

The Forgotten War

Proxy War

• a conflict between two nations where neither country directly engages the other.

June 25th, 1950• 1st military action of the Cold War.

• Democratic People’s Republic of Korea cross the 38th parallel. (North side)

• A month after the war begins, Americans enter to back Republic of Korea (South side)

• Up for grabs after the fall of Japanese Empire

• 10,000 killed before the war even begins

Fear or WWIII

• Americans tried for an armistice

• Trying to avoid a broader war with Russia and China

• Non-intervention not an option, due to fear of Communist global campaign

• A good example of learning from failures of appeasement?

1953, Stalemate• National Security Council recommended that U.S.

contain communist expansionism

• War comes to an end

• 5 million soldiers and civilians lost (short but brutal)

• Not a highly publicized war. Little coverage compared to WWII and Vietnam

• 2-mile demilitarized zone created (still there today)

Canada’s Role• 26,000 soldiers

• Larger contribution than other UN participants, in relation to our population

• Under the command of the U.S., not Britain

• There for the full duration: 1950-1953, plus observation period

• Over 500 deaths

DMZ - Demilitarized Zone

Crash Course - Cold War in Asia;_ylt=A2KLqIT0nE9Xxh8A4xwsnIlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTBzMmQ2MHUwBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDdmlkBHZ0aWQDBGdwb3MDMTc



