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Page 2: La Montanita Coop Connection MAY, 2007

EAT Healthy also increasesfunding for the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)Farmers Market Program, aswell as other nutrition pro-grams. And it increases fundingand makes critical changes toconservation programs whichseek to recover imperiledspecies, protect habitat, con-serve natural resources, andprotect farmland threatenedwith urban encroachment.

Three specific provisions in the bill will greatly benefit farmers,ranchers, and wildlife in New Mexico. One provision prioritizesconservation and protection of our most important and mostthreatened wildlife and habitat. It would tie several of the conser-vation programs directly to an existing long-term plan for wildlifeconservation recently completed in every state.

Second, EAT Healthy expands the Wetlands Reserve Program toallow land along streams and rivers to be enrolled in the program.Currently, riparian areas can only be protected if they connect twoalready protected wetlands, which is not much help for the aridsouthwest. Making all riparian lands eligible for protection isextremely important for New Mexico as much of our farmland andcritical wildlife habitat are along waterways. And healthy riparianareas help improve water quality and the health of river ecosystems.

complete the circle of production and distribu-tion in the most cost effective way for both farm-ers and consumers.

Look for Beneficial Farms eggs at Co-op locationsat a new everyday low price. Help your Co-op sup-port our local family farms; buy Beneficial Farmseggs and watch for the Beneficial Eco-label on avariety of fruit and vegetables during the upcom-ing growing season and throughout the year.

by Robyn Seydel

L a Montanita Food Cooperative is making a major com-mitment to the development of a sustainable food-shedin the Southern Rocky Mountain and Desert Southwest

region. As part of that commitment we are working to helpdevelop the Beneficial Farms Eco- Label.

The goal of the Beneficial Eco-Label is to differentiate localsmall producers from larger certified organic producers oftenfrom distant locations. The basis of the Beneficial Eco-Labelis the idea that in addition to many "shared principles," eachfarm is unique. The story of that farm, its "sense of place"here in the southwest, and the goals and stewardship prac-tices that arise from it are part of what sets our local farmsand ranches apart from the increasingly large corporateorganic farms both nationally and globally.

Of course, many local farms will continue to chooseorganic certification as their means of differentiatingthemselves. The regional Beneficial Eco-Label allows bothcertified organic and non-certified farmers to go furtherthan organic certification. Rather than the "one size fitsall" approach of national organic certification, by assist-


by Lisa Hummon, Farm Bill Coalition, Defenders of Wildlife

I f you have been reading the Co-op Connectionrecently, you know that the Farm Bill estab-lishes the policy and funding that shapes theworld of agriculture around us. But the cur-

rent Farm Bill and those of the past are full ofinequities. Much of the funding is used to pro-vide subsidies to growers of just a few crops(wheat, corn, cotton, rice, soybeans). And therichest ten percent get two-thirds of the subsi-dies: corporate agri-business is cashing in.

Right now, Congress is in the midst of reautho-rizing the Farm Bill. And so far, one piece of leg-islation stands out above the rest: the "EquitableAgriculture Today (EAT) for a Healthy AmericaAct." Introduced by Representative DennisCardoza (D-CA), this bill restores balance toAmerica’s farm policy.

The EAT Healthy America Act gives growers offruits, vegetables, and nuts, or "specialty crops"a seat at the table. "Specialty crops are animportant part of local economies in all 50states, and it is imperative that we recognizetheir vital contributions by ensuring that spe-cialty crop growers have an important role inthe future of American agriculture," Cardozasaid in a press release.

Finally, the bill incorporatespractices that prevent livestock conflicts with endangeredpredators into the Environmental Quality IncentivesProgram. This change would help ranchers in Mexican wolfcountry to minimize wolf-livestock interactions. These prac-tices could include livestock carcass removal, use of guarddogs, fencing, and use of herders.

For far too long the Farm Bill has propped up agri-businessand commodity crops in just a few, select states. It is hightime for Congress to promote sustainable agriculture andecosystem protection, provide healthy food choices for allAmericans, recognize the value and importance of familyfarms and take action to protect rural communities. The EATHealthy America Act will help us get there.

Please call or write to Representatives Wilson, Pearce, andUdall, and ask them to cosponsor this important legislation.

The EAT Healthy America Act

Foodshed Projecting farmers to establish goals andplans for sustainable stewardshipand by monitoring and document-ing soil improvement, weed man-agement and other aspects of pro-duction, Beneficial intends overtime to enable farmers with higherlevels of accomplishment in sus-tainability to find the recognitionthey deserve in the marketplace.

For several years Co-op shoppershave been able to choose BeneficialFarms eggs, as well as seasonal veg-etables and fruit produced by a collaborative of centraland northern New Mexican farmers (see the centerfoldfor a profile of one of Beneficial’s farmers). To help farm-ers even more the Co-op has instituted a program inwhich the Cooperative Distribution Center (CDC) pur-chases egg cartons and egg boxes and when recycledmaterials are not available provides these needed suppliesat more affordable prices than farmers can get individu-ally. The CDC also helps with group purchasing of local,organic wheat for chicken feed. When we pick up collab-orating farmer’s eggs we also drop off supplies, helping to

Wondering what to do this spring between Mother’s Day andMemorial Day Weekend? Mark your calendars for this year’sAnnual Sustainability Week and GreenBuilt Tour, hosted by the

New Mexico Chapter of the US Green Building Council. On May 15h throughthe 20th a series of events will be presented to educate the public on theprinciples of Sustainable Design and Construction, and their benefits.

While many people know that the billions of tons of carbon dioxide emis-sions produced each year have a profound impact on the health of our plan-et, few know that the building sector produces almost half of those emis-sions. USGBC members know that the best way to offset those building sec-tor emissions is by following the Leadership in Energy and EnvironmentalDesign (LEED) system. Buildings designed and constructed following LEEDprinciples produce 40% less carbon than conventional buildings. LEEDbuildings save energy, use water wisely, cost less to operate, and are health-ier to live and work in.

The annual GreenBuilt Tour, held this year on May 19th and 20th, isdesigned to showcase buildings and homes which serve as examples ofwhat can be done to incorporate the principles of "green" design and con-

struction. This hands-on experience will allow interested parties tosee what other designers and home owners have done in the areasof material recycling, solar power, water harvesting, indoor envi-ronments, wind energy, ultra-efficient insulation, low impact con-struction and renewable products.

Now in its eighth year, this year’s tour will display over twentyhomes and quality commercial buildings in Albuquerque, SantaFe, Rio Rancho and the East Mountain communities, ranging insize from under 1000 SF to over 5000 SF and priced from under$100,000 to over $2.5 Million.

This year the chapter will present a new event, the AnnualGreen Living Lecture Series. This series of lectures willrange from the economics of building green, to varioustechniques and strategies that can be employed by home-owners wishing to reduce the impacts of their homes.From Tuesday, May 15th through Thursday, May 17th,these lectures will be presented at the Student UnionBuilding on the UNM campus. For those interested inlearning about the US Green Building Council, and theLEED green building rating systems, the Emerging GreenBuilders, the USGBC’s student affiliate, will present aworkshop on May 18th, also at UNM.

Finally, Green Central will feature workshops and demonstrations ofthe hottest green products available today. This event will be held inconjunction with the New Mexico Wilderness Alliance’s AnnualWildFest at 142 Truman NE in Nob Hill on May 19th and 20th.

Ticket’s and Tour Books for the GreenBuilt Tour are $10 for adults,$5 for students and seniors with children under 12 free; tickets forthe Green Living Lecture Series are $10 – for all three nights! Otherevents are free. Tickets are available at La Montanita Co-op/SantaFe and Albuquerque or via the web at

by Thomas Q. Apgar, CSIChair 2007 Sustainability Week/Green Built Tour


Unique localfarms shareSUSTAINABLEPRINCIPLES.

MAY 19TH & 20TH


to America’sfarm policy

Page 3: La Montanita Coop Connection MAY, 2007

Due to weather and other circumstances project details are subject tochange at the last minute, so call the project leader or the office (884-1991 or 1-888-836-5553) a few days before the scheduled start to getthe latest information. Late breaking information is also posted Volunteers should bring work gloves, sturdy boots orshoes, long pants, long-sleeved shirt, rain gear, hat, sunscreen, snacks,and water. If you are camping, bring camping equipment (e.g., tent,sleeping bag, flashlight or lantern, etc.), warm clothing, plates, cup, eat-ing utensils, and food (except for provided meals). The VFO or hostingagency will usually provide all tools unless otherwise noted.

For safety reasons please don't bring pets on projects. A parent orguardian must accompany children under 18. If you have any ques-tions, please call the project leader or the office for more information—884-1991 or

Capulin Trail #116 • Saturday, May 19 through Sunday,May 20, 2007. Leader: Bill Metz 505-286-1029 (after 6PM).Reestablish and redefine trail through 1996 Dome Fire in JemezRD Dome Wilderness. Camp outside the wilderness. Childrenwelcome.

National Trails Day • Saturday, June 2, 2007. Leader:Lowell Hioki. (505) 474-0913 [email protected]. CelebrateTrails Day with us at Hyde Memorial State Park. Escape the heat– enjoy the cool mountains and pine forests.

Columbine Trail • Saturday, June 16 through Sunday, June17, 2007. Leaders: Shirley Kennedy & Bill Metz—PHONE:

(505) 490-0107 [email protected]. Rebuild the first foot bridgecrossing Columbine Creek. Routine trail maintenance and clearing onthe first two miles of trail.

Pecos Backpack XIV • Saturday, June 23 through Sunday, July 1,2007. Leader: Kevin Balciar (505)293-1477/[email protected]. Wewill return to the Pecos Baldy Lake area repairing severely eroded trailsleading from the lake to Trail Riders wall.

seasonal activitiesA Community - Owned Natural Foods Grocery Store

La Montanita CooperativeAlbuquerque/ 7am-10pm M-S, 8am-10pm Sun.3500 Central SEAlbuq., NM 87106 265-4631

Albuquerque/ 7am-10pm M-S, 8am-10pm Sun.2400 Rio Grande Blvd.Albuq., NM 87104 242-8800

Gallup/ 10am-7pm M-S, 11am-6pm Sun.105 E. Coal Gallup, NM 87301 863-5383

Santa Fe/ 7am-10pm M-S, 8am-10pm Sun.913 West Alameda Santa Fe, NM 87501 984-2852

Cooperative Distribution Center 3361 Columbia NE, Albuq., NM 87107217-2010

Administrative Staff: 505-217-2001TOLL FREE: 877-775-2667 (COOP)• General Manager/C.E. Pugh [email protected]• Controller/John Heckes [email protected]• Computers/Info Technology/David Varela 217-2011 [email protected]• Food Service/Bob Tero [email protected]• Human Resources/Sharret Rose [email protected]• Marketing/Edite Cates [email protected]• Membership/Robyn Seydel [email protected]

Store Team Leaders: • Mark Lane/Nob Hill [email protected]• John Mulle/Valley [email protected]• William Prokopiack/Santa Fe [email protected]• Tracy Thomasson/Gallup [email protected]

Co-op Board of Directors:email: [email protected]: Martha WhitmanVice President: Marshall KovitzTreasurer: Ken O’BrienSecretary: Roger Eldridge Lonn CalancaTom HammerTamara SaimonsJonathan SiegelAndrew Stone

Membership Costs:$15 for 1 year/$200 Lifetime Membership

Co-op Connection Staff:Managing Editor: Robyn [email protected] and Design: foxyrock incCovers and Centerfold: Edite CatesAdvertising: Robyn Seydel Editorial Assistant: Stephanie [email protected] 217-2016Printing: Vanguard Press

Membership information is available at all four Co-op locations, or call 217-2027 or 877-775-2667email: [email protected]

Membership response to the newsletter is appreciated. Address typed, double-spaced copy to the Managing Editor, [email protected]:

Copyright © 2007La Montanita Co-op SupermarketReprints by prior permission.

The Co-op Connection is printed on 65% postconsumer recycled paper. It is recyclable.

The New Mexico Volunteers for the Outdoors(NMVFO) is an all-volunteer, non-politicalorganization that is dedicated to improvingtrails and outdoor recreation facilities through-

out the state. They have been organizing groups of indi-viduals to participate in projects that improve NewMexico's back-country hiking, bicycling, and horsetrails along with other outdoor public recreation areassince 1982. NMVFO projects are open to everyone, andvolunteers have fun while caring for our public lands.

Projects vary widely in complexity and exertion. Eachis classified in one of three levels – moderate, interme-

diate, or stren-uous– to help

volunteers understandwhat to expect and to help match their capabilities withthe tasks. All projects involve outdoor physical activityin a variety of weather conditions, and all have activi-ties that can be tailored to meet individual tastes.

Please sign up for a project by the indicated date so thatthey may plan for meals, tools, transportation, etc. Theproject leader may be able to arrange a ride for youwith another volunteer if you need one. Also, pleaseinform the project leader if you have to cancel out of aproject after you sign up.

2 May 2007

volunteers for theOUTDOORS

puppet shows, investigating real specimens from the museum's collections, visitsto the museum's exhibits and healthy snacks.

In Prehistoric Detectives kids explore the animals and plants of prehistoric habi-tats through art projects, games, stories, investigate real specimens from themuseum's collections, and visit the museum's exhibits.

Programs are also provided for school age chil-dren including:The Natural World Around Us, EcoAdventures Art Adventures, Time Trekkers 1(2-3rdgrade) Time Trekkers 2 (4th or 5th grade).

For more adventure children can become SandiaExplorers (4th-5th Grade) or Sandia Mountaineers(6-7th Grade)Each day children will explore a different life zoneof the mountain from the Bosque to the Spruce-Firforest and spend time in the museum visitingrelated exhibits and participating in behind-the-

scenes tours. This camp includes a two-night overnight (Wed. and Thurs.) at theSandia Mountain Natural History Center. Mountaineers learn skills such as mapand compass, GPS, orienteering, backpacking, field cooking, and leave no-traceethics during the two-night overnight. The first night is spent at the SandiaMountain Natural History Center practicing backpacking skills and the secondnight is spent testing those skills in the Sandia Mountain Wilderness. Contact:www.nmnaturalhistory. org/edu_main.html

Harwood Art Camp / Art Summer SchoolThis day camp concentrates on exposing children to art in many forms and furtherdeveloping young artists who are devoted to their craft. Location: Harwood ArtCenter. Ages 6-12 for art camp and high school teens for art summer school.Activities: drawing, painting, sculpting, photography, printmaking and mixedmedia workshops with the option of portfolio development to high school studentswho are planning to study art in college or attend an art school. Contact: 505 242-6367 or visit

US Performing Arts CampEnroll your starlet or leading man in a musical theatre program this summer andlet them shine! Location: University of New Mexico Campus. Ages: Grades 9-12 .Contact: USPA2007Catalog.pdf

For more ideas visit


C hildren’s capacity to learn, invent, create, and worktogether shouldn’t be ignored when school’s out. Fromscience to singing, there are so many options to enrich

your child’s skills, engage their social learning, create wonderfulmemories, and even potentially introduce them to new friends!Whether your kids prefer juggling, sculpture, hiking, writing, orwant to dive into something new, here are fun and educational pro-grams to engage your children this summer:

Explorer – A Writer’s Art: Creative Writing SummerWorkshopExplore your creative writing skills out in open spaces ofNew Mexico’s Ghost Ranch and see what spills onto thepage. This program offers structured writing exercises anddraft-polishing tips, as well as time to share your finishedwork. In addition to a dining hall, swimming pool, library,and meeting rooms, the ranch has two museums andmiles of hiking trails. Ages: Grades 10-12. Contact:

Camp InventionThis week-long non-profit summer enrichment day program fos-ters creativity, teamwork, inventive thinking skills, and science lit-eracy. The program is provided in local public schools by areateachers. Located at various schools including AlbuquerqueAcademy, Bandelier Elementary, and El Dorado Elementary. It’sgreat for kids grades 1-6. Contact: 505-867-9829

Albuquerque School for Circus ArtsYou don’t have to run away from home to join the Circus! Just goto Dance Dimensions for tumbling, hand balancing, juggling,make-up designs, unicycling, stilt walking and more. For ages: 5-15. Contact: 505 459-3385

New Mexico Museum of Natural Science: Young Explorer’sSummer Science CampThe New Mexico Museum of Natural Science runs a series of pro-grams for children divided into a variety of age groups. Pre-schooland kindergarten "Knee High Naturalists" children enjoy half dayactivities including learning about local animals, insects, fish,plants, and rocks through art projects, songs, games, stories,



Page 4: La Montanita Coop Connection MAY, 2007

By Kevin Dahl

Blue, red, yellow, white, black and different combina-tions that include intricate speckles and stripes – asbeautiful as any piece of jewelry – Indian corns are asdecorative as they are useful. Corn was the most

important traditional southwestern crop – it produced abundantharvests that were easily stored for times of famine. The beautifulcolors reflect the diversity of corn types and different deliciousways to prepare them. For home gardeners looking to try some-thing different, these varieties offer an array of choices.

Corn is categorized into five types based on the starch and sugarcontent of the kernel: popcorn,sweet, dent, flint and flour.

Native farmers usually grew several varieties of corn, each tra-ditionally used in a unique way. Popcorn is one of the oldesttypes of domesticated corn. Corn fragments in archaeologicalsettings date its use in southern Arizona to at least 5000 yearsago. Sweet corn, with the highest sugar content, is commonlyeaten as corn-on-the-cob either boiled in water or roasted in thehusk. Dent corn, named for the dent formed in the dried kernel,like flint corn, dries into a particularly hard kernel, a quality thatenables it to store for some time.

The type of corn most commonly grown in the Southwest isflour corn, which can be easily ground into a meal. The kernelsof one type of flour corn are parched in hot sand, sifted andlightly coated with salt water to make a delicious snack. Bluecorn is ground into meal for baked goods, stews, stuffings,dumplings, and beverages. One large-kernel variety of whiteflour corn is used to make hominy, or posole as it is called in theSouthwest and Mexico.

native foods


Co-op ValuesCooperatives are based on the values of self-help,self-responsibility, democracy, equality, equity andsolidarity. In the tradition of their founders, coop-erative members believe in the ethical values ofhonesty, openness, social responsibility and car-ing for others.

Co-op Principles 1 Voluntary and Open Membership 2 Democratic Member Control 3 Member Economic Participation 4 Autonomy and Independence 5 Education, Training and Information 6 Cooperation among Cooperatives 7 Concern for Community

The Co-op Connection is published by LaMontanita Co-op Supermarket to provide informa-tion on La Montanita Co-op Supermarket, thecooperative movement, and the links betweenfood, health, environment and community issues.Opinions expressed herein are of the authors andare not necessarily those of the Co-op.




Santa Fe

Renewing America’s Food Traditions (RAFT) and the Institute ofAmerican Indian Arts (IAIA) are bringing together over two dozenfarmers, ranchers, gatherers, historians, cooks and food activists

for a native food summit at the IAIA campus in Santa Fe, NM. The goal ofthis gathering is to convene a small cross-section of leaders in the USnative foods movement to exchange best practices for revitalizing thewondrous biodiversity of our native foodsand to continue building local food systemsand creating sustainable income for nativefood producers.

As part of this summit, a public celebrationwill be held on Sunday May 20th from10:00am to 4:00pm at the IAIA campus.This celebration will highlight diverse nativefood products, including demonstrations andtalks given by local and national speakers.

Many chefs will be conducting demonstra-tions with tastings of delicious Native Foods. Chef Walter Whitewaterof the Diné (Navajo) Nation will be preparing a grilled quail with aNew Mexican Red Chile honey glaze, Chef John Sharpe of TheTurquoise Room in Winslow, Arizona will be preparing marinatedgrilled Navajo Churro Lamb tacos, Chef Loretta Barrett Oden(Potawatami) will be preparing a tepary bean and wild rice dish, ChefLois Ellen Frank (Kiowa) will serve samples of a chocolate piñon tortewith local peach honey and hand gathered prickly pear syrup and ChefRichard Hetzler of the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum ofthe American Indian (NMAI) will not only lead a cooking demonstra-tion, but will also be seeking new native foods to incorporate into theSmithsonian café. Jonette Sam of Picuris Pueblo will be serving a buf-falo chile stew from the Pueblo’s Bison program and will also be sell-ing some of their buffalo meat products.

Famed local author and chef Deborah Madison will be signing copiesof her book Local Flavors along with other local authors. There willbe many local food producers and different types of local food prod-ucts, as well as a wonderful opportunity for everyone to learn aboutand sample delicious native foods.

This event is FREE and open to the general pub-lic. Families are encouraged to come, see, andtaste food samplings and visit with the NativeFood Producers and information booths that willbe participating in this Native Foods day.

RAFT brings seven of the country’s mostprominent education, conservation andfood organizations together to documentand restore America’s agricultural biodi-versity and to develop and promote con-servation strategies, sustainable food pro-duction and awareness of the endangeredfoods and food traditions of the UnitedStates. Partner organizations includeAmerican Livestock Breeds Conservancy,Center for Sustainable Environments at Northern Arizona University, ChefsCollaborative, The Cultural Conser-

vancy, Native Seeds/SEARCH, Seed SaversExchange, and Slow Food USA.

IAIA is a national Native American fine arts col-lege in Santa Fe. The college is in the process ofdeveloping a native foods culinary school. Thepartnership with RAFT and exposure to leaders inthe native foods movement is a natural fit with theaspirations the school has for their culinary artsprogram.

For information about the event, please contact: Lois at505-466-6303, e-mail [email protected] • Julie at520.622.0830, e-mail [email protected]

For information about RAFT: • For information about IAIA:


While corn contains useful amounts of the vitamin niacin, it is in a boundform that is not nutritionally available. Corn prepared with an alkalizingagent such as wood ashes or crushed limestone releases the niacin so thatit can be absorbed by the human organism. Somehow the ancient cooksknew the importance of this procedure. Unfortunately it was slow in com-ing to the Europeans of the 1700s and the Southern U.S. farmers of the1900s. Both groups who relied on corn as a primary food suffered from theniacin-deficiency disease called pellagra.

Growing CornCorn is a fast growing plant with a surprisingly small root structure. It doesbest in loose, fertile soils and requires regular watering (or good rains).

Some gardeners add compost, aged manure, or fish emul-sion during the growing season to help provide extra nitro-gen. Some Native farmers were able to plant corn in differentplots from year to year to allow the soil to recover. Highwinds can blow corn plants over; if they don’t spring back ontheir own, you can push them up and pack soil around theirbase. Hopi farmers propped flat rocks up wind from youngcorn plants to protect them from the wind.

Native farmers use every part of the corn plant – not just theears. They collect pollen for ceremonies. They make tea fromthe corn silk to treat urinary tract problems. They dry thestalk and use it for fuel, building material, or fodder for live-

stock. Corn smut – an odd looking fungus that grows on corn ears – was arelished treat; it is still popular today in Mexico and served under its Aztecname, huitlacoche.

Seeds for Southwestern corns are available from Native Seeds/SEARCH( Purchase ears of traditional corns at farmers mar-kets (in season) – but beware; ears of corns sold for Thanksgiving decora-tion might be treated with preservatives that make them unsuitable forkitchen use.

Kevin Dahl, is an Arizona based writer who works with NativeSeed/SEARCH and writes for Edible Phoenix among other publications.This article is reprinted with permission of the author and Edible PhoenixMagazine.



Southwestern NativeCORNS

May 2007

a traditional southwestern CROP

Page 5: La Montanita Coop Connection MAY, 2007

by Michael Jensen, Amigos Bravos

Last month’s article summarized the results of recent studies look-ing at the impact of climate change on the Southwest and NewMexico. However, the most recent report by the International

Panel on Climate Change (IPCC –, released in earlyApril, makes an even more dire prediction about the kind of waterregime we will have in the state, despite efforts by US and some othergovernment delegates to "dilute" the findings.

The prediction: Richard Seager, senior geophysicist at the Lamont Doherty EarthObservatory at Columbia University, warned that, "according to themodels, in the Southwest a climate akin to the 1950s droughtbecomes the new climate within the next few years to decades."

In other words, the climate in the Southwest will not be marked byperiodic droughts; instead, it will "transition" within a few decades toa condition of "permanent" (centuries-long) drought as the "base"climate. (See: "Permanent dust bowl could be NM future",; or"Permanent drought predicted for Southwest",,1,1875684.story).

Albuquerque, Climate, and WaterAlbuquerque – like most cities in New Mexico and the arid West – hasbeen getting its water from underground. In Albuquerque’s case, thesource is an aquifer that stretches from south of Cochiti to Socorro.There are wells scattered across the city delivering water to homes andbusinesses.

For a long time, people regarded the aquifer as theequivalent of one of the Great Lakes – an inex-haustible supply of water. Recent rigorous analysisof the extremely complex geography underlyingour region revealed that not only was the supply ofwater in the aquifer much smaller than previouslybelieved, it was being pumped out faster than nat-ural processes could replace it (a similar reality

check also took place inthe 1990s regarding the supposedly large groundwater supply on the east side of the Sandia andManzano Mountains).

"The aquifer" is actually many separate – and oftenunconnected – sources of ground water. The waterwe are tapping is not one large pool, but manyareas located at different depths and in differenttypes of rock containing water within porouszones. As wells pump the water out beyond thecapacity of rain and snow melt to replenish it, twothings happen:

• "zones of depression" are created, areas in whichrock and soil layers above pumping zones begin tosubside because the water-bearing zones supportingthem become more compact as the water is suckedout. There is a large zone of depression in theNortheast Heights area of Albuquerque. In othercases, sinkholes appear on the surface.• the Río Grande loses water because the watertable – the upper level of nearby aquifers and shal-low groundwater sources – drops below the level ofthe river, causing river water to be drawn into thereceding groundwater zones. This reverses theusual sequence, in which the Río Grande gainswater as it flows from water-bearing zones in thehigher foothills and the West mesa areas.

In addition to these hydro-geological consequencesof over pumping, two other factors have made con-tinued ground water pumping a big problem:• new standards for arsenic came into affect, so thatsome of Albuquerque’s wells now have arsenic lev-els that exceed the new standards; something had tobe done to deal with this potential very expensiveproblem.• growth continues unchecked in Albuquerque andsurrounding areas, such as the new "city" at Mesadel Sol, Rio Rancho’s continued growth, and anoth-er proposed city between Rio Rancho and the Rio

Puerco on the Atrisco Land Grant.

Given aquifer depletion, zones ofdepression and land subsidence,water loss from the Río Grande, andrapid growth, Albuquerque neededto do something.

The solution was to start using thecity’s "San Juan-Chama water" totake pressure off the aquifer and, ide-ally, allow some Río Grande water tobe used to recharge the aquifer, espe-cially in areas where pumping hadhad the most impact, such as with

the Northeast heights zone of depression.

Mayor Martin Chavez and other political and busi-ness leaders have vigorously pushed for completionof Albuquerque’s "Drinking Water Project," saying itwill provide a "sustainable water supply forAlbuquerque," allow for recharge of the aquifer, offera potential solution to the problem of zones ofdepression, provide a way to dilute arsenic-bearingwater so it can meet the new standards, maintain suf-ficient water to provide habitat for endangeredspecies like the silvery minnow (a legal requirement),not interrupt New Mexico’s legal obligation to pro-vide a minimum amount of water to Texas under theRío Grande Compact, and – perhaps most importantfor many of these leaders – allow growth to continue.

Enter climate change.If we are indeed entering a transition to a permanentdrought-like climate – or even just a long-term peri-od of cyclical droughts – then placing all our bets forthe future of Albuquerque and the region on the"sustainability" of Río Grande water doesn’t seemlike the wisest solution to our water problems.

Next: Albuquerque’s "Drinking Water Project"

Sparrow Hawk Farm:Think Global,Drink Local

Given aquifer depletion, zones

of depression and land subsidence,water loss from the Rio Grande,

and rapid growth,Albuquerque needed to do


agua es vida May 2007 4


Sunday, May 12th10am - Mass at St. Anne’s Parish (1400 Arenal Rd SW)10:45am - People and community organizations gather outside the church fora procession along the acequia, blessing of water, seeds, and farm implements,and back to St. Anne’s for food, music, and presentations. The Fiesta is a cel-ebration of the farming heritage in the South Valley. If you would like to vol-unteer or if you want more information, please call Amigos Bravos’Albuquerque Projects Director, Lucy Sanchez, at 688-5458 or 452-9387.

Fiesta de San Isidro BBlleessssiinngg ooff tthhee WWaatteerrss



Don’t Miss It!

Thursday, May 10 at 7pm readings by Joanne Kyger andMichael McClure at the Saint Francis Auditorium at theMuseum of Fine Arts, 107 W Palace Avenue in Santa Fe. $6tickets at the door. More info 505-476-5096.Wednesday, May 23, 7pm Gary Snyder will be at TheLensic Performing Arts Center 211 W San Francisco Streetin Santa Fe. $10 tickets, [email protected] More info505-476-5096


SUNDAY, JUNE 24TH8AM-6:30PMIndian Pueblo Cultural Center

Information: 505-852-0555

Available now at yourlocal La Montanita Co-op

Free, full-color Advertising Guide to local,family-centered goods & services

For Advertiser information, e-mail us [email protected]

Page 6: La Montanita Coop Connection MAY, 2007

outdoor activities May 2007 5

National Trails Day: June 2Celebrate your public lands by volunteering forNational Trails Day on Saturday, June 2, 2007 atthe Elena Gallegos Picnic Area Open Space.Starting at 8:00 am, volunteers can choose from avariety of projects, rangingfrom reseeding trails in theOpen Space system to heavytrail maintenance on theSandia Mountain Forest Ser-vice lands. Projects vary inlevel of difficulty and will lastthroughout the day. Accord-ing to the American HikingSociety, National Trails Day®(NTD) celebrating 15 years in2007, is the largest and most influential trails cele-bration in the nation.

The Elena Gallegos Picnic Area is located at the endof Simms Park Road, east of Tramway, 1⁄4 mile north

of Academy. All you need to bring are a hat, waterbottle, lunch, sunscreen, and lots of enthusiasm.The Albuquerque Open Space Division and SandiaRanger District will provide all other equipment/tools

and instructions. At the end of the day ameal will be provided along with door prizesdonated by the many sponsors.

To volunteer, please sign up at RecreationalEquipment Inc (REI) after May 4, located at 1550 Mercantile Ave. (I-25 and Montano),or call them at 247-1191. For more informa-tion, call Jodi Hedderig with the City ofAlbuquerque, Open Space Division at 452-5210 or visit www. /cal


National Trails Day would not be possible withoutgenerous support from the following sponsors: R.E.I,Open Space Alliance, Friends of the SandiaMountains, La Montanita Co-op, Wolfe’s Bakery, andUSFS Sandia Ranger District.

May 5-6, 10am-4pm

Herbfest at theRIO GRANDE NATURE CENTERRio Grande Nature Center * 2901 Candelaria Road NW You are cordially invited to participate in Herbfest, an annual celebrationof herbs, flowers, native plants and wildlife. Herbfest is sponsored by theFriends of the Rio Grande Nature Center. This year’s celebration includessales of herbs, wildflowers, native plants, arts & crafts, and food as wellas guest speakers, demonstrations, exhibits, kids’ activities, live bird dis-plays, live entertainment, garden interpretation, guided bird walks &nature walks.

The Rio Grande Nature Center, is one of Albuquerque’s most popular andprecious resources and the second most visited state park in New Mexico,it provides a tranquil refuge for a wide array of wildlife, local residents, andvisitors. Herbfest is a free event. There is a $3.00 parking fee. Info:344-7240 or [email protected].


Integrated Counseling,Therapeutic Bodywork

and Movement

Penny HollandM.A., L.P.C.C, L.M.T.

505-265-2256LPCC Lic. 0494, LMT Lic. 1074

Join us October 19-21 in Santa Fe to be inspired, hearabout the latest regional and local developments, shareideas and best practices, and build new friendships andalliances with fellow New Mexicans. The NM BioneersSatellite Conference "beams" the 2007 plenary speeches livefrom California and convenes local and regional experts,activists, luminaries and enthusiasts so that we can all sup-port local initiatives!

A partial list of 2007 Plenary Speakers includes renownedactivist Winona LaDuke, Charlotte Brody of Commonweal,Evon Peter of Native Movement, Judy Baca, muralist andcommunity arts pioneer, Eve Ensler, playwright and activist,and Van Jones of the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights.

New Mexico Bioneers needs volunteers now. How wouldyou like to participate?

- Offer time, programming ideas, or resources in supportinggreat work in New Mexico?- Share your idea of how your business or organization mightpartner with us to help make this year’s conference moreaccessible, rewarding and inspirational:

We need help with childcare, coffee stand, artwork, youthevents, transportation, performance, and massage. Comeorganize with us! Please go to for more information.


Personal Growth

Childhood Trauma • Illness

Drugs/Alcohol • Loss

Women’s Issues

Louise Miller, MA LPCC NCC


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Spring is in the AirTime to Mulch Beds

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• Technical Removal• Planting • Cabling & Bracing

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Clarifying Meditative Work – A workshop for people from any meditation tradition or notradition at all. Saturday, 5/12, 2 to 5 pm at the Wat Center at 145 Madison NE, corner of Madison and Copper. $5 donation. Info: 281-0684

Page 7: La Montanita Coop Connection MAY, 2007

co-op news May 2007 6

J ust up Carlisle from the Nob Hill Co-op there is a beautiful and welcom-ing space called The Source. Technically described as a wellness cen-ter and meeting space, it is really a multi-faceted resource with prac-

titioners and teachers where one can go to feel grounded, connected, andinspired. A space "for creating sacredness" that is incredibly down toearth, The Source is the source for all your needs regarding wellness, holis-tic health, awareness, community, inspiration, and lounging. Right alongside yoga instructors and naturopaths are baristas blending up yourfavorite brews at the Michael Thomas Coffee House, whether your pleas-ure is ground coffee beans, aged tea leaves, or freshly juiced wheatgrass.

Rich Bowditch and Chery Klairwator were both committed to the idea ofthis kind of community space and when they found the right spot, it allfell into place. Rich, who grows endless flats of wheatgrass in an on-sitegreenhouse, had the idea for a wellness center and Chery, a kinestisiolo-gist and self-ascribed events creator, had the vision of a place where artis-tic, social, and community events could all come together. The result isThe Source. The bubbling fountain and smiling faces are constant, but thesheer variety of events and people you meet each time you go make it dif-

The Source: Creating Health and Sacrednessferent every time. If you want to get involved ormerely want to check out what’s cooking, show upto one of the free Wednesday night potlucks startingat 7 pm. Bring a dish and your point of view to shareand see where the night takes you.

Browse through the list of practitioners and choosefrom a doctor of Oriental medicine, a kinesiologist,a psychic, and a range ofmassage therapists as wellas yoga classes (from fourdifferent instructors). Havean acupuncture treatmentwith Karla Koch or acleansing with Bertha deVries. Do you just needsome time to focus, buthaven’t had success medi-tating? Try some yoga withAparna to clear your mindand connect with yourbody. There are also support groups that meet todiscuss spiritual topics ranging from miracles to one-ness blessings or health concerns such as cleansingand raw foods.

Chery says "The Co-op is the perfect place to get thekind of fresh, organic, local food that is essential to araw foods diet." A member for the past decade,Chery is one of our many Co-op members whojoined quickly after moving to Albuquerque. "It’s aplace where I was able to find out about social eventsand engage in the community, as well as make con-scious choices regarding healthy food." The nexttime you’re at the Co-op find something to bring to

the potluck and experience how good food and asupportive community come together for you.

The gorgeous outdoor deck area is ideal for yoga,cheese and wine set-up near to the gallery space, oreven a wedding! Chery is very intent on making itknown that this space is open to host any of yourspecial events and experiences, as well as the onesalready offered. And because events are held thereregularly, it’s a one-stop shop for entertainment,food, or whatever other element you want to

include in your get together.

When asked what aspect of her work wasespecially rewarding, Chery simplyreplied, "In the kind of work that I do,you never know what to expect!" She saysit can be the voices of happy children run-ning around while their parents chat dur-ing a potluck or issues raised by someonewho comes to see her in her kinesiologypractice. In either case it’s about findingthe right balance.

So, if you want a fast-paced yoga synergy coursethat combines yoga, tai-chi, and aerobics, TheSource is the place. Want to take a break from yourbusy day for a cup of tea or treat yourself to a mas-sage or therapy session? The Source is the place.Just about any gathering that you can imagine, butdon’t know where to hold… The Source is theplace.

Be sure to check the events calendar on their websiteto know what is going on at The Source and when or call 505 265-5900 toleave a message or Chery at 505 991-0839 regardingspace rentals or her kinesiology practice.

a Member Profile


"50 Million Farmers." After reading an article titled "50Million Farmers," Board members discussed the effects apossible future oil shortage could have on agriculture. Alively brainstorming discussion included talk about low-cost seed banks, regional self-sufficiency, and VictoryGardens—it’s time for everyone to start a vegetable gar-den! The desire to support and educate the communitywas clear. The Board’s role in this will be to develop poli-cy governance Ends (desired outcomes) to help guidemanagements’ decisions when making long-range plansfor the Co-op.Board Meeting. Members are invited to attend monthlyboard meetings. The next meeting will be held on thethird Tuesday, May 15th, 2007, at 5:30 p.m. at theImmanuel Presbyterian Church at Carlisle and Silveravenues in Albuquerque. Shirley Coe, Admin. Assist.

Meeting of March 20, 2007Garden Party. The Co-op’s annual Garden Partywill be at the Valley Co-op on Saturday, March31, from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.Gallup Store Doing Well. The general manag-er reported that the Gallup store is doing muchbetter recently. This is due both to changing theadvertising for the store and to the Co-op nowhaving a warehouse with a truck that can deliv-er fresh produce and meat to Gallup weekly.

Lots has been going on in Gallup these days!First we’d like to say welcome aboard to ournew staff person Brian Pierce. Tracy our Gallup

Store Manager has been busy bringing the Co-op’smessage of good healthy food, to area public schools,including Washington, Tohatchi, and Wingate Ele-mentary schools at their health fairs. Way to go Tracy!A variety of studies show that exposure to healthy foodat an early age helps people make healthier food choic-es throughout their lives. The benefits of "Fresh, Fairand Local" foods are a drum beat we are happy to helpkeep going.

The Local Products TruckSpeaking of fresh food, The Gallup store is still receiv-ing weekly deliveries of great local milk, special cuts offresh, local organic meats, eggs, bread and produceevery week. The Co-op’s local products truck arriveseach week on Thursday evening and all products are upon the shelves for weekend shopping by Friday morn-ing. If you have any special requests please give Tracy acall by Tuesday of each week to make sure that yourspecial order makes it on to that week’s truck. CALLTRACY AT 863-5383 TO GET YOUR SPECIAL ORDERON THE CO-OP’S LOCAL PRODUCTS TRUCK WEEKLYGALLUP RUN!

CAll 863-5383 for a special order!

Rediscover your innate capacity to move, think and feel.

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Heidi’s Corrales, New MexicoOrganic Gourmet Raspberry Jam, 10 oz, Assorted Varieties, Sale $5.99

Beneficial Farms Santa Fe, NM Fresh Fertile Eggs, 1 dozen, Sale $3.49

Rasband Dairy Belen, New MexicoFresh rBGH-free Milk, 1 gallon, Assorted Varieties, Sale $2.99

Rudi’s Organic Bakery Boulder, ColoradoOrganic Burger Buns, 16-18 oz, Assorted Varieties, Sale $2.69

Herbs, Etc. Santa Fe, NM ChlorOxygen, 1 oz, Assorted Varieties, Sale $10.99

Hatch Deming, NM Enchilada Sauce, 15 oz, Assorted Varieties,Sale $2.99










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Page 8: La Montanita Coop Connection MAY, 2007

by Will Fantle

Anew federal regulation will require all almondsgrown in California to be sterilized with various"pasteurization" techniques. Quietly developed by the

USDA and the California Almond Board, the rule is in responseto Salmonella outbreaks in 2001 and 2004 that were traced toraw almonds. The rule requires all almonds to undergo a steril-ization process that includes chemical and/or high-temperaturetreatments and is slated to take effect September 2007.

The Cornucopia Institute has formally asked the USDA to re-open the regulatory proceeding to allow for additional publicinput and review. Only 18 public comments—all from thealmond industry—were received on the draft rule when it wasopen for public comment in early 2007. Unlike consumers,retailers, or other organizations concerned with food safety, allalmond handlers received a personal letter or fax from theUSDA alerting them to the sterilization proposal and invitingtheir comments.

The most common method of sterilizing almonds is by propy-lene oxide fumigation. In lab experiments, the chemical leadsto gene mutation, DNA strand breaks, and neoplastic celltransformation. It is listed as a "possible" carcinogen by theInternational Agency for Research on Cancer because no long-term studies have been done with humans. Its use for treatingfood for human consumption is banned in the EuropeanUnion, Canada, Mexico, and most other countries.

The only exemption to these new regulations will be organic"raw" almonds that will not be fumigated, but will undergosteam-heat treatment, and small-scale growers who can selltruly raw almonds but only direct to the public from farmstands.

The new rule also creates deceptive labeling. Almonds thathave been roasted or blanched will be labeled "raw," despitehaving undergone sterilization treatments. Moreover, therewill be no label requirement to specify what kind of pasteur-ization treatment was used among the approved methods.

Glenn Anderson, a small-scale organic almond farmer inCalifornia’s central valley worries that "This could be one moreway for the big companies and the government to put us smallfarmers out of business." The equipment to sterilize almondsis very expensive. A propylene oxide chamber costs $500,000to $1,250,000, and a roasting line can cost as much as$1,500,000 to $2,500,000.

While practically any food, raw or processed, has some risk ofcausing food-borne illness; no scientific evidence exists toshow that almonds are an inherently risky food. In fact,Salmonella contamination of almonds can only occur whenlivestock manure or fecal matter is inadvertently transferred tothe nuts through contaminated water, soil, or transportationand handling.

The Cornucopia Institute is urging concerned consumers,retailers and farmers to contact the USDA and demand thatthe new rule mandating "pasteurization" of almonds be re-opened for public comment and review. Cornucopia has acomprehensive fact sheet on the almond issue on its webpage at and asample letter for interested individuals to send to the USDAthat can be found at

The Cornucopia Institute, [email protected] 608-625-2042 Voice, 866-861-2214 Fax

co-op news May 2007 7

Don’t miss the FARM BILL FORUM!May 2 in ABQ, May 3 in Santa FeSee above for locations and times!

Calendarof Events

5/2 Farm Bill Forum, ABQ Immanuel Church 6:30pm5/3 Farm Bill Forum, Santa Fe Cloud Cliff Bakery 6:30pm5/15 Board of Directors Meeting, Immanuel Church 5:30pmTBA Member Linkage, Immanuel Church 5:30pmTBA Finance Committee, location and date to be announced

We often hear from people that it is! La Montanita isowned by over 12,000 community members who

elect a Board of Directors to govern their business. We paystaff a living wage and provide both full time and part timestaff members our full benefit package. Our governance andmanagement practices are completely transparent and opento the public. We actively work to support regional farmers,ranchers and producers. We actively solicit member andcommunity feedback and we report back on this input. Wesupport over 200 member volunteers working in our com-munities. We regularly engage all of the stakeholders in LaMontanita: members, customers, staff, suppliers, creditorsand more. These stakeholders often have competing inter-ests and through our dialog with each group we seek to bal-ance these various needs and interests for the benefit of all.

We have returned over $2 million in earnings to our mem-bers based on their patronage of their business. We sponsor

and lead a large number of diverse community educationprojects every year focused on food, health and environ-ment. Our monthly newsletter contains numerous featureson these topics as well in an effort to improve the overallhealth and well being of our community.

Does this work make us too political? Compared to what?The ongoing governance and management debacles at manyof our country’s largest and most successful corporations orthe rampant corruption and incompetence at all levels of ourlocal, state and federal government?

Our form of business is different from most. I believe LaMontanita brings a great deal of integrity to the marketplaceand offers a far superior alternative to business as usual. Ifthis makes us too political, maybe we aren’t political enough.

C.E. Pugh, General Manager

I f you haven’t tried it yet you are in for a realtreat—if you have you will know just what I’mtalking about. This jam is the cat’s meow! It has

received numerous awards across the nation including fiveScovies at the last Fiery Foods Show. Theraspberries are grown on a certified organ-ic family farm in Corrales and the jam ismade at the South Valley EconomicDevelopment Center’s certified kitchen. Allthe ingredients are organic as well.

Here at the CDC we are happy to be asupporting organization for this incredi-ble local product and for Heidi and Doug,a fabulous brother and sister team whoare among the finest and most dedicatedpeople around. We are helping to warehouse palletloads of jars so Heidi can purchase them in quantity to

New USDA Ruling:Almonds: Raw no More!


keep the price down. And we are now purchasingand warehousing the organic sugar she uses. Whenthe jam isn’t flying off our shelves, we warehousethe finished product and flash freeze the raspber-

ries after the harvest season ends.

Whether you use Heidi’s Jam in ayogurt parfait, in fruit smoothies, asa sauce over ice cream, on toastwith your morning tea or onpeanut butter and jelly sandwiches;its got to be the best jam you’veever tasted. The only problem iswhich flavor to choose, raspberryginger, raspberry red chile, gingerand red chile together or the tradi-

tional just raspberries! It’s probably a good idea tostock up on a variety of flavors! Look for Heidi’sJams at all Co-op locations.



Page 9: La Montanita Coop Connection MAY, 2007
Page 10: La Montanita Coop Connection MAY, 2007
Page 11: La Montanita Coop Connection MAY, 2007

It’s finally here; the time of year thatis perfect for eating al fresco. So packa basket with your favorite treats andhead out to a beautiful spot to enjoythem in. Fresh marinades, fruit, and sal-ads, as well as something delicious todrink make the perfect light and healthymeals to pack up and take wherever youwant to go. Just don’t forget dessert, anda picnic lunch is guaranteed to please.

(Key: C = cup, T = tablespoon, t = tea-spoon, lb. = pound, oz. = ounce)

Fried Chicken

2 (3 lb.) broilers, cut into pieces1 1/2 C unsifted flour1 1/2 t salt2 t thyme leaves2 t paprika1 egg1/3 C milk2 T lemon juiceVegetable oil

Wash but do not dry the chicken.Combine flour, salt, thyme, and paprika,in a shallow dish. Beat the egg and com-bine with milk and lemon juice in anoth-er shallow dish; mix well.

Roll the chicken in the flour; dip in theegg mixture and then roll again in theflour. Set aside on waxed paper for atleast 30 minutes so that the coating willdry; roll in flour again if the coating hasremained moist.

Pour vegetable oil about 1/2 inch deep ina very large skillet and heat to 375degrees. Cook chicken pieces, skin sidedown, until golden brown on one side,

eating al fresco May 2007 10

usually 5-10 minutes. Then turn andbrown the other side. Reduce heat; coverthe skillet and cook for 25 additionalminutes or until thoroughly done. Drainon absorbent paper before eating or pack-ing for the picnic.

Tomato Basil Focaccia

3 packages dried yeast 1 oz. honey (or sugar) 2 C warm water 2 lbs strong bread flour, plus extra fordusting 1 oz. salt1 lb 6 ounces cherry tomatoes 10 T extra-virgin olive oil 1 good handful fresh basil leaves Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

Dissolve the yeast and honey (or sugar) in1/2 the tepid water. On a clean surface orin a large bowl, make a pile of the flourand salt. Make a well in the centre andpour in all the dissolved yeast mixture.Make circular movements from the cen-termoving outwards, slowly bringing inmore and more of the flour until all theyeast mixture is soaked up. Then pour theother 1/2 of the tepid water into the cen-ter and gradually incorporate all the flourto make moist dough. Knead the doughfor 5 minutes.

Flour both your hands well, and lightlyflour the top of the dough. Make it into around shape and place it on a baking tray.Score it deeply with a knife allowing it torelax and proof in a warm moist environ-ment until it's doubled in size. Thisshould take around 40 minutes, depend-ing on the conditions.

While the dough is proofing, prick yourtomatoes with a knife and drop them intoboiling water for around 30 seconds.Drain, cool them under cold water, andremove the skins, keeping them whole ifpossible, as they're nice and small. Put the

tomatoes in a bowl, cover with the oliveoil and put aside.

Transfer the dough to a floured bakingtray and push the dough to fill the tray.Pour over the olive oil and tomatoes andsprinkle over the basil. Push your fingersto the bottom of the tray across the wholedough, using them like a poker, pushingthem through the dough and then flatten-ing them out when you hit the tin. Thisgives the bread its classic shape andmakes indentations so you get little poolsof oil while it's cooking.

Leave to proof until it has doubled in sizeagain then sprinkle with salt and pepperand carefully place into a preheated oven at425 degrees F. Cook for around 20 min-utes, until the bread is crisp and golden ontop and soft in the middle. Drizzle withmore extra-virgin olive oil when you take itout of the oven. Put it on a rack to coolthen wrap in a foil-lined kitchen towel untilready to eat.

Picnic Pasta Salad Italiano

1/2 (16 oz.) box med. macaroni shells1/2 (16 oz.) box pasta ruffles1/2 (16 oz.) box tri-color rotini pasta(spinach, tomato, etc.)4 oz. pepperoni, sliced thin and cut intostrips8 oz. shredded Mozzarella cheese4 scallions, thinly sliced1 C sliced black olives2 small zucchini, cut into cubes andblanched3 tomatoes, seeds removed, diced2 carrots, shredded2/3 C grated Parmesan cheese1 (16 oz.) bottle Italian dressing

Cook pastas according to packageinstructions. Drain, rinse and allow tocool. Reserve Mozzarella, Parmesan andItalian dressing. Toss all other ingredients

in large salad bowl. Add 8 oz. of Italiandressing and toss. Refrigerate 6 hours orovernight.

Just before serving (or leaving for the pic-nic!), add the Mozzarella, Parmesan andremaining 8 oz. Italian dressing. Tossthoroughly and enjoy.

Crisp Salad with Cilantro andLemon

1/4 C plus 2 T lemon juice 1 T extra-virgin olive oil 2 large apples, julienned 1/2 medium head fennel, cored and thinly sliced 3 large ribs celery, sliced (about 1 cup) 1/2 C cilantro leaves, roughly choppedor more to tasteCoarse grained salt and cracked blackpepper

In a large glass bowl, combine the lemonjuice, olive oil, salt and pepper. Add theapples, fennel, celery and cilantro. Tossuntil well combined. Taste and adjustseasonings.

Curried Potato Salad

6 C diced, cooked potatoes1/4 C chopped green onions and tops2 T lemon juice1 t celery seed1 1/2 t salt2 t lemon juice6 oz. jar marinated artichoke hearts,drained4 hard-cooked eggs1 t curry powder1 C sour cream1/2 C mayonnaise1/2 t pepper

Combine potatoes, onions, lemon juice,celery seed, salt and pepper. Separatewhites and yolks of hard cooked eggs,

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Page 12: La Montanita Coop Connection MAY, 2007

chop whites and add to potatoes. Toss lightly andchill. Mash 2 of the yolks, blend in curry powder,sour cream, mayonnaise and 2 teaspoons lemonjuice. Pour dressing over potatoes, toss lightly.Sieve remaining yolks over top. Garnish withborder of artichoke hearts, deep chilled.

Picnic Puffs

3 C all-purpose flour, approx.2 t active dry yeast1 t each salt and pepper4 T each milk and water1/2 C butter2 eggsSliced cooked ham, chicken and cheese (moz-zarella, cheddar, and Swiss all work well)1 egg yolk, beaten with 1 T water

In medium bowl, mix 1 cup flour, the yeast, saltand sugar. In small saucepan, heat milk, waterand butter until warmed (butter need not melt).Add to dry ingredients. Beat at medium speed ofelectric mixer for 2 minutes. Add eggs and 1/2cup flour. Beat at high speed for 2 minutes. Stirin 1 1/2 cups flour or enough to make softdough. Turn out on lightly floured surface.Knead until smooth and elastic. Place in oiledbowl, turning to oil top. Cover and let rise inwarm place 45 minutes or until light.

Punch down and shape into a roll. Cut off twothirds and shape into 8 smooth balls. Shaperemainder into 8 smaller balls. Cover with bowland let rest 10 minutes. On an un-floured sur-face, roll large balls to 6 inch circles. Press even-ly into 8 (6 oz.) custard cups. Fill generouslywith ham, chicken and cheese, alternating slices.Pat out remaining balls to fit tops. Cut slits forsteam to escape. Adjust on cups and brush withegg yolk mixture.

Bake below center of oven at 400 degrees for 20minutes or until well browned. Serve slightlywarm or cool.

Mediterranean Bean Salad

1 (15 oz.) can kidney beans1 (15 oz.) can garbanzo beans2 C cherry tomatoes2 carrots, thinly sliced2 cucumbers, thinly sliced1/2 red onion, sliced3 T red wine vinegar2 T olive oil2 T lemon juice1/2 t dried basil

Rinse beans under cold running water for 1minute to remove excess salt. Drain well.Combine in large bowl with tomatoes, cucum-bers, carrots and onion. In small dish, mix vine-gar, oil, lemon juice and basil. Pour over vegeta-bles. Toss gently. Chill well before serving.

Taco Bake

1 lb. hamburger1/2 t garlic powder1/2 t chili powder1/2 t Cumin

1 head lettuce, chopped1 basket cherry tomatoes or 3 tomatoes, cut up1 bunch green onions with tops, chopped8 oz. grated Cheddar cheese1 green pepper, chopped1/2 C black olives, optional1 C kidney or red beans, drained1 bag tortilla chips1/2 C sour cream

Brown and crumble hamburger. Season with garlicpowder, chili powder and cumin. Layer tomatoes,olives, and beans over hamburger in a casserole dish.Season with salt, pepper and garlic powder or 2-6drops of hot sauce, if desired. Sprinkle the gratedcheese on top and bake until cheese is melted. Serveat room temperature over a bed of lettuce with tor-tilla chips on the side and a dab of sour cream.

Almond Glazed Sponge Cake

CAKE:2 eggs1 C sugar1 t vanilla1 C all-purpose flour1 t baking powder1/4 t salt1/2 C milk2 T butter

ALMOND TOPPING:In a small pan, mix:1/4 C butter1/4 C sugar1/2 C sliced almonds2 t flour2 T milk

CAKE: Beat eggs and sugar until thick and pale.Beat in vanilla. Mix flour, baking powder and salt.Add to egg mixture and mix to blend. Scald milk insmall saucepan. Add butter, stirring until melted.Add milk mixture to flour mixture, mixing justenough to blend. Pour batter into a greased 8 inchspring-form pan. Bake at 350 degrees until top ofcake is well browned and cake tests done when awooden pick is inserted at center, about 35 minutes.

Spread lightly and evenly with Almond Topping.Place about 6 inches below broiler until and broiluntil topping bubbles and browns, 3 to 5 minutes.Let cake cool on a wire rack about 5 minutes. Thenloosen edge and remove pan sides.

ALMOND TOPPING: Bring mixture to a boil,stirring. Spread warm over cake.

The recipes above have been adapted andreprinted from the following Montanita Co-op Deli Staff

eating al fresco May 2007 11

fresh air &FOOD !

fromBeneficialFarms, at your,CO-OP!



Page 13: La Montanita Coop Connection MAY, 2007

farming & gardening May 2007 12

by Brett Bakker

Recent USDA-based studies estimate that the US would have toconvert all (that’s right: all) of our croplands into corn productionto meet only 7% of our gasoline "needs." Since, presumably, we

all still need to eat, it could never be a total conversion. But as trendsindicate, we are increasingly comfortable with importing moreand more food, rather than relying on ourselves as we once did.

A scale of production large enough to feed us (oh, I almost forgot:to also feed the country that’s producing that food) and to fuel uswill require large amounts of energy to run the farm machineryand for the factories that make that machinery. And for the facto-ries that make the parts for the machinery. And for the extractionof the ores to make the metal that the parts are made of. And torun the factories that process the ores. And to run the earth-mov-ing machines to mine the ores. And the factories that make theearth-moving machines. And…

Large scale agriculture requires large amounts of fuel for the pro-duction and manufacture of massive amounts of fertilizers, pesticidesand herbicides, all petroleum-based. Weed control in large scale cornproduction is achieved by massive amounts of herbicide, such asRound Up. Protecting the corn from herbicide damage is achieved bygenetically-engineered Round Up Ready corn varieties; that is, cornthat resists herbicide so the farmers can theoretically use all theRound Up they need. Thus far in the history of herbicides and insec-

ticides, weeds and pests eventually all develop resist-ance to the chemicals, requiring increased amounts.There’s no reason to believe Round Up will be anydifferent. The jury’s still out on how readily herbi-cide resistance can spread to weeds.

Similarly, synthetic fertilizers further weaken theenvironment. They can prop up nutrient-poor landto produce a crop but as the crop "mines" the remaining natural nutrients from the soil, conventional fertiliz-er doesn’t replenish

anything exceptnitrogen, potas-

sium and phosphorus. These are essential nutrientsfor plant life but not the only ones. Soil bacteria,microlife and earthworms diminish and disappearaltogether as they too need other nutrients in ahealthy balanced soil.

Soon, the soil is dead and merely serves as a medi-um through which to feed plants, sort of like dirt-based hydroponics. Dead soil is not attractive tobirds and other animals, further breaking the natu-ral cycle and interrelation of plants, animals,insects and people. Have you ever been in the mid-

dle of a huge monocrop of corn? Its eerily quiet andstill. Sterile. Devoid of life besides the crop itself.

The strongest (and most emotional) argument forcorn ethanol seems to be decreasing reliance on for-eign oil. And putting partisan politics aside, althoughwe’re told we fight against terrorism and not for oil,somehow when the subject of oil comes up, cornethanol is a cause celebre for thwarting terrorism.Reducing dependence on oil (foreign or domestic)

begins with reducing use. Why, as theAmerican family gets smaller, do we needlarger, less energy efficient vehicles and over-sized housing? Why do we need new stuffwhen the old stuff works just fine, even if itlooks a little run down? Even if we recycle ordonate the old stuff, buying new stuff whenthere’s no need for it feeds our energy craving.Even recycling uses energy, sometimes morethan the energy saved by recycling the stuff.

If you read these rants with any regularity,every topic I pick spirals out into many others,each which can in turn spiral out ad infinitum.

Everything is connected. This concept is exemplifiedin the Seventh Generation precept of the Six NationsIroquois Confederacy: consider the impact of yourdecisions on the seventh generation yet to come. It’snot unique to the Six Nations nor does the number ofgenerations matter, but similar concepts can be foundin one form or another worldwide.

In many ways the US is like an unpleasant guest at aglobal party, the guest that takes more than theirshare and either tramples on or soils the rest. So far,we’re still relying on the tolerance of our host to notkick us out.

D ragon Farm is a cooperative venture of South ValleyAcademy, the Center for Educational Initiative,American Friends Service Committee NM, and the

community. Students have named the farm for their school mas-cot. The Academy was begun in 2000 by a group of SouthValley community members who wanted to challenge areayouth and create opportunities for land based educationalexcellence. The school is a service learning charter highschool open to all members of the communitywho participate in the school admission lottery.Currently the Academy serves 250 students,mostly from the South Valley.

Don Bustos, farm mentor, brings 15 years ofexperience in running a certified organic truckfarm and 10 years as a CSA on his Santa CruzFarms in Espanola, NM. According to Don,"We farm according to the moon cycles, thesun’s energy, and with a little help from moderntechnology."

The Dragon Farm CSA is part of the new integrated sus-tainablility curriculum implemented by the school and is anatural outgrowth of the functions of the Academy.Participating in the CSA supports local food systems, thelocal economy and supports environmentally friendly andsustainable organic food production. Utilizing acequia irri-gation, as well as drip systems that connect to the ditch, thefarm will help preserve water rights, optimal aquiferrecharge and local cultural traditions.

Members will receive a minimum of 20 distributions fromapproximately May through mid October. A sampling ofproduce (as seasonally available) includes beets, bell pep-pers, bok choy, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, chile, cucumbers,eggplant, green beans, herbs, okra, onions, peas, potatoes,radishes, salad greens, spinach, and tomatoes. Not yet certi-fied organic, produce will be grown according to organicprinciples pending certification. The farmland on which theAcademy is located has been fallow, with no pesticides used,for a minimum of 5 years.

Located on the SVA campus, the farm will sup-ply fresh, organic produce for a healthier com-munity as well as provide students lessons in sustainable living. La Montanita Co-op willalso supply products as needed to ensure thatwell-rounded boxes are available to CSA mem-bers throughout the distribution season.

People regularly ask if we grow dragons? Theanswer is "YES, we do! Dragon Carrots! FromSeeds of Change seed as well as other droughttolerant and heirloom varieties that have longbeen gown in our region," says PriscillaRemke. Other seed is saved traditional varietiesfrom longstanding New Mexico farms includ-ing the Santa Cruz Farm.

Please come to their first open house on SaturdayMay 19th from 2-5pm. Join Defenders of Wildlifevolunteers and help seed wildlife habitat at theAcademy’s fields. For more information or to pur-chase shares please contact Priscilla at 453-3360or e-mail [email protected].

by Robyn Seydel

Corn Ethanol

Open House Sat., May 19, 2-5pm

itchy green




KUNM Special Program: 300 Years of Cuban Music

Cuba is one country in the world where Ballroom music and dance has endured for three centuries, spanning

1590-2006. Hear how African, Native and European melodies and rhythmic roots intermixed in 300 Hundred Years

of Ballroom Music & Charanga Orchestra; an independent radio production series that airs from April 7th to June

9th, on KUNM (89.9fm) from 2pm to 2:30 pm. For more information contact Emmanuel at 505-242-0686.

Page 14: La Montanita Coop Connection MAY, 2007

justice for all May 2007 13

tal illness. As a community we have experienced local tragediescaused by those seeking but unable to find help for their mental ill-nesses. Homelessness has increased to some 5,500 individuals in

New Mexico this year, many of whom experiencemental illness. Families who seek mental health serv-ices, including basic mental health treatment, andoutpatient and transitional residential housing havefound services to be severely inadequate.

Charlotte Back, one of the founding members of"Casas" and mother to a son who is learning to man-age his mental illness has seen, first hand, what life ina therapeutic farm community can offer. In 1998, herson, Walt, spent some time at Gould Farm, inMassachusetts, which has been in operation for near-ly 100 hundred years. "Walt really made progress atGould. It was the first time he really accepted he hadmental illness because 30 other people had it."Charlotte says, "They know they are not like other

people, but like anyone else they want to feel that they belong to acommunity, to a group of people. They want to contribute."

Consideration for the high desert ecology of New Mexico is high onthe group's list of priorities. Currently, negotiations are in processfor "Casas" to receive a land donation of 20 acres south of Belenwhere they plan to offer a living situation that will house 32 guestsand 23 staff on-site. When they reach their goal, they will have cre-ated the first farm of its kind in the Western United States.

For more information contact Marjorie at 681-0074 or [email protected].

by Micaela Seidel, Casas de Vida Nueva, Albuquerque NAMI member

A n Albuquerque non-profit group, Casas deVida Nueva, has been working to create atherapeutic farm based on sustainability

and permaculture activities to serve people who suf-fer from mental illness. The group began operationsfour years ago due to a deep concern about needsfor local housing and transitional care for mentallyill people.

Casas de Vida Nueva offers a safe, community livingsituation for people who are learning to managetheir mental illness. Residents will have the opportu-nity to grow and cook organic food, utilize solarenergy, and water recycling. They will work, learn,eat, care for animals and the farm together, creatinga sense of interdependency and an experience ofcommunity. The farm will also offer traditional men-tal health therapies including psychiatric care andpersonal medication education. Residents will expe-rience regular interaction with the stabilizing

processes and cycles of thenatural world while having access to medical careand meaningful work, thus respect and healing of theearth will join the healing of the body and spirit.

The Albuquerque community has become increas-ingly aware of the need for more preventive andtherapeutic placements for those with serious men-

a Therapeutic Farm

Farmworker JusticeCelebrating Victories in a Continuing Struggle

Casas de VidaNueva offers asafe, communityliving situationfor people who are learningto manage their mental illness.

by Beverly Bell

“A s a parent, if I know a restaurant has sold foodcontaminated with E. Coli., I would never,ever take my child there. But if I’m driving

home, tired at the end of a long workday, with hungry kids inthe car, I just might stop at a restaurant that I know violateslabor rights somewhere down its supply chain." So says GregAsbed, a new father and organizerwith the Coalition of ImmokaleeWorkers, a 3,500-member farm-worker-run labor organization. Somight a lot of people.

Migrant and seasonal workers har-vest the overwhelming amount ofproduce consumed in this country.Most of that harvesting happensunder brutal conditions. Farm-workers earn an average of $7,500 - $10,000 per year, wellbelow the federal poverty level. Tomato pickers typically mustpick nearly two and a half tons per day to earn the minimumwage. Farmworkers are denied the rights to earn overtimepay, to organize, and to bargain collectively. The vast majori-ty of these workers receive absolutely no benefits -- no healthinsurance, no sick leave, no vacation pay -- and lack the rightto unionize so as to redress these conditions.

In the most extreme cases, farmworkers toil in actual slavery,held against their will by violent employers. Some toil at gun-point or are locked up at night. Workers may be forbidden toleave the farm, or to speak to anyone outside the camp. In thepast decade for the state of Florida alone, there have been sixfederal criminal prosecutions for slavery, involving more thana thousand farmworkers. Other investigations are pending.

Migrant Farmworkers: 2. Fast Food Industry: 0.The scrappy Coalition for Immokalee Workers (CIW), whichruns on a few meager grants, is named for the Florida townwhere the group is based and where thousands of farmwork-ers sleep between trips to the field. CIW is beginning tochange the conditions under which produce makes it to thenation’s plates. Exactly two years ago, the Coalition succeed-ed in getting Taco Bell’s parent corporation to raise wages (inFlorida only) from $0.40 or $.45 per 32-lb. bucket picked (thegoing rate among all tomato growers for the past thirty years)to $0.72 to $0.77. Taco Bell agreed to a verifiable zero toler-

ance policy for modern-day slavery and to the right for farm-workers to participate, through CIW, in developing and imple-menting an enforceable code of conduct.

For the past two years CIW has been attempting to getMcDonald’s to address the pay and working conditions for theirtomato harvest. Then CIW began to whisper that it was going

to call a boycott against the leader of the $100 bil-lion/year industry. Just days before thousands offarmworkers and their allies were to descendupon the company headquarters in Chicago tolaunch that boycott, McDonald’s agreed to everydemand. On April 9, McDonald’s signed onto thesame set of commitments as Taco Bell, and wenteven further. It will pay a penny more for eachbucket of tomatoes picked in Florida, and will urgeother fast food chains to do the same. Now CIWis turning its attention to Burger King.

The Hands That PickAs monumental as these victories are, wages and conditionsof farm laborers are still abysmal. Workers, most often vul-nerable immigrants, unaware of even the few rights they have,are easily exploited. And they remain out of sight and mind ofthe consumer.

Arguably the biggest movement in the U.S. today is the oneadvocating healthy, organic, locally produced, animal-kind,and earth-friendly food. While commendable, rarely do thesellers or consumers of that food include the element ofhuman justice. La Montañita Co-op is an exception in includ-ing "fair" in the principles of "fair, fresh, local" towards whichit strives.

Even if you do not eat at fast food restaurants, it is almostinevitable that you consume food and beverages that involvegross exploitation. Just as the anti-corporate, pro-localmovement is doing such a fine job of encouraging growersin sustainable production, so too we need to demand that allfood everywhere, sold by every business, be harvested fairlyand justly.

For more information on how to support farmworker rights,log onto the Coalition of Immokalee Workers’s website at Beverly Bell is coordinator ofthe Other Worlds Collaborative.

You are invited to join Casas de Vida Nueva for ashowing of the film "Out of the Shadow" and dis-cussion. This film documentary chronicles film-maker Susan Smiley's mother, Millie, who suffersfrom paranoid schizophrenia. Saturday, May 26:Film at 2pm/Panel Discussion at 3pm • The GuildTheater, 3405 Central NE, 255-1848



Page 15: La Montanita Coop Connection MAY, 2007

focus on kids May 2007 14

Kids Outdoors

Today, we make choices to improve the quality of our lives and to maximize our health and vitality. We choose whole foods over refined foods. We stay active with yoga, walking, pilates and other exercises.

For the health of both body and mind, the most talked about supplements today are Omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil. They keep our heart healthy, our mind sharp, and our mood great.*

Supported by extensive research, Nordic Naturals has the freshest and purest fish oils available. We even make patented, fruit-flavored soft gels that will have kids asking for more!

Balance your body today. . .try Nordic Naturals delicious Omega-3 fish oils and feel the difference.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

La Montanita913 West Alameda • Santa Fe, NM

La Montanita3500 Central Ave. SE • Albuquerque, NM

La Montanita2400 Rio Grande Blvd. NW • Albuquerque, NM

Demo! May 10th at the Santa Fe store

by Matt Luck

Do you have a bicycle that’s been sitting inthe garage collecting cobwebs? Or maybeyou’re thinking of upgrading to a new and

improved bike. Before you toss the old one in thedump or sell it in a yard sale,consider donating it to theAlbuquerque Community BikeRecycling Program.

The program is a not-for-profit, volunteer group thatrecycles bicycles. We takeused bikes and parts, fixthem up and make themrideable again. We then giveaway the rehabilitated bicy-cles, along with new helmets and a quick runthrough a safety course. Priority is given to thosewho need bikes the most, including children andlow income communities in the city. Last year wegave out 248 bicycles, mostly to elementaryschools.

We also provide bike safety and repair demon-strations to public schools and adult groups suchas St. Martin’s Hospitality Center. And we arecommitted to reducing our waste stream andattempt to recycle parts of bicycles that can no

longer be safely used.

So, consider giving your old bike asecond chance, no matter how rustyor damaged. You’d be surprised atwhat can be repaired and how wellan old bike can run with some newparts. We accept bikes and parts ofANY age and condition, as well asmonetary contributions to cover thecosts of tools and materials. And weare always looking for more volun-

teers who know a bit about fixing bikes.

For more information visit To arrange a donation or to volunteercontact: Richard Rivas, Director, 505-968-3444(pager) [email protected].

May 4-6th

Aclass of young grade-school children ambles through the sea-sons observing the changing landscape of nature. They measurethe shadows of the southern trees as they increase daily as the sun

moves further south in the winter. They measure the same trees’ shade asit recedes across the field as the sun marches higher in the spring sky.Plants die and wither in the fall. Buds burst forth in the spring. Worms workblindly to eat old plant matter and excrete rich soil matter to feed the plantsas compost.

Children may miss these incredible works of nature. It is easy to walk on bywithout observing the awesome miracle of nature that breaks down plantmatter and then regenerates it each year.

The community needs a model of how to developmentally teach our chil-dren about nature, the complexity of society, and human nature as well.

Daniel Hindes, an experienced Waldorf teacher, will be speaking inAlbuquerque on May 4-6 at the Rudolf Steiner Center. He will give individuallectures and a day-long workshop. Daniel will share a sketch of teaching thedeveloping child. He will share how these developmental needs are met withexperiential methods, using storytelling, movement games, music, and nat-ural seasonal and daily rhythms. Waldorf curriculum meets the child as theychange from Kindergarten through the grades. Just as nature is an integrat-ed whole, Waldorf education uses the whole in all subjects integrating

through nature and arts the basic skills thechild needs to awaken and learn in the world.

For more information about the DanielHindes workshop or about the groups form-ing to develop various Waldorf teachingand learning options for children and adultsin Albuquerque, call Sally at 883-4815.

Giving Old Bikesa Second Chance!

Children & Nature Waldorf Education


all flowers are from fair-trade organizations!

May 4-6th

Donate your old bicycle!

perfect forMother’s


Page 16: La Montanita Coop Connection MAY, 2007

community forum May 2007 15


T he Building a Culture of Peace Conference,in Santa Fe on May 16-17 is an opportuni-ty to reflect on the inestimable harm done

in Iraq while creating an opportunity for a solutionsoriented community dialogue.

This global working conferencewill call together 500 local,national, and global peace lead-ers for inquiry and strategicthinking on the question: "Whatwould it take to transform thecurrent culture of violence in oursociety to a true culture ofpeace?" Peace champions scheduled for the plenarysessions are Arun Gandhi and Nobel Peace LaureatesRigoberta Menchu Tum and Jody Williams, plus the

Dalai Lama by video. The Indigo Girls will perform onMay 17th at the Santa Fe Opera as part of the event.

The conference will be structured by "Peace Council"discussion groups on areas of special interest and sup-

ported by a special Peace Resource Group,consisting of prominent peace leaders fromNew Mexico and around the world, to helpcraft the moral, economic, political, andsocial themes needed for a social changemovement. The conference will also includea Peace Fair, where organizations can shareinformation about their activities.

This conference is sponsored by the State of NewMexico, Department of Tourism.

505 [email protected]


D a Vinci Laureate, Paul Ré has becomeinternationally respectedfor his peace promoting

art. Paul has received a dozenmajor awards including the UCCLegion of Honor and the WorldLifetime Achievement Award.Paul Ré was born in Albu-querque, NM where he stillresides. He earned a B.Sc. inphysics with honors from Caltechin 1972 but felt that he could bet-ter express the beauty of science as an artist.

For decades, he has worked to demonstrate howserene and elevating art can act as a model for liv-ing and inspire people. In keeping with theseideals, the Paul Re Peace Prize will be given tothat UNM student, faculty, staff member or

retiree who has promoted peace, harmony andunderstanding among people of the world, bothwithin and outwardly through tangible works.

Nominations must be postmarked by August 1,2007 for the Fall 2007 award. Include name,

phone number and e-mail addresson each page or item submitted. .Mail or deliver this completed formand all supporting materials to ChipWare, Curator, Jonson Gallery ofthe UNM Art Museum. MSC021710 Albuquerque, NM 87131-1416. For e-mail submissions, the attachments must be in pdfform; e-mail to cware Susan at 505-277-9604.

Information about the Peace Prize, Paul Ré and hisartwork can be found at


RAISE YOUR AWARENESS OF HOMELESSNESSSaturday May 19thIn 1996, a man named Bob organized the firstSleepout for the homeless in Wayzata, Minnesota.Since that time, the Sleepout event has spread acrossthe country to raise money and awareness for home-less people.

On Saturday, May 19, 2007, the AlbuquerqueOpportunity Center for the Homeless (AOC) willcelebrate its third anniversary and hold its firstSleepout at the Center’s property at 715 Candelaria,NE in Albuquerque.

People – Sleepers — will form teams, gather pledgesto raise money for AOC and sleep out in the secure


Peace Prize

516 ARTS PRESENTS PATRICK NAGATANI’SCONFESSIONS OF A TAPIST IN THE DOWN-STAIRS GALLERY. Focusing on his series createdover the past 23 years these mixed media pieces uti-lize photography, collage, painting and assemblage.Nagatani’s attention to the "Zen of material andprocess" is the inspiration for an accompanyingexhibition titled Attention to Detail, featuring 12artists using alternative, inexpensive materials.

Exhibitions run May 26-July 21, 2007. Opening reception: Saturday, May 26, 6-4pm. More info: 505-242-1445 or 505-242-1445Go to ALL EVENTS ARE FREE

516ARTSConfessionsof a Tapist

an exhibit of work byPatrickNagatani

And a Group Exhibition: AT T E N T I O N T O D E TA I L

Center parking lot. Teams from schools, churchesand businesses are welcomed.

A shelter design contest will be held for people tobuild a shelter out of cardboard, paper, string, tapeand other materials. Entertainment, refreshments andother festivities will be held from 4 pm to 7 pm onand the Sleepout will begin at 7 pm and end with afree breakfast on Sunday morning. All childrenunder the age of 18 must have adult supervision.

As Albuquerque’s only year-round emergency shelterfor men, the AOC has served 811 men and provided23,100 bed-nights since it opened in April 2004.More info call Susan at 344-2323 or visit the AOC’sWebsite at


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Page 17: La Montanita Coop Connection MAY, 2007