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  • Transport Planning: Trip Generation

  • Travel-Demand Forecasting Process

    Trip Generation

    Trip Distribution

    Mode Split


    Network & Service


    Link & O-D Flows,

    Times, Costs, etc.

    Trip Assignment

    Population & Employment Forecasts

    General Framework of 4-Step Models

    How many trips

    will be made?

  • Trip Generation

    Trip Distribution

    Mode Split

    Trip Assignment





    Trip Generation

    I J

    Trip Distribution


    I J Mode Split





    Trip Assignment

    -- path of flow Tij,auto

    through the auto


    General Framework of 4-Step Models

    Travel-Demand Forecasting Process

  • Demand for added capacity and parking facilities is not uniformly distributed throughout urban areas

    Dependent on type of land use in each zone



    Industrial, etc.

    Dependent on intensity of land use in each zone

    residential density

    workers per acre

    shopping floor space, etc.

    Travel-Demand Forecasts

    Trip generation models were postulated, calibrated and validated to

    relate trip-producing capability of residential areas and trip-attracting

    potential of various non-residential types of land-use.

  • Components of Mathematical Models

  • Components of Mathematical Models

  • Components of Mathematical Models

  • Map is defined a priori

    Zone boundaries defined

    Based on survey data

    Zone land use quantified

    1st: Define Network

  • Map is defined a priori

    Zone boundaries defined

    Based on survey data

    Zone land use quantified

    Generate Number of Trips:

    TO each zone (Attractions)

    FROM each zone (Productions)

    Function of Land Use and socio-demographics in each zone

    2nd: Generate Travel Demands

  • Trip generation is a function of

    land use activity

    Industry Hospitals Shopping centers

    Residential zones Schools ..


  • Measures of land use activity

    Activity Measure

    Employment centre Number of jobs

    Residential area

    Education centre


    Retail centre

    Industrial estate


  • By Purpose

    Travel to work

    Travel to school of college

    Shopping trips

    Social and recreational trips

    Escort trips

    Other trips

    By Time of day

    AM Peak

    PM Peak

    Off Peak

    Aggregation Level

    Person level trips

    *Household level trips

    *Zone level trips

    Characteristics of Trips

  • Trip generation is performed before distribution and mode split, Therefore, in trip generation we cant use travel times, costs

    These depend on knowing both origin and destination of the trip)

    The total number of trips generated by a zone is assumed to be only a

    function of:

    Zonal attributes (population, employment, etc.)

    Attributes of persons and activities in the zones (income, auto ownership, etc.).

    Explanatory Variables

  • Home (production) end variables: population (by age, gender, etc.) number of workers (by occupation) household size auto ownership income distance from CBD .

    Non-home (attraction) end variables: employment (retail, office, industrial, etc.) floor space (retail, office, industrial, etc.) .

    Explanatory Variables

  • Various operational approaches to trip generation modelling:

    Growth Rate Models

    1. Trip rate models: Trips classified

    2. Cross-classification (category analysis) models: Trip-makers classified

    Regression models

    1. Zonal

    2. Household-based

    3. Person-based

    Trip Generation Modeling Approaches

  • Growth Factor Models

    Simplistic method

    T = G * t

    Future number of trips is a function of:

    Change in population,

    Change in income,

    Change in car ownership,


    Future # of trips

    Growth Factor

    Current #of trips

  • Growth Factor (example)

    Consider a zone i with 500 households

    250 households (HHs) own cars

    250 HHs do not own cars

    Now, assume all HHs in zone i have a car in the future. How many trips will be produced?

    If we assume all HHs will have a car in future what is the growth factor?:

    Gi = projected car ownership/current car ownership

    = 1 / 0.5 = 2

    What is the projected number of trips produced by zone i?

    Recall t = 2125 trips/day

    Ti = Gi * ti

    = 2 * 2125 = 4250 trips/day

  • Rates are typically associated with important generators within the region (land use)

    Examples: Retail, services, manufacturing

    Rates often in person-trips per thousand sq ft of land use

    Rather than vehicle trips

    NOTE: Planners must be careful to apply trip rate models in same context in which they were calibrated

    Trip Rate Models

  • Trip Rate Model Example

  • Estimate the number of trips that will be generated by a new development with the following land-use characteristics:

    Trip Rate Model Example

    Make sure units

    match up!

    New trips


  • Cross-classification

    Also known as category analysis...similar to trip rate model

    Classify households (or persons) by one or more variables

    (e.g., household size AND # of cars).

    Specific combinations of variables define household groups.

    Assume that trip rates are relatively constant within each group.

    Compute average trip rates for each group.

    Zonal trips = sum of trips generated by all groups found in the zone

    Provides highly detailed results

    Potential Issues:

    Requires large data sets

    Lacks statistical goodness of fit measures

    Does not require linearity (improvement)

  • Simple Cross-Classification Example

    Household Location Vehicles Available

    per Household

    Persons per Household

    1 2,3 4 5

    Urban 0 0.57 2.07 4.57 6.95

    1 1.45 3.02 5.52 7.9

    2+ 1.82 3.39 5.89 8.27

    Suburban 0 0.97 2.54 5.04 7.42

    1 1.92 3.49 5.99 8.37

    2+ 2.29 3.86 6.36 8.74

    Rural 0 0.54 1.94 4.44 6.82

    1 1.32 2.89 5.39 7.77

    2+ 1.69 3.26 5.76 8.14

    GIVEN: Daily Trip Rates (Trips per day) for each Household type

    Average daily number of trips made by a HH (in a given zone)

    in an urban location, with a single tenant owning 1 vehicle

  • Household Location Vehicles

    Available per


    Persons per Household

    1 2,3 4 5

    Urban 0 100 200 150 20

    1 300 500 210 50

    2+ 150 100 60 0

    Estimate the total number of trips that will be generated by the future population described:

    GIVEN: Number of each household type for future population

    Simple Cross-Classification Example

    Expected number of HH (in the zone) in an urban

    location, with a single tenant owning 1 vehicle

  • Household Location Vehicles Available per

    Household Persons per Household

    1 2,3 4 5

    Urban 0 57 414 685.5 139

    1 435 1510 1159.2 395

    2+ 273 339 353.4 0

    Simple Cross-Classification Example

    COMPUTE: Future Trips Generated

    To estimate total trips, sum the total trips for each household type:

    Total Trips = 57+414+685.5+139+435+1510+1159.2+395+273+339+353.4+0

    Total Trips generate by the zone = 5760.1 trips

    = 1.45 trips/day * 300 HHs

  • Regression Development of an equation to predict the number of trips (per person, HH, zone) based on:



    Car ownership


    Number of dwellings



    The equation should relate our observed inputs and output

    Objective is to estimate best fit linear relationships between dependent variable (#of trips) and one or more explanatory variables

    The equation is calibrated to minimize errors

    Model can be developed at the zonal or more disaggregate levels

  • Example: Two-variable model at the HH level:

    Example: Two-variable model at zonal level:

    Example: Multi-variable model at the zonal level:

    Examples of Regression Models

    Daily trip productions per household, all purposes 1.229 1.379 (#of vehicles per household)

    Daily work trip attractions for a given zone 61.4 0.93 (Total zonal employment)

    Work trip productions per zone

    0.135 (Zonal population)

    0.145 (Number of dwelling units per zone) -

    0.253 (Total number of automobiles owned in the zone)

  • Regression Example (1 variable)

    Y: Number of Daily Trips X: Household Size

    8 3

    13 7

    6 3

    7 2

    7 3

    6 2

    7 3

    8 4

    5 2

    11 5

    9 4

    5 2

    9 5

    11 6

    6 2

    9 4

  • o

    o o

    o o


    o o

    o o







    Yi Observed data

    {xi,yi}, i=1,,n

    What values of a & b best

    fit the observed data?

    Y = a + bx

    E, error, residual

    Parameter Value Estimation

    # d


    y t



    HH size

  • Regression Example (1 variable)

    Y: Number of Daily Trips X: Household Size

    8 3

    13 7

    6 3

    7 2

    7 3

    6 2

    7 3

    8 4

    5 2

    11 5

    9 4

    5 2

    9 5

    11 6

    6 2

    9 4

    Calibrated least square error line:

    Y = 2.93 + 1.41 X

    Number of Daily Trips

    (dependent variable)

    Household Size

    (independent variable)

  • o

    o o

    o o


    o o

    o o








    Y = a + bx

    What is the model estimation at xi?

    Yi =a + bxi ei

    Parameter Value Estimation

  • Parameter Value Estimation

    Parameter estimation for all models (linear or otherwise) involves:

    Theoretically specifying the model functional form and its explanatory variables

    Observing a representative sample of the systems behaviour

    Defining the criterion defining best fit of the hypothesized model to the observed data

    Developing a statistical valid, computationally efficient procedure for finding the best fit parameters for this problem

    Evaluating the statistical performance of the estimated model and its goodness-of-fit

  • Regression Example (2 variables)

    Number of Daily Trips Household Size Number of Vehicles 8 3 2

    13 7 3

    6 3 1

    7 2 0 7 3 3 6 2 2

    7 3 2 8 4 3

    5 2 1 11 5 3 9 4 3

    5 2 1 9 5 3

    11 6 3 6 2 2

    9 4 3

    Calibrated least square error line: Y = 2.91 + 1.39 X1 + .03 X2

  • Additional Forms Linear:

    T = 4.33 + 3.89 L1 0.005 L2 0.128 L3 0.012 L4 where

    L1 = Vehicle ownership

    L2 = Population density

    L3 = Distance from CBD

    L4 = Family income

    (Source : Mertz and Hammer (1957) of BPR)


    To = K1 Lo e -

    1 t


    Td = K2 Ld e -

    2 t


    (Source: Gupta and Hutchinson (1979))

  • Additional Forms


    T = Po Pd Yo Yd Mo Md No t c fb .

    P Population

    Y Median Income

    M Institutional character

    N Transport supply

    t Travel time

    C Transport cost

    F Departure frequency

    (Source : Boston Washington corridor project)

  • Regression models are easy to construct and use.

    BUT underlying assumptions, however, may be wrong:

    1. Linearity.

    2. No interaction between explanatory variables

    3. best fit equations may give counterintuitive results

    Things to keep in mind

  • Questions?
