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APT 507 SPRING 2015

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What is assistive technology?

Assistive technology is an umbrella term that

includes assistive, adaptive, and rehabilitative devices for people with disabilities and also

includes the process used in selecting,

locating, and using them.

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Many teachers have consistently worked to provide

alternative ways of learning for students who learn in different

ways. The impact of technology on education has been

profound. Computers have become an essential literacy tool

in our society. When assistive technology is appropriately

integrated into the classroom, students are provided with

multiple means to complete their work and focus on

achieving academic standards.

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Assistive technology is also defined as

any kind of technology that can be used

to enhance the functional

independence of a person with a


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What are AT devices?

Assistive Technology (AT) devices are tools to

help to overcome those challenges and

enable people living with disabilities to

enhance their quality of life and lead more

independent lives.

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Assistive technology can be anything from a

simple (low-tech) device such as a magnifying

glass, to a complex (high-tech) device, such as

a computerized

communication system. It can be big — an

automated van lift for a wheelchair — or small

— a grip attached to a pen or fork by Velcro.

Assistive technology can also be a substitute —

such as an augmentative communication

device that provides vocal output for a child

who cannot communicate with her voice.

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Assistive technology helps to level the playing field for

individuals with disabilities by providing them a way to fully

engage in life’s activities. An individual may use assistive

technology to travel about, participate in recreational and

social activities, learn, work, communicate with others, and

much more.

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Abledata - -

PACER Center - Simon Technology Center -

Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology

Society of North America (RESNA) -