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BTec Level 3Extended Diploma in Creative Media Production

HA1 - Technical File – Raster Graphics

A raster image is something called a data structure which means it is a way of storingAnd organizing data in a computer. A raster graphic or bitmap is a way of displaying An image on a screen, which are stored in rectangular grid which stores the pixels.Pixels are extremely important as this is what the raster Graphic uses, what this means is that the raster graphic copies the original pictureOr video with a number of pixels that will be a replica of the original image.

Here is an example which shows that when you zoom in On a image that uses raster graphics you can see the Pixels in the image.

Raster is very popular because by saving a picture as a Raster image, because it stores a lot more complex Information in the images it means that this is the Preferred way to save photos as they are much betterAt taking in every detail of the photo.

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BTec Level 3Extended Diploma in Creative Media Production

HA1 - Technical File – Vector Graphics

Vector Graphics are different to Raster Graphics as unlike the raster graphics do notReplicate the image with pixels. Instead they store the shapes such as lines, curves Points which make up the image. And then change them into mathematical formulae What this does is that when the computer wishes to create the image it then uses the Formulaes. Furthermore here is a picture that is made up of vector graphics.

As you can see most pictures that are made up of vector Graphics are bright vibrant pictures.

Vector is usually used for logos and graphic designs, alsoThey can be made to be any size without the loss ofQuality because they do not rely on pixels and are insteadSmoother meaning this is easier.

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BTec Level 3Extended Diploma in Creative Media Production

HA1 - Technical File – Harrison Reed Delve

What anti-aliasing is effectively a way to minimize distortion. It is a way so that something for example a picture has been taken in High Definition when simplified will not be distorted because of the change, and is a way to smooth the image out. Also what this means is that anti aliasing is basically if something with a higher resolution than the programme it is running on anti aliasing is a way to resample it and make it simpler so that it is easier for the programme it is running on, as it is usually used in digital photography, video games and digital audio.


Here is an example of anti aliasing in a game, as you can see while being zoomed in it shows graphic is still smooth, showing that the PS3 has anti aliasing on this game whereas the XBox360 doesn’t showing the difference. Furthermore this helps us understand how Anti aliasing can be used and also how it makes theGraphics much more aesthetically pleasing.

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BTec Level 3Extended Diploma in Creative Media Production

HA1 - Technical File – Harrison Reed Delve


Resolution is a way to measure how many pixels are in a display based on its height And its width, furthermore depending on the resolution it is possible to have High Definition on this display there are also a small number of displays that have some Of the highest count of pixels found in LCD displays.But also if the count of the pixels is very high it means it will appear smaller and Sharper (may not be small depending on the size of the display).

An example of resolution on youtube, as you can see at theMoment the resolution is 720p which is High DefinitionThe one highest after that is 1080p with the lowest being 240p.

Even though it is difficult to tell these are all different resolution 240, 360, 480 and 720p.

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BTec Level 3Extended Diploma in Creative Media Production

HA1 - Technical File – Harrison Reed Delve

Aspect Ratio

Aspect ratio when talking about video and image relates to the relationship between The height and the width of it. It is shown as x:y (e.g. 5:6) with the number on the leftOf the colon being the width and the number on the right being the height. Although This does not tell us what measurement it is in for example 5:6 could be anything from Inches or centimetre.The way to measure the aspect ratio is that you divide the length by either the widthOr the height which will give you a decimal in which case you can then simplify it like Any decimal.

This is an example of aspect ratio because it shows that Depending on the size of the video the more detail you get Which means there are more pixels available to make it More detailed. The smaller the screen, the less pixels Are available.

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BTec Level 3Extended Diploma in Creative Media Production

HA1 - Technical File – Harrison Reed Delve

File Format

File format is the way in which information is encoded so it can be stored in a computer.For example a JPEG is the code that tells the computer it is an image. It also is short forJoing Photographic Experts Group. A GIF (which stands for Graphic Interchange FormatWhich supports 8 Bits per pixel which allows for a range of 256 colours and also Animations. Tiff (Tagged Image File Format) is used to store images. Eps (Encapsulated Postscript are file formats meant to be used within the programme postscript as an image File format. PSD (Photoshop Document) is a file format that was introduced to support Photoshops workings for example layers, colour and masks. PDF (Portable DocumentFormat, created by Adobe in 1993 it is used to support documents without having to useApplication softwares etc.

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BTec Level 3Extended Diploma in Creative Media Production

HA1 - Technical File – Harrison Reed Delve Colour Models

Colour models come in two forms RGB and CMYK.RGB (Red, Green and Blue) is a colour model that mixes the title colours to createOther colours used mainly for computers and televisions. Although some formats Will not support RGB unless changed to CMYK. CMYK is a colour model that uses Cyan, magenta, yellow and black (represented by the K).

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Photoshop is a programme that allows the user to graphically edit an image (whileAlso being able to create your own images from scratch). There has been (so far) Three versions of photoshop CS3, CS4 and CS5 which came out in 2010. Photoshop uses the colour models RGB and CMYK among others such as Grayscale and duotone. Photoshop incorporates the use of layers, as a way to separate different parts of Images.Below are examples of how it can be used.

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Adobe InDesign

Adobe InDesign is a software application that allows the user to create posters, Magazines, newspapers etc. There has been a total of thirteen versions of Adobe InDesign. With the latest version Being InDesign CS5.5 (7.5) (codenamed Odin) released April 2011. Language settingsCan also be Arabic, Persian and Hindi. There is also a reverse layout option which will reverse the layout of the document, As a quick way to copy the layout from one page to another.

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BTec Level 3Extended Diploma in Creative Media Production

HA1 - Technical File – Bibliography,r:0,s:0&biw=1680&bih=853 w=600&h=634&ei=pgCLTpn8BYeu0QXr4Y24BQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=789&vpy=398&dur=2609&hovh=231&hovw=218&tx=147&ty=96&page=4&tbnh=142&tbnw=134&start=102&ndsp=33&ved=1t:429,r:3,s:102 .html
