
KieFit Journal August 2009

Yes, You CAN

Gain Muscle & Lose Fat at the

Same Time

Your Fast Muscle Gain Success: Video: 6 Week Muscle Gaining Workout

The Ideal Beach Workout

For Women Giving You Your Perfect Bikini Body

10 Easy Ways to Cut Calories

Fat Loss For Idiots,

Easy Ways To Lose Fat

Hello Fitness- Fans, Here is the August 2009 issue of KieFit Journal. The free online publication about fitness and health tips. Amongst others it in-cludes helpful articles for you about diet and training procedures. Amazing... how many calories some foods contain. Read helpful and interesting articles from Page 10 to 12 about cut Calories in ten easy ways, the magic of potion fat loss and for an easy weight loss program that works. “Yes, you can gain muscle and lose fat at the same time” .Author Craig Ballantyne, Certified Strenght and Conditioning Specialist, say it’s true! With a professional program like Turbulence Training you can do this Training in the comfort your own home. Read on Page 8 and 9 this interesting study and helpful training tip at any age. Useful training guide for your perfect body and get in shape, you can find Articles about Beach workout without Fitness Equipment (7) or Learn how to build muscle in 4 simple steps (Page 6) in this KieFit Journal. Stay healthy,

Heidi P.S. Start now with the workout Video on Page 6 - “6 week muscle gaining workout” And have fun!

Send me your comments and ideas for further articles. Submit your article to Email: [email protected] and see it in the next issue of KieFit Journal. Use your article to generate additional free traffic to your website as well.

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A U G U S T 2 0 0 9

H E A L T H Y A N D H A P P Y L I F E !

I S S U E :

T H E N E W V I S U A L I Z A T I O N B R E A K T H R O U G H : M E N T A L T R A I N I N G T A C T I C S F O R H E A L T H A N D F I T N E S S S U C C E S S




L E A R N H O W T O B U I L D M U S C L E I N 4 S I M P L E S T E P S


T H E I D E A L B E A C H W O R K O U T F O R W O -M E N G I V I N G Y O U Y O U R P E R F E C T B I K I N I B O D Y


Y E S , Y O U C A N G A I N M U S C L E & L O S E F A T A T T H E S A M E T I M E





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1 0 E A S Y W A Y S T O C U T C A L O R I E S

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K I E F I T . C O M I S S U E 1 3

A D V E R T I S E O P P O R T U N I T Y S —K I E F I T . C O M

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C O N T A C T —K I E F I T . C O M

1 5

S E N D M E Y O U R C O M -M E N T S A N D I D E A S F O R F U R T H E R A R T I C L E S .

1 5

F A T L O S S F O R I D I O T S , E A S Y W A Y S T O L O S E F A T

1 2

Top Body Now!


Schedules: Submit events sche-dules you know to be mentioned here in the next issue!

Submit your personal Fitness and Sport events you wish to be published here and invite Kiefit Journal readers to attend!

The New Visualization Breakthrough: Mental Training Tactics For Health And Fitness Success By Tom Venuto, NSCA-CPT, CSCS

Seite 3 H E A L T H A & F I T N E S S S U C E S S

Understanding the mind's role in motiva-tion and behavior is one of the most critical elements in fitness success. If you strug-gle with changing habits and behaviors or if you can’t get motivated, then even the best training and nutrition program is not much help. A fascinating fact about your subconscious mind is that it's completely deductive in nature. In other words, it’s fully capable of working backwards from the end to the means. You don't need to know how to reach a goal at the time you set the goal. If you "program" only the desired outcome successfully into your "mental computer," then your subconscious will take over and help you find the information and means and carry out the actions necessary to reach it. Many people are familiar with affirmations and goal-setting as ways to give instruc-tions to your subconscious mind. But per-haps the ultimate mental training” tech-nique is visualization. In one respect, affir-mation and visualization are the same, because when you speak or think an affir-mation first, that triggers a mental image, being as the human brain "thinks" in pic-tures. You can use visualization to plant goals into your subconscious mind. You simply close your eyes, use your imagination and mentally create pictures and run movies of your desired results. For example, in your mind's eye, you can see the "body of your dreams". If repeated consistently with emotion, mental images are accepted by your subconscious as commands and this helps with changing habits, behavior and performance. Although there are some new and creative ways to use visualization, (which you are about to learn), this is not a new tech-nique. Visualization has been used for-mally in the fields of sports psychology and personal development for decades and philosophers have discussed it for centuries:

“If you want to reach your goal, you must 'see the reaching' in your own mind before you actually arrive at your goal.” - Zig Ziglar “The use of mental imagery is one of the strongest and most effective strategies for making something happen for you.” - Dr. Wayne Dyer “Creative visualization is the technique of using your imagination to create what you want in your life.” - Shakti Gawain “Perhaps the most effective method of bringing the subconscious into practical action is through the process of making mental pictures - using the imagination.” - Claude Bristol "There is a law in psychology that if you form a picture in your mind of what you would like to be, and you keep and hold that picture there long enough, you will soon become exactly as you have been thinking." - William James, 1842-1910, Psychologist and Author Despite these glowing endorsements and a long track record, some people can’t get past feeling that this is just a "hokey" self-help technique. Rest assured, however, that visualization is an effective and time-tested method for increasing personal suc-cess that has been used by some of the highest achievers the world. The Soviets started to popularize visuali-zation in sports psychology back in the 1970's, as detailed in Charles Garfield's landmark book, "Peak Performance." They dominated in many sports during that pe-riod, which validated visualization anecdo-tally. -->continued

The New Visualization Breakthrough: Mental Training Tactics For Health And Fitness Success By Tom Venuto, NSCA-CPT, CSCS, - continued -

Seite 4 H E A L T H & F I T N E S S S U C C E S S

In the last 10-15 years, there has been some groundbreaking new brain research which has validated visualization scientifi-cally. Here's something that was written recently by Dr. Richard Restak, a neurosci-entist and author of 12 books about the human brain: "The process of imagining yourself going through the motions of a complex musical or athletic performance activates brain ar-eas that improve your performance. Brain

scans have placed such intuitions on a firm neurological basis. Positron emission tomo-graphy (PET) scans reveal that the mental rehearsal of an action activates the prefon-tal areas of the brain responsible for the formulation of the appropriate motor pro-grams. In practical terms, this means you can benefit from the use of mental im-agery." So much for visualization being a "cheesy" self-help technique. Although visualization is widely used today, even people who are familiar with it often don't realize its many applications. Argua-bly the most common use of visualization is by athletes, musicians and other perform-ers as a form of “mental rehearsal.” Re-search shows that "practicing in your mind" is almost as effective as practicing physi-cally, and that doing both is more effective than either one alone. A common use of visualization in the fitness context is “goal visualization.” In your mind’s eye, you can see yourself having already achieved your physique goal or your ideal goal weight. You can also visual-ize a specific performance goal such as completing a difficult workout or a heavy lift like a squat or bench press. One creative way you can use mental im-agery is called “process visualization.” Once you've set your goals, it's easy to come up with a list of the daily habits, be-haviors and action steps necessary to

reach your goal. So write down the action steps and visualize them - the entire proc-ess, not just the end result. See yourself food shopping and grabbing fruits, vegeta-bles and lean proteins, ordering healthy foods from restaurant menus, saying no to sodas and drinking water instead, and go-ing to the gym consistently and having killer workouts. Some people visualize their en-tire “perfect day” as they would want it to unfold. When you do this as vividly, emo-tionally and in as much detail as you can,

you will be neurologically priming your brain to carry out those behaviors. The least known of all mental imagery tech-niques is called “physiology visualization.” An example would be picturing the fat burn-ing process in your body or seeing the mus-cle fibers growing larger and larger. Using this technique, could it be possible that you might be giving subconscious instructions to your body's cells, organs and tissues? Well, consider the work of Dr. Carl Simon-ton, a physician and cancer researcher who taught his patients (as one part of a com-prehensive program), how to visualize pow-erful immune cells devouring the cancer cells. I’m not suggesting that you can cure cancer or materialize a lean and muscular body just by visualizing, (there's a step in between thought and manifestation - it's called action - a step that many self help ‘experts’ forget to mention). However, thoughts and mental images are the precur-sors to action and the fact that a mind-body connection definitely exists makes this an exciting prospect. Scientists have established the mind-body link in many contexts, and not just by the existence of a placebo effect. There’s also direct evidence as in the way emotional stress can contribute to physical disease. The mind does influence the body! --> continued

The mere fact that a branch of science has been devoted to this area is proof that it deserves critical investigation and is not just the domain of infomercial self help gu-rus. The science is called psychoneuroim-munology. Using “physiology visualization,” you could, even in the middle of a workout, imagine the fat burning process taking place, and visualize fat being released from adipose tissue stor-age in your ab-dominal region or elsewhere. You could see the free fatty acids entering your blood-stream, being carried to the working mus-cles and being burned for energy in the muscle cells. You could also visualize the physiology of muscle growth. To make your imagery as accurate and de-tailed as possible, my best suggestion is to refer to an anatomy & physiology textbook that shows pictures of fat cells, blood ves-sels, myofibrils, motor units, sarcomeres, and cell organelles like the mitochondria, so you know what the structures look like. You could also get more details about the proc-esses by looking up lipolysis, hypertrophy or beta oxidation. Even if you had no idea what the internal structure and workings of the body were like, you could still use this method. Your body responds to mental imagery even if it isn't anatomically correct. We know from the field of hypnosis that the subconscious mind responds well to metaphor – maybe even better than literal suggestions. Facts and logic are the domain of the conscious mind, while emotion and metaphor can slip right past the conscious and into the sub-conscious. Dr. Simonton often wrote about his young patients who created (metaphorical) mental images of immune system cells as "knights in shining armor", slaying "the dragon" of cancer cells.

One of your greatest mental powers is imagination. You can visualize anything you want and you can embellish and exagger-ate your imagery as much as you want. For example, you could imagine the free fatty acids being burned for energy in the "cellular powerhouse" - the mitochondria - and you could imagine the mitochondria as a fiery furnace... "incinerating" the fat! I think it’s a pretty cool idea to "see" your fat cells shrinking and visualize your body as a "fat burning furnace.”

Should you not believe that there's anything to the physiology visualization technique, that's ok, because we know that the sub-conscious is deductive. Just give it a goal, tell it what you want and it will get you there automatically by altering your attention and behavior. Therefore, we can be confident that physiology visualization will be effec-tive even if only as a subconscious directive about your desired goal. If science some-day provides us with conclusive evidence

that visualization actually does cause cellular - physiological changes in the body, well, that's just all the better.

The New Visualization Breakthrough: Mental Training Tactics For Health And Fitness Success By Tom Venuto, NSCA-CPT, CSCS - continued -

Seite 5 H E A L T H & F I T N E S S S U C C E S S

About the Author:

Tom Venuto is a natural bodybuilder, certified strength and conditioning specialist (CSCS) and a certified personal trainer (CPT). Tom is the author of "Burn the Fat, Feed The Muscle,” which teaches you how to get lean without drugs or supplements using methods of the world's best bodybuilders and fitness models. Learn how to get rid of stubborn fat and increase your metabolism by visiting:

Learn How To Build Muscle In 4 Simple Steps By Vince DelMonte

Seite 6 M U S C L E : 4 S I M P L E S T E P S

Are you sick and tired of eve-ryone telling you a different way to build muscle? Are you

unhappy with how you look in the mirror? Are you frusturated with your slow progress in the gym? Are you ready to learn five simple steps that will teach you how to build muscle safely and effectively? There is a good chance that you are not maximizing one of these four steps. Your problem and solution lies in correcting these essential steps before you have any chance of build-ing a muscular and lean phy-sique. Get read to learn how to build muscle in four simple steps, in less time, without any drugs and without bogus supple-ments. Step #1 Committ to lifting weights at least three to four times per week. Your goal is to stimulate your muscles with resistance (stress) which results in your muscles growing bigger to avoid the stress from occuring again. Once you go home, let the muscle heal through nutri-tion and rest, it will grow big-

ger and you will repeat this process again. Ideally you should hit your muscles

once every 72 hours so you could perform 2 upper body workouts per week and 2 lower body work-outs per week. Step #2 Focus on eating at

least 5-7x a day with bal-anced meals from carbohy-drates, proteins and fats. If your goal is to build muscle than you should be eating at least 15-18 x your current body weight. Your carbohy-drates should equate about 45% of your intake, your pro-teins should equate about 35% of your intake and your fat should be the remaining 20% of your intake. You should focus on over half of those meals being solid whole food meals and the remainder can be liquid meal replacment shakes. Step #3 You should focus on stretching at least half the amount that you lift weights. One of the biggest mistkakes I see is people training, training and training with out any stretching. Stretching helps restore normal length to the tissue and if you are con-stantly training, your muscle tissues will shorten and big to perform weaker and slower and have a higher incidence of

injuries. So if you are lifting weights 4 hours in the week, at least an additional 2 hours should be dedicated to stretch-ing. You must counteract the shortening of the muscle tis-sues that occurs with weights or else you are a injury screaming to happen. Step #4 Avoid supplements that have not been around for longer than 3 years. I learned this phisophy from an Austra-lian strength coach who rec-ommended not trying any sup-plement until it has been around at least 3 years to pass the test of time. This will make your life much easier and help you avoid all the marketing hoopla in the latest fitness and bodybuilding magazine. If you follow this rule, you will dis-cover only a small handful of supplements still standing. Here are the ones you should not go with out: a high quality multi-vitamin, fish oil capsules, powdered creatine and a pro-tein powder. These products will cover your nutritional basis for health, healthy body com-position, strength and muscle mass.

About the Author About Au-thor:

Vince DelMonte is the author of No Nonsense Muscle Build-ing: Skinny Guy Secrets To Insane Muscle Gain found at

He specializes in teaching skinny guys how to build muscle and gain weight quickly without drugs, supple-ments and training less than before.


6 Week Muscle Gaining Workout

This summer rather than get-ting stressed about how fat you look in your swimsuit, why not try the new beach workout on the beach itself? With a few squats and dips, and the right kind of diet, you will be ready to show off your toned, muscular body within weeks. What's even bet-ter is that this rou-tine is designed to cater to women with inflexible, busy schedules. That means no gym equipment or dedicated workout time. You can fit this into your schedule even during your business trips and between parent-teacher meet-ings and play dates. So what are you waiting for? Exercise You will need a skipping rope, a small sand dune or hill and a park bench for your beach workout. Sunscreen, a hat and a bottle of water are of course needed too! Your warm up can start with the jump rope or jog-ging in the same place for about three to four minutes. Then start with some squats of three sets with twelve reps each. This will help with thigh toning. Follow this with some more skipping for another two minutes and then some push-ups. You can either do this on your toes or on your knees if you are a beginner. Do this as two sets of twelve reps and go in for a third rep till you get exhausted. Gradu-ally you will find yourself able to go through the third round as well with increasing ease.

You can also clench your but-tock muscles while during this for a good bum workout, though this is not absolutely necessary.

After the push-ups, you need to do another round of skip-ping before you start doing stomach crunches. About three sets of twelve reps each should suffice to tone up your stomach and pelvic area. Re-member not to strain your neck as you do this and sup-port it gently using your hands. Once you are done with this, use the skipping rope again for about three to four minutes to cool down. You can then end with some stretches, which will complete your beach workout. Diet In addition to your beach work-out you need to make a few changes to your diet to ensure that the exercise you are doing and the muscle toning be-comes clearly visible. Without a controlled diet, no matter how much you exercise, there will always be a layer of fat covering your toned areas. Start eating a diet rich in pro-tein and fiber while gradually reducing your intake of carbo-

hydrates. It is important how-ever to not discount carbs completely as they are re-quired in small quantities to help digest your food.

Keeping a diet log is also useful as you are less likely to cheat and eat the wrong food when everything is plainly writ-ten down. The smaller the meals you eat, the better your weight loss. This will also help in-crease your metabolism while tightening your stomach muscles. Re-member to cut down a maximum of 500 calo-ries per day from your diet. Anything more than this could mean dehy-

dration and malnutrition. Especially in the warm sum-mer months you don't want to get yourself ill in your attempts to look good on the beach. Which is why you need to en-sure that you are drinking ade-quate water and fluids to re-charge your body. And lastly start looking at yourself care-fully in the mirror. An apprais-ing eye without being overly critical is what you need to help identify the weight you have lost. If you can't see any changes even after a week or two then you might need to modify your diet or exercise schedule. With it being a given that women have more problem areas to deal with than men, it is imperative that you try and extend this routine through the year. In the right proportion and with the right focus, the combination of a beach work-out and a healthy diet will go a long way in giving you the toned body you desire.

The Ideal Beach Workout For Women Giving You Your Perfect Bikini Body By William Messruther Platinum Quality Author

Seite 7 I D E A L B E A C H W O R K O U T

For fast weight loss solutions visit our in-depth guide, for a more active lifestyle visit our blog.

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Yes, You CAN Gain Muscle & Lose Fat at the Same Time By: Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

Seite 8 G A I N M U S C L E & L O S E F A T

I have 3 BIG, and I mean BIG fat loss, body changing lessons to share with you today...


No one believes you can gain muscle and lose fat at the same time. I say, it's true. Not only do my Turbulence Training workouts

prove it, but now science agrees.

Researchers from Purdue University showed men and women (with an average age of 61 - with one subject 80 years old!) were able to lose fat, gain muscle, get stronger, lower LDL cholesterol, and im-prove blood sugar control with a simple strength workout routine.

36 healthy men and women did strength training three times per week for 12 weeks, doing 3 sets of 8-12 repetitions.

By the end, the subjects gained an average of four pounds of lean mass and lost over four pounds of fat. This study show's it is possible to gain muscle and lose - at any age.

And you don't need fancy ma-chines or an ex-pensive gym membership, all you need is a pro-fessional program, like Turbulence Training, that you can do in the com-fort of your own home.


I hear from men all the time who claim

to be 6% body fat or less (which is the level of a professional body-builder) but still have a hard time seeing their abs.

This, by the way, is impossible. Listen, if you really are 6%, you'll have an 8-pack, and you won't need any advice from me.


problem is too many men and women be-lieve that handheld body fat analyzers are accurate.

The truth?

Recent research shows these tools under-estimate the amount of fat you are carrying on your body by 2.4 kg! That's 5 pounds of fat these handheld machines are neglecting to tell you about!

So don't get too smug with your handheld body fat readings, because it's likely under-estimating the amount of fat on your body. Besides, its not about the machine, its about the mirror, how your clothes fit, and about losing the inches from your waist.

Worry about those, not some bogus readout on a ma-chine.

--> continued

Video: The Best ABDO-MINAL TIPS: Six-Pack for Abs

Yes, You CAN Gain Muscle & Lose Fat at the Same Time - continued - By: Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS ,

Seite 9 G A I N M U S C L E & L O S E F A T

And finally...

Everyone knows you don't burn fat with strength training, right? Wrong! A new study hot off the presses from the pres-tigous Journal of Applied Physiology showed strength training boosts metabo-lism by 10% after exercise and increases fat burning by 100%.

In this study, subjects did a standard 3-set strength training program focusing on multi-muscle exer-cises and showed just how powerful "Turbulence" is for fat loss...

During strength training, you apply "turbulence" to your muscles, causing an increase in your metabolism and fat burn-ing after the workout. That's how you build muscle and burn fat at the same time.

So forget about the "calorie readout" on the cardio machines. While strength train-ing doesn't burn as many calories as tradi-tional aerobic training during the workout itself, it continues to burn calories AND fat long after your workout.

And that's why you get a better body with Turbulence Training than you do with long, slow, boring, less-effective cardio.

Turbulence Training: Build muscle, burn fat, at the same time.

Get in shape fast with Turbulence Train-ing,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS Author, Turbulence Training

PS - Here are the respective references for those 3 studies...

a) Am J Clin Nutr. 2007 Apr;85(4):1005-13.

b) J Appl Physiol 102: 1767-1772, 2007.

c) Hormone Research 2007;68:8-10.

PPS - Cut your workout and enjoy more time OUT of the gym...

"I used to think you needed to spend hours in the gym everyday in order to see re-sults. With the help of CB and TURBU-LENCE TRAINING, I have reduced my workouts from 2 hours per day, everyday, to 50 minutes every other day.

All the while I have trimmed over 60 lbs. of body fat off my now lean and muscular body. Thanks CB!!!" Rob Vickers

About the Author Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Condition-ing Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multi-ple times in Men’s Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Train-ing workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit

Seite 10 M A G I C P O T I O N F O R F A T L O S S

If there were ever a magic potion for fat loss – it would be water. Our bodies are comprised of about 70% water. We lose about a liter (34 ounces) of water per day under normal circumstances and when the temperature in our body rises, as during

exercise, we lose higher amounts of water through sweat. It only makes sense that we need to continually replenish this supply for water is neces-sary for nearly every func-tion in our body. Water regulates our tempera-ture, supports and pro-

tects our organs, helps with digestion, transports nutrients to our muscles and helps move along waste by products. Water is, in essence, the key to fat metabo-lism. Here's why: one of you liver's primary functions is to metabolize stored fat to be burned for energy. If you are dehydrated, the kidneys cannot function properly and the liver begins to take over – as a result of working overtime, the liver metabolizes LESS fat so MORE fat remains in your body. Sometimes we mistake mild states of dehy-dration for hunger. If we don't get enough fluids, our bodies give us indications that are similar to hunger pains. When this oc-curs, we start eating because we misunder-stood what are bodies were telling us. Un-necessary calorie consumption can lead to excessive fat! Water is a natural appetite suppressant. Drinking lots of water throughout the day helps to keep you feeling full. If your stom-ach feels full – you are less likely to over-eat! A constant supply of water is vital before, during and after a workout. Dehydration leads to a lack of energy, muscle fatigue and cramping. Even small amounts of wa-ter loss can hinder exercise performance. Remember that alcohol and caffeine are diuretics, making you lose even more wa-ter, so be sure to compensate for the addi-tional loss.

How to do it: You can replace the water lost during a typical day by drinking a minimum of 6-8 8 oz. glasses of water a day. Begin by drinking your first big glass of water right when you wake up. Drink a full glass of wa-ter with each meal. Keep water with you at all times. To prevent dehydration, make sure you're drinking adequate amounts of water before, during and after a workout. As a rule of thumb, drink 8-12 ounces of water at least an hour before beginning to exercise, 8 oz during exercise and 8 oz when finished. If you are hungry about an hour after eating, try drinking a glass or two of water- you maybe misreading thirst for hunger. If you are still hungry after 15-20 minutes then proceed with a supportive snack to tide you over until your next meal. Here's a ‘success strategy' to get you started: Make drinking water more fun by adding a slice of lemon or lime. Drink water out of a frosted mug or colorful glass. Grab-n-go flavor packets add variety to water between meals. Keep a bottle of water in the car at all times. At work, pack an allot-ted number of bottled water and set a goal to finish the pack by the end of the day. For those who tend to prefer carbonated beverages to plain water try sparkling wa-ter. Not only is it crisp and refreshing, it sat-isfies the need for carbonation. Just make sure you choose a sparkling water that does not contain sugar or fruit juice to avoid additional calories. So if your goal is fat loss, combine a total body strength training program, supportive nutrition and some interval training with your magic fat loss potion and you're des-tined for success!

The Magic Potion For Fat Loss By Holly Rigsby, CPT

About the Author

Holly Rigsby is a nationally recognized women’s fit-ness coach, certified personal trainer (CPT) and the author of the internationally popular e-book – Fit Yummy Mummy - Burn Your Baby Fat & Get Your Body Back. Go to to get your FREE copy of her special report: "The Five Ways To Boost Your Metabolism."

10 Easy Ways to Cut Calories Top Dieting - Diet Plans and Weight Loss Programs - Top rated weight loss program, simple guide to quick and healthy weight loss.

Seite 11 C U T C A L O R I E S

You'll be amazed at how many calories some foods contain. Check the amount the each package contains and think about how much of it you would normally eat. Then de-cide whether to leave it on the shelves or take it home to add to your waistline. Choosing low fat does not always reduce calories. Many foods are pumped with sugar or thicken-ers to make up for the lack of fat. However, low fat dairy products do usually offer sub-stantial calorie reduction over their full-fat coun-terparts. Instead of making meat the main event in your meal pile your plate high with veggies or salad. In general you should be looking to fill at least half your plate with these. Add vegetables to soups and stews to increase bulk without adding much to the calorie count. Stir fries and curries are also great for making a little meat and a lot of vegeta-bles into a delicious meal. Take care espe-cially with snack foods and baked goods. Take a serv-ing size out of the packet and put the rest away. For home cooked meals, a piece of meat should be about the size of a standard deck of cards not half an ox and a meal should be about the size of two clenched fists. Fast food markets most often

use lower quality cooking oils, meats, veggies, condiments such as mayo, etc. Which of-ten result in higher trans and saturated fats coupled with a lack of vitamins and nutrients. Instead, try to prepare a meal at home, if fast food is a must make sensible decisions more

often then going for that dou-ble big mac. Choose restaurants which serve a health conscious menu. You can request a smaller portion, a kid's size, chose half mayo, or light dressing. Choose dishes pre-

pared under the grill and with tomato-based rather than cream based sauces. There are a huge number empty calories in alcoholic

drinks. If you drink a lot it can really pile on the pounds. And then as often as not you'll end up snacking on peanuts or other high calorie nibbles along with your drink. A huge added danger with alcohol is that it lowers your inhibitions, mysteriously dissolving your

willpower and making healthy eating the last thing on your mind. It makes sense to eat something about every three hours so that you don't get too hungry and make poor food choices at meals, grabbing a hamburger and fries because you let yourself go too long without eat-ing. But choose your snacks wisely because those calories can mount up. It's best to snack on fruit or

chopped vegetables if you can or maybe a cracker or two and not overload on calories with potato snacks and chocolate. There's nothing like a baking session for piling on the pounds is there? Because you

never bake just for others or eat just one serving do you? Turn your culinary talents to serving up deli-cious healthy main meals instead. Take pride in your fantastic lunches and din-ners and not in your dou-ble-choc chip cookie rec-ipe. Use low-calorie and healthy cookbooks to plan your food with care each week before you go shop-ping. You'll be less tempted by food you don't

need in the shops if you have a list and as you'll know ex-actly what's for dinner each evening, you won't ever have to send out for pizza!

Fat Loss For Idiots, Easy Ways To Lose Fat By Vince DelMonte

Seite 12 F A T L O S S F O R I D O T S . . .

Are looking for a weight loss program that works? If so, you've probably seen the Fat Loss for Idiots program around, along with plenty of Fat Loss For Idiots Diet Re-views. What's this program about? It's touting to offer you a high rate of fat loss with minimal effort involved. Fat Loss For Idiots works on the claim that it is all about eating your foods in a cer-tain

manner throughout the day, while decreasing the atten-tion that is paid to a proper exercise plan. But how beneficial is Fat Loss For Idiots? Understanding some common dieting myths is important to determine whether this program is worth its salt. First, if you read their premise, they state that if you eat 2500 calories a day, your body will adapt and stop burn-ing 2500 calories a day. Well sorry folks, but that just is not correct. If your body adapted to burning off however many calories a day you are eating, how do you think you got fat in the first place? Your body cer-

tainly did not adapt to those calories - what makes you think it will adapt to the ones this program tells you to eat? The bottom line is that if you are looking for a smart way to lose fat, you will need to create a caloric deficit. Your Six Pack Quest does this. By reading through it, you will get access to a metabolic calculator to determine the optimal number of calories your body needs to

guarantee fat loss, without feeling like you're starving. Sure, if you have been on a starvation diet, you will need to up the calories - and when you do, you'll find you do actually lose weight! But if you are cur-rently eating thousands of calories, your body will not adapt to burning those off. You need an action plan that works - Your Six Pack Quest will lay it out for you in easy to under-stand terms that anyone can follow. Next, when looking at the Fat Loss For Idiots program, they downgrade exercise stating that it doesn't 'matter' when it comes to gaining or losing weight. How can exercise not

matter?! Study after study has shown that diet-ers who com-bine exercise with their dietary efforts show a much higher rate of fat loss, rather than a mixture of mus-cle and body fat. Do you know what hap-pens when you lose both mus-

cle and fat? Your metabolism slows down. So sure, you've lost weight but now your natu-ral metabolic rate is slower meaning you have to eat less for the rest of your life! Is that something you want? A diet of rabbit food forever? Didn't think so. Your Six Pack Quest will show you how to exercise pro-ductively, where you aren't spending hours in the gym, but

you are getting re-sults. Doing so will help you retain

that crucial muscle mass, thus helping keep your metabolism revved and make maintaining your weight loss a piece of cake. So, instead of falling for an-other gimmicky plan that prom-ises rapid weight loss (they claim 9 pounds in 11 days - which will be mostly water any-way), opt for a plan that com-bines both a healthy, long-term way of eating with healthy ex-ercise that doesn't feel like torture. Your Six Pack Quest offers meal plans just as Fat Loss For Idiots does, but it takes things one step further - you'll also received detailed exercise descriptions and plans for a variety of exercise needs, a workout DVD, a vir-tual trainer, supplement infor-mation, along with continuous updates on all the latest on the research front related to fat loss. It really is an all inclusive program that will address all the factors that contribute to weight gain - not just diet alone. Remember, losing weight should be a lifestyle approach, not just changing what you put on your plate.

About the Author:

Vince DelMonte is the author of Your Six Pack Quest found at

He specializes in hel-ping chubby guys and gals get six pack abs without gimmicks, supplements or dieting.

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