Download pptx - Lady Gaga Star Construction


Lady Gaga Star ConstructionBy Mustaf A

Lady Gaga’s star image is deliberately constructed around her intensified hyper real persona as the Mother Monster, Lady Gaga’s dedication to her hyper real persona has formed and molded her star image with her eccentric fashion statements. Gaga’s style has been constructed as a means to recycle culture ,as the renowned pop artist image is highly composed and influences by other iconic artist such as Madonna and Elton John but also draws inspiration form glam rock stars from the 70’s such as David Bowie with her androgynoustic style of one of her numerous alter ego’s Jo Calderone. With her eccentric wardrobe choices Gaga has truly managed to channel the energy of the vibrant era.

Lady Gaga continuously represents herself as queer, although often femininely dressed she can never be considered ‘sexy’ or as an object of (straight) male desire and (straight) female identification, because of her queerness and the fact that she never looks ‘normal’ her followers, or ‘little monsters’, are more ready to celebrate their queer identity thus expanding her mass audience.

Clothing and Appearance

Live your brand 24/7. Everybody knows about the outrageous costumes Lady Gaga wears to award shows and her performances. But unlike many celebrities, Lady Gaga stays in character virtually all of the time . She doesn’t present herself as a performer who dresses up in goofy costumes from time to time, she instead portrays herself as a unique and creative artist who lives her entire life outside the box and pushing the envelope with her hype real persona .

Continually reinvent yourself within your brand. Wearing an outrageous costume is great, but it only holds attention for so long. Many celebrities find their “look” and then stick with it. But Lady Gaga is constantly changing her appearance—to the point where she makes headlines every time she appears in public! She stays true to her central brand, but she evolves quickly to avoid growing stale

Create your own publicity. Lady Gaga is constantly in the news. Why? Because she puts herself there. Whether it is stunts, like showing up to the Grammy awards inside an egg, or controversial interviews, Lady Gaga makes sure she is always being talked about. The lesson? Don’t wait for branding opportunities to come your way—make your own opportunities!

How they are marketed

Stars often promote certain ideology's and have their own cultural values and attitudes. This keeps audience interested in them and it could be said that it enhances their “star” image. Lady Gaga, as mentioned, is often known for for using her music, twitter and her platform as an opportunity to communicate her own values for e.g. she frequently uses her music, social media to converse issue regarding the LGBT community and also takes this a step further by creating an non profit organization ‘the born this way foundation’ in which aims to aid troubled or questioning LGBT youths. she often encounters her little monsters (her fans) to support these views just as much as they do her music. This creates a wider fan base, as some people can relate to these culture values Stars often promote certain ideology's and have their own cultural values and attitudes. This keeps audience interested in them and it could be said that it enhances their “star” image. Lady Gaga, as mentioned, is often known for for using her music, twitter and her platform as an opportunity to communicate her own values for e.g. she frequently uses her music, social media to converse issue regarding the LGBT community and also takes this a step further by creating an non profit organization ‘the born this way foundation’ in which aims to aid troubled or questioning LGBT youths. she often encounters her little monsters (her fans) to support these views just as much as they do her music. This creates a wider fan base, as some people can relate to these culture values

Social media/Web Presents