

Vol. 2 | 1 | No. 10



Cover Story Pagina11


10 Frontier airlines contacted 800 persons from flight 1143 that traveled with Ebola infected nurse.

La aerolínea Frontier contactó a 800 personas del vuelo 1143 que viajaron con la enfermera infectada con Ebola


Vol. 2 | 2 | No. 10


La Pulga Classifieds.La Pulga Classifieds: “La Pulga ”, is a local bilingual monthly publication by Babylon MediaWorks, created to help Business people to promote their business in an economical way in harsh times, while actively supporting NPO’s that advocate, inform and educate the Hispanic / Latino Community about issues of interest and concern among them, and the

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Vol. 2 | 3 | No. 10



Vol. 2 | 4 | No. 10



Vol. 2 | 5 | No. 10


✓No Budget, No Pay

✓Holding Washington accountable & curbing wasteful spending

✓Paying down the national debt

✓Taking on bureaucrats in Washington and exposing government waste and abuse

✓Reducing the tax burden on families and small businesses

✓Putting our children’s education first

✓Honoring the promises made to our veterans and military families

Putting Our Community First, Not Washington Special Interests




“I’m running for Congress to hold government accountable for the promises it makes, the money it

spends and the results it delivers.”

Paid for by Doug Ose for Congress


Vol. 2 | 6 | No. 10


“Gustosamente cooperaremos con el personal norteamericano en esa tarea, y no en búsqueda de la paz entre los dos Estados que han sido adversarios durante tantos años sino, en cualquier caso, por la Paz para el Mundo, un objetivo que puede y debe intentarse”, afirma Castro en un artículo publicado este sábado en el diario oficial Granma donde comparte periódicamente sus reflexiones.El expresidente cubano afirma en el artículo titulado “La hora del deber” que al cooperar con el país vecino, con el que no tiene relaciones desde 1961, se evita que la enfermedad se expanda y se protege a los ciudadanos de Cuba y América Latina. Estados Unidos fue, después de España, el segundo país no africano en el que se reportaron contagios de la enfermedad.

Son los casos de dos enfermeras que trataron en un hospital de Texas a un paciente que contrajo la enfermedad en Liberia y fue tratado en EE.UU. pero finalmente murió.

Las dos enfermeras reciben ahora tratamiento en dos hospitales del país.«Lamentablemente se ha introducido y podría extenderse en Estados Unidos, que tantos vínculos personales e intercambios mantiene con el resto del mundo», apunta Castro, quien se retiró del poder en 2006.

Cuba ha enviado a más de 160 médicos y enfermeros a África occidental para luchar contra la epidemia de ébola que se ha cobrado la vida de más de 4,400 personas.

Elogios de EE.UU. a Cuba

Además, en los próximos días prevé enviar otro contingente de personal sanitario a ese continente, en una decisión que ha sido aplaudida por EE.UU.

Este viernes, en unas declaraciones inéditas, el secretario de Estado estadounidense, John Kerry, reconoció el

papel de Cuba en la lucha global contra el ébola, mientras pedía una mayor colaboración de todo el mundo.“Cuba, un país de apenas 11 millones de habitantes, ha enviado 165 profesionales de salud y considera enviar casi 300 más”, expresó.

Ya hemos visto naciones pequeñas y grandes que aceleran de manera impresionante su contribución en la línea del frente», afirmó el funcionario que definió esos envíos como «una prueba real de ciudadanía global.

También agradeció las contribuciones de Francia, Reino Unido y Alemania.Por su parte, el presidente Barack Obama pidió este sábado a los estadounidenses que no caigan en la “histeria” con el ébola y descartó imponer una prohibición a los vuelos procedentes de los países de África occidental donde se originó la epidemia.

“No hay ningún país mejor preparado para afrontar el reto del ébola que EEUU y, aunque incluso un solo caso aquí en casa es demasiado, el país no se enfrenta a un brote de la enfermedad”, afirmó Obama.

En su artículo, Fidel Castro apunta que pese a que el envío de médicos fue una decisión «dura de tomar», su país «no tardó en responder» al llamado de los organismos internacionales.

Es incluso más duro todavía que la de enviar soldados a combatir e incluso morir por una causa política justa, quienes también lo hicieron siempre como un deber», dice Castro en el artículo al hablar del peligro de la tarea del personal sanitario.

Los nueve estados miembros de la Alianza Bolivariana para los Pueblos de Nuestra América (ALBA) se reunirán La Habana para definir una estrategia para combatir el virus. |

Fidel Castro ofrece ayuda a EE.UU. para luchar contra el ébola

Fidel Castro offers support to USA to fight Ebola

“We gladly cooperate with American personnel in this task, and not in pursuit of peace between the two states that have been adversaries for many years but, in any case, for Peace to the World, a goal that can and should be tried” , Castro said in an article published Saturday in the official newspaper Granma which regularly shares his thoughts.

The Cuban president said in the article entitled «Time of Duty» that by cooperating with the neighboring country with which it has relations since 1961, preventing the disease from spreading and protects citizens of Cuba and Latin America. United States was, after Spain, the second non-African country in which contagion of the disease were reported.

These are the cases of two nurses who treated at a hospital in Texas to a patient who contracted the disease in Liberia and was treated in the USA but eventually died.

The two nurses now receive treatment in two hospitals.

“Unfortunately entered and could spread in the United States, and maintains many personal ties with the rest of the world trade,” said Castro, who retired from office in 2006.

Cuba has sent more than 160 doctors and nurses to West Africa to fight Ebola epidemic that has claimed the lives of

over 4,400 people.

In addition, in the coming days you plan to send another contingent of medical personnel to the continent, in a move that has been applauded by USAThis Friday, in an unpublished statement, Secretary of State, John Kerry, recognized the role of Cuba in the global fight against Ebola, while calling for greater collaboration worldwide.

Cuba, a country of just 11 million, it has sent 165 health professionals and consider sending nearly 300 more, he said.

We’ve seen small and large nations dramatically accelerate its contribution in the front line, the official scorer these shipments as «a real test of global citizenship,» he said.

He also acknowledged the contributions of France, UK and Germany.

Meanwhile, President Barack Obama called Saturday for Americans who do not fall into the «hysteria» with Ebola and ruled out imposing a ban on flights from the West African countries where the epidemic originated.

“There is no country better prepared to meet the challenge of Ebola USA and although even a single case here at home too, the country is facing an outbreak of the disease,” Obama said.

In his article, Fidel Castro notes that despite sending doctors was «hard to take» their country decision, «he was quick to respond» to the call of the international organizations.

“It’s even harder still than sending soldiers to fight and even die for a just cause, who always did so as a duty,” says Castro in the article to talk about the danger of the task of health workers .

On Monday, the nine member states of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America (ALBA) will meet Havana to define a strategy to combat the virus. |


Vol. 2 | 7 | No. 10


There are those who are BLIND to see the sweat, sacrifice and frustration of small business owners and DEAF to hear their concerns about how difficult it is to run a business in California. My suggestion to them is to push the MUTE button on.

California legislators have diarrhea of pushing papers filled with regulations and mandates to make California a “better” place to live and work in. For whom?

It is clearly apparent that most, if not all, of the laws milling its way through the halls of Sacramento are laws protecting labor, not to those who are hiring them. Lawmakers forget that in spite of their wanting to protect workers, they must attend to the individuals who are sacrificing their livelihood and savings to make life better for themselves, their family, their employees, and their community. Of course, there are those who would take advantage, but we have laws already in existence and a labor department to see that fair treatment is abided by all.

Growth of business and employment is occurring but I would like to see the make up of the employment numbers, the occupations, and new businesses. It is in my opinion that part-time jobs are inclining, full-time jobs and career type (or higher income) professionals are declining. New business growth is coming from the micro-sized and at-home sector. I get, on a monthly basis, a list of new business licenses from my area and I see an increase of at-home businesses. And those who are employing anyone are kept at 1 or 2 employees on an ‘on needed’ basis.

Why the need for no or only a few employees? The labor and employment law reads like a labyrinth of rules of what you can and can not do. If you get lost, penalties and fines will find you. If the slogan “not knowing the law is no excuse” is applied, then we are all screwed! Lawyers, legislators, judges, accountants, and HR specialist cannot possibly have a full and complete understanding of the laws. Thus, our courts are filled with lawsuits…no thanks to our legislators who pass laws with unintentional consequences.

Those unintentional consequences are on the shoulders of the business owners. Yet, they persist on realizing the American dream because they believe in it. They somehow find a way of living through it all while looking over their shoulders and flying below the radar – until something happens that exposes them. They become a target.

Moreover, I believe the underground economy is flourishing. No excuse for it but it happens everywhere and in every industry. Cash is a preferred method of purchasing goods and/or services. The great motivator is that it is difficult to understand and comply with rules and regulations because it costs too much to adhere to it. But they don’t realize that it costs more when they get caught on an infraction. Do they shut down their business? No. They continue onward towards that American Dream. |

BLIND, DEAF & MUTEBy Manuel Cosme, Jr., Small business payroll and tax specialist

Male impotence has been on the rise for many years. For years there have been an ever growing number of ways to help with this – all of which are probably questionable. Not only in their effectiveness, but also in the further damage they do to you in the long term.

If you look at the whole process at a holistic level, you will notice that, at the same time as the rising occurrence of male impotence, is a rising level of ill health. Never before have there been so many people on medication; from cholesterol to high blood pressure and heart. Overall this seems to suggest, that people are much more unhealthy than they once were.When you have poor health, or a depressed immune system, your body is struggling. This means all your energy is being used to keep you functioning. Luxuries, like procreation, are of no interest in this scheme of things.

To recover your natural maleness, it is better to look for the cause, rather than to mask the effects, which may do you long term harm. If you can raise your immune system, this will naturally occur, as with a healthy immune system, your body no longer struggling. One of the best ways of raising your immune system

is by eating well. Most men feel that a high intake of meat is necessary. This is far from the truth. Meat is difficult to digest. It should also be consumed in much smaller amounts than is currently the norm. Just have a quick look at your teeth. Do they look like carnivores teeth? Are they like cats teeth? In truth, they have more in common with horses teeth. Horses are true herbivores. So your meat intake should be perhaps once or twice a week. Meat makes you acid. Acidity depresses your immune system. Eat far more fresh fruit and vegetables instead. Eliminate or limit all processed food, especially sugar. Find natural replacements, such as dates, dried fruit or honey. Make sure you get outside, in a natural environment. Allow natural sunlight on your bare skin. Stop and ‘smell the roses’ as the saying goes.

Slow down.

And treat your emotional and physical problems holistically, as they arise. Homeopathy is a great way to treat any ailment. It acts by raising your immune system, so that it is now able to cure your ailments.

Putting the whole package into place can almost guarantee you can kiss good bye to male impotence. |

Male Impotence is More About Your Immune System Than a Lack of Libido

La revista norteamericana Esquire ha nombrado a la actriz española Penélope Cruz la mujer más sexy de 2014. La publicación le dedica su portada de noviembre, en la que sale con un body escotado de color negro.

La revista recoge una sesión fotográfica con Cruz, de 40 años, y una entrevista en la que la actriz, como suele hacer habitualmente, rehusó dar detalles acerca de su vida privada y su matrimonio con Javier Bardem, con el que tiene dos hijos (Leo, de tres años y Luna, de uno): “Eso queda para nosotros”. |

Penélope Cruz, la mujer más sexy del mundo en 2014 según ‘Esquire’


Vol. 2 | 8 | No. 10


Insurance products offered through AAA Northern California, Nevada & Utah, License #0175868. Insurance provided by CSAA Insurance Group, a AAA Insurer. Discounts vary by state. Not all discounts are available in every state and are subject to eligibility requirements. Ask your AAA Insurance Agent for details. © 2014 AAA Northern California, Nevada & Utah. All rights reserved.

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Diabetes, Obesidad, Artritis, Inflamación, Problemas de la Piel u otros males? LA SOLUCIÓN ESTÁ AL ALCANCE DE SUS MANOS:

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y las verdaderas rebajas se encuentran el La Pulga Classified.

The Bridge to TheLatin CommunityLa Pulga Classified is a premier direct mail bilingual business resource directory for our community. We work to increase your customer base and profit margin. Enhance your image and increase your exposure and revenues with La Pulga Classified.

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Vol. 2 | 9 | No. 10




Vol. 2 | 10 | No. 10


Como medida de seguridad y prevención, la aerolínea Frontier ha contactado a 800 personas que volaron en el mismo avión que una enfermera que atendió a la primera víctima fatal de ébola en Estados Unidos.

Luego de que se diera a conocer que la enfermera Amber Jay Vinson fue diagnosticada con el virus, la línea aérea se puso en contacto con las autoridades sanitarias y con los compañeros de viaje de la trabajadora para activar las medidas necesarias y el protocolo de seguridad para evitar el cocntagio del virus.

El director ejecutivo de Frontier, David Siegel, dijo que el contacto con estos pasajeros se hizo como una medida de precaución y para facilitar los esfuerzos de monitoreo que llevan a cabo las autoridades federales.

“En todo los casos les hicimos saber que deben contactar a los CDC (Centros para Control y Prevención de Enfermedades) si tienen preguntas o temores”, dijo Siegel en entrevista con la televisora CNN.

Explicó que la aerolínea contactó a los pasajeros de los dos vuelos que realizó Amber Jay Vinson de Dallas a Cleveland, así como a quienes usaron la misma aeronave el día que ésta fue diagnosticada con ébola, aunque los CDC sólo requirieron los datos de quienes estuvieron en el vuelo 1143.Ese fue el vuelo en que la enfermera del hospital presbiteriano de Dallas viajó de Cleveland, Ohio, a Dallas, Texas, horas antes que fuera diagnosticada con la enfermedad.

“Los CDC nos instruyeron a contactar sólo a los pasajeros del vuelo 1143 para poder darles la información que tenemos de manera que ellos los puedan

contactar a su vez”, explicó.

Vinson y la enfermera Nina Pham atendieron a Thomas Eric Duncan, el primer caso de ébola diagnosticado en Estados Unidos, y posteriormente ambas fueron diagnosticadas con el virus.

La primera fue trasladada al hospital de la Universidad de Emory en Atlanta, Georgia, para su atención, en tanto que Pham es atendida en los Institutos Nacionales de Salud (NHI) en Bethesda, Maryland, en las afueras de esta capital.

Siegel evitó criticar la actuación de los CDC por haber autorizado a Vinson a volar, y aunque dijo que su compañía sufrió un daño financiero a consecuencia de este episodio “nuestra preocupación es la seguridad de nuestros pasajeros y empleados”.El directivo explicó que por esa razón decidieron colocar a la tripulación del vuelo 1143 bajo observación durante 21 días, en tiempo de incubación del virus, aún cuando no fueron instruidos por los CDC en ese sentido. |

As a safety and prevention, the Frontier Airline has contacted 800 people who flew on the same plane as a nurse who attended the first fatality of Ebola in the United States.

Then they made known the nurse Amber Jay Vinson was diagnosed with the virus, the airline contacted health authorities and the companions of workers to activate the necessary measures and security protocol to prevent contatcting the virus.

The Frontier CEO David Siegel, said that contact with these passengers was made as a precautionary measure and to facilitate monitoring efforts carried out by federal authorities.

“In all cases did they know that they should contact the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) with questions or fears,” Siegel said in an interview with CNN.

They explained that the airline contacted passengers on two flights that made Amber Jay Vinson of Dallas to Cleveland , as well as those who used the same aircraft the day it was diagnosed with Ebola , although the CDC only required data who were in the flight 1143.

“The CDC instructed us to contact only the passengers of flight 1143 to give them the information so we can contact them in turn,” he said.

Vinson and nurse Nina Pham attended Thomas Eric Duncan , the first case of Ebola diagnosed in the United States, and later both were diagnosed with the virus.

The first nurse (Vinson) was transferred to Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, for their care, while Pham is seen at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda, Maryland, on the outskirts of the capital.

Siegel avoided criticizing the performance of the CDC for allowing Vinson to fly, and even said his company suffered financial harm as a result of this incident, “our concern is the safety of our passengers and employees.”

The manager explained that for this reason decided to put the crew of flight 1143 under observation for 21 days, the incubation time of the virus, even if we’re not instructed by the CDC in that regard. |

Frontier airlines contacted800 persons from flight1143 that traveled withEbola infected nurse.

Cover Story

La aerolínea Frontier contactó a 800 personas del vuelo 1143 que viajaron con la enfermera infectada con Ebola


Vol. 2 | 11 | No. 10


SACRAMENTO STRONG MAYOR CAMPAIGN SURPASSES $1 MILLIONSupporters, Opponents Debate Strong Mayor Proposal in SacramentoMeasure L, a proposal to change Sacramento’s structure to a strong mayor system.

But dialogue around the proposal, which would change Sacramento’s city government from a council-mayor system into a strong-mayor structure, quickly turned into a lively debate.Councilman Steve Hansen and former Mayor Heather Fargo spoke against Measure L and Michelle Rhee, who is married to Mayor Kevin Johnson, and Joshua Wood, Executive Director of Region Builders Inc, argued in favor of the proposal.

Opponents of the proposal argued the change would put too much power in the hands of one person and won’t allow for collaboration in the city’s decision-making process.

“I don’t see this as an innovation,” Hansen said. “I see this as politics in a way that undermines not only professionalism, but [also] efficiency.”Supporters disagreed saying Measure L would make the city more productive.

“I think the [current] system is working, “ said Hansen. “Why are we breaking the team up to make it about one person instead of everyone? Should we throw out the system that we have for an experiment? [The current system]

is a fairer system and it reflects our values.”

Each side was quick to dispute the other’s claims.

Rhee said opponents were using scare tactics and disputed claims that switching to a strong mayor system

would result in more corruption.

She later added, “Every team needs a captain, somebody has to be calling the plays, you need leadership in order to be an effective government.”

Residents also got a chance to question the panelists.

One asked, “If not a power grab, why does Yes On L want to create a veto requirement that is more than what is required in Congress?”

The question refers to the mayor’s

ability to veto ordinances. Under current law, the mayor has no veto. Measure L would grant the mayor power to veto ordinances. But the council could override that veto with

a supermajority vote (Six votes or 75 percent of the council. Opponents have used this point, saying it would make it harder to override a strong mayor’s veto).

Hansen attacked the other side about its proposal to create an ethics committee under Measure L.“If the team for L was serious about ethics, they would put this ethics ordinance in front of the council and say “Lets pass it now,” said Hansen. “Instead they’re buying friends on Facebook and buying their friends on Twitter while they talk about ethics in rooms like this.” |

Mayor Heather Fargo spoke against Measure L and Michelle Rhee, who is married to Mayor Kevin Johnson, and Joshua Wood, Executive Director of Region Builders Inc, argued in favor of the proposal.

“Switching to a strong mayor system would result in more corruption.”

Cover Story


Vol. 2 | 12 | No. 10


Insurance products offered through AAA Northern California, Nevada & Utah, License #0175868. Insurance provided by CSAA Insurance Group, a AAA Insurer. Discounts vary by state. Not all discounts are available in every state and are subject to eligibility requirements. Ask your AAA Insurance Agent for details. © 2014 AAA Northern California, Nevada & Utah. All rights reserved.

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Undocumented students in California will have an additional way to pay for college during the next school year, thanks to a loan program signed into law on Sept. 28 by Governor Jerry Brown. It is designed specifically for students without legal residency.

At least 18 states allow undocumented students to pay in-state tuition, according tothe National Conference of State Legislatures. Undocumented students aren’t eligible for federal financial aid such as Pell Grants and federal student loans; nor can they get private student loans. Five of the 18 states—California, Minnesota, New Mexico, Texas, and Washington—fill some of that gap by letting undocumented students receive state financial aid. California’s aid was previously limited to grants and work-study.

In a statement proposing the bill in

April, the office of State Senator Ricardo Lara explained the need to add loans to that list. “These students have an estimated ‘gap’ in their financial aid packages of roughly $5,000 to $6,000 at the University of California and $3,000 for the California State University that other students with similar financial circumstances do not have.”

The new California DREAM Loan Program will let undocumented students in the CSU and UC systems borrow up to $4,000 a year, with a lifetime maximum of $20,000. The loans are structured to mirror the federal subsidized direct loans for undergrads. They carry the same rates, come with a standard 10-year repayment period, and don’t accrue interest while a student is enrolled for at least half-time studies.

Legislative analysis of the bill estimates that about half of eligible UC students will access the loans, starting with about 1,500 borrowers in the first year and growing to 1,800 borrowers by the fourth year. The analysis doesn’t estimate the number of CSU students who may borrow, but it says costs for the CSU system will be about half as much as those of the UC system. Overall program costs are expected to surpass $9 million a year, split 50-50 between the state and individual institutions. The goal is to reduce state funding over time as students repay the loans. |

California Creates Student Loans for Undocumented Students


Vol. 2 | 13 | No. 10



Vol. 2 | 14 | No. 10


Los indocumentados que pasen los exámenes podrán obtener una licencia profesional para ejercer en California. La ley SB 1159 fue firmada por el gobernador Jerry Brown

Los inmigrantes indocumentados que cumplan con todos los requisitos y aprueben los exámenes podrán obtener una licencia profesional para ejercer en California; asimismo, los “Dreamers” tendrán acceso a préstamos estudiantiles.“Los empleados podrán presentar un número de identificación federal y no uno de Seguridad Social”

Esta nueva ley, conocida como SB 1159, que fue impulsada por el senador demócrata de Long Beach, Ricardo Lara, fue firmada por el gobernador del estado Jerry Brown.La SB 1159 permitirá a los inmigrantes altamente calificados obtener licencias profesionales sin importar su estatus migratorio, de acuerdo con el diario La Opinión.La noticia beneficiará a cientos de migrantes, como Luz Sandoval, una estudiante de la Universidad de California en Merced, quien creció en el estado y se educó en el sistema público y con la nueva ley podrá obtener su licencia como contadora certificada, según La Opinión.La fuerza laboral del estado incluye 1.85 millones de personas indocumentadas, de acuerdo con una estimación realizada por el Instituto de Política Pública de California.Jazmín Segura, de la organización Educadores por una Consideración Justa, indicó que con la SB 1159, California continúa su liderazgo para integrar a los inmigrantes.La nueva ley permitiría a unos 40 consejos estatales aceptar un número federal de identificación del contribuyente como prueba de identificación en lugar de un número de Seguro Social, según informes del rotativo Los Angeles Times.Las licencias para indocumentados en California crean 900 nuevos empleos en el DMV

La medida beneficiaría a decenas de oficios y profesiones, principalmente a

médicos, dentistas, enfermeras, abogados, peluqueros y guardias de seguridad.Brown también firmó la ley SB 477 que previene que los contratistas extranjeros cobren a los trabajadores por otorgarles un empleo y requiere que las condiciones del cargo sean en el primer idioma del trabajador, que los contratos sean registrados en la Comisión del Empleo y prohíbe a los empleadores usar a contratistas no registrados.Después de meses de disputa, el gobierno federal finalmente dio luz verde al diseño definitivo de licencias.“Esta ley acabará con las injusticias de la esclavitud moderna en California. Hay muchas historias de horror de inmigrantes reclutados por contratistas extranjeros bajo falsas promesas”, dijo el senador demócrata de Sacramento, Darrell Steinberg, autor de la medida.En 2012, seis trabajadores mexicanos fueron reclutados fraudulentamente para venir a trabajar en la industria forestal. Les prometieron buenos salarios, habitación, comidas, visas de trabajo. Cuando llegaron aquí, las cosas fueron muy diferentes, les hacían fuertes cobros por los alimentos y el techo, con frecuencia no les pagaban su salario. Después fueron forzados a dormir en casas de campañas sin electricidad, en condiciones peligrosas, y les negaban agua limpia para beber, de acuerdo con La Opinión.Otras leyes que benefician a los inmigrantes indocumentados son:

La AB 2000 que amplia la ley AB 40 para permitir a los estudiantes indocumentados graduados de secundaria de California, pagar las mismas colegiaturas que los residentes legales del estado, para incluir a quienes se gradúan más temprano o adelantan créditos en universidades estatales y colegios comunitarios.La SB 1210 que otorga préstamos para soñadores también del senador Lara, en ella se establece el programa de préstamos para estudiantes indocumentados que asisten a la Universidad de California (UC) y la Universidad Estatal de California (CSU). El financiamiento inicial será de US$9.2 millones de instituciones y fondos estatales. |

The undocumented immigrants who pass the exams will obtain a professional license to practice in California.

The SB 1159 law was signed by Jerry Brown ruled

The undocumented immigrants who meet all the requirements and pass the examinations can obtain a professional license to practice in California; also, the “Dreamers” have access to student loans.

“Employees may file a federal identification number and not one of Social Security”

This new law, known as SB 1159, which was driven by Sen. Long Beach, Ricardo Lara, was signed by the state governor Jerry Brown.

SB 1159 will allow highly skilled immigrants to obtain professional licenses regardless of immigration status, according to the newspaper La Opinión.

The news will benefit hundreds of migrants, such as Luz Sandoval, a student at the University of California at Merced, who grew up in the state and was educated in the public system and the new law may be licensed as a certified accountant, according to La Opinión.

The state’s workforce includes 1.85 million undocumented people, according to an estimate by the Public Policy Institute of California.

Jasmine Segura of the organization by Educators Fair Consideration, indicated that SB 1159, California continues its leadership to integrate immigrants.

SB 477 will protect workers from fraudulent contracts

The new law would allow some 40 state boards accept a federal taxpayer identification number as proof of identification in lieu of a Social Security number, according to newspaper reports the Los Angeles Times.

The licenses for undocumented immigrants in California create 900 new jobs in the DMV

The measure would benefit tens of trades and professions, especially

doctors, dentists, nurses, lawyers, hairdressers and security guards.

Brown also signed SB 477 law prevents foreign contractors from charging workers for giving them a job and requires that the terms of office are in the primary language of the employee, the contracts are recorded in the Commission on Jobs and prohibits employers using contractors not registered.

After months of dispute, the federal government finally gave the green light to the final design of licenses.

“This law will end the injustice of modern slavery in California. There are many horror stories of immigrants recruited by foreign contractors under false promises, “said Sen. Sacramento, Darrell Steinberg, author of the measure.

In 2012, six Mexican workers were fraudulently recruited to come and work in the forest industry.They were promised good wages, room, meals, work visas. When they got here, things were very different, made them strong collections for food and roof, often were not paid their wages. After they were forced to sleep in houses without electricity campaigns in dangerous conditions, and denied them clean drinking water, according to La Opinión.

Other laws that benefit undocumented immigrants are:

The AB 2000 which extends the AB 40 to allow undocumented students who graduate from California high school, pay the same tuition that legal residents of the state, to include those who graduate early or advance appropriations for state universities and community colleges.

The SB 1210 which provides loans for dreamers also Senator Lara in her loan program for undocumented students attending the University of California (UC) and California State University (CSU) is established. Initial funding will be $ 9.2 million of state funds and institutions. |

California otorgará licencias profesionales a indocumentados

California grant professional licenses to undocumented immigrants


Vol. 2 | 15 | No. 10


Los votantes latinos en California han incrementado en un 1.9 millones en los últimos 20 años según un estudio del Field Poll. La cifra actual de electores hispanos en el estado es de 4.1 millones.

“Eso va a continuar y en unos 10 años podemos esperar que una mayoría de votantes registrados de California serían de estos orígenes étnicos”, dijo Mark DiCamillo, director del Field Poll.

El estudio destaca que la preferencia política de los latinos tiende a ser demócrata, con un 55 por ciento, mientras que los indecisos constituyen un 28 por ciento de esa población votante. Eso demostró una alta preferencia por el candidato demócrata, Jerry Brown, con un 49 por ciento de apoyo de los latinos ante la elección del 4 de noviembre.

El mayor segmento de votantes se encuentra entre 18 a 39 años, mientras que el menor agrupa a los mayores de 65 años.“Es una de las otras razones por las que vemos a los latinos incrementando su cuota de la población de votantes”, dijo DiCamillo, destacando que la mayor cantidad de votantes mayores de 65 años lo conforman los blancos no latinos.

El estudio dividió al estado en seis grandes regiones, mostrando que el mayor número de latinos registrados para votar se encuentra en el condado de Los Ángeles, con un 40 por ciento.

El estudio también incluyó las preferencias de los votantes por las proposiciones que estarán en la boleta electoral. En la mayoría de ellas, la inclinación a favor de ellas superaba el 50 por ciento. |

Aumentan los votantes latinos en CaliforniaCasi 2 millones más en los últimos 20 años, revela estudio


Latino voters increase in CaliforniaAlmost 2 million more in the last 20 years, study saysLatino voters in California have increased by 1.9 million in the last 20 years according to a study by the Field Poll. Current number of Hispanic voters in the state is 4.1 million.

“That will continue and in 10 years we can expect that a majority of registered voters in California would these ethnic backgrounds,” said Mark DiCamillo, director of the Field Poll.

The study emphasizes that the political preference of Latinos tend to be Democrat, with 55 percent undecided while 28 percent are that voting population. It showed a high preference for the Democratic candidate, Jerry Brown, with 49 percent of Latinos support before the November 4 election.

The largest segment of voters is between 18 to 39 years, while the smaller groups over 65 years.

“One of the other reasons why we see Latinos increasing their share of the population of voters,” DiCamillo said, noting that the more voters over 65 is made non-Latino whites .The study divided the state into six regions, showing that the largest number of Latinos registered to vote is in Los Angeles County, with 40 percent.

The study also included the preferences of voters for the propositions that will be on the ballot. In most of them, the bias in favor of them exceeded 50 percent. |




Vol. 2 | 16 | No. 10


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Tax PreparationPreparacion de Impuestos

PayrollNominas de Pago

Business ConsultationsConsultas de Negocios

Is Your Business Out of Control?¿Está Su Negocio Fuera de Control?

Will Your Business Pass an Audit?¿Pasaria Una Auditoria?

We Can Help!Nosotros Le

Podemos Ayudar!

Kevin de León, primer latino a cargo del Senado en California

Foto: Archivo Por: La Opinión

Kevin de León comenzó su carrera política como educador en clases de ciudadanía estadounidense y organizador de los derechos civiles. Ayudó a planificar la marcha contra la Proposición 187 y fue un defensor de los maestros y escuelas públicas a través de la Asociación Nacional de Educación y la Asociación de Maestros de California.

Ahora, por primera vez en más de 130 años un latino es designado para ese cargo y con su nombramiento, se convierte también en el primer angelino en ocuparlo desde 1994.

En el 2006 fue elegido como representante del Distrito 45 en el

Senado por un período de cuatro años y desde el 2010 representa al Distrito 22.Durante su carrera política se ha enfocado en proyectos de ley para la protección del medio ambiente, inmigración y seguridad pública.

Esos proyectos han incluido la Ley “Si significa sí”, que protege a los estudiantes universitarios contra el abuso sexual, la cual fue ratificada recientemente.

También el compromiso negociado con el gobernador Brown para la aprobación del Proyecto de Ley 60 (AB 60) que permitirá a los indocumentados obtener licencias de manejo a partir de enero de 2015. |

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FREE | GRATISMuertos y Heridos En Protesta En Venezuela | Pagina 9

Cover Story | See page 10

Legal challenge facing King’s Sports Complex at the Downtown Plaza

Problemas legales para la arena deportiva de Los Kings

California to Ease Water Restrictions

in Move to Help Farmers

California Cede en las Restricciones

de Agua Para Ayudar A Los Agricultores

Cover Story | See page 11

México anuncia sus 23 futbolistas para el Mundial de Brasil

Pagina16Rechazo federal al diseño

de DMV para licencias de indocumentados

en California

Cover Story Pagina11

Is the Latino Vote Important?

Is Obamacare Good for Latinos?

¿Obamacare, beneficia a los Latinos?


Jorge Ramos On The Daily Show:

Hopefully We’ll Have A Hispanic

President Soon. | See page 11

Cover Story | See page 8

California Supreme Court Rules An Illegal Immigrant Can

Get His Law License

Abogados Sin Papeles

Podrían Ejercer En California

FREE | GRATISLost City Revealed As Folsom Lake Levels Drop | See page 14

Sergio Garcia Hopes Law License Ruling Is A ‘Beacon Of Hope’ For Immigrants

El Puente A La Comunidad LatinaThe Bridge to The Latin Community

Info : Tel. (916) 627-8701

Orlando Ramos | [email protected] | 916.548.0889LOGOS | BROCHURES | BANNERS | AD CAMPAIGNS | FLYERS/POSTCARDS


Vol. 2 | 17 | No. 10



Vol. 2 | 18 | No. 10



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Vol. 2 | 19 | No. 10


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Vol. 2 | 20 | No. 10


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