Page 1: Kingston’s Cultural Diversity Week Celebrations...Kingston’s Cultural Diversity Week Celebrations “Inspiration for a Community” Mentone Combined Probus Club Story Kingston’s

Kingston’s Cultural Diversity Week Celebrations

“Inspiration for a Community” Mentone Combined Probus Club Story

Kingston’s Prevention of Family Violence Action Plan 2019-2021

George Raphael a President of Probus Club of Aspendale and Mordialloc District

Multicultural Senior Citizens Club

What are the ‘Scams’

Dementia Australia: Living with Dementia Program

Kingston Interfaith Network Upcoming Events

GriefLine Community and Family Services

AccessCare Service Reminders

New Aged Care Commission

Kingston’s Woman of the Year Award

In this Edition

City of Kingston Senior s Newsletter February / March 2019














With an Autumn approaching, Kingston Council Social Development Team wishes you all very happy and joyful Easter break.

Kingston’s Cultural Diversity Week CelebrationsThis year to acknowledge Cultural Diversity week (from 16 to 24 March), small grants of up to $400 were made available to assist the community groups to run events and participate in Victoria’s largest multicultural celebrations. The Kingston’s multicultural community with the support of the Community Development team will host 17 events.

All the events provide opportunity for the community to gather, share stories and embrace their cultural and religious differences. Please come along to celebrate the diversity of our communities in Kingston.

The flyer with the calendar of the events will be available in the beginning of March on City of Kingston My Community Life website and Kingston website (under events Cultural Diversity Week) and at the libraries, community centres and Council’s Cheltenham and Chelsea customer service offices. To make a booking for the event, please contact directly the event organiser.




Page 2: Kingston’s Cultural Diversity Week Celebrations...Kingston’s Cultural Diversity Week Celebrations “Inspiration for a Community” Mentone Combined Probus Club Story Kingston’s

Kingston Clubs and their Members


Kingston’s Prevention of Family Violence Action Plan 2019-2021 Kingston’s Prevention of Family Violence Action Plan 2019-2021 was endorsed by Council on 22 October 2018. We would like to thank the community members who contributed to the consultation process and helped develop this Action Plan.

In the City of Kingston, we are committed to working towards the vision of creating safe, equal and respectful relationships in our community where family violence and gender inequality are not tolerated.

We are hosting the Launch of the Action Plan on Wednesday 27 March 2019 that will include an interactive theatre performance by Melbourne Playback Theatre.

For more information about the Action Plan or if you would like to attend the launch please contact Kingston’s Preventing Family Violence Officer on 9581 4906.

If you or someone you know is experiencing family violence, please contact 1800RESPECT ( 1800 732 732), The Orange Door ( 1800 319 353) or Seniors Rights Victoria ( 1300 368 821).

“Inspiration for a Community” Mentone Combined Probus Club StoryIn 2018 Mentone Combined Probus Club invited a guest speaker Mrs Wynette Roper to give a talk on the international organisation ‘Quilts of Valour’. Quilts of Valour has been established in Australia to present quilts to service members and veterans of the Australian Defence Force in recognition of their sacrifice for Australia whilst deployed on combat operations. The recognition is also extended to the families of soldiers who made the ultimate sacrifice.

Mrs Wyn Roper is the Victorian representative of Quilts of Valour. Wyn presented a large selection of quilts that had been given to her to distribute. All of them had been made by quilt groups, who make quilts for charities. Members of Mentone Probus were very impressed to hear Wyn’s stories about people who made quilts for Quilts of Valour and about matching the quilts with particular people.

Wyn told a story about a quilt depicting a dog which was given to a soldier injured in action, still in hospital many miles from home. This soldier had a dog at home and longed to see him again. “Can you imagine him, being able to cope with all the rehabilitation that was ahead of him, with a quilt that was given to him, to snuggle into it, when it is dark at night, when everyone has their own thoughts and he knew he could not be seen having a little teary. This small token, sewn with love, from so many small bits of material, that is always so gratefully accepted.”

Shirley, an editor of Mentone Probus bulletin who had only been in Australia for a few years, had not heard of this before. She took a leaflet home to show her daughter. Shirley’s daughter was suitably impressed and took the leaflet along to a social group of friends she meets monthly. Some were quilters, but most not. The quilters went through their stash and selected some materials that might be suitable to make an Australian themed

quilt. The girls learned how to cut out and sew up these very small pieces of material until they had made a wonderful Australian bed size quilt.

Wyn from ‘Quilts of Valour’ was invited again and this carefully made quilt for someone less fortunate was presented to her. She took her time to find a good home for this quilt, as she does with all quilts that come into her hands to pass on. The quilt eventually went to a Vietnam war veteran who lives in Frankston, and who now spends all his spare time helping returned soldiers. Listening to them, helping to get medical issues sorted, finding urgent accommodation. In fact, anything he can do to help his fellow soldiers, he does.

Mrs Rose Olson, the Secretary of the Club informed that the photo above was taken when Mrs Roper was thanking the ladies at the Probus meeting. Rose said “the members of the Club were very pleased to be the catalyst for all this wonderful work. What a rewarding end for a few scraps of material to give the comfort to someone who offers comfort where he can. Thank you, girls, thank you Wyn, and thank you Quilts of Valour.”

From left: Wynette Roper, Alison Higginson, Mary Wahlheim.

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Kingston Clubs and their Members


George Raphael at the age of 92 keeps working for the Kingston Community as the President of Probus Club of Aspendale & Mordialloc DistrictGeorge has lived for most of his life in Parkdale, mainly in the house he built with the aid of his brothers. Raised with strong commitment to the people. Loves history, has fond memories of the local people including good friends from local primary and secondary school, football, cricket and tennis club, Mordialloc Sailing Club and Rossdale Golf Club. Marj Kean one of his best friends said that their friendship sustained for more than 80 years and is dating from primary school. During WWII George served for 3 years in Royal Australian Navy. He has been a member of Mentone RSL and a life member of Probus Club of Aspendale & Mordialloc District.

For 73 years George has been a member of the Masonic Lodge and as a symbol of appreciation of his work one of the beautiful meeting rooms at the South Eastern Masonic Centre in Keysborough received George’s name.

In his professional life George was also working for the people. Until his retirement George worked as a manager in Industrial Relations of State Electricity Commission.

George is a foundation member of Probus Club of Aspendale & Mordialloc District and at the age of 92 is still working at the Club’s Committee. For many years he was contributing to the Club as an ‘Outings Organiser’ and Treasurer, elected Vice President in 1986, President in 1987 and again in 2018.

In 2019 the Club will celebrate 35th anniversary. George remembers that in 1984, at the time of establishment of the Club, many people expressed their interest in membership in the first ‘combined’ (mixed male and female) Probus in Victoria. The Club was very popular, and the Committee had to limit the number of members to a hundred. The Club’s long waiting list resulted in establishment of Parkdale and Mentone Probus Clubs, and all of them were located in Mentone RSL.

Thirty-five years down the track, the number of members of Probus Club of Aspendale & Mordialloc District decreased to 30 with 24-26 attending regularly. Advanced age of the members and lack of office bearers may result in Club’s folding up. The President George Raphael and immediate past President Marj Kean say that times have changed. Nowadays seniors are looking after grandchildren, years of work have been extended, seniors have different interests.

George Raphael and Marj Kean confirm that despite their age and health issues, they don’t give up, they are going to continue working for the community for as long as they can, Marj said once “the community work keeps us going”.

On behalf of the Community we would like to thank George Raphael and the other Committee members for their contribution to the Club. Their work has always been recognised and appreciated. We wish them long life, good health and everlasting energy, and we would like to congratulate them on the great achievement of the Club’s 35th anniversary.

Roy Lamb a former President of the Club, George Raphael a current President of the Club and Marj Kean an immediate past President of the Club, 34th Anniversary of the Club in 2018.

George Raphael at his home chatting about history and watching photos of his friends.

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Local Community Clubs and Groups


Multicultural Senior Citizens Clubs continue In this edition we present some of the Italian Clubs and some other ethnic clubs. If you like dancing you may consider visiting Italian Clubs dinner or lunch/dances, everyone is welcome. Bookings required.

Italian Social Club City of MoorabbinLocation: Moorabbin Bowling Club, 426 South Rd, MoorabbinMeetings: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6.30pm, some Saturdays Activities: chatting, cards, billiards, bocce, monthly pasta/bingo day and occasional dinner/dance Contact: Grace 0467 027 823

Catanzaro Senior Citizens Club of MonashLocation: Monash Inn Hall, 72 Clayton Rd, ClaytonMeetings: Fridays 10.00am – 4.00pmActivities: cards, bingo lunch, occasional bus tours Contact: Angelina 9796 3620

Associazione Pensionati Laziali Di MonashLocation: Fregon Hall, 4 Fregon Rd, ClaytonMeetings: Mondays 8.30am – 4.00pmActivities: lunch, bocce, information sessions, women’s exercise program, occasional bus tours Contact: Sam 9551 8666 or Enzo 0412 358 244

Circolo Pensionati Italiani Di BentleighLocation: 2 Arthur St, Bentleigh EastMeetings: Wednesday – Sunday from 6.30pmActivities: cards, bingo, billiards, meals, outings, monthly dinner/dance Contact: Giuseppina 9578 1766

Regione Lazio Monti Lepini Collferro In Association with Senior Laziali VictoriaLocation: Clayton Hall, 264 Clayton Rd, ClaytonMeetings: Fridays 7.00am – 4.00pmActivities: games, lunch, special celebrations, bus trips Contact: Luigi 0419 146 229

Circolo Pensionati ‘Don Bosco’Location: 40 Haughton Rd, OakleighMeetings: Mondays, Wednesdays 12.00pm – 4.00pm and Fridays 11.00am – 4.00pmActivities: bocce, cards, bingo, discussions, lunch Contact: Anthony 9569 9064 (the club currently does not accept new members due limited space at the venue, but please contact Anthony to put your name on the waiting list)

Correction to the information provided in previous edition, we do apologise for inconvenience:

Italian Senior Citizens of Kingston ‘La Baracca’Location: La Baracca, 30-36 Ross St, HeathertonMeetings: Wednesday – Sunday various times, various activities (not on Tuesdays as was stated in previous edition)

Activities: Italian lunch, occasional bus tours, chatting, cards, billiards, bocce, monthly lunch/dinner/dance Contact: Giovanna 0421 045 648

What are ‘Scams’ Be alert to the fact that scams exist. When dealing with uninvited contacts from people or businesses, whether it’s over the phone, by mail, email, in person or on a social networking site, always consider the possibility that the approach may be a scam. Remember, if it looks too good to be true, it probably is.

Scams target people of all backgrounds, ages and income levels across Australia. There’s no one group of people who are more likely to become a victim of a scam, all of us may be vulnerable to a scam at some time. Scams succeed because they look like the real thing and catch you off guard when you’re not expecting it. Scammers are getting smarter and taking advantage of new technology, new products or services and major events to create believable stories that will convince you to give them your money or personal details.

Protect yourself• Know who you’re dealing with. • Do not open suspicious texts, pop-up windows or

click on links or attachments in emails – delete them. • Don’t respond to phone calls about your

computer asking for remote access – hang up. • Keep your personal details secure. • Keep your mobile devices and computers secure. • Choose your passwords carefully. • Review your privacy and security settings on

social media. • Beware of any requests for your details or money. • Be wary of unusual payment requests. • Be careful when shopping online.

For more information, please visit

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Services for Seniors

Dementia Australia: Living with Dementia ProgramThe Living with Dementia program is an interactive group for both the person with the diagnosis (early stages) and their carer/support person. It is a 6 week program (2 ½ hours each week) where we cover things such as: symptoms, diagnosis, adapting to changes, practical strategies, relationships, communication, planning for the future, community services, and looking after yourself. Participants have an opportunity to obtain information, have questions answered, meet and talk confidentially with others in a similar situation, discuss experiences and express feelings in a safe environment, and focus on maintaining and enhancing skills and abilities.

For further information, enquiries or flyers about the program please contact the National Dementia Helpline on 1800 100 500.

Kingston Interfaith Network Upcoming EventsSocial Development team would like to remind you that the Kingston Interfaith Network Committee was established by the Council to encourage open communication, interfaith dialogue and partnerships to address the needs of the local community. Several special events have been planned for 2019 to encourage greater understanding and respect to the different cultures and religions.

The first event of the year will be the World Book Day celebration that will be held on 23 April 2019 at Westall Community Hub and Library, 35 Fairbank Rd, Clayton South on 23 April from 6.30pm to 7.30pm. To make booking please call 1300 135 668. For more information about

this event and other upcoming events, please contact Elisabetta on 9581 4783 or visit City of Kingston My Community Life website

Griefline Community and Family Services “I have got cancer. I live at home on my own and am very lonely”“I have lost my baby and I just don’t know what to do”“I miss my homeland, - the smell, the food. I am lonely here & my kids don’t understand”

These are a few calls we get on our helpline.

GriefLine Community & Family Services has been serving the community for over 30 years. GriefLine’s anonymous national helpline operates every day from 12 noon to 3am. Trained people are there to listen with respect, care and a non-judgemental attitude to difficult life events across the life span. Grief is a natural response to a loss. It might be the loss of a loved one, a relationship, pet, job or way of life. Other difficult experiences of loss may include children leaving home, infertility, migration, having a terminal illness, a disability, being a carer of a person with a terminal illness, mental illness or disability. Everyone experiences loss and grief during their life, which is why GriefLine is available on 1300 845 745 from 12 noon -3am in the morning daily, is anonymous and you can ring when you are ready in the comfort & safety of your home.

Other services offered by GriefLine include:

• GriefLine’s Mandarin Helpline – Every Wednesday 8pm-10pm on (03) 90287951

• Children & Youth counselling – (03) 9935 7444• Online Counselling –• Silent Grief – (03) 9935 7444• Bereavement Counselling• Volunteer Opportunities

At the moment GriefLine is looking for VolunteersAre you the kind of person others like to talk to?Have you experienced life’s ups and downs?Are you able to volunteer 4 hours per week?

On selection, all volunteers participate in an initial 14 week Loss & Grief training program conducted on Wednesday evenings 6.30pm to 9.30pm, held in Moorabbin area. Volunteers are supported and offered continuing education and supervision.

Please call the office on (03) 9935 7444 for more information.

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City of Kingston Senior s Newsletter February / March 2019

Kingston AccessCare Service Reminders


City of KingstonSocial Development Team

PO BOX 1000 Mentone 3194

[email protected] 1300 653 356

For information about activities, or to provide feedback about this newsletter, please contact Alina Urbanczyk, Social Inclusion Officer 9581 4948 or P.O. Box 1000 Mentone, VIC, 3194, or email [email protected]

Service Reminders Public Holidays 2019 Some personal care is provided on public holidays. If your regular domestic or respite service falls on a public holiday, you will not receive that service. Your regular service will recommence on its next scheduled date following the public holiday.

Labour Day Monday 11 March 2019

Good Friday Friday 19 April 2019

Easter Monday Monday 22 April 2019

Anzac Day Thursday 25 April 2019

We are extending our flexibility on service times from 15 to 30 mins to allow for any unforeseen circumstances. This means our Support Workers may arrive 30 mins either side of your scheduled service. For example, if your booked service is at 10am the Support Worker may arrive between 9.30am and 10.30am. We will contact you only if the Support Worker will be more than 30 mins late.

New Aged Care CommissionAs of 1 January 2019, a new Commonwealth Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission was put in place. The new Commission is the single point of contact for quality and regulation in aged care aiming to strengthen the focus on clients, streamline regulation, support better engagement with both clients and providers and promote transparency.

How do I raise a concern?You can raise concerns or provide feedback about aged care services you are receiving including:• Home Care Packages• Commonwealth Home Support Program• Flexible care, including Transition Care, and the National Aboriginal

and Torres Strait Islander Flexible Aged Care Program• Residential care or residential respite care

Anyone can raise a concern by contacting the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission on 1800 951 822 or by writing to:

Aged care Quality and Safety CommissionPO Box 9818Melbourne 3000

You can also find information on the Aged Care Commission’s website

Here at AccessCare, we are always looking to hear feedback from our clients to be able to improve our services. If you would like to provide any feedback positive or negative please email [email protected] or call 1300 819 200.

We are thrilled to be awarding the inaugural Kingston Woman of the Year Award to celebrate the outstanding contribution that women in Kingston make to industry, community and humanity. We received an overwhelming response from the community and it is an honour to shine a spotlight on the 25 nominees who have demonstrated diverse achievements within their professional and personal lives. If you would like to read more about the achievements of this inspiring group of women, please go to The Award will be presented at Kingston’s International Women’s Day ceremony hosted on 8 March 2019.
