Page 1: Kitchen e Body - Amazon S3 · fat-burning health foods, and turn your kitchen into a health oasis. To get things started, we need to tackle the most important piece of this puzzle

Kitchen e Body

r Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, RHNNew York Times bestselling author, The All-Day Energy Diet

Page 2: Kitchen e Body - Amazon S3 · fat-burning health foods, and turn your kitchen into a health oasis. To get things started, we need to tackle the most important piece of this puzzle

Table w Contents3 DAY 0 — FOUNDATION








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Page 3: Kitchen e Body - Amazon S3 · fat-burning health foods, and turn your kitchen into a health oasis. To get things started, we need to tackle the most important piece of this puzzle

Day 0Foundation

Over the next 7 days, I’m going to help you make very small yet profound improvements to

your kitchen and thus your health. We’re going to eliminate fattening foods, replace them with

fat-burning health foods, and turn your kitchen into a health oasis.

To get things started, we need to tackle the most important piece of this puzzle — your environment. How your kitchen looks and is set up will make a big a difference in helping or hindering your progress to eating better and staying lean.

I often say “Hoarders aren’t healthy”, which means that we need to get rid of the clutter, clean up, and organize your kitchen as our starting point. If your kitchen is already spotless then you can move onto Day 1 but, for most kitchens, even small tweaks can make a difference.

Today’s actions are a little more involved and should take you no more than 30 minutes — which is the longest act in this entire 7-day makeover — but it could be your best investment. Cleaning up your kitchen will give you a sense of clarity, openness, and calm. You’ll feel better about your space and yourself, which will translate into making healthier food choices.


Clean and ClearTIME = 5 MINUTES

1. Remove everything off your countertops and find a more suitable place for them to be stored

2. Using a microfiber cloth, clean off your countertops

3. Only keep on your countertops what you intend to use on a daily basis (ie. blender, juicer, etc…) — toasters and coffee makers should be stored away since they don’t support your health goals

Organize and SystemizeTIME = 15–20 MINUTES

1. Go through your fridge and pantry and organize your foods so that you have a system for where everything should go (ie. vegetables in the crispers, canned beans on the second shelf of the pantry, etc…)

2. Go through your cupboards and organize your cutlery and dishware so that it’s need, tidy, and organized. Can you get rid of any excess?

Now, you’re all set. Take a step back, admire your work, and ask yourself:


If you do, then you’re ready to move onto Day 1.

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Day 1Sneaky Sugars

It should be no surprise that sugar is a major problem standing in your way of better health

and a lean body. I’m not saying that all carbs or sugars from fruit are bad for you — because

they’re not. Instead, hidden sugars found in packaged foods are the real problem. Today,

you’re going to take 7 minutes to hunt down these sneaky sugars (both obvious and hidden)

and get them out of your kitchen.

So get out your stopwatch, set the timer for 7 minutes, and get ready to go through the packaged foods in your fridge and pantry to locate these sneaky sugars.

Basically, any packaged foods that contain ingredients that end with an “ose” or syrup should be avoided. Remember that these sneaky sugars become less important the more fresh (not packaged) food you eat.


Sugar sources

Technical names

Natural sugars

Artificial sweeteners

Brown sugar

Cane sugar

Raw sugar

High fructose corn syrup

Rice syrup








Coconut nectar

Maple syrup*


Fruit juice

Cane juice


Rice malt

Sorghum syrup






Great for adding a little sweet flavor (without calories) to baked goods:

■ Erythritol

■ Xylitol

■ Stevia

Use sparingly because they will spike your blood sugar:

■ Maple syrup

■ Raw honey

* Although these 2 natural sweeteners are your best “natural” sweetening options you do not want to be eating foods that are loaded with these since they will raise the sugar content of the food.

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Day 2Goodbye Gluten

Gluten is another problematic food for most people — gluten-intolerant or not. Gluten

irritates your gut lining, creates inflammation inside the body, and is linked with countless

autoimmune disorders.

It is a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye and therefore you are best avoiding these foods. Today, you’re going to take 7 minutes to swap out these foods for healthier alternatives.

CAUTION: Not all gluten-free foods are good for you. Even though a food says “gluten free” doesn’t mean it hasn’t been loaded up with other chemicals (like soy, corn, or sugar) to fill the gap. Be careful and stick to whole foods or freshly made gluten-free breads, if needed.

Today’s action step is pretty simple — chuck the bread, cereals, and pastas (assuming they contain wheat)

Here’s are some healthy swap ideas:

Instead Of This… Eat This…

White or whole wheat breadFreshly-made almond flour bread or potato flour bread

Regular or whole wheat pastaRice pasta, quinoa pasta,

lentil pasta

Commercial cereals (including sugar loaded gluten-free impostors)

Freshly made cereal with blueberries,

hemp seeds, chia seeds, chopped almonds/walnuts,

served with almond milk

Cookies and baked goodsAlmond flour baked goods

made from scratch

NOTE: There are countless recipes for many of these ideas online. You can enjoy the delicious done-for-you “gluten free” meals we’ve prepared for you in our Fat Burning Meal Club here.

Bread and wheat-based products provide NO health benefits — at all. We’ve simply been raised on them, which obviously makes them somewhat challenging to part ways with. Ultimately, the choice is yours but your health and waistline can only improve by avoiding them.

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Day 3Ditch The Dairy

As with sugar and wheat/gluten, dairy is a food that doesn’t need to be in your body or your

kitchen. It’s highly allergenic for most humans and creates inflammation throughout the body.

And if you think you need to drink milk for its calcium or protein content then please remember that there are many smarter options like green vegetables, legumes, and good quality animal meats that will give you what milk supposedly promises.

Today, your 7-minute action is to get rid of the dairy in your kitchen — milk, cheese, and yogurt — and replace it much healthier (and tastier) alternatives like:

■ Almond milk (freshly made or unsweetened store bought)

■ Coconut milk (store bought)

■ Full fat canned coconut milk (organic)

■ Hemp milk

■ Rice milk

If you want a great alternative to yogurt, then make a simple and delicious chia seed pudding. It’s pretty simple:

NOTE: This recipe makes enough for two large servings, but feel free to double the recipe and keep it in your refrigerator so that you have it for a few days. It will keep refrigerated for up to 5 days.

Chia Seed PuddingINGREDIENTS

■ 2 cups unsweetened almond milk, homemade or store bought

■ ½ cup chia seeds

■ ½ teaspoon vanilla extract

■ 5 drops of stevia (optional)

■ Seasonal fruit for topping (blueberries, peaches, figs and plums)

■ Almonds or other nuts for topping


1. Combine almond milk, chia seeds, vanilla and sweetener in a bowl or Tupperware container. Mix well until combined and the mixture begins to thicken. Store covered in the refrigerator overnight or for at least an hour.

2. Stir/shake well before serving and add a bit of water to the pudding if it becomes too thick. Top with fresh fruit and nuts of your choice.

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Day 4Get Fit Fats

The wrong fats create oxidative damage and inflammation inside your body — both of which

are strongly linked to EVERY disease we know of.

For that reason, today, your mission to remove the deadly fats and replace them with what I call “fit fats”. These good fit fats are vital to keeping you healthy and lean (ironically). They are the major components of your cell membranes, assist in hormone production, and vital for your brain and heart health.


■ Canola Oil

■ Corn Oil

■ Soybean Oil

■ “Vegetable” oil

■ Peanut Oil

■ Sunflower Oil

■ Safflower Oil

■ Cottonseed Oil

■ Grapeseed Oil

■ Margarine

■ Shortening


■ Extra virgin olive oil

■ Avocado oil

■ Organic virgin coconut oil

■ Flaxseed oil

■ Hempseed oil

■ Fish oil

■ Algae oil

■ Organic butter (grass fed, if possible)

■ Ghee

■ Red palm oil

■ Macadamia nut oil

■ Walnuts

■ Chia seeds

■ Ground flax seeds

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Day 5Must Have Kitchen Staples

Having the right foods in your kitchen at all times is an important step to eating well. If you’re

out of food, then you’re out of luck. That’s when fattening “take out” food comes into play.

Over the last few days, you’ve made great progress in stocking your kitchen with healthy fat-burning foods and today I’m going to suggest a number of important staples that I believe every kitchen should have.

Today’s mission may take a little longer than 7 minutes as it may require a quick trip to the grocery or health food store. But it’s well worth it.

NOTE: These staples are in addition to fresh foods (vegetables, fruit, raw nuts, legumes, eggs, meat) that you would normally buy at the grocery store on a weekly basis and the already mentioned additions from the previous 4 days.

Healing Herbs and Spices (This is by no means an exhaustive list but these are some of the more common ones)

■ Garlic

■ Ginger

■ Turmeric

■ Basil

■ Cinnamon

■ Sea salt

■ Cayenne pepper

■ Thyme

■ Mint

■ Rosemary

■ Cumin

Quick Snacks ■ Organic peanut and/or almond butter

(great with apples)

■ Hummus (great with veggies)

■ Chia seed pudding

Overall Health Support: ■ Apple cider vinegar

■ Digestive enzymes

■ Probiotics — look for one with numerous bacterial strains and at least 10 billion CFU per capsule

■ Yuri Elkaim’s Energy Greens

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Day 6Morning Routine to Stay Lean

The debate about breakfast will endure but science reveals the following:

■ If breakfast is eaten, 25–30g of protein should be included to keep you satiated. This can help you lose weight.

■ There is no difference, from a metabolism or weight loss perspective, between having 2 meals per day or several meals per day as long as total calories remain equal.

The most important thing to remember is that you should “Eat when you’re hungry, and stop when you’re 80% full.” So, if you’re not hungry in the morning, then don’t force food down your throat. If you’re starving, then have something substantial. Pretty simple, right?

Upon waking is when you want to rehydrate your body and start flushing out toxins that have built up over night. So regardless of whether you have breakfast or not, make sure you drink at least 500 ml to a full liter of water. Here’s how I make that happen:

■ Big glass of water with 1 tbsp of apple cider vinegar and/or juice of ½ lemon

■ Big glass of water with 1 tbsp raw potato starch (optional)

■ Fresh-pressed green juice, green smoothie, or Yuri Elkaim’s Energy Greens (in water)

Once you’re hydrated, you want to think about moving your body. You want to get your lymph flowing to help your body flush out waste. This can be accomplished by rebounding, going for a walk, working out, or anything else that gets you moving.

Now that you’ve hydrated and moved your body, you can consider having something to eat that’s more substantial. Whatever you choose do your best to get at least 25g of protein to keep you full and happy for hours.

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Day 7Greens Over Coffee Beans

Coffee (caffeine, really) is the #1 drug in the world. And sadly, far too many people depend on

it to feel awake. That’s not normal.

Today, I challenge you to replace your morning coffee with any of the following:

■ Water

■ Green juice

■ Green smoothie

■ Yuri Elkaim’s Energy Greens

■ Herbal tea (caffeine free)

■ Decaf coffee (last resort)

If you’re addicted to coffee please remember that you will likely feel pretty awful the first few days as your body is going through caffeine withdrawal. The best way to overcome this is to stick to your guns, get in plenty of alkalizing greens, and ride it out. Most people feel a whole better in about 2–3 days.

Greens are the most nutrient dense of all foods on the planet. Consuming them NEEDS to be the foundation of your diet if you want to be healthy and lean. Naturally, if you’re not used to eating them, but used to consuming sugar and coffee instead, then they obviously won’t taste that good. However, this will change as your palette adjusts. So stick with it.

You’ll feel 1000 times better in just a few days.

Your mission today, then, is to choose a freshly made greens drink instead of your morning (or afternoon) coffee.

Are you up for the challenge?

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