Page 1: Knowing your Legal Requirements Beth Graves EMS Project Coor. NC Division of Pollution Prevention and Environmental Assistance (DPPEA)

Knowing your Legal Requirements

Beth Graves

EMS Project Coor.

NC Division of Pollution Prevention and Environmental Assistance (DPPEA)

Page 2: Knowing your Legal Requirements Beth Graves EMS Project Coor. NC Division of Pollution Prevention and Environmental Assistance (DPPEA)

“Legal Requirements” Not just permits; federal, state, local Includes restrictions

Ex. Domestic sewer not permitted activity but must be kept separate from process water.

Local solid waste disposal bans Ex. Alamance Co. bans many items from its

landfill. Your county?

Possible water conservation restrictions Suppliers

Ex. Do they have proper training for handling materials (i.e. HVAC, maintenance, building contractors, and landscape contractors)

Page 3: Knowing your Legal Requirements Beth Graves EMS Project Coor. NC Division of Pollution Prevention and Environmental Assistance (DPPEA)

Tracking Legal Requirements Consider making a chart to track existing legal

requirements Routine reports Non-routine reports (ex. In case of spills or

exceedences) Possible Internal compliance reports

May want to capture Required by? Report frequency Deadline Responsible Party

Page 4: Knowing your Legal Requirements Beth Graves EMS Project Coor. NC Division of Pollution Prevention and Environmental Assistance (DPPEA)

Keeping up-to-date Organization makes a “showing” of how keep up-

to-date on legal requirements Ex. Changed procedures, discussion notes describing

how topic discussed at a meeting, updating a compliance checklist

Various tools could be used - Subscription service that tracks env. Regulations Trade journals Attend environmental regulation update seminars by

public or private agencies Coordination with corporate env. staff Working relationship with regulators

Page 5: Knowing your Legal Requirements Beth Graves EMS Project Coor. NC Division of Pollution Prevention and Environmental Assistance (DPPEA)

DENR Customer Service Center

Customer Service Center – formerly EPIC (Env. Permit Information Center) Their mission is “to provide prompt, accurate

information on the state's environmental and natural resource programs, services, and regulations.” 

Includes information on permits, permit fees and application forms.

Toll-free 877-623-6748 or

Page 6: Knowing your Legal Requirements Beth Graves EMS Project Coor. NC Division of Pollution Prevention and Environmental Assistance (DPPEA)

CSC Website contains Laws and Regulations

Federal Laws

Clean Air Act Clean Water Act Resource Conservation and Recovery Act

Federal Regulations

Code of Federal Regulations Federal Register

Page 7: Knowing your Legal Requirements Beth Graves EMS Project Coor. NC Division of Pollution Prevention and Environmental Assistance (DPPEA)

More Laws and Regulations…

State Laws  NC General StatutesState Regulations Division of Air Quality Division of Coastal Management- Division of Environmental Health Environmental Health Services Onsite Wastewater

Public Water Supply - Division of Land Resources Dam Safety Erosion and Sedimentation Control Mining-

Page 8: Knowing your Legal Requirements Beth Graves EMS Project Coor. NC Division of Pollution Prevention and Environmental Assistance (DPPEA)

And More…

Division of  Waste Management Hazardous Waste Solid Waste

Superfund (Registered Environmental Consultant Program)

- Division of Water Resources Legislative Mandates- Division of Water Quality Groundwater Section (Several Programs)

Non-Discharge Permitting Unit Water Quality Section (Several Programs) 

Page 9: Knowing your Legal Requirements Beth Graves EMS Project Coor. NC Division of Pollution Prevention and Environmental Assistance (DPPEA)

Applications and Forms on the Web

Division of Air Quality Applications and Spreadsheets

1999 Air Pollutant Point Source Emission InventoryDivision of Land Resources Dam Safety Erosion and Sedimentation Control

MiningDivision of Waste Management Hazardous Waste Section

EPA Notification of Regulated Waste Activity/RCRA Permit Application-Part A Solid Waste Section Tax Certification for recycling and resource recovery

Page 10: Knowing your Legal Requirements Beth Graves EMS Project Coor. NC Division of Pollution Prevention and Environmental Assistance (DPPEA)

More Applications and Forms

Division of Water Resources Aquatic Weed Control Program Capacity Use Area No. 1

Local Water Supply Plans Project WET Registration of Water Withdrawals and Transfers Stream Watch Water Resources Development Project Grant Program

Division of Water Quality Algal Bloom and Macrophyte Reporting

Aquatic Toxicology Unit Groundwater Section NPDES Non-Discharge Permitting Unit Pretreatment Section 319 Non Point Source Grant Program Stormwater and General Permits Wastewater/Groundwater Analytical Laboratory Certification Wetlands/401 Certification Unit  

Page 11: Knowing your Legal Requirements Beth Graves EMS Project Coor. NC Division of Pollution Prevention and Environmental Assistance (DPPEA)

Factsheets and Newsletters

CSC will post factsheets on their website in the future as available.

“FOCUS: Waste Minimization,” free newsletter from DPPEA. Includes section each issue on “Multimedia News Update” for Air, Hazardous Waste, Solid Waste, and Water Quality with news on news rules, grants, inventories due, etc. Contact Norma Murphy, [email protected] or 919-715-6513.

Other DENR division newsletters or notifications.

Page 12: Knowing your Legal Requirements Beth Graves EMS Project Coor. NC Division of Pollution Prevention and Environmental Assistance (DPPEA)

“One-Stop Permitting”DENR committed to having multi-media

permitting assistance program available by July 1. Assistance will probably be in regions and cover both new and existing permittees. Emphasis on coordination with multiple permits likely.
