Page 1: Landing on the Moon (1969) Dylan Nuzzo and Brandon Bridge Period 1/2

Landing on the Moon (1969)

Dylan Nuzzo and Brandon BridgePeriod 1/2

Page 2: Landing on the Moon (1969) Dylan Nuzzo and Brandon Bridge Period 1/2

What was Apollo 11?

First attempt to actually land on the moonAttempt to beat the Russians, and become the first

nation to successfully walk on the moonGet all the astronauts home safelyApollo 11 was the shuttle that was launchedMission launched from Kennedy Space Center

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Previous Apollo MissionsApollo 7- First manned Apollo flight, which

was in Saturn IBApollo 8- First manned flight around the

moon in the Saturn VApollo 9- First manned flight in the lunar

moduleApollo 10- First manned flight around the

moon in the lunar module

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February 26, 1966

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The Launch

July 16, 1969Many practice

launches had gone successful before official launch

Launched from the Kennedy Space Center

Broadcasted worldwide on television

Saturn V

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The Crew

Neil ArmstrongMichael CollinsEdwin “Buzz” Aldrin Jr.

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Went into lunar orbit 76 hours after launch

The two spacecrafts undocked 100 hours after launch

Armstrong and Aldrin landed on moon approximately 103 hours after launch

Explored the lunar surface for approximately 21 hours and 36 minutes

Orbit of Apollo 11

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Lunar Orbit

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Apollo Lunar Module (Eagle)Lander portion of

the Apollo spacecraft

Used from lunar orbit to the moon’s surface, back to Earth’s surface

Designed to carry a crew of two members (Armstrong and Aldrin)

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Apollo Command Module (Columbia)Attached to service

moduleDesigned to carry a

crew of three members, but only carried Collins

Stayed in orbit around moon while Armstrong and Aldrin walked on the moon

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The fine soil was very slippery

Collected soil specimens

The crew said that they felt very refreshed after sleep

The Gravity was very easy to move through

Wind was almost non-existent

Surface Discoveries and Actions

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Descent and SplashdownArmstrong and

Aldrin lifted off from moon and docked with Columbia on July 21, 5:35 pm

Rested until 12:55 am

Entered trajectory toward Earth

Splashed into Pacific Ocean on July 24, 12:15 pm with all films surface specimens

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-Might have acquired undiscovered pathogens from the moon’s surface while exploring-The three American heroes received a clean bill of health and were released to the public on August 13, 1969

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First announced his goal for landing a man on the moon on May 25, 1961 to a Joint Session of Congress

"No nation which expects to be the leader of other nations can expect to stay behind in this race for space.“

Asked Congress to approve more than $25 billion for the Apollo Project, which started in 1961

Assassinated in 1963 Man walked on moon while

Richard Nixon was in office

JFK’s Space Program

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The Russian/U.S. Space Race Technological and ideological rivalry between the United

States and the Soviet Union, which developed during the Cold War

USSR loses many lunar travel candidates after failed space attempts year after year

Soviets get credited for sending the first unmanned probe to the moon in 1959

United States get credited for having the first man to ever walk on the moon in 1969

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The Apollo 11 HoaxMany people think that it was fake, and

that the whole event was staged and photoshopped

The black backgrounds of their photographs are oddly lacking the

many stars that should be visible in the sky.

In photographs such as this one where both astronauts are visible, there is no sign of a camera. So,

who took this picture?

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ImpactShowed superiority over

RussiaApproved JFK’s promise in

having an American man walk on the moon and return home by the end of the century

Became most significant space travel achievement of all-time

Secured NASA’s existence for the next 40 years

Made the United States proud to be Americans after the harsh decade of the 60s

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