
7/25/2019 Lab 7 - Viewing Wireless and Wired NIC Information 1/11

Lab – Viewing Wireless and Wired NIC Information


Part 1: Identify and Work With PC NICs

Part 2: Identify and Use the system ray Network I!ons

Background / Scenario

 his lab re"#ires yo# to determine the a$ailability and stat#s of the network

interfa!e !ards %NICs& on the PC that yo# #se' Windows (ro$ides a n#mber of 

ways to $iew and work with yo#r NICs'

Required Resources

) 1 PC %Windows *+ Vista+ or ,P with two NICs+ wired and wireless+ and a

wireless !onne!tion&

Note: -t the start of this lab+ the wired .thernet NIC in the PC was !abled to

one of the integrated swit!h (orts on a wireless ro#ter and the Lo!al -rea

Conne!tion %wired& was enabled' he wireless NIC was disabled initially' If the

wired and wireless NICs are both enabled the PC will re!ei$e two di/erent IP

addresses and the wireless NIC will take (re!eden!e'

Part 1: Identify and Work wit P! "I!s

In Part 1+ yo# will identify the NIC ty(es in the PC that yo# are #sing' 0o# will

e(lore di/erent ways to etra!t information abo#t these NICs and how to

a!ti$ate and dea!ti$ate them'

Note: his lab was (erformed #sing a PC r#nning on the Windows * o(erating

system' 0o# sho#ld be able to (erform the lab with one of the other Windowso(erating systems listed howe$er+ men# sele!tions and s!reens may $ary'

3te( 1: Use the Network and 3haring Center'

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a' 4(en the Network and 3haring Center by !li!king the Windows 3tart

b#tton 5 Control Panel 5 View network stat#s and tasks #nder Network and

Internet heading in the Category View'

b' In the left (ane+ !li!k the Change ada(ter settings link'

!' he Network Conne!tions window dis(lays+ whi!h (ro$ides the list of NICs

a$ailable on this PC' Look for yo#r Lo!al -rea Conne!tion and Wireless

Network Conne!tion ada(ters in this window'

3te( 2: Work with yo#r wireless NIC'

a' 3ele!t the Wireless Network Conne!tion o(tion and right6!li!k it to

bring #( a dro(6down list' If yo#r wireless NIC is disabled+ yo# will ha$e

an o(tion to enable it' If yo#r NIC was already enabled+ then 7isable

wo#ld be the 8rst o(tion on this dro(6down men#' If yo#r Wireless

Network Conne!tion is !#rrently disabled+ then !li!k .nable'

b' 9ight6Cli!k the Wireless Network Conne!tions+ and then !li!k stat#s'

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!' he Wireless Network Conne!tion 3tat#s window dis(lays where yo#

!an $iew information abo#t yo#r wireless !onne!tion'

1' What is the 3er$i!e 3et Identi8er %33I7& for the wireless ro#ter of yo#r


• Linksys %When I was did this lab in !lass my ro#ter was di/erent

than at my home&2' What is the s(eed of yo#r wireless !onne!tion

• ;<'= mb(s

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d' Cli!k detail to dis(lay the Network Conne!tions 7etails windows'

1' What is the >-C address of yo#r wireless NIC• ?=6<;6f26@f6Ae6fd

2' 7o yo# ha$e m#lti(le IP$B 7N3 3er$ers listed

• NoA' Why sho#ld m#lti(le 7N3 3er$ers be listed

• 7i/erent towers !onne!ti$ity

e' When yo# ha$e re$iewed the network !onne!tion details+ !li!k !lose'f' 4(en !ommand window (rom(t and ty(e i(!on8g all'

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Noti!e that the information dis(layed here is the same information

that was dis(layed in the Network Conne!tion 7etails window in

3te( d'g' Close the !ommand window and the Network Conne!tion 7etails

windows' his sho#ld bring yo# ba!k to the Wireless NetworkConne!tion 3tat#s window' Cli!k Wireless Pro(erties' h' In the Wireless Network Pro(erties window+ !li!k the 3e!#rity tab'

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i' he ty(e of se!#rity the !onne!ted wireless ro#ter has im(lemented

dis(lays' Cli!k the 3how !hara!ters !he!k bo to dis(lay the a!t#al

network se!#rity key+ instead of the hidden !hara!ters+ and then

!li!k ok'

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 D' Close the Wireless Network Pro(erties and the Network Conne!tions 3tat#s

windows' 3ele!t and right6 !li!k the Wireless Network Conne!tion o(tion 5

Conne!t7is!onne!t' - (o(6#( window sho#ld a((ear at the bottom right

!orner of yo#r deskto( that dis(lays yo#r !#rrent !onne!tions+ along with a

list of 33I7s that are in range of the wireless NIC of yo#r PC' If a s!rollbar

a((ears on the right side of this windows+ yo# !an #se it to dis(lay additional


k' o Eoin one of the other Wireless network 33I7s listed+ !li!k the 33I7 that

yo# want to Eoin+ and then !li!k Conne!t'

I' If yo# ha$e sele!ted a se!#re 33I7+ yo# are (rom(ted to enter the 3e!#rity

key for the 33I7' y(e the se!#rity key for that 33I7 and !li!k 4F' 0o# !an

!li!k the Gide !hara!ters !he!k bo to (re$ent (eo(le from seeing what yo#

ty(e in the 3e!#rity key 8eld' 

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3te( A: Work with yo#r wired NIC'

a' 4n the Network Conne!tions

window+ sele!t and right6!li!k the

Lo!al -rea Conne!tion o(tion to

dis(lay the dro(6down list' If the NIC is disabled+ enable it+ and then

!li!k the 3tat#s o(tion'

 Note: 0o# m#st ha$e an .thernet !able atta!hing yo#r PC NIC to a swit!h or

similar de$i!e to see the stat#s' >any wireless ro#ters ha$e a small B6(ort

.thernet swit!h b#ilt6in' 0o# !an !onne!t to one of the (orts #sing a straight6

thro#gh .thernet (at!h !able'

b' he Lo!al -rea Conne!tions 3tat#s windows will o(en' his windows

dis(lays information abo#t yo#r wired !onne!tion to the L-N'

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!' Cli!k detailsHto $iew the address information for yo#r L-N

!onne!tions'd' 4(en a !ommand window (rom(t and ty(e i(!on8g all' ind yo#r

Lo!al -rea Conne!tions information and !om(are this with the

information dis(layed in the Network Conne!tions 7etails window'e' Close all windows on yo#r deskto('

Part 2: Identify and Use the 3ystem ray Network I!ons

3te( 1: Use the system tray Wireless Network i!on

a' Cli!k the system tray wireless Network i!on to $iew the (o(6#(

windows that dis(lays the 33I7s that are in6range of yo#r wireless NIC'

When the system tray dis(lays the wireless Network i!on+ the wireless

NIC is a!ti$e'

b' Cli!k the 4(en Network and 3haring Center link' Note: his is a

short!#t way to bring #( this window'!' In the left (ane+ !li!k the Change ada(ter settings link to dis(lay the

Network Conne!tions Windows'

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d' 3ele!t and right6!li!k the Wireless Network Conne!tion+ and then !li!k

disable to disable yo#r wireless NIC'e' .amine yo#r system tray' he Wireless Network Conne!tion i!on

sho#ld be re(la!ed by the Wired Network i!on+ whi!h indi!ates that

yo# are #sing yo#r wired NIC for network !onne!ti$ity'

3te( 2: Use the Wired Network i!on'

a' Cli!k the Wired Network i!on' Noti!e that the Wireless 33I7s are no

longer dis(layed in this (o(6#( window+ b#t yo# still ha$e the ability

to get to the Network and 3haring Center window from here'b' Cli!k the 4(en Network and 3haring Center link 5 Change ada(ter

settings and .nable yo#r Wireless Network Conne!tion' he Wireless

Network i!on sho#ld re(la!e the Wired Network i!on in yo#r system


3te( A: Identify the Network Problem i!on'

a' 4n the Network Conne!tions window+ disable both the wireless

Network Conne!tions and that Lo!al -rea Conne!tions'b' he system tray now dis(lays the Network 7isabled i!on+ whi!h

indi!ates that network !onne!ti$ity has been disabled'!' 0o# !an !li!k this i!on to ret#rn to the Network and sharing !enter

window %eamine the network diagram at the to(&' 0o# !an !li!k the red , to ha$e the PC tro#bleshoot the (roblem with

the network !onne!tion' ro#bleshooting attem(ts to resol$e the

network iss#e for yo#'d' I tro#bleshooting did not enable one of yo#r NICs+ then yo# sho#ld do

this man#ally to restore the network !onne!ti$ity of yo#r PC'Note: If a network is enabled and the NIC is #nable to establish

network !onne!ti$ity+ then the Network Problem i!on a((ears in the

system tray'

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Why wo#ld yo# a!ti$e more than one NIC on a PC

• 7i/erent Network'
