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Kolbe A™ Index Result



Your Kolbe A™ Index result shows you excel when under pressure to demonstrate leading-edge technology or build unique prototypes. You explore diverse options rather than staywith the status quo.

Welcome to a journey of discovery into the Kolbe Wisdom™, where equality has beenproven, your personal creative abilities are celebrated, and teams work with a predictablelevel of quantifiable synergy. It's the wisdom of the ages combined with modern technology,revealing hidden truths about the three-dimensional mind and the significance of conation,your willful determination to act on instinct.

Kolbe Action Modes®

Your Kolbe result is so individualized, only 5% of the population is likelyto have one just like it.

Audio available online where ever you see .

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Kolbe A™ Index ResultDAVID DEMBINSKI



Kolbe Action Modes®

Your Kolbe Strengths™





Kolbe Action Modes are behaviors driven by your instinct -- not your personality or IQ.

Fact Finder: is howyou gather and shareinformation.

Your way of doing it isto Explain.

Follow Thru: is howyou arrange anddesign.

Your way of doing it isto Adapt.

QuickStart: is how youdeal with risks anduncertainty.

Your way of doing it isto Modify.

Implementor: is howyou handle space andtangibles.

Your way of doing it isto Protect.

You can count on Kolbe results being constant over time.

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David, you've probably been asked your whole life:Why don't you stay focused? Why don't you just stick with the plan?

Kolbe changes the dialogue. Kolbe Tips, individualized for you, explain how each number in an Action Mode isa strength - if you take control of leveraging this innate ability. For example:

You prevent getting boxed in by staying open to alternatives.Your ability to adapt your plans helps you take advantage of opportunities.

Your Kolbe result celebrates your Modes of Operation (MO): 4-3-6-7. Understanding and trusting thispowerful force will give you the freedom to be yourself.

Only about 5% of people are as good as you are at what you naturally do best. Don't exhaust time and energytrying to change your MO; instead, discover how you can take charge of putting your natural strengths to gooduse.

What's so different about the Kolbe Index?

David, it's what drives youBeing a 4-3-6-7 in Kolbe has nothing to do with whether you are an introvertor extrovert, or a math whiz. Kolbe Index results deal with a different part ofthe mind than your personality or intelligence.

Three Parts of the Mind






Mental EnergyInnate Force






Conative?Action derived frominstinct; purposeful modeof striving, volition. It's aconscious effort to carryout self-determined acts.

If conative is a new wordfor you, join the crowd. It'sthe long-lost term for oneof the most importantthings you need to knowabout yourself.

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Kolbe A™ Index ResultACTION MODES



You have a natural strength in each Action Mode that helps you makebetter decisions

Action Modes

Fact Finder


Your best way of gathering/sharing information is by Explaining.For instance, you might:Paraphrase reports Review the dataEdit the details Work within prioritiesStart with the highest probability

Use terms properlyRespond appropriatelyTest analogiesClarify specificsRewrite and fact-check written material

Follow Thru


Your best way of arranging/designing is by Adapting.For instance, you might:Create shortcutsRevise approachesThrive on interruptionsDiversifySwitch tasks frequently

Be flexibleCut through bureaucracyDo several things at onceKeep everything accessibleLoosen up rigid processes

Quick Start


Your best way of dealing with risks/uncertainty is by Modifying.For instance, you might:Participate in experimentsCreate responses to challengesTry out new ideasSustain innovationsUse metaphors

Navigate through uncertaintyInterject spontaneouslyAdjust deadlinesReduce risksMediate between the vision and the given



Your best way of handling space/tangibles is by Protecting.For instance, you might:Create substantive demonstrationsBuild hand-crafted modelsBuild sturdy foundationsHandle transportation and packagingProvide protection and safeguards

Erect and install mechanical devicesProduce quality solutionsProtect nature/the environmentMaximize use of spaceTackle tangible projects

Learned behaviors can mask natural strengths

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Kolbe A™ Index ResultACTION MODES



David, take charge of your Fact Finder instincts!





Get as manyspecifics as


Get essential facts

Get the overview

Kolbe Tips

You need to gather information by:interpreting differencesselecting appropriate choicesasking for specificsrating alternativeschecking back

Avoid the stress of having to:prove every pointargue over the factsget immersed in complexitiesoversimplifydiscard all traditions

Kolbe identifies your natural strengths; it’s up to you to put them to good use

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Kolbe A™ Index ResultACTION MODES



Act with determination. Make good use of your natural strengths.





Design systemsthat organizeeverything

Detect discrepanciesand adjustprocedures

Develop shortcutsand multitask

Kolbe Tips

You need to organize by:seeing and easily reaching what youusefrequently revising systemsdoing several things at oncedealing with tasks as they arisenot trying to follow standard methods

Avoid the stress of having to:follow rigid ritualsput up with step-by-step proceduresrepeat yourselfadhere to redundant systemsbe overly scheduled

People with very different strengths in Follow Thru may drive you nuts - but they offer an important difference

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Kolbe A™ Index ResultACTION MODES



Without innovation we would not need stabilization





Experiment to seewhat will happen

Check things outbefore trying them

Stick with whatalready works well

Kolbe Tips

You need to deal with risk/uncertainty by:responding to challengesmaking necessary adjustmentshandling last-minute changesseeking alternativescoping with unknowns

Avoid the stress of having to:change for the sake of changedeal with the boredom of certaintyfrequently be in completely unfamiliarsituationsleap into many major changes at oncetake on too many competing deadlines

We all have equal potential for creativity - as long as we are all free to create in our own ways

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Kolbe A™ Index ResultACTION MODES



Every Implementor strength is critical to creative problem solving




Construct tangiblesolutions

Keep thingsworking the way

they should

Picture how thingscould work

Kolbe Tips

You have a knack for:tackling tangible projectsconstructing things that lastmaking mechanical contraptionsforming protective environmentsdealing with hardware and handlingequipment

Avoid the stress of having to:sit still for long periodswork without the right tools ormaterialstalk about how you’re making thingsworkuse unnatural or unrealistic materialswork without time to do a quality job

Kolbe results are proven to be free of gender biases. Males and females have equally distributed strengths on theImplementor continuum - as well as the other three.

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Kolbe A™ Index ResultTIME & ENERGY



Everyone has 100% of conative energy, represented here as a pyramid with100 units (ergs) of potential effort.

At the top of your pyramid are ergs thecolor of the Action Mode you use first intaking action. Other modes followaccording to the percentage of energy youhave available in them. Everyone has anequal amount of conative energy.

David, here's the percentage in eachAction Mode of your total available mentalenergy. This is also the approximatepercentage of time you'll spend makingefforts in each mode when you are mostproductive. 99% of people do not havemore than 50% of their energy in any onemode.


20% Fact Finder - deals with the PAST15% Follow Thru - involves PAST, PRESENT & FUTURE30% Quick Start - targets the FUTURE35% Implementor - deals with the HERE-AND-NOW

You spend 35% of your time and energy dealing with the present through your Implementor mode. You rendersolutions that preserve and protect the quality of the here-and-now. You also add-in a spark of adventure withyour Quick Start inclination to get involved in futuristic possibilities.

David, you will get more done in less timewhen you leverage your MO of 4-3-6-7.Thoughts and emotions can emerge in a blink - without yourcontrol. You can control the instinctive energy it takes to acton impulses.

Everyone has equal, yet limited, time and conative - orinstinct-driven - energy. Commit–but to very little. Targetyour top priorities. Unlike time, you can replenish conativeenergy, but it takes downtime to do it.

You have an instinct to act sooner or later, urgently orcautiously. That’s what determines your MO. Here are KolbeTips, individualized for you, for controlling the use of thesenatural abilities. This is not "cookie cutter" advice that’srepeated for everyone. If others followed the advice intendedfor you, they would exhaust themselves and have little toshow for their efforts.

Kolbe Tips

Improvise immediately ratherthan paying attention to old-fashioned ways of doingthings.Stay energized by tackling avariety of projects thatshowcase your leading-edgeapproach.Self-Provoke to get where youwant to go. You often have togoad yourself to initiate theaction you desire.

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Kolbe A™ Index ResultTIME & ENERGY



More than an assessment tool, these results prescribe ways to build onconative strengths

David, you can kick your MO into gear (or "Get Conative" )when you...

get your tools, start the engines, and size up the space.

Because most of the world hasn't recognized conation, youmay actually have been taught what's absolutely wrong foryou. The truth is you need to...

skip from one thing to the next without finishing whatyou start.

A good way to start your day is to...

find out what information others need from you duringthe day–and get it moving.

Kolbe Tips

You're likely to procrastinate if youhave to follow a highly structuredformat or system.

When you need to be persuasive inan unfamiliar situation, ask thought-provoking questions and play off theanswers. Sincerity in your opinionswill lead to dynamic dialogue.

You may be acting against your grain without even knowing it. When we work against our grain, we are notonly unhappy but also unproductive, wasting our time on things that require too much energy. Instead ofrobbing yourself of your valuable time and energy, modify the things you need to do so that you canaccomplish them in your own way.

Don't just take our word for it; try it! You may surprise yourself with how much you can get done, and by hownatural it feels.

Find the Freedom to be Yourself!Kolbe's Personal Development Pack of books and audios can deepen your understanding of your

instinctive strengths and help you use them to improve your life.

Expand Your HorizonsListen to customized audio of Kathy Kolbe discussing YOUR initiating strengths. Gain great insight into howto make them work for you in the Natural Advantage - Adventurer CD (check to purchase


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Methods of Communication: Making Your PointYour authentic "voice" is your natural, conative way of expressing your thoughts and feelings. Communicatingin contrary ways will be less effective. You need to save your best methods of communication for the highestimpact situations. Here is the % of energy you have in each Mode:





written words with data,citations, analogies,

case studies,verifications


visuals with graphs,charts, diagrams,posters, outlines,

maps, similes, patterns


spoken words with adlibs, improvised

metaphors, visuals,bullet points, intense



tangibles with props,models,

demonstrations,texture, machinery,

body language

Help for knowing how to "Be Yourself"Enhance your communication by explaining: everyone has a wayof gathering information (which you did by taking the Kolbe Index),and your instinct is to get enough to know what you're talkingabout without overdoing it.

You are likely to criticize another person's idea, a book, movie orplay if you find it:

lacks substanceseems flimsydoes not demonstrate how it would take place in real lifeis too fanciful and wouldn't hold up well over time

Communicating requiresconsideration of the otherperson's MO, emotions, andlevel of understanding.

Conative action neverhappens in isolation fromthe other two parts of themind, the affective andcognitive.

David, you have charisma when you act as the authentic you, communicating through your natural conativestrengths. People trust what they sense comes from your conative truths.

Trust others when they follow suit.

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Communicating requires conative action




Kolbe Tips

While you intuitively pick up information through body language, it is important to recognize others mayneed a more structured written response from you. Try accomplishing this by audio recording yourthoughts or bartering with others who will make notes as you are in motion.

Whether in a group meeting or a one-on-one conversation, you are unlikely to sit still for long, and willprobably "fiddle" with things in your hands while sitting. Explain this as a natural tendency and seek anunderstanding that will limit the distractions you may otherwise cause.

Have others prepare handouts for your demonstrations.

Your instincts won't change with age. Be obstinate with people who expect you to conform to age-group stereotypes.

Others can throw your day off kilter by requiring that you stick with a schedule. Don't be timid aboutsharing with others what you need!

David, enhance relationships. Reinforce instinctive needs and strengths. Conative action neverhappens in isolation from the other two parts of the mind, the affective and cognitive. Communicatingrequires consideration of the other person's MO, emotions, and level of understanding.

Communicating in your true conative character attracts others to you.

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Careers are built on your conative strengthsDavid, you do your best work when you strive according to your MO. You're most likely to succeed in jobs thatuse your conative strengths according to each Action Mode.

44 Review, confirm, report, substantiate, amend

33 Diversify, disguise, diffuse, interject, switch

66 Interject, convert, assimilate, incorporate, substitute

77 Safeguard, fortify, preserve, transport, install

Your MO doesn't limit whatyou do; it determines how

you'll do itIt is important that the environment youwork in nurtures your strengths and allowsyou to be free to be yourself.

A job can be just a way to bring in money,or to gain skills. It can also be a way tofind a sense of achievement.

David, your Kolbe result can help youaccomplish all three of these goals, plusdevelop strong alliances with co-workerswho will gain respect for yourcontributions.

Kolbe Tips

Be sure you find out before taking a job whether it willprovide you with opportunities to use your strengths by:

seeking a variety of projects and avoidinggetting bogged down in complex, long-termassignments.creating an individualized standard ofperformance that allows you to pick your ownhours, space, and sense of accomplishment.demonstrating your effectiveness withleading-edge technology and never-triedgadgetry.

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Kolbe A™ Index ResultSUMMARY & SHARE



Summary & ShareDavid, the information in every section of this report was individualized for you, whetheryou remember it by:

Your iconic Kolbe bar chart

Your four numbers 4 3 6 7

Your four conative strengths


Your use of energy

However you visualize your MO – it's important to keep the message of your conativestrengths in the front of your mind as you make life empowering decisions.

Now that you know the power of your MO, it's up to you to use it for good purposes. Theworld needs your conative strengths!

Now that You Know Your MO

We have solutions to help you take this knowledge and insight to the next level.Check out customized Kolbe Solutions to help you improve your life and build your


Contact us for more information: [email protected] or 602-840-9770.

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