Legion, and with the military.Serving from 1944, the year before theSecond World War ended, to 1948, hejoined the British army at 18 years old.Holliday went through base training asan infantryman – a driver/gunner of anarmoured fighting vehicle.

He trans-ferred to REME(Royal Electricaland MechanicalEngineers) andtrained to recoverarmoured fightingvehicles.

“My job was topick stuff up fromthe front lines. I wasthe recovery guy,” hetold the Advance whenhe was profiled in2006 [Concentrationcamp witnessremembers]. “I would pull tanks out ofditches, or pull them off the road and out ofthe way. Some of them hit a mine, some ofthem broke down, that sort of thing.”

When the anniversary came about, localveterans went to Europe for the occasion.

“We decided to get a brand new flag, and

take the flag with us,”Holliday said. “We firstopened it up when wearrived in England,and after that wecaught the ferry from

Plymouth to D-Day.”The flag travelled through France, Belgium,

and the Netherlands.It visited sites including the Dieppe and

Agadem Canadian war cemeteries, and waspart of the Apeldoorn 50th AnniversaryParade in the Netherlands.

“The Navy guysheld a service and

laid a wreath onthe ocean,” Holliday

recalled. “It was quiteemotional. Everybody got

emotional, and were eagerto see the places. The thing

is, a lot of us were disappointedbecause we were looking for the

places that are no longer there.”Holliday was in charge of the flag.

He carried it himself, and then passed iton to others.

“I carried the flag first,” he said. “Thenafter that I dedicated a good representative tocarry the flag to every cemetery, every battlearea… everywhere we had a parade, some-one else carried that flag.”

Holliday served as sergeant-at-arms for theLangley Legion for 20 years and is now goingon 85 years of age.

He said he was honoured to once againhold the flag high as he led the parade down56th.

“I was a bit wobbly on the feet,” he said.“But I survived it.”

Y o u r c o m m u n i t y n e w s p a p e r s i n c e 1 9 3 1

Your source for local sports, news, weather, and entertainment: www.langleyadvance.comTuesday, August 10, 2010 Audited circulation: 41,100 – 28 pages


Troy Landreville/Langley Advance

Led by an RCMP cruiser, a parade of veteran andLegion members made their way along 56th AvenueSunday afternoon.

Vancouver Police investigate RCMP-involved shooting in Langley… pg A3

Military history

Flag heralds new LegionSecond World War veteran BillHolliday (foreground) carriedthe Canadian flag that, back in1995, was taken to Europe tocelebrate the 50th anniversary

of the end of the SecondWorld War.

Troy Landreville/Langley Advance


pg A12



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Page 2: Langley Advance August 10 2010



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A2 | Tue sday, Augu s t 10 , 2010 | L A N G L E Y A D V A N C E

Page 3: Langley Advance August 10 2010

L A N G L E Y A D V A N C E | Tue sday, Augu s t 10 , 2010 | A3UpFrontLangleyAdvance



Adopt cleanlinessThe Adopt-A-Program

Awareness Day recently at NoelBooth Park went so well thatLangley Township is recyclingthe idea, hosting another infor-mation event this Saturday atWillowbrook Park from 9 2 p.m.

The adoption programs helpkeep local roads, waterways,parks, and trails free of litter.

• More online


Mad for moviesThe Prospera Outdoor Family

Movie Night Aug. 13 featuresthe original animated classic,Alice in Wonderland.

Residents could go onlineand vote for the movie to beshown and the Disney classicwas chosen. The event runs 8-11 p.m. at the park beside theLangley Events Centre. Be surethe get there early. Last yearhundreds of families filled theplaying fields to see Up!

• More online


Automall beginsIt’s an open field right now

but soon the lot at Glover Roadand the Langley Bypass will behome to a new auto dealershipand retail complex.

The groundbreaking for thenew complex is today.BMW/Mini is the first dealershipto sign on. Other luxury autodealers and a variety of retailersare being sought for the site.

• More online

Up! was shown at last year’s event.


Clickfor community

Flowers,candles, andphotos ofthe victim’syoungdaughter,along withanger atthe police,were partof a tributeerected overthe weekend.

Matthew ClaxtonLangley Advance

Vancouver Police have takenover an investigation after anofficer killed a local Matthew [email protected]

Neighbours were shockedafter a Langley City man wasshot dead by RCMP followinga domestic disturbance at theRiverside Gardenstownhouses.

At about 11:30p.m. Friday, localMounties receiveda 911 call from awoman in the com-plex.

Officers entered the com-plex at 203rd Street and 53rdAvenue, and were searching aunit when a man confrontedthem, according to Const. Jana

McGuinness of the VancouverPolice Department.

An officer shot the man,apparently in the abdomen. BCAmbulance paramedics andLangley City firefighters arrivedand gave medical assistance, butthe man died in hospital later.

Police have not said whetheror not the man had a weapon.

A memorial has been createdon the fence outside the unitwhere the man lived, with trib-

utes to the victim,named Alvin,photos of hisyoung daughter,candles, flowers,and a crushedbeer can.

One person wrote “F**k thepolice” on the wall.

Residents said it isn’t too com-mon to see police at the rentalcomplex.

Noise complaints sometimes

draw officers, “other than that,no,” one resident said.

Another neighbour, who askednot to be named, said the shoot-ing was over so quickly that fewpeople even noticed.

Her brother lives in a unitnear the one where the shootingtook place, and both her brotherand husband were there Fridaynight.

“And they didn’t hear any-thing,” the woman said.

When they saw police tapearound the area the next day,they assumed it was relatedto vandalism until they heard

about the shooting on the news.After six years in the complex,

she said that her family hasnever had any serious problemswith crime.

The Vancouver Police are con-ducting an investigation into theshooting, as all police-involvedshootings are investigated by anoutside police department.

VPD officers were on scene tointerview several witnesses overthe weekend.

The man’s name has not beenofficially released, but the trib-ute on the wall identifies him asAlvin.

Domestic dispute call

RCMP shoot man

Shane MacKichan for Postmedia Network Inc.

A woman sat outside a Langley City townhouse complex while emergencypersonnel worked on a man inside the house at about 11:30 Friday night.

This story first appearedas breaking news

by Matthew [email protected]

Convicted Aldergrove murderer DaveyMato Butorac’s next murder charge is mov-ing slowly towards trial, with his next courtappearance set for this Wednesday.

Butorac was convicted of two countsof second-degree murder last month inthe deaths of Abbotsford’s Gwendolyn JoLawton, 46, and Langley’s Sheryl LynnKoroll, 50 – both killed in 2007.

He was subsequently charged with kill-ing fellow Aldergrove resident Margaret

Redford, who was killed in May 2006. Herbody was found dumped in Bertrand Creek.

Butorac’s court appearance this week wasto be intended as a bail hearing, but in thewake of his recent convictions, it is unlikely.

The trial date for the Redford’s murderhas not yet been scheduled.


Butorac back in court for third murder charge


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Page 4: Langley Advance August 10 2010

Takethat!Just close youreyes and shootseemed to bethe strategy forAndrew Mathie,who dove intobattle duringthe annualLegendaryWater Fightrecently heldat Al AndersonMemorialPool. Whilethe rain oflate may havedeterred someswimmers,more hotweather ispromised soon.

Troy LandrevilleLangley Advance

Residents can breathe a sighof relief after weekend rainscleaned the Matthew [email protected]

An air quality warning has ended,and local firefighters are breathing asigh of relief after a weekend of rainended a long dry spell.

The air quality advisory was issuedWednesday, as much of the LowerMainland was blanketed in a brown-ish haze, caused largely by forestfires raging in the Interior.

People with breathing troubleswere advised to be cautious andavoid strenuous activity outside forseveral days.

The fires were linked to a weeks-long period in which no rain fell andLangley’s parks and lawns turnedtinder-dry.

Langley City and Township fire-fighters were pleased to see thereturn of the rain.

Over the past two weeks, theyhave fought a number of small grassand bark mulch fires, most causedby people tossing smoldering ciga-rettes onto roadsides and medians.

“It kept us hopping there for acouple of days, that’s for sure,” saidassistant City fire chief Pete Methot.

The rain will help things return tonormal.

Risk diminishes

Firefighters welcome weekend rain

A4 | Tue sday, Augu s t 10 , 2010 | L A N G L E Y A D V A N C E












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Page 5: Langley Advance August 10 2010

RCMPinvestigateda fatal crash

eastboundon the Trans-

CanadaHighway near

196th Streetearly Friday

morning. Threeof the four

occupants werekilled.

Nick ProcayloPostmedia Network Inc.

One man escaped death but threeothers were not so lucky in ahighway crash Friday Matthew [email protected]

Three Langley and Aldergrove mendied in a high-speed collision with a con-struction vehicle on the Trans-CanadaHighway early Friday morning.

The newer model BMWwas moving at a “ridiculous”rate of speed, witnesses latertold police.

The vehicle was just eastof Golden Ears Way at about3:30 a.m. when, for unknown reasons, itveered from the right hand lane into thefast lane, which had been closed downfor construction.

The car slammed into a parked flatdecktruck, instantly killing the driver and two

rear passengers. A fourth man, the frontseat passenger, was seriously injured andwas rushed to hospital, said Sgt. DaveSavoy of the Port Mann Freeway Patrol.

Savoy said the man was released laterthe same day from hospital.

The Freeway Patrol and a specializedteam of crash investigators closed downthe highway until about noon to investi-gate the crash. The closure, from around192nd Street to 176th Street in Surrey,caused traffic chaos during the Friday

morning commute.Evidence at the scene

has led police to believethat alcohol was a factor inthe crash.

All four men were intheir 40s. Their names

were not released before presstime.Savoy noted that the speed limit in that

section of the freeway is just 80 km/hright now, due to construction. Slowingdown keeps both drivers and the con-struction workers safer, Savoy said.

Trans-Canada Highway

Three killed on freeway

This story first appearedas breaking news

L A N G L E Y A D V A N C E | Tue sday, Augu s t 10 , 2010 | A5

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Page 6: Langley Advance August 10 2010



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A6 | Tue sday, Augu s t 10 , 2010 | L A N G L E Y A D V A N C E

Page 7: Langley Advance August 10 2010

Everyone walked away from afreeway crash in Aldergrove Roxanne [email protected]

When Eric Webber’s semi trailer truckT-boned a small pickup on the freeway at264th Street Saturday morning, he fearedthe worst.

But while the pickup had to be towedaway, the crash was much less seriousthan he first feared, Webber said.

“I’m just surprised no one was seriouslyhurt,” he told the Langley Advance.

Just after 11 a.m., Webber was deliver-ing a load from Abbotsford to Burnaby.He was travelling west in the slow lane ofthe Trans-Canada Highway, and had justpassed under the main Aldergrove over-pass when a small pickup truck in thepull-off lane that paralleled the freewayswerved in front of him.

It was sudden, Webber explained.Another pickup truck – this one towinga trailer – suddenly came offthe 56th Avenue onramp tothe freeway, cutting off thefirst pickup truck.

With slick road conditionsdue to rain, the first pickupdriver managed to slam on his brakes andturn the wheel to the left slightly to avoidan imminent collision with the pickupand trailer. But that avoidance techniquelanded him in a sideways skid directly inWebber’s path.

“I T-boned him on the [passenger’s]side,” Webber said, pointing out damage

to the passenger’s side front of his rig thatalmost disabled his truck.

“It could have been so much worse,”he said, explaining that his truck was tooseriously damaged to finish his route.Instead, he dropped his Clark Freightwaystrailer on site, which was picked up anddelivered by another company driver.

The morning crash caused a bit of adomino effect, forcing another semi driver

to veer off into the mediandividing the freeway’s eastand westbound lanes.

The driver of the truckwith trailer never evenstopped, Webber said.

Therefore, police are now looking forwitnesses, and anyone with informationcan call Langley RCMP at 604-532-3200.

In his 15 years of driving truck, Webbersaid he’s never had an accident this pot-entially serious, and he hopes he neverdoes again. The Langley driver was justrelieved no one was hurt.

Roxanne Hooper/Langley Advance

Langley semi driver Eric Webber ended up T-boninga small pickup truck in a domino-like accident on thefreeway at 264th Street late Saturday morning.

Trans-Canada Highway

Police hunt for witnesses

This story first appearedas breaking news

L A N G L E Y A D V A N C E | Tue sday, Augu s t 10 , 2010 | A7

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Page 8: Langley Advance August 10 2010

Letters to the editor . . . may be edited for clarity, length, or legal reasons. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication,however names may be withheld from print upon request. Letters may be published on the Internet, in print, or both. Publication of letters by TheLangley Advance should not be construed as endorsement of or agreement with the views expressed. Copyright in letters and other materialssubmitted voluntarily to the Publisher and accepted for publication remains with the author, but the Publisher and its licensees may freely reproducethem in print, electronic, or other forms.

L A N G L E Y A D V A N C E | Tue sday , Augu s t 10 , 2010 | A8

Spies are among us.Well, at least that’s what our spies are tell-

ing us.Or at least, that’s what we were recently told

by our top anti-spy spy (isn’t this beginning tosound like one of those regular features theyhad in Mad Magazine when we were kids?).

We learned from Canadian SecurityIntelligence Service chief Richard Fadden thatsome of our politicians are under the controlof foreign powers.

And then he took it all back.Sort of.But not really.He promised to write up a report

for Prime Minister Steve Harpo(whom I believe is controlled byextraterrestrial powers, but CSIShas no jurisdiction there) and hisConservative minions.

That report was due on Harpo’sdesk last week, and the Iggyzoidsfrom Plan B are clamouring to see it.

Opposition flounderer Mike Ignatieff’sIggyLibs are trying to make a federal case outof the fact that the HarpoCons seem to beburying Fadden’s report and its contents, orare hiding the fact that it has not been written,is incomplete, or contains no valid, relevant,or worthwhile information – you can choosewhatever combination of elements you wish tobuild your own basic conspiracy theory.

The bottom line keeps showing up as thesame thing: for some reason, Steve and hisHarpoCons don’t want us ordinary folks toknow who the compromised politicians are.

For some reason, our prime politiciandoesn’t want to expose his allegedly traitorouspolitician colleagues.

If they exist… but why speculate on thatlikely but far less fascinating possibility?

I think the IggyLibs are smart to make a bigdeal out of this. It’s something ordinary peoplewith a smattering of spy knowledge gleanedfrom cheap television shows and cheaper mov-ies will enjoy sinking their teeth into.

Personally, I’d like to see the report, too.I think a lot of people who take a casual

interest in politics in this country would like toknow if there are traitors in our midst.

And those of us who watch politics moreclosely just want confirmation of our suspi-cions.

This is not like the census nonsense. Longforms, short forms, nonexistent jail terms,statistical validity… how can an average work-aday Joe be expected to wrap his head aroundintellectual stuff like that?

The IggyLibs ought to let that dog lie.Anyone who has been bugged by StatsCan’sinterminable telephone polling – and there are

plenty of us – will have no sym-pathy for the census-takers.

Pollsters claiming to be fromStatistics Canada kept botheringme for data, and when I allowedthem to grill me on one area,they apparently decided I was aneasy mark, and stretched theirnet further.

When I started to balk at sup-plying them with the minute details of myexistence, I was actually threatened at onepoint with criminal action – it was a prettyveiled threat, to be sure, because they prob-ably knew that, while you’re allowed tothreaten someone with legal action on a civilmatter, threatening criminal action is actuallya criminal offence. (I think I hear Dr. Seussmumbling something in the background…)

In any case, shortly after that, I had CallerID installed on my telephone, and by aremarkable coincidence ever since then, Inever seem to be home when they call any-more.

Statistics are a non-starter to fuel an Iggyelection triumph over Harpo.

But spies… now you have our attention!Visit Bob Groeneveld’s blog, Editor’s Notes, at


Spies beat statistics every time

Those of us whowatch politicsmore closelyjust wantconfirmation.

Bob [email protected]

Odd thoughts

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Bob GroeneveldEDITOR

[email protected]


[email protected]

Our View

Ruling closes inon drinking line

The conviction of Carol Berner lastweek for impaired driving that causedthe death of a four-year-old girl in Deltashould be a wake-up call to any driverswho still haven’t come to an understand-ing that any amount of drinking does notmix with driving.

Berner’s case was notable, not only forthe horrific loss of life and the unusualundercover investigation that led to char-ges, but also for how ordinary her decisionto drive was that afternoon.

Berner was on a familiar road, in herneighbourhood, when she slammed intothe young girl.

She hadn’t been pounding shooters ata bar, but drinking wine at home, admit-ting to undercover officers she’d had three“fair-sized” glasses.

She failed a roadside screening butdidn’t blow over the legal limit when shewas tested at the police station. Expertsguessed her blood-alcohol levels werebetween 0.063 and 0.117.

In short, she was driving close to thelegal line.

But last week, a judge ruled Berner’sjudgment was impaired that day and theunusual speed and recklessness withwhich she drove were clearly related tothe wine she’d been drinking.

It’s a judgment worth considering,especially in light of B.C.’s new drunk-driving laws which come into effect thisfall, including much-tougher penalties forlower blood-alcohol levels.

Mothers Against Drunk Driving(MADD) has long argued for tougher pen-alties at the levels where serious fines anddriving bans will now kick in, becauseresearch has shown it’s a level wheredriver reactions start to be significantlyimpacted.

The message is: If you’ve been drink-ing, you don’t have to be falling-downdrunk to be unfit to drive a car – or forthere to be devastating consequences.

Your View

Have you ever considered joining the RoyalCanadian Legion in Langley?

Vote at…

Last week’s question…What measures would you be willing to fund to cut downon Metro Vancouver waste?

Advance Poll…

Food scrap composting

Single-stream recycling

Expand blue box program

Taxes on wasteful packaging

Let us just keep our money






Page 9: Langley Advance August 10 2010

Dear Editor,The Township of Langley 2010 BC

Summer Games are over and were verysuccessful, except for one thing: mediacoverage.

Your newspaper did a very good job.But the provincial media: radio,

television, and papers such as theVancouver Sun and Province were atotal failure.

They apparently believed the Gameswere of interest to Langley only, andtreated them as such.

Their zero coverage approach tothe BC Games was a total disgraceand an insult to the people of B.C.

I trust the people in charge ofthe BC Summer Games noticedthe very poor provincial mediacoverage and are taking action toensure it will not happen again.This was a B.C. event held in Langley.

Eric J. Bysouth, Langley

L A N G L E Y A D V A N C E | Tue sday , Augu s t 10 , 2010 | A9

Dear Editor,I have always subscribed to the concept

that the BC Ferries belong to the people ofB.C. and are, in fact, an extension of ourhighway system. There should be no pref-erential treatment of anyone travelling onthem, just because they can pay an extrafee for a reservation and whistle by all thepoor slobs waiting in the heat for hours.

On a recent trip from Vancouver Island,we arrived at Duke Point (in mid-week,mind you, not weekend high traffic) 50minutes before our selected sailing, onlyto be told we would have a “probableone-sailing wait.”

When asked why, when there wereclearly not enough cars and trucks thereto fill a ferry, we were told that “the res-ervation system is still open, and will beuntil they have sold their allowable num-ber of reservations.”

The predictable result was that it wasa definite one-sailing wait, and we hadto wait another two and a half hours for

the next ferry, even though we had beenthere in plenty of time and the “reserva-tions” people showed up at virtually thelast minute.

Sorry, people, but this is nothing but abald-faced cash-grab! This is wrong, andit needs to stop. We own the ferries andshould not be subjected to this sort ofthing.

Is anyone else angry about this?Everyone I spoke to at the ferry terminalwas angry as hell.

We don’t live in the sort of countrywhere the wealthy get preferred treatmenton public services, nor would we want to.Why is this being tolerated?

Try calling up the Ministry of Highwaysand asking for a “reservation” for yourpreferred spot in your next rush-hourcommute. See what happens.

This is what we get when we take aperfectly good (if expensive) public ser-vice and hand it over to private operators.

Wayne Boylan, Aldergrove

BC Ferries

Reservations a cash grab

Media coverage

Dear Editor,Agricultural Land Commissioners got

an earful from the farmers of Langley atCascades on July 22. They were told in

very clear and direct words that the farm-ers unanimously did not want a four-lanehighway through the farmland. Not oneperson spoke in favour of the proposedoverpass plan for the Mufford Crescentand Glover Road intersection.

The farmers have been treated in a verybad way, and are fed up with the way theentire affair has been handled, includ-ing the fact that they were only given aweek’s notice to attend a meeting of suchimportance in their busiest season.

When will these people understand?Other options must be explored, includ-ing a more long-term plan than the onepresented. Hopefully the Township willlisten, and the ALC will do the right thing:Put a stop to the madness of farmlanddestruction.

There was a very bizarre aspect to themeeting, as the proponents of the newhighway plan explained how they weregoing to attempt to deter the public fromactually using the new highway, in orderto minimize the negative affects.

Wally Martin, Langley

Mufford overpass

Farmland destruction is madness

Pay It Forward

Scooterist thankfulDear Editor,

I was riding my scooter on 64th Avenue,just east of 200th Street, when I accident-ly drove off of the sidewalk. My scooterfell on its side, with me in it.

Since I am unable to walk, I foundmyself in quite the pickle.

Fortunately, several vehicles stopped,and four or five people righted my scooterand helped me get underway.

I want to express my heartfelt appre-ciation to those people. I had been soembarrassed, because of my “wrecklessscooting,” that I didn’t express it enoughat the time.

Gord Weitzel, Langley

Advance did an incredible job

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Page 10: Langley Advance August 10 2010

My biggest fear whenI signed up to ride withthe 2010 Cops for CancerTour de Valley was simple:could I keep up?

At the first meeting forthe tour, I was pretty wor-ried.

There was Ken Usipiuk,the team captain and a vet-eran of several tours. Kenhas a shaved head and anintense “We’re going to getthis done” attitude at alltimes. He always remem-bers, and can remind you,why the tour exists: tohelp kids with cancer. Kenbears a slight resemblanceto Yul Brynner (think moreThe Magnificent Seven, lessThe King and I).

There were Tim Anctiland Jillian Ewanyshyn,our team trainers, both ofthem veteran cyclists withthousands of kilometresand many hundreds ofhours of riding time under

their belts.Tim works at the

RCMP training centre inChilliwack; I soon foundhe thinks nothing of ridingup to 150 km in a day.

Jillian works here inLangley and, among otherduties, sometimes patrolson a bicycle.

And there was Craigvan Herk, another LangleyMountie who’s ridden inthe tour many times, andis now one of the organ-izers. He helps train newbike cops around theLower Mainland. I latersaw him lean off a movingbike and pick up a creditcard off flat asphalt. (Trythis sometime, but pleasewear a helmet and gloves.I won’t be held responsiblefor injuries.)

Was I expected to rideas well, as fast, as faras these guys? I was introuble.

One of the things wewere asked at that firstmeeting was whether we’ddone much riding.

Around me, many of theMounties and municipal

cops and Corrections offi-cers had a lot of experi-ence. Not only had morethan half done the tourbefore, but others wereavid mountain bikers, orrode to work regularly.

Me?I’d once ridden a lot, but

I hadn’t been on my bikefor more than a year whenI decided to do the Tour deValley.

Was I in good shape atall? Well, I’d had a lot ofpractice over the winterwith the remote controland/or the video gamecontroller. Yes, my thumbswere in peak condition,ready to leap into actionand… press buttons.

So I was pretty worriedabout being able to keepup with the other riders.

Fortunately, I quicklyfound out that while everyrider is expected to get inshape, we have plenty ofhelp. I mentioned our teamtrainers, and training is abig part of the run up tothe Tour de Valley.

Every month since April,there has been a manda-tory ride. The rides beganout in Sumas Prairie,with a nice, relatively flatjourney through the flood-plains, a little more than50 km. Every ride afterthat was a little longer, alittle more challenging.

Those rides are notjust about getting inshape for the big ride thisSeptember. They’re aboutputting together the team,teaching everyone to rideas a unit.

There are also regu-lar, weekly rides aroundLangley, Surrey, orAbbotsford. Those rideshave helped haul myflabby carcass to being,well, slightly less flabby.

More important, ridingtogether cements the rea-son why we ride.

We talk about upcomingfundraisers we’re workingon. We invite one anotherto our pub nights. Wewent together to CampGoodtimes, as I wrote lastweek – an experience thatwill stay with me forever.

I no longer fear train-ing. Now my only worryis how much more moneyI can raise. The team,and the kids at CampGoodtimes, keep my eyeon the goal. Ultimately,it’s not about the ride. Theride just exists to bringattention to the CanadianCancer Society, and to thework it does with childrenwith cancer. That’s worthputting in the miles.

This year’s Cops forCancer Tour de Valley runsSept. 23 to Oct. 1., fromDelta to Boston Bar.

A10 | Tue sday , Augu s t 10 , 2010 | L A N G L E Y A D V A N C E

GearingUpMatthew [email protected]

Cops for Cancer

Preparations for tour getting more intense



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Page 11: Langley Advance August 10 2010

L A N G L E Y A D V A N C E | Tue sday, Augu s t 10 , 2010 | A11Life leisure&Lena Close feels her onlyoption is a surgery in CostaRica next month.

by Heather [email protected]

Lena Close doesn’t dream big.The 34-year-old would like tohave some fun with her kids, orgo to a movie with her husband.Heck, some days she’d settle forjust being able to get into herown laundry room.

Multiple sclerosis is makingher world smaller, one nerveending at a time.

Since January, when theLangley mother of three hada flare-up and had to spenda month in the hospital andanother month in therapy, she’sbeen confined to a wheelchair.

It’s not how Lena and herhusband Rob, 36, imagined theirlives.

They had a young family andhad laid down roots in Langley.Lena had grown up here andRob had been here since child-hood. She was a financial servi-ces advisor at a large insurancecompany.

Then came the diagnosis adecade ago.

Rob now works at a recyc-ling depot and tries to run acomputer repair business fromtheir Langley City basementsuite, needing the flexible workhours to care for Lena and thekids. Each summer, she suffersthrough the heat.

“It’s to the point where I haveto quit my jobs every summer,”he explained.

After the birth of her secondchild, Lena noticed her leg wasnumb and it spread to her lowerhalf.

In recent years, she stoppedgoing on outings with the familybecause of the difficulty of get-ting around, the extreme fatigue,difficulty swallowing, and theneed for frequent bathroomtrips.

“I’ve said, it’s not just us inthis marriage,” Lena comment-ed. “We have MS in this mar-riage, there’s three of us.”

It’s a disease little understoodand one that affects each patientdifferently.

The diagnosis came 10 yearsago but it’s been within the lastfive years that MS has reallytaken its toll.

Doctors are stumped whyLena, with clean MRI tests andno family history of the disease,would be so incapacitated.

“I have completely numbhands and feet,” she said.

MS affects every part of herbody, including causing severefatigue, eye problems, breathingproblems, and mental fog.

Lena dreads the warm sum-mer weather most people enjoybecause heat is a trigger.

Naturally, MS has made Lenaand her loved ones experts onthe disease. She’s learned whatworks for her – a strict diet andsupplements, and no MS medi-cations, which she said make

her worse.But the steps only help with

the symptoms. She’s looking fora way to stop the disease’s pro-gression and the internal dam-age the disease causes.

That’s why she is headingto Costa Rica in September forliberation therapy, a procedureconsidered experimental inCanada. She and Rob are spend-ing several days there whileshe has a small surgical bal-loon threaded up through herabdomen and into her carotidartery in the neck. The balloonswill be inflated to stretch theblood vessels and increase flowto the rest of the body.

It’s a procedure manyCanadian patients are travellingabroad to obtain. The Close fam-ily is scrambling to raise $15,000to cover the travel and medicalcosts, raising about $2,800 sofar. They need to reach out

because the family finances areso stretched already.

The medical establishment haslabelled MS as an autoimmunedisease and left its treatmentto neurologists but she saidthe therapy that pushes openblood vessels in the neck showsthere’s more to MS.

“Neurologists took over thedisease and said ‘it’s a nervething,’” she commented.

In hindsight, she’s seeing howthere is a vascular component toher MS.

Flare-ups are tied to hermonthly menstrual cycle andshe found out estrogen helpsmake blood vessels more elastic.As well, heat makes blood ves-sels constrict, so she spends herlife surrounded by fans becausegetting warm causes discomfort.

Lena said a few years ago,stem cells were touted as thenew cure and there have been

other therapies, like bee stings,that have been hailed but sheis confident in the blood ves-sel treatment because she’sseen it help so many fellow MSpatients.

The family will be filmingLena before and after surgeryand plan to post the footageonline.

Lena noted that it costs about$25,000 annually for MS drugsbut the government won’t paythe estimated $1,500 that thissurgery would cost if done inthis country.

And she’s realistic about theoutcome, knowing about halfof the patients have their bloodvessels re-constrict but said it’sstill more economical to have toredo a surgery than just go withthe costly drugs.

“My hope is it stops theprogression, that’s the biggestthing,” Lena said.

Health care

Heather Colpitts/Langley Advance

Lena Close is heading to Costa Rica for an MS procedure not available in Canada in the hope that it can help her get her life back. Herillness has meant extra burden on her children, Aaron, 15, Kyle, seven, and 10-year-old Julia, as well as her husband Rob.

LiberationLena Close and her family aretrying to raise money to coverthe costs of an MS treatmentnot available in Canada. TheCloses are trying anything theycan think of to bring in moneyfor Lena’s treatment.

They have set up the website which accepts donationsthrough Paypal. There is also informationon the site about a bank account fordonations.

The Brookswood family has alsostarted a bottle drive and is looking forcontributions. People can drop them offat the Langley Bottle Depot on IndustrialAvenue. Tell the staff they are for theLena Close Fund.

The website also has ticket informationfor the upcoming pub night at the Fox andFiddle. Tickets are $25 and the event,which will feature prizes, is Sept. 11. Upfor grabs are a TV, Canucks tickets, giftbaskets and more.

On Sept. 12, they are having a bowlathonat the Alder Lanes in Aldergrove.

Rob Close, Lena’s husband, said they areaccepting donations from businesses ofprizes for these events.

The family can be reached at [email protected] or through the website.

Langley mom desperate for relief fromMS


Page 12: Langley Advance August 10 2010

Whether on bikes, in cars, or athome, little ones should be safein their own community.

From safe car seats to DNA kits,Safer Communities Day is aboutkids and keeping them protected inLangley.

Children will be having so muchfun riding their bikes, eating hotdogs, and meeting police officersand firefighters on Saturday, Aug.21 that they may not even realizetheir parents and the communityare taking measures to keep themsafe.

The fifth annual SaferCommunities Day is being pre-sented by the Township of Langley,

Langley RCMP,and Recreation

Excellence atthe GeorgePrestonRecreationCentre at20699 42Ave.

From11 2 p.m.,youngstersare encour-aged tobring their

bikes and hel-mets and take

part in a num-ber of activities

with their familiesand friends.

“This is a chance for kids to comeout and enjoy themselves whilelearning some valuable lessons,”said Township of Langley parks andrec programmer Barbara Jeffery.“Parents, too, will benefit from theday, which will provide them withinformation about how to keep theirchildren out of harm’s way.”

During Safer Communities Day,youngsters can participate in a bikeobstacle course, have a free hotdog lunch supplied by the LangleyLions, and enter to win a bike prizedonated by Cranky’s Bike Shop inAldergrove.

For parents, BCAA will offer childseat inspections and the LangleyRCMP will provide identity theftand child DNA kits. ICBC will bringin vision goggles, and volunteersfrom Block Watch and members ofthe Township of Langley fire depart-ment will also be on hand.

A12 | Tue sday , Augu s t 10 , 2010 | L A N G L E Y A D V A N C E

A bike rodeo of sorts has proven incredibly popular at the annual Safer Communities Day event.This year’s will be held at the George Preston Recreation Centre on Saturday, Aug. 21.

Community event

Day promotes keeping kids safe

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Page 13: Langley Advance August 10 2010

L A N G L E Y A D V A N C E | Tue sday, Augu s t 10 , 2010 | A13

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Page 14: Langley Advance August 10 2010





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A14 | Tue sday, Augu s t 10 , 2010 | L A N G L E Y A D V A N C E

Page 15: Langley Advance August 10 2010

FundraisingMiracle Treat DayThe eighth annual fundraisersupporting BC Children’sHospital is Aug. 12 at DairyQueen, which will donate pro-ceeds from Blizzard sold.

Clubs/meetingsLangley Field NaturalistsThe group has an evening walkon Aug. 11 at Surrey’s BendPark. Explore this meadow forbirds and wildflowers. Meetat 6:30pm at Douglas Crescentmeeting spot. Info: 604-530-2778.

Registration nightLangley Special Olympicsannual registration nightis Aug. 17 at the DouglasRecreation Centre, 6-7:30pm.For returning and new athletesand volunteers. Info: MarilynFarquhar, 604-534-9550 orGaston DuPaul, 604-539-0289.

ReunionsNursery schoolThe Surrey Nursery Old Timersfirst annual Summer Picnic isAug. 15 at Williams Park, 238thStreet/68th Avenue, noon-4pm.Bring picnic.

SeniorsBrookswood SeniorsBridge/pool/crib, etc. Tues. &Thurs. 10am-3pm; chess onMon., 7-9pm, bingo/whist Fri.eves. At 19899 36th Ave. Newmembers welcome. Regularactivities: call 604-530-4232,line dancing: 534-0299, chess:530-4693, duplicate bridge: 856-7170, Paws2Dance: 534-6841,bingo: 534-2250.

Council of Senior CitizensOrganizationsThe advocacy group works toimprove the lives of seniors.Seniors groups or associationswishing to affiliate or individ-

uals wanting to be memberscan contact Ernie Bayer, 604-576-9734, fax 604-576-9733, [email protected].

Langley Rainbow OAPO branch #146Regular meetings on the 1stMonday of the month. Lunchbegins at 11:30am Monday andSaturday followed by bingoat 1pm. Craft table sales onMondays before bingo. Cribon Tuesdays and bridge onThursdays at 1pm. Everyone iswelcome. Evergreen Timbers(5464 203 St.) Info: Anita, 604-534-2311.

Langley Seniors Resource Society20605 51B Ave.Sharing and Caring Socials (1-2:30pm, $3 drop-in fee):Aug. 5: Name that tune or singto old time favouritesAug. 12: Evelyn will demon-strate handcrafted cards andstationeryAug. 19: A Vancouver CoastalHealth staffer talks on workingon the Vancouver Eastside

Aug. 26: Brian Zalo performs.

SupportAl-Anon Family GroupsIf someone else’s drinking isaffecting you, AFG can help.Info: 604-688-1716, [email protected] or

Alano Club of LangleyA social club for people inrecovery, open 365 days a year,11am-3pm and 7-10pm. Dropin for a cup of coffee or a gameof pool at 20433 Douglas Cres.Info: 604-532-9280.

AlateenThe group supports youngpeople recovering from theeffects of living with problemdrinking in a family memberor friend. Ages 10 and up. Thegroup meets at the TownshipCivic Facility, 20338 65th Ave.Info: 604-688-1716.

Alcoholics AnonymousIf you want to drink, that’syour business; if you wantto stop, that’s ours. CallAlcoholics Anonymous at theLangley intergroup office, 604-533-2600. Answering machineafter hours.Tues. eves. at

George Preston RecreationCentre, 20699 42nd Ave.,8:30pm. Info: 604-434-3933 or604-533-2600.

YouthEco Explorer Kids’ CampThe Langley EnvironmentalPartners Society has the campWhere Do Carrots Come FromAug. 10 and 12, 10:30 am-1:30pm, $5. Register in advanceat 604-532-3521.

Safer Communities DayThe fifth annual safety festivalfor kids is Aug. 21, 11am-2pm at the George PrestonRecreation Centre. Free. Enjoya bike obstacle course (musthave helmet), BCAA child seatinspections, ICBC vision gog-gles, Block Watch, fire safety,ID theft information, child DNAkits, Langley Lions hotdoglunch, and a bike raffle.

OtherBlood donor clinicsCall 1-888-2-DONATE for anappointment.Aug. 17: 1-8pm MurrayvilleHall, 21667 48th Ave.Aug. 22: 1-8pm MurrayvilleHall, 21667 48th Ave.

Aug. 31: 1-8pm MurrayvilleHall, 21667 48th Ave.

Meteor shower star gazingFrom 8pm Aug. 11 to 6ampeople can watch the meteorshower at Aldergrove LakeRegional Park. Must arrivebefore 11pm. Peak viewing2-4am. $2 per person. Enjoygames, crafts, facepainting, starlectures, guided walks, violin-ist Jan Klima, trivia and more.Info: Metro Vancouver RegionalParks 604-530-4983.

Medicinal plantsThe Langley EnvironmentalPartners Society has a work-shop on medicinal plants Aug.12, 7-9pm for $10. Register inadvance at 604-532-3521.

Caregivers Night OutFree tickets are available tocaregivers of people withdisabilities or illness. Thetickets are for a dinner/danceshow Aug. 15 to recognizetheir efforts. Info: or [email protected].

L A N G L E Y A D V A N C E | Tue sday , Augu s t 10 , 2010 | A15

Reach your community and publicize non-profit, community, or club activities here and on theInternet, at which includes the link Submit an Event. Or email [email protected], fax to 604-534-3383, or mail to: Langley Advance, #112 6375 202nd St.,Langley, B.C. V2Y 1N1. Must be received at least 10 days prior to the date at which you wish theinformation to appear in print. Run on a space-available basis at the discretion of the editor.


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Page 16: Langley Advance August 10 2010

Seventy Years Ago

AUGUST 8, 1940Premier Duff Patullo an-nounced that the appeal by14 Langley teachers against

their dismissal had beenupheld by the Council ofPublic Instruction.The reason the LangleySchool Board had given forfiring them was that the

teachers had made them-selves “obnoxious to thetaxpayers.”Langley Council took thefirst steps towards forminga civil defence league.

Sixty Years Ago

AUGUST 10, 1950Langley High School vice-principal Roy E. Mountainwas appointed the district’sSupervising Principal, toreplace R.R. Bront whoresigned a week before.Hiring of five new teach-ers brought Langley’s totalteaching staff to 99.

Fifty Years Ago

AUGUST 11, 1960Langley sweltered in thehighest temperatureson record. Aldergrove’sweather station reached97 degrees Fahrenheit(36.1C).Council approved a $2,000test well for the Aldergrovewater system.

Forty Years Ago

AUGUST 12, 1970Housing starts hit a newhigh in July, reaching morethan two per day, despitestrikes, lock-outs, shortageof materials, and a de-pressed economy. LangleyTownship issued 40 permitsfor homes and three forduplexes, while the City au-thorized a dozen starts onhomes plus four duplexes.

Thirty Years Ago

AUGUST 13, 1980With the consultants’report concluded, the twoLangley councils and theschool board were asked toconsider Langley Second-ary School as the site for aproposed indoor swimmingpool and theatre complex.

Twenty Years Ago

AUGUST 8, 1990The annual re-enactmentof the fur brigades to FortLangley once again drewthousands of spectators tothe historic community.

Ten Years Ago

AUGUST 8, 2000Willoughby couple Gordand Joan Hill drove their1930 Model A Ford to a carconvention in Kansas City.Unacceptable levels of bac-teria in the municipal watersystem resulted in a “boilwater” order for residentsof the Tall Timbers area.

AUGUST 11, 2000At 14 years of age, quick-draw shooter Nicole Franksof Aldergrove was the fast-est gunslinger in the world.With her .45 calibre pistol,she outshot the defendingworld champion, a 40-yearveteran of the sport.

Langley’s history, as recorded in thefiles of the Langley Advance.

Looking back… ‘Obnoxious’ teachers turfedA16 | Tue sday , Augu s t 10 , 2010 | L A N G L E Y A D V A N C E

Langley grads earn cashfor post-secondary.

Walnut Grove’s VanessaVilardi will have lessto worry about dur-ing her post-second-ary years, after earningthe $20,000 President’sEntrance Scholarship fromKwantlen PolytechnicUniversity.

“…it will continuouslymotivate me to focus onmy studies and strive forexcellence,” Vilardi said ofthe scholarship.

She’s studying criminol-ogy at Kwantlen, as sheworks to become a lawyer.

Another Walnut GroveSecondary grad, BrookeChorney, earned the MeritEntrance Scholarship(worth $5,000), as did-Langley Secondary’sCatherine Thompson andDylan Murphy, of D.W.Poppy Secondary.

The awards are given tothe top Metro Vancouverstudents enrolling inKwantlen programs topursue full-time studies.A total of $210,000 wasgiven out in 2010.


Local gradsrecognized


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Page 17: Langley Advance August 10 2010

L A N G L E Y A D V A N C E | Tue sday , Augu s t 10 , 2010 | A17


Over the next fewdays, a Langleyresident will begoing for a nationaltitle in Ontario.

Langley’s DarrenWallace hopes toexperience a bitof déja vu whenhe joins a stellarfield of golfers atthe 2010 CanadianMen’s AmateurChampionship,which tees off today(Tuesday).

Top Canadian andinternational golferswill play at LondonHunt & Country Clubin London, Ont. fromAug. 10 to 15.

In 2004, at 15 yearsof age, Wallace madehistory by becomingthe youngest playerto win the Canadianmen’s amateur title,earning himself a spotin the 2005 CanadianOpen.

Players makingcommitments tocompete in Londoninclude TeamCanada’s EugeneWong of NorthVancouver, Nick Taylor of Abbotsford,Cam Burke of New Hamburg, Ont., andMitch Sutton of London, Ont.

This year’s tournament will featurea 240 player field competing over 72-holes of stroke play.

The field will be cut to the low 70sand ties following the first 36 holes.The first 36 holes will be contested atRedtail Golf Course.

An inter-provincial team champion-ship for the Willingdon Cup will takeplace in conjunction with the first tworounds of stroke play.

In 2009, Ontario captured theWillingdon Cup title – its first since2003. The Willingdon Cup features four-member teams competing in conjunc-

tion with the first two rounds of strokeplay.

The best three of four scores counttowards the overall team total.

The winner of the 2010 CanadianMen’s Amateur Championship earns anexemption into the 2011 RBC CanadianOpen being held at Shaughnessy Golfand Country Club in Vancouver.

A Monday qualifier, consisting of 120golfers vying for one of 15 exemptions,was held at London Hunt & CountryClub to determine the final entrants intothe tournament.

Practice rounds will be held today(Tuesday), and Wednesday, with thefirst two rounds of stroke play set forThursday and Friday.

Men’s golf

Wallace joins nation’s eliteat Canadian Amateur event

Photo Bernard Brault, RCGA/ARCG

Team Canada member Darren Wallace putted during the final round of the2009 Four Nations Cup at Laval sur le Lac golf course. Wallace is takingpart in this year’s Canadian Men’s Amateur Championship in London, Ont.

Special Olympicsathletes used McLeodAthletic Park as theirtraining ground as theyprepared for the Debbie McKeownContributor

They are strong, fit,and fast, and last monthproudly representedBritish Columbia on thenational stage.

Meet Chris Hamilton,Paige Norton, andMatthew Williams.

These three track ath-letes have trained togetherunder volunteer coachTom Norton since lastSeptember in preparationfor the Special OlympicsCanada Summer Games,which were held inLondon, Ont. July 13-17.

Special Olympics is forathletes of all ages withintellectual disabilities.There are 3,700 SpecialOlympics athletes in B.C.who compete locally and,over a four-year period,can potentially work theirway up to provincial,national, and internationalcompetition.

A total of 182 topSpecial Olympics athletestravelled to London asmembers of Team BC tocompete in a variety ofsummer sports.

Tom Norton, a staff ser-geant with the E-DivisionRCMP staff relations pro-gram and an avid runnerand fitness enthusiast him-self, volunteers countlesshours coaching the threeathletes. Rain or shine, hehas been leading trainingsessions at both Langley’sMcLeod Athletic Park andAbbotsford’s Jane andGerry Swan track for con-ditioning, drills, race strat-egy, and skills building tohelp these athletes achieve

success in London.All the hard work has

paid off.Tom couldn’t be more

impressed with the com-mitment demonstrated byChris, Paige and Matthew.

“This group has doneall the hard work I’vethrown at them from theminute we started ourdedicatedtraining ses-sions lastSeptember,”he said. “Theyshould bevery proudof everythingthey haveachieved.”

• • •Eighteen-

year-old Matthew Williamsis also a rising star withSpecial Olympics.

This was his firstnational competition, butgiven the hard work hedid to prepare, Matthew– a Langley resident – wasfeeling quietly optimisticabout his chances for aspot on the podium.

Tom sees excep-tional natural ability inMatthew’s performance onthe track, including sig-nificant improvement thisyear in his 400-metre time.Matthew was thrilled toend up with two medals,a gold in the 400m and

bronze in the 200m.Throughout his train-

ing, Matthew drew onanother strength: theability to stay focussed.This couldn’t have beenentirely easy consideringthe other things he’s hadgoing on lately. Matthewrecently graduated fromhigh school, and also just

returnedfromMoroccowhere herepresentedB.C. andSpecialOlympicsCanada ata GlobalCongressto plan the

future course of SpecialOlympics.

• • •Chris Hamilton of

Abbotsford is the veteranof the group.

At 38 years old, Chrisis a multi-sport athletewith significant experi-ence at past nationalcompetitions in track,soccer, and short trackspeedskating. In addition,Chris has been skatingwith Abbotsford’s MatsquiBlades Speedskating Clubfor more than 20 yearsand is, in fact, the club’slongest standing member.

continued on page A18…

Special Olympics

Athletes give it their all

Bill Williams photo

Warming up during a recent practice are, left to right: Matthew Williams,Paige Norton, Chris Hamilton, and coach Tom Norton.

“They shouldbe very proudof everythingthey haveachieved.”

Tom Norton

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Page 18: Langley Advance August 10 2010

A18 | Tue sday, Augu s t 10 , 2010 | L A N G L E Y A D V A N C E

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Page 19: Langley Advance August 10 2010

L A N G L E Y A D V A N C E | Tue sday, Augu s t 10 , 2010 | A19Sports

…continued from page A17Tom has been working with Chris to bring him back

from an ankle injury, but also on helping Chris feelcomfortable running in close quarters and positioninghimself on the track in relation to his competition.

Tom feels Chris’ strength is in the longer races. andsure enough, Chris had a great 800m race at the Gamesand was rewarded for all his hard work with a silvermedal.

• • •Paige Norton, also of Abbotsford, is only 16 but is

already a force to be reckoned with as she tore up thetrack in London, winning medals in every event sheran, bringing home gold in the 200m and bronze medalsin the 400m and 100m.

Like Chris, Paige competes in several sports, andhas collected some incredible experiences through herinvolvement with Special Olympics, both on and off thesports field.

Most notably, Paige was a medal winner in short trackspeedskating for Team Canada at the Special OlympicsWorld Winter Games in 2009 in Boise, Idaho.

She was interviewed not only by TSN in Boise, butalso by ABC Sports, and has shared the stage withVancouver Canucks Willie Mitchell and Ryan Kesler, aswell as former Canuck Michael Grabner at the SpecialOlympics Sports Celebrity fundraising event.

Not bad for a 16-year-old.

Teen tears up track atCanada Summer Games

The Fraser Valley Diving Club will beoffering free diving lessons to the public inAugust.

The lessons are for children between theages of four and 18, who can take part solong as they can swim unassisted in deepwater.

The FVDC’s NCCP certified coaches andBC Summer Games medalists will teachtricks and diving safety.

Available dates are: Monday, Aug. 16,Wednesday, Aug. 18, Friday, Aug. 20,Monday, Aug. 23, Wednesday, Aug. 25and Friday, Aug. 27 from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m.each day at Walnut Grove Pool.

Pre-registration is required. Call or emailto reserve a spot in one of the classes.Contact Helen Lingham at 604-882-9060 oremail [email protected].

Fraser Valley Diving is a non-for-profitamateur sports society, insured and cer-tified by the Canadian Amateur DivingAssociation.

Visit the club’s website at:


Sign up for freediving lessonsFunds raised will open

opportunities for students.Hit a few balls down the

fairways, help local students.That’s what drives the

Langley School DistrictFoundation’s fifth annualfundraising golf tournament,scheduled for Wednesday,Aug. 25 at Redwoods GolfCourse.

As always, this very popu-lar tournament includes atailgate party, followed by ashotgun start at 11:30 a.m.

After-golf events feature asteak and salmon barbecue,prizes, a silent auction, anda live auction.

This year the foundationis raising money to supportbursary programs for school-age students to allow themto participate in conferences,dual credit programs, sport-ing events, and educational

activities – programs thatrequire extra funding fromstudents in order to partici-pate.

“There are a number ofconferences and other kindsof educational events thatoffer great learning opportun-ities for students, but theycan be very expensive,” saidSusan Cairns, the founda-tion’s executive director.

“We want to be able tohelp students who qualify,to be able to attend suchevents.”

Students can apply forfunding, much like theywould for post-secondaryscholarships and bursaries.

They can also apply forfunding to help with the costof tool kits for apprenticeshipprograms, sporting equip-ment, field trips, art suppliesand other items required foreducational programs.

The foundation hopes to

raise $50,000 at this year’stournament.

Hole sponsorships andsilent auction donations areneeded to help them reachtheir goal.

Entry fees are $175 per

person or $650 per foursome,which includes golf, powercart, lunch, dinner, snacks,and prizes.

For information, contactSusan Cairns at 604-532-1464or [email protected]


Foundation golf tourney teeing off

Participants from last year’s Langley School District Foundation’s fundraising golftournament included, left to right: Steve Malish of Malish & Clark, and presidentof the Langley School District Foundation; Geoff Orrell from Sands & Associates;and Ron Mulhern and Dean Cudmore from UHY LDMB Accountants


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Page 20: Langley Advance August 10 2010

A20 | Tue sday, Augu s t 10 , 2010 | L A N G L E Y A D V A N C E

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At Sonus, our certified Hearing Care Professionals take away the frustrationand confusion of buying a hearing aid. Here’s how in 3 simple steps:

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All offers expire 08/27/10. *Hearing screenings are always free. This is not a medical exam. **Gift card good only toward thepurchase of a hearing aid. Gift card cannot be combined with other offers and it does not apply to previous sales. May not bevalid with all insurance benefits. See store for details. Limit one gift card per person. Gift card not refundable. Good only fromparticipating Sonus® locations.

Hearing Screening*


†Hearing aids cannot restore natural hearing. Success with hearing aids depends on a number of factors, including hearing loss severity and ability to adapt to amplification. ‡Hearing aids must be returned within the 75-daytrial period to qualify for a full refund. Registered under the Hearing Aid Act (B.C.)

$200Gift Card

$200 Sonus® Gift Card**

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RISK-FREE 75-Day Trial‡We guarantee your complete satisfaction.


License - Hearing Instrument Practitioner,Province of B.C.Industry Experience - 12 years

Ben Stephen, Clinic Manager

“My goal is to provide you with the most effectivetreatment possible.”

Page 21: Langley Advance August 10 2010

1170 Obituaries1170ANGRIGNON,

Gladys Emeline(nee Rennie)

Gladys, our dear Mom, bornFebruary 19, 1923 in NewWestminster, BC passed awayJuly 19, 2010 in Tsawwassen,BC. She was predeceased byher husband Albert Angrignon(2004), mother Grace, fatherWilliam and siblings Gordon,Evangeline, Fred, and Seldon.Gladys is survived by herchildren Edmond (Barb),Eugene (Gail), Randolph (Jen),John Scott, Joan and Gordon;and many grandchildren, greatg r a n d c h i l d r e n , n i e c e s ,nephews and extended family.She is also missed by her sisterMildred Walker and twin sisterIrene Armstrong.Gladys attended Normal schoolin Vancouver and startedteaching in Surrey in 1942.After her adventurous travels inthe US and Bermuda with Ireneand friends, Gladys married herfirst husband, John Bradshawand lived in the US.Upon her return to BC, Gladysstarted teaching school atAldergrove Elementary. Thereshe met her second husband,Al Angrignon. The two teachersblended their families in 1955and lived in Aldergrove formany years before moving toLangley in 1968. They hadwonderful friends in bothcommunities that they enjoyedsharing their lives with. Momwas actively involved incommunity activities includingthe Langley Lady Lions;Aldergrove and Sharon UnitedChurches and school activities.She loved to travel, golf, playcards, garden, bake - the familyhas been missing her pies thelast few years.The family would like to thankMom’s many loyal friends, andthe staff at both LangleyGardens and The Waterford inTsawwassen, for their supportand kindness over the last fewyears.A Celebration of Life servicewill be held at Sharon UnitedChurch, 48th Ave & 216thStreet in Langley - on Friday,August 13th at 2:00 pm with atea to follow. In lieu of flowers,donations to the Heart & StrokeF o u n d a t i o or acharity of your choice would beappreciated.

Calgary-based sport consulting company is seekingfull-time professional coaches for Hockey andLacrosse to work with high performance grade7-12 athletes both in the classroom and in a trainingenvironment. Responsibilities also include the designand delivery of development programs to the localhockey and lacrosse communities.

Professional Hockey CoachQualifications for this career choice include:

Post secondary education, experience working with youngaspiring athletes in developing their on and off-ice game,administrative abilities and a professional, ethical andentrepreneurial spirit.

Professional Lacrosse CoachQualifications for this career choice include:

Post secondary education, experience working with youngaspiring athletes in developing their field and box lacrossegame, administrative abilities and a professional, ethicaland entrepreneurial spirit.

“To inspire passion for the games of sportwhile developing character

for the game of life”

If you are interested in either of these uniqueemployment opportunities in Calgary,

please e-mail your resume to:[email protected]

on or before August 15, 2010.Please identify the position you are applying for in the

subject line.


UMPPbif JI h]d^ e ^Y\^[ YZ KLbg

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Tiff qfX|Yy Rtbc OgfX|YVoXZY^`Y[Xog]P[YZi_ovo^`NmOZiYmc NNNvoXZY^`Y[Xog]P[YZi_ovo^`

1135 Engagements1135


For: PHYSICK, STACYRep: MVilliersAd#: 1258750

1125 Births1125We joyfully announce thearrival of our precious son, TylerCharles Robert Kenyon born July7th, 2010 at 11:24pm, 7 pounds,12 ounces. Proud parents Jamesand Vanessa Kenyon and BigBrother Jayden Kenyon

1165 Memorial Gifts1165

Support your local cancer centre.

BC Cancer Foundation13750 – 96th AvenueSurrey, BC V3V 1Z2T: 604.930.4084

Please include the name of theperson you’re remembering andyour mailing address.

Remembera loved one.

1155 Funeral Services1155


The Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) came into effect onJuly 1st, increasing the cost of funerals by 7%. In manycases, this amounts to an increase of $500 or more.While we assisted hundreds of families with theirpre-arrangements prior to the July 1st deadline, manyothers were unable to complete their plans before theHST became effective.By planning ahead you will:• Relieve your family of the emotional and financial burden

an unplanned funeral can cause• Prevent emotional overspending• Lock in prices at today’s rates

We’re happy to announceWe’re happy to announcewe are extending thewe are extending thepre-HST savings –pre-HST savings –

but only for a limited time.but only for a limited time.



1010 Announcements1010

#1 IN PARDONS. Remove yourcriminal record. Express Pardonsoffers the FASTEST pardons,LOWEST prices, and it’s GUAR-ANTEED. BBB Accredited. FREEC o n s u l t a t i o n T o l l - f r e e1-866-416-6772,

ATTENTION RESIDENTIALSCHOOL SURVIVORS! If youreceived the CEP (Common Ex-perience Payment), you may beeligible for further cash compens-ation. To see if you qualify, phonetoll free 1-888-918-9336 now.Free service!

CHEAP TELEPHONE RECON-NECT! Paying too much? Switch,save money, and keep yournumber! First month only $24.95+ connection fee. Phone FactoryReconnect 1-877-336-2274 ;

CRIMINAL RECORD?Canadian pardon seals record.American waiver allows legal

entry.Why risk employment, business,

travel, licensing, deportation?All CANADIAN / AMERICAN

Work & Travel Visa’s.604-282-6668 or1-800-347-2540

1055 Found1055KING DOBERMAN PINCHERwas found near Surrey MemorialHospital on July 11. If not found in2 weeks we will put up foradoption. Please call to identify778-888-2704

1085 Lost1085BLUE BUDGIE Lost July 26 near49-50Ave & 200St. Family pet,missed! Plse call 604-534-6019

MISSING TABBY & White MALECAT from 65B Place in Langleysince July 8. Please check yourRV, garages & sheds. Call604-728-1847 or 604-719-4852

1105 PersonalMessages1105

DENIED CANADA PENSIONPLAN DISABILITY BENEFITS?The Disability Claims AdvocacyClinic can help. Call AllisonSchmidt at

FREE TO TRY. LOVE * MONEY* L I F E . # 1 P s y c h i c s !1-877-478-4410 $3.19 min. 18+1-900-783-3800

1122 BirthdayGreetings1122

Wishing you a VeryHappy 65th Birthday!!


on August 12th, 1945We couldn’t deprive,

The one who would strive,To be in the spotlight,

His eyes -they will shine bright!

Love your children andgrandchildren

1125 Births1125Mike and Gerrilynn would like toannounce the arrival of theirdaughter Grace Madily born July14th, 2010. They would also liketo welcome Chantelle and Tysonto their family.

Linda Jane Mitchell (Ansell), passed awayunexpectedly July 26, 2010 at the age of 61.

Linda was born on November 25th 1948in New Westminster. Daughter of Lawrieand Hazel Ansell. She is survived by hermother Hazel Ansell, two sons Chris and Mark Fedje, fourgrandchildren Brittany, Tyson, Nolan and Hannah, brotherWayneAnsell, sister Peggy Baird, auntMyrtle and numerouscousins, nieces and nephews.

She will be remembered for how she loved all animals. Shewas a passionate gardener and loved to go for long walkswith her dogs. She considered herself a farm girl.

Linda will be lovingly remembered by all those whose lifeshe touched. She was an amazing woman.

A service will be held on Thursday August 12th, 11 amat the Maple Ridge Funeral Chapel (Osborns) located at11969 – 216th Street, Maple Ridge, B.C. Condolences maybe sent to

LINDA JANEMITCHELL (ANSELL)November 25, 1948 – July 26, 2010

1170 Obituaries1170

Amanda Physick & Steve Strom

Are Engaged!Congratulations to

you both!

Love from all family



L A N G L E Y A D V A N C E | Tue sday, Augu s t 10 , 2010 | A21

Community Notices................1000



Education .......................................1400

Special Occasions .....................1600

Marketplace .................................2000

Children ...........................................3000

Pets & Livestock.........................3500


Travel & Recreation................4500

Business & Finance..................5000

Legals .................................................5500

Real Estate .....................................6000

Rentals ..............................................6500

Personals .........................................7000

Service Directory............... 8000

Transportation.................. 9000


Sales Centre Hours:Mon. - Fri.

8:00 a.m. - 5:00

[email protected]:


Photo byVirendra Bhalla

Submit your photos to:[email protected]


Place yourad online24/7



Changeyour lifetoday

Page 22: Langley Advance August 10 2010


The Langley Advance has an immediate opening for anexperienced Advertising Account Manager working five daysa week. Utilizing your strong outside sales experienceyou will be responsible for:

Advertising Account ManagerFull Time Position

If you are interested in this position,please e-mail your resume and coverletter to Shannon Balla, Sales Manager;[email protected] by Friday, July 30th [email protected] by Monday, August 16, 2010

FEATUREDEMPLOYMENTTo place your ad call


CALIBRE HEALTH SERVICES INC.A Challengingand RewardingCareer Opportunity

Mental Health ScreenerCalibre Health Services provides quality care for individualsin custody of BC Corrections. The Mental Health Programs atthe Surrey and Port Coquiltam centres use a multidisciplinaryapproach to identify and respond to the diverse mental healthneeds of individuals awaiting Court. Mental Health Screenersare an integral part of this team, conducting comprehensiveinterviews with inmates to identify mental health concerns,adjustment difficulties, and potential behaviour managementissues.Candidates must be reliable and have strong clinical interests.Thesuccessful candidate must also be able to work independently,but will be provided withconsultation and support.A Bachelor’s Degree in mental healthis required, with preference givenfor on-going post-graduateeducation and experience.There is flexibility inwork days andscheduling.

Please send yourvitae & contactinformation to:

[email protected] by fax to:


Sales & Client Services Representative

Are you an energetic, goal oriented team player looking for a full timeopportunity to utilize your sales and customer relationship skills?

The Real Estate Weekly is THE real estate resource in print for theLower Mainland! We produce 14 publications weekly and are currentlyseeking a self motivated, high energy, detailed sales and serviceprofessional to add to our team.

Responsibilities:• Inside and outside sales and support• Building and maintaining sales relationships with realtors,

realty offices and home services clients• Assist in developing client marketing plans• Maximizing sales volumes within a defined territory

Qualifications:• Sales experience required• Outstanding interpersonal and organizational skills• Detailed oriented• Confident, friendly people person who can establish and

maintain solid relationships• Ability to multitask in a deadline driven environment while

keeping a positive attitude• Quick solution driven thinker, fast learner and problem solver• Media experience and/or layout and design experience an asset

A car and valid driver’s license are required for this position.

If this opportunity describes you and what you are looking for, welook forward to meeting you!

Please submit your resume via email: [email protected] mail: Real Estate Weekly Sales Representative

3355 Grandview Hwy, Vancouver, BC V5M 1Z5

1213 Career Fairs1213

AEROTEK JOB FAIRAerotek is hosting a series of

job fairs in your neighborhood.

Join Us:

August 11, 2 PM - 5 PMSurrey Public Library

Guildford Branch

August 19, 3 PM - 6 PMLangley Events Center

August 24, 2 PM - 5 PMSurrey Public Library

Strawberry Hill Branch

September 1, 2PM - 5 PMLadner Pioneer Library

Positions are available forEngineers, Designer/Drafters,

General Laborers, SkilledTrades, and more!

For more informationplease contact Kacie [email protected]

1232 Drivers1232Five Ton Owner/Operators

with Sampers needed.Dynamex has immed. openingsfor 5 tons owner/operators with2005 or newer vehicles with ptg &helper. Contract work in theLower Mainland. Must have cleandriver’s abstract, lift up to 75lbs &bondable. We offer optionaldriver’s health benefit plan & theuse of fuel cards.

Please Call 604-419-5253Check us out on the web at:

1240 GeneralEmployment1240

Daytime Cleaning Person forLangley City area, Mon-Fri, 7 hrsdaily, $12/hr. 604-825-2282


LODGE SUPERVISOR (EXTERNAL)Stó:lô Nation, one of the leading employers in the Fraser Valley with offices locatedin Mission and Chilliwack, requires the services of a Full Scope Licensed PracticalNurse/Lodge Supervisor to fill a vacancy at the Stó:lô Elders Lodge .

This is a multi-tasking position with duties and responsibilities revolving around theprovision of Lodge Administration/Tenant Services and Licensed Practical Nursing.Keeping the Health Manager/Community Health Nurse (RN) informed of mattersrelated to providing personal care services to tenants. Note list a portion of the dutiesand responsibilities:

• Please visit website to see detailed job description at

This position reports to the Health Services Manager and/or Community Health Nurse(RN). The successful candidate will work at the Stó:lô Elders Lodge in the Central(Chilliwack) region.

QUALIFICATIONS/REQUIREMENTS:• Graduation from an approved Practical Nursing program that includes apharmacology module or has completed the upgrade pharmacology module;plus holds the Medication administration certificate

• Must hold a current license to practice from the College of Licensed PracticalNurse

• Must hold a Valid First Aid/CPR certificate and Safe Food Handling course• Minimum of 3-5 years experience in health care with a minimum of 2 years in asupervisor position

• Must be proficient in MS Office• Must be reliable, flexible and willing to do shift work plus weekends when needed• Proven leadership ability, particularly in a changing organization• Ability to train and develop rapport with others with exceptional interpersonalskills

• Excellent written and oral communication skills• Demonstrated ability to plan, implement and evaluate programs and activities• Physical abilities to carry out the job duties with minimum supervision• Foot Care course an asset• Successful candidates will be required to provide the following if screened infor an interview:• Proof of education documentation• References: Three names and phone numbers of recent supervisors• Must possess and maintain a valid Class 5 BC Drivers’ License• Must successfully pass the required pre-employment RCMP Criminal recordsCheck.

SALARY RANGE: Will be based on qualifications and experienceTYPE OF POSITION: Full-Time Annual Term position with benefits. The position issubject to 6-month probationary period and planned performance evaluations.


Candidates will be screened according to the qualifications/requirements. Interestedcandidates are required to submit a resume and covering letter. Please includeposition title on subject line. Submit required resume and covering letter to:

Stó:lô Nation Personnel DepartmentATTN: Crystal Schmitz, HR Officer

Bldg. #7, Floor #2 – 7201 Vedder Road, Chilliwack, B.C., V2R 4G5Email: [email protected] • Fax: (604) 824-5342

For more information about this and other employment opportunities visit: www.stolonation.bc.caWe regret that we will only respond to those applicants chosen for an interview.

Personal Trainer CertificationEarn up to $70/hr as a PersonalTrainer. Government FinancialAid may be avail. 604-930-8377

See our ad in todayspaper under Education.

POSITIONS AVAILABLE for ex-perienced Class 1 and 3 driverswith clean abstract, H2S, GODI,First Aid Tickets. Send resumesto joe—[email protected] fax 250-774-6248. No phonecalls.


ADVERTISINGPostmedia CommunityPublishing makes everyeffort to ensure you areresponding to a reputablea n d l e g i t i m a t e j o bopportunity. If you suspectthat an ad to which youh a v e r e s p o n d e d i smisleading, here are someh i n t s t o r e m e m b e r .Legitimate employers donot ask for money as part ofthe application process; donot send money; do not giveany credit card information;or call a 900 number inorder to respond to anemployment ad.

Job opportunity ads aresalary based and do notrequire an investment.

If you have responded to anad which you believe to bemisleading please call theBetter Business Bureau at604-682-2711, Monday toFriday, 9am - 3pm or [email protected] they will investigate.

1310 Trades/Technical1310


Certified Lumber GraderCustom cut sawmill has an imme-diate opening for an experiencedlumber grader. Candidate MUSTpossess a valid All Species Grad-ing Ticket. The mill operates 2shifts Mon-Fri.Please forward your resume to

[email protected] phone calls please.

1240 GeneralEmployment1240


LANE CLOSURE TECHS• Must have reliable vehicle• Must be certified & experienced• Union Wages & Benefits

Apply in person19689 Telegraph Trail, Langleyfax resume to 604-513-3661

or email:[email protected]


LODGE SUPERVISOR (EXTERNAL)Stó:lô Nation, one of the leading employers in the Fraser Valley with offices locatedin Mission and Chilliwack, requires the services of a Full Scope Licensed PracticalNurse/Lodge Supervisor to fill a vacancy at the Stó:lô Elders Lodge .

This is a multi-tasking position with duties and responsibilities revolving around theprovision of Lodge Administration/Tenant Services and Licensed Practical Nursing.Keeping the Health Manager/Community Health Nurse (RN) informed of mattersrelated to providing personal care services to tenants. Note list a portion of the dutiesand responsibilities:

• Please visit website to see detailed job description at

This position reports to the Health Services Manager and/or Community Health Nurse(RN). The successful candidate will work at the Stó:lô Elders Lodge in the Central(Chilliwack) region.

QUALIFICATIONS/REQUIREMENTS:• Graduation from an approved Practical Nursing program that includes apharmacology module or has completed the upgrade pharmacology module;plus holds the Medication administration certificate

• Must hold a current license to practice from the College of Licensed PracticalNurse

• Must hold a Valid First Aid/CPR certificate and Safe Food Handling course• Minimum of 3-5 years experience in health care with a minimum of 2 years in asupervisor position

• Must be proficient in MS Office• Must be reliable, flexible and willing to do shift work plus weekends when needed• Proven leadership ability, particularly in a changing organization• Ability to train and develop rapport with others with exceptional interpersonalskills

• Excellent written and oral communication skills• Demonstrated ability to plan, implement and evaluate programs and activities• Physical abilities to carry out the job duties with minimum supervision• Foot Care course an asset• Successful candidates will be required to provide the following if screened infor an interview:• Proof of education documentation• References: Three names and phone numbers of recent supervisors• Must possess and maintain a valid Class 5 BC Drivers’ License• Must successfully pass the required pre-employment RCMP Criminal recordsCheck.

SALARY RANGE: Will be based on qualifications and experienceTYPE OF POSITION: Full-Time Annual Term position with benefits. The position issubject to 6-month probationary period and planned performance evaluations.


Candidates will be screened according to the qualifications/requirements. Interestedcandidates are required to submit a resume and covering letter. Please includeposition title on subject line. Submit required resume and covering letter to:

Stó:lô Nation Personnel DepartmentATTN: Crystal Schmitz, HR Officer

Bldg. #7, Floor #2 – 7201 Vedder Road, Chilliwack, B.C., V2R 4G5Email: [email protected] • Fax: (604) 824-5342

For more information about this and other employment opportunities visit: www.stolonation.bc.caWe regret that we will only respond to those applicants chosen for an interview.

Take Your Pickfrom the


To place your ad on working.comcall our recruitment specialists at


Just like yourparents, we wantto see you workingthis summer.

Just like yourparents, we wantto see you working!

A22 | Tue sday, Augu s t 10 , 2010 | L A N G L E Y A D V A N C E

Page 23: Langley Advance August 10 2010

Personal TrainerPersonal TrainerCertificationCertification

Earn up to $70/hr asEarn up to $70/hr asa Personal Trainer.a Personal Trainer.

Government FinancialGovernment FinancialAid may be available.Aid may be available.

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Fun By The NumbersLike puzzles?

Then you'll love Sudoku.This mind-bending puzzlewill have you hookedfrom the moment yousquare off, so sharpenyour pencil and putyour Sudoku savvy

to the test!

Here's How It Works:Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken into nine 3x3boxes. To solve a Sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill eachrow, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row,column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numberswill appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes.The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!

1. Far East wet nurse2. Take a puff3. One who inherits4. Point one point N ofdue E5. Annoy constantly6. Opposite of NW7. Moby’s pursuer8. Point one point S of SE9. Foot (Latin)10. Brass instrument11. 1/100 Polish zloty12. Small sofa13. Hymns15. Barratry16. 11th month19. Seated22. Lack of care

23. Conscriptions24. Indicates position25. Vietnamese currencyunit28. Potato state29. Point midway betweenE and SE30. Contradicts31. Pulled hard34. South-Southeast(abbr.)35. Sun Times critic39. Jazz man Bobby ___40. S.American rodent41. StarWars characterSolo42. German racer Roland___

43. Zeus’ mother44. Between EST and MST45. Consumed46. Spoken in the Daliregion ofYunnan48. Specific gravity

1. Greek capital7. Pharaoh’s cobra10. One-celled aquaticprotazoa11. Clarified butter (India)12. Quenching13. Saudi natives14. Early inhalationanesthetic15. Arrogant people16. Last in an indefinitelylarge series

17. Belonging to a thing18. 51044 Iowa20. Megahertz21. Porch or balcony26. Writer Kenzaburo27. TV and movies, et.al32. 4th US state33. Odyssey hero35. Will Farrell movie36. Main omeletteingredient37. Wager

38. ___ of Innocence39. Glasses41. Twain _____, CA9538344. A navigation map45. Embarrassed andconfused47. A dissenting clique48. Postures49. Icahn’s airline50. Japanese femaleentertainer




Fun By The NumbersLike puzzles?

Then you'll love Sudoku.This mind-bending puzzlewill have you hookedfrom the moment yousquare off, so sharpenyour pencil and putyour Sudoku savvy

to the test!

Here's How It Works:Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken into nine 3x3boxes. To solve a Sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill eachrow, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row,column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numberswill appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes.The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!

1. Far East wet nurse2. Take a puff3. One who inherits4. Point one point N ofdue E5. Annoy constantly6. Opposite of NW7. Moby’s pursuer8. Point one point S of SE9. Foot (Latin)10. Brass instrument11. 1/100 Polish zloty12. Small sofa13. Hymns15. Barratry16. 11th month19. Seated22. Lack of care

23. Conscriptions24. Indicates position25. Vietnamese currencyunit28. Potato state29. Point midway betweenE and SE30. Contradicts31. Pulled hard34. South-Southeast(abbr.)35. Sun Times critic39. Jazz man Bobby ___40. S.American rodent41. StarWars characterSolo42. German racer Roland___

43. Zeus’ mother44. Between EST and MST45. Consumed46. Spoken in the Daliregion ofYunnan48. Specific gravity

1. Greek capital7. Pharaoh’s cobra10. One-celled aquaticprotazoa11. Clarified butter (India)12. Quenching13. Saudi natives14. Early inhalationanesthetic15. Arrogant people16. Last in an indefinitelylarge series

17. Belonging to a thing18. 51044 Iowa20. Megahertz21. Porch or balcony26. Writer Kenzaburo27. TV and movies, et.al32. 4th US state33. Odyssey hero35. Will Farrell movie36. Main omeletteingredient37. Wager

38. ___ of Innocence39. Glasses41. Twain _____, CA9538344. A navigation map45. Embarrassed andconfused47. A dissenting clique48. Postures49. Icahn’s airline50. Japanese femaleentertainer


With more than 15,000jobs on working.comis a great place to findyour next job.

Catch agreat job.

L A N G L E Y A D V A N C E | Tue sday, Augu s t 10 , 2010 | A23

Page 24: Langley Advance August 10 2010

HORSE SELF BOARDINGin Hazelmere South Surrey area.$100/mo. Call ★ 778-986-7798

3050 Preschools/Kindergarten3050

3015 ChildcareAvailable3015

* * BOOK NOW!! * *An overseas live-in Nanny for

2010 placement. 604-682-4688


2010 Appliances2010

LIKE NEW!Fridge $200 • Stove $150Washer $175 • Dryer $150604-306-5134Warranty & DeliveryRemoval Available

2055 Food Products2055


FarmTop quality, fresh pickedblueberries available daily.

Four different varieties availablethroughout the season.Recipes also available.

5331 Riverside St., Abbotsford(by Wong’s Farm Market)604-557-0762

*Discounts are given for bringing your own containers**Will negotiate for larger orders

Hours of Operation:Daily: 8:00am - 6:00pmSunday: 11am - 5pm

Top quality, fresh pickedblueberries available daily.Blue Crop Avalable Now.Recipes also available.

2060 For Sale -Miscellaneous2060

A FREE TELEPHONE SERVICE- Get Your First Month Free. BadCredit, Don’t Sweat It. No Depos-its. No Credit Checks. Call Free-dom Phone Lines Today Toll-Free 1-866-884-7464.

CAN’T GET UP YOUR Stairs?Acorn Stairlifts can help. CallAcorn Stairlifts now! Mention thisad and get 10% off your newStairlift. Call 1-866-981-6591.

FREEZER $150; electric smoker$60; antique pump organ $100;ladies dayton steel toed boots sz8.5 $50. Gd cond. 604-626-4598

2060 For Sale -Miscellaneous2060

**HOME PHONE RECON-NECT** Call 1-866-287-1348.Prepaid Long Distance Specials!Feature Package Specials! Re-ferral Program! Don’t be without ahome phone! Call to Connect!1-866-287-1348.

PALLET JACK $100; Cattle headgates 12 ft sections $50/ea; smallirrigation reel, 2 ft drum, 1' line$550. Call 604-614-2939

2075 Furniture2075COUCH POTATOE Sofa, 71 inchabstract pattern, like new, Cost$1350 ask $200. 604-514-5015

KING BED FRAME (sleep coun-try). Original receipt incls. Used 3months. $80. 604-309-2889

2095 Lumber/BuildingSupplies2095

MUST SELL! STEEL BARNSAND GARAGES! Save 45% onbuilding kit and shipping. Askabout a FREE Steel Door too!FUTURE STEEL 1-800-668-5111EXT. 11.

NEW NORWOOD SAWMILLS -LumberMate-Pro handles logs34” diameter, mills boards 28”wide. Automated quick-cycle-sawing increases efficiency up to40%. - FREE Informa-tion: 1-800-566-6899 Ext:400OT.

STEEL BUILDING SALE....Going on NOW! Great pricing on

ABSOLUTELY every model,width and length. SPECIALS from

$4 to $11/sq.ft. Pioneer SteelManufacturers Direct


STEEL BUILDING SALE... SPE-CIALS from $4 to $11/sq.ft. Greatpricing on ABSOLUTELY everymodel, width and length. Ex-a m p l e : 3 0 x 4 0 x 1 4 N O W$8995.00. Pioneer Steel Manu-facturers 1-800-668-5422.

3507 Cats35074 YR male choc pt SIAMESEneeds home no other cats, in-door, dogs ok. Neg 604-644-7598

BEAUTIFUL KITTENS $40 emailfor pics at [email protected] or 604-392-6898

SAVE OUR cats - transferred - 11yr m/f tabbies, shots, neut/sp-affectionate 778-773-6029

3507 Cats3507




3508 Dogs3508

Foster homes urgently req’d forrescued, abandoned & neglecteddogs. Many breeds. www.


3508 Dogs3508

ALL SMALL breed pups local &non shedding $400+ 604

Look into the Classifieds tofind dogs, cats and plentyof other pets looking for ahome like yours!

To place an ad, please call 604-444-3000.

Place Your Ad for3 Lines – 3 Times

$5712 Papers!


778-552-5366 or 778-298-5758Mon-Sat 11-7/Sun 12-6

(%+ )%-+#$#%' * (,))#/,+%' * '%&.-!%'BREED M F

LHASALIER $695MORKIE $795 $895HAVANESE/PUG $695 $795GOLDEN RETRIEVERS $695(,") Registered, 1 left!)HAVENESE Registered $795 $895PEKAPOM $695 $795MIN PIN $595 -MINI PUGGLE $595 $695SHIHTZU/PUGS $695 $795PAPILLON Registered $695PEKEPOO $695 -WESTIE $795 $895SHELTIE Registered $795 $895BICHAPOO $695 -YORKIE Registered $795 $895COCKALIER $695 $795POM (8WEEKS,REG) $795 $895ENG TOY/BICHON $695 $795BEAGLE $795 $895

*** SPECIALS ***Shihtzu-Poodle X $275Maltese-Pekingese X $275Pomeranian Registered, M/F $395Yorkie-Poo $395


9613 192ND Street

APSO/ POODLE X, 6 mo F,Chihuahua/Yorkie X, 1 yr M, needgood homes $350 604-847-3042

FILA/MASTIFF GUARD DOGSowners best friend. Intruders

worst nightmare. all shots, $2000each. ready now! 604-817-5957

GOLDEN DOODLES, Avail Sep10, $1250. 778-737-0146.

KUVASZ - Livestock Guardianpups for farm/acrage. Bear testedfamily pets $500. 250 355 2455

3508 Dogs3508

LAB PUPPIES 5 tan, 2 black,shots, dew claws, paper trained,family raised. $600, Ready Aug12. 604-807-1765

MASTIFF - Father p/b EnglishMastiff, 230 lbs, fawn w/blackmask, Mom is Neapolitan Mastiff/American Bulldog 130lbs, beigebrindle, 6 males, 5 females, 4looks like dad, other 6 are blackbrindle, ultimate family dog &good guard dogs, $1000, Chwk,1-604-794-5579 or 701-2504

MINI GOLDEN Doodle Puppies,Family raised, ready to go earlySept, dew claws, first shots anddeworming done $1,000.00

Phone: 604- 533-2139

PITBULL PUPS, Males &females. Black, black & white,brindle. $550. 604-819-6006 info

YORKIE PUPSVaccinated, $875. 778-237-2161

YORKIE-CHIHUAHUA, 3 mths,males, 2nd shots, up to 8-10lbs.$675. Sry. 604-582-8396

3522 Horse Boarding3522

PETS&LIVESTOCK4060 Metaphysical4060

LOVE! MONEY! LIFE!#1 Psychics!


$3.19/min 18+1-900-783-3800

5015 BusinessOpportunity5015

#1 JANITORIAL FRANCHISECustomers, (Office Cleaning),Training and support. Financing.

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BE YOUR OWN BOSS withGreat Canadian Dollar Store.New franchise opportunities inyour area. Call 1-877-388-0123ext. 229 or visit our today.

COMMISSION TRAVELONLYhas 500 agents across Canada.Business opportunities with lowinvestment, unlimited income po-tential, generous tax/travel bene-fits. Run your travel company, full-time, part-time from home. Re-gister for FREE seminar,w w w . t r a v e l o n l y . c a ,1-800-608-1117, Ext. 2020.

JEWELLERY SALES OPPOR-TUNITY! NEW line to Canada,trendy, affordable! Work fromhome, pick your hours, earnGREAT money & vacations. Con-tact Christina for catalogue andbusiness information. [email protected], 403.889.4521.

PARTNER SOUGHT for new 40’cruising catamaran arriving Fall2010. Professional maintenance.Optional revenue from charter.604-669-2248 ext 2.

5017 BusinessServices5017

GET YOUR NEWS OUT! to postyour newspaper classifieds onlinein a few easy clicks. Choose yourpreferred province or advertiseacross Canada. Best value be-cause you pay a fraction of thecost you would pay to place adsindividually within each province.Visit today.

5020 Computer/Internet5020

COMPUTER REPAIRS:• Mobile Service • 7 days/wk• Virus removal & data backup• Website Design / Networking• Router wireless security

www.updatedIT.comCall 604-617-4371

5035 FinancialServices5035

$0 DOWN & we make your 1stpayment at auto credit fast. Needa vehicle? Good or Bad credit callStephanie DLN30309.

$500$ LOAN SERVICE, byphone, no credit refused, quickand easy, payable over 6 or 12i n s t a l l m e n t s . T o l l F r e e :1-877-776-1660

W A N T A V E H I C L E B U TSTRESSED ABOUT YOURCREDIT? Last week 8 out of 10applications approved! We fundyour future not your past. AnyCredit. Want a VISA? www.coast-l i n e a u t o c r e d i t . c o m o r1-888-208-3205.

Cut Your Debt by up to 70%DEBT Forgiveness Program

Avoid Bankruptcy, StopsCreditor Calls. Much lowerPayments at 0% Interest.

We work for You,not Your Creditors.


5505 Legal/PublicNotices5505



also known asKeith D. Thrower

DeceasedLate of Fort Langley, B.C.

who died September 16, 2009.TAKE NOTICE that all personshaving claims upon the estateof the above named must filew i t h t h e u n d e r s i g n e dAdministrator by the 3rd day ofSeptember 2010 a fu l lstatement of claims andsecurities held by them.

J.A. BellAdministrator

14769 - 110 Ave,Surrey, B.C.V3R 2A9


Re: The estate ofJames Matthew Gray

also known asJim or Jimmy Gray,

deceased,formally of 20104- 8th Ave,

Langley, BC.Creditors and others havingclaims against the estate ofJames Matthew Gray arehereby notified under section38 of the Trustee Act thatparticulars of their claimsshould be sent to theexecutor, Lynda Gray at20104- 8th Ave Langley BC,V2Z 1V6 on or beforeAugust 31, 2010, after whichdate the executor wi l ldistribute the estate amongthe parties entitled to it, havingregard to the claims of whichthe executor then has notice.

5035 FinancialServices5035

IF YOU own a home or realestate, ALPINE CREDITS willlend you money: It’s That Simple.Your Credit / Age / Income is NOTan issue. 1.800.587.2161.

5060 Legal Services5060#1 IN PARDONS

Remove your criminal record.Express Pardons offers the

FASTEST pardons, LOWESTprices, and it’s GUARANTEED.

BBB Accredited. FREEConsultation Toll-free:

A Property Worth Seeing!Call Leigh Turnbull 604-530-4111

Family Living at It’s Best!$677,900

27021-24th Avenue, Aldergrove!Get more for everyday family living space in this custom built home. Features large open floor plan,fresh designer colours, expansive kitchen island, media room, extra large master bedroom withlarge soaker tub, dual shower and walk in closet. Includes unauthorized rental suite, central air

throughout, full security system, wired for sound, hardwood floors plus many other extras.Quiet undeveloped acreage across the street.

6020-14 Langley/Aldergrove6020-14


1st and 2nd Mortgages,Self Employed, Refinancing,

Forclosures, Low Rates.604-629-8628

6005 Real EstateServices6005

★ RENT TO OWN! ★If you have a small downpayment, I have a nice home foryou! Less then perfect credit OK.

Call Kim 604-628-6598

6008 Condos/Townhouses6008

6008-04 Burnaby6008-04

SAT Aug 14, 2-4, Quick Sale!Reno’d 1 BR with view, rentals ok,wlk to L’heed Skytrn, $229K,Mala, Sutton, 604-710-9030

6020 Houses - Sale6020

6020-01 Real Estate6020-01$99 can sell your home 574-5243

Abbotsford Reduced 1800sf 4br 2ba w/suite,quiet cul-de-sac $339K 859-4048 id5174Coquitlam 10,000sf lot w/1000sf 3br 2bahome, outbuilding $440K 778-859-0717 id4272Delta Sunshine Hills immaculate 2414sf 5brhome, suite, pool, $549K 502-7541 id5201Maple Falls Wa rec ppty 40’ 5th wheel 2br1.5ba 3200sf lot $45,900 604-534-9307 id5190Maple Ridge drastically reduced 4.9ac ser-viced vu acreage $440Kobo 722-3996 id4694Mission, Owner Retiring, profitable framingstore & gallery $47,000 826-7993 id5176Mission, Hatzic Lake gated waterfront lot w/27’5th wheel $144,900 820-4457 id5195Sry Open House Sat 12-4, #104 6363-121stBoundary Park updated 1064sf 2br 2ba condo,hot tub $277,900 597-8724 id5191Sry E Newton 1 acre lot with 2600sf 6br 2.5babungalow $499,900 778-549-2056 id5198Vanc S. Granville 590sf 1br condo, top fl,insuite laundry, view $335K 946-2689 id5199

6020 Houses - Sale6020

6020-01 Real Estate6020-01● DIFFICULTY SELLING? ●

Pymts Too High, Penalty, No Equity?We Will Take Over Your PaymentUntil The Property Is Sold. No / (604) 812-3718

I BUY HOUSES FASTAny location.Any condition.

Call Raynah, 778-960-0265

Real EstateContinues on next page


in the Now ClassifiedsCALL 604-444-3000

It’s timefor bargainhunting!

Browse our GarageSale section to finddeals near you.

A24 | Tue sday, Augu s t 10 , 2010 | L A N G L E Y A D V A N C E

Page 25: Langley Advance August 10 2010

FACTORY DIRECTNew 14 ft wide $56,500 F.O.B.SRI; New 1152 sq ft dbl wide$77,900 F.O.B. 604-830-1960

8180 Home Services8180

8030 Carpentry8030ANTARES ENTERPRISES• Finishing Carpentry• Door Installation• Crown Moldings • Baseboard• Interior Trim Work• 20+ Years Of Experience• Free EstimatesCall John, 604-671-4963

8035 Carpet Cleaning8035CHOICE CARPET CLEANINGFree Est.! Guaranteed Work!604-897-6025, 778-688-0117

8055 Cleaning8055

White GloveWhite Glove


Residential CleaningService

See our ad online at

8060 Concrete8060Need CONCRETE Done?❏ Driveway, Sidewalk, Patios❏ Site Prep to Finishing❏ Resurfacing & Raising Old

Concrete & more...From start to finish! Great rates!

No Limit ConcretePaul • 604-897-2453

8075 Drywall8075K. C. DRYWALL

Complete Drywall Services.Call 604-533-2139

8080 Electrical8080

IMPACTELECTRIC LTD.Electrical Contractor

20 yrs exp.Residential/Com Specialist.

Bonded & Lic # 101783No Job to small !


IMPACTELECTRIC LTD.Electrical Contractor

20 yrs exp.Residential/Com Specialist.

Bonded & Lic # 101783No Job to small !


#1167 LIC Bonded. BBB, lrg & smjobs, expert trouble shooter,WCB, low rates, 24/7. 617-1774.

YOUR ELECTRICIAN $29 servicecall. Insured. Lic # 89402. Fastsame day service guaranteed. Welove small jobs! 604-568-1899

8130 Handyperson8130Dependable Home & Yard Repair& Maintenance. No job too smallFree estimates. ★ 604-533-5256


7010 Personals7010DATING SERVICE. Long-Term/Short-Term Relationships, FREECALLS. 1-877-297-9883. Ex-change voice messages, voicemailboxes. 1-888-534-6984. Liveadult casual conversations-1on1,1-866-311-9640, Meet on chat-lines. Local Single Ladies.1-877-804-5381. (18+).

7005 Body Work7005Stress Relief Massage $80+

1980 Emerson, Abbots.Shannon. (604) 854-0599

SUTTON PLACE(13814 - 102 Ave, Surrey)

2 BR & 3 BR Townhouses,$825 - $900 + utils. Commonlaundry room. By skytrain,bus, schools and shops.Family oriented housing.

CALL 604 451-6676

6605 Townhouses -Rent6605

2 BDRM, 1 bath. townhouse ingreenside estates. large privateyard. close to schools and shop-ping. $1350/mnth. 778-773-4933

LANG, Willowbrook Mall. Spac 3BR, 3 bath, cln, 5 appls, garage.$1600/mo. Sept 1. 778-995-9499

LANGLEY: 5255-208 St. 4 BRupdated townhouse, 1.5 baths,w/d, d/w, f/p, covered patio. Smallfamily complex. By shops &schools. $1450/mo. Avail Sept 1604-939-2729 or 778-285-0096

KINGSTON GARDENS(15385 99th Ave Surrey)

2 BR Townhouses, $820.Washer & dryer hook up.Close to transit, schools,shopp ing and parks .Family oriented housing.

CALL 604 451-6676

6620 Warehouse/Commercial6620

LANGLEY small whse, $895/mo.Willowbrook hobby/storageshop $595/mo. 604-834-3289

WAREHOUSE & office space forlease, up to 12,000sf of Ware-house and 3,200sf of executiveoffices. Available Aug 15, 2010Chillwack. Call 604-991-7200


RENTALSREAL ESTATE6020 Houses - Sale6020

6020-01 Real Estate6020-01* RENT TO OWN *

* No Bank Qualifying *Less than perfect credit OK.

We have a home for you.Call (604)857-3597

❏ WE BUY HOMES ❏Any Price, Any Condition

Any Location. No Fees! No Risk !(604) 435-5555 OR (604)

★ WE BUY HOUSES ★Older home? Damaged home?

Needs repairs? Quick Cash!Call us First! 604-657-9422

* WE BUY HOUSES *Older House! Damaged House!Pretty House! Divorcing! Moving!

Mortgage too high! Too much debt!Quick Cash! Convenient! Private!

( 604 )

6020-06 Chilliwack6020-06

CHWK FAMILY home, multi zonelot can be divided into 2, 2 levels,updated, 2 br up, w/3br bsmt suitedown $360,000. 1-604-929-3868

6020-08 Coquitlam6020-08


Close to Como Lake2500 SF, 63’ x 125’ Flat LotCall Chris ★ 604-307-0123

6020-26 NorthVancouver6020-26

3 BR +1 br ste, priv patio, 1959Deep Cove Rd. Gar., Nr beach,20 min to VCR. $960k. OPENHOUSE Sun 2pm. Jerry Raczowski604-602-1111 Remax Cr.V829313

6020 Houses - Sale6020

6020-34 Surrey6020-34

SURREY, WHALLEY. 3 bedroomrancher, 850 sf. 1.5 baths, 4 appl.,garage, fully fenced. 50 x 120 sflot. $215,000. Call 604-580-3127

6020-38 VancouverEast Side6020-38

SUN, Aug 8, 2-4, Quick Sale,motivated, 5 BR w/morgt helper,reno’s, nr skytn/schls, $640K,Mala @ Sutton, 604-710-9030

6020-52 Other AreasBC6020-52

NORTH NANAIMO 12 yr old, 2 Brrancher, 1760 sf, bonus rm,gazebo view, bi vac, landscaped,i r r igat ion, quiet cu ldesac$390,000 appt. 1-250-758-1584

6030 Lots & Acreage6030

N. WEST. All services paid, incldsu/grd electrical, DCC’s, survey &eng’ng report. 33’ x 130’ lot. NoHST. $325,888. ● ID # 4711

6035 Mobile Homes6035

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LANGLEY 2 BR, flr to ceiling f/p,add on lndry rm, oversize land-scape lot, 55+ quiet park,$59,900. 604-533-3149

NEW DELUXE Modular home inWhite rock, $169,900. 2 BD, 2bath, covered deck. Pad $765/moor option to purchase home andpad for $369,900. 604-830-1960

NEW SRI, 16 x 58, Langley AdultPark. $115,900. Pets OK. Pad$430/mo. Chuck 604-830-1960

TO BE MOVED 1982 14x70 3 BR2 bth $24,900. 1976 12x68 2 BR+ bth $12,900. 12x60 2 BR$9,900. 12x60 $3,000. 196812x68 FREE. 604-830-1960

6508 Apt/Condos65081 BR+DEN ground floor apart-ment/central Langley. Avail Sept1. $950. 604-857-5699.

ALDERGROVE LRG updated 2BR apt, w/d, secured entry, AvailNow. $700. 604-302-9514

ARBOUR GREENE552 Dansey Ave, Coq

Extra Large 2 Bedrooms.Close to Lougheed Mall &S.F.U.

office: 604 939-4903cell: 778-229-1358

AMBER (W)401 Westview St, Coq

Large Units.Near Lougheed Mall.

Transportation & S.F.U.

office: 604 939-2136cell: 604 805-9490

AMBER ROCHESTOR545 Rochester Ave, Coq

Close to Lougheed Mall,S.F.U. & Transportation.

office:604 936-3907

Langley 202/53A Ave, 2 BR inclsht/hw, quiet family complex. n/p$905/mo, 604-539-0217

MURRAYVILLE 1 br 5 appls, u/gpkg, storage locker, no elevator.Av now. No pets, near amens.$875 + utils. Jim @ 604-836-3879

6508 Apt/Condos6508OAKDALE APTS

5530 - 208 St., LangleyQuiet clean spac 2 BR, incls 4appls, hot water, parking. Nopets. Resident Manager.

$860 per month. Avail Sept 1.Please call from 9am to 8pm:

(604) 534-1114

SRY, CENTRAL. 1 BR on 24th flr,5 appl, u/grd prkg, gym. $900/mo.Near Skytrain. Immed. N/s, n/p.604-315-0587 or 604-377-8812

CALYPSO COURT1030 - 5th Ave, New West

Near Transportation &Douglas College.

Well Managed Building.

office: 604 524-8174cell: 604 813-8789


Clean 1 BR’s & 2 BR’s Apts.Mature oriented building nearGuilford Mall. Rent incls cable,heat, hot water, prkg available.N/P. Resident Managers.604 584-5233 or 604 588-8850

COTTONWOOD PLAZA555 Cottonwood Ave, Coq

Large units some with2nd bathroom or den.

On bus routes, close toS.F.U. & Lougheed Mall.

office: 604 936-1225

6508 Apt/Condos6508

SRY, NORTH. Quattro bldg.Newer studio suite + den, topfloor. Full bath, in-suite laundry,new SS appl, u/g prkg, gym.$725/mo. Immed. 604-507-2507.

JUNIPER COURT415 Westview St, Coq

Close to Lougheed Mall, allTransportation Connections,

Schools & S.F.U.

office: 604 939-8905cell: 604 916-0261

KING ALBERT COURT1300 King Albert, Coq

Close to Transportation,Schools & S.F.U.

office: 604 937-7343cell: 778 848-5993


Spacious − Clean − LargeBach, 1 BR, 2 BR & 3 BR Apts.Rent incls heat & hot water.Kids Welcome! Resident Mgr.See website for bonus special.

Call 604

LIMERICK MANORNear Langley City Hall

1 Bedroom Apartments$705 & $734 per month

Incl. heat, storage & parkingAdult oriented • No petsBy appointment, call:


SUSSEX PLACE APTS5400 206th St, Langley

Clean & Affordable Apts.Bach, 1 BR & 2 BR. Closeseniors center & all amens.Rents incls heat, hot water &cable. 1/2 month FREE Rent!

Call 604

6522 FurnishedAccommodation6522

FT LANGLEY, NEW 1 BR, cls totrans, prkg, cbl, net, $1000. refs,N/s, N/p, Sept. 1. 604-882-1081

6540 Houses - Rent65402 BR house in Walnut Grove,country setting, newly reno’d, 4appls, No inside pets, refs,$795/mo, Aug 15. 778-878-2553

4 BR house on 1.3 acres, 2 bath,room for 4 horses, 3 car garage,$2500. Avail now 604-617-4222

4 BR Langely, 1 bath, 1/4 acreolder home, Sep 1, $1450, petsok, Joe Borlinha 604-377-1068

AVAIL NOW S. Langley Cottage,cozy, clean, quite, 1 BR ste onacreage, 800 sf, 4 appls, securegate, perfect for single, prof orshift worker. refs req’d, $925/moincls util, N/s, N/p. 604-530-1951

CLOVERDALE 17405 - 62A Ave,4 BR hse plus 2 BR in-law-ste, lrgpriv fen/yard. Near school/amens.Sep 1. $2100. N/S. 778-808-3773

SRY, FLEETWOOD. 4 BR, 2upper floors. 3.5 baths, 2 gas f/p,l/rm, fam/rm, d/rm, fenced b/yard,shared w/d, double garage. N/s,n/p. $1,850/mo incl hydro/cable.Avail Sept 1st. 604-596-9014

STOP RENTING-RENT TO OWNNo Qualification - Low Down

CHILLIWACK – 9557 Williams St,3 bdrm, 1 bath, cozy HOUSE on49x171’ lot, excellent investmentproperty in heart of town, close toshops & schools............... $888/MSOUTH SURREY/WHITE ROCK –15532 Madrona Dr., 3 bdrm,HOUSE, on Cul-de-Sac in quietneighborhood, huge yard.. $1,688/MCall Kristen 604 435-5555 or 786-4663

6595 SharedAccommodation6595

6595-30 Langley/Aldergrove6595-30

LANGLEY 80/200TH St. Share4 BR house, $450/mo + shareutils. Avail Immed. 604-842-5088

6602 Suites/PartialHouses6602

3 BR upper Cloverdale priv. cov’ddeck, double garage, ns np Sep 1,$1500+60% utils, 604-946-3038

AUG 1, 1 BR grnd flr, by Park,Cloverdale/Clayton, N/p, shrdlndry, $785/mo. 604-576-0257

BASEMENT SUITE, 1 bedrmCloverdale, 5649-192nd, 1 bedrmbasement suite, avail now, closeto bus stop, includes utilities$600. call 604-614-1216

CLOVERDALE. 1 BR, full bath,priv w/d, d/w. $800/mo incl hydro.Sep 1st. N/s. 604-575-0969

CLOVERDALE 189A/54, 2 BR,d/w. $900 incls utls, cbl & net. NS/NP. Sep 1. Refs. 604-910-6463

CLOVERDALE 3 bdrm,1200 sfgrnd flr, sh’d ldry, NS/NP $1100incl utils. Sep 1. 604-574-2007

CLOVERDALE 62/175A ST,Cleaner, newer 1 BR ste, inclsutils, cbl, nr shops & transit, n/p,n/s, $625, Immed. 778-574-8177

Fully Furnished 2 BR bsmt ste,WILLOUGHBY HGHTS

Quiet neighborhood. Queenbeds, includes linens, cutlery,appliances, cable, high speednet, all utls. Priv entry & laundry.

Minutes TWU & shopping.NS/NP.

Call 604-510-1982Cell 604-785-6863

LANGLEY, 49 Ave/200 St. 3 BR,top floor. Priv laundry, d/w, deck.$1,350/mo incl hydro. By schools+ bus. Ns/np. Now. 604-339-7508

LANGLEY, BROOKSWOOD. 1BR, g/lvl. F/bath, gas f/p, new, privw/d, patio, prkg. 1 block to bus. 3blocks to shops. Suits matureperson. N/s. $800/mo incl hydro.Avail Aug 15. Refs. 604-530-8480

MAPLE RIDGE, Central, 3 BRupper flr, 2 baths, vaulted ceil-ings, 1500 sf, carport, d/w, sh’dW/D, nr bus, shops, ns np. $1350incl utils, immed. 604-460-8024

MURRAYVILLE, 1 BR gr lev ste,suits 1 person. $700 incls util, sh’dW/D. NS/NP. 604-539-2566

SRY, CLOVERDALE. 1 BR bsmt,sep entry, quiet location. Ns/np.$650/mo incl hydro/cable. Refs.S e p t 1 s t . 6 0 4 - 5 7 4 - 3 0 9 9

WILLOUGHBY HTS 2 BR bsmt,full kitchen, w/d, $1000 incls utils,n/p, n/s, Immed. 778-298-3102

6508 Apt/Condos6508

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L A N G L E Y A D V A N C E | Tue sday, Augu s t 10 , 2010 | A25

Page 26: Langley Advance August 10 2010

1991 PROWLER 5th whl 25.5 goodcond. All appl work & gd cond. MustSell $5000 obo 604-795-6302



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A26 | Tue sday, Augu s t 10 , 2010 | L A N G L E Y A D V A N C E

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Page 27: Langley Advance August 10 2010

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L A N G L E Y A D V A N C E | Tue sday, Augu s t 10 , 2010 | A27

Page 28: Langley Advance August 10 2010

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A28 | Tue sday , Augu s t 10 , 2010

Page 29: Langley Advance August 10 2010

L A N G L E Y A D V A N C E | Tue sday, Augu s t 10 , 2010 | WG1

W a l n u t G r o v e • W i l l o u g h b y • F o r t L a n g l e y

New Patients Welcome





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12t h A n n u a l2009

Walter Used To Eat FrozenDinners Alone

Now he enjoys a varied menu and great company

Mealtime was mostlya chore for Walter.

Living alone, he would simplychoose what was easiest toprepare and eat it in frontof the TV. Nutrition wasrarely a consideration.

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have to offer!For appointments,

call 604-881-8101.

8888 – 202 StreetLangley, BC

Hello, helloResidents in Walnut Grove and FortLangley would have seen some vintagevisitors this weekend. The All TruimphDrive In took place in Langley this year.The car show devoted to the Truimphbrand vehicles that were made inGreat Britain takes place annually ineither Washington State, Oregon, orthe Lower Mainland. This was the firsttime Langley played host. The weekendopened with social activities in WalnutGrove before Saturday’s daytime carshow and evening banquet at the FortLangley National Historic Site, andSunday’s wrap-up. The event, despitethe typically British weather, brought out102 vehicle entries from around B.C.,Alberta, the U.S. Pacific Northwest andas far as southern California. TriumphMotor Co., currently owned by BMW,started making cars in 1921 and manyof the vehicles on display were fromdecades past.

Heather Colpitts/Langley Advance

Page 30: Langley Advance August 10 2010





1 1 Y E A R S I N A R OW !

12t h A n n u a l2009

Maui Chicken Breasts$$4.4.9898

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Pork & Apple Sausage$$3.3.9999

lb.Fresh cut. Made in storewith premium Fraser Valley pork.

Prime Rib Steaks or RoastsSteaks or Roasts$7.99

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Gourmet Baked Potatoes$$1.1.8989

ea.A crispy potato shell overflowing with whipped potato,real bacon bits, chives, pepper & garlic.

Tasty Chicken Breast Strips$$1.1.1919

/100 g.All whitebreast meat.

WG2 | Tue sday, Augu s t 10 , 2010 | L A N G L E Y A D V A N C E

Page 31: Langley Advance August 10 2010

L A N G L E Y A D V A N C E | Tue sday, Augu s t 10 , 2010 | WG3









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Please present this coupon at time of service. Expires August 31, 2010.

Page 32: Langley Advance August 10 2010

WG4 | Tue sday, Augu s t 10 , 2010 | L A N G L E Y A D V A N C E

Come See Us For All Of YourCome See Us For All Of YourFamilies’ Automotive Needs!Families’ Automotive Needs!• full automotive service • all makes & models • gas or diesel • free estimates• OIL CHANGES • TIRES • BRAKES • EXHAUST • TUNE-UPS • PURCHASE INSPECTIONS • TIMING BELTS • TURBOCHARGERS• OIL CHANGES • TIRES • BRAKES • EXHAUST • TUNE-UPS • PURCHASE INSPECTIONS • TIMING BELTS • TURBOCHARGERS

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