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Language is Everywhere andLanguage is Nowhere

Clara Amador-Lankster, Ph.D.Associate ProfessorTeacher Education DepartmentAugust 13, 2015

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Language is Everywhere• Language Use

• How do students use language in and out of school?

• Language Learning

• What are language learning expectations for students to have an optimal schooling experience?

• Language Teaching

• How are teachers expected to support language learning at school?

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Language is Nowhere

• Language Use

• Are we listening for appropriate language use?

• Language Learning

• How many times have we experienced language learning situations that go unaddressed?

• Language Teaching

• Are we responsible for language teaching each day and every day?

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California English Language Dev Standards and Proficiency Level Descriptors (PLD)• The organization of the PLDs represents English language development as a

continuum of increasing proficiency in language learning and use. • Emerging: Students at this level typically progress very quickly, learning to use English for

immediate needs as well as beginning to understand and use academic vocabulary and other features of academic language.


• Expanding: Students at this level are challenged to increase their English skills in more contexts, and learn a greater variety of vocabulary and linguistic structures, applying their growing language skills in more sophisticated ways appropriate to their age and grade level.


• Bridging: Students at this level continue to learn and apply a range of high‐level English language skills in a wide variety of contexts, including comprehension and production of highly technical texts. The “bridge” alluded to is the transition to full engagement in grade‐level academic tasks and activities in a variety of content areas without the need for specialized ELD instruction.

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Issues and Resolutions

• Description of the issue

• How was it resolved?

• What and how did it impact the project?o Timeo Costo Other

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Milestone 1• Date 1

Milestone 2• Date 2

Milestone 3• Date 3

Milestone 4• Date 4


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Date 1 Date 2 Date 3 Date 4


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Date 1

Date 2

Date 3

Date 4


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Looking Ahead

• When is the next milestone?

• What are the expected deliverables?

• Known risks and issueso What is the investigation timeline for

these issues?

• What are the immediate next steps?

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Dependencies and Resources





Remote Teams

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• Budget

• Design documents

• Marketing plan

• Supplemental documents

• Contact information
