
Lab 2Data Evaluation & ValidationExcel Scenarios & Functions

Simon Chapter 2 & 3

URBPL 5/6010: Urban ResearchUniversity of Utah

Pam Perlich – BUC 103Craig Forster – BEHS 101

Files for this Class Session Chapter 3

ConditionalFormat.xls Subtotal.xls Filter.xls Scenario.xls Validation.xls

Chapter 4 Autosum.xls ChangeValues.xls ConditionalFormula.xls

Conditional Formatting This allows you to automatically designate

a format for data that fit a particular condition.

Select a range of cells Format => Conditional Formatting

For example, if the value is negative, make the text red

To remove formatting: Format => Conditional Formatting => Delete

You can nest 3 conditional formats

Simon, Chapter 3

Conditional Formatting(ConditionalFormat.xls) Format => Conditional Formatting

Simon, Chapter 3

Subtotals Subtotals are useful when data are

formatted symmetrically Dimensioned with multiple categories

This can be useful in many applications Accounting Data summary Reports

Simon, Chapter 3

Subtotals: Subtotal.xls Select entire data block Data => Subtotal=>By month, etc. Explore options

Simon, Chapter 3

Filtering Data

Filtering data allows you to Highlight particular characteristics in the data Identify data elements based on comparisons

to the rest of the data set You can build customized filters that useful

for you routine reports and analyzes. Automates your work.

Simon, Chapter 3

Filters: Filter.xls Data => Filter => Indicated Options Explore customized filter options

Simon, Chapter 3

Scenarios Analysis Excel Scenario Manager helps you

Set up scenarios Explore alternative assumptions Save “what if” results to compare effects

Note: Scenarios change your data. Back up your original data set

Tools => Scenario

Simon, Chapter 3

Scenarios: Scenario.xls Save “what if” results to compare effects Tools Scenario Add

Simon, Chapter 3

Scenarios: Scenario.xls Name Scenario Identify target

cells (B2 & B4) OK Now change

values in B2 & B4 for scenario


Simon, Chapter 3

Validation: Validation.xls

Prevent data entry errors Data Validate Specify rule

Simon, Chapter 3

Entering Formulas: Autosum.xls Have cursor in the cell that you want the formula to appear Variety of ways to enter formula

Manually key them in (begin with =) Buttons on tool bar Drop down menu Insert => Function

Editing Formulas Copy and Paste Formulas

Simon, Chapter 4

Solver: ChangeValues.xls Use to target results – “reverse solution” Provide solution and solve for parameters that produce

the solution Tools Solver Set Target (B4)Value = -1550 By

Changing (“Guess”) B2..B3 Solve

Simon, Chapter 4


Set Target B4



Simon, Chapter 4

Specify Value for Solution: -1550

IF Statements: ConditionalFormula.xls Cell takes a value determined by a condition IF(logical_test,value_if_true,value_if_false)

Simon, Chapter 4

Additional Information in Chapter 4 Including ranges of data in formulas Tracing formulas

This is useful with complex spreadsheets Looking up values Ranking Amortization tables

NOTE: Chapter 4 is chalked full of very useful information.

Simon, Chapter 4
