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University of University of SulaimaniSulaimani

School of ScienceSchool of ScienceDepartment of Department of


University of University of SulaimaniSulaimani

School of ScienceSchool of ScienceDepartment of Department of


PracticalPractical ParasitologyParasitology22ndnd stage stage

Lab 6 : TrichomoniasisLab 6 : Trichomoniasis

Urogenital Flagellates:Trichomonas vaginalis


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Objectives: Learn to:

• Identify trophozoite stage T.


• Explain methods of diagnosis of T.


Trichomonas vaginalis


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• Trichomonas vaginalis:• Trichomonas tenax • Trichomonas hominis

•Trichomonads: Generally are non-

pathogenic commensals and only a few

species are of importance in humans.

•Three species of trichomonads infect


Trichomonas vaginalis


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Trichomonas vaginalis


T vaginalis is shortened to TV. Responsible for one of the most widespread sexually transmitted diseases (STD) worldwideIn the U.S. there are an estimated 3-5 million new cases of ‘trich’ every year with an infected pool of approximately 20 million individuals.


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Trichomonas vaginalis

FUNGUSCandida albicans

PROTOZOONSTrichomonas vaginalis

BACTERIA- Neisseria gonorrhea- Chlamydia trachomatis- Mycoplasma genitalium- Ureaplasma urealyticum

VIRUSESHerpes Simplex Virus


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Trichomonas vaginalis•Trophozoite is oval in

shape mesuring 10-13 × 8-


•Five flagella arise near the

anterior portion.

•four of these immediately

extend outside the cell


•while the fifth flagellum

wraps backwards

incorporated within the

undulating membrane (UM)

Single form - trophozoite (no cyst form).


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Trichomonas vaginalis• UM is supported by a

slendernoncontractile costa.

•The nucleus is located at its

anterior portion

•Axostyle, A slender and rod-

like structure, arises from the

kinetosome. It protrudes

through the posterior end of

the parasite.

•Parabasal body- This is a

Golgi Body located near the



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3 species of Trichomonas occur in humans


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Four anterior flagellaFour anterior flagella

The single lateral The single lateral flagellum ( undulating flagellum ( undulating membrane) membrane) 9

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(A) T. vaginalis parasite in broth culture.(B) T. vaginalis on the surface of a vaginal epithelial cell prior to ameboid transformation.(C) Ameboid morphology of T. vaginalis as seen in cell culture.


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Trichomonas vaginalis

G.D.: Cosmopolitan.

Habitat: inhabits in the vagina of women, urethra in both sex, and prostate of men. Disease: Trichomoniasis or

(Vaginitis or cervicitis or Urethritis or prostatitis)


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Definitive host: Human


Trichomonas vaginalis

*Direct contact during sexual intercourse *Rarely infants have been infected at birth.


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Trichomonas vaginalis


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MaleRarely symptomaticOccasionally mild urethritis and/or prostatitis

MaleRarely symptomaticOccasionally mild urethritis and/or prostatitis

Trichomonas vaginalisSymptoms

Trichomonas vaginalisSymptoms

Asymptomatic carriersAsymptomatic carriers


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Trichomonas vaginalisSymptoms

Trichomonas vaginalisSymptoms

WomenOften asymptomaticMild to severe vaginitis in heavy infectionsGenital inflammation, foul-smelling yellow frothy discharge with burning and itching/rednessGrowth of the organism favored by high pH: >5.9 (N=3.5-4.5)

WomenOften asymptomaticMild to severe vaginitis in heavy infectionsGenital inflammation, foul-smelling yellow frothy discharge with burning and itching/rednessGrowth of the organism favored by high pH: >5.9 (N=3.5-4.5)


10% of them will present with a "strawberry cervix"

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Finding trophozoitesFinding trophozoites

In women: In women: vaginal dischargevaginal discharge

In the male: In the male: urethral urethral discharge , centrifuged urine.discharge , centrifuged urine.

Methods: Methods: wet-mount or culturewet-mount or culture17

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ReferencesReferences1. Schmidt GD, & Roberts LS. (2009). Foundations of Parasitology. 8th ed.

McGraw Hill. Boston.2. Gillespie S, & Pearson RD. (2001) Principles and Practice of Clinical

Parasitology. John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Chichester.3. Mulla, Summaiyaa; et al. (2009). "Sexually transmitted infections and

reproductive tract infections in female sex workers". Indian J Pathol Microbiol. 52 (2):198–9.

4. Mavedzenge, Sue Napierala; et al. (2010). "Epidemiological Synergy of Trichomonas vaginalis and HIV in Zimbabwean and South African Women". Sex Transm Dis. 37 (7): 460–6.

5. Schwebke JR, Burgess D. (2004). Trichomoniasis. Clin microbiol rev. 17 (4): 794–803.

6. Ohlemeyer CL, et al. (1998). "Diagnosis of Trichomonas vaginalis in adolescent females: InPouch TV culture versus wet-mount microscopy. J of adolesc health. 22 (3): 205–8.

7. Sood S, et al. (2007). "InPouch TV culture for detection of Trichomonas vaginalis.". Indian J Med Res. 125: 567–571.


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ReferencesReferences8. Schirm J, et al. (2007). "Trichomonas vaginalis detection using real-time TaqMan PCR". J of

microbiol methods. 68 (2): 243–7.9. Stark JR, et al. (2009). "Prospective Study of Trichomonas vaginalis Infection and Prostate

Cancer Incidence and Mortality: Physicians' Health Study". J Natl Cancer Inst. 101(20):1406-11.

10. Hesseltine, H. 1942. Experimental human vaginal trichomoniasis. J. Infect. Dis. 71:127.11. Petrin D, et al. (1998). Clinical and microbiological aspect of Trichomonas vaginalis.

Clinical Microb. (11): 300 – 317.12. Kurth A., et al. (2004). Performance of a new, rapid assay for detection of Trichomonas

vaginalis. J. Clin. Microbiol. 42 (7), 2940-2943.13. Nagesha CN, Rama NK. (1998). Clinical and microbiological aspects of vaginitis. Indian J

Med Sci. 52(11):526-32.14. Soper, D (2004). "Trichomoniasis: under control or undercontrolled?". Am J Obstet and

Gynecol. 190 (1): 281–90.14. 15.

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