

World Studies


Greenhouse effect. (good)

Greenhouse gases like CO2 absorb heat in the atmosphere. (good)

Too much CO2 and we have global warming. (bad)

Ozone Layer (good)

O3 in atmosphere protects us from ultraviolet radiation from the Sun. (good)

Chlorine derived gases deplete ozone. (bad)

Formation of Earth and Moon Earth’s atmosphere is

partly due to Earth’s mass and gravitational force.

The Earth also produces new gases to replenish what is lost.

Moon is believed a piece of the Earth that broke off at early formation. Remained in Earth’s gravitational field.

Moon has no atmosphere because of its mass.

Landforms Project – Due Tuesday Design, draw, and color a map containing at

least ten of the landforms we will discuss today. Demonstrate that you understand the various forms.

10 (minimum) Landforms – 20pts. Correctly labeled

Color Design – 10 pts. Landforms listed on back with definitions-10pts Creativity/Originality – 10 pts.

Hello Kitty Island, etc.


An area of land that that is surrounded by water on three sides.

Iberian Peninsula Spain and Portugal Europe

Volcano A vent (opening) in the surface of

the Earth through which magma erupts and also the landform that is constructed by the erupted material.

Pinatubo, Philippines


A small river or stream that flows into another larger stream or river

The Ohio, Missouri, and Arkansas Rivers are tributaries of the Mississippi River.


a body of water surrounded by land on three sides.

Hudson Bay, Canada

Source The place where a river begins Lake Victoria The Source of the Nile River Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania


A pointed area of land that extends out into a body of water.

Cape of Good Hope South Africa

Plateau A large flat land at a high elevation Central Siberian Plateau, Russia

Strait A narrow deep body of water located between two

land masses. The Bering Strait, North Pacific

Russia Alaska


An arm of a sea or ocean partly enclosed by land; larger than a bay

The Gulf of Mexico


A division of an ocean or a large body of salt water partially enclosed by land.

Mediterranean Sea


•A narrow strip of land that connects two larger land areas

•Isthmus of Panama

•Central America


The Great Lakes

Northern United States

- A body of fresh water.


Amazon River – Brazil

- A flowing body of water moving higher to lower elevations.


Madagascar, Southeast Africa

- Land surrounded by water on all sides.


Andes Mountain Range

West Coast of South America

- A long narrow group of mountains

MountainMount Everest, Nepal, Asia

Tallest Mountain in the World


Indonesian Archipelago, Pacific Ocean

- A long narrow collection of islands

ChannelEnglish Channel

Between England and France

- A long narrow strip of water between two large land masses.

HillHills of Rome, Italy

A short rounded rise in elevation

ValleyIndus River Valley, Asia

- A low point between mountains or hills.

CanalSuez Canal, Egypt

- A man-made waterway

DivideContinental Divide, North America

- Line indicating the divergent slopes of a continent
