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Korean War For Dummies

Korean War For DummiesThe Cold War Goes Hot

Why??ContainmentStruggle between democracy and CommunismThe Domino Theory is in effect as well. China has already fallen and now Korea? Must stop the dominos from falling.

History of KoreaHad been occupied by JapanWhen Japan lost the war it leaves Korea free. It is agreed that Korea should be allowed to choose Self DeterminationThen at Potsdam they decide to divide the Korea into Sphere of Influence. The North is going to be influenced by China and Soviet Union and the South is influenced by the US.

This is United Nations messKorea is technically an United Nations war. Congress never declared war. Because of the US, China was not recognized by the United Nations.Because of this, Soviet Union boycotts the United Nations opens the door for US to influence UN to defend South KoreaThe Soviets are on the Security Council that could have vetoed the actionUS puts in a puppet state government. Anti Communist, ends up killing many suspected Communists

Lets Get this War Started1950 North Korea invades South Korea, crossing the 38th ParallelWar lasted from 1950-53North is easily winning the war early. Pushes the South Koreans to Busan and the Southern Part of Peninsula, capturing Seoul the capital of South Korea along the way. UN / US sends General Douglas MacAuthur from Japan to Korea to save South Korea. Why CONTAINMENT!!!!!!!!Sometimes called the Forgotten War in US. 54,000 US Soldiers die and 5 million of KoreansTruman is concerned that China will get involved leading to WWIII.Tells Truman to Stop at 38th parallel, containment achieved

MacAuthur Wont StopMacAuthur and US troops come in and drive North Korea back. But does not stop at 38h Parallel. Pushed all the way past the Yula River which is the border of China and North Korea.Pushes all the way to China. Chinese get involved. Pushes US troops back to 38th Parallel.Truman fires MacAuthur because he wont listen. He wanted a full scale war in Korea. Becomes stalemate and eventually cease fire is signedKim II Sung becomes Communist Leader of North Korea, followed by Kim Yong Ill and now his son Kim Young Yu

What was the resultNorth Korea becomes isolated, Communist country. Very poor, no one in, no one outSouth Korea becomes a very successful capitalist free enterprise county with a successful economy.Today South Korea is a major trading partner of ours and we have troops there still today.Great example of how capitalism is better than communism. Must have competition to have success.
