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~II:'\ l i 'J'ES Tlw forty-Eighth Annual Session of the South Georgia

Frc<.> Wi ll Bavlist Association r.onYened with Ebenezer Church. Tattnall County, Georgia·, October 24. 25, 26, 1924.

The introductory se.rmon was delivered by Elder C. C. ilut­ler; Tl!xt, II Thes. 2:11.

The Moderator called the boJy together. making some very <'~npropriate remark!': after which the.v sang No. 187 in "~ymus of Praise.''

Prayer by the Moderator, who then read the Constitution and Decorum.

The Moderato1· tht:n <:ailed f or the letters from the ,·arious churche!=. appoin tin ~t 19 read them. D. W. Zorne and S. A: Brewton: and the names of the deleg-ates \\'ere enrolled as fol­l ow~:

ALAB HA CHURCH-S. A. Bn:wton. J. vV. Harrison, Mrs. S. A. Brewton. Mrs. Sall ie Waldon.

OAK GROVE--J . F. Mt:Lain. S. T. Standfield. J. W. Mc.­Laill.

WEST GREEN -By letter. FISHING CREEK - T. H . Smith, \V. C. Holland, N. M.

Ea~on, Sisler Byrd, Sister T. H. Smith . BETHEL- 13y letter. ~ION---D. L. Baggs, Sister D. L. Baggs. . EBENEZER---W. B. Baxter. R. D. Folsom. C. C. Wilkerson.

S. H . Howard, H.A.Kennedy, J . A. Baxter,N. E.Williams. R.C. ·· Mobly, W. W. Driggors.

GLENNVILLE---S. C. Plummer, E. M. Lewis, Rufus Lewis, Col. I. W. Manning, M. M. Purcell. .

CORINTH---J. H. Smart, John M. Taylor, G. w: Jordan, Sister Georp:ia Smart, Siste r Lola Taylor, Sister Sim Smith.

NEW HOPE---R. P . Anderson, Sister L. L. Anderson~ · PINE LEVEL---W. E . Brigman, J . B. Brigman, ·E . L .

Parker. · PHILADELPHIA---5. M. Ahman, E. W. Shiver, J. W. ·Col-·

son, Sister Ernie Colson. HARMONY--J. S: Howard. I. J. Black-welder, J. S. Brown, ·

W. 0. Brooks, .T. L : Brown, B. E. · Vincent.· . . Butler, Sister W, O.: Brooks;: H.·s. ~DJt. ....... - ' • .

SATILLA···<i . W. Harrison. Sister Lillie Spann. UROOKER--B~· Letter. ~ MEt-iORlAL---Si~:ler Ella Hutt{\. Sisler Mamie Blantoh. MARIANNA--Sist~r Courtne~· .J ohnson. Este:; Johnson,

Si:;ter Randa Benton. Sisler Courty l larny, Eula Benton. Car-udl Uenton.

MARIETTA---W. M. Cobb Will is McLain. Vv . E. !llcLain. The following Ministers wert:: present: , Re,·s. J . A. l3lanton. f. J . Blanton. G. W. J on<>!' . E. L. Panik.

B. f. Bratche1·, W. H. Holmes, C. C. Cour:ey, D. P. Atwell, C. C. JJutl~r.

The body ;ldjourned from pn:nching. Prayer by Elder J . lt Hunt. "


The body was called to ~rder by the Mod~rator . Song 99. "So11gs of HeaYen. •· Prayer by J . N. Johnsen.

A motion -prevailed that, S. A. Brewton, S. H. Howard and J . N. Johnson be tellers of tile election, which resulted as fol-lows: .

Rev. J. A. Blanton. Moderator; C. C. Cour sey, Assistant • Mode.rator; C. C. ButiH. C!Hk: John Ivl. Taylor, Treasurer.

The officers were all elected by ballot and it was made unanimous by motion.

The Moderator then called for petitionary letters and·ed the following named -churches:

Welcome Chapel, Elder D.P. Atwell. Columbus, G. S. Thompson and L. M. Harrell. The churches

and delegates were received in full fellowship. ThP. Moderator called for Corresponding Messengers and

Bro. B. E. Miller and Elder J. B. Harris were received from Little River , and Elder J. J. Jones, Elder J . R. Hunt and R.N. Mcinvale were received from Chattahoochee.

Moved that the deiegates and messengers of the new chqrches be given the hand of <::hristian fellowship, which was carried. ·

The Moderator appointed W. 0. Brooks and S. A. Brewton to assist the clerk to draft the various committees. While the clerk and aSsistants were preparing committees, the body had preaching. See Preachers' Report.

The Moderator · appointed H. A. Kennedy, J. W. McLain, W. E. McLaiu, Willis McLain and W. M. Cobb as Preaching Committee. See report.

·On motion the body adjourned until 8 o'clock Saturday morning. Benediction by C. C. Butler.

S.-\Tli HI> A Y .\10 H~ J NG

N :n:. l:o~ly \\a :- ~:ailed toget her uy tl;c Moderator. ,:;i 11 giSJ~r, O. 2. \ OlCt!S of Love." PrunH· J S jJ d Tl 1 · · . . towar .

11 __ 1e c crk callo!d the roll and the body was ready for busi-~=>S. The Moderatcr called for reports f rom the various com­

J~lltte~s. See_ r epC\l'ts of Committees. Reports recein:d and ~omml t~ees discharged. Committee~ receceived as t"'ev came 1 n rotat1on .


Temperanc" () l,ituaries. D~stituticm. Sabbath Schol)!. Eriucation. State of Chll r.:hcs. Support of the A1inist1·v DellominationHI Literat ;Jre. Nomina lion. C~laracler an:l Usefulness of the Ministl: \. F111ance. · ·

'~he bod y ad journed for TJret~ c hing-. Prayer b" El-der J. B. Harns. ..)

S.-\Tt "HD.--\ Y .-\FTEH~OO~

The ??dy wa: called to order by tl1e Mc>derator. Singing No. 172, Crowutng Hymns." Pra''er bv Elder J J J Th A• d ..) - . . ones. • ~ ~o er~t~r received a message that his gt·andcbild was m a ~y!ng condltl(ln, and asked the body to relieve hirn for the remammg part of the sesc:ion, and it was granted: the Assist­ant Moderator then took the chair, and the following business was transacted:

The b~lance uf the committees' reports was received, and ._ the fo_llowmg new business was taken up:

~lrSt, the clerk offered a resolution to the body and it was recetved. See Resolution.. . .

• By motion, the Superannuated Board was instructed to )end · at mterest ~o some reliable bank the surplus collected:- · . By molten, t~te body authozi.Ud the trusteesof tbeA.ssOcia­

taon to ~t_tle w1th ~· H; ~~'!ltham fort labOr'~"Dltb~ Odessa • _eboreb, 1f 1t takes tbe·IJ,!~~, l:~·, ~-:~~..o .. ,

. • . ~ .. <fJ>• ,., ..... ~ , ,. .. . - ~ ~ ... -1 ~ !1.::._· ,~ - 4.· -

. . .':9 .; .· - .Q~ , •

lh nwtiQn. this l•ody to\\'. H. l)cloach f0r nt t­in~ too l1ast.~· in l!lZ:\ about colleetin!! ~otn(~ money. :111d it "·a!;

carried. By molinn. the hocly r ec:eived C. C. Bulkr's report in re-~l: i "ing Elder D. A I well and his papers, and \hi!; body reteh c him a!'. an ordained minister and his name appt'ar on t11e Minis-

terial Roll. Hy motion. the names of Elder W. H. ll ohnes aud Eld er £ . L. Paulk wert> ordered placed on the roll.

13y motion. tlH' body wa:sinstnH.:led to pay the expen~es of the! corre!'pondents. J. J. Jones, R.N. Mcln\'al<> and J . R. Hunt, to the amount of $~0 actual expen~e on car from the Chatta­J;occhee Association, ;mu ~11 to B. E. Miller and J . 13. Hanis for car e,;penses from th~ Little Ri\'er As£ocia\icn.

B)' mot ion. the Treasurer was instruted to pas the Modera-

tor $15. By motion, the body ord'ered the Clerk. to be paid S1a ior

s~n·ices. By motion . the Clerk was ordered to have 100 copies of minutes printed, and also havr 200 forms o( A~!'ociation11l let· ters printed. an<!,.. the Clerk•dra won the trea~ury for payment

of same. Toe following brethren wer~ appointed as delegates to the State Convention, and this body ~end $10 {or minutes:

Elder W. H. Holmes and Elder B. F. Bra tcher w~re sent.

to the Chat tahoochee Association. ' By motion, t his body tender a vote of thank s to Ebenezer

Church and vicinity for the hospitality shown the body while in

their midst . REV. J . A. BLANTON, Moderator . REV. COURSEY. ·A~sistant, REV. C. C. BUTLER. Clerk. MR. JOHN M. TAYLOR. Treasurer.


Thursday ni.tht, Elder C. C. Butler- Text. II Thes. 2:11. Friday, 11:30, Elder J. B. Harris- Text, I J ohn,-1:6. Friday, 4:30, Elder D.P. Atwell-Text, Matt. 24:44. Friday night, Elder B. F. Brateher---Text. St. J ohn 21:15. Saturday. 11:80, Elder J. R. Hunt· --Text, Satbrday.night, Elder W. H . Holmes---Text, Neh. 4:6. Sunday, 11 O'Clock, Elder J . .J. Jones--Text. II ~eter 1:2.

~ ------~~~------~~


From last session This session's min~t~~-- - --- _$ 2.30 Home Mission --- -- ----- - -- ------ --- - 100.90 State Conventi~~- -- · ·- ·-- -- -- - -.--- .. ----·----- - 4.40.


R~~~i~~d -i;o-~1-c. -c~l3~i'~-... ---- ----- -5


rom last )•ear ____ __ • · Collection Sunday -- - -- ----- - - -- - ---- · ------- -

42.56 9.00

. ~here is of th-is ~~-~~~t$42~7i ·b~i~~~i~~ t~ H~;;~ -Mtsswn, makin g a total ---. J>i s i; .) it-51-:-;,·,~ ;_-:J··s- -.- --- -. - 164.16

Mmutes Moderat:~~- - - - -- ------ ----- -- -- -- · -- -- ___ ___ __ $ 00.00

Cl k ~ .. -- ~- + - -- ---- -- --- .. - - -- -- -- --- - 15 00

, er __ __ --- -- - -- ·- ____ ____ : . Correspondi ng Me ' f - - --. .. ----- · --- - --- - - 15.00 ssengers or vartous Associations_ _ :-n.OO

JOHN TAYLOR. Treasurer.


This Pagels Dedieated to the Following

D eeeAsed Members: < •

W f ' DAVIS --- -------------- ---- Philadelphia Church J. T. ·McMANUS ______ _____ ___ -=- --- ___ __ Sa~i.lla Ch~rch SISTER SILLA NAY----,------------ -----SISTER J . M, SIMMONS .. --------------- West Green SISTER SARAH BRATCHER----------- Fishing Cre~k SISTER MERTIS BOWERS ----------- -- --- ___ M.e~orial SISTER SALLIE MANN _____ · -------- ---- - - . BROTHER G. W. JENKINS - ---------------- ZlOn SISTER SHEFFIELD -------------- - - -------- Glen~ ville

LILLIE BACON----- -- - -- ----- - ------ - -----WILL WHEELER------------------------ Pine ~yel siSTER VIDELL MOORE ______ _______ : ___ Con~th BROTHER A. F. DELOACH .. ----- ------- .. SISTER MAMIE BELL------------------ -

lSIGNED] E. W. SHIVAR. Chairman.

II -


DESTJTt ' TJ( )~

\\~e , your c(lmmiltt>c, beg- leave to matte QUI' report. \\ e find all out· <;hurches in good condition except,

Pine Grove, Odessa Grove,, Marietta. Stony Hill. Ohoopee. I( nil!ht' !-' Chapel. 13rooker.

They are \\'ithout pastor,, ;:~ncl we recommed that theY se­cure a pastor who hasn't a chu rcR, ;:~nd hP represP.nted ~;tour next !'"'Ssion.




We, yow· committee, beg leave to submit the following re­port:

We believe that every church should have and encourage the Sabbath School. An active Sabbath School tends to im­prove morals. and promote_' Christianity in any \!ommunity. We believe the Sabbath Schpo] to the Church what cultivation is to the plant. With this in mind, we feel that it is the duty of eV.­ery pastor to encourage a Sabbath School and give 'his ut.Jnof$t attention to this great work. We further recommend the o!8 of Free Will Baptist literature. • ·


~ ·~· · ·~ ~~mit~:

E 1)\ iCATIO:"

\\'c, your cmn:·.-,ittee en Education. make this our report_: \\'<.> lind as a wholt• our pc0ple do not appreciate Chri!'tian edu­cation as they should. \Yi'! recommend that our people make more careful stud y of the Bible. We also recomm end that our Association create an edm·ational fund to be used for the ·edu­cation of young men direl'lly called to the ministry. We further recommend that ~dl of uu r churches immediate!~· organize a

Committee on Educatiqn. J. S. HOW AI\ D. Chairman.


Commit tee.


We, your Committee on State of Churches. beg leave to submit the following repurt:

We find that the most of our churches are in fairly good standing, but recommend that they do more for the cause than

heretofore. We also find that some of our churches have no pastors and

are inactive, and we recommend that these churches either get pastors or move their membership to some active Free Will

Baptist Church. R. C. MOBLEY. Chairman,




We, your Committee on Support of the Ministry, find that

all of our churches are not support~ng their pastors as they

s hould, and we-recommend that ou1· churches make a special

effort to pay their pastors more; and in some instances at least

double the amount they are now paying.


J. S. HOWARD. Chairman.






We, your Committee on Character and Influence of the Ministry, beg leave to submit the following support:

We recommend that BrotherS. Hernisy and B~ther W. J. Taylor'_s credentials be called in and they be·\sil~p._~J.!l ,,

h. '\II •. ,..._.*"~ '1-

preac mg. :· -:-'~~,..;. .... "' .,,..., -· . ......... .. - ....... " ; .

We also recommend that Brother L. Crosby and Brother J. . . . .. . . :( . ~

L. Carter bo~h be dropped from tbe licentiate ~ , ~ ·

We further recommend' that all of OUl~•Pi'eac::liiJ~, J)eople in their homes, aud by so doing .bec:~i~laO~ ~~tli!ii.t4i~ with tbei; m • . · ' ·. :. . ..,. ...-; .. . ~ ' ~~~~

• · ~· ~:. ~ c~ • • • ~- _.. "'O::.'I'i'"T..·'f~·

We further recommend that our preachers, when preach-

ing- doctrinal sermons. leave off any personalities.

J. N. JO HNSOW.Chairman. J. A . BAXTER.


J . F. Mc LA IN.





Superannuated Funds from last sessio·n .. . _ .... __ . _

From present session .. _. __ . . : . . ....... .. . __ .. .

Total : . .. -- ---- - ----- - ---- --- ----- - --- __ ToS. G. Smith ______ _____ ________ _____ $40.85

Bal. on hand .. . . ______ _______ _ .. ____ ___ -- ;- ---- --





$ 74.75





1··., . . ... .. ;~ .

~ ........ . ;· .

DE~O~l f!\XflOK ALl .lTERAT fiRE

We. your committee, submit this our re.port: That, we ugP. Free Will Baptis~ literature in our Sundav Schools and Churche~. and ~hat we have a Statt' ~rE'e Will B~ptist papE'r as e:\rly as convenient.

Resolved Second: Tha~ we ·furnish our children good lit­emtm·e at all times, and that we study thP. Bible more.


J. W. HARRISON. Chm'n ., .1. S. BROWN.







We, your Committee on Nominations, beg leave to submit the follo wing report:

We recommend that the next session meet with Alabaha Church, Pierce County, Ga., commencing Thursday night be­fore t he Fourth Friday in October, 1925; Elder B. F. Bratcher is named to preach the Introductory Sermon.

Delegates will be met at Blackshear, 'Ga.



M. M. PURCE~L. W. C. HOLLAND: c.c.~~N . .. ~ . ··.

r Cmnbatee: ... ~ -- ~~~~ '

~.,;r~~ - ~-



- ------ -- - -- - --- --- - -- ..... ~ ---- .. ---· ..... . .. -... - - - -. ~---

FI~A;\'Cir\L H 1-:J>OHT ,

\Vr-. the Committee on Finance. find sent in from the vari-· 0us churches, to wit: Superannuated funds . _________ __ ___ ___ __ _ .111 in u tes __ .• . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . ___ _____ _____ _ ~ ___ _____ ___ _

Home Missions __ _____ __ _____ ___ __ ___ __ __ ___ .. ... ,

State <An ven lion ______ . _ . __ _ . __ . ___ . _ . ______ ___ __ _



$ 165.10




275.40 l. UO




J. A BLANTON .----- . _____ --- --- _____ _____ _ .. Surrency, Ga.

T. J. BLANTON-- -- .. _. ___ ___ ________________ .Surrency, Ga.

C. C. COURSEY---- ____ ---------- _____ ____ _____ Colomba, Ga.

B. F. BRATCHER ----------------.---- ------------Bristol, Ga. E._S. PAULK ______ __ . _______ _____ .. __ ...... Rockingham, Ga.

W. H. HOLMES-- --- ----- ________ ----------- ____ _ ._AJma, Ga. G. W. JONES _____ __ ____ ~-- _________________ Hazlehurst, GL D. P. ATWELL ..... _______ ____ __ _ ----- -----~- Plant City, Fla.·

C. C. BUTLER---------- ..... . -------------------DQkes, Fla.


1. The body ~hall he (lpr.:ned and closed with pra~·er.

2. Call for c:hurch letter~ and have them read and the

names of the Minister~ and Delegates enrolled.

:~. Elect Moderator. f.s~istant Moderator. Cierk and

Treasurer by ballot.

·l. Call for petitionary )<"tler!'.

' '· llwite visiting brethren t0 seats with us.

fi. Call for corresponrlin lJ messengers.

'· .-\ppointment of se,'eraf committee~.

:>. Unfinished busine;;:s.

!f. Report of committees.

lll. Miscellaneous business. ,

ll. Adjournment.

C lll l HCH CO\·E~r\~T

Having given oursel ves to God through Jesus Chrir-t. and adopted the following articles as our confession of Faith, we now giveours'elves to each other by the will of God , and agree to the following Chu!ch Covenant:

1. We solemnly covenant before God that we will strive hv His assisting grace to exemplify our profession by a cor­r;sponding practice. We covenant and agree as members of the church and -as Christians, to watch over each other in Jove, for mutual upbuilding in Gospel faith, endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. To be careful of each other's reputation, to confess our faults one to another, to

· strengthen the feeble. and kindly admonish the erring and to labor together for thE-! building up of the Church and the denomi­nation and for the salvation of sinners.

2. We promise that we will faithfully and consistently main~ secret an~ family prayer and religiously instruct those under our care.

3. We will endeavor to uphold the public worship of Al­mighty God and ordinances of His Church, and not to forsake the assemhling of ourselves together; that we will cheerfully contributE-! of the means with which we are blessed for the sup-. port of our pastor and other necessary expenses of the church. Any members failing to observe this covenant shall be delt with by the church. ·

4. We also promise that, unless providentially hindered, we will attend upon public worship, the social meetings of the church and report ourselve~> regularly at the monthly confer­ences and that we will . walk in all ordinances of the Lord's bouse.

5. We ccvenant and agree that we will abstain from all vain amusements and sinful conformity to the world; that we will not t raffic in the use or furnish to others intoxicating drinks as a beverage, and that we will sustain the benevolent enter­prises of o.ur denomination and church, such as MiEsions. Edu­cation, Sahbath Schools, Moral Rdorm and all others which t~nd to the glory of G0d and to the welfare of men; and may the God of peace sanctify us wholly and preserve us blameless unto the e;oming of our Lord Jesus Chr~t. that Wt: may join the glorified around the throne of God in ascribing, blessings, honoi·, glory and power to Him that sitteth on the throne and unto the Lamb forever. Amen.


1. This Association shall be known as the South Georgia Free Will Baptist Association, whose duty it is t9 meet annually at such places as may be agreed upon at the previous session and ·not to adjourn finally until all business is settled .and while interest to the Association and to use their best influence to promote all moral and benevolent means and institutions, such as Education, Sabbath Schools, Missionary Work. ete.

2. It sball be composed o! the Ministers, both ordained and licensed, belonging thereto, and legal delegates from the churches composing the same. ·

3, Requirements of the ChurcbeA: Each ehareh shall be required -to send up an annual report to the Assoeiation in which they shall make a brief stateme~t of tb.e pastor, ·report the character and usefulneas of the ministers wbose member­ship is with them. Give name .and ~&offtce of tl}e . eburcb


' .

clerk . tih·c the number, receh·cd by letter. di~,misseJ by letter, restorccl. excluderi and dead: also the number of mem i.Je r~ and the amount paid Association purposes.

4. ThisAssociation shal~ beconsidered an ecclesiastical vody and shall <'.ontrol all the various churches ccmposin~ th~ same so far as Gospel order extend.s. Also. no houses or lands shall be sold or disposed of without its consent. Each male member shall be required to pay $1.00 allnually as superannuated funds, and ;.~ny member fail ing to comply with this shal l be noted by t he <'ilurch.

5. The officers of this Association shall be, a Moderator. Assistant Moderator , Clerk and Treasurer. to be chosen · by ballot.

6. Churches wishing· to become members of this Associa­tion must adopt our Articles of Faith· and con form to its usages.

7. Churches sendiug delegates to thi~ Association shall be allowed one delegate for each ten members or fraction then~of.

8: This Constitution m'ay be altered or amended at any ·sesE!on of this Association by a majority vote.


1. We believe that there is but one living, t rueand eternal God, the Father. of whom a re all things. from everlasting to ever lasting, glorious immutable in all His attributes. - I Cor. 8:16; I sa. 40:28.

2. w~ beli~ve that there is but one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, the only begotten Son of God, born of the 'Virgin Mary, whom God freely sent into the world because of tbe great love wherewith He loved the world, and Christ as freely gave himself a ransome for all, tasting 'death for every man, who was buried and rose again the third day, and ascend­ed into Heaven. from whence we look for Him the second time, in the clouds of Heaven at the last day to judge both the quick. 'and the. dead.--1 Tim. 2:16; Heb. 2:9; St. John · 3:16; Rev. 1:7; 'A.cts 24.:16; I John 2:2.

3. We believe that there is one Holy Ghost, the precious 'gift of the Fat her through His dear Son, unto the· world, who quickeneth and draweth sinners home to God. -St. John 16:7-8; Acts 2:4; Epb. 2:1, 4:4-5-6.

4. We believe that in the beginning God made man up­rirht and plaeed him in a state of glory without the least mixt-

- --~--

nrc of misery from \\'hich he volunt arily, by transgression, fell ;md by that means ln·ought on h im~el f a miserable and moral ~tat• ·. !"lliljE:>ct to .death.--·Gt:n. 2:17, :H!).

5. We believ~ that God is lll>l willing that any one shN1ld J.l~rish, l1ut that all ::: lwuld come to repentance and the knowl­edge of t he Truth. that they might be sa\'(~ci. for whiC'h Pnd Christ has commande:-d the G<'spel be preached among all na­tions and to every cre:tturc.---Mark 10:16: Luke 24:47; J ohn 3:15; I Tim. 2:4.

(i. \V~ believe 1 hat no man shall suffer in hell for want of a Chri$l \\ hl"' died for him: but as lhe Scriptures have said. ior denying the Lord t lrat uou;:ht them, because they believe not in the onl y begotten Son or God. Unbtlief. therefore, being the cause why the just anci righteou s God of Hea\'en win condemn t he children of men. it follows against all <'Ontradiction that all men a t one time or rther are found in such a capacity as that through the grac~ of God they ma~· be eternally saved. -·-Mark 6:6: Heb. 3:10; I J ohn 5:10.

7. Wt! belie\·e that the whole Scl"iptures are infallibly t rue, and t hat they are t il~ only l"tJ I~l:i of faith and nractice.---Il Tim . 3:16-17.

8. We bel ieve in the dl).:tri ne of general provision made of God in Christ fol' the henefit of ~II manldnd, who repent and believe the Gospei. ---Luke 14 :H)-20 : Luke 13:3-5: Acts 3:19; Mark 1 :15.

9. We believe that sinners are drawn to God, the Father, by the Huly Ghost, tht·ough J esus Chris t, His Son, and that the Holy Ghost offer His divine aid to all the human famil y, so as they all might be happy, would they give place to His di­vine teaching; wherE>a~. such as who do not receive t he divine impress ions of His Holy Spirit s hall at a future day own their condemnation just and charge themselves with their own dam­nation for wilfully rejecting the offers of sovereign grace.­Matt: 11:27; St. J ohn 6:44-65; Psa. 1:1; Tit. 5.11-12; Jer. 22:26.

• . 10. We believe that men, not considered simply as ungod­ly men, were of old ordained tn condemnation: considerior such who tum the grace of God into lasciviousness, denying •the Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ who bought them, and therefore shall bring upon themselves swift destruction, but we observe that they are such the Apostles saith because they re­ceived not the love of the t ruth, that they might be sav~. therefore the indignation and· wrath o~jGod is upon every aoo1


. . .

of man that rloct h l! ,·il. Jj,·it,l! and dying- t lt11rl'in. for I hc~n· i!; 1111

r'espc1·l oi pcr~on,.: with Goci.·--Jucl~1P!" I : j :l: Pel<.'!' 2:1: Thes. :2 : 11-1:!: Hr:>m. 2:\1.10. ·

i l. We beli·~\·c · that all children!l. in infanry. havinl! nC\t aclu;dly t rans)!r.•ssed ug-ainst the Ia w n f God i 11 l heir own p~rson ;.t-e only 51lhject to the first dc)uh, which \\'<lS brought on tlwm by the t'all of Adam, and nol tttat any one of them dyinl-\ in th::tt state shnll sufft>r punishment in hell lw the j:Wilt (If i\\l::sm's ~in. Of such is tl:e Kingdom of GQd. - I (or. 15:!1~: Jl.latl. U-5; Mark !:!:36-37; Matt H):].t.

1~. We helicve that the I!OOd w<, rhsai·c the frnitsof ~:J\'in~ faith. and that iu t he use of the means of grace and not out of the use of l hose means etd·Ml life is promi!"ed to men. - HH. 22:1.,1-15; l sa. l:Hl-20: Matt 7:8; Jer. 13:34 ·3f).

13. We believe that no man , has any \\'arrant in the Holy Scripturts fot• jo~tiflcalion befoJ:e God throttgh his O\\ n worl• .. power or ability which he has in and of l~imself. onl~· as he, b~· ;rrace, is m2de to come to Cod, through J csus C\,ri!'t: belie\'EI5 f0r their eternal acceptance with Gcd-.Rotr •. 4:24: Acts 8:20-21.

' }II. We helie,·e that things are fl)re!"r-en in the wisdnT.i of God, ~o that God l;11nweth whatevfr c&n or cmmot c:~11ne til pa:::s upon all supposed crmditions; yet as not having oc:rr<'ed an~· person to e\·erl::u:ting death or everlastin~r JifC?, oul of re!'pect of mere choice, farther than be hath appoi nte-d the !W<ih· unto life, aud the ungodly who die in sin unto death.---Hei). 4:J::!: Prov. 8:22-31; Matt. 25:31-36. '

15. We llelieve in teaching Gospel ordinances. in belieYers' baptism, laying on the hands, receiving of the sacrament in bread and wine, washing the saints' feet, anointing the sick with oil in the name of the Lord, fasting, prayinJ!, singing praise unto God, and the public ministry of the Word, with every institution of the Lord we shall find in the New Testa­ment---Marl' 16:15-16; Acts 8:17-19; Luke 22:19-20: John 13:15-17; James 5:14.

16. We believe the gospel mode of baptism is by immer­sion and believers are the only subjects for the baptism.---M~tt. 3:16; Mark 1:9-19; Acts 3:3-29; Rom. 6:4; Cor. 2:12. .

17. We believe in a general resurrection of the dead. and a final judgement at the last day.---John 5:28-29; II Cor. 5:10.

18. We ? that the happiness of the righteous is eternal, and the torments ot the wicked are endless. ---Matt. 23-26.

--DE< l<l H t_: t\ I

1. At the meeting of each st•!;sion of the Association, the oflic<.•rs 1·f the prccteding session shall preside until their suc­cessors shall be known_

2. At each session and predous tl) proceeding to business the names of the ministers and delegates shall be called.

3. At the close of each se5sion the entire proceedings shall b~ read for con-ection and approval.

4. Any persun wishing to ~reak shall rise and address the :Moderator. He shall confir.e himself to the question under consideration and avoid personalities.

5. No person !'hall speak more than twice on any subject without permission of the body.

fi. No motion shall be withdrawn after its discussion.

7. When a question is under discussion no motion or prop­osition shall be received except to adjourn, to lay on the table, to amend or postpo11e indefinitely, which Eeveral motions shall be preferred in order in which they are stated.

8. Nominations shall bl: made by the Moderator of the As­sociation or whoeYer be may appoint.

9. After a m6tion has been decided, any member having voted in the affit•mative may move a reconsideration.

10 No me;r,ber shall absent himself during the session without permission of the presiding officer, and none will take final leave of absence without permission of the body.

11. The Associati<m has a right to decide what matter shall be admitted to consideration.

12. This Decorum may be amended at any session of the Association by a majority vote.


;.;.~. - ..

ST. \ 'I' J ST I C.\ L T .\ BL.E

Ch urch County

· Alah:ih:t ____ __ Pierce B~thel __ _ ____ Appling Big Cn:!~k ______ Appling Brooker . . . _____ Bradford Corinth -----· Br.con Ebene~er . ·---- Tattnall Glf:nn vill~ __ ____ Tattnall Hannouy ___ ____ Union Li !:Jerty. _. _ _ Cofft:!e Marietta __ .- ---· Toomb~J 1larianna ______ Bacon Memorial . . . . . . Appling New Hop~: .... _. Wayne Ohoc•Pe'-' . _ Tatlnall o ~.k Grovt:: . ----- Appling Pine Le1·e!_. ____ Bacvn Phi lad·elphia Cha1·lton Phw l ;1·ov~: Apnlinl{

Pas tO I'

W. H. HolmeH l. J. Hlan tun J. J. Blanton C. C. Butler W. H. Holmes .J. A. !~!an to n .J. R I lunl C. C. Hutl~r C. C. Coursey

W. H. Holmes J. A. Blan ton C. C. C'Jurse;; C. Tho; C. C. CnurW.I' W. H. Holmes C. C. Cou rsey

~utilla • . __ . Jelr DaviH J. A. Bluntun Ston~· Hill Tattnall Spring Gro1·e Wayne Union __ _ _ .. Bacon Zion . . Lonsr , G. 1-N. Jvnr~~ Cou):nua Jd[ lJuv is C. C. Cotn·scy \\'~ l.:om1: Chnpel , D. P. Atwell .... . . , . . . . . . . ..

··:;:- --- - --....---·' . E • I -~ '"' I l ~ I >. g. f/) ;,.... ~ I 4J • J.,. a... ·- v u.. s . .0 . (f) , c.s p...

.4,..1 ...., , ...., >. -c. , "" 1 c v 1 E ~ Cll ...c ' ~ . j c ...:I I v 0 tl) u

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~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i5 l ~. ~ l a . ~ .i ~ . ~ C. 13. Brewton. Ill cr~hon , Ga. -~~- 1 2 1 I , j 49 4. $121.00'$15001 13. ll. Hu tto, Baxley, Ga. ---- 4 1 . 2 ! 1 35 2 ' 15.00! 100

~- M. Barefoot, Star~ e. Fla. _ ; 1 1 40 4 : 98.00; 1200 J. A. Smar t, Al~na. G~t. __ ___ _ lOj I I 3 · 87 3 , 115.68, !200

1 J. A. Baxter, Glennville, G::~. 1 2 , .140 2 1 188.00; 20001 E. M. Lcll' i~. t;tennvil ll', Ga. lO j 1 , 1 1 i 871 1 425.00. 2500 W.O. Br:;ol\!:;, Luke Butler, Fla. 23 7 I 2 1 1 1 185•


1,3, 321.00' 2000j' 0. V. Tay!c1r, West Green, Ga. , 1 1 1 3 I 28. 1 i 84.40, 1000 Will ie McLain, Lyons. Ga. ___

1 i : , I i ' 1 : ! I

W. L. Lynch. Alma. Ga . . ____ 1 • : • 1 1 26.001 1500, M. W. Curler, Surrency, Ga. _ 1 ' !105 4 40.40t 1• Lillie Andrews, Jesup, Ga. _ 13 , 1 , ,. 30 3 i 30.80!' 100

I ' I I I

A. '1'. Collins, Baxley, Ga . . __ 3 14 1 2 ' · 47 2 · 83.501 1000 J . N. Johnson,Aima. Ga. ____ 1


i 1

I· 2 l 70.16j 1000 .J. w .. ~olson. F_olkston, Ga . .. 7 I 2 . 1 51 3 1 151.13·, 800 J. A. I uton, Bt·t ~ lol. G~. -. - - I 4 . • t:. C. qninn,!;t, Ga. 5 2 1 3 2 2 ,168 4 ' 196.60, 2600. C. C. Andre\\'S, Glennville, Ga. 1 I I 1

I I i I ; I I

~. - iV~ . Ea!'ter l ins:. LomJiwi~i,Ga 21 I 1

• 1 I' 24!; 21. C. C. IJyal. Ha~lehurst. Ga. __ 1 • , :!.- ~': G~ti~n. P,l,a':'t qit~·_. Fla . . 1 ~0. I ~~ I , ~~~ ~ I

Clerk and lJustofli ce

I 69.40' . I t=:'> ,J qMI ~
