Page 1: KNIT. - · Row 1 (RS): knit. Row 2: purl. Row 3: *(p2tog) 3 times, (yo, k1) 6 times, (p2tog) 3 times; rep from * to end. Row 4: knit. These 4 rows repeated

KNIT.Chevron Lace Shawl

Page 2: KNIT. - · Row 1 (RS): knit. Row 2: purl. Row 3: *(p2tog) 3 times, (yo, k1) 6 times, (p2tog) 3 times; rep from * to end. Row 4: knit. These 4 rows repeated


Approx. 42cm x 140cm


The Yarn CollectiveShade: Johannas Sage x 4 100g hanks


4mm (US 6) straight needles


Wavy Lace Stitch30 sts x 30 rows on 4mm (US6) needles to 10cm (4in)

MAKE|Using 4mm (US6) knitting needles, cast on 126 sts.

Now begin wavy lace st as folls:Row 1 (RS): knit.

Row 2: purl.Row 3: *(p2tog) 3 times, (yo, k1) 6 times, (p2tog) 3 times; rep from * to end.

Row 4: knit.These 4 rows repeated form wavy lace st.

Cont in wavy lace st until work measures approx. 140cm or until work measures desired length.Cast off.

FINISHING|Fasten off all loose ends.

Press/block work using yarn ball band as a guide or desired method.Make 4 x 14cm tassels by measuring 8 x 24cm length of yarn and fold in half. Finish tassel by

wrapping another strand of yarn around folded tassel and then secure each tassel to each corner of the shawl/scarf.

@emmaknitted @loveknittingcom
