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Likely striping in stochastic nematic elastomers

L. Angela Mihai∗ Alain Goriely†

November 15, 2021


For monodomain nematic elastomers, we construct generalised elastic-nematic constitutive mod-els combining purely elastic and neoclassical-type strain-energy densities. Inspired by recent devel-opments in stochastic elasticity, we extend these models to stochastic-elastic-nematic forms wherethe model parameters are defined by spatially-independent probability density functions at a con-tinuum level. To investigate the behaviour of these systems and demonstrate the effects of theprobabilistic parameters, we focus on the classical problem of shear striping in a stretched nematicelastomer for which the solution is given explicitly. We find that, unlike in the neoclassical casewhere the inhomogeneous deformation occurs within a universal interval that is independent ofthe elastic modulus, for the elastic-nematic models, the critical interval depends on the materialparameters. For the stochastic extension, the bounds of this interval are probabilistic, and thehomogeneous and inhomogeneous states compete in the sense that both have a a given probabilityto occur. We refer to the inhomogeneous pattern within this interval as ‘likely striping’.

Key words: liquid crystal elastomers, solid mechanics, finite deformation, stochastic parameters,instabilities, probabilities.

“Instead of stating the positions and velocities of all the molecules, we allow the possibilitythat these may vary for some reason - be it because we lack precise information, be itbecause we wish only some average in time or in space, be it because we are content torepresent the result of averaging over many repetitions [...] We can then assign a probabilityto each quantity and calculate the values expected according to that probability.” - C.Truesdell [62, p. 74]

1 Introduction

Nematic elastic solids are advanced functional materials that combine the elasticity of polymeric solidswith the self-organisation of liquid crystalline structures. These materials were originally proposed byde Gennes (1975) [10] and synthesized by Finkelmann et al. (1981) [17]. As demonstrated by numerousexperiments, their deformations can arise spontaneously and reversibly under certain external stimuli(heat, light, solvents), and are typically large and nonlinear [27–29, 73]. This renders them useful assoft actuators [11,72].

An ideal incompressible and microstructurally inextensible nematic solid is described by a strain-energy density function, depending only on the deformation gradient F with respect to a referenceconfiguration and the local nematic director n, such that detF = 1 (incompressibility) and |n| = 1(normality). For monodomain nematic solids, where the director field does not vary from pointto point, a well-known constitutive model is provided by the phenomenological neoclassical modeldeveloped in [6, 67, 71]. This model has been applied to predict large deformations in various ap-plications [39–41, 43, 68]. In general, the neoclassical theory extends the molecular network theory

∗School of Mathematics, Cardiff University, Senghennydd Road, Cardiff, CF24 4AG, UK, Email:[email protected]†Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, Woodstock Road, Oxford, OX2 6GG, UK, Email:

[email protected]















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of rubber elasticity [61] to liquid crystal elastomers (LCE), whereby the constitutive parameters aredirectly measurable experimentally, or derived from macroscopic shape changes [69,70].

However, similarly to the case of rubber elasticity, where “no single value of modulus is applicablein the region of large strains” [61, p. 172] (see [34] for a review), the neoclassical theory requiresmodifications in order to accommodate material behaviours observed in certain experiments [30].Therefore, various nonlinear expressions for the elastic contribution to the strain-energy function havebeen proposed, extending the neoclassical form [2,20,21]. Of particular interest here are the governingequations developed in [20, 21], which depend on two nonlinear deformation tensors: the Cauchy-Green tensor that describes the overall macroscopic deformation, and a relative tensor that representsthe microstructural deviation from the macroscopic deformation. As a special case, the model maycontain, for example, the neo-Hookean and the neoclassical strain-energy densities.

In addition, nematic solids may also exhibit variations in their macroscopic responses under me-chanical tests, for instance when different samples of a material are tested. For example, to account for“compositional fluctuations” causing variations in the local nematic responses (but not in the directororientation), in [64, 65], a small term was added to the one-term neoclassical form to obtain a meanvalue expression for the strain-energy function.

In view of the aforementioned considerations, the aim of this study is twofold: first, to construct aclass of generalised nematic constitutive models combining elastic and neoclassical-type strain-energyfunctions, and second, to extend these elastic-nematic models to phenomenological stochastic con-tinuum forms where the given parameters are random variables characterised by probability densityfunctions. To attain this, we start with a generalised nematic strain-energy function similar to thatproposed by [20, 21], where we take as reference configuration the stress-free state of the isotropicphase at high temperature [7, 9, 12–14], instead of the nematic phase in which the cross-linking wasproduced [3,5,6,20,21,65,74]. Recognising the fact that some uncertainties may arise in the mechan-ical responses of liquid crystal elastomers, and inspired by recent developments in stochastic finiteelasticity [19,31–33,35–38,54–58], we then design stochastic-elastic-nematic strain-energy functions tocapture the variability in physical responses of nematic solid materials at a macroscopic level.

To investigate the fundamental behaviour of the proposed elastic-nematic models and illustratehow the probabilistic parameters can be integrated into the nonlinear field theory, we apply these ideasto the classical problem of shear striping in a stretched nematic elastomer [9, 12, 14, 16, 21, 49, 65, 74],for which the solution can be derived explicitly. Early experimental studies of inhomogeneous shearstripes formation in stretched nematic elastomers were reported in [18,27,59,75].

Our analysis shows that, unlike in the purely neoclassical case, where the inhomogeneous defor-mation occurs within a constant interval that is independent of the model coefficients, for the elastic-nematic models, the critical interval depends on the ratio between the coefficients of the elastic andthe neoclassical part. Moreover, for the stochastic form, the bounds of this interval are probabilistic,and the homogeneous and inhomogeneous states compete in the sense that both have a quantifiablechance to be obtained with a given probability. We call the inhomogeneous pattern developing withinthis interval ‘likely striping’. In Section 2 , the governing equations for the elastic-nematic constitutivemodels are described , and the stochastic framework is presented and explained. This is followed inSection 3 by the analysis of shear striping in stretched nematic elastomers characterised by the newconstitutive models in both deterministic and stochastic forms. Section 4 contains our concludingremarks.

2 Deterministic and stochastic models

2.1 Deterministic models

The neoclassical strain-energy density function describing a nematic solid takes the general form

Wnc(F,n) = Wiso(Fe), (1)

where F is the deformation gradient from the isotropic state and Wiso(Fe) represents the strain-energy

density of the isotropic polymer network depending only on the elastic deformation gradient Fe. The


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tensors F and Fe are related throughF = GFe, (2)

whereG = a1/3n⊗ n + a−1/6 (I− n⊗ n) = a−1/6I +

(a1/3 − a−1/6

)n⊗ n (3)

is the ‘spontaneous’ gradient due to the liquid crystal director, with a > 0 a temperature-dependentstretch parameter, ⊗ the tensor product of two vectors, and I the identity tensor (see Figure 1). In(2), G is superimposed after the elastic deformation, defining a change of frame of reference from theisotropic phase to a nematic phase. Note that G given by (3) is symmetric, i.e., G = GT (with thesuperscript “T” denoting the transpose operation), whereas the deformation gradient Fe may not besymmetric in general. In (3), a1/3 and a−1/6 are the stretch ratios parallel and perpendicular to thenematic director n, respectively. Their quotient, r = a1/3/a−1/6 = a1/2, represents the anisotropyparameter, which, in an ideal nematic solid, is the same in all directions. In the nematic phase, boththe cases with r > 1 (prolate shapes) and r < 1 (oblate shapes) are possible. When r = 1, theenergy function reduces to that of an isotropic hyperelastic material. Typically, monodomains canbe synthesised with the parameter a taking values from 1.05 (glasses) to 60 (nematic rubber), whichwould correspond to changes in natural length between 7% and 400% (spontaneous extension ratioa1/3 between 1.02 and 4) [8].

(a) (b)

Figure 1: Schematics of (a) nematic plate with uniform director field and (b) natural stretch whena > 1.

If n0 is the reference orientation of the local director corresponding to the cross-linking state, thenn may differ from n0 both by a rotation and a change in r. Here, we restrict our attention to imposeddeformations without temperature changes. In this case the spontaneous gradient G0 takes the form(3) with n0 instead of n.

By (3), if R is a rigid-body rotation, i.e., R−1 = RT and detR = 1, then the following identityholds

RTGR = a−1/6I +(a1/3 − a−1/6

) (RTn


). (4)

Since the nematic director n is an observable (spatial) quantity, for any arbitrary reference orientationof the local director, n0, there exists a rigid-body rotation Q, such that n = Qn0. Hence,

n⊗ n = Q (n0 ⊗ n0)QT (5)

andG = QG0Q

T . (6)

The neoclassical strain-energy function Wnc given by (1) is minimised by any deformation satisfyingFFT = G2, therefore, every pair (GR,n), where R is an arbitrary rigid-body rotation, is a natural(i.e., stress-free) state for this material model.

A more general constitutive model that combines classical (standard) isotropic and neoclassicalstrain-energy densities can be defined as follows,

W (F,n) = Wiso


)+Wnc(F,n), (7)


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where the first term can be viewed as the energy of the ‘parent’ isotropic phase [9,20], and the secondterm is described by (1). The function (7) is minimised by every pair (Gr,n) with Gr = GR, whereG is given by (3) and R is an arbitrary rigid-body rotation.

In general, a strain energy of the form (1) or (7) relies on the following physically realistic assump-tions. Note that these are also requirements for the elastic strain-energy density Wiso, and hence areinherited from isotropic finite elasticity [23,34,44,63]:

(A1) Material objectivity, stating that constitutive equations must be invariant under changes offrame of reference. This requires that the scalar strain-energy function W (F,n) is unaffected by asuperimposed rigid-body transformation (which involves a change of position) after deformation,i.e., W (RTF,RTn) = W (F,n), where R ∈ SO(3) is a proper orthogonal tensor (rotation).Note that, as n is defined with respect to the deformed configuration, it transforms when thisconfiguration is rotated, whereas n0 does not [20]. Material objectivity is guaranteed by definingstrain-energy functions in terms of the scalar invariants.

Indeed, by the material frame indifference of Wiso,

Wiso(RTFe) = Wiso(F

e), (8)

and by (2),RTF =


) (RTFe

). (9)

Then, (1), (4), (8) and (9) imply

Wnc(RTF,RTn) = Wiso(R

TFe) = Wiso(Fe) = Wnc(F,n). (10)

Also, by the material frame indifference of Wiso,



)= Wiso


). (11)

(A2) Material isotropy, requiring that the strain-energy density is unaffected by a superimposed rigid-body transformation prior to deformation, i.e., W (FQ,n) = W (F,n), where Q ∈ SO(3). Notethat, as n is defined with respect to the deformed configuration, it does not change when thereference configuration is rotated, whereas n0 does [20]. For isotropic materials, the strain-energyfunction is a symmetric function of the principal stretch ratios {λi}i=1,2,3 of F, i.e., W (F,n) =W (λ1, λ2, λ3,n). The squares of the principal stretches, {λ2i }i=1,2,3, are the eigenvalues of theCauchy-Green tensors, B = FFT and C = FTF.

This is because, as Wiso is isotropic, i.e.,

Wiso(Fe) = Wiso(F

eQ), (12)

and (2) holds, it follows thatFQ = G (FeQ) . (13)

Hence, by (1), (12) and (13),

Wnc(FQ,n) = Wiso(FeQ) = Wiso(F

e) = Wnc(F,n). (14)

Note thatWiso

(FQ (G0Q)−1

)= Wiso


). (15)

(A3) Baker-Ericksen (BE) inequalities, stating that the greater principal (Cauchy) stress occurs in thedirection of the greater principal elastic stretch [4, 49]. These inequalities take the form(


∂λi− λj



)(λi − λj) > 0 if λi 6= λj , i, j = 1, 2, 3. (16)

When any two principal stretches are equal, the strict inequality “>” in (16) is replaced by “≥”.


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In view of assumption (A1), the neoclassical model defined by (1) can be expressed equivalentlyin the form

Wnc(I1, I2, I3, I4, I5) = Wiso(Ie1 , I

e2 , I

e3), (17)


I1 = tr(FFT

)= tr


), (18)

I2 = tr[Cof


)]= tr



)], (19)

I3 = det(FFT

)= det


), (20)

I4 = n · FFTn, (21)

I5 = n ·(FFT

)2n (22)

are the scalar invariants, with tr(A) representing the trace and Cof (A) = det(A)A−T denoting thecofactor of a tensor A, while Wiso depends only on the principal invariants Ie1 , I

e2 , I

e3 , which take the

forms (18)-(20) with Fe instead of F. An invariant formulation of strain-energy density functions is apowerful tool of solid mechanics [23, 34, 44]. Yet, to the best of our knowledge, it does not appear tohave been used systematically in the theory of nematic elastomers, but only briefly mentioned in [20].

By (2) and (3), the following relations hold between the invariants {I1, I2, I3, I4, I5} and {Ie1 , Ie2 , Ie3}:

Ie1 = a1/3[I1 −

(1− a−1

)I4], (23)

Ie2 = a−1/3[I2 − (1− a) I−13 (I5 − I1I4 + I2)

], (24)

Ie3 = I3. (25)

Clearly, identity (25) is valid since detG = 1, and therefore

Ie3 = (detFe)2 =(detG−1 detF

)2= (detF)2 = I3. (26)

Identity (23) holds since

Ie1 = tr(FeTFe

)= tr


]= a1/3


)−(1− a−1

)n · FFTn

]= a1/3

[I1 −

(1− a−1



To show identity (24), we recall the Cayley-Hamilton theorem that(FFT

)3 − I1 (FFT )2 + I2(FFT

)− I3I = 0. (28)

Multiplying the above equation by(FFT




)2 − I1 (FFT )+ I2I. (29)


n · F−TF−1n = n · I−13


)2 − I1 (FFT )+ I2I]n = I−13 (I5 − I1I4 + I2) . (30)

Finally, by calculations analogous to those in (27), together with (25) and (30), it follows that

Ie2 = Ie3tr(FeTFe

)−T= I3tr


]= I3a

−1/3 [tr (F−1F−T )− (1− a)n · F−TF−1n]

= a−1/3 [I2 − (1− a) (I5 − I1I4 + I2)] .



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Assumption (A2) implies that the nematic model given by (1) can the written equivalently in theform

Wnc(λ1, λ2, λ3,n) = Wiso(λe1, λ

e2, λ

e3), (32)

where λ1, λ2, λ3 are the principal stretches of the LCE, and λe1, λe2, λ

e3 are the principal stretches for

the corresponding polymeric network. Then, {λ1, λ2, λ3,n} and {λe1, λe2, λe3} are related though theidentities (23)-(25), the spectral decomposition of FFT , and the usual formulae for the principalinvariants in terms of the principal stretches, i.e.,

I1 = λ21 + λ22 + λ23,

I2 = λ21λ22 + λ22λ

23 + λ23λ


I3 = λ21λ22λ




Ie1 = (λe1)2 + (λe2)

2 + (λe3)2 ,

Ie2 = (λe1)2 (λe2)

2 + (λe2)2 (λe3)

2 + (λe3)2 (λe3)


Ie3 = (λe1)2 (λe2)

2 (λe3)2 .


Assumption (A3) ensures that the shear modulus is always positive [34].

2.2 Stochastic models

In addition to the model assumptions (A1)-(A3) presented in Section 2, we adopt the followinghypothesis which is similar to that required by recent stochastic hyperelastic models analysed in[19,31–33,35,36,38]:

(A4) For any given finite deformation, at any point in the material, the shear modulus, µ, and itsinverse, 1/µ, are second-order random variables, i.e., they have finite mean value and finitevariance [54–58].

This assumption is guaranteed by setting the following mathematical expectations:{E [µ] = µ > 0,

E [log µ] = ν, such that |ν| < +∞.(35)

The first constraint in (35) specifies the mean value for the random shear modulus µ, while thesecond constraint provides a condition from which it follows that 1/µ is a second order randomvariable [51], [53, p. 270]. Then, by the maximum entropy principle [25], the shear modulus µ withmean value µ and standard deviation ‖µ‖ =

√Var[µ] (defined as the square root of the variance,

Var[µ]) follows a Gamma probability distribution [50–53] with shape and scale parameters ρ1 > 0 andρ2 > 0 respectively, such that

µ = ρ1ρ2, ‖µ‖ =√ρ1ρ2. (36)

The corresponding probability density function takes the form [1,24,26]

g(µ; ρ1, ρ2) =µρ1−1e−µ/ρ2

ρρ12 Γ(ρ1), for µ > 0 and ρ1, ρ2 > 0, (37)

where Γ : R∗+ → R is the complete Gamma function

Γ(z) =

∫ +∞

0tz−1e−tdt. (38)

The word ‘hyperparameters’ is sometimes used for ρ1 and ρ2 to distinguish them from µ and othermaterial constants [53, p. 8].


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Figure 2: Example of Gamma distribution, defined by (37), with shape and scale parameters ρ1 = 405,ρ2 = 0.01, respectively.

For illustration, a shear modulus µ satisfying the Gamma distribution with hyperparameters ρ1 =405 and ρ2 = 0.01 is shown in Figure 2. In this case, there is a strong similarity between the Gammaand a normal distributions, due to the fact that ρ1 is much larger than ρ2 (see [19,31]). However, elasticmoduli cannot be described by the normal distribution, since this distribution is defined on the entirereal line whereas elastic moduli are generally positive. In practice, these moduli can meaningfullytake on different values corresponding to possible outcomes of experimental tests. The principle ofmaximum entropy then enables the explicit construction of their probability distributions based on theavailable information. If the data cannot be smaller than a certain bound different from zero, then ashift parameter can be incorporated to define a three-parameter Gamma distribution. Approaches forthe explicit derivation of probability distributions for the elastic parameters of stochastic homogeneousisotropic hyperelastic models calibrated to experimental data for rubber-like material and soft tissuesare presented in [35,56].

2.3 Mooney-Rivlin-type stochastic nematic models

The classical Mooney-Rivlin (MR) model [42, 47] captures well the elastic behaviour of polymericnetworks at small and medium strains [34,45,46]. Here, we consider the stochastic version [36]

Wiso(Fe) =



)− 3]




)]− 3}, (39)

where µ1+µ2 > 0 is the shear modulus for infinitesimal deformations, with µ1 and µ2 random variables.When µ2 = 0, the MR model reduces to the neo-Hookean (NH) form [60].

The neoclassical MR-type strain-energy function, given by (1), takes the form [21,49],

Wnc(F,n) =µ12



)−(1− a−1

)n · FFTn




)− (1− a)n · F−TF−1n



This function is conveniently expressed in terms of the invariants defined by (18)-(22), with I3 = 1,as follows,

Wnc(I1, I2, I4, I5) =µ12a1/3

[I1 −

(1− a−1


+µ22a−1/3 [I2 − (1− a) (I5 − I1I4 + I2)] .



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Equivalently, in terms of the principal stretches, this strain-energy function is given by

Wnc(λ1, λ2, λ3,n) =µ12a1/3


λ2i −(1− a−1

) 3∑i=1

λ2i (ei · n)2]



λ−2i − (1− a)3∑i=1

λ−2i (ei · n)2].


More generally, a nematic constitutive model combining classical and neoclassical MR-type strain-energy densities takes the form

W (F,n) =µ(1)1

2tr(FG−20 FT







)−(1− a−1

)n · FFTn




)− (1− a)n · F−TF−1n



where the shear modulus under infinitesimal deformation is µ = µ(1)+µ(2) = µ(1)1 +µ

(1)2 +µ

(2)1 +µ

(2)2 > 0,

with µ(1) = µ(1)1 + µ

(1)2 > 0 and µ(2) = µ

(2)1 + µ

(2)2 > 0.

2.4 Gent-Gent-type stochastic nematic models

It is known that the Gent-Gent (GG) hyperelastic model reasonably captures the nonlinear behaviourof polymeric networks at large strains [15,34,45,46]. Its stochastic version is given by

Wiso(Fe) = −µ1


1− β[tr(FeFeT

)− 3]}





, (44)

where µ1+µ2 > 0 is the shear modulus in infinitesimal deformation, with µ1 and µ2 random variables,and β is a deterministic constant independent of the deformation. If µ2 = 0, then the GG modelreduces to the Gent form [22].

The neoclassical GG strain-energy function, defined by (1), takes the form

Wnc(F,n) = −µ12β


1− βa1/3[tr(FFT

)−(1− a−1

)n · FFTn

]+ 3β





)− (1− a)n · F−TF−1n




Equivalently, this function has the following expression depending on the invariants given by (18)-(22),with I3 = 1,

Wnc(I1, I2, I4, I5) = −µ12β


1− βa1/3[I1 −

(1− a−1


+ 3β}


lna−1/3 [I2 − (1− a) (I5 − I1I4 + I2)]



In terms of the principal stretches, this strain-energy function is equivalent to

Wnc(λ1, λ2, λ3,n) = −µ12β


{1− βa1/3


λ2i −(1− a−1

) 3∑i=1

λ2i (ei · n)2]

+ 3β




[∑3i=1 λ

−2i − (1− a)

∑3i=1 λ

−2i (ei · n)2





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A nematic model that combines classical and neoclassical GG-type strain-energy densities is de-scribed by

W (F,n) = − µ(1)1


1− β(1)[tr(FG−20 FT

)− 3]}







− µ(2)1


1− β(2)a1/3[tr(FFT

)−(1− a−1

)n · FFTn

]+ 3β(2)





)− (1− a)n · F−TF−1n




where µ = µ(1) + µ(2) = µ(1)1 + µ

(1)2 + µ

(2)1 + µ

(2)2 > 0 is the shear modulus under small strains, such

that µ(1) = µ(1)1 +µ

(1)2 > 0 and µ(2) = µ

(2)1 +µ

(2)2 > 0, and β(1), β(2) are a given constants independent

of the deformation.

3 Shear striping in biaxial stretch

Many deformations of nematic polymers result in director rotations, and, in general, a uniform order,as depicted in Figure 3-left, will give rise to a uniform response. However, non-uniform behaviours arealso possible. In particular, under biaxial (or “pure shear” [48]) stretch, an alternating simple shearstriping develops during the gradual rotation of the nematic director from the initial perpendiculardirection to the final parallel direction to the elongation [9, 12, 14, 21]. This is illustrated in Figure 3-right. The relationship between biaxial stretch and simple shear deformations in large strain analysisis discussed in Appendix A. The explanation of this phenomenon is that, for these materials, theenergy is minimised by passing through a state exhibiting a microstructure of many homogeneouslydeformed parts. A characteristic aspect of these patterns is that they only exist in an interval ofapplied tension. A natural question is then: What is the influence of the constitutive model on the‘window’ of deformations within which striped domains are formed in a nematic elastomer underbiaxial stretch?

Figure 3: Schematics of nematic solid with uniform director field (left) presenting shear stripes duringbiaxial stretch (right).

We set the Cartesian system of reference, such that [14]

n0 =


, n =

0sin θcos θ

, (49)


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where θ is the angle between n and n0, and assume a deformation with gradient tensor [14]

F =

a−1/6 0 00 λ ε

0 0 a1/6λ−1

, (50)

where a > 1, λ > 0, and ε > 0. Note that, during this deformation, the material is stretched in thesecond direction, while in the first direction, it remains fixed. The corresponding left Cauchy-Greentensor and its cofactor are, respectively,

B = FFT =

a−1/3 0 0

0 λ2 + ε2 εa1/6λ−1

0 εa1/6λ−1 a1/3λ−2

, (51)

Cof B = F−TF−1 =

a1/3 0 0

0 λ−2 −εa−1/6λ−10 −εa−1/6λ−1 a−1/3

(λ2 + ε2

) . (52)

It follows that


)= a−1/3 + λ2 + ε2 + a1/3λ−2, (53)

n · FFTn =(λ2 + ε2

)sin2 θ + εa1/6λ−1 sin (2θ) + a1/3λ−2 cos2 θ, (54)


)= a1/3 + λ−2 + a−1/3

(λ2 + ε2

), (55)

n · F−TF−1n = λ−2 sin2 θ − εa−1/6λ−1 sin (2θ) + a−1/3(λ2 + ε2

)cos2 θ. (56)

Given the deformation gradient F defined by (50) and the reference nematic director n0 specified in(49), we have

FG−10 =

1 0 0

0 a1/6λ a−1/3ε

0 0 a−1/6λ−1

. (57)

When a nematic model comprises both standard isotropic and neoclassical terms, the minimiserdepends on the material parameters [20, 21]. Next, we study this dependence in the MR-type andGG-type nematic models introduced above, and show that the results are valid for other similarstrain-energy density functions.

3.1 Stretching of Mooney-Rivlin-type nematic material

We first specialise our analysis to the nematic constitutive model combining standard and neoclassicalMooney-Rivlin-type strain-energy densities defined by (43). We then show that the results obtainedin this case are valid for the Gent-Gent-type constitutive relation as well.

By substituting F given by (50) in the expression of the strain-energy function, and denotingw(λ, ε, θ) = W (F,n), we obtain

w(λ, ε, θ) =µ(1)1 + µ



(a1/3λ2 + a−2/3ε2 + a−1/3λ−2



{a−1/3 + λ2 + ε2 + a1/3λ−2

−(1− a−1

) [(λ2 + ε2

)sin2 θ + εa1/6λ−1 sin (2θ) + a1/3λ−2 cos2 θ



{a1/3 + λ−2 + a−1/3

(λ2 + ε2

)− (1− a)

[λ−2 sin2 θ − εa−1/6λ−1 sin (2θ) + a−1/3

(λ2 + ε2

)cos2 θ




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Differentiating the above function with respect to ε and θ, respectively, gives

∂w(λ, ε, θ)

∂ε=(µ(1)1 + µ






(1− a−1

) [2ε sin2 θ + a1/6λ−1 sin (2θ)



{2εa−1/3 − (1− a)

[2εa−1/3 cos2 θ − a−1/6λ−1 sin (2θ)



∂w(λ, ε, θ)



(a−2/3 − a1/3

) [(λ2 + ε2

)sin (2θ) + 2εa1/6λ−1 cos (2θ)− a1/3λ−2 sin (2θ)



(a2/3 − a−1/3

) [λ−2 sin (2θ)− 2εa−1/6λ−1 cos (2θ)− a−1/3

(λ2 + ε2

)sin (2θ)



The equilibrium solution minimises the energy, and therefore satisfies

∂w(λ, ε, θ)

∂ε= 0, (61)

∂w(λ, ε, θ)

∂θ= 0. (62)

At ε = 0 and θ = 0, both the partial derivatives defined by (59)-(60) are equal to zero, i.e.,


∂ε(λ, 0, 0) =


∂θ(λ, 0, 0) = 0. (63)

Therefore, this trivial solution is always an equilibrium state, and for sufficiently small values of ε andθ, we have the second order approximation [14]

w(λ, ε, θ) ≈ w(λ, 0, 0) +1



∂ε2(λ, 0, 0) + 2εθ


∂ε∂θ(λ, 0, 0) + θ2


∂θ2(λ, 0, 0)

), (64)



∂ε2(λ, 0, 0) = µ(1)a−2/3 + µ(2)a1/3, (65)


∂ε∂θ(λ, 0, 0) =



(a−1/2 − a1/2

), (66)


∂θ2(λ, 0, 0) = µ(2)

(a−2/3 − a1/3

)(λ2 − a1/3λ−2

), (67)

with µ(1) = µ(1)1 +µ

(1)2 and µ(2) = µ

(2)1 +µ

(2)2 . First, we find the equilibrium value θ0 for θ as a function

of ε by solving equation (62), which, after the approximation (64), takes the form


∂ε∂θ(λ, 0, 0) + θ


∂θ2(λ, 0, 0) = 0, (68)

and implies

θ0(ε) = −ε ∂2w

∂ε∂θ(λ, 0, 0)/


∂θ2(λ, 0, 0). (69)

Next, substituting θ = θ0(ε) in (64) gives the following function of ε,

w(λ, ε, θ0(ε))− w(λ, 0, 0) ≈ ε2



∂ε2(λ, 0, 0)−


∂ε∂θ(λ, 0, 0)



∂θ2(λ, 0, 0)

]. (70)

Depending on whether the expression on the right-hand side in (70) is positive, zero, or negative, theequilibrium state with ε = 0 and θ = 0 is stable, neutrally stable, or unstable [14]. Clearly, if µ(2) = 0


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(purely elastic case) and µ(1) > 0, then the equilibrium state is stable. When µ(2) > 0, assuminga > 1, our calculations show that the equilibrium state is unstable for


(µ(1)/µ(2) + 1

µ(1)/µ(2) + a


< λ < a1/12. (71)

Note that the upper bound in (71) is independent of µ(1) and µ(2). This is due to the fact that this

bound is obtained from the condition ∂2w∂θ2

(λ, 0, 0) > 0, which by (67), only involves the neoclassicalcomponent of the strain-energy function. The lower bound in (71) satisfies

a−1/6 ≤ a1/12(µ(1)/µ(2) + 1

µ(1)/µ(2) + a


, (72)

where the equality holds if µ(1) = 0 (neoclassical model), in which case the trivial solution is unstablefor λ ∈

(a−1/6, a1/12

), as is well known [9,14].

There is also another equilibrium state, with ε = 0 and θ = π/2, where the nematic director isfully rotated so that it aligns uniformly with the direction of macroscopic extension. In this case, byanalogous calculations (or by symmetry arguments), we obtain that this state is unstable for

a1/12 < λ < a1/12

(µ(1)/µ(2) + a

µ(1)/µ(2) + 1


. (73)

Note that the upper bound in (73) satisfies


(µ(1)/µ(2) + a

µ(1)/µ(2) + 1


< a1/3. (74)

Figure 4: The lower and upper bounds on λ, given by (71) and (73), respectively, as functions of theparameter ratio µ(1)/µ(2) when a = 2. For µ(1)/µ(2) →∞, the model approaches a purely elastic formwhere the homogeneous deformation is always stable. For µ(1)/µ(2) = 0, the bounds are the same asfor the neoclassical form.

For illustration, setting a = 2, the lower and upper bounds given by (71) and (73), respectively, arerepresented as functions of the parameter ratio µ(1)/µ(2) in Figure 4. These bounds behave similarlyto those shown in Figure 2 of [21].


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0.9 1. 1.1 1.2 1.3





ε0 2010532


2/31/21/31/51/10 0


0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3




π2 20



2/31/21/31/51/10 0



Figure 5: The positive values of ε0 and θ0, given by equations (75)-(76), as functions of λ, for differentparameter ratios µ(1)/µ(2) when a = 2.

It remains to find the inhomogeneous solution in the case when λ satisfies either (71) or (73). Forthe equilibrium angle θ0(ε), given by (69), equation (62) is satisfied. To find the equilibrium value ε0of ε as a function of λ satisfying (71) and (73), we solve the simultaneous equations (61)-(62), andobtain

ε0 = ± λ(a− 1) sin(2θ0)


µ(1)/µ(2) + 1) (µ(1)/µ(2) + a

) , (75)

θ0 = ± arccos


µ(1)/µ(2) + 1) (µ(1)/µ(2) + a

)− λ2

(µ(1)/µ(2) + 1

)λ2(a− 1)

. (76)

0.8 0.9 1. 1.1 1.2 1.310



11.5 w(λ,0,π/2 )



w(λ,ε 0,θ 0




Figure 6: The strain-energy function w(λ, ε, θ), defined by equation (58), for (ε, θ) = (0, 0), (ε, θ) =(ε0, θ0), with ε0 and θ0 given by (75)-(76), and (ε, θ) = (0, π/2), when a = 2 and µ(1) = µ(2) = 4.05,

with µ(2)1 = 2.05 and µ

(2)2 = 2. The two vertical lines correspond to the lower and upper bounds on

λ, given by equations (71) and (73), respectively. Between these bounds, the second solution, with(ε, θ) = (ε0, θ0), minimises the energy.

For example, setting a = 2 and taking different parameter ratios µ(1)/µ(2), the positive values ofε0 and θ0, given by (75)-(76), are illustrated in Figure 5 . These values are comparable to those shownthe Figures 5 and 6 of [21] (see also Figure 5 of [65]). In particular, for a = 2 and µ(1) = µ(2) = 4.05,

such that µ(2)1 = 2.05 and µ

(2)2 = 2, the strain-energy function w(λ, ε, θ), defined by (58), is represented

in Figure 6 when (ε, θ) ∈ {(0, 0), (ε0, θ0), (0, π/2)}. As seen from this figure, for λ with values between


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the lower and upper bounds given by (71) and (73), respectively, the minimum energy is attained for(ε, θ) = (ε0, θ0). These results are (qualitatively) similar with those shown in Figure 2 of [21] (see alsoFigure 3 of [65], or Figure 7.12 of [70, p. 180]).

3.2 Stretching of Gent-Gent-type nematic material

Next, we consider the nematic model that combines classical and neoclassical Gent-Gent-type strain-energy densities, given by (48) (the idea of considering different constitutive relations was suggestedalso in the discussion section of [21]). Substituting F defined by (50) in the expression of the strain-energy function, and denoting w(λ, ε, θ) = W (F,n), gives

w(λ, ε, θ) = − µ(1)1

2β(1)ln[1− β(1)

(a1/3λ2 + ε2 + a−1/3λ−2 − 2




1 + a−1/3λ−2 + a1/3λ2 + ε2)

− 3µ(1)2

2ln 3

− µ(2)1


1− β(2)a1/3{a−1/3 + λ2 + ε2 + a1/3λ−2

−(1− a−1

) [(λ2 + ε2

)sin2 θ + εa1/6λ−1 sin (2θ) + a1/3λ−2 cos2 θ

]}+ 3β(2)




{a1/3 + λ−2 + a−1/3

(λ2 + ε2

)− (1− a)

[λ−2 sin2 θ − εa−1/6λ−1 sin (2θ) + a−1/3

(λ2 + ε2

)cos2 θ

]}}− 3µ


2ln 3.


For this material also, an equilibrium state is obtained when ε = 0 and θ = 0. Then, the functionw(λ, ε, θ) takes the approximate form (64), and depending on whether the associated expression givenby (70) is positive, zero, or negative, this equilibrium state is stable, neutrally stable, or unstable.Then, similarly to the case of the MR-type nematic material, the equilibrium state is always stable

when µ(2) = µ(2)1 +µ

(2)2 = 0 and µ(1) = µ

(1)1 +µ

(1)2 > 0. When µ(2) > 0, it can be verified that, under the

assumption (A3) that the BE inequalities (16) hold, for a > 1, the equilibrium solution is unstable forλ satisfying (71). If µ(1) = 0, then the equilibrium state is unstable for λ ∈

(a−1/6, a1/12

)[9, 14]. The

analysis of the equilibrium state at ε = 0 and θ = π/2 is analogous. Therefore, the results obtainedfor the MR-type model are also valid for the GG-type model.

3.3 Stretching of nematic solids with stochastic parameters

We now examine the shear striping problem when the model parameters are cast as random variablesfollowing spatially-independent probability distributions. In this case, one can regard the stretchedsample of stochastic nematic elastomer as an ensemble (or population) of samples with the samegeometry, such that each sample is made from a homogeneous nematic material with the modelparameters not known with certainty, but drawn from known probability distributions. Then, foreach individual sample, the finite strain theory for homogeneous materials applies. The question is:what is the probability that shear striping occurs under a given stretch? In what follows, we answer thisquestion by showing the effects of fluctuations in the shear modulus, µ, and the nematic parameter,a, separately, i.e., we first set µ as a random variable while a is constant, then keep µ constant andlet a fluctuate. The problem where both these parameters are stochastic requires a detailed analysisof their statistical relation (see, e.g., [57]), and will be treated in detail somewhere else.


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3.3.1 Stochastic shear modulus and deterministic nematic stretch parameter

First, we assume that the shear modulus µ = µ(1)+µ(2) = µ(1)1 +µ

(1)2 +µ

(2)1 +µ

(2)2 is a random variable,

such that µ(1) = µ(1)1 + µ

(1)2 > 0 and µ(2) = µ

(2)1 + µ

(2)2 > 0, while a is deterministic, such that a > 1.

For purely elastic models, probability distributions for the individual model coefficients contributingto the shear parameter µ are discussed in [31,33,35,36]. Here, we only require the probability densityfunction of µ, given by (37).

Substituting µ(2) = µ− µ(1) in the inequality involving the lower bound on λ in (71) implies



(1− 1



λ4 − a−2/3. (78)

Hence, given a > 1 and λ > 0, for any µ(1) > 0, the probability that the equilibrium state at ε = 0and θ = 0 is unstable, such that shear striping develops, is

P1(µ(1)) = 1−

∫ µ(1)(1− 1a) λ4


0g(u; ρ1, ρ2)du, (79)

while the probability of stable equilibrium at ε = 0 and θ = 0 is

P2(µ(1)) = 1− P1(µ

(1)) =

∫ µ(1)(1− 1a) λ4


0g(u; ρ1, ρ2)du, (80)

where g(u; ρ1, ρ2) is defined by (37).For example, setting a = 2 and λ = 1, the probability distributions given by equations (79)-(80)

are illustrated both analytically and numerically in Figure 7 (blue lines for P1 and red lines for P2).For the numerical approximation, the interval (2, µ) for µ(1) was discretised into 100 points, then

for each value of µ(1), 100 random values of µ were numerically generated from a specified Gammadistribution, with hyperparameters ρ1 = 405, ρ2 = 0.01, and compared with the inequalities definingthe two intervals for values of µ(1). Note that, although only 100 random numbers were generated, thenumerical approximation captures well the analytical solution. Our simulations were run in Matlab2019a, where we made specific use of inbuilt functions for random number generation.

In the deterministic case based on the mean value of the shear modulus, µ = ρ1ρ2 = 4.05, the

critical value of µ(1) = µ/1.3512 = 2.9973 strictly divides the regions where striping inhomogeneitycan occur or not. For the stochastic problem, to increase the probability of homogeneous deformations(P2 ≈ 1), one must consider sufficiently large values of µ(1), whereas shear striping is certain (P1 ≈ 1)only if the model reduces to the neoclassical one (i.e., when µ(1) = 0). However, while µ(1) > 0, theinherent variability in the probabilistic system means that there will always be competition betweenthe homogeneous and inhomogeneous deformations.

In Figure 8, the stochastic shear parameter ε0 and director angle θ0, given by (75)-(76), areillustrated when a = 2 and µ = µ(1) + µ(2) is drawn from a Gamma probability distribution withshape and scale parameters ρ1 = 405 and ρ2 = 0.01, respectively, such that µ(1) = 4.05/2 is adeterministic constant. To compare directly our stochastic results with the deterministic ones, wesampled from a distribution where the shear modulus was set to have the mean value correspondingto the deterministic system. Due to the linear form in which this modulus is computed from the modelcoefficients, the mean value solutions are guaranteed to converge to the deterministic solutions.

3.3.2 Stochastic nematic stretch parameter and deterministic shear modulus

Next, we assume that the value of the nematic parameter, a, ‘fluctuates’, while the nematic directorremains uniformly oriented [64, 65] (see also the discussion in [21]). Given that a takes finite positivevalues, it is reasonable to require that assumption (A4) also holds for this parameter, and so we canmodify this assumption by replacing µ with a. Then, under constraints similar to (35), by the max-imum entropy principle, the random nematic parameter a follows a Gamma probability distribution.


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Figure 7: Probability distributions of whether shear striping can occur or not for a monodomainnematic elastomer where a = 2, λ = 1, and the shear modulus, µ, is drawn from the Gammadistribution with ρ1 = 405, ρ2 = 0.01. Dark coloured lines represent analytically derived solutions,given by equations (79)-(80), whereas the lighter versions represent stochastically generated data. Thevertical line at the critical value µ(1) = 2.9973 corresponds to the deterministic solution based only onthe mean value µ = ρ1ρ2 = 4.05. The probabilities were calculated from the average of 100 stochasticsimulations.

Figure 8: The stochastic shear parameter ε0 and director angle θ0, given by (75)-(76), when a = 2 andµ = µ(1) + µ(2) follows a Gamma probability distribution with hyperparameters ρ1 = 405, ρ2 = 0.01,such that µ(1) = 4.05/2 is deterministic. Each distribution was calculated from the average of 1000stochastic simulations. The dashed black lines correspond to the deterministic solutions based only onthe mean value µ = ρ1ρ2 = 4.05, whereas the red versions show the arithmetic mean value solutionscomputed numerically.


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This is a prior probability distribution that can be made more precise if experimental data are pro-vided. To study the independent effect of fluctuating a, we take the coefficients µ(1) and µ(2) to bedeterministic constants. Hence µ = µ(1) + µ(2) is deterministic.

For example, setting λ = 1, the inequality involving the lower bound on λ in (71) is equivalent to

a > ac =


µ(1)− 1


µ(1)+ 3

)− µ

µ(1)+ 1



µ(1)− 1

)3]. (81)

Hence, for any µ/µ(1) > 1 the probability that the equilibrium state at ε = 0 and θ = 0 is unstable,such that shear stripes form, is



)= 1−

∫ ac

0g(u; ρ1, ρ2)du, (82)

while the probability of stable equilibrium at ε = 0 and θ = 0 is



)= 1− P1



∫ ac

0g(u; ρ1, ρ2)du, (83)

where g(u; ρ1, ρ2) now represents the probability density function for the Gamma-distributed a.The probability distributions given by equations (82)-(80) are illustrated in Figure 9 (blue lines

for P1 and red lines for P2). For the numerical realisations in these plots, the interval (1, 2) µ/µ(1)

was discretised into 100 representative points, then for each value of µ/µ(1), 100 random values of awere numerically generated from the specified Gamma distribution and compared with the inequalitiesdefining the two intervals for values of µ/µ(1).

For the deterministic solution based on the mean value of the nematic parameter, a = ρ1ρ2 = 2,the critical value of µ/µ(1) = 1.3512 strictly separates the regions where striping inhomogeneity occursor not. For the stochastic version, to increase the probability of homogeneous deformations (P2 ≈ 1),one must decrease the values of µ/µ(1), whereas shear striping is certain (P1 ≈ 1) only if the modelreduces to the neoclassical one (i.e., when µ(1) = 0). When µ(1) > 0, there will always be competitionbetween the homogeneous and striping deformations.

To illustrate the effect of the probabilistic parameter a, in Figure 10, we represent the stochas-tic shear parameter ε0 and director angle θ0, given by (75)-(76), when a is drawn from a Gammaprobability distribution with shape and scale parameters ρ1 = 200 and ρ2 = 0.01, respectively, whileµ = µ(1)+µ(2) = 4.05 is kept deterministic, with µ(1) = µ(2) = 4.05/2. To compare directly the stochas-tic results with the deterministic ones, we sampled from a distribution where the nematic parameterwas set to have the mean value corresponding to the deterministic system. Due to the nonlinear formin which these parameter appear in the model, there will be a significant difference between the meanvalue solutions and the deterministic solutions. In the particular case when µ(1) = 0, this differencewas accounted for explicitly by the model proposed in [64, 65], where a small term was added to theone-term neoclassical form to obtain a mean value expression for the strain-energy function.

3.4 Simple shear deformation

We consider only briefly the simple shear deformation of a liquid crystal elastomer where the nematicdirector n and its reference orientation n0 are given by (49), and the gradient tensor is equal to [14]

F =

a−1/6 0 0

0 a−1/6 ε

0 0 a1/3

, (84)

with a > 1 and ε > 0. In this case,

FG−10 =

1 0 00 1 ε0 0 1

. (85)


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Figure 9: Probability distributions of whether shear striping can occur or not for a monodomainnematic elastomer where λ = 1 and the nematic stretch parameter, a, is drawn from the Gammadistribution with ρ1 = 200, ρ2 = 0.01. Dark coloured lines represent analytically derived solutions,given by equations (82)-(83), while the lighter colours represent stochastically generated data. Thevertical line at the critical value µ/µ(1) = 1.3512 corresponds to the deterministic solution based onlyon the mean value a = ρ1ρ2 = 2. The probabilities were calculated from the average of 100 stochasticsimulations.

Figure 10: The stochastic shear parameter ε0 and director angle θ0, given by (75)-(76), when a follows aGamma probability distribution with hyperparameters ρ1 = 200, ρ2 = 0.01, and µ = µ(1)+µ(2) = 4.05is deterministic, with µ(1) = µ(2) = 4.05/2. Each distribution was calculated from the average of 1000stochastic simulations. The dashed black lines correspond to the deterministic solutions based onlyon the mean value a = ρ1ρ2 = 2, whereas the red versions show the arithmetic mean value solutionscomputed numerically.


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Noting that (84) is obtained by setting λ = a−1/6 in (50), when the material is characterised by theMR-type relation (43), there exists an equilibrium state at ε = 0 and θ = 0. The associated functionw(λ, ε, θ) defined by (58) then takes the approximate form (64) with λ = a−1/6. It follows that the

equilibrium state is stable if µ(2) = µ(2)1 + µ

(2)2 ≥ 0 and µ(1) = µ

(1)1 + µ

(1)2 > 0, and neutrally stable

if µ(1) = 0. Therefore, if µ(1) and µ(2) are random variables, the equilibrium solution is stable (orneutrally stable) with 100% certainty. In this case, the deformation is always homogeneous, and theonly difference in the stochastic case compared to the deterministic one consists in the fact that thesolution will ’fluctuate’ around the mean value.

4 Conclusion

We studied here shear striping in stretched monodomain nematic elastomers described by constitutivemodels combining purely elastic and neoclassical-type strain-energy densities. In its general form, theelastic-nematic model can be expressed in terms of invariants, and we considered in particular modelswith a superposition of an elastic Mooney-Rivlin strain energy on a Mooney-Rivlin-type neoclassicalenergy, and similarly, a combined Gent-Gent-type strain-energy function. We found that, unlike inthe purely neoclassical case, where the inhomogeneous deformation occurs within a constant intervalof the extension ratio, independently of the model coefficients, for the elastic-nematic models, thecritical interval depends on the ratio between the coefficients of the elastic and the neoclassical part.When the elastic contribution is small, this interval converges to that of the purely neoclassical case,while if the neoclassical contribution is small, then the inhomogeneity interval tends to zero.

To capture the inherent variability in the physical responses of liquid crystal elastomers, we thenextended these models to stochastic-elastic-nematic forms where either the shear modulus µ or thenematic stretch parameter a are random variables described by non-Gaussian probability density func-tions at a macroscopic scale. In many applications, the random variation observed in the availabledata is described by a normal (Gaussian) probability distribution. However, in general, material mea-surements show a distribution where mean values are low, variances are large, and values cannot benegative. These are important features of the experimental data that cannot be ignored by mathe-matical models, even though, for small variability, both the normal and Gamma distributions agreewell with data collected from material tests [19, 31]. This guides us to choose the distribution that issuitable also for cases exhibiting large variability, i.e., the Gamma distribution.

In contrast to the deterministic versions where single-valued critical constants strictly separatehomogeneous stretching from inhomogeneous shear striping, for the stochastic models, we obtained aprobabilistic interval where the homogeneous and inhomogeneous states compete, in the sense thatboth have a quantifiable chance to be observed with a given probability. Outside of this criticalinterval, the deformation is always homogeneous, and it makes little difference whether the modelparameters are stochastic or not, although, in the stochastic case, the solution will appear somewhat‘dispersed’ around the mean value. However, within the probabilistic interval, the variance in thestochastic inhomogeneous solution changes non-uniformly about the mean value. This suggests that,when the variance increases, the average value becomes less significant from the physical point of view.The theoretical approach developed here can be extended to treat other problems, either analyticallyor computationally, within the same stochastic-nematic framework.

A Simple shear as biaxial stretch

It is instructive to briefly review a classic result of finite strain analysis showing that the simpleshear deformation of hyperelastic materials is equivalent to a biaxial stretch (“pure shear” [48]) in theprincipal directions [44]. This result is applicable to nematic elastomer to explain the formation anddisappearance of shear stripes analysed in Section 3.

For a unit cube sample of material subject to the following simple shear deformation,

x1 = X1 +KX2, x2 = X2, x3 = X3, (86)


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where K > 0 is the shear constant, the principal stretch ratios λi = ∂xi/∂Xi, i = 1, 2, 3, satisfy

λ21 = 1 +K2 +K

√K2 + 4

2= λ2, λ22 = 1 +

K2 −K√K2 + 4

2= λ−2, λ23 = 1. (87)

Hence, the simple shear deformation given by (86) is equivalent to a biaxial stretch in the principaldirections, with the stretch ratio in the first direction equal to

λ =K +

√K2 + 4

2. (88)

Figure 11: Simple shear of a square section of a material, showing the principal directions before (left)and after (right) deformation.

Assuming that the following relations between the principal directions {Ei}i=1,2,3 and {ei}i=1,2,3,of the reference and current configuration, respectively, hold

e1 = E1 cosα+ E2 sinα, e2 = −E1 sinα+ E2 cosα, e3 = E3, (89)

with the angle α satisfying

tanα =2

K +√K2 + 4

, 0 < α <π

4, (90)

by the polar decomposition theorem, it follows that

B = FFT = RU2RT , (91)


F =

1 K 00 1 00 0 1

, R =

cosα − sinα 0sinα cosα 0

0 0 1

, U =

λ 0 00 λ−1 00 0 1

.The geometric interpretation of the simple shear deformation (86) is that, for any fixed 0 < X3 < 1,the circle inscribed in the unit square [0, 1] × [0, 1] deforms into an ellipse with the major axis alongthe principal direction e1 and eccentricity λ2. Specifically, as


K + 1< tanα < 1 for 0 < K <∞,

the principal axes are situated between the diagonals of the undeformed and sheared square, respec-tively (see Figure 11). In the limiting case when K → 0, since tanα ≈ 1, the Eulerian directionsare along the diagonals of the unit square in the undeformed state, and coincide with the Lagrangiandirections, while if K →∞, then tanα ≈ 1/(K + 1), i.e., the first principal direction is effectively onthe longer diagonal of the deformed square.

Conversely, by the decomposition (91), any biaxial stretch of the form

x1 = λX1, x2 = λ−1X2, x3 = X3, (92)


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Figure 12: Biaxial stretch of a square section of a material, showing the first principal direction of theassociated simple shear, before (left) and after (right) deformation.

where λ > 1, is equivalent to a simple shear with amount of shear K = λ− λ−1 at a relative angle α,such that tanα = λ−1 (see Figure 12). In the linear elastic limit, λ → 1, the biaxial stretch (92) isequivalent to a simple shear at a relative angle α ≈ π/4.

For the liquid crystal elastomers presenting shear stripes during biaxial stretch, the striping patterndevelops due to the gradual rotation of the nematic director from the initial perpendicular directionto the final parallel direction to elongation. In view of the above derivation, for a shear stripe oflength 1 and width δ ∈ (0, 1), the first principal direction will be ‘close’ to the longer diagonal of asheared square with the side equal to the width of the stripe. As macroscopic stretching progresses, sodoes the equivalent shear deformation. Locally, by (90), when the nematic director becomes (almost)parallel to the longitudinal direction of the stripe, the corresponding simple shear has an infinitelylarge parameter, K →∞. Simultaneously, in the macroscopic deformation, the effective stretch ratiois λ approaches the upper bound given in (73), hence, the associated shear parameter, k = λ−λ−1, isfinite and relatively small. From the relation k = Kδ, we infer that, as the nematic director rotates,the width of each stripe decreases to zero (δ = k/K → 0), and eventually the material deformshomogeneously.

Acknowledgement. The support by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council ofGreat Britain under research grants EP/R020205/1 to Alain Goriely and EP/S028870/1 to L. AngelaMihai is gratefully acknowledged.


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