Download pdf - LANG_1001_infoskills.pdf

  • 8/14/2019 LANG_1001_infoskills.pdf


    Eunice WongReference Librarian

    [email protected]

    Library Workshop for LANG1001 English Language II

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    Class ObjectivesThrough discussion and hands-on searching, you will

    learn how to: Distinguish the types and purpose of different

    information sources

    Analyze your research topic (information needs)

    Choose appropriate search tools and how best tosearch them


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    Information Sources


    What are some of the information sources you often

    use and for what purpose (course work, leisure,making purchase decision)?

    Examples, what sources will you look up to find out:

    1. Which elective courses to pick?

    2. What part-time jobs are available?

    3. Definition of narcissistic?

    4. History of Nobel Prize?

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    Journal vs Magazine


    Form groups of 3 or 4

    Each group will have a journal and a magazine issue Compare the journal and magazine issues using

    criteria listed on the worksheet

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    What are Periodicals


    Journals, magazines and newspapers are periodicals

    Characteristics of periodical: Published at regular time periods: daily, weekly,

    monthly, bimonthly, quarterly

    Timely information

    Each issue publishes a collection of articles

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    Project Requirements


    Paraphrase and cite information from two magazines

    and two newspapers to support your conclusions. Periodical articles as your information sources

    How do you refer to a periodical article

    Post a letter: address room number, flat number, nameof the estate/street/suburb

    Article: article name, source (name of thejournal/magazine/newspaper), date, vol. & issue & pageno.

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    How to find articles Search databases to find articles published in journals,

    magazines or newspapers Which database to use?

    Library guide for LANG 1001:

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    How to search databases generation y vs "generation y"

    What other terms are used to refer to "generation y"people?

    "generation y" or "gen y" or "internet generation" or "netgen" or "post 80s" or millennial

    What aspect of generation y people you want to focus on ("generation y" or "gen y" or "internet generation" or "net

    gen" or "post 80s" or millennial) and (money or financ* orinvest* or saving or expenditure or spending)

    * to find various endings of the same root: invest, investing,investment, etc.

    Don't try to search for all aspects (money, relationship,politics, etc) together, tackle one aspect at a time instead


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    Economists - ProQuest generation y 980 results, generation separate from y

    "generation y" only 15 results "generation y" or "gen y" or "net generation" or "net

    gen" or millennial

    look at results

    sort by relevance or by date

    ideas for more keywords

    ideas for what aspect to focus on

    ("generation y" or "gen y" or "net gen" or millennial) and(money or financ* or saving or invest* or spending orexpenditure or budget)


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    The Guardian - LexisNexis ("generation y" or "gen y" or "net gen" or millennial)

    and (money or financ! or invest!) ! to find various endings in LexisNexis


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    The Standard - WiseNews "generation y" or "gen y" or "net gen" or millennial

    * or ! not applicable in WiseNews Limit to a particular source: Advanced Search

    Source Region Media Type Key in Source Name Search

    Set date range : up to 5 years

    only 10 results

    local context: "post 80s"


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    Time - EBSCOhost ("generation y" or "gen y" or "net gen" or millennial or

    "post 80s" or "net generation") and (money or financ*or invest* or spending)

    * is also applicable in EBSCOhost
