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Learning Target: I CAN explain the impact of the Columbian Exchange on the decline of the indigenous population

Georgia Cyber Academy’s mission is to provide an exemplary individualized and engaging educational experience for all students.

Today’s Topic: Influence of Spanish & Portuguese on Latin America

Classes begin at: 1st Block 8:35am 2nd Block 10:05am

While you wait: Work in USA TP on your November Group Assignment or in Study Island if you are not finished with your 6.1 or 6.2 Pathway Blue Ribbons

# SS6H1 The student will describe the impact of European contact on Latin America.

# SS6H2 The student will explain the development of Latin America and the Caribbean as colonies of European nations and on through their independence.

Which letter on the map is the location of the center of Aztec culture and its capital, Tenochtitlan? A. Y B. Z C. X D. W

In 1532, which Spanish explorer invaded Peru and eventually conquered the Inca Empire? A. Juan Ponce de León B. Hernán Cortés C. Francisco Pizarro D. Vasco Núñez de Balboa E. I don�t know



Which letter on the map is the location of the Inca Empire? A. Y B. W C. X D. Z

Which person is described by the following: • Spanish Conquistador • Captured the Aztec emperor Montezuma in 1519 • Defeated the Aztec Empire in 1521

A. Juan Ponce de Leon B. Christopher Columbus C. Hernando Cortes D. Francisco Pizarro E. I don�t know

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•  As the Europeans explored more of the New World, they brought their religion along with them.

•  The Spanish, being devout Catholics, would explore a region and set up forts to protect their interests in the area. Often along with the forts came missions.

•  These missions were intended to spread Christianity to the natives of the New World.

•  At first, Native Americans listened to the priests' stories in exchange for food or lodging, though most did not convert to the Christian religion.

•  As the European presence grew, however, priests began to force conversions on the Native Americans.

•  Columbian Exchange is used to describe the exchange of crops, animals, people, & even diseases, which occurred after Columbus’ discovery of the New World.

•  As a result of the contact between the Eastern & Western Hemispheres, people in both places were introduced to a variety of items.

Learning Target: I CAN explain the impact of the Columbian Exchange on the decline of the indigenous population



•  Named for: Christopher Columbus, as a result of his �discovery� of the New World in 1492.

•  This started an exchange between Europe (Old World), and the Americas (New World)

•  What sorts of things did they exchange? •  The good: horses, corn, beans, potatoes and other

produce, farm animals, and sugarcane, wheat and barley

•  The bad: germs and diseases like smallpox, influenza, and typhoid fever

•  The ugly: African slaves Learning Target: I CAN explain the impact of the Columbian Exchange on the decline of the indigenous population

•  Before the Europeans introduced them, many native people had not even seen horses.

•  This was a �game-changer� for native Americans. Why?

• Most of the $$$$$ was sent back to Europe. • Today descendants of these African slaves are a part of L.A.�s culture. • Over half of Cubans, and about half of Brazilians have African ancestors.

• The native people were not a good source of labor because most of them were killed by Europeans in their attempts to take over the land, and disease killed many more. • So Africans were brought to the New World. • They were forced to work in terrible conditions, and faced lifetimes of slavery, and their children faced the same. • They grew in numbers as the need for farms grew, mostly along the tropical coasts.

Aztec/Inca Slavery African Slavery

# Language #  The Europeans spread their language across LA. #  Spanish #  Portugeuse #  Quechua (Incan language) #  Nahautl (Aztec Language) #  Haitian Creole (blend of French & African language)

# Religion #  Mostly Roman Catholic in South America. #  Christianity #  Many indigenous people were forced to say they accepted Christianity, but continued to practice their own beliefs in private.

Look at the map above. Which of the following is something the Old World got from the New World because of the Columbian Exchange? A. Rice B. potatoes C. wheat D. horses E. I don�t know



Why did Europeans bring African slaves to the Americas?
