Page 1: Kin 450 Chapter 24 and 25 Analysis (1)

Chapter 24 and 25 Analysis

Melissa Cruz


February 19,2015


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Chapter 24 Analysis

In Chapter 24 it talks about Native Americans and their lack of success in the

world of sports. The writer talks about the many reasons that Native Americans are not

able to build careers in sports even though many show raw talent for it. The article states

that their lack of education and fear of losing their culture is primarily to blame.

This article was a difficult read because I truly wasn't aware of their situation.

Then again I believe this is a flaw in our system. Our society only wants to make us

aware of situations that could benefit the society and unfortunately that does not include

telling people what a bully our country is. Our country helped supply this bad situation,

but for the Native Americans are they completely to blame of course not. Native

Americans are responsible for their own fates to succeed every culture has to be willing

to open themselves up to change. They cannot feel as if participating in a good education,

and sports will hinder their culture instead it would help them spread awareness to those

of us that know very little of the Native American culture.

Chapter 25

This chapter talked about the how the MLB exploits children in the Dominican Republic.

It gives a false impression of its baseball academies. People in the Dominican Republic

believe that the MLB is offering their children a real way to break away from a life of

poverty by educating their kids and teaching them how to be successful athletes. In

reality the MLB only cares about the cheap and dispensable athletes they are creating and

they do not care what happens to these kids if they don't make it to the big leagues or that

fact that they are worse off because now they don't even have an education to fall back



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I think this situation is unfortunate. The U.S. is a country that promotes freedom and a

democracy. As a country we feed this idea of what it is, but never explain the education

needed to supply a place like this. Unfortunately this leaves the door open for big

businesses to profit off of the uneducated of any country. They exploit these children

feeding them the American dream and it is unfortunate that by the time they realize that

only a select few might actually get to live it the rest of them get left with nothing to

show for their work.

