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Killers In Horror

Page 2: Killers in horror


Back story: She posed as a 9 year old girl to get adopted by a family and seduce her adoptive father, however, kills him as he doesn’t reciprocate her feelings. The reason is she was sexualised from a very young age and molested by her father. He told her she would never be a real woman because of her condition.

She murdered her father and his lover and was sent to a mental institution and escaped, working as a prostitute in her native country Estonia. She was arrested but kept up the pretence of a young child to avoid jail. She is actually a 33-year-old woman with hypopituitarism- a condition which stunts her

physical growth, and she uses make up to cover any signs that give away her true age. She is disgusted by the fact she is ultimately a woman trapped in a child’s body and wants to “grow up” and be a regular wife, mother and a lover- resulting in trying to find “love” where she thought she’d had it as a child, with her new adoptive father.Costume: She dresses in long, frilly dresses and often has her hair styled in pigtails and held together with ribbons and wears ribbons on her wrists and neck. This is to keep up her façade of a young child and to make her appear more innocent-like. This is also to cover scars she received from

struggling against her straight jacket from when she was in a mental instituteMake up: She wears face powder to conceal her wrinkles and to make her appear young, whiter and more innocent like so no-one would suspect her of being a 33 year old killer. The use of make up on the character implies she has

good qualities and characteristics, and is almost like a mask as when it is removed we see her true identity. This is common in slasher horror.

Page 3: Killers in horror

Texas Chainsaw MassacreLeatherface

Back story: The character Leartherface was based loosely on a real person, Ed Gein, an American murderer and body snatcher. Ed had a rough childhood- he was abused by his mother and forbidden any contact with the outside world. He was only allowed to school and to work on the family’s farm. In the film, he

is portrayed to be mentally retarded, sadistic and cannibalistic.The cruelty he suffered in his life at the hand of his peers and co-workers inspired his murderous behaviour.Costume: : Leatherface wears a tatted butcher’s

uniform, reflecting his cannibalistic nature and upbringing (his family ran a butcher’s that went bust)Make up: Leatherface wears a mask made of human skin, similarly to real life serial killer Ed Gein. The reason Leatherface wears a mask is to cover up his

deformity- he suffers from facial disfigurement ad a skin disease that eats at his nose and as a child he was made fun of.

Page 4: Killers in horror

The ringSamara Morgan

Back story: Samara was born to Evelyn, and it was believed she had a demon inside her as she did not cry- so her mother tried to drown her in a pond, but was stopped. She was adopted by Anna and Richard Morgan but her “demon” powers began to unleash themselves, frightening her adoptive parents. Her

adoptive father put her in an isolated room in their house with only a tv to avoid Samara hurting anyone. Later, she was smothered and pushed down a well by her adoptive mother and died a week later, however, her spirit lived on. She created a cursed videotape to show the world the misery she suffered in her

life. The neglect from her adoptive parents, and lack of any proper parental figures, sparked her desire to kill others.Costume: She wears a white gown, yellowing with decay, which resembles that of a hospital gown. At first glance this allows audience to feel sympathy as she looks ill, however, her evil ways

are soon displayed.Make up: She appears very pale and haunting in appearance, resembling a Japanese onryo spitit- a spirirt focused on vengance. Her long dark hair and

waterlogged, deformed face and sunken eyes all adding to her disturbing presence.